Liebermanc portfolio dr oz show launch campaign

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Title "Dr. Oz Hour" with Hospitals “Dr. Oz Gives America a Physical” Survey Daytime Emmys


Launch event


TCA - "Cedar Sinai Day Field Trip"

Events Events


TCA - "Wellness Suite"


"Dr. Oz Health Talk Express"


"Dr. Oz's Campaign for Health"


"Oz Fest" Healthcare Summit

Events Events

On the Road with Oz TCA - "Dr. Oz Wellness Center"


All About You Seminars


Dr. Oz CES


Description Encourage hospitals to participate in “Dr. Oz Hour,” where all hospitals TV are tuned in to the Dr. Oz show during premiere week. Simple and user friendly Annual “Dr. Oz Gives America a Physical” Survey conducted in association with Pew Institute or Roper Dr. Oz can present an award with Oprah to make a statement about her endorsement of the show Secure opportunity for Dr. Oz to host a red carpet event in support of the show’s launch. Top-tier photo, electronic, print, and online media outlets would be invited to cover and attend. The party would encompass the “Living Life Better” theme with meditation rooms, free massages, a smoothie bar / health food, exercise machines, a spa room, and waiters and staff wearing scrubs. The first two episodes of Dr. Oz will be screened at the launch party as a sneak peek for attendees. Field trip - Cedar’s Day hospital tour with Dr. Oz (BNC) Agency will draft talking points for panel, media outreach, and on-site staffing. Organize a stunt to increase panel attendance as well as media opportunities. (Consider a Dr. Oz “Wellness Suite” at the Beverly Hills Hotel, featuring massage, aromatherapy and other stress-busters, as well as personal interaction and assessment from Dr. Oz.) On-site physical exams for critics which can be used to create additional media opportunities Dr. Oz Health Talk Express – Put together a one or two week tour where Dr. Oz travels to multiple cities on the Health Talk Express. Create a national campaign to keep America thinking about a healthy future. Announce the Dr. Oz “cabinet” consisting of contributors from his new show. Dr. Oz and his cabinet will state their plan to lead America to a longer, healthier life. Partner with a national gym such as Bally Total Fitness and offer incentives to join. Dr. Oz and his cabinet will campaign across America bringing awareness to the show. Oz Fest – Dr. Oz’s Healthcare Summit: Gathering of top medical experts – his peers – to discuss a plan to address these concerns, on a national level. It will be a major media event that kicks off the show and gives citizens a chance to give input as the show begins Create DR. OZ bus or RV that is branded and outfitted to take on guests for a DR. OZ experience Turning TCA Panel into an experience: The Dr. Oz Wellness Center Dr Oz “It’s All About YOU” Seminars—Once show experts are named, we would explore the opportunity for SONY to ‘take the show on the road.’ Dr Oz, and his team of experts who cover all health areas, would be booked in several major markets around the country to discuss staying young, staying fit, offer anti-aging tips and beauty from the inside out. SONY would produce these two-hour seminars. We would work with local affiliates to promote ticket sales and attendance Create Dr. Oz show presence at CES with the All About YOU wellness booth, with Dr. Oz on hand for meet and greets and book signings. Experts will be readily available, so visitors can sample proven mental and physical rejuvenation techniques such as yoga, chair massage, reiki, reflexology, biofeedback, catnap in a sleeping pod and get their blood pressure checked. Emerge feeling revived, refreshed and balanced, courtesy of Dr. Oz. Experience could be recreated at TCA and select station visits 11/19/2013

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High Profile Events


Station Visits


Town Hall Meetings

Media General

Media General

Rachel Ray

Media General Media General

Satellite Radio Talk Shows

Media General

Top Ten List


Interactive Texting


Mobile Texts


"Operation Oz"




"According to Dr. Oz"


