MBS Magazine Issue 12

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Issue 12 November 2011

FREE magazine Exhibition - Έκθεση cyprus Ολιστικές θεραπείες Holistic Therapies

Περιβάλλον The Environment

Προσωπική ανάπτυξη Self Development

Φυσική διατροφή Natural Nutrition

Υγιεινή ζωή Healthy Living

Nov./Νοε. 12th & 13th 2011 Hilton Park Hotel, Nicosia Sat./Σαβ. : 11:00 - 20:00 Sun./Κυρ. : 11:00 - 19:00

ISSN 1986 - 1931

Entrance: €7

( includes presentations & sample classes ) ( περιλαµβάνη παρουσιάσεις και δείγµατικά µαθήµατα ) sponsored by

“Love to Live”

tel: 96 472717 info@mbscyprus.com www.mbscyprus.com

To adve rtise in the Body & Spirit M Mind, agazin contact Margarit e a Berda adverts nis on: @mbscy prus. com


recycle today for a better tomorrow

welcome καλωσορίσατε

please recycle this magazine Καλώς ήρθατε! Αγαπητοί Φίλοι και Φίλες

Dear Friends

Η Έκθεση MBS στη Λευκωσία ολοκληρώνει το 10ο χρόνο που συγκεντρώνουμε στο νησί μας ανθρώπους που ενδιαφέρονται για τη φυσική υγεία και την προσωπική ανάπτυξη. Έχουμε εξελιχθεί σε μια κοινότητα φίλων τιμώντας και ανταλλάσσοντας τις γνώσεις και τις εμπειρίες μας. Μία από τις ιδρύτριες της Έκθεσης MBS, η Annette, ασχολείται πλέον με άλλα πράγματα. Έχει μια πετυχημένη καριέρα ως ηθοποιός στο Λονδίνο. Τα νέα μέλη της ομάδας μας, η Sara Hollinrake και η Μαργαρίτα (Ρίτα) Μπερδάνη, μας έχουν τροφοδοτήσει με νέα ενέργεια και φρέσκιες ιδέες. Μεταξύ αυτών συγκαταλέγεται η στροφή της προσοχής μας σε περιβαλλοντικά ζητήματα. Το πρόγραμμα παρουσιάσεων του Σαββάτου περιλαμβάνει μια ομιλία του Χαράλαμπου Θεόπεμπτου, του Επιτρόπου για το Περιβάλλον, με τίτλο «Το Περιβάλλον και η Ποιότητα Ζωής», μετά από την οποία θα ακολουθήσουν αρκετές άλλες παρουσιάσεις για τη φυσική κομποστοποίηση (φυτικό λίπασμα) και τη συμβολή μας στη διάσωση της θαλάσσιας χελώνας. Εάν αναρωτιέστε τι σχέση έχει η περιβαλλοντική ευαισθησία με το Νου, το Σώμα & το Πνεύμα, διαβάστε το άρθρο «Αγαπάτε τη Μητέρα σας όπως τον Εαυτό σας» όπου θα βρείτε τις σκέψεις μου πάνω σε αυτό το θέμα! Θα συναντήσετε αρκετούς από τους τακτικούς μας εκθέτες και πολλά νέα πρόσωπα, μεταξύ των οποίων η Caroline Carter η οποία θα προσφέρει Ανάλυση Ζωντανού Αίματος, μια συναρπαστική ματιά στην κατάσταση της υγείας σας. Για κάτι πιο ανάλαφρο, η Ελίνα Παπά ετοιμάζει μια συνεδρία Γιόγκα Γέλιου που σας εγγυώμαι ότι θα φέρει το χαμόγελο στα χείλη σας! Ξεφυλλίστε τις σελίδες του περιοδικού μας και δείτε τι τραβάει την προσοχή σας! Απολαύστε ένα Σαββατοκύριακο ανάμεσα σε θετικούς ανθρώπους, αναζητώντας τρόπους να βάλετε περισσότερο φως, υγεία και ευτυχία στη ζωή σας!

