Event Descriptions Animal Events
Student Organization Fair
Children’s Discovery Fair
Animal Events has over 40 events involving various animals including dogs, cats, birds, horses, goats, cows, rats, and more! Come learn about horse anatomy at our painted horse event at the Cole Facility, or watch the races at Doxie Derby in the Pavilion!
Celebrate the best that UC Davis has to offer! Exhibits can be eye-catching shows, exciting competitions, unique activities, and much more. Explore over 100 department-sponsored Exhibits and experience the vast diversity of UC Davis!
The Student Organization Fair is a massive event that allows student groups to show their club to the Davis community. Student groups set up fundraising, food booths, and information tables on the Quad. Come check them out!
The Children’s Discovery Fair is a fun and educational event that offers crafts and entertainment for children and their families to enjoy! This year’s theme is “Afternoon on the Amazon,” so come on by Hoagland Hall Lawn to discover the rainforest and the animals that live there.
Update with Picnic Day! In collaboration with UC Davis Aggie Feed, the Picnic Day Board welcomes you to view a live feed of the Schedule of Events online! Please scan the QR code with your smartphone or type in your internet browser on Picnic Day. The feed will be updated throughout the day to show you the latest upcoming events. Events will be visible an hour before their official start time until their official end time. In addition to seeing every event happening on Picnic Day, you will also have the option to filter by event categories to view those that interest you the most. Thank you for attending the 102st Picnic Day and we hope you have lots of fun celebrating our UC Davis authenticity with us!
Sponsors & Location
West Quad
Alumni Center
Amazon@UC Davis West Village & The U Princeton Review Billions in Change Amgen Tour of California Davis Urgent Care Flashmob Social
Cal Aggie Alumni Association
Pavilion Purina Banfield Pet Hospital
Table of Contents
Event Descriptions ........................................................................................................ 1 Important Information ............................................................................................... 2 Board of Directors ....................................................................................................... 3 Picnic Day Messages ................................................................................................... 4 Picnic Day Scavenger Uncover Your Authenticity ................................................... 5 Parade ............................................................................................................................ 6 Pavilion District ......................................................................................................... 7-8 Quad District .......................................................................................................... 9-10 Map .......................................................................................................................... 11-12
Health Sciences/Gateway District .............................................................................. 13 Gateway District ..................................................................................................... 14-15 Children’s Discovery Fair ............................................................................................. 16 Entertainment ................................................................................................................ 17 Food Options ................................................................................................................ 18 Student Organization Fair .......................................................................................... 19 Donors and Special Thanks ........................................................................................ 20 Safe Celebrations........................................................................................................... 21 Sponsors & Campus Partners ................................................................................ 22-23
Important Information Life Threatening Emergency
In case of a life-threatening emergency, please call 911.
On-Site Medical Care
An Advance Life Support (ALS) Unit will be on the ground along with trained Paramedics and EMTs who will be able to provide on-scene medical care. American MedicalResponse has the resources and capability to respond to any incident on campus. AMR has the capability of summoning additional resources and will arrange for emergency transportation to a hospital if necessary.
See Something, Say Something
If you see something suspicious or unusual, say something! Contact: 530-754-COPS (754-2677). Please have location and key information when calling.
Gender inclusive bathrooms provide a safe, private facility for transgender, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming people, families with children, and people with disabilities who may need assistance. Information on available bathroom locations may be found at
Picnic Day Shuttle Services
There are two shuttle routes for visitors of Picnic Day. Both shuttle routes will run continuously from 11AM-3:40PM. The first shuttle will run from the Memorial Union to the Silo in 20 minute loops. The second shuttle will run throughout South Campus in 25 minute loops through the animal centers and Mondavi Center. Please refer to the map for detailed shuttle stops.
First Aid Tent
9:00AM-5:00PM Parking Lot Across Sciences Lecture Hall First Aid provided by Yolo County American Medical Response (AMR).
Lost Children’s Booth
9:00AM-4:00PM Hoagland Hall, Children’s Discovery Fair Area A central meeting place for your children should they become lost during the day. Also, take advantage of our child identification system at the Hoagland Hall information booth, located near our Children’s Discovery Fair.
Picnic Day Headquarters, MU II
2nd Floor Memorial Union Building (enter from South side stairs) Official headquarters of Picnic Day. If you have questions or have a problem, please stop by and see us here! Contact us: (530)-752-6320
Social Media
Use @ucdpicnicday on Twitter or Instagram and Picnic Day will respond to your posts. For in-person questions, stop by our Headquarters.
Picnic Day T-shirts
Official Picnic Day shirts will be sold for $14.99 at the Arc Pro Shop, Downtown Bookstore, and the Memorial Union Bookstore These locations are open from 9:00AM - 5:00PM.
Memorial Union Closure
Due to construction associated with renovation, the Memorial Union will be closed. The Coffee House is still open.
Directors Grace Scott
Anmol Singh
Annette Nguyen
Charles Miin
Kristen Lui
Alex Espos
Ameet Vadhia
Daisy Sanchez
Chelsea Hernandez
Nicholas Lee
Grace Gaither
Chen Xie
Tammy Ng
Beverly Yee
Jessica Bautista
Dion Campbell
Vice Chair
Animal Events Business
Children’s Discovery Fair Entertainment Exhibits
Special Events
Student Organization Fair Technical
Transportation Volunteer
Top row (left to right): Molly, Ameet, Charles, Beverly, Anmol, Chen, Nicholas Bottom : Dion, Jessica, Grace G., Grace S., Annette, Chelsea, Daisy, Alex, Tammy, Kristen
Message from Chair and Vice Chair The 2016 Board of Directors would like to welcome you to the 102nd Picnic Day! The theme this year is “Cultivating Our Authenticity,” which celebrates the students, faculty, alumni, and community members who make UC Davis unique through their involvement on campus and in the community. Picnic Day is a student-led campus event that serves as an opportunity to come together and celebrate the pride we have in our authentic Aggie community. In this Schedule of Events, you will find information about all of the exhibits and events held on campus on Picnic Day. We encourage you to leaf through this Schedule of Events to see what interests you! With over 200 exhibits, entertainment shows, and animal events, such as the Parade, Doxie Derby, and the Show, there is something for everyone to enjoy! Picnic Day is made possible through the support of University staff, campus officials, alumni, students, and community members. We hope you enjoy the 102nd Picnic Day as much as we have enjoyed planning it! — Grace Scott & Annette Nguyen
Assistant Directors Chair Julia Hall QiHao (Gary) Yu Grace Cheng Michelle Liu Jiaming Zhuo Heba Omholt Jorinna Huang Gautami Mittal Vice Chair Amy Quan Shuo Huang Kim Nguyen Caroline Mai Vivian Hsieh Animal Events Kyra Chan Caitlyn Dedet Marlee Delgado Jiameng (Sunny) Li Crystal Ng Megan Wells
Business Isabel Ma Amanda Wu Lauren Wan Victoria Palmer Esther Ho Entertainment Kelly Chang Anna Guan Jonathan Fernandez Jenny Lui Akanksha Gupta Yessenia Magallanes Exhibits Linda Zhou Helen Xie Benjamin Gau Yi Sum To Children’s Discovery Fair Ji Hyun (Esther) Woo Noeru Sasaki Claudia A revalo Myriah Smith Kathleen Jurkovich Natalie Vargas
Operations Jackson Anderson Jinghan Cui Stephanie Yee Fangzhou Guo Parade Daria Bisharah Quintus Ma Daniel Matuszak Carrie Ng Ryan Sha Publicity Delaney McCune Annabelle Ho Jacqueline Chu Special Events Sally Dear Selena Chen Meigan Chiu Michelle Hosogai Julienne Correa Graphics Ashley Lam Cynthia Chong
Technical Ernesto Ng Chen Yuqing Huang Madhav Sharma Qun Xia Ryan Leung Stefanie Saflor Yin Yi Chan Transportation Melyssa Lee Vivian Yu Corina Lange Kara Hawkins Casey Phradichith Volunteer Annie Li Lulu Liang Kenny Lee Aashka Shah Student Organization Fair Gabriel Escudero Marilyn McBryan Caroline Dinh Kassandra Mejia
Message from the Chancellor
Welcome to our big open house. Picnic Day is one of the largest student-run events in the nation, with a remarkably wide range of family activities that continues to expand – a reflection of our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion. This year’s theme, “Cultivating Our Authenticity,” amplifies those core values at UC Davis. Our university community invites, supports and celebrates initiatives of self-expression and self-discovery, be it in sports, entertainment, the arts, student organizations or community service. We take pride in cultivating a campus environment built on freedom of expression, social justice and a shared responsibility for supporting and enabling each others’ success. For more than a century, Picnic Day has brought our Aggie community together to have fun and showcase the people and activities that make UC Davis unique. Once again, student organizers have done a spectacular job. I hope you enjoy the multitude of exhibits and shows they have planned, and see how we have grown into one of the most diverse and highly regarded public research universities in the world. Have a great time! Sincerely, Linda P.B. Katehi
Message from Parade Marshal Ramsey Musallam I am absolutely honored to serve as this year’s parade marshal. UC Davis was, and continues to be, a huge part of my life and the life of my family. As a high school educator, I am never surprised by the stories of warmth, community and growth that my students who attend UC Davis share when they come back to visit my classroom. UC Davis has a way of touching hearts and minds, and regardless of age, drawing alumni in with it’s incredible nostalgic power. Whether it be a trip from the Bay Area to Lake Tahoe, or a casual visit home to visit my family in Sacramento, my car always manages to find its way off the freeway, under the tunnel, and into the comforts of downtown Davis. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to give back to a community that has given me so much. — Ramsey Musallam
Message from UC Davis & City of Davis Police Departments Welcome to the 102nd Picnic Day!! We are extremely pleased you could join us for our annual open house and hope you experience all the campus and City of Davis have to offer. Because we very much want you to have an enjoyable and safe visit to the campus, as well as the City of Davis, we would like to give you some helpful information which we hope will make your visit memorable for all the right reasons: If it’s hot outside, remember to drink plenty of water and stay well hydrated. Don’t leave anything valuable lying about unattended. Ensure you have a “check in” point identified, in case you lose family or friends during your travels. Alcohol IS NOT ALLOWED on campus, no matter what your age. We have ZERO TOLERANCE for use or possession of alcohol on campus and will be vigorously enforcing use and possession laws. Off campus, you must be 21 years of age to carry or possess any amount of alcohol. No person, regardless of age, can possess any open container of alcohol on any street or sidewalk in the City of Davis. Possession of alcohol is also prohibited in many public parks and open space areas. The Davis and campus police will vigorously enforce all alcohol, party, and noise prohibition ordinances. And, on Picnic Day, many fines are doubled for illegal behavior—including alcohol violations. There are dozens and dozens of events occurring on campus throughout the day. Explore the campus and experience the richness of diversity and achievement at UC Davis and the surrounding community in the areas of research, teaching, service, and both campus and college-town life. Finally, we hope that every resident and visitor takes the Picnic Day pledge and conducts themselves responsibly during Picnic Day 2016, so that other students, faculty, staff, community members, and guests can also enjoy the day. Through safe and healthy decisions, Picnic Day will be preserved for future generations of Davis students and the community. As campus events end, feel free to dine in some of the great restaurants located all around Davis. Please, help us keep the event safe, fun, and memorable for all the right reasons. Matthew Carmichael Darren Pytel UC Davis Chief of Police City of Davis Chief of Police 4
Scavenger Hunt: Uncover Your Authenticity Participate in the fourth Picnic Day Scavenger Hunt, Uncover Your Authenticity! The scavenger hunt is a fun way to attend Picnic Day events and win prizes. Simply find QR codes posted at the specified locations, and scan with your smartphone. Prizes will be given to the top 20 people to finish - please refer to the rules on how the ranking is determined.