Dr. Oz Downloadable Back to School Guide


Description Arrange for Dr. Oz and his wife to attend high profile and select events in NY, LA, DC, and Chicago. Possibilities include the White House Correspondents Dinner, Vogue Magazine’s Costume Institute Ball at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Time Magazine’s Man of the Year Awards, GQ Man of the Year Awards, upcoming movie premieres and appropriate charity functions Dr. Oz pays station visits to key markets as launch approaches and again for November Sweeps. Do one-stop shopping in those cities and pitch local newspapers and radio outlets Organize a Town Hall - Team up with The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (NCPTP), sponsored by magazine such as Ladies Home Journal or Redbook, for a Town Hall meeting hosted by Dr. Oz and his wife Lisa (possibly timed to coincide with release of the organizations’ annual national report regarding middle-schoolers and sex). The topic has, most recently, received major media attention after it was revealed that Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, is pregnant while still in high school. Partner with TV outlet (20/20) and print news to cover event. Work with the NCPTP to cast panel from their prestigious board. The show would provide dubs and create an educational kit with the NCPTP who will distribute it to youth development organizations, after-school programs, teen pregnancy prevention specialists and other local community outreach groups for local screenings for educational discussion tools Opportunities: Talk show appearances (daytime and primetime), in-person appearances, Daytime Emmys, Long-lead magazine coverage, local affiliates visits, 4th of July celebration appearance in New York, attend All- Star baseball game, PROMAX, TCA and appropriate red carpet opportunities such as blockbuster Sony movies. Pitch Turkish cooking segment with Mehmet and Lisa Oz. Or, Rachael could surprise Dr. Oz by taking some of his favorite Turkish dishes and surprising him on his set Satellite Radio/ TV Tour to promote launch Premiere week segments with Dr. Oz as he debuts his new show It’s important to continue to showcase Dr. Oz as a multidimensional personality. Suggest he narrate a “Top Ten List of Medical Misconceptions” for Premiere Week Suggest regularly scheduled show segment such as Medical Polling with interactive element accomplished by viewer texting Work with exclusive mobile carrier to offer subscription to Dr. Oz’s Daily Health Tips sent to viewer’s phones as text messages. Tune-in information will accompany all messages Having so many digital tools at our disposal doesn’t do much good without identifying passionate fans and viewers who are willing to spread the word. One of our primary goals is to galvanize existing and new Dr. Oz fans to build a “special opps.” community we’re calling Operation Oz. Members of Operation Oz act as our digital foot soldiers, using Oz show subjects and segments to reaffirm the “Living Life Well” aspects of the show. Their positive feelings can be turned into uploaded video, Tweets from the show or doctor’s waiting room. Podcasting is a controllable digital solution to promote the Dr. Oz show Begin direct communication between Dr. Oz and his potential viewers through newsletters, widgets and other capabilities such as Varitalk As students and teachers begin to return to school in late August, Dr. Oz and will launch a healthy back to school guide which would be downloadable from the website 11/19/2013

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Title "Dr. Oz as Media Innovator" "Facebook News Feed"

Description The first medical professional to harness the true power of social networking to help millions


Live Web Chats


News Bureau

Online Expansion

Produce live web chats with Dr. Oz for show launch and specific sweep programming Utilize the News Bureau to encourage show’s website to evolve into the go-to site for the latest medical information, much like WebMd or Whether it’s ‘what type of anesthesia is appropriate for an outpatient cosmetic procedure’ or information and resources on ‘the benefits of massage,’ the News Bureau covers breaking and general medical news. Expand presence on and suggest additional real estate on this website to include Dr. Oz show-related information

Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online





Create and update DR. OZ Facebook profile daily to drive traffic. Dr. Oz responds to video questions from users on YouTube; these can be sponsorable quarterly events Ask Dr. Oz" (can also be executed on Facebook and MySpace). Create a team of online evangelists, promoting Dr. Oz’s wellness agenda, on all major social network Dr. Oz Online Team sites. Team with Facebook for monthly health events/symposiums, possibly with Dr. Oz keynoting an online Facebook gathering of medical experts, who can respond to health questions on Facebook (in an “Ask the Experts” type format). Facebook [On Facebook] Send frequent updates, incorporating both text and video, to Dr. Oz’s fans. (DKC) RSS partners Partner with related web sites, and syndicate Dr. Oz’s RSS feeds to these sites. Set up groups on all leading social network sites (Facebook, MySpace, etc.) regarding relevant topics to Social Networking Groups drive traffic to DR. OZ site. Set up a DR. OZ Twitter home page. • Promote Dr. Oz as the first top medical professional to embrace Twitter Twitter. Widgets and Applications Develop a DR. OZ application for Facebook, syndicate this application to other sites YouTube Create DR. OZ YouTube channel, and related channels for top ten health and wellness topics. Utilize the News Bureau to further publicize Dr. Oz’s latest book: YOU: Being Beautiful / The Owner’s "You" Books Manual for Inner and Outer Beauty America’s Broken Healthcare System—Dr. Oz is an expert on more than just medicine--he also holds an MBA from the Wharton School of Business. He can speak with authority about the nation’s healthcare America's Broken system and the business of medicine. A new Administration will be taking office and healthcare will be a Healthcare front and center issue, more than ever before Autism is one of the hot button medical issues at the moment, generating heated discussion from both Autism sides of the debate. Dr. Oz will look at the issues (such as questioning the validity of an autism diagnosis) with the top experts who treat this disease Create ongoing Dr. Oz blog that regularly highlights show topics. On a regular basis, plant clips, blogs, Blog photos, upcoming events and promotional materials of the show on social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace Breaking Celebrity Medical News / What’s Really Happening Medically With A Celebrity—When a person in the public eye gets sick, the media may downplay what's going on because the information is filtered Celebrity Medical News through their publicist. Dr. Oz would focus on the details, talk about medications a celebrity will have to take and how that will affect them, and he’ll educate viewers about what these patients face long term.