This MBS Expo in Nicosia closes our 10th year of bringing together people on the island who are interested in natural health and self-development. We have grown into a community of friends, celebrating and sharing our knowledge and experience. One of the MBS Expo founders, Anette, has moved on to other things. She is successfully pursuing her career as an actress in London. Our new team members, Sara Hollinrake and Margarita (Rita) Berdanis, have contributed fresh energy and fresh ideas. Among them is a focus on environmental issues. Saturday’s presentation programme features a talk by Charalambos Theopemptou , the Commissioner for the Environment, entitled, “The Environment and Quality of Life”, followed by several other presentations on natural composting and helping out our turtle population. If you are wondering what environmental awareness has to do with Mind, Body & Spirit, read the article “Love Thy Mother as Thyself” for my thoughts on the subject! You will find a number of our regular exhibitors and many new faces, including Caroline Carter who will offer Live Blood Analysis, a fascinating glimpse into the condition of your health. On the lighter side, Elina Papa leads a session of Laughter Yoga, guaranteed to put a smile on your face! Browse through the pages of this magazine and see what attracts you! Enjoy spending a weekend among positive people, looking for ways to bring more light, health and happiness into our lives! In Love & Light, Francesca

Με Αγάπη και Φως, Francesca

Francesca Pinoni, Sara Hollinrake & Margarita Berdanis Coordinators MB&S Exhibitions info@mbscyprus.com www.mbscyprus.com

Information correct at time of going to print. Please check www.mbscyprus.com for any changes to the programme.

The organizers of the MB & S Expos accepts no liability for the opinions of the participants expressed in the content of this magazine/at the exhibitions, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided. As with all things, observe what rings true for you and use your intuition to find what is useful.


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4 7 13 14 16 23

Lecture schedule Presentations (saturday) Fusion7healing Soul Mates Presentations (sunday) Bringing




Your Life

25 26 27 29 35

26 Sign up to the MBS Mailing list and have a chance to win a PRIZE!

Parasites - The Invisible Enemy Love THY Mother As Thyself Nature Versus Nurture Exhibitors Pranic Healing® and Reiki – the differences


The Choice is yours ! Therapies tailored to your needs

Win one of 10 fantastic prizes: A Feng Shui consultation by Margarita A Pranic Facial Rejuvenation value €60

from Helen Weeks -

A SRT (Spiritual Response Therapy) Clearing value €100 from Xenia Ioannidou.


A beautiful angel or fairy from Sandy & Mary of Elemental Gifts - Value €25 A selection of aromatherapy products from Susan of Fragrant Planet – Value €25 3 hours of Life Coaching, Package of 3 separate sessions from Susan Erkan” - total value €100 A gift voucher for “Live Blood Analysis, with free followup test” from Caroline Carter, Healthy Healing - value €65. Your choice of a session of Angelique Reiki , Aura Cleaning and Chakra Balancing or Bio-Resonance / Bicom or S.R.T. from Agelor Activation - Value €60.00 Neck Massage Wrap / Soothing Vibration Massager from Tsiolis Mosaics Trading – value €25 A thick cotton throw from Indian Treasures - value €35

The next mind body & spirit Exibition will take place at the: Kanika Pantheon Hotel, Limassol 31st March & 1st April 2012 For booking information or to place an advert in the MB&S Magazine, telephone 96472717 www.mbscyprus.com, or email adverts@mbscyprus.

Presentations will start on time. Please be seated 5 minutes before.

Lecture schedule Saturday




11:30 am

Wil de Boer Regression Meditation, Journey Through The Subconscious Mind Into Past Lives

Charalambos Theopemptou Commissioner for the Environment - The Environment and Quality of Life

1:00 pm

Wil de Boer Guided meditation. ‘I am”

E.M. Eco- Logic Ltd EM™ (Effective MicroOrganisms) Fighting bad bacteria with good Greek

Life Centre Hatha Yoga session Greek & English

Helen Weeks SuperBrain Yoga

2:00 pm

Wil de Boer Guided meditation “Inner Child”

Turtle Watch -Linda and David Stokes

Caroline Carter The Benefits of Live Blood Analysis.

