Graphics Board Report Director: Cynthia Chong
Congratulations to be the Picnic Day 2018 Graphics Director! You have made your best decision! It will be an honor to serve the community. You will be responsible to design all visuals and graphic identity for Picnic Day, including the logo, posters, letterhead, schedule of events, t-shirts, frisbee, snapchat filters, social media posts, award certificates, and other material as requested by the Chair and other Directors. By the day of Picnic Day, you will have all your work done and you will be the photographer on that day. My name is Cynthia Chong, and I’ve been in the Graphics team for the past two years. From my own experience, this is the best opportunity for you to apply what you learn into the largest student led event in the nation and help make history. It is not an easy job and you will take all of the responsibility on this challenging role, but I will guide you through every design process and projects through this board report. At the end, I’m sure you will gain a lot more than you can imagine from this position, and all these matters. The projects were organized by quarter with provided pictures and tips. I will try my best to provide the biggest support to you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime by emailing You are one of the most important people when it comes to representing Picnic Day by all your work, so please do your best and stay strong!
Dec 2016 Winter Break Jan 2017
Mar 2017 Spring Break April 2017
May 2017
Fall Quarter Kick Off Invitation Sponsorship Package Theme Logo Letterhead Request Forms Facebook Cover Application Flyers and LCD ad
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Winter Quarter Poster Campus Store T-shirts and TankTops Director, Staff, and Volunteer T-shirts Frisbees Buttons Snapchat Filters Parking Permits Schedule of Events Pre-week Materials Photo Booth Backdrop
11 12 13-14 15 16 17 18 19 20-22 23-24 25
Spring Quarter Facebook Profile Picture Frames Awards Certificates Exhibits Awards QR Code Media Passes Signages Facebook Cover for Picnic Day 2018 Assistants Reflection Evaluation Conclusion
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33-34 35 36 2
FALL QUARTER Fall quarter is an important time for you to develop an appropriate tone to represent Picnic Day. As a Graphics Director, you will always aim to represent your work as professional as you can. The theme of Picnic Day changes every year, and all the work you create should be based on the theme this year. The theme of last year was “Growing Together”, and you will see how I created all my work within the theme later on. During the year, you will have 1x1 meetings with the Chair and this is the most important person you will need. You will check-in your tasks weekly with the Chair and he/she will help you on everything if you have any questions. Also, you will work closely with the Business Director on the t-shirts, Publicity Director on social media posts, all Directors on the SOE, Special Events Director for the Pre-Week, and Volunteer Director on flyers. Get to know all of them the sooner you can so that you can have better communication with them for their requests. Our supervisor Molly is also an important person you can reach anytime. At the end of the quarter, you will start hiring assistants, and I suggest having at least 5 qualified assistants. Assistants are required to have the skills of Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign as these are the main softwares that we used. It doesn’t matter which year are they as long as they are passionate about Graphics, and of course, Picnic Day. The main job of the assistant is to help you on all of your tasks in order to give you more ideas and reduce your workload. The more assistants you have, the more varieties of photos on the day of Picnic Day. Once you hired your assistants, you should start to figure out the time for your Graphics team meeting. You will set a time that is available for all of your assistants and meet at least once a week to follow-up all the design progress. You will set an agenda for each meeting and assign different tasks for your assistants. 3
Kick off Graphics, 36�x48� Kick Off is the first Picnic Day event of the year. Campus and community parnthers are invited, and the Board and Parade Marshals are presented. This is the first graphics that you will make for kicking off the Picnic Day. By this time, we may not have our theme yet. Feel free to play around with your style, but related to Picnic Day or UC Davis as much as possible. Using blue and gold are always a safe choice. You can also add a little graphics to look more interesting and the vertical form is better for mobile. Keep it professional as this graphic is going to be sent to many campus partners and officials.
Sponsorship Package, 8.5”x11” In this project, you will work closely with the Business Director and the Chair. Basically, what you need to do is to help the Business Director design a package for the sponsors. The business director will provide all of the information you need, such as the name of each of the sponsorship package and the Chair will have the letter ready for you. This is an important task because you will help the Business Director get as much as sponsors of this year’s Picnic Day by this package. It must be professional, clean and easy to read. The first impression of the package is very important for all of the sponsors. This is a very important task, and be prepared to spend a lot of time on it. Ask the Chair and Business Director to triple check for it to make sure everything on the package have no errors. Lastly, you will ask for the digital signitures from the business director and the Chair. After that, the sponsorship package is ready to go!