How to participate: Instructions can be found at:
The top 3 finishers will each receive a grand prize of a Davis Farmer’s Market gift basket. The next 7 will each receive a UC Davis tube socks. The next 10 will each receive Picnic Day frisbees.
Rules and important things to know:
The Hot Spots:
1. Contestants need a smartphone or an other capable device to scan the QR codes. A QR code app is required to scan QR codes 2. Groups of 2 or more may enter the scavenger hunt together, but only one prize will be given per smartphone/device. 3. The scavenger hunt will begin at 9:00 AM on Picnic Day and end at 3:00pm. 4. If you think a QR code poster is missing from one of the locations, please contact Picnic Day HQ in MU II at 530-752-6320. 5. Prizes will be given out based off of who gets all the locations. In the event that multiple people get to all the locations, the winners will be determined based on the finished time. 6. If no one visits all the hot spots, the winners will be determined by the highest number of locations scanned in the least amount of time. 7. Winners will be contacted by 3:00PM. Please pick up your prize at MU II between the time you are contacted and 5:00pm.
1. Quad 2. ARC 3. Fire Station 34 4. Hutchison Field 5. Everson Hall 6. Mondavi Center 7. Mrak Hall 8. Hart Hall 9. Bainer Hall 10. Robert Mondavi 11. Rock Hall 12. Aggie Reuse Store 13. Voorhies Hall 14. Ying & Yang Heads 15. Bookhead
16. Hoagland Hall 17. Walter A Buehler Alumni Center 18. Sciences Laboratory 19. Earth and Physical Sciences 20. Aggie Stadium 21. Meyer Hall 22. Roessler Hall 23. Plant Sciences Building 24. Briggs Hall 25. Putah Creek Lodge 26. Kemper Hall 27. Giedt Hall 28. Academic Surge 29. MU Bus Stop Phone Booth 30. Cole Facility Building A
Exhibits Awards: Let YOUR Voice Be Heard! The Picnic Day Board would like to recognize Exhibits that highlight our authenticity and showcase the vast diversity of UC Davis. Let YOUR voice be heard! Vote for your favorite “Family-Friendly,” “Hidden Treasure,” “Arts and Humanities,” “Tasty,” and “Academic” Exhibits! All are welcome to vote between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm on Picnic Day (April 16, 2016). VANDERHOEF QUAD (across from Mondavi Center)
Don’t forget to follow us at ucdpicnicday on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. Winning Exhibits will be celebrated on social media!
Vote here:
11 A.M. - 3 P.M.
Join us for kid-friendly activities, partner giveaways, CAAA/Parent member VIP area, snacks, entertainment and more!
ay ard W How
Opening Ceremony
Plant Building
Hickey Gym
C St.
Cruess Hall
F St
3rd S
2nd S
d dstan
UCD Store
Parade Begins
CDF Dobbins Field
Voorhies Hall
Fire/Police Station
9:27AM-10:00AM Grandstands on North Quad Ave across from Wickson Hall
10:00AM-12:00PM Grandstands on North Quad Ave across from Wickson Hall
ve lds A
Announcement Locations 1. Grandstands on North Quad Ave. across from Wickson Hall 2. 2nd and D St. in Downtown Davis 3. F St. in front of PDQ 4. 3rd & C St. in Downtown Davis
Parade Line Up NPF
Rock Hall
Nelson Gallery
1. UCD ROTC Program
25. Lambda Sigma Gamma Sorority
51. UC Davis Formula Racing
66. DEVO
2. California Aggie Marching Band-
26. Yolo County Veterans Coalition
52. Alpha Gamma Rho
67. Davis Figure Drawing Club
27. UC Davis Retiree Association
53. Canine Companions for
68. Food Tech Club
Earth/Physical Sciences
3. UC Davis Athletics 4. ASUCD
28. Dan Wolk - City of Davis Mayor
Independence - Gold Rush
29. Rochelle Swanson Davis City
Champions Chapter
Vanderhoef Quad
69. Winters High School Marching Band
6. UC Davis Fire Department
Council Information Booths Parade RouteCity Council 30. Will Arnold fo Davis
55. Lumbini-Kapilvastu Peace
Agricultural Engineering
7. UC Davis Police Department
31. University Retirement Community
Movement, California
71. Yolo County Republican Party
5. Unitrans
8. Wells Fargo 9. City of Davis 10. Campus Tours 11. International House of Davis
SD Parking Shuttle
DD Bus Shuttle 32. KDVS 90.3FM Volunteer Check-In
33. Golden Turtle Dance Food Lion Locations
Association American Medical Response Lost Children 34. Davis Chinese School
12. Confucius Institute at UC Davis
Picnic4H DayClub Headquarters 35. Golden Valley
13. Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti
36. Davis Korean Language and
Shrem Museum of Art 14. Girl Scouts Heart of Central California, Davis Service Unit 15. Suzuki Music 16. Berry Athletic Foundation for Fencing and Pentathlon 17. West Plainfield 4H 18. Congregation Bet Haverim, IM 19. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 6949, Davis, CA 20. Falun Dafa Divine Land Marching Band 21. UCD Arboretum 22. Campus Center for the Environment 23. UCD Animal Science Deparment
Shuttle Stops
Culture School 37. Community Harvest of Davis 38. UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine 39. Prytanean Women’s Honor Society
56. Davis Whymcycle Society 57. Tour de Cluck 58. Cool Davis
70. Department of Biological and
72. Norther California Delorean Motor Club 73. Cal Aggie Marching Band-uh!
59. P.E.A.C.E. at UC Davis 60. Trike Masters 61. UC Davis Fencing Club 62. Citrus Circuits-FRC Team 1678 63. University California Pavement Research Center (UCPRC) 64. Davis High Pep Band 65. Troop 121 Unicycle Brigade,
40. Health Care For All - Yolo
Granite Bay, Ca. Boy Scouts of
41. Cal Aggie Alumni Marching
Band-uh! 42. Lambda Delta Lambda 43. Sensual Daydreams Rocky Horror Shadowcast 44. Classical Studies Association at UC Davis
FUN FACT! FUN FACT The University Farm had its first Picnic Day in the
The spring University Farm its first Picnic Day of 1906 when a totalhad of eighteen students
45. Wild Bills Tattoo
and faculty members met for a weiner roast. in the spring of 1906 when a total of
46. Geology Club at UC Davis
eighteen students and faculty members met
47. UCSD Pepband
for a weiner roast
Horse Barn and Draft Horse and
48. Team Davis
Driving Club
49. Davis Newstar Chinese School
24. Entomology Club
54. Davis Odd Fellows Lodge #169
50. KDRT-LP 95.7 FM 6
American Brittany Rescue Hutchison Field 10:00AM-2:00PM Come learn about Brittanys and meet these active and personable dogs.