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Other Links


Other News Sites




Localized stories




Bergen Record


Cosmo/ Glamour/ Self



Print Print

Family Circle/ Women's Day Good Housekeeping / Redbook / Ladies Home Journal


GQ / Best Life / Details


Men’s Health / Maxim / GQ


More Magazine


New York Magazine


Parents / Child Magazine



Print Print

The New York Times Sunday Magazine Time Out Magazine DR OZ - CREATIVE IDEAS REPORT 12-3-08 by type

Description Target and link to online sites geared towards health, medicine, and nutrition, such as Health.Com, AARP.Org, and MayoClinic.Com Establish links with media sites such as CNN, Reuters, AOL Health, MSNBC, and Yahoo, to further extend the site's reach Potentially create a Dr. Oz peer-to-peer network with emerging technology that will be available First Quarter ’09, to enlarge audience and share show materials in network Regional print and online stories on local individuals – who would featured on DR. OZ and/or on the DR. OZ blog – who have battled medical or lifestyle issues and are training for a great event such as an Ironman competition of climbing Mount Everest Harvard and University of Pennsylvania newspapers (the Harvard Crimson and the Daily Pennsylvanian) about specific feature coverage given Dr. Oz’s alumni status. Hitting this college demo will also give Dr. Oz an opportunity to continue to promote his HealthCorps initiative Dr Oz’s hometown newspaper will be included in top market newspaper phoners. We suggest arranging major market newspaper conference call in the weeks leading up to premiere to use Dr Oz’s time most efficiently Pitch Health Editor “Lisa & Mehmet Oz Offer Five Things You Can Do Tonight to Improve Your Sex Life.” Take advantage of Dr. Oz’s monthly column to promote show with female celebrity interviewing him. Pregnant celebrity could guest-edit story on Male Sexuality or “Men in Delivery Rooms.” Pitch Dr. Oz’s home/office for a feature here Cover stories will be pitched with these magazines for one-one interviews with Dr. Oz

Female celebrity interviews Dr. Oz for story, “Guys, Don’t Hide your Feminine Side,” which could be tied to a segment for a story on Workout Routines for Guys In Their 50’s” —pitch along w/additional alpha-male candidates (e.g. Bo Dietl, Simon Cowell, Matt Lauer) Pitch Health Editor to discuss articles / suggest a Dr. Oz/More-sponsored events featuring his expertise, accompanied by his wife Lisa’s insights Offer interview if above falls through Could be Parenting Tips from Dr. Oz: Is He a Wizard at Home, Too? The real story behind some of Dr. Oz’s recommendations. How did Dr. Oz, the dad, induce his children to eat healthy? Did he ever take his kids to McDonald’s or give them junk food? The Birds and the Bees, Oz-style An at home cover story, focusing on this next phase in his life. The interview would include his hobbies, anecdotes from his kids, parents, and his wife Lisa, who can discuss what it’s like to be married to America’s doctor. The publication could also feature former patients whom Dr. Oz operated on for a “Where are they Now?” sidebar, which would also be tied to a segment Q&A with The Doctor Of New York As He Prepares To Go National. Three questions with Dr. Oz for Premiere Week 11/19/2013

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Top 50 TV Book Covers


TV Guide / EW USA Today / USA Weekend / Parade / AP

Print Print

Women's Health


Father's Day SMT


Book and Event Promotion


IRTS Speech

Stunt/Topical/Other "American Heart Month"

Stunt/Topical/Other "Dr. Oz's Grand Rounds"

Stunt/Topical/Other "Freshman 15"


"Today Show Wedding Series"


"Trick or Treat" (Halloween)


Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Stunt/Topical/Other Daylight Stress Savings DR OZ - CREATIVE IDEAS REPORT 12-3-08 by type