The theme of Picnic Day 2017 was “Growing Together”.
The process of designing the theme logo take the longest time, and it was not easy. You can start to brainstorm the ideas of logo once the board decided the theme. Then, pulling all of the ideas together into a mindmap, and have the first draft ready for the board to critique. There will be at least 3 rounds of critiques during the board meeting. In Picnic Day 2017 “Growing Together” is symbolized through the cow, since we began as university farm, and through the bike, since UC Davis strives to be sustainable and represents our connection with the city of Davis, which is turning 100 in 2017. As for the bus, it represents collaboration between the university and the city, and it represents how much the university is student run. The logo is an opportunity to converse with people about the theme and explain what it means to us, the board who selected it. Be creative! It can be any shapes and colors, and it would be use for the rest of the year!
This is a templete for every Director to send out their letters or emails. What you need to do is to put the logo on the top with the right dimensions and include all of the Picnic Day information at the bottom of the letterhead. For last year’s logo, I put it in 1.5”x1.5” but it may changed due to the sizes or shapes of the logo.
Letterhead, 8.5”x11” 7
Request Forms, 4.25�x5.5�
These are the printed version of the request forms which will printed in the office for every team on the board who need a request for Publicity or Graphics team. The online version of the request form allows people to send us a request through email, and people can fill in the form directly by Adobe Acrobat Pro. 8
FACEBOOK COVER You can create different banners or covers for different Facebook pages, such as the general Picnic Day page, and Picnic Day event page. They can be created in your style within the theme of this year. Try to make it more eye-catching and clear as many people will browse it or search for it!
First FB Cover, 828 x 315px The dimensions are as follow: Facebook cover: 828 x 315 px Event cover: 784 x 295 px but only 288 x 192 px will showed on Facebook Things that must be included are the date and the year, the theme, UCDAVIS and ASUCD present, social media logos and the website address.
Second FB Cover, 828 x 315px
Assistants Application LCD Ad, 1920 x 1080 px General Application Flyer, 8.5”x11”
Entertainment Application Flyer, 8.5”x11”
Once the applications open, you will be contacted by different directors to create flyers or LCD ad for them. For example, the general application flyers for publicity, entertainment application flyers for entertainment, and the Assistant Directors application LCD ad. by volunteer. In this case, you will have a chance to communicate with different directors and see what they need. Each of their requirements are different, and you will have to follow the guidelines from this link for LCD ad:
Winter quarter is the most stressful quarter as all of the most important tasks are all assigned in this quarter. This is a time for your assistants to help you, especially on the Schedule of Events. By this time, you should have your style guide, and feel confident by all of your work so far. You are going to reach another level and be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come at the end of the quarter. Make good use of each of the graphics meetin. You will get to know more about your assistants, gather your team’s ideas together, and have them critique each other’s work. You will lead them and assign different sections of Schedule of Events to them. If you know their strength, you can assure them that they can improve, and it’ll be easier for you to guide them as well. Meeting the deadline and staying on top of everything are the most important things you need to do in this quarter. Organize all your files in the google drive so that you won’t panic when you are trying to find something. It’s your time to design all of the products of Picnic Day, such as the Campus Store t-shirts and tanktop, frisbee, buttons, directors and staff t-shirts, and pre-week materials. For each of them, you should plan ahead of time, including the mock up of the design as well. You must take your responsibility seriously and make sure there are no mistakes. The products and SOE will be ordered and seen by thousands of people, and the poster will be posted on all around the campus and even in parts of downtown Davis. They are the most powerful tool to promote and represent Picnic Day. Try your best and know you have all the support from the fellow Directors and Supervisor! 11
