Cyo- we99 07 july13

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» Egypt’s fight is against Islamism » Defend the Struggle of the Turkish Masses! » University students belong in universities not prisons

» Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

This is a publication of the Communist Youth Organization of the Workers Communist Party of Iran

We are the 99% july 25th 2013

Egypt’s fight is against Islamism

by Maryam Namazie

Millions of protesters are demanding Morsi’s resignation; 22 million signatures have been collected calling for him to step down. If anyone mis-labelled the “Arab Spring” a “Black Spring“, they should think again. The uprisings and revolutions of the Middle East and North Africa were never in support of Islamism though it was labelled as such - both by the pro-Islamist Left and Guardian types so they could carry on justifying their love affair with Islamism on the one hand and the far-Right like Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and the EDL who consider all “Muslims” to be Islamists in sheep’s clothing on the other. The anti-Morsi demonstrations are of all cross-sections of society with large numbers of women, many unveiled. If anyone had any doubts which side they must stand on, there must be none now. From Turkey to Algeria to Egypt, the fight is for bread, social justice and freedom but also against the Islamists… It’s our fight too.

Defend the Struggle of the Turkish Masses! On May 29, 2013, revolutionary mass protests erupted in Turkey against Erdoğan’s government and the rule of political Islam in Turkey. Hundreds of thousands demonstrated across scores of Turkish cities. A movement which was started by the environmental groups in protest against plans to destroy Gezi Park nearby Taksim Square in Istanbul and to turn it to a shopping mall, quickly deepened and widened to become a mass political and social movement across many provinces and cities like Ankara, Izmir, Adana and many more, of its like never been faced by Erdoğan’s government since its coming to power in 2002. This mass movement has called for the Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, to resign, and for protecting freedoms and the secular character of the Turkish society. The world watched masses of discontented people on the streets of Turkish cities attacking and torching offices and headquarters of Erdoğan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP). Thousands have also held gatherings in front of the offices of the prime minister in Istanbul and Ankara. The democratic government in Turkey has revealed its true nature and responded to protesters with tear gas, pepper spray and water cannons. The government violence resulted in injuring thousands of protesters and arresting thousands more. This violence by the government was faced with condemnations across the world. These oppressive measures failed to deter the protesters and in fact have led to the escalation and deepening of the protests which forced the defiant prime minster to bow. With many unions and labor federation announcing a strike, this protest movement has entered an important historical phase. This event is the largest protest movement in Turkey in the last decade. The masses of people in Turkey are angry at the government, which uses every opportunity to change the secular character of the state and law in favor of Islamic reaction and traditions, imposes Islamic restrictions on the society and violates individual rights and freedoms in the name of “the society’s ethnics” and other excuses. They are angry at inflation, high prices, unemployment and the attack on the gains of workers and public servants. They are angry at the policies of Erdoğan’s government in Syria and its role in pushing the Syrian society into a bloody war through its support to the criminal armed Islamic groups in their struggle against the reactionary nationalist regime of Bashar al-Assad, which has so far claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and displaced millions of people within Syria and into neighboring countries. This mass movement is the best answer to all claims by the politicians and mainstream media that have promoted the socalled Turkish example, the “Turkish model of rule” and “Turkish model of moderate Islam,” and posed it as political alternative for protesting masses in countries like Syria, Iraq, Egypt and many other countries in the region. These events have shown the real reactionary and oppressive nature of this notorious Islamic current, which is opposed to the basic rights and freedoms. They have shown that this current is politically bankrupt and has nothing to do with the aspirations of the masses seeking freedom and equality. The significance of the current protest movement in Turkey is mainly because it comes amid a big shift in the region against political Islam and during a juncture of revolutionary political and social protests against this political current. The protests in Turkey advance and complete the shift in society against political Islam in the rest of this region. This movement has dealt and will deal painful blows to the alternative of moderate political Islam. It has ushered the region into a period of political and social conflicts where the working class and the communist and

Islam. It has ushered the region into a period of political and social conflicts where the working class and the communist and revolutionary movement can enter into these conflicts with determination and power. The Worker-Communist Party of Iraq condemns the attacks and oppression of Turkish Islamic government against the protestors. It supports the just struggle of the masses in Turkey and their demands for Erdoğan to resign, for political freedoms and rights to be ensured and for the immediate release of all arrested protesters. Achieving any of the goals of this protest movement will not only empower the struggle for freedom, equality and prosperity in Turkey, but will have a huge impact on the changes unraveling in the region. Therefore the Party calls on freedom and equality seeking masses in Iraq, the region and worldwide to do their utmost in defense of the struggle of the masses in Turkey.