Yolo County Animal Shelter Hutchison Field 10:00AM-3:00PM We provide temporary housing, support, and care for homeless animals in Yolo County. Stop by our booth and meet our wonderful Equestrian animals! Center
Dobbins Field
Fire/Police Station
Meet the Birds and Volunteers Giedt of Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue Hutchison Field 10:00AM-3:00PM Thinking about getting a pet bird? Come by and learn about how to raise pet birds from the Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue team. PAWS to Pet Hutchison Field 10:00AM-3:30PM PAWS: Pet Adoption and Wellness Services, a local nonprofit, helps families and homeless pets get connected through networking. Alpha K9 Service Dog Program Hutchison Field 10:00AM-4:00PM Alpha K9 is a nonprofit organization that trains local shelter dogs to become Service Dogs for veterans, first responders, and many more. Stop by and meet these furry heroes! Doggy Dating: Finding a Pet Can be Ruff! Hutchison Field 10:00AM-4:00PM Learn how dogs and potential adopters are matched based on temperament, level, and how they interact with other animals. Shepherd Rescue of Sacramento Valley Hutchison Field 10:00AM-4:00PM Love German Shepherds? Stop by and discover new information about German Shepherds and GSRSV programs.
10:00AM -
Voorhies Hall
Meet the Birds of Palomacy Pigeon & DoveAvAdoptions e lds Shie Hutchison Field SCC 10:00AM-4:00PM Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions NPF Rock saves the lives Hall of domestic (unreleasable) birds through education, foster care, avian vet treatment, and adoption services.
Nelson Gallery
Northern California Weimaraner Rescue Public Relations Booth Hutchison Field 10:00AM-4:00PM Northern California Weimaraner Rescue, a nonprofit volunteer organization, rehabilitates and re homes over 100 abandoned or neglected Weimaraners each year. Earth/Physical Sciences
Vanderhoef Quad
Student Chapter of the Association of Shelter Veterinarians Booth Hutchison Field 10:00AM-4:00PM Come meet some adoptable animals and play a game with prizes to learn about animal shelters! HQ UC Davis Fracture Program for Rescue Animals Hutchison Field 10:00AM-4:00PM Since 2008, the UC Davis Fracture Program has helped heal over 450 shelter animals with broken bones. Come out to learn more and meet our four-legged patients!
C S t.
Newfoundland Club of Northern California West Village Hutchison Field Shuttle Stops 9:30AM-4:30PM Information booth Hutchison Dr about the Newfoundland breed and its health issues, breeder information, and training.
Plant Building Golden Gate Basset Rescue Hutchison tField s and Grand 10:00AM-4:00PM Information on Basset Hounds and how to rescue, help, and foster them.
Cruess Hall
Animal Events Kiss-a-bull Pit Bull Education and Kissing Booth Hutchison Field 9:00AM-2:30PM Come get a big wet pit bull kiss and learn about the breed!
3rd S Hickey Gym
F St
Pavilion District
ay ard W How
Ave. rnia Califo
Yolo Canine Academy & Rotts UCD Store St. of Friends2ndAnimal Rescue Hutchison Field 10:00AM-4:00PM Rotts of Friends, a local animal rescue organization, will showcase multiple adoptable dogs. Find out how you can help the lives of homeless and abused dogs in our region. Yolo Canine Academy will demonstrate service dog training and other various training methods. Performance Dogs in Action Hutchison Field 10:30AM-2:40PM Come see a variety of dog breeds express their love of agility and herding. There will be duck and geese herding shows and miniature horses debut. 1st show: 10:30am-10:55am (Agility) 2nd show:11:15am-11:35am (Herding) 3rd show: 12:30pm-12:55pm (Agility) 4th show: 1:30pm-1:50pm (Herding) 5th show: 2:15pm-2:35pm (Agility)
11:00AM Frisbee Dog Contest Hutchison Field 11:00AM-12:30PM, 1:00PM-2:00PM Cheer on canine high-fliers as they show off their skills at this exciting Bathroom Locations annual competition! Picnic Day Headquarters Disc Dogs of the Golden Gate Halftime Show Hutchison Field 12:30PM-12:50PM, 2:00PM-2:20PM Be sure to catch the Disc Dogs of the Golden Gate’s high flying halftime show during the Frisbee Dog Contest! Doxie Derby ARC Pavilion 1:00PM-3:00PM The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is proud to host the Doxie Derby! Watch little dachshunds run their hearts out to win first prize!
Pavilion District Continued Exhibits Bug Doctor Briggs Hall Front Steps & Entryway 8:00AM-5:00PM Visitors can bring insects from their homes and gardens to be identified. Live insects will be on display in the booth. Cockroach Races Briggs Hall Front Steps & Entryway 8:00AM-5:00PM Cockroaches are placed into separate sealed racetracks and on-lookers cheer them to the finish line. Children make predictions about who will win. Dr. Death 122 Briggs Hall 8:00AM-5:00PM Find out how insects are used in forensics! Forest Entomology 122 Briggs Hall 8:00AM-5:00PM See insects that impact forest ecosystems! Honey Tasting Briggs Hall Courtyard 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Come by and taste honey from UCD’s very own honey bee haven! Insect Face Painting Briggs Hall Front Steps & Entryway 8:00AM-5:00PM Free insect face art. Visitors can have an insect painted on their cheek with non-toxic water based paints. Insect Themed T-Shirt Sales Briggs Hall Entryway 8:00AM-5:00PM The Entomology Graduate Student Association is selling insect themed t-shirts! Little Swimmers and Fly Tying 158 Briggs Hall 8:00AM-5:00PM Live insects collected from the streams and ponds. Fly-tying experts will be on hand to demonstrate their arts and answer questions from visitors. Maggot Art Briggs Hall Courtyard 8:00AM-5:00PM Children (and grown-ups) will get to create beautiful pieces of art using live maggots dipped in non-toxic paint.
Medical Entomology 122 Briggs Hall 8:00AM-5:00PM See how insects impact human health! Pollinator Pavilion Briggs Hall Front Steps & Entryway 8:00AM-5:00PM Learn about a variety of pollinators and the services they provide to natural and agricultural ecosystems. Live butterflies! UC IPM Briggs Hall Front Steps & Entryway 8:00AM-5:00PM Learn about how to control pests in and around your homes, gardens, and yards. 9:00AM Explore the Tree of Life Storer Hall Atrium 9:00AM-3:00PM Meet live animals, fungi, and plants. Learn how we’re related to these creatures, what we share, and why we’re different!
Optical Illusions and the Human Brain Sciences Laboratory Building 2nd Floor Lobby 9:00AM-3:00PM Hosted by the NPB Club, this interactive exhibit will challenge your mind and showcase this popular major and its students! Biotechnology Experiments 148 Briggs Hall 9:00AM-4:00PM Come join us for fun biotechnology experiments, including extracting DNA from strawberries and making cheese the biotech way! Aggie Pride Outlet at Dobbins Baseball Complex Dobbins Baseball Complex 9:30AM-4:30PM Picnic Day Fans, do you need new UC Davis apparel? The Aggie Pride Outlet has you covered. Stop by the Dobbins Baseball Complex. Pie a Pre-Med Sciences Laboratory Building Lawn 10:00AM-2:00PM Know Science? See if you can answer our questions, and pie a pre-med student if you get them right!
Amazing Atmosphere Hoagland Hall Front Entrance 10:00AM-3:00PM Visit the Atmospheric Science Department and learn about our amazing atmosphere! Free balloons and children’s activities provided. Exhibits include a Lego terrain model simulating coastal fog, an ice nucleation demonstration, and weather balloon launches at noon and 3.
Plant Pathology Picnic Day Display and Plant Give-a-way Hutchison Hall East Entrance 10:00AM-3:00PM Come learn about the exciting world of plant pathology and get a FREE strawberry plant! Real Insects & Their Mimics 1124 Academic Surge (Bohart Museum of Entomology) 10:00AM-3:00PM Be amazed! Which insect is the real wasp or the fly in disguise? Come and visit the Bohart Museum of Entomology. The Biological Orchard and Gardens at UCD Biological Orchard and Gardens 10:30AM-3:00PM Come explore our site and learn about sustainable gardening in the Mediterranean climate! UC Davis Fire Department’s Open House at Station 34 UC Davis Fire Station 34 10:30AM-5:00PM Come meet your local firefighters, tour the fire station, and see our region’s emergency helicopter crew. We will have giveaways for all ages! 11:00AM -
Microbiology Exhibit 2090 & 2098 Sciences Laboratory Building 11:00AM-1:00PM Come and explore the world of Microbiology. A family-friendly, handson exhibit where you can learn about every day microorganisms! California Wildflower Display Sciences Laboratory Building Lobby 11:00AM-3:00PM California wildflower display and historic newspapers used to wrap herbarium specimens. Chasing the Toxins Briggs Hall Lawn 11:00AM-3:00PM Come experiment with hair-raising techniques and discover how scientists are using alternative and organic materials to clean up chemical spills. Zenith Fashion Show Activities and Recreation Center Ballroom A & B Ticket Distribution: 10 AM, 12:30 PM Show times: 11AM-12:30PM & 1:30-3:00PM UC Davis Design Department’s annual fashion show! Zenith presents student made collections showcasing each designer’s personal aesthetic and vision. Activities & Recreation Center (ARC) Open House Activities and Recreation Center 11:00AM-4:00PM The ARC will open its doors and allow people to see this superb facility. The Amazing Atmosphere Show 113 Hoagland Hall 12:00PM-4:30PM Clouds, tornadoes and wind, oh my! Enjoy a premier demonstration of atmospheric phenomena from graduate students in the atmospheric sciences!
Celebrating 50 Years of Student Housing Regan Main 11:00 AM-3:00 PM Come enjoy Student Housing’s 50th birthday! View the history of Student Housing and show off your residence hall pride!
Climate Forum 124 Hoagland Hall 1:00PM-1:45PM What is global climate change? Come learn about Earth’s climatic trends, how they have changed over the past century, and what the future may hold!