Description Pitch feature story/package on Dr. Oz’s most compelling patients, Eastern & Western medicine, behindthe-scenes at Dr. Oz web chat, round ups Cover story and one on one with Dr. Oz and family Pitch editor Dr. Oz’s omnipresence in cable and syndicated television, the web, satellite radio, magazine columns, books…“Is Dr. Oz the New King of All Media?” Create long-term partnerships with features editor to track episodic storylines over course of show’s first season Father’s Day Satellite Media Tour – In the days leading up to Father’s Day execute a satellite media tour geared towards men and fathers discussing men’s health and providing tips for living a healthier life

When appropriate, strategically pitch opportunities surrounding book promotion and speaking engagements as a means to energize Dr. Oz’s fanbase and pique interest of the general public /media (i.e. pitch Parade/USA Weekend in support of the show when book makes bestseller list) Arrange for Dr. Oz to speak at the very prestigious International Radio & Television Society Foundation (IRTS). Possibilities include their Newsmaker Series, Q & A Seminars, or Roundtable Seminar. Invite key members of the press to attend. Pitch column items before and after event American Heart Month – As the leading heart surgeon Dr. Oz can complete radio tours throughout the month to bring awareness to proper heart health. Dr. Oz’s Grand Rounds – Like all doctors who are required to complete “grand rounds” to enhance and build on their training, create a series of “grand rounds” for Dr. Oz to complete in February 2010. As part of the “Grand Rounds” publicity campaign and in an effort to continue the health education of American’s working force, Dr. Oz will visit America’s working force at fire houses, police stations, military bases, schools, and even hospitals to encourage those serving America to protect themselves through better eating habits and regular exercise. Each round could be sponsored by a local affiliate and newspaper. Freshman 15 – Have Dr. Oz pen tips on how to avoid gaining the “Freshman 15” by making smart choices at the cafeteria. Service the article to college papers nationwide and bring awareness of Dr. Oz to the college demographic. Today Show Wedding Series – Partner Dr. Oz with the existing wedding series. Create a segment where he counsels the couple on how to get in shape for the wedding and continue on a healthy plan for the rest of their lives. The show will track the couples’ progress over the course of their engagement. Following the wedding, we could invite the couple to appear on DR. OZ and discuss their health make-over. Trick or Treat – Dr. Oz knows what is inside the foods we eat and can decipher if we are tricking or treating our body with sugary foods. Dr. Oz’s tips on how families can celebrate Halloween and still maintain healthy eating habits to the top 50 newspapers. Cervical Cancer Awareness Month – Partner with Gardasil® to promote the causes and effects of cervical cancer and discuss how women at any age can protect themselves. Daylight Stress Savings – You’ve listened to Dr. Oz all season and have finally achieved good sleeping habits, so don’t let loosing an hour of sleep throw off all your hard work. Dr. Oz will offer tips to keep your internal clock in check while setting the clock an hour ahead. 11/19/2013

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Stunt/Topical/Other Daytime Emmys Dr. Oz’s Campaign for Health update Dr. Oz’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays Stunt/Topical/Other (both physically and mentally) Stunt/Topical/Other Earth Day Stunt/Topical/Other

Stunt/Topical/Other Flu Season


National Alzheimer’s Disease Month


National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Description In early 2010, begin working with SPT and Harpo to isolate the best episodes of DR. OZ thus far in order to begin a compelling Daytime Emmy campaign. Dr. Oz’s Campaign for Health update – This would be tied to sweeps and play heavily into affiliate involvement. Dr. Oz’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays (both physically and mentally) Draft and distribute a press release with Dr. Oz’s guide to staying relaxed and healthy during the holiday season. This guide will be serviced to weekly magazines, the top 50 newspapers and appropriate websites. A satellite media tour will be tied to sweeps. Earth Day (April 22) – A healthy planet = a healthy body. Flu Season – Dr. Oz is the expert on how to strengthen your immune system and avoid getting sick. Time articles to run during the winter months in local newspapers and weekly and monthly magazines. National Alzheimer’s Disease Month –Team with AARP to service tips on how to detect the early warning signs of Alzheimer’s and determine if your loved ones need additional medical care. Dr. Oz will also address how to handle the stress of caring for older parents. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Work with the hosts and producers at all of the top daytime talk shows such as Ellen, Rachael Ray and The View to join forces for the fight against breast cancer