Ali Haydar Çavuş, from Turkey: 1) What are the major demands of the people in the streets of Turkey today? This action is not a revolutionary movement; it is only against the Islamic Dictatorship. People are protesting against this Islamic mentality.

2) What are the underlying demands of the Turkish people? Was this protest only about the theGezi masses in Turkey. Park? No, Gezi Park is only a symbol. For 10 years Tayyip Erdoğan has wanted to create an İslamic Fascist Dictatorship. Everyday step by step he wants to forbid a daily free life style. Tayyip Erdoğan is a student of Hikmetyar in Afganistan. He has relations with Al-Qaida, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria and Egypt. People are protesting against this Islamic mentality.

3) What impact will the Turkish protests have on the Islamic movement in the region? People protest this islamic mentality. for 10 years Tayyip Erdoğan wants to create İslamic Fascist Dictatorship. Everyday step by step he wants to forbid a free life style.

a) What is the role of the occupy movement in the Turkish protests: are the two movements connected? The protesters’ demands are not only one color. There are many groups in the movement: Communists, Socialists, anarchists, anti-capitalist Islamic group, Social democrats, Nationalists, racists etc... However the main groups are Social democrats, Nationalists, and racists and for this reason leadership is not good.

b) How has the media in Turkey and Abroad effected the Turkish movement? Nothing. Because Turhish main media controlled by Tayyip Erdoğan.

Rafaela Menezes, Brazil:

1) What are the major demands of the people in Brazil and why did they choose this time to protest for their demands? What is the government’s response/ is this enough?

The government is ignoring the way that people are groping demonstrations with fake speeches, have removed 53% of the royalties that would go to education, it is as if the population were a hive of clowns, are repelling protests with “fire and sword” tear gas and rubber bullet, being in that manifest is our right in our democracy.

c) What are the underlying reasons for the protest in Brazil? Abusive pricing in transport, lack of security, corruption, abusive impost and no returns.

d) What does FIFA as institution represent in the Brazilian protests? This was an investment (without even having authorization of the population) in the Confederations Cup, basically 3.3 billion dollars, and the World Cup 25.5 billion, money raised by impost that should be invested in health and education (which are bad quality).

Authorities were surprised and so far have not reached an agreement. We get a reduction of 20 cents that would increase the price of public transport, royalties used for education, transforming corruption “heinous crime”, file gay cure and pec 37, but that’s not what we want, we want a free pass, public transport has to be free. b) What are the parameters of the governments’ response

to the protests and what is the alternative?

University students belong in universities not prisons By: Marjan Vaez

It is well known that Iranian university students have been at the forefront of most of the protests against ruling political system in Iran. It is a fact that executions have increased significantly since the 2009 Iranian Presidential election when Iran saw mass uprisings by the Iranian people demanding change, and the subsequent arrests of Iran’s students, lawyers, doctors, journalists, celebrities, filmmakers, and human rights and political activists. The Islamic Republic of Iran has increased its use of executions and torture as a tool to inflict additional fear into society. In Iran, there are numerous students who are not in university and are in prison. The list of names is long and most of them are sentenced to several years in prison. The most common reason which students have been charged with is gathering and collusion with the intent of committing a crime against national security.

One of these student activists is Arash Sadeghi who was enrolled in Allameh Tabatabai University until he was banned from his studies. He has been held in ward 209 of Evin Prison since January 15, 2012. He was beaten by prison guards on June 1, 2013 and in this way he began a hunger strike on the same day. On July 2009, Arash was arrested for the first time and after spending 53 days in prison he was released on bail. Arash was arrested again on Dec 27, 2009 while attending demonstrations to protest the election results and subsequently released in March 2010. Arash was arrested for a third time on January 15, 2012, and has been held in Ward/Section 209 of Evin Prison since then. Arash Sadeghi has been sentenced to six years in prison and 74 lashes by Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Pir Abbasi, who charged him with “Collusion and conspiracy against the regime” and “Disseminating propaganda against the regime”. The sentence was later reduced in an appeals court to five years in prison.

According to several news agencies: Arash has been on a hunger strike since June 1, 2013 and he has been violently mistreated by prison guards several times. Arash has not been transferred to a public ward and he is still being held in Ward/ Section 209 of Evin prison in solitary confinement

confinement which is a clear case of torture. Several efforts to get more information about him have produced no results.