Materials Science Strikes Back! 123 Sciences Lecture Hall Show times: 11-11:30 AM, 12-12:30 PM, 1-1:30 PM How do light sabers work? Can Chewbacca balance on wine glasses? Find your answers at this show along with the Force(s) behind Materials Engineering.
Davis Dance Revolution Pavilion 7:00PM-10:00PM Fourteen unforgettable performances by some of UCD’s best dance crews as they compete for this year’s top spot! 8
Quad District Animal Events UCD Bodega Marine Laboratory Memorial Union 14 and 15 (Patio) 10:00AM-4:00PM Explore the all-day event with invertebrates, touch tank, microscopes, and course and laboratory information. Police K-9 Demonstration Russell Field 11:00AM-12:00PM UC Davis Police K-9 dog, Charlie, and regional area K-9 Teams will demonstrate obedience, agility on obstacles, and search/apprehension.
Exhibits The Cal Aggie Alumni Association’s 33rd Picnic Day Breakfast Howard Field 7:30AM-9:30AM Join the UC Davis Alumni Marching Band, alumni and friends for breakfast catered by Whole Foods. Limited walk in tickets are available. Women’s Water Polo Club Alumni Game Hickey Pool 8:00AM-9:00AM Watch the current UC Davis Women’s Water Polo Club members compete against the Alumni in this Picnic Day showdown! USDA, Agricultural Research Service Wickson Hall Lawn 8:00AM-1:00PM Stop by our booth to learn how the Agricultural Research Service benefits you and the community.
Men’s Water Polo Alumni Game Hickey Pool 9:00AM-10:00AM Watch the current UC Davis Men’s Water Polo Club members compete against the Alumni in this Picnic Day showdown!
Six Degrees of Soil Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-2:00PM Soil sustains and supports life. Play a game highlighting how everything you rely on connects back to soil.
Plant Give Away Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard Lawn 9:00AM-12:00PM Stop by and pick up some plant seedlings to plant in your home garden!
Soil Art Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-2:00PM There is a hidden rainbow beneath your feet! Come use soil crayons, along with markers and glitter, to create masterpieces.
Edible Soil Profiles Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-12:00PM Gummy worms! Oreos! Syrup, oh my! Participants construct soil profiles out of delicious snacks, while learning what each horizon represents. Exotic Food Tasting Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard Lawn 9:00AM-12:00PM Stop by to test your taste buds, try new fruits! Anthropalooza Young Hall South Side Patio Steps 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Come visit the Anthropology department at Young Hall and learn how anthropologists study humans and human culture! Dr. Dirt Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-2:00PM Questions about your yard or garden? Drop off a soil sample for a free, basic lab analysis. Free Water Analysis for Metals by ICPMS Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-2:00PM Free water analysis for metals by ICPMS. Submit sample in plastic water bottle pre-rinsed with sample water (no glass).
Explore the Earth with a view from above Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-2:30PM Come and play with us! Explore the earth from above through interactive games. Groundwater “Ant-Farm” Model Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-3:00PM Learn about the hydrologic cycle and see examples of how groundwater flows under your feet! Photo Opportunity with Veggies Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard Lawn 9:00AM-3:00PM Stop by to snap a photo with your favorite Veggie! Plant in a Bottle Plant & Environmental Sciences Building Lobby 9:00AM-3:00PM See a plant’s root up close! Seed Art Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard Lawn 9:00AM-3:00PM Create your very own seed art! Fun for the entire family! All ages!
Seed Biotech Display Plant & Environmental Sciences Building Lobby 9:00AM-3:00PM Exhibit Panel relating to seed biotechnology research. Stream Table Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-3:00PM Learn how rivers work by playing in our very special sandbox! The Tomato Timeline Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-3:00PM A six panel historical review of tomato development at UC Davis. The Weed Doctor Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-3:00PM Meet Weed Scientists and learn how to help your garden grow strong! UC Master Gardener Program Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard 9:00AM-3:00PM Meet our master gardeners and get horticultural advice for your home garden landscape. Aggie Pride Outlet On Hart Hall Lawn Hart Hall Lawn 9:30AM-4:30PM Picnic Day fans, do you need new UC Davis apparel? The Aggie Pride Outlet has you covered. Stop by our location on Hart Hall Lawn. Carrot Give-Away Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard Lawn 10:00AM-1:00PM Come learn about the different varieties of carrots and get a sample!
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Quad District Continued
Arboretum and Public Garden’s Edible Landscaping Internship Salad Bowl Garden (Outside Plant & Environmental Sciences Building) 10:00AM-2:00PM Join us for family-friendly hands-on activities that feature the Arboretum and Public Garden’s focus on edible landscaping and sustainability!
Ecological Restoration in California Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard Lawn 10:00AM-2:00PM Learn about the different ways we can ecologically conserve and restore Equestrian Center the great state of California! Is Public Health in your future? Hart Hall Lawn 10:00AM-2:00PM Learn about the MPH Program and undergraduate Public Health courses offered on campus. Student Health and Counseling Services - The Mind Spa Table Memorial Union Table 20 10:00AM-2:00PM Wondering what resources are available on campus to help you manage stress and other mental health concerns?
Cruess Hall
Hickey Gym
Plant Building
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ve lds A
UC Davis Plant Breeding Center Plant & Environmental Sciences Building Lobby Giedt 10:00AM-2:00PM Come learn about the Plant Breeding Center at UC Davis and get a packet of various vegetable or legume seeds! University Writing Program: Oh, the Joy of the Written Word! Voorhies Hall Southwest Corner 10:00AM-2:00PM Come write words of wisdom on our Writing Wall, design your own beautiful bookmark, or play a word on the biggest Scrabble board you’ve ever seen! UC Davis Olive Center Olive Oil Tasting Hart Hall Lawn 10:00AM-2:30PM Come enjoy the savory flavors of UC Davis olive oil with a tasting, information about olive and olive oil related research, and more! CN Gorman Museum presents Australian Aboriginal Printmakers Hart Hall 10:00AM-3:00PM This exhibition will include printed works by Australian Aboriginal artists produced at Cicada Press, University of New South Wales. Corn Shelling Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard Lawn 10:00AM-3:00PM Come watch and learn about Corn Shelling, then enjoy the Popped Corn!
Wellman Band-uh! Alumni Rally UCD Store t. Wellman Hall 2nd S Lawn 11:00AM-1:00PM Watch middle-aged bari sax players backbend with the college kids as the Cal Aggie Alumni Marching Band and the “kiddie” band perform together! .
Agronomy IQ Test Plant & Environmental Sciences Courtyard Lawn West Village Shuttle Stops 10:00AM-2:00PM Come try to identify the plants that Hutchison Dr we have in our exhibit - win a prize!
Sexual Violence Awareness and Education Campaign Resources Memorial Union Table 21 10:00AM-3:00PM CDF Stop by for free swag, take the pledge Dobbins Field to practice affirmative consent, and pick up your campus resource pocket Fire/Police guide. Station
C S t.
75th Anniversary Celebration of Shields Shields Library 10:00AM-2:00PM Help celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Shields. You can also view UC Davis historical exhibits and photos, new digital projects, special collections, and learn about the Library’s future.
F St
3rd S
FantasticRock Food Webs and Hall Ecology Field Work Fun Wickson Hall Lawn 10:00AM-3:00PM Visit with students from the Graduate Group in Ecology! Win a prize in the Food Web Bean Bag Toss, try on gear scientists use, and more!
Nelson Gallery
The Confucius Institute at UC Davis Wickson Hall Lawn 11:00AM-2:00PM Stop by, say hi, and see what delightfully delicious events the Confucius Institute at UC Davis has planned for you this Spring! ASUCD Centennial Alumni Reunion Lunch Shields Library Courtyard 11:30AM-1:00PM Come celebrate the 100th Anniversary of ASUCD with alumni and staff from all classes. A nominal fee will be charged at the door for lunch.
Earth/Physical Sciences
Popcorn Popping Plant & Environmental Sciences Building Lobby 10:00AM-3:00PM After watching the corn shelling, stop by for the results: a Fresh Bag of Popcorn! Vanderhoef Quad
Lake Tahoe Environmental Research 1130 Hart Hall 10:00AM-4:00PM Presenting information in regard to over 50 years of Limnological research at Lake Tahoe. Dr. CharlesHQ Goldman graduate work and current research.
Bathroom Locations Picnic Day Headquarters
Meet the Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art Walker Hall Lawn 10:00AM-3:00PM Meet your new university art museum, opening November 13th! Win prizes and feed your creativity at our picnic “feast”!
FUN FACT The Faculty continued to sponsor Picnic Day until 1912 when preparation for the activities was turned over to the students. Since then, the entire organization and planning of Picnic Day has been administrated by the Davis students.
FUN FACT! The Faculty continued to sponsor Picnic Day until 1912 when preparation for the activities was turned over to the students. (Since then, the entire organization and planning of Picnic Day has been administered by the Davis students.)
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ornia Calif
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Nelson Gallery
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Giedt Giedt
Nelson Nelson Gallery Gallery
Hutchison HutchisonDr Dr
Earth/Physical Sciences
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single-stall, lockable bathrooms available
49 57
to people of all genders and sexes. Gender inclusive bathrooms provide a safe, private
facility for transgender, genderqueer, and
gender non-conforming people, families
South Entry Parking
50 55
Reserved Lots
Earth/Physical Earth/Physical Sciences Sciences
Unreserved Lots
with children, and people with disabilities who may need assistance.