National Nutrition Month – Secure features in cooking and lifestyle magazines to highlight Dr. Oz’s healthy eating tips for National Nutrition Month. Work with Kraft or another corporate sponsor to provide moms with healthy snack suggestions and recipes for easy to make family dinners. National Physical Fitness and Sports Month – As the show prepares to go on summer hiatus, facilitate a National Physical Fitness Stunt/Topical/Other press campaign around summer fitness and Dr. Oz’s tips for living a healthy summer while his show is in and Sports Month reruns! Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve – B|W|R will work with Dick Clark Productions to have Dr. Oz take New Year's - Dick Clark’s Stunt/Topical/Other part in the New Year’s Eve celebration and share with America positive resolutions for the New Year. New Year’s Rockin’ Eve Stunt/Topical/Other National Nutrition Month

Stunt/Topical/Other New Year's Resolution Stunt/Topical/Other Nurses Day Stunt/Topical/Other Stress Awareness Month Stunt/Topical/Other

"Grey's Anatomy" guest star

Stunt/Topical/Other Premium ideas

Stunt/Topical/Other 4-C Draw DR OZ - CREATIVE IDEAS REPORT 12-3-08 by type

New Year’s Resolution – Work with Dr. Oz to create a viral New Year’s resolutions campaign that will be sent to both journalists and consumers alike. Nurses Day (May 6) –DR. OZ salutes the hard working nurses of the year by inviting them to be in the audience and honoring them on his show. Stress Awareness Month – Dr. Oz is always talking about the negative effects that stress has on the body. Put together a credit card sized list of tips to stay relaxed. This will be available on guest starring role in Grey’s Anatomy (as a character who used to work with Dr. Hahn Develop a list of appropriate premium items that could be used to remind reporters of our premiere date: it could be something as simple as a heart-rate monitor for walkers that we could mail one month prior to launch; door knob tags that say “The Doctor is In or Out” that can be used at TCA hotels instead of Do Not Disturb signs; or a leather journal or binder which could be used by reporters during their TCA sessions Effectively convey Dr. Oz’s 4-C draw (credibility, compassion, candor, and charisma) as the lure for guests’ appearances. Reinforce his celebrity status and mass appeal among both women and men 11/19/2013

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Stunt/Topical/Other Ally with Washington

Stunt/Topical/Other Celebrity Issues

Stunt/Topical/Other Dr. Oz To Go

Stunt/Topical/Other Leader Stunt/Topical/Other Natural Disasters


Description Establish relationship with new Administration in Washington D.C. to create quarterly Dr. Oz Health Summits to promote a National Wellness Agenda During Premiere Week, take advantage of Dr. Oz’s star status with celebrity guests who have famously overcome health obstacles (for example, Mary Tyler Moore and Halle Berry are diabetic, LeAnn Rimes battles eczema, Randy Jackson has Type 2 diabetes, Michael J. Fox has Parkinson’s Disease, James Earl Jones is a stutterer, Patrick Swayze has pancreatic cancer, Jenny McCarthy has an autistic son, Jackie Joyner-Kersee has asthma, Cher and Danny Glover are dyslexic) Create Dr. Oz To Go, branded flash drives downloaded with targeted information for different needs that range from ‘how high can the baby’s fever rise before I have to call the doctor’ to ‘what are the warning signs of heart attacks, specifically in women.’ Content could be directed at Expectant Moms, New Moms, Sports Injuries, Eating on the Run, Staying Fit on the Road, etc Position Dr. Oz as a thought leader with his finger on the pulse of the day’s top stories and breaking news Weather-related or Natural Disasters—When another catastrophe occurs, such as Hurricane Katrina, Dr. Oz will be able to immediately respond


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Updated Communications Strategy

Presented by

August 6, 2009 1



D A N K L O R E S C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 386 Park Avenue South, 10th Floor, New York, New York 10016 tel: 212.685.4300 fax: 212.685.9024

AUGUST 10, 2009

“The Dr. Oz Show”

Three‐Phased Plan • Phase One: Pre‐Launch (Through week of September 4) • Phase Two: Launch (September 1–September 25) • Phase Three: Post Launch (September 28‐November)


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Pre‐Launch Through week of September 4


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One • • • • • •

• • •

Generate and secure strategic long lead placements and media partnerships Generate and secure strategic short lead placements, including print, online, and broadcast Paid Digital Media Added Value Breaking Health News Process Electronic Press Kit Events: ‐ Television Critics Association ‐ Time Magazine/Aspen Institute Satellite Media Tour/Radio Media Tour Planning Affiliate Press Trade Outreach


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Long Lead GENERAL INTEREST Time (4,000,000) ‐“10 Questions” Q&A is on stands now, possible inclusion in the 9/11 issue, and discussing relationship.