POSTER The first draft of the poster is never the best one. You have to keep producing a lot of work for the board to help you critique on them. They will give you the feedback honestly on how they think about it, and you are trying to be as objective as you can. At the beginning, it may be hard to generate ideas, but think about all the things that are related to the theme, or take a break when you feel stressed. You may be inspired by something unexpectedly. For this poster, I collaborated the ideas of the City of Davis, UC Davis, and the Earth Day together into all-in-one graphics. All of the elements you see in the graphics are key to the theme. You really have to spend some time on the poster as it will become one of your proudest pieces of work,; it certainly was not easy. This poster came about after I had created 4 other posters, and edited more than 10 times. Do not miss anything on the poster, such as the social media or contact information. Every detail on the posters play an important role. You can take a look at all of the posters in the office as a reference. Picnic Day 2017 Poster, 11�x17�
T-shirt Front View
T-shirt Back View
This is the most exciting project as you are going to design the t-shirts and tanktops that everyone can wear! You don’t have to worry about the orders, the types and the colors of them as the Business Director, the Chair and the Vice Chair will help you decide on those. You just need to focus on designing the graphics that will fit for the front and back of the t-shirt, and the front of the tanktop. It is unnecessary to have the logo in the front of the t-shirt. The design of it is open to anything that everyone will like it and buy it. Things to be conside in the first priority is gender inclusive, neither feminine nor masculine design will be a good design. You goal is to sell as many as possible!
Unisex TankTop 13
Women TankTop
CAMPUS STORE T-SHIRTS & TANKTOPS Since this is the 103rd of Picnic Day, I illustrated the earth to replace the “0� and thus it made connection to the graphics at the back. I used a different font on the theme to make it more fun.
The graphics on the front of the tanktop is the simplify version of the cow earth. I intended to do a different design for both kinds of shirts in order to attract people to buy both.
The graphics on the back of the t-shirt was originally inspired by the earth. Since UC Davis was a college town that is well-known by cows and horses, I designed the abstract imaged of them into the earth. It created a double illusion for the graphics depends on how you see the graphics. The text inside the earth was our theme.
For the board meeting, be prepare to have some mock up or graphics of the t-shirts and tanktops in order to present your ideas to the board. All of the graphics will be printed in white.
Director T-shirt
Staff T-shirt
Volunteer T-shirt
The process of this project is similar to the campus store t-shirts. However, the front of the t-shirt will be the logo of Picnic Day and the back of the t-shirts will be the sponsors of that year. The design of all of the t-shirts are the same, they are only different in colors. Your job is to collect all of the sponsor’s logo from the Business Director and rearrange them to fit into the box.
Picnic Day 2017 Frisbee 9”
For Picnic Day 103, we decided to order frisbees from Promoversity, and we selected green for our theme; the transparent was just one of two options- neon or transparent. The logo on the frisbee was 4”x4” as that is the largest dimention they can do. What you have to do is just send them the vector (.ai) file and they will adjust the graphics of the frisbee for you. The design of the frisbee can be anything, and feel free to go for another design besides logo if you have any other great ideas. Don’t forget to put ASUCD and UC Davis in somewhere.