Equestrian Center
Vanderhoef Vanderhoef Quad Quad
Bathroom Locations
Picnic Day Shuttle Information
Picnic Day Headquarters
• Free doubledecker bus rides between the Silo Terminal and the Memorial Union Terminal (between 11:30 AM - 3:40 PM) • Shuttle serving various UCD campus destinations and parking lots (includes the Equestrian Center, Aggie Stadium, and the Mondavi Center)
Information Information Booths Booths Parade Parade Route Route SD SD Parking Parking Shuttle Shuttle DD DD Bus Bus Shuttle Shuttle Volunteer Volunteer Check-In Check-In Food Food Locations Locations
American American Medical Medical Response Response Lost Lost Children Children HQ HQ
Equestrian Equestrian Center Center
Picnic Day Unitrans • Regular schedule replaced by special Picnic Day schedule (running 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM) • ALL passengers must pay the $1 cash fare (except for seniors and disabled riders) • Student IDs, passes, and 10-ride are not accepted • $1 cash fare also applies to V-line • P and Q lines do NOT run on Picnic Day
Picnic Picnic Day Day Headquarters Headquarters Shuttle Shuttle Stops Stops
2nd St
UCD Store
CDF Dobbins Field
Health Sciences District
Voorhies Hall
Fire/Police Station
ve lds A
Shie SCC
NPF Rock Hall
West Village Shuttle Stops
Earth/Physical Sciences
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t. 3rd S Hickey Gym
Plant Building
C St.
Cruess Hall
CDF Dobbins Field
Gateway District
Voorhies Hall
Equestrian Center
2nd St
Fire/Police Station
Nelson Gallery
UCD Store
Bathroom Locations
HQ ve lds A
UC Davis Water Polo vs UC Irvine Schaal Aquatics Center 12:00PM-1:45PM Aggies take on UC Irvine in Women’s Water Polo
F St.
Veterinary Medical Teaching A Hospital Open House Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital 10:00AM-2:00PM The VMTH is open to the public for tours and displays of our operation.
Aggie Football Spring Game Aggie Stadium 11:30AM-1:00 PM Watch the Aggie Football team in the 2016 Spring Game taking place inside Aggie Stadium. The starting offense will compete against the starting defense in the final game before the 2016 season this fall. Get a chance to meet the players and coaches after the game. Admission is free. Giedt
Hutchison Dr
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Picnic Day Headquarters
Shie SCC
NPF Rock Hall
West Village Shuttle Stops
Animal Events
American Fisheries Society Live Fish Display 1371 Academic Surge 9:00AM-2:00PM Come see what we caught this year! Live fish on display along with fish printing and art for kids. 3
Nelson Gallery
Hutchison Dr
Guess the Weight of a Pig and Win a Ham! Equestrian Building A Cole Facility Center 10:00AM-2:30 PM Correctly guess the weight of Porky, a resident pig at the Animal Science Swine Center, and win a cured smoked ham made at the UCD Meat Lab! Winner will announced at 2:30 PM. Animal Biotechnology Booth Cole Facility Building A 10:00AM-3:00 PM Learn about transgenic and cloned animals and participate in hands on DNA extractions of fruits and vegetables! Cow-Milking Cole Facility Building A 10:00AM-3:00PM The UC Davis Animal Science Dairy Crew will teach you how to milk a cow! A hands-on display where you will milk a cow from the Dairy herd and learn about California’s #1 agricultural commodity!
Earth/Physical Sciences
Vanderhoef Quad
UC Davis Feedlot and Beef Unit Cole Facility Building A 10:00AM-3:30PM Come visit and meet the cows from the UC Davis Feedlot and Beef Unit! Bats and Agriculture 1001 Giedt Hall 10:00AM-4:00PM View live species of native bats and learn about their importance to agriculture.
Rodents and Their Role in Bathroom Locations Rescue Showcase Picnic DayFeline Headquarters Research 1006 & 1007 Giedt Hall Cole Facility Building A 10:00AM-4:00 PM 10:00AM-3:00 PM Come enjoy cats from local feline Not all rats and mice are villains! rescue groups, an Orphan Kitten Come meet and play with these furry Project demo, and feline-related arts companions and learn about the role and crafts! they play in the laboratory and in keeping us healthy. Northern California Herpetological Society Small Animal Colony Display 1002 Giedt Hall Cole Facility Building A 10:00AM-4:00PM 10:00AM-3:00PM Explore the world of reptiles and Learn about the exciting field of amphibians! Learn how to get Laboratory Animal Science while involved in this active organization playing with rats! and meet some live reptiles. HQ
Petting Zoo Cole Facility Building A 10:00AM - 3:00PM An opportunity to pet farm animals like calves, lambs, and goats.
Avian Hatching Display and Handling Meyer Hall 11:00AM-2:30PM Avian science faculty, staff, and students will host the chick hatching and handling events with baby chicken and quail.
Goat Milking Cole Facility A 12:00PM-3:00PM Learn how to milk a dairy goat with the UCD Animal Science Goat Facility! How We Really Make Horses! Cole Facility Arena 1:00PM-2:00PM An informative horse breeding demonstration including collection and artificial insemination. A crash course in making horse babies. Draft Horse and Driving Demonstration Horse Barn Arena 2:00PM-2:30PM Want to learn something about Draft Horses? Get a view into what and how we do things with Draft Horses from haltering to riding to driving. UC Davis Horse Polo Team Cole Facility Arena 3:00PM-4:30PM Come watch current and past polo team members play a demonstration match. Coach Mike O’ Farrell will give an in-depth description of the game and history of polo.
Gateway District Continued Exhibits The Artificial Cow Gut Meyer Hall Courtyard 8:00AM-5:00PM The artificial cow gut is a laboratory system to study how changes in the cow’s diet affect the microbes in the cow’s gut and the animal’s health. Theatre Games 101 Wright Hall 8:00AM-12:00PM Create quirky characters in our Photo Booth & enjoy theatre games like improv and costume relays! There’s even a chance to win tickets to our Musical! One Hundred Years of Engineering Innovation! 1330 Bainer Hall 8:00AM-5:00PM Let there be light with 100 candles! Join us as we begin our second century in agricultural, food, and biological engineering! Science Education & Outreach Program The Barn (North of Kemper, east of Giedt) 8:00AM-5:00PM Showcase of student volunteer activities, including Stebbins Cold Canyon, produce safety, and water pollution and conservation programs. Welcome Future Aggies! Welcome Center 8:00AM-3:00PM Come meet Undergraduate Admissions’ staff and students, attend a presentation and learn what it’s like to be an Aggie! Earthquake Engineering Shake Down Bainer Hall Lobby 9:00 AM-1:00 PM Have you ever wondered what causes an earthquake? Come find out and even make your own earthquake with the graduate students in civil engineering! Adventures in Math and Stats Mathematical Sciences Building Courtyard 9:00AM-3:00PM Learn more about the magical worlds of Mathematics and Statistics! Play fun games to learn how math and stats play a part in your everyday life! Flight Simulators and Aerospace Displays 1113 Academic Surge Building 9:00AM-3:00PM Visit the HRVIP Lab to fly an aircraft simulator and view aerospace displays!
C-STEM In Action! Kemper Hall North Entrance 9:30AM-3:30PM Come see how UC Davis C-STEM Center uses computing and robotics for teaching math and science in K-12 schools, including RoboPlay Competition. Face Painting by The Wildlife Society - Davis Chapter 1371 Academic Surge 10:00AM-4:00PM Interested in Wildlife? Come play our interactive games and check out our animal face painting! AIChE Kids Crafts Bainer Hall East Lawn 10:00AM-2:00PM Come learn how to make flubber (silly putty) with members of AIChE! Chemistry Show Rock Hall Ticket distribution times: 9 AM (for morning shows), 11:30 AM (for afternoon shows). Show times: 10:00-10:45, 11:30-12:15,11:45, 2:30-3:15 Power of chemistry! Chemists will produce explosions, color changes, precipitations, and evaporations by breaking and making chemical bonds. Physics Show Episode 18: The Fundamental Forces Awaken 66 Roessler Hall Show times: 10-10:45 AM, 11-11:45 AM, 12-12:45 PM, 1-1:45 PM Join the Physics Jedi as they take on the First Order Approximations! Physics demonstrations galore! Hosted by the Physics Club. College of Engineering Fun Activities & Meet the Deans Kemper Hall Lobby 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Engineers feature a variety of hands-on displays & activities. Facility tours include newly renovated Engineering Fabrication Lab in 1220 Bainer Hall. Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Bainer Hall East Lawn 10:00AM-2:00PM Come try AIChE’s famous liquid nitrogen ice cream made on the spot! UC Davis Olive Center Olive Oil Tasting Welcome Center Quad 10:00AM-2:30PM Come enjoy the savory flavors of UC Davis olive oil with a tasting, information about olive and olive oil related research, and more!
Pollination Day Robert Mondavi Institute Sensory Building & Courtyard 10:00AM-2:30PM Come learn how pollinators are important to life on this planet! Join us for honey tastings, crafts for kids, showings of “The Quest for Local Honey, and UC Davis honey sales! UC Davis Olive Center Olive Oil Tasting Robert Mondavi Institute Sensory Building & Courtyard 10:00AM-2:30PM Come enjoy the savory flavors of UC Davis olive oil with a tasting, information about olive and olive oil related research, and more! Boredom to Frustration: Finding a Balance Using Enrichment Cole Facility 10:00AM-3:00PM Bored? Come find out what researchers do to spice up the lives of animals and experience first-hand what works and what doesn’t. Friends of The Burrowing Owl Academic Surge Hallway 10:00AM-3:30PM Ever heard of a Burrowing Owl? Learn more about this charismatic local animal at our interactive booth! Dr. Walker’s Pruning Demo Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science Vineyard 10:00AM-3:00PM Come see how to prune a vineyard!