AARP (21,000,000) ‐ We have proposed a May/June cover, and are awaiting feedback from the editor‐in‐chief.

Reader’s Digest (12,058,981) ‐ Q&A for the front of the book health section to appear in the September issue.

People (3,803,000) ‐ The magazine is interested in featuring Dr. Oz the week of launch.

USA Weekend (23,000,000) ‐We are in contact with the health editor about the idea of Dr. Oz penning a story about staying healthy in a recession or cutting through the catch phrases and buzzwords that have become marketing tools in the health and wellness world. Note: Pursuing online crossover presence with each publication


“The Dr. Oz Show”


Good Housekeeping (5,032,901)‐ One page Q&A in October issue, on newsstands Sept. 15. Topic is “What Patients Should Tell Their Doctors.” A possible partnership with production for a May cover is ongoing. Woman’s World (1,332,904) ‐ Woman’s World will feature Dr. Oz on the cover of their issue hitting newsstands August 31. The story focuses on diet and weight loss tips from Dr. Oz and YOU: On a Diet” and includes testimonial from Kym Whitlock, previously featured with Dr. Oz on TOWS. Story includes a tune‐ in plug for September 14 premiere.

O, The Oprah Magazine Family Circle (3,896,088) ‐ Family Circle will develop a piece (2,394,303) ‐ Monthly Dr. Oz column. The partnership kicks off on teens and sex with Dr. Oz with a cover snipe in dispelling commonly held the September issue. myths. Family Circle will use statistics from previous research Glamour (2,340,958) ‐ Feature it conducted and orchestrate story with Dr. Oz explaining new polls to use in the piece. “Anatomy 101” for the 20‐30 “The Doctor Oz Show” will develop a segment based on the something woman for the October issue. piece. The issue will hit stands October 13 and the show will air within 3 weeks of that date. The Health Magazine (1,383,173) ‐ segment will refer to the article Feature story complete with and show the cover of the photos of Dr. Oz for the magazine. September issue. The focus is his tips for the American Family, and the piece includes show information as well. Includes a cover snipe. 6

“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Long Lead MENS INTEREST


Men’s Health (1,868,500) ‐ Dr. Oz to provided “30 Best Health Tips Ever” for their October issue. Includes cover snipe.

Prevention (3,300,000) ‐ Wants to do a “10 Tips to Optimum Health” article. Interviews to be scheduled, photos to be chosen. Discussions in progress.

Esquire (721,113) ‐ Show highlight in “This Way In” section for September issue and column snipes promoting the new show beginning in the August issue.

Natural Health (364,000) ‐ “Vital Persons” feature story with photos. The story hits newsstands August 14th.Cover story for November issue on healthy Thanksgiving. Heart Healthy Living (270,000) ‐ Four‐page feature story in the September issue (on newsstands August 15th). The article is a profile piece with photos and a large sidebar about the show.


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Long Lead PARENTING


Scholastic Parent & Child (6,700,000) ‐Feature story that answers reader questions for their August/September issue that will include a special health report for their annual back to school issue. Cover snipe included.

Delta Sky Magazine (5,200,000 impressions) ‐ “Talk Show” feature confirmed for September.


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Long Lead AFRICAN AMERICAN Ebony (1,451,427) ‐ Some interest and initial discussions about an interview with Dr. Oz for their October or November issue.

Black Enterprise (530,655)‐ Pursuing inclusion in a four‐part personal health and wellness feature starting in the August issue and ending in the November issue.

Essence (1,089,495) ‐ Pitching the health & relationships editor about including Dr. Oz in their November issue. *Planning to tie in with NFL announcement .


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Short Lead Outreach National Dailies and Wires ‐USA Today

‐Associated Press

‐The Wall Street Journal


‐The New York Times

‐Knight Ridder

‐Los Angeles Times


‐The Washington Post


Note: Reporters from each publication above will attend TCA


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Short Lead Outreach Top 25 Regional Dailies (In order of circulation) ‐New York Daily News

‐Chicago Sun Times

‐Atlanta Journal Constitution

‐New York Post

‐San Francisco Chronicle

‐The San Diego Union ‐Tribune

‐Chicago Tribune

‐The Boston Globe

‐Sacramento Bee

‐Houston Chronicle

‐The Plain Dealer (OH)

‐St. Louis Post ‐Dispatch

‐The Arizona Republic

‐Detroit Free Press

‐The Orange County Register

‐The Denver Post

‐Philadelphia Inquirer

‐Orlando Sentinel

‐Newsday (NY)