All of the buttons of Picnic Day 103 are handmade. We borrowed a button maker from Unitrans and purchases the parts from “USA Buttons” They will be give-away during the events of pre-week, and therefore there is a specific one for pre-week events. The things to be consider in the design is that the text will be so small since the buttons are only 2.5”x2.5”. Simple design or bigger text are recommended. You will work closely with the Special Events Director on these buttons. 17
Picnic Day 2017 Snapchat Filter located at ARBORETUM/ ARC / MU / QUAD area, 1080 x 1920 px While you are working on the snapchat filters, you will have meeting with UC Davis Strategic Communications team and Publicity team at least 2 times. You will collaborate your design with their team and we will choose the best 3 filters on Picnic Day after several rounds of edit. Remember to have your design ready before the meeting and try to make the snapchat as general as possible without specific events. The snapchat should be related to the theme or the poster. Make sure to check all the guidelines of the Snapchat filters: 18
Unloading Parking, 8.5”x11”
Loading Parking, 8.5”x11”
30 MINS Parking, 8.5”x11”
This time, you will work closely with the Transportation Director to create the templetes for parking permit. The design of three different types of parking permits are the same, and you will only need to change the title of them. They are straight forward and simple. After that, you can start talking about the Unitrans flyers or bus services on the day of Picnic Day with the Transportation Director for the SOE. There will be a Unitrans session and route lines on the Map. 19
SOE, 24 pages, 11.5”x13.5” Now, you are at the extremely important task of organizing the SOE, and keeping the files organized is key. You will create the SOE by using InDesign. The sizes are 11.5”x13.5” with 24 facing pages. The cover page was created by Illustrator seperately in .jpg. The information on each page change every year, and you have to check all of them carefully. It is so easy to make mistakes as there are so many things going on, and even one period matters. On the Exhibits section, make sure to check all the name, time, locations, and descriptions are corresponding to each other. Only the cover, the map and the back will be printed in color. 20
SOE, 24 pages, 11.5”x13.5” The Map is the core of the SOE. A lot of people will rely on this map to find the locations on Picnic Day, so try to make it as clear as possible. The things to consider are the colors and the shapes of the dots. Really distinguish them so that people will not be confused by similar colors. If there are extra spaces on each of the pages, you can fill them by putting fun facts or sponsors. The sizes of the sponsors’ ad depends on how much they pay for the sponsorship package. For the format and spacing of the time, keep them consistently throughout the entire SOE, for example, all capital for AM/PM. 21
SOE, 24 pages, 11.5”x13.5” The Index page and Give Day ad. are the new section on the SOE for Picnic Day 2017. The Index page was so helpful for searching any specific event. Everytime you change something on the SOE, remember to update the Index page as well. If your team is using different versions of InDesign, make sure all of you are saving in CS file, because CC file will not open in CS InDesign. Check all the sizes and typeface that you all are using. For all of the images, it was better to use .jpg files as they will be more clear. Also, make sure all of the images are linked to the InDesign. In order to collect all of the information from different directors, set a timeline for them and create a google spreadsheet, and you will set up different sections and tabs for people to filll in. There is an option for you to sort all of the time by order in the google spreadsheet to help you rearrange them by order faster. It’s better to use the color versions of the sponsors logos unless they didn’t provide. 22
Pre-week FB Cover, 828 x 315 px Pre-week FB post, 8.5”x11” Pre-Week Poster, 11”x17” For the Pre-Week materials, you will keep in touch with the Special Events Director. The first priority task is the Pre-Week poster as it has to be printed before pre-week. The style of the pre-week poster should be cohesive with your previous work, such as the Picnic Day poster or bookstore t-shirt to present the theme as a whole. For example, using the same graphics or same typeface. Make sure to use the right dimensions on each of them and make sure the logo images are clear.
Pre-week Instagram posts, 4.25�x5.5�
For the Instagram posts, there is a new function that allow you to post multiple photos in a roll, so one of my assistants one for each day for people to scroll through. For the LCD ad, having the general information is good enough as long as it is clear and accurate.
Pre-week LCD Ad, 1920x1080 px
For the photo booth backdrop, I used the general Picnic Day logo, so it can be reuse every year. The first challenge was getting the logo clear as no one on the board has the vector file, and only .png was found in the email. The second challenge was the dimensions. It was 4’x7’ instead of 4”x7”. What I am trying to say is even though the task is easy, you have to be aware of the detail. Any tiny errors can make a big difference.