Adonis Ellinas Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

3:00 pm

Wil de Boer Guided Meditation “Forgiveness”

Evi Holroyd How Worms Can Help The Earth

Helen Christodoulou Fusion7 Healing Workshop

Konstantin Pavlidis SCIARTMET Interface - the Meeting Point Between Science, Art & Metaphysics Greek

4:00 pm

Steven Victor Self- Leadership: Collaborating with Wisdom

Gilly Mckay Dimitriou Secrets of Feng Shui Revealed With Energy Scanning

12:00 pm

5:00 pm

6:00 pm

7:00 pm

Heleniq Argyrou M.A. Children in this Age Indigo and More

Heleniq Argyrou, M.A. Drums, Dreams And The Journey To Your Authentic Self


th November

Conservation in Action

Cypria C

Life Centre Power Yoga Greek & English

Salaminia Sammy’s Adventures Animated film for children of all ages

Neophytos Efstathiou The 7 Rules That Can Help You CREATE The Life You Desire Greek

Maggie Erotokritou Soul Mates

Xenia Ioannidou Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) & Spiritual Restructuring (SpR) “Old Lives Become New!”

Edmond Hawila Nutrition: What’s the Deal Anyway?

Benny Vervliet Balance your Life with Crystals!

Marilena Shiamma Akasha Center

Georgia Charalambous Science of Spirituality

Benny Vervliet Numerology

Traditional Hatha Yoga Class

Discover your Self Through Meditation Charalambos Soleas The Law Of Karma & Past Life Therapy

Οι παρουσιάσεις θα αρχίσουν Εγκαίρως. Παρακαλώ να είστε εκεί 5 λεπτά πριν από την έναρξη.

Lecture schedule Sunday Hours


12.00 pm

Master Vasilious Tai Chi workshop for self healing and meditation. How to heal yourself and those around you.


th November

Amathusia Thalia Panayidou Free Yourself from what Holds You Back Greek

2:00 pm

Helen Weeks Pranic Healing. Feeling the Energy. Group Healing for Stress

3:00 pm

Steven Victor Self- Leadership: Collaborating with Wisdom

4:00 pm

6:00 pm 7:00 pm

Caroline Evans ND MH BA (Hons) Nature Versus Nurture - Dealing with Genetic Pre-dispositions Prevention is Preferable to Cure! Sylvia Braun Bringing More Balance Into Your Life

1:00 pm

5:00 pm

Cypria C

Frances Carter Healing Love A workshop for ladies only

Konstantin Pavlidis SCIARTMET Interface the Meeting Point Between Science, Art & Metaphysics Maggie Erotokritou Soul Mates

Korina Kontaxaki Theatro Transcendental

Elina Papa Laughter Yoga & Breathwork Master Your Mind And Body

Transcendental Theatre Workshop Theatre, Yoga, Physical Expression

Vassilis Kyriacou Australian Bush Flower Remedies Greek & English

Susan Annika Erkan How to Use the Law of Attraction in Your Life Susan E. Worwood M.I.F.A. Aroma and the Emotions

Helen Christodoulou Fusion7 Healing Workshop

Jorge Zubieta Positive Psychology & The Power of Your Strengths


Stavros Papageorghiou Archaeoastronomy In Cyprus Greek Universelles Leben Meditation: «As much as you give that you shall receive » Greek

Marilena Shiamma Akasha Center Traditional Hatha Yoga Class Greek & English

Life Centre Healing Yoga Class Greek & English

Constatinos Tellalis “OSHO “I Leave You My Dream” Greek & English

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/ workshops, talks & classes

Presentations will start on time. Please be seated 5 minutes before. Οι παρουσιάσεις θα αρχίσουν Εγκαίρως. Παρακαλώ να είστε εκεί 5 λεπτά πριν από την έναρξη.

