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The perfect conservation of an opened bottle of wine

D       


asting, decanting, carafing … now there is also qivining, using the revolutionary Qivino. Qivino is a scientific innovation that enables you to perfectly protect the flavour,

bouquet and hue of wine in an opened bottle. It’s truly something you can’t do without as a wine professional.

Wine keeps best in an oxygen-free atmosphere. Qivino removes the air from the bottle and places the wine under a controlled atmosphere. Its successful results have been proved scientifically. No longer need you waste a single drop of wine from opened bottles of wine that you have qivined. The wine remains in a perfect state of enjoyment, even after several days or even weeks. Qivining is thus the prime technique for you and anyone that serves, sells or offers tastings of quality wines.



We assessed Qivino’s effectiveness at the Faculty of Oenology in 2008. One of the conclusions we came to was that, with qivined wine, the quality of the flavour and bouquet were preserved noticeably better than with untreated wine. Moreover, we didn’t detect any difference between qivined bottles that had been kept for three days and the same wine from newly opened bottles. Professor Gilles de Revel, Oenology Faculty, University of Bordeaux (Talence)

Professor Gilles de Revel tested Qivino at Bordeaux University’s Faculty of Oenology.

S       A number of techniques exist to preserve wine, but none matches up to the perfection of qivining. With qivined wine, it’s as though you are opening the bottle for the first time.

OPTIMUM PRESERVATION GUARANTEED Under a controlled process, Qivino introduces an oxygenfree mixture of natural air components into the opened wine bottle. The mixture, Qivita, is entirely colourless and tasteless and protects the qualities of the wine. Once qivined, the bottle is hermetically sealed. As a result, no oxygen can get into the bottle and compromise the protection. This technique is far more effective than the vacuum method and other, less-precise preservation techniques that use gas.

LONGER STORAGE PERIOD AND BETTER RETURN Even after several weeks, qivined wine still seems to be utterly fresh and very drinkable. Vintners, wine traders,

restaurateurs and wine bars are thus able to maximise the return on their investment in good wine. You need no longer lose a single bottle of wine due to a loss in quality. Your investment in Qivino is therefore repaid very quickly.


Qivino is in step with the trend of drinking less, but of better quality. Offering exclusive wines by the glass is perfectly possible with Qivino. In a restaurant, opened bottles can be served from one sitting to the next without any loss of quality. With Qivino, you’re sure that the wine in opened bottles retains its flavour, even if you serve the wine over a longer period of time.

The Qivino principle is as simple as it is ingenious: the oxygen-rich air is removed from the bottle and replaced by the inert Qivita. I


Our results with Qivino were extremely positive. We couldn’t discern any difference between newly opened and qivined bottles. Thanks to its ease of use and effectiveness, Qivino will be a very handy aid to have at tastings and group visits. Laurence Ters, oenologist at Château Franc Mayne

Oenologist Laurence Ters in the cellars of Château Franc Mayne, Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classé.

A ,   Qivino is a prime specimen of technical and scientific skill. In addition, it looks good and is in perfect company with exclusive quality wines. Whenever you use Qivino, there’s no doubt that your customers will appreciate the fact.

Qivino is a precision instrument. It’s equipped with a pressure chamber which ensures that just the right quantity of Qivita passes into the bottle, at the right velocity and under the correct pressure. In addition to the standard version, there is also Qivino , specially designed for intensive users who want to qivine a large number of opened bottles of wine. Qivita is the name for the oxygen-free, protective atmosphere. It has been specially selected and composed to offer optimum protection to the Qi, the life force and energy of your wine. The inert mixture is certified for use in the food industry and is not in the least harmful to human health or the environment. After use, it simply dissolves back into the air.

The Dopio fulfils various functions. Through the Dopio, the oxygen-rich air disappears from the wine bottle and, at the same time, the protective oxygen-free atmosphere is injected. After qivining, the Dopio ensures that the bottle is perfectly sealed. Qivino and Qivino The Qi-filler contains the Qivita and is made exclusively for Qivino. Only in combination with the Qi-fillers or Qi-fillers does Qivino guarantee complete protection for your wine. The metal cases of the Qi-fillers are not refillable but are 100% recyclable. You can take them to your container park or other local recycling centre.