Pre-week Photobooth, 4’x7’
SPRING QUARTER In spring quarter, you’ve done most of the important tasks and you are almost there. Since Picnic Day is getting closer, everyone on the board will be so busy. You may assist other directors by going to the pre-week events or just asking if anyone need help. You are going to design the award certificates for Special Events, Exhibits, SOF, and Parade teams, Fackbook profile pictures frame for the board, and media pass for publicity and graphics teams, etc. During Pre-week, you’ll need to attend board meeting everyday. All of the imporatant things will be reported in these meeting, so don’t skip them unless you have class. It is a great time to relieve your stress by chatting with your peers as well. Before Picnic Day, you will help set up the fencing for Animal Events, CDF, and SOF, chalk for Parade parking, and move everything to Picnic Day headquarters, etc. Encourage your assistants to come as the more people we have, the faster we can finish the set up. On Picnic Day, all of you will meet at 5am. Remember to get enough sleep the day before, bring your jacket on that morning, charge your camera’s battery fully, and bring sunblock because it will be so hot during the day and you don’t want to get a sun burn. You will divide your team into different locations to take pictures. You should also collaborate with publicity team as both of your teams are the photographers on that day. Your radio will be turned off during the opening ceremony and ice cream social, and you will be out of contact with your team. At the end of the day, you will help each team take group photos. After Picnic Day, the clean up will be on Sunday morning. You will still have to go to your office hours until you turn in your board report. 26
FB Profile Picture Frame 180 x 180px
For this task, your job is to make the frames attractive in order to promote Picnic Day. I suggest using transparency design so that it won’t have a feeling of stuck in the box. Place everyone’s photos in center and as clear as possible. You will divide your assistants into different team to help change everyone’s profile pictures as there are too many people on the board, and won’t be able to finish by yourself. To collect the photos, you can send an email to the board and give a deadline on it. If they don’t respond, you can just use the current picture they have on their FB. Typically, this design also reflects the theme, however, this year we attempted to match one of our snapchat designs. 27
Growing Together
Growing Together
Growing Together
is awarded to
is awarded to
is awarded to
Given on April 22, 2017
Given on April 17, 2017
Given on April 22, 2017
Chelsea Hernandez, Chair
Helen Xie, Exhibits Director
Exhibits, 8.5”x11”
Chelsea Hernandez, Chair
Chelsea Hernandez, Chair
Grace Cheng, Special Events Director
Special Events, 8.5”x11”
SOF, 8.5”x11”
Daria Bisharah, Parade Director
Parade, 8.5”x11”
In general, the design of the awards certificates are the same. I am onlying showing one example of a certificate from each team, but you will have to do the numbers of awards that the directors request. They are in the letter size, and the most important things are to change the name of the directors when you change the title of the awards. Request to use the heavy cardstock when printing. After the awards certificates are printed, you will give them to the Chair and the Directors to sign it. It is better to sign it with Sharpie so that the ink will dry immediately on the surface and will not smear.
Picnic Day 2016 Exhibits QR Code, 750 x 750 px
Picnic Day 2017 Exhibits QR Code, 750 x 750 px
The exhibits awards QR code will be posted on the Instagram or Picnic Day website for everyone to vote for their favorite exhibits. The sizes for the instagram is 750 x 750 px, but you will have to work with Technical Director and Exhibit Director. I suggest to do it earlier so that you don’t have to do it on Picnic Day.
Media Pass, 4.25” x 5.5” Media passes allow Publicity and Graphics to get into the event quickly without lining up and having to be questioned by others. Basically, you will only need the theme logo and the “press” text on the media passes. Make each of them a quarter sheet sizes so that you can print 4 at once on the letter size paper.
Gender inclusive bathrooms are typically single-stall, lockable bathrooms available to people of all genders and sexes. Gender inclusive bathroomsm provide a safe, private facility for transgender, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming people, families with children, and people with disabilities who may need assistance.
Everyone, especially, young children,
SOF Food Booth Sign, 8.5”x11”
SOF Check-In Sign, 8.5”x11”
older individuals, and people with
Bathroom Sign, 8.5”x11”
weakened immune systems
ALWAYS WASH HANDS: • After touching animals or their living area • After leaving the animal area • After taking off dirty clothes or shoes • After taking off dirty clothes or shoes • After going to the bathroom
How To Be Safe Around Animals
• Before preparing foods, eating, or drinking
• Wet your hands with clean running water • Apply Soap • Rub hands together to make a lather and scrub well, including backs of hands, between fingers and under fingernails • Rub hands at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end, twice • Rinse hands • Dry hands using a clean paper towel or air dry them. Do not dry hands on clothing THANK YOU FROM PICNIC DAY! HAVE A FUN AND SAFE DAY!
Animal Events Flyer, 8.5”x11”
Sponsors Stage Sign, 43”x18”
Exhibits Directional Sign, 8.5”x11”
All of these signs will only be needed on the day of Picnic Day, and most of them are very simple. Again, you will design them based on the Directors request. All of them are letter size except the Sponsors Stage Sign. The sponsors change every year, so the Business Director will let you know. These signs are for Animal Events, Business, Exhibits, SOF, and Operations.