‐The Star‐Ledger (NJ)

‐The Seattle Times

‐The Dallas Morning News

‐St. Petersburg Times

‐Miami Herald

‐Star Tribune (MN)

‐The Oregonian


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Short Lead Outreach Newspapers with Sunday TV Books ‐Los Angeles Times

‐Houston Chronicle

‐The Washington Post

‐The Arizona Republic

‐Daily News (NY)

‐The Dallas Morning News

‐New York Post

‐San Francisco Chronicle

‐Chicago Tribune


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Short Lead Outreach Weekly Magazines ‐People

‐Business Week

‐TV Guide

‐New York Magazine

‐Entertainment Weekly

‐Time Out New York

‐The New York Times Magazine

‐Time Out Chicago



“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Short Lead Outreach

Online (In order of page views per month)

General Interest

General Health


‐Huffington Post *on going relationship

‐MSN Health

‐Black Voices

‐Yahoo! Health

‐Black Planet


‐The Root

‐Fit Sugar

‐My Black Info

‐Revolution Health


‐Health Line

‐Black Universe

‐Everyday Health

‐Get Black

‐Right Health

‐Shades of You

‐AOL ‐ ‐Daily Beast ‐Salon ‐Slate

‐Well Sphere


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Short Lead Outreach Online

Men’s Interest


Women’s Interest*


‐Baby Center

‐Yahoo! Shine



‐Daily Candy

‐Daddy Types


‐Urban Daddy


‐LifeScript ‐Cosmopolitan


‐Dooce ‐Bella Sugar

‐Rude Cactus

‐Alpha Mom ‐Hungry Girl

‐Creative Type Dad

‐Blissfully Domestic *Work in conjunction with Simon & Schuster to ensure greatest media coverage with no overlap in pitching

‐Savvy Mommy


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Short Lead Outreach National Television Outlets ‐Good Morning America

‐Entertainment Tonight

‐The View

‐Access Hollywood

‐Live with Regis & Kelly


‐ABC World News Tonight



‐The Insider

‐Larry King Live

‐Fox News Channel

‐The Charlie Rose Show


‐The Late Show with David Letterman


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Trade Publications ‐Variety


‐The Hollywood Reporter


‐Broadcasting & Cable



‐Multi Channel News

‐Advertising Age



“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Trade Outreach – – – – – –

Personnel announcements Location announcement B&C cover story Contributor announcement MediaWeek‐Marc Berman Ad trades‐foundation sponsors


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Breaking Health News Process •

Dr. Oz to be made available as health news breaks to national and affiliate media

Electronic Press Kit Interview date for EPK is August 10th Includes hospital footage, behind the scenes, show clips and interviews with Dr. Oz, Mindy, etc. • The EPK should be complete and shipped by late August • EPK to be provided to national media and all affiliates • •


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One EVENTS TIME/Aspen Institute Health Forum The Aspen Institute Health Forum is the preeminent health news event of the summer, with TIME magazine as the presenting media sponsor • • • •

Event date: July 25‐26, 2009 Dr. Oz was the featured keynote speaker Dr. Oz also be participated in two additional panels Time magazine has Dr. Oz featured in the current issue with “10 Questions,” which was conducted by managing editor Rick Stengel. TIME also video taped the interview in front of a live audience and excerpts are available on Event was open to all national and local media to attend and report on all interviews and panel discussions 20

“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One EVENTS Television Critics Association Press Tour •

Biannual conference allows national and cable networks to present their slate of upcoming programming to 150 television writers from national and local media, including top 25 newspapers

Confirmed TCA Position – Friday, August 7th, 12:15‐1:45pm in Georgian Room, at The Langham Huntington Hotel & Spa in Pasadena, CA – Invite hotel room drop July 28th – Reminder email August 23rd


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One EVENTS Television Critics Association Press Tour (cont.) •

Program – Healthy Buffet Lunch ‐ Serve non‐alcoholic "Ozmopolitans" – Ron Sato welcome and introduction of Mindy Borman – Mindy Borman discusses show and sets up sizzle reel – Showcase sizzle reel – Dr. Oz speaks and demonstrates interactive segments – Mindy and Dr. Oz seated for Q&A Media Opportunities – Issue Eddie and Taj/NFL Moms release with newsworthy announcement (contributors, etc.) – Dr. Oz media opportunity on Good Day LA, August 7th 22

“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase One Paid Digital Media Added Value •

Dr. Oz editorial content for digital media buy sites – Glam Media Network, iVillage, MSN, Yahoo!, TV Guide and Blogher