There are many political prisoners like Arash Sadeghi in Iran who are abused and tortured by the Iranian regime. We should not allow Arash Sadeghi and other political prisoners like him to be forgotten. Together we can help them. It is essential to highlight the situation of political prisoners in order to increase the international attention on the human rights’ issues in Iran and also calling on the Iranian authorities to release Arash Sadeghi and other political prisoners immediately and unconditionally. Urging them to protect Arash Sadeghi from torture or other ill-treatment and to provide him with all necessary medical care, and ensure he is treated humanely. We must urge them to ensure that he is removed from solitary confinement and allowed family visits and access to a lawyer of his choosing.

asked to hit strict production targets.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa Europe

shipyard workers protest in northern Spain Hundreds of shipyard workers protested in northern Spain on July 11 against a possible European Union (EU) ruling forcing the industry to return state aid. Shipbuilders have been badly affected since the EU ordered the end of subsidies for the sector in 2011. “Workers now fear Brussels may demand that the industry return the bulk of the €3 billion euros ($4.0 billion) it received in the form of tax incentives between 2005 and 2011,” said Agence France Presse. Protesting workers in Vigo, in Galicia, marched from the port to the European fishing agency offices shouting, “We want to work, not emigrate!” Navantia workers in the industrial city and naval station of Ferrol, also in Galicia, went on strike for two hours. Construction of the Australian Royal Navy’s 25,000 tonne Landing Helicopter Ship HMAS Adelaide, the last ship being made at the Ferrol estuary shipyard, was halted as 2,000 workers downed tools in protest. In Sestao, a city in the Basque region, workers marched between two yards. The Spanish shipyard association, representing 19 private yards, has warned that paying back the state aid would mean the end of the industry in Spain and the loss of 87,000 jobs.

Junior doctors in Ireland to take strike ballot

Non-consultant hospital doctors (NCHDs) are to be balloted next month on possible action over “dangerously” long working hours. Under European law, NCHDs should be working a maximum of 48 hours a week, but some exceed 100 hours. The Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) says that the long hours are leading to a recruitment crisis in some hospitals and are forcing many young doctors to emigrate. IMO Assistant Director of Industrial Relations Eric Young said patients are in danger as NCHDs are forced to work shifts in excess of 24 hours, and often 36-hour continuous shifts. The ballot of NCHDs is to begin on August 8.

Strike by workers at Irish vegetable and salad producer

A 24-hour strike took place July 11 at vegetable and salad producer Milne Foods in Birr, Co Offaly, on the Syngefield Industrial Estate, over pay and conditions. The pubic sector union, SIPTU, says the dispute centres on the company’s failure to implement Labour Court recommendations calling for a meeting with workers’ representatives to discuss improving pay and conditions. The union wants premiums for overtime and shift work to be paid.

Lock keepers strike disrupts German cargo, cruises

A week-long strike by lock-keepers in Germany was due to end last night, after causing severe disruption.

The action, called by the public sector Verdi union, was in response to plans to centralise regional waterways and shipping offices, which places 3,000 jobs in jeopardy. Worst affected by the strike were Bavaria, Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia-key inland cargo areas. There were restrictions and blockages on key rivers and canals, including the Rhine-Herne canal, Danube, Main, Ruhr, Danube-Main connection canal, Neckar, Dortmund-Ems canal and Wesel-Datteln canal. On Thursday, the union temporarily paused strike action at selected locks in West Germany after cargo shipping was blocked and large numbers of barges built up.

Strike of pathology workers at three Yorkshire hospitals

Pathology workers at Leeds General Infirmary, St James’s Hospital, also in Leeds, and Bradford Royal Infirmary took 24-hour action Tuesday in a dispute over working arrangements. Unions had agreed that some staff would stay at work to provide emergency cover. Hospital bosses say the 140 workers concerned are on more favourable terms than elsewhere. But union members claim the changes could be unsafe and cost some employees as much as £20,000 a year. Biomedical scientist Mike O’Sullivan, a Unite union rep, said they agreed that their current working system needed to change, but the plans were to alter the systems “overnight” without extra resources. Around 350 patient appointments were re-arranged due to the strike.