Rube Goldberg Demonstration and Workshop 2202 Academic Surge 10:00AM-3:00PM Family-friendly Rube Goldberg Demonstration and Hands-On Workshop! Come learn about Rube Goldberg, and help us engineer a working machine! Sturgeon Exhibit Cole Facility Building A 10:00AM-3:00PM Displaying two species of sturgeon that have commercial and ecological importance. UCD is the prominent institute researching these native CA sturgeon. The Rising Power of Yeast 1207 Robert Mondavi Institute South Building 10:00 AM-3:00 PM What do beer, bread, and Vegemite all have in common? Yeast! Come visit the Phaff Yeast Collection to learn how food microbiology plays a role in foods you eat everyday. Taste, Smell, See, and Touch the wonders of Yeast! Tie-Dye Everson Hall Lobby & Courtyard 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Come tie-dye a t-shirt with students from the Textiles programs. Wild About Wildlife! 1371 & 1375 Academic Surge Building 10:00AM-3:00PM Enjoy live fish and museum specimens of birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, and amphibians! Crafts and face painting.
Engineering Fabrication Lab (EFL) 1220 & 1230 Bainer Hall 10:00AM-3:00PM This is the place where up and coming engineering students learn how to build their dreams into reality.
DEVO Merchandise and Information Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science Courtyard 10:00 AM-4:00 PM See what the Davis Enology and Viticulture Organization has been up to!
Food Science Brewing Club Table Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science Courtyard 10:00 AM-3:00 PM Come meet members of the Food Science Brewing Club to learn about the exciting world of brewing and beer!
Physics is Fun 168 Roessler Hall 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Physics makes the world go ‘round! Experience cool demos and learn how modern technologies are applications of basic physics.
Interactive Electronic Exhibits Kemper Hall Lobby 10:00AM-3:00PM Play a laser arcade game, test your skills on a pressure mat, and see how a musical sensing box reacts to your movements!
Gateway District Continued Exhibits Animal Science Meat Lab 120 Cole Facility Building A 10:00AM-4:00PM Learn about the teaching and research conducted at the Animal Science Meat Laboratory, a USDA inspected meat processing facility. Earth and Planetary Sciences Rocks! 1362 Earth & Physical Sciences Building 10:00AM-4:00PM Hands-on geology activities, displays and fun for all ages! Grapevine Giveaway Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science Courtyard 10:00AM-4:00PM Give grape-growing a try! Winery Tours Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science Winery 10:00AM-4:00PM Tours of the Robert Mondavi Institute Winery, given by Viticulture & Enology students and faculty. Animal Science Gateway Garden Animal Science Gateway Garden 10:00AM-5:00 PM Need a place to relax from the excitement of Picnic Day? Come by the Cole Facility and see the newly completed Animal Science Gateway Garden! Games Demo Showcase Kemper Hall Lounge 10:00AM-5:00PM Come check out the games made by students from UC Davis’s Game Dev & Arts Committee, ranging from platformers to Virtual Reality games!
Environmental Toxicology and Public Health 1135 & 1138 Meyer Hall 10:30AM-3:30PM Environmental Toxicology Exhibit includes aquatic and food toxicology, public health, lady bugs, ETX Club, children’s crafts, and learning activities! CHMS Alumni BBQ John A. Jungerman Hall Lawn (formerly Crocker Nuclear Lab) 10:30AM-4:00PM The CHMS Department welcomes graduates to the annual Alumni BBQ! This is an opportunity for Alumni to reconnect, network, and socialize with peers.
11:00AM Welcome to the EcoHub TB 24 (between Rock Hall and the Silo, behind the Bike Barn) 11:00AM-1:00PM Come dye your own shirt useing natural dyes from turmeric and beets with the fine folks of the EcoHub. While your shirt soaks up color, learn about the different stages of composting from Project Compost! CAAA Member VIP Zone Alpha Gamma Rho Hall at Walter A. Buehler Alumni Center 11:00AM-3:00PM CAAA Members, join us at the Alumni Center for free refreshments! CAAA Alumni Zone Vanderhoef Quad 11:00AM-3:00PM Come enjoy interactive games, giveaways, and activities for the whole family on Vanderhoef Quad! Meet the Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art Vanderhoef Quad 11:00AM-3:00PM Meet your new university art museum, opening November 13th! Win prizes and capture the excitement at our photo booth.
Mondavi Center Open House Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts 11:00AM-3:00PM Join us for a day full of tours, music, and more! Young Cattlemen’s Association Cole Facility Arena 11:00AM-3:00PM Join us at our booth for dummy roping and creating your own chaps and cattle brand - fun for kids of all ages! Migration Butterfly Arts and Crafts Festival 1003 Student Community Center 11:00AM-4:00PM Love Butterflies? Join our Butterfly making party! Take fun pictures and receive education about The Undocumented Experience in the USA. Biomedical House of Horrors 1127 Kemper Hall Ticket Distribution: 10:30AM at 1127 Kemper 11:30PM-2:40PM Brave your way through creepy corridors of health horrors! Watch Biomedical Engineering save the day!
12:00PM UC Davis Symphony Orchestra: 12 noon @ Mondavi Center Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts 12:00PM-1:00PM A short 45-minute concert program with a piano concerto movement, students and community members conducted by Prof. Christian Baldini. Cooperage Demo Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science Courtyard 12:00AM-2:00PM A Master Cooper will run through the process of how a wine barrel is made!
Craft Center Open House Craft Center, South Silo Building (E164) 12:00PM-3:00PM Come see crafting demonstrations across 10 studio disciplines including blacksmithing, glass cutting, pottery and more. How Much Pesticide Residue is On Your Fruits and Vegetables? 1131 Meyer Hall 12:00PM-3:00PM Bring your produce samples to the Environmental Toxicology QuEChERS demonstration and have them tested for 25 common pesticides! Demos at 12 & 1:30 PM. UC Davis Parent and Family Reception Buehler Alumni Center Patio and Garden 1:30PM-2:30PM Join parents and families of current UC Davis students for complimentary root beer floats in the garden of the Buehler Alumni Center.
2:00PMNXP Cup - Intelligent Car Racing UC Davis Conference Center Ballrooms 2:00PM - 3:00PM The NXP Cup is a global challenge where students build, program and race a model car. The fastest car (without derailing) wins. Physics Public Lectures 66 Roessler Hall 2:00PM - 4:00PM UC Davis faculty share their insights into the universe we live in, from the cosmos to the microscopic quantum world. 2016 Battle of the Bands Mrak Hall Lawn 3:00PM-10:00PM Come watch your favorite college marching bands duke it out again as they all try to wow the crowd with their moves!
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Children’s Discovery Fair (Pavilion District) Hoagland Hall Lawn
F St
Danedini and The Dance 3rd 10:00AM-4:00PM Hickey Gym Hunt Magical Cruess Plant Building 12:30PM-12:45PM Hall St. Come witness the enchantingable 2nd Crafts and t s d n Gra of Magic and Dance. All ages will be inspired through a battle CDF Amazonian Manatee Puppet Dobbins of motion and mysticism creating The Amazonian Manatee is known Field Voorhies Hall an unbelievable world like never as the cow of the sea. Come make before. Everyone will become a part your own manatee puppet and Fire/Police Station of the show to learn the art of the pretend to be a sea cow! ve lds A ie h S impossibilities and gain confidence to SCC accomplish their dreams. Black Caiman Alligator NPF Rock Bookmark Baile de Fuego Latin Dance Hall Create your own bookmark of one of Village 1:30PM-1:40PM Paper RollGiedt Rhinoceros Beetle e Stops the largest alligators of the Amazon! Breathe, dance, and feel the music. The Rhinoceros Beetle is the Join Baile de Fuego as we embody Hutchison Dr strongest and largest of the beetles, our fiery passion for Latin dance in Clothespin Poison Dart Frog make your own and compete with the form of salsa, bachata, and more. Poison Dart Frogs are the size of your friends. a thumb, yet they are one of the Mckeever School of Irish Dance Earth’s most poisonous creatures. Irish Step Dancing Toco Toucan Mask Make a frog clothespin and show all The Toco Toucan is one of the most 2:00PM-2:30PM of your friends your colorful creature. popular birds in South America that Beginner’s Irish Dance Workshop like to hop from tree to tree. Create Katgruvs your own Toco Toucan mask and Emperor Tamarin and Pygmy hop likes one of the birds! 2:40PM - 3:00PM Marmoset Popsicle Puppet Percussive Solo Acoustic Guitar The Emperor Tamarin has a great, big mustache and the Pygmy Entertainment Marmoset is one of the smallest monkeys in existence. Come make your own monkey puppets! Davis Wushu Presents “Wushu
C S t.
UCDHorizons Store Bright Information Booth 10:00AM-4:00PM Information about high quality education for young children.
Taiwanese Folklore 10:00AM-4:00PM What did kids play 50 years ago in Taiwan? Come learn and make your own Taiwanese Folklore with the Davis Chinese school. Siege the Castle! 10:00AM-4:00PM Calling all knights! Design and color your own shield, then build a catapult and storm the castle!