Dr. Oz website content and challenges


“The Dr. Oz Show”

PHASE TWO Launch September 1st – September 25th



“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Two • Media Placements Timed to Launch Week – Tent poles – Mid and short lead – Television – Digital features • Conduct Satellite Media Tour and Radio Media Tour • Dr. Oz Show Junket and Set Visits • Trade Outreach • Suggested Non‐traditional Media Opportunities


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Two • Media Placements Timed to Launch Week (cont.) – Late Show with David Letterman, Tuesday, September 8th – Good Morning America, Friday September 11th – The View, Monday September 14th – *more to be confirmed as launch week approaches


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Two • Conduct Satellite Media Tour and Radio Media Tour – SMT with national and affiliate media scheduled for September 10th for promos to run weekend before – RMT scheduled for September 14th and 15th – Additional time available on September 14th and 15th for interviews

• Dr. Oz Show Junket – Invite affiliates and national media to Dr. Oz set – Scheduled for September 3rd


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Two • Trade Outreach Continue Ad trades/unique marketing Ratings stories • Suggested Non‐traditional Media Opportunities – Throw out the first pitch during MLB Playoffs televised on Fox – Interview live in the booth during any MLB or NFL games televised on Fox – Fashion Week


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Two


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Two


“The Dr. Oz Show”

PHASE THREE September 28th – November 30th



“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three • • • • • • •

Production Events Affiliate Trips Affiliate News and Feeds News of the Day (continued) and Show Topics November Sweeps Trade Outreach Additional Non‐traditional Media Opportunities


“The Dr. Oz Show”


Additional outreach as production schedules unique events


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three Special Production Events • “NFL MOMS CHALLENGE” – Develop stories on their personal journeys for national media, affiliates and hometown coverage – National and local media to be secured • • • • • • • •

National & local dailies Celebrity & Sports weekly magazines African American press Network & cable programs Entertainment & Sports programs Entertainment & Sports websites Local media Digital


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three Special Production Events • “HIGHWAY TO HEALTH EXPRESS” – Add Ten years in 60 days! National anti‐aging challenge. – Kansas City • National and local media to be secured » » » » » »

Cable Networks Entertainment Programs The Kansas City Star KSAS‐Fox Kansas Radio Digital


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three Special Production Events • “DR. OZ AMERICA’S LARGEST FREE HEALTH CLINIC” – Houston – National and local media to be secured • National Dailies • National magazines • Cable Networks • Entertainment Programs • Houston Chronicle • Fox 26 News KRIV • Radio • Digital


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three Special Production Events • 1 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF FLU SHOTS IN ONE DAY – September 30th – Main affiliate partners New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Detroit – Explore opportunities in NYC to involve Mayor Bloomberg; NY Health Commissioner, local celebrity, etc. – National and local media to be secured • • • • • •

National & local papers Cable Networks Entertainment Programs Local TV Radio Digital 37

“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three Affiliate Trip Outreach – – – – – – – –

Houston, September 26th ( Prod) Chicago, September 28th (Affil/Flu) Atlanta, September 29th (Affil/Flu) Boston, October 1st (Affil) Philadelphia, October 2nd (Affil) Detroit, October 13th (Oz event/Affil) Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, October 28, 29, 30 (TBD/Affil) Washington DC, November 5th (Oz event/Affil)

• Potential LA Media Tour – October 26th and 27th – Coincide with Maria Shriver Women’s Conference October 26th – Outreach to Jay Leno, The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Day LA, TV Guide Channel


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three November Sweeps Outreach • Natural Health cover confirmed • Men’s Health feature confirmed, November issue • Woman’s Health feature December issue, out November 17th • National and local media to correspond with production


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three • Trade Outreach – Ongoing success stories – Production events – Select on set photos and activity


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three News of the Day and Show Topics •

Build and utilize Dr. Oz’s expertise for breaking health and wellness news and news created through topics discussed during the show – Dedicated DKC team to handle and disseminate breaking news from the show; staffed by executives with backgrounds in healthcare, media, entertainment, lifestyle and interactive


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three Non‐traditional Media Opportunities • New York Food and Wine Festival – October 10 • Advanced Heart Failure Conference (NYC) – October 17 • Maria Shriver Women’s Conference (LA) – October 26‐27 • Halloween and Thanksgiving related events • Press Outreach for O! YOU Event (Kansas City, MO) – October 24 • Upcoming YOU book launch ‐ December


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three


“The Dr. Oz Show”

Phase Three


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