A trip to Penang brought back memories of the past with my grandparents. These memories presented themselves as events that I would associate with places where they had happened. Hence, the idea to map these memories around the house of where they used to live.
The narrative began with the floor plan of the house, and drawings of events from memory according to each part of the house. Tactile elements were incorporated to bring emphasis onto certain graphics & to illustrate the materials of the environment.
I was happy with the overall outcome, especially since drawing is not at the top of my list of skills. I also included some handmade elements which I enjoyed very much. With that said, there could definitely are some areas in which I could improve, mainly being the content. The size of my narrative was equivalent to 3 x A1 sizes and for that scale, I should have paid more attention of the fine details in my illustrations. The space could also accommodate more comics. When pinning up my work for the phase 1 presentation, I realised that the overall look of narrative fell flat and that it should have some colour. For my final presentation, I painted over some of the comic and it helped add life and dimension to the drawings. The size of my narrative was not portable; the length of it could not fit in my car and so, I needed to cut a fold line for it which was not very noticeable in the grand scheme of things. However given the choice to go back in time, I would rethink the format of presenting / combining my whole narrative.
Going through my grandparent’s things and reminiscing on their routine, I was drawn towards the odd little things they tend to do. I then realised that they were not alone. Through observations and sharings, I found that these oddities are also ordinary to many.
The object is a compilation of 5 odd characters who are strangers to none;
Due to the constraints of time, I went for a simple design to illustrate the personalities in a compact model. I personally felt that it is on theme with my topic to have everything sitting close together but functionally, I wish it could’ve been more.
On the flip side, I enjoyed working with the plywood, using regular everyday items in the model (binder clips, ring clips, metal soup bowl) and learning how to tie a presentable heaving line knot.
From my odd characters, I developed a spatial experience inspired by them. I focused on one character in particular; the hoarder.
The space mimics the cluttered environment of a hoarder’s home and how you can never find something only when you need it. The space also includes an area to learn more about the many stories in the community about these odd characters.
The function of the space represented the hoarder personality well but in hindsight, I should have incorporated more odd characters into one area as initially planned. At the beginning, I did struggle quite a bit with getting the form and flow of the space. It took a while but I can confidently say that the progress took a lot of turns for the better although that left me neglecting the other functions of the space. I am however not too worried as I aim to rectify this in the following semester. As for my curated perspectives, I was initially pleased with the colour choices as it represents the quirkyness of my odd characters. However after the final presentation, I have been made aware that it became disconnected from my first two assignments and had lost the local, nostalgic essence. Moving forward, I have to find a balance between the quirky elements and the local ‘aunty-uncle’ feel of the space.