Nelson Gallery
Earth/Physical Sciences
World Dance and Martial Arts 11:00AM-4:00PM Tour the globe aboard the SynRG ship. The SynRG crew will take you to Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and beyond, as we explore music, dance, and arts from these foreign lands. From salsa and flamenco to Bollywood and Kung Fu. Watch SynRG performers in colorful, authentic costumes and then jump in for some hands-on fun. Learn about ancient martial arts, groovy dances, or just stop by for a Bathroom Locations henna tattoo. HQ Picnic Day Headquarters March of Dimes Crafts Table 12:00PM-3:00PM FACT! FUNFUN FACT In 1921, to celebrate the 13th Picnic Day, Pete the Calf Make crafts to donate to a local trekked from UC Berkeley to UC Davis in 97 hours. In 1921, to celebrate the 13th Picnic Day, NICU and show support for families Pete the Calf trekked from UC Berkeley to and their premature babies. Vanderhoef Quad
Green Iguana Dot Art The Green Iguana is the biggest Equestrian lizard in the Amazon, reaching 6 to Center 7 feet in length. Come use colorful paint to decorate your Iguana today. Jaguar Popsicle Puppet Come learn about one of the fiercest predators, the Jaguar, and make a puppet to take home. Paper Plate Blue Morpho Butterfly Come make some beautiful, blue, paper plate butterflies. Paper Puppet Piranha Decorate the puppet any way you would like and have a puppet show with your new friends!
Zoo Rumble!” 10:30AM-10:50AM Davis Wushu is back again for their 2nd annual performance at the Children’s Discovery Fair, with our members dressed as zoo animals and more showcasing wushu forms, skills, and tricks. Bring the family to watch pandas punch and bears block in this fun, safe, and cultural performance. SynRG 11:00AM-11:30AM World Dance and Martial Arts Jishin 11:45AM-12:00PM Jishin is a dance group that performs Soran Bushi, a traditional dance depicting the Fishermen of Japan, and Yosakoi, a fusion of traditional and modern Japanese Dance.
UC Davis in 97 hours.
Visit Our Booth at Picnic Day and learn how to get your best score with proven strategies & expert instructors!
Main Stage
Kindred Spirits 11:00AM-11:50AM Folk/Rock
Embassy 10:30AM-10:55 AM Alternative Rock
Katgrüvs 10:30AM-10:45AM Solo Guitar Artist
The Afterglow 12:00PM-12:15PM Pop Rock
Brave Season 11:15 AM-11:50 AM Indie Rock
Gravy Nation 11:00AM-11:30AM Rock/Pop
Picnic Day
Jazz Society @ UC Davis 12:30PM-1:00PM Live Jazz
Spirit in Motion Dance Company 12:05PM-12:30PM Ball Room Dancing
Irish Dancers of UC Davis 11:45 AM-12:00PM Irish Dance
Unbound Progression Dance Company 1:10PM-1:25PM Dance
Whee The People 12:45PM-1:05PM Indie Soul Pop/Rock
The Spokes 1:30 PM-1:50 PM A Capella
Boysenberry 1:25PM-1:45PM Folk and Alternative
Pine Street Ramblers 2:00 PM-2:30 PM Swing and Old Time Fiddle Music
DonGato & Co. 2:05PM-2:30PM Latin Band
Kendall Frisoli and Stephen Becker 2:45PM-3:00PM Alternative Acoustic Guitar and Vocal Covers
The Liquid Hotplates 2:40PM-2:55PM A Capella
Bomba Fried Rice 3:10PM-4:00PM World Music Whee The People 4:20PM-5:00PM Indie Soul Pop/Rock
Crywolffs Violin 3:05 PM-3:20 PM Instrumental Electric Violin Samantha Sipin 3:30PM-3:45PM Acoustic Covers Dandedini and Amanda 3:55PM-4:20PM Magic Show Kaz Mirblouk 4:35PM-5:00PM Garage Psych
FUN FACT In 1935, classes were suspended the day before Picnic Day, so that all students could prepare for the event.
FUN FACT! In 1935, classes were suspended the day before Picnic Day, so that all students could help prepare for the event.
Sablier 12:15 PM-12:45PM Light Rock
The first woman served on the Picnic Day
The first woman on Picnic Day committee in 1925.served Her responsibilities were the in women’s activities. committee 1925. Her responsibilities
were the women’s activities.
Bakuhatsu Taiko Dan 1:00 PM-1:30PM Japanese Drumming Abigal Rico 1:45PM-2:00PM Jazz/Soul/Hip Hop Singer The Lounge Lizards 2:10 PM-2:25 PM A Capella Manasa 2:35 PM-2:55 PM Belly Dance G-Mile 3:05 PM-3:25 PM Hip-Hop/ Spoken Word Davis Chamber Choir 3:35 PM-3:55 PM A Capella
Food Options Booths Campus Rotaract Club of Davis Italian Soda and Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches
Chicanos/Chicanas in Health Education Flan and Horchata
Circle K International at UC Davis Root Beer Floats
Delta Epsilon Mu
Dining Services Food Booth WEST QUAD
10:00AM-5:00PM La Crepe from the Silo
9:00am-4:00pm Indian Food Truck CORNER of SOUTHWEST QUAD
Dumplings and Thai Tea
Taco Food Truck & Ice Cream
Japanese American Student Society
Fruit Smoothies
Mga Kapatid
Sisig Tacos and Strawberry-Infused Water
Muslim Student Association
Chicken Biryani and Samosas with Mango Lassi
Mustard Seed Ministry
Bulgogi and Kimchi with Rice
Newman Catholic Center
Chicken Adobo Tacos and Sago Gulaman
Nu Alpha Kappa Shaved Ice
Thai American Student Association Fried Chicken and Matcha and Pudding
Theta Tau
Mac & Cheese with Broccoli and Hash Browns
Silo Union Starbucks 8:00AM-6:00PM Carls Junior, Pizza Hut Express, Taco Bell Express 10:00AM-6:00PM Grab & Go 8:00AM-6:00PM Star Ginger (Silo Courtyard) 11:00AM-5:00PM
Halal Cart (Silo Courtyard) 10:00AM-6:00PM
Super Food Booth & Ice Cream Carts
Gunrock Pub (at the Silo Union) CLOSED
Food Booth &Ice Cream Carts
Starbucks @ the ARC 8:00AM-4:00PM
Pizza Guys Food Truck & Ice Cream Cart COLE FACILITY
C-Stores - Trudy’s, The Junction & Crossroads 10:00AM-8:00PM
Fusion Fresh Food Truck
UCD soccer team
Fun Fact!
First UCD soccer team formed- all First UCD soccer team formed - all foreign students. Played first game on foreign students. Played first game on Picinic Day in 1952. Picnic Day in 1952.
BioBrew (at Science Lab Building) 8:00AM-4:00PM
West Village Market 8:00AM-10:00PM
Student Organization Fair
Permias at UC Davis
Chicken Satay and Green Salad with Orange Selasih
Located on East Quad Disclaimer: Food Booth sales are not conducted by the University of California, Davis.
FUNFACT FACT! FUN The daybefore before Picnic Daycalled wasJudging calledDay Judging The day Picnic Day was where male students could show off skills in the Day where male students could show off skills in agricultural industry
the agricultural industry.
Customers provide credit/debit card information at their own risk. The University does not guarantee the security of any credit/debit information collected in this transaction.
C ay ard W How
Ave. ornia Calif
Student Organization Fair (Quad District) Quad 10:00AM-4:00PM Plant Building
American Institute of Professional Geology and Geology Club
Aggies for Humanity AIESEC Davis
Dobbins Field
Voorhies Hall
ve lds A
Nintendo Club at UC Davis
Best Buddies
Star Trek Club at UC Davis
California Aggies in Recovery
Prytanean Women’s Honor Society
Statistics Club at UC Davis
California Health Professional Student Alliance at UC Davis
Slavic Assocation of Ambitious Youth
Chess Club at UC Davis Parade Route
Solar Car Team at UC Davis
SD Parking Clinica TepatiShuttle
Supporting Survivors with Four Legged Friends
Solar Car Team at UC Davis Earth/Physical Sciences
Vanderhoef Quad
Student Fashion Association (SFA) Taiwanese Graduate Student Association The Wildlife Society
Undergraduate Psychology Association Vietnamese Cancer Awareness, Research & Education SocietyHQ (VN CARES)
Mujeres Ayudando la Raza Muslim Student Association National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) at UC Davis Older, Wiser, Learners (OWL)
Nelson Gallery
Japanese American Student Society
Information Booths
DD Bus Shuttle Volunteer Check-In
Collegiate 4-H at UC Davis Creative Writing Community at Food Locations UC Davis
American Medical Response Davis Chamber Choir Lost Children PicnicComputer Day Headquarters Davis Science Club Association Shuttle Stops
Why Waste?
Davis Dance Marathon
Wildlife and Aquatic Animal Medicine
Davis Historical Fencing Club
Morning Sign Out
The Navigators at UC Davis The Wildlife Society Vietnamese Cancer Awareness, Research & Education Society (VN CARES) Wildlife and Aquatic Animal Medicine
Davis Racing Dragons
FUN FUNFACT FACT! The track meetmeet had grown include 1218 The track hadtogrown to include 1218 participants from 71 California high school, participants from high schools, making it the largest one71 dayCalifornia high school track meet in the world. making it the largest on day high school
track meet in the world.
