Tierra Celeste 2

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Speculum panel 1.a. 82 cm / 108 cm oil on canvas 2008 – 2009







Speculum panel 1.b. 79 cm / 108 cm. oil on ancient fabric 2008 – 2009




Speculum quotation Rogier van der Weyden Central panel of the triptych The Annunciation, 1434 87 cm / 91.5 cm Musée du Louvre, Paris

Speculum quotation Jan van Eyck The Arnolfini Marriage, 1434 82 cm / 59.5 cm National Gallery, London




Kénosis panel 2.a. 203 cm / 262 cm oil on canvas 2008 – 2009







Kénosis panel 2.b. 93 cm / 119 cm. oil on ancient fabric 2008 – 2009




Kénosis quotation Rogier van der Weyden The Desposition from the Cross 1430 –1435 220.5 cm / 259.5 cm Museo del Prado, Madrid




Fons vitae panel 3.a. 175 cm / 236 cm oil on ancient fabric 2006 – 2007


Fons vitae


Fons vitae


Fons vitae


Fons vitae panel 3.b. 175 cm/36 cm oil on canvas 2009


Fons vitae

Fons vitae quotation Jan van Eyck Central panel of the Adoration of the Lamb finished in 1432 134 cm / 237.5 cm Cathedral of St. Bavo, Ghent

Fons vitae quotation Jan van Eyck Central panel of the Adoration of the Lamb finished in 1432 134 cm / 237.5 cm Cathedral of St. Bavo, Ghent

Fons vitae



Fons vitae

Epiphania 72 cm / 42 cm Oil on panel 2009






JosĂŠ Alberto Marchi Curriculum vitae


Born, lives and works in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1956, he studied at the Escuela Nacional de Artes Visuales Manuel Belgrano, and at the Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes Prilidiano Pueyrredón. From his twenties to his thirties, he held one – man drawing exhibits at Arthea (Buenos Aires, Argentina: 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980) and Wildenstein Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina: 1982, 1984). He has taken part in group exhibits and exhibitions, and he won, among others, the Second Prize for Drawing for Young Artists of the Sociedad Hebraica Argentina (Buenos Aires, Argentina: 1976), the First Prize at the Salón Nacional de Dibujo (Buenos Aires, Argentina: 1986), and the Second Prize for Painting at the IX Bienal de Arte Sacro (Buenos Aires, Argentina: 2004). In 1992, he held his first one-man painting show at Zurbarán (Buenos Aires, Argentina) where he started exhibiting his works regularly and exclusively until 2001 (1992, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001). In 1994, he won the scholarship Mid America Arts Alliance as a resident artist at Kean College (New Jersey, USA). In 2004, he exhibited Solis Flamma, a series of paintings joined by a sound installation by CIRCULAR –duo in which he develops his musical activity together with Daniel Varela– at Podewil (Berlin, Germany). In 2005, he exhibited, both at the Centro Cultural Recoleta (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and at the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino (Rosario, Argentina), Música blanca, a sound-painting concept he also developed within the framework of CIRCULAR. In 2007, he held a one-man exhibit at Latin American Masters (Los Angeles, USA), a at Fundación Mundo Nuevo (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and at Patrick Marchal Gallery (Brussels, Belgium). He was invited as resident artist to the Foundation Art & Performance (Domburg, Holland) in several occasions (2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008). Within the framework of Religio Musica Nova festival (Lazariterkirche, Dübendorf, Switzerland), he introduced to the public El canto celeste, an installation of paintings with a sound concept by CIRCULAR.

CIRCULAR Duo formed by José Alberto Marchi and Daniel Varela in 1999, with the purpose of creating music that would be based on the colour (timbre) of sound and the suspension of time, using strategies that come from minimalism, ancient music, and non-Western traditions. CIRCULAR’s discography includes Circular (2000), El jardín blanco (2001), Inner Time Makers (2002) – all of them brought out by minuscule (Berlin, Germany)–, and Stillness (2003), with the collaboration of Japanese musician Ko Ishikawa on sho (independent edition, distributed by minuscule, Berlin, Germany). CIRCULAR wrote Inner Time Gardens (2004) by request of British curator Benjamin Green for his show One Hour As (FM Resonance, London, England). The duo has been included in the project P-Art Web of Artists of Belgian experimental composer Paul Timmermans, and is part of the community of composers Frog Peak Music (New Hampshire, USA). In 2004, CIRCULAR presented the sound installation Solis Flamma (2003 – 2004) at Podewil Zentrum für aktuelle Künste (Berlin, Germany). They gave concerts at Der Negative Horizont festival (Podewil, Berlin, Germany), at Rachel Haferkamp Gallery (Cologne, Germany), and at Experimenta 2005 and Instantes Sonoros 08 festivals (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Within the framework of Fluxus, una historia con muchos nudos (exhibition held at the MALBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in December 2006), CIRCULAR presented, for the first time in Argentina, fluxus artist Philip Corner’s One Note More Than Once (2005). CIRCULAR is currently working with him on the edition of a piece for winds. In 2007, the duo presented a sound installation at Patrick Marchal Gallery (Brussels, Belgium), and their composition Anunciación (2006 – 2007) was introduced for the first time to the public at Religio Musica Nova festival (Zurich, Switzerland). Within the framework of that same festival, CIRCULAR also presented the sound installation El canto celeste at Lazariterkirche (Dübendorf, Switzerland). In 2009, CIRCULAR is presenting the installations Speculum and Fons vitae, 5 silencios y 5 microformas sonoras within the framework of the exhibit Tierra celeste at Cypres (Leuven, Belgium).


Colophon Tierra Celeste I & Tierra Celeste II


Consisting of two separate booklets, this publication supplements the exhibition Tierra Celeste (José Alberto Marchi & Soundconcept CIRCULAR) at Cypres, Leuven, 20 September — 16 December 2009. Concept: Cypres Design: Sander Vermeulen, Fanclubproject Olivier Lamy Photography: Gustavo Sosa Pinilla (paintings) Patrick Marchal (J.A. Marchi) In cooperation with: Patrick Marchal Gallery, Brussels Ruusbroecgenootschap, Antwerp Credits for the sound concept by CIRCULAR Girl´s voices in Speculum: Colegio Padre L. M. Etcheverry Boneo, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Profesora Sarita Cafferata. Organ in Fons vitae: Christoph Maria Moosmann, Zürich, Switzerland. With kind support from: Architect Jos Vanderperren, Zaventem M van Museum Leuven Denise Vandevoort, Schepen van Cultuur, Stad Leuven Zefiro Torna Leuven Art Galleries Historische Uitgeverij KBC Bank & Verzekering Paard van Troje Stiftsbibliothek Einsiedeln Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University Abtei St.Hildegard Eibingen Walters Art Museum Baltimore

Published by Cypres, 2009 © Cypres & José Alberto Marchi Texts © Martine Peleman, Pieter Vereertbrugghen, Veronique Vandekerchove, Sam Steverlynck. Mercedes Casanegra and Baudoin Oosterlynck. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system, in any form or by any means, without permission from the authors or the publishers. Cypres Vaartstraat 131 3000 Leuven, Belgium +32 16 29 77 37 www.cypres.com

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