Dopio, Qi-filler and Qi-filler



Qivino is quite simply a great idea. What’s more, it’s a quality product. You need have no qualms about opening expensive bottles, because you know you’ll be able to keep them for a long time. People that deal with wine as part of their business and place great value on quality will certainly be extremely pleased with Qivino. Sylvia Bonomo, joint owner Monte del Frà estate

Sylvia Bonomo (right) with her family in the cellars of the Monte del Frà estate in the Italian Veneto region.

F      , ’      With Qivino, you keep good wine in top form very simply but extremely effectively.










Press the Qivino down onto the Dopio once. You have successfully qivined if you hear a ‘puff’ or see the wine move slightly. Repeat the application for a longer preservation period.




After qivining, seal the bottle by closing the Dopio. This prevents any further oxygen getting into the bottle. Store the qivined bottle in a standing position. Whenever you open a qivined bottle and subsequently want to further preserve it, you have to qivine it again.

We use this rule of thumb: qivine once for every two days you want to preserve your wine, up to a maximum of six times. For detailed instructions, see our web site at www.qivino.com. If you no longer hear a ‘puff’, the Qi-filler is empty and has to be replaced. A Qi-filler enables you to qivine up to 15 times, and a Qi-filler 70 times. I


Qivino is undeniably effective. With my team of oenologists, I tested Qivino in a number of ways. In all cases, the wines kept their freshness and aroma.Qivino’s reliability and robustness are also distinct advantages. Yvan Meyer, Technical Director and Oenologist at Maison Sichel, Bordeaux

Yvan Meyer, Technical Director and Oenologist at Maison Sichel, Bordeaux.

F    Qivino came about from a passion for wine and a scientific quest for the perfect preservation method. Four years’ work went into this innovative appliance.

During the first few years, the pioneers at Vinventive, the company behind Qivino, investigated all the existing preservation methods and studies. Then, independent scientists joined the project. At Professor Chris Vinckier’s lab at the Catholic University of Leuven, high-precision tests were carried out using an atmosphere reactor. Researchers determined the optimum means of introducing the Qivita into the wine bottle, under what pressure and in what quantity. Professional panels of tasters were also brought in.

Once the Qivino had finally been perfected, it was then further subjected to thorough analysis by wine scientists at the University of Bordeaux (Talence). Their work confirmed that Qivino is able to preserve wine for days and weeks in optimum conditions. In the meantime, Qivino’s unequalled technique has been patented.

Qivino and Qivino



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Scientifically proven, innovative technique


Favoured by top vintners, oenologists, sommeliers and other wine specialists


Ideal for tastings and serving quality wines by the glass

I was immediately impressed by Qivino. The wine tasted as if I had opened the bottle for the first time. Thanks to Qivino, I can now serve quality wines by the glass without having to worry about the cost. Thierry Marchand, Maître d’Hôtel, La Table Calvet, Bordeaux

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Pays for itself virtually immediately

Qivino is efficient, easy to use and much less expensive than most other products. Jonathan Beekman, Owner and Sommelier of De Smidse, Dilbeek

For more information and to order your Qivino, visit www.qivino.com or contact your supplier.

The product has been professionally developed, scientifically proven and perfected. Qivino removes the oxygen and replaces it with Qivita, an inert atmosphere that perfectly preserves the quality, flavour and bouquet of the wine. Professor Chris Vinckier, Faculty of Chemistry at the Catholic University of Leuven

No wine to waste!

For unequalled preservation of wine, without loss of quality

Stylish, timeless design Simple to use, easy to carry

R.P. Marc Dulst, Bierbeekstraat 21, 3052 Blanden (Belgium) | Cypres

People are drinking less wine, but what they drink is of better quality. Thanks to Qivino, you don’t have to drink an opened bottle of expensive wine immediately. Carl Voorhuys, oenologist, Domaine d’Ardhuy, Bourgogne

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