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering
ASUCD Whole Earth Festival
Sigma Omega Nu
IGNITE at UC Davis
International New Life
Narrative Pre-Health at UC Davis
Forensic Science Student Organization
Global Environmental Brigades
Guitar Club
Asexual Community at UC Davis
RAVT New Hope
Gates Millennium Scholars Association
Global Environmental Brigades
Irish Dancers of UC Davis
Davis Computer Science Club Giedt
Forensic Science Student Organization
Gates Millennium Scholars Association
American Red Cross Club at UC Davis Anthropology Club at UC Davis
Rock Quiz Hall Bowl at UC Davis
Economics and Business Association
Alpha Phi Omega American Academy of Physician Assistants Student Society at UC Davis
Davis Aggie Lions Club
UCD Store
Angels of Hope
Davis Accounting Society
2nd S
Fire/Police Chilean Student Association at UC Station Davis
. F St
Cruess Hall
Hickey Gym
C St.
3rd S
Davis Student Veterans Organization Delta Delta Delta Delta Lambda Phi
LET’S BEGIN 9 6 0 1
Animal Health Fairs began in 1960. Animal Health Fairs began in 1960.
Donors, Friends, Sponsors Donors (2011-2016) Larry and Janice Corbett John and Jane Eadie Paul Cody Gregory and Victoria Chakerian Joseph and Maria Monteleone The Honorable Tom W. Stallard The Honorable Meg S. Stallard Lyndon Huling Charlie Colato Dustan Li Max Tipp Richard O’Malley Scott Family Nguyen Family In honor of Annette Nguyen In honor of Grace Scott In memory of Joey Almario Molly Bechtel Kitling Mitchell Cathy Spriggs Meg & Tom Stallard Kevin Chuc Charlie Colato Danielle Eckert Hope Welton & Matthew Gawlick Kenneth Gelatt Jim & Patricia Geraghty Steve Hill
Elizabeth Houston Fay & Jerold Hulbert In memory of Eric Jarvi Joseph & Maria Monteleone Jennifer Mappus Anne Myler Emily Nuester Harriet Prato Sandra Redenbach Fred Rios Cathy & Sean Stannard-Stockton Barbara & Darrell Wilson Jonathan Wu Randall Yuen Broc & Sharon Zoller Anonymous Donor in honor of 100th Picnic Day Kevin Hadidjaja Jacquelyn Kong In recognition of Rich Shintaku Mary & Robert Allessandrelli Diana Barnes Brett & Jill Burns Carol & William Chandler Steve & Allison Chilcott John & Maya Clifton Andrew Do Fay & Jerold Hulbert William Kromydas Jennifer Mappus David & Terryl Mappus Michael McKinlay Patrick & Stella McKinney Joseph & Maria Monteleon
James & Kay Morison Robert Orr Frank & Georgina Pearce Georgene Poulakidas Sandra Poysa Harriet Prato Stephen Rae Henry & Mary Rodegerdts Carol & Dan Rupe Donna & Ubaldo Tonella Randall Yuen In Memory of Ted Adams Dr. Susan Boiko & Dr. Martin Schwartz Kevin & Kim Bacon Dirk & Nora Brazil Katrina Brinckmann Linda & Mark Champagne Allison & Steve Chilcott Lexer Chou Charlie Colato Daniel Homerick Charles Kelemen Mike Myler Mark & Tisha Hendricks Monica Lindholm Kinzie & Robert Murphy Babs Sandeen Marty Swingle Adam Thongsavat Fred & Mary Wood Heather Zoller
Friends of Picnic Day Endowment In May 2011, Tom and Meg Stallard, both former Picnic Day board members, were honored to receive the UC Davis Foundation’s Charles Soderquist Award, which is given in recognition of volunteer leadership and support of philanthropy at UC Davis. The Soderquist Award comes with a $5,000 prize, which recipients designate to the university program of their choosing. Tom and Meg chose to use the prize to establish the Friends of Picnic Day Endowment. “We have established the Friends of Picnic Day Endowment with the hope that it will help refocus the event on its original purpose – to provide a day of fun that unites campus and community and showcases the many contributions that UC Davis is making in the region, across the country, and around the world,” the Stallards said. Throughout the past year, a number of others have made additional gifts to the Friends of the Picnic Day Endowment. Most notably, the endowment recently received a $38,000 gift from the Victor Chu Estate. Coming back to campus for Picnic Day with his family was an annual tradition that Dr. Chu, a double alumnus, loved. If you are interested in making a gift to the Friends of the Picnic Day Endowment or making a donation to Picnic Day you can do this online. Your support will join in the tradition that has been vital to Picnic Day continuing to be the cherished event that it is.
Donate to Picnic Day
Special Thanks From the Board Departments Ceremonies and Special Events, CAAA, Sodexo, Aggie Feed, Aggie Hosts, Aggie TV, AMR Yolo County, ASUCD, Cal Aggie Alumni Association, Burgers and Brew, California Aggie, Campus Recreation and Unions, Center for Student Involvement, Ceremonies & Special Events, City of Davis, Coldwell Banker Real Estate, Creative Media, Conference & Event Services, Davis Alcohol and Other Drug Coalition, Davis Chamber of Commerce, City of Davis City-UCD Student Liaison Commission, Davis Downtown Business Association, Davis Enterprise, Davis Police Department, Division of Student Affairs, Environmental Health & Safety, Facilities Management, Government & Community Relations, IET—Academic Technology Services, Office of Sorority & Fraternity Life, Office of Chancellor and Provost, Parcel Dispatch PDQ, University Dining Services, Strategic Communications, Student Affairs Marketing & Communications, Student Health Services, Repro Graphics, Strategic Communications , Transportation and Parking Services, UCD Stores, UC Davis Fire, UC Davis Police, UC Davis Stores, University Development, Unitrans, Wells Fargo Stage Coach. People Abhay Sandhu, Adela De La Torre, Adilla Jamaludin, Alex Lee, Alex Park, Allen Doyle, Andy Fell, Anne Myler, Ann Pierson, Anthony Palmiere, Ben McNulty, Bill Kuhlman, Bob Bowen, Bob Ono, Brandon Chan, Carol Swafford, Carey Avery, Casey Nguyen, Charlie, Cindy Spiro, Clarisa Lovato, Clemente Stokes, Cynthia Kranc, Dave Hennigan, Don Dudley, Doug Gisi, Edo Kurtovic, Elizabeth Cote, Elizabeth Paul, Emil Tehrani, Emily Prieto, Eric Kvigne, Francisco Lara, Gaby Renteria, Gareth Smythe, Gary Sandy, Gina Rios, Glenn Glasgow, Greg Clipper, Greg Ortiz, Hallie Kiernan, Heather Lou, Heather Zoller, Jaime Allen, Janice Corbett, Janna Tolla, Jen Garcia, Jennifer Thayer, Jodi Stelley, Joyce Tuttle, Kevin Lynch, Lyndon Huling, Jason Lorgan, Jill Parker, Jim Patterson, John Zertuche, Julia Ann Easley, Justin Ling, Justin Lok, Karen Nikkos-Rose, Kathy Wilton, Kelly Stachowicz, Leilani Kupo, Lisa Wells, Louise Uota, Mabel Salon, Matt Yancy, Mariah Watson, Matt Carmichael, Michael Guerrero, Mike Cardenas, Miguel Guerrero Milton Lang, Monica Wilson, Morgana Yahnke, Nefreteri Broughton-Cooley, Nelson Randolph, Olin Hannum, Paul Cody, Paul Takushi, Paula Nichols, Polly Paulson, Raeann Davis, Rebecca Miller, Ricardo Martinez, Richard Ronquillo, Rich Engel, Rocci Twitchell, Samantha Alcantara, Sandy Morgan, Sarah Brodberg, Sheri Atkinson, Stacey Winton, Stacy Miller, Stewart Savage, Thomas Whitcher, Tom & Meg Stallard, Ton Phan, Tracy Roman, Travis Milner, Tyson Mantor, Valerie Lamarre Laurent, Vincent Kwon, Wendi Strange. All of the individuals who signed the Picnic Day Pledge. All of the many other campus departments, 500 volunteers, friends, parents, family, and roommates that helped make Picnic Day 2016 a success! 20
Picnic Day Covenant Signatures Thank you to the Davis businesses who have supported Picnic Day by signing the Covenant. It is with their support that we can have a more safe and family friendly event. Check our website for the list of businesses at
Picnic Day 2016 Pledge In a manner reflective of Aggie Pride, I pledge to: -Conduct myself responsibly at Picnic Day 2016. -Respect other students, faculty, staff, community members, and guests to ensure a positive Picnic Day experience. -Make safe and healthy decisions. -Step up and speak out in any situation that could potentially cause harm to another person or myself. -Support and encourage others to take responsibility for preserving Picnic Day for future generations of Davis students and the community. Thank you to all students, community members, and attendees for signing the Picnic Day pledge to promote safety and personal health. The pledge can be found here:
Zero Waste Campaign The Quad and the Silo Union are part of Zero Waste campaign on Picnic Day, where the goal is to recycle and compost as much waste as possible. Recycle your soda can or water bottle and compost your food scraps at one of our zero waste stations at the Quad and Silo!
Smoke and Tobacco Free UC Davis is a 100% smoke and tobacco free campus. Learn more at:
Have a Fun and Safe Picnic Day Safety Enhancement Zone Will Be in Effect Effective Friday, April 15 at 6 PM to Sunday, April 17 at 6 AM. $400-$480 per violation in the downtown Davis area, along Covell between Highway 113 and the railroad tracks and between 1st St. and 8th St. Citable violations include: • General noise ($478) • Urinating in public ($478) • Open containers of alcohol in public and in marked complexes ($478) • Smoking violations ($478) Noise Citation: $239 minimum anywhere in Davis No Alcohol is permitted on campus.
Thank You To Our Sponsors!