Workers at Capita UK vote to strike

Workers at the business process outsourcing company, Capita, have voted to strike after the company offered them a 1.1 percent pay rise, despite profits and dividends to shareholders going up 10 percent. The dispute centres on the company’s performancerelated pay policies, and its decision to impose a pay deal which would mean around 90 percent of staff getting a pay increase less than inflation. This follows several years of real-term pay cuts and increased pension contributions. Listed on the London Stock Exchange as a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index, Capita is the largest business process outsourcing company in the UK with an overall market share of 27 percent in 2009, and has clients in central government, local government, and the private sector. Industrial action at the company could affect Deutsche Bank (Abbey Life), Prudential, Royal London, Met Life, Phoenix, and Friends Life.

UK pottery workers vote for action over pay

Around 180 workers at Denby Pottery and Burleigh Pottery in Stoke, part of the Denby Holdings group, have decided to take action industrial in a dispute over pay. They reportedly have been offered little or no pay increase over the past five years despite being asked to hit strict production targets.

Leeds council contract maintenance workers vote to strike Over 250 Council housing maintenance workers in Leeds have voted to strike in a dispute over a performance-related bonus scheme and an alleged lack of consultation with workers. The workers, directly employed by the company Morrison, repair and maintain 37,000 south and west Leeds homes on behalf of Leeds City Council. According to the Yorkshire Evening Post, “Morrison has had a troubled relationship with the council, having been told to improve twice since it won the £175m five-year contract in 2011. “But when the firm was taken over by Mears last year, it saw performance improve although there still appears to be tension between staff and management.” Middle East

Laid-off Iranian steelworkers protest The Iranian Labour News Agency (ILNA) reported that 180 laid-off workers from the Zagros Steel Factory gathered Tuesday on Pasteur Avenue in Tehran to protest their dismissal. ILNA said that 235 workers were laid off last week for what management describes as “a lack of operating profit and the consequent financial constraints.” The workers, who began their protests in Kurdistan Province before going to the capital, are demonstrating against unpaid wages and the lack of job security. An Iranian MP said this week that 82,000 steelworkers have not been paid in three months, which was blamed on international sanctions.

Hebron hospital workers to strike Workers at a Hebron hospital announced Saturday that they will suspend health services for a week in protest over unpaid wages. Dr. Yousef al-Takruri, chairman of the Al-Ahli Hospital workers’ union, told Ma’an that staff had not been paid for the last three months, with some workers not even able to afford the cost of transportation to get to work.

Africa Moroccan union representatives arrested Two UMT (transport) union representatives were arrested last week following a march of bus drivers in the city of Fes. Police attacked the marchers and their family members. This follows a series of antiunion measures including strike-breaking and nonrecognition of unions across the country.

Namibian bank workers seek pay increase Bank workers employed by the First National Bank (FNB) are seeking a 10 percent pay increase. The workers are members of the Namibia Bank and Allied Workers Union (NBWU). The NBWU was in negotiations with the FNB, but the bank has now stated it will no longer negotiate through the union. FNB claims to be offering a 10.7 percent pay increase, but according to the union the real figure is just over six percent.

FNB claims to be offering a 10.7 percent pay increase, but according to the union the real figure is just over six percent. FNB workers held a march in Windhoek last week in support of their demand. Speaking to the media on Tuesday, NBWU vice president Olsen Kahiriri said the union is seeking legal advice over FNB’s refusal to negotiate and added plans were going ahead for a nationwide strike of FNB staff to begin at the end of the month.

South African miners stage sit-in Around 1,000 miners at the Cons Murch antimony and gold mine in Limpopo are on unofficial strike. Around 100 of the miners are involved in an underground sitin protest which began on July 12. They have been joined by other miners who have surrounded the pit shaft entrance, making production impossible. They are demanding payments of dividends owed to them by the mining company Village Main Reef. The company has been given a court ruling declaring the strike illegal and has issued dismissal letters to the strikers. Most are members of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). The police are maintaining a strong presence in the area.

South African telecommunication workers may strike Talks to negotiate a new pay settlement between the three unions representing more than 20,000 workers at the telecommunications company Telkom and management broke down last Friday. Two of the unions, Solidarity and the SA Communications Union (SACU), have been given certificates of non-resolution from the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration enabling them to ballot for strike action. The Communications Workers Union (CWU) is still waiting for its certificate. The latest offer by Telkom, which was rejected by the unions, would have given some lower-paid workers a six percent pay increase over three years, but high earning workers would be subject to a pay freeze. One of the unions is going ahead with lunchtime pickets and an overtime ban as part of its action.

Kenyan teachers call off strike Following talks between the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) and the Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto, KNUT have ended their 24-day strike. The settlement came after the union accepted a Sh16.2 billion ($187 million) allowance agreement to be paid in two phases. The deal was reached just before a government order to close all primary schools indefinitely was due to come into effect.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific Asia Bangladeshi garment worker shot dead while protesting A garment worker was killed and another injured on July 9 when 20 unidentified assailants fired bullets at workers in Dhaka.

