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The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation is positioned in, what was once, the administrative building of the Bank of Cyprus. It was built in 1936, in the heart of the historical centre of Nicosia. The foundation was established in 1984, with the main objective being, “to encourage the research and study of Cypriot civilisation, in the fields
of archaeology, history, art and literature”. They do this through supporting research, educational programmes, the publication of books and organising exhibitions and events.
The Foundation has five very important collections, which includes coins, rare books and manuscripts, engravings, old photographs and watercolours, contemporary Cypriot art and an archaeological collection. In addition, the Foundation curates two museums, including the Archaeological Museum of George and Nefeli Giabra Pierides , which was donated by Clio and Solon Triantafyllides, and the Museum of the History of Cypriot Coinage.
Over the years, the Cultural Foundation has been supplemented further, by a number of donations from benefactors, who are keen to keep Cyprus’ heritage alive. These have included maps, watercolours and photographs. In 2013, with the demise of Laiki Bank, the Foundation was further extended, when they absorbed the contents of the Laiki Bank Cultural Centre, and moved the items into their “Collections Hall”, in the Phaneromeni Building.
The collections and Foundation’s activities play a vital part in promoting Cypriot Civilisation through the centuries, to the world.