Picnic Day 2018 FB Cover, 828 x 315 px
After Picnic Day, you will design the FB cover for next year’s Picnic Day. Since we didn’t know the theme yet, you can make it generic. The sizes are same as the previous cover that you created. Last but not least, your will be designing the director’s sweaters and turn iin your board report. You will put the Board’s name and position on the back of the sweaters, and add graphics or texts that are relevant to that year. You will work with the Chair on this final task.
ASSISTANTS REFLECTION Esther Woo As a graphic assistant, we worked on Picnic Day bookstore poster, Picnic Day poster, Picnic Day dorm flyers, Pre-Week Buttons, Pre-Week Facebook cover, Pre-Week Event Poster, SOE, Pre-Week freebies, etc. For SOE it took us about three or more weeks to work on it. There were many changes on SOE especially when new informations are updated. We had five members in graphic team including the director. We divided which pages we would be working on SOE. While working on SOE, it was important to keep check on google doc whether any of informations were updated. Compared to last year’s Picnic Day, we had more graphic request that it seemed like we had more tasks to do this year. Even though we had more duties to take care of, teaming up with other graphic assistants and asking questions to the director was helpful to do the tasks that were given to us. I found that as a graphic assistant that t is easier to work on the Picnic Day related tasks when I have my own Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Indesign softwares downloaded in my laptop. We didn’t have many graphic team meeting time (Once a week -on Monday), but the director made a way to have more time to work together with other graphic assistants such as working at Mandro or staying longer during our meeting time. On the Picnic Day (April 26, 2017), graphic team were assigned to go to the events to take pictures. It will be nice if we have a nicer camera to have a better quality on pictures. Overall, it was lots of works, but meaningful event that I would do again if I have a chance. Thank you to all graphic assistants and the director for all the hard work!
Jonathan Hsu Working with Picnic Day this past year has been a rewarding experience. I designed posters and other graphics that were put on display and that contributed towards the event. Although working on the SOE was a long and tedious process, seeing the end result really made it worth it. Overall I had a fun time working with Picnic Day and I am excited for what the future holds.
ASSISTANTS REFLECTION Regenia Un During my freshman year, I performed with the band-uh and recognized how much fun people could get from Picnic Day. This year, I joined the board and noticed how much effort all the staff had put into making this one event. Joining the graphics team is definitely a new experience because I have never worked as a design team before. Since Picnic Day is a big event, I have learnt to pay more attention to the details of design and think about what design actually fits the theme. This is different from my classwork which I can design whatever I want. Although all designers of our team have different styles, we communicated and figured out how to get things done well. The graphics team has more workload than I expected but I feel like it is absolutely reasonable. In addition, I think we should have slightly more time on the discussion of poster and T-shirt design because they are very important but we seldom have enough time to actually talk with other board members. I wish we could have time to actually sit with other teams and listen to their ideas. Overall, I really like how our team looks like a family because we met every week, but I also wish I could have known more about people from other teams.
Allison Hsieh Through being a Graphics Assistant Director, I learned how to better use the Adobe suite to design while representing a brand and name. Working with the graphics team and board allowed me to learn how to work cohesively across a diverse range of groups, and my team was very fun to get to know! I would highly encourage anyone who is interested in impacting a large audience to join the Picnic Day team:)
Evluation by Google Form Evaluation is always a good way to receive feedback from your assistants and to improve yourself. I suggest having the evaluation at the end of each quarter, so that you know how your assistants feel about their work and the performance of yourself. Feel free to ask anything for the feedback. 35
Picnic Day 2017 Graphics Team
I hope you found my board report useful as I tried my best to make your work easier. Remember, I’ll always be here to support you. You are welcome to contact me anytime if you have any questions. Even if you don’t have questions, you can find me to chat or talk about my experience of the position. Once again, congratulations for being this year’s Graphics Director, and I am sure you will gain a lot of valuable experience, learn a lot of things beyond classes, and have many remarkable moments in your life. Good luck and best wishes!