They were marching to join several hundred fellow workers protesting in Merul Badda for improved wages. The Fashion Iceland Garment and Resources Garment employees were locked out after they asked factory managers for leave to join the combined demonstration in Merul Badda. Several striking workers in Malibagh city were also injured when Dhaka police used teargas to break up their street demonstration, which was sparked after factory managers refused a request for leave to join another rally in Aftab Najar for better pay. About 3,000 garment workers at BEXIMCO Fashion Ltd in the Dhaka Export Processing Zone also walked out on July 9 to demand their wages be paid in the first week of each month and for increased allowances. Workers complained that BEXIMCO withholds their monthly dues until the third week of the month. Police were deployed to the factory.

hours per day, and 15,000-rupees minimum monthly pay.

India: Bajaj Auto workers in Pune maintain strike

Chinese healthcare workers protest

Around 1,300 production workers at the Chakan plant of Bajaj Auto Limited (BAL) in Pune, Maharashtra have been on strike since June 25 over a new threeyear work agreement. Workers are demanding a pay rise, improved working conditions and 500 company shares to each employee at one-rupee per share. Management has transferred some production to its sister plant in Aurangabad, and appealed to the labour court to declare the strike illegal. The Maharashtra government, fearing mass industrial unrest following threats of solidarity strikes from workers at 120 companies in Chakan and PimpriChinchwad industrial belt, ordered a July 10 meeting with BAL management and the strikers’ union, Vishwa Kalyan Kamgar Sangathana.

Andhra Pradesh jute mill workers and municipal employees protest On July 8, Kothavalasa Uma Jute Mill workers in Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh protested outside the Collector’s Office to demand that management lift an “illegal” lockout imposed on May 20 and to withdraw bogus charges against employees. The Kothavalasa Uma Jute Mill Workers Union-affiliated with the Indian Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU)-also demanded revision of the current work agreement and payment of all wages during the lockout. The union called off the protest after the Collector’s Office said it would “look into their problem.” Municipal Workers and Employees’ Union (MWEU) members, as part of state-wide action, also demonstrated at the Collector’s Office to demand regularisation of contract workers, a 12,500-rupee ($US250) per month minimum wage, a dearness allowance and health cards. The municipal workers threatened to issue a strike notice if demands were not met by July 10.

Andhra Pradesh ambulance workersn demonstrate On July 8, Government Ambulance 108 Service employees demonstrated in Ongole over a charter of six demands. These included no privatisation of the ambulance service, working hours restricted to eight

Sri Lankan railway workers strike Sri Lanka Railways workers struck for 48 hours on midnight July 7 to demand an immediate salary rise. Most passenger trains and goods trains, including fuel transportation to the international airport, were stopped by the walkout. Workers complained that the government has not implemented the MT 5 pay scale in its 2006/6 circular. Their action followed a picket last week in front of the Salaries and Cadre Commission over the issue. The Railway Joint Trade Union Alliance called off the strike on Tuesday evening, after the government submitted a new salary scale to the Salaries and Cadre Commission for approval. The railway workers have threatened to resume the strike in two weeks if their demands are not met. Around 60 former healthcare workers have been protesting on the steps of the Guangzhou Chinese Medicine University Hospital since May 14 to demand proper compensation and payment of social insurance contributions that have not been made during their more than 10 years’ employment at the facility. The workers complained that they had been laid off in March without any compensation. While some hospital healthcare workers are directly employed, most are employed by labour agencies or are contractors. The Guangzhou Chinese Medicine University Hospital workers, however, did not have formal employment contracts with either the hospital or Kang Ning, its subsidiary health care supplier. Kang Ning paid the workers’ salaries but failed to provide pay slips, which meant workers, had no solid evidence of their employment to present at an arbitration hearing.

Australia and the Pacific New South Wales coal loaders continue rolling strikes After six weeks of rolling stoppages, unions representing over 200 workers at Australia’s largest coal export terminal at Port Waratah Coal Services (PWCS) in Newcastle have extended strike action to include four days of four-hour stoppages on each shift beginning on July 11. The action followed a breakdown in ongoing negotiations on Wednesday.Talks between PWCS, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto, and the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, Maritime Union of Australia (MUA), the Transport Workers Union, the Australian Workers Union and the Communications, Electrical and Plumbing Union have dragged on for more than nine months.The unions want a 5 percent wage rise. The company, as part of a wider restructuring within the Aus-tralian coal industry due to falling demand in Asia, has only offered 3.5 percent on the base rate. They also demanded greater productivity and “flexibility”, including the abolition of current limitations on the exploitation of contract labour, ending management

longstanding disputes-settling procedure.

consultation with the unions on changes to work hours and shifts, and the jettisoning of a longstanding disputes-settling procedure. The MUA indicated in a media statement this week that the unions are intent on satisfying the demands of PWCS. The MUA bragged that “negotiations between unions and PWCS have produced over 50 agreed changes to the current enterprise agreement that will deliver further productivity and flexibility at the world’s biggest coal export terminal.”

Newcastle chemical workers strike After 12 months of failed negotiations, 120 members of the Australian Workers Union (AWU) at the Orica chemical plant on Kooragang Island, Newcastle walked off the job for four hours on July 10 in a dispute over a new work agreement. The company wants to impose new rosters which workers have already rejected. According to the AWU, members have not made any major new claims but want to maintain existing provisions, including “family friendly” rosters.

New Zealand waste recycling workers strike Waste and recycling workers at Australian-owned Transpacific Industries in Gisborne, on New Zealand’s North Island walked out for 48 hours on July 9 to protest the company’s “poor” wage offer in a new pay deal. An official of the FIRST Union said that the company was only offering a 30 cents an hour increase, which means that the Gisborne employees will continue to receive lower wages than their Auckland and Wellington counterparts.

Editors: Chia Barsen Editors' Assistant : Nazila Sadeghi, Milad Zadeh Mousavi

Rohanis execution ropes are also purple

H inter the mask of moderate lurks the deadly repression of the Islamic regime The color of the election program of Rohani was purple. But after the election, 103 people were executed in Iran since mid-June until today. Therefore, people there say: everything is as before. Only the color is purple ... The tactical staging of Rohani “moderate” served as well as serving the deception and euthanasia of the Western public to relieve the political pressure exerted on the Islamic government. And actually go to the German Government, Barack Obama, and Catherine Ashton, the “EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy” on this production one, praise the “moderate president” and raise hopes for constructive negotiations. In Iran, the disorienting message, now turn it’s all for the better. But Iran is not a positive turnaround in sight, and there is also no “moderate president,” but a president who plays a special role for the Islamic regime. Its mission is to build a facade of meekness, to give air time and the totalitarian regime. In fact, the difference between Ahmadinejad and Rohani is only in that the former is the destruction of Israel and the necessity of women’s oppression and segregation touted loudly and clearly, while Rohani - as previously Khatami - the same represents, but in a gentle voice, made-up rhetoric and with laughing face. The effect of the false images of “moderate president” and Iran “on track” is devastating. Although taking place over a hundred executions in Iran within 30 days, mention the Western media, the government and the established parties, which are now all set to their populist campaign with many shady topics. In Iran, I am known as a person who advocates the death row of the Islamic regime. That’s why I get every day from the local prisons calls and listen to the voices of inmates every day, to be executed tomorrow or the day after. And I am often asked by these people, what does the world community to our destiny and what it intends to do about it? Unfortunately I have to answer that Mrs Merkel says nothing and is currently preparing, in accordance with Barack Obama and some politicians, Rohani and whitewash to court, ignoring the brutal repression of the Islamic government completely. The behavior of the West against the Islamic government based on two fundamental interests: first, here talks about the nuclear program of the Islamic government to play a central role. In this context, we adopt - currently encouraged by the mirage of “moderate president” - still under the illusion that it is possible the government in Iran by creating a “good conversation climate” diverted from their plan to provide the government with the nuclear weapon. Secondly, there is many Western companies about getting back freely enter into business relations with Iran. Here too, the legend of the moderate President Rohani proves as an effective tool. Not human rights, but economic and political interests determine the Iran policy of the West. Together with other Iranian opposition organizations, we have 22 July to 5th August called for twoweek international acts of resistance against the wave of executions in Iran. We call on all people and especially progressive organizations to get involved in our activities and to support us. Because: The death penalty is state murder and must be abolished. Together we condemn the barbaric Islamic fascist regime in Iran. The rulers of the Islamic regime are afraid of resistance and revolutionary activities. For this reason, they accelerate the execution of terror. We must give this barbaric mass murder no longer stand idly by, but must do something about it finally!

Mina Ahadi - International Committee against death penalty

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