Saturday 12th November Dionysus Room - 11:30 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Wil de Boer



Σάββατο 12th Νοεµβρίου 99-935979, holisticcyprus@cytanet.com.cy

Regression Meditation, Journey Through The Subconscious Mind Into Past Lives

Διαλογισμός Αναδρομής, Ταξίδι Μέσω Υποσυνείδητου σε Προηγούμενες Ζωές

Guided meditation exploring the past, present and future all in the Now.

Καθοδηγούμενος διαλογισμός για τη διερεύνηση του παρελθόντος, του παρόντος και του μέλλοντος όλα στο Σήμερα.

Wil is a traditional Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, Great-Grant Master MPRUE/Teacher, Reg Counsellor, Meditation-Teacher. Therapist for Bach Flower Remedies and Regression /Past Lives therapy, MET Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Coach and teaching Poly Energetic classes for therapists. Amathusia Room - 11:30 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια Charalambos Theopemptou



Commissioner for the Environment

Επίτροπος Περιβάλλοντος

The Environment and Quality of Life

Το Περιβάλλον και Ποιότητα Ζωής

The presentation provides a broad range of the various environmental issues together with explanation of the problems, the EU directives, the proposed solution and mostly how it affects our life and the threats to the environment.

Μια εκτενής παρουσίαση των διαφόρων περιβαλλοντικών ζητημάτων και εξήγηση των προβλημάτων, των οδηγιών της ΕΕ, της προτεινόμενης λύσης και κυρίως του τρόπου που επηρεάζεται η ζωή μας, καθώς και τις απειλές για το περιβάλλον.

Salaminia Room - 11:30 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Sammy’s Adventures

Οι Περιπέτειες του Σάμι

A charming film for the young and the young at heart. A sea turtle that was hatched in 1959 spends the next 50 years travelling the world while it is being changed by global warming.

Μια χαριτωμένη ταινία για τους νέους και τους νέους στην καρδιά. Μια θαλάσσια χελώνα που εκκολάφτηκε το 1959 περνά τα επόμενα 50 χρόνια της ταξιδεύοντας στον πλανήτη, ενώ αυτός αλλάζει εξαιτίας της υπερθέρμανσης.

Cypria C Room- 12:00 -Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Life Centre Power Yoga Join us for an uplifting and energizing session of Power Yoga, by Life Centre. Please bring your Yoga mat or a towel

Dionysus Room - 1:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Wil de Boer Guided meditation. ‘I am” Reflecting on our control, meditating on power, exploration beyond the personality


Ελάτε να συμμετάσχετε σε μια αναζωογονητική και τονωτική συνεδρία Power Yoga, από το LIFE CENTRE. ¦áòáëáìïàíå îá æÛòåôå øáìÀëé çéÞëá Ü ðåôóÛôá

99-935979, holisticcyprus@cytanet.com.cy Καθοδηγούμενος διαλογισμός. «Είμαι» Συλλογιζόμαστε πάνω στον έλεγχό μας, διαλογιζόμαστε πάνω στη δύναμη, διερευνούμε πέραν της προσωπικότητας


Amathusia Room - 1:00- Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια E.M. Eco-Logic Ltd EM™

Table 50

Fighting bad bacteria with good. EM™ is a combination of useful, regenerative and beneficial microorganisms that exist freely in nature.They comprise many different kinds of effective, disease-suppressing microorganisms, each of which has a specific task to perform. Learn about their benefits. The micro-organism in EM are both naturally occurring and are harmless to humans, animals and plants. In addition, these micro-organisms enhance each other’s working, in other words, a synergy occurs! Cypria C Room - 1:00 Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Life Centre Join us for a balancing and toning Hatha Yoga session, by LIFE CENTRE Please bring your mat or a towel

Salaminia Room - 1:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Helen Weeks Super Brain Yoga is a simple way of stimulating the brain to get better results in memory, concentration and before exams. It is being used in patients suffering from Alzheimers, Parkinsons as well as Autism, ADSD and ADSL and to stimulate very premature babies.

www.em-ecologic.com Η Τεχνολογία των Ενεργών Μικροοργανισμών ΕΜ™ είναι τα αρχικά γράμματα των λέξεων “Ενεργοί Μικροοργανισμοί”. Tο μείγμα ΕΜ περιλαμβάνει ένα συνδυασμό επιλεγμένων, ωφέλιμων μικροοργανισμών, που υπάρχουν ελεύθεροι στη φύση και χρησιμοποιούνται εδώ και χιλιάδες χρόνια μεμονωμένα στα τρόφιμά μας (ψωμί, γιαούρτι, κρασί κτλ). Οι μικροοργανισμοί αυτοί δεν είναι γενετικά τροποποιημένοι ή παθογενείς.

www.life-centre.org Ελάτε να συμμετάσχετε σε μια εξισορροπητική και τονωτική συνεδρία Hatha Yoga, από το LIFE CENTRE ¦áòáëáìïàíå îá æÛòåôå øáìÀëé çéÞëá Ü ðåôóÛôá

99-851102 helenpranichealing@yahoo.com

Η Super Brain Γιόγκα είναι ένας απλός τρόπος διέγερσης του μυαλού για τη βελτίωση της μνήμης, της συγκέντωσης και της απόδοσης σε εξετάσεις. Εφαρμόζεται σε ασθενείς που πάσχουν από τη νόσο του Αλτσχάιμερ και του Πάρκινσον από Αυτισμό, ADSD και ADSL, καθώς και για τη διέγερση πρόωρων βρέφων.

Table 47

Dionysus Room - 2:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Wil de Boer “Inner child meditation,” Guided meditation, connecting and recognizing the conditionings and needs of your inner child.

Amathusia Room - 2:00 Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια Turtle Watch -Linda and David Stokes

Table 73


99-935979 holisticcyprus@cytanet.com.cy «Διαλογισμός εσωτερικού παιδιού» Καθοδηγούμενος διαλογισμός, απόκτηση επαφής και αναγνώριση των εξαρτημένων αντιδράσεων και των αναγκών του εσωτερικού σας παιδιού.


Conservation in Action

Διατήρηση Εν Δράση

Episkopi Turtlewatch is an entirely voluntary organization which everybody is welcome to join. We help to conserve loggerhead and green marine turtles on the beaches between Limassol and Paphos. Both species are classified as endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (ICUN) and both nest on beaches in the Episkopi area.

Η Επισκοπή Turtlewatch είναι μια απολύτως εθελοντική οργάνωση στην οποία όλοι είναι ευπρόσδεκτοι να συμμετάσχουν. Βοηθάμε στη διατήρηση της καρέτα-καρέτα και της πράσινης θαλάσσιας χελώνας στις παραλίες ανάμεσα στη Λεμεσό και την Πάφο. Και τα δύο είδη κατατάσσονται στα απειλούμενα είδη από τη Διεθνή Ένωση για τη Διατήρηση της Φύσης και των Φυσικών Πόρων (ICUN) και αμφότερα φωλιάζουν σε παραλίες στην περιοχή της Επισκοπής.

Salaminia Room - 2:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Adonis Ellinas “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life” Living An Inspired Life Using The Law Of Attraction

«Αλλάξτε τις Σκέψεις σας, Αλλάξτε τη Ζωή σας» Ζήστε μια Εμπνευσμένη Ζωή Χρησιμοποιώντας το Νόμο της Έλξης

Psych-K (Psychology-Kinesiology) is a very easy and effective method, to change the software of our subconscious mind, and bring into our lives what we desire most by using different methods, to reprogram our subconscious beliefs in order to have different, more positive outcomes in our lives.

Η Psych-K (Ψυχολογία-Κινησιολογία) είναι μια πολύ εύκολη και αποτελεσματική μέθοδος για να αλλάξουμε το λογισμικό του υποσυνείδητού μας και για να φέρουμε στις ζωές μας αυτό