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Cynthia Calzolari

Rome, Italy

Cynthia ( Greek origin: Κυνθία, Kynthía) originally an epithet of the Greek goddess of the moon, Artemis, who was also called "Cynthia" because, according to legend, the goddess was born on Mount Cynthus. "Society is a masked ball, where every one hides his real character, and reveals it by hiding." Ralph Waldo Emerson 馬鹿は死ななきゃ治らない。 Don't say 'infinitely' when you mean 'very'; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite. Hold fast to your beliefs.while society's forcing you to conform to some barbie doll image I think there's a lot to do, save and fight for this Planet...I don't like how many people act in general, and what they're becoming....I hate especially stupid people talking with cliché and unable to articulate their own thoughts. Human kind should spend more time and money to save wildlife and avoid killing Nature. I think we should spend time trying to understand others, instead simply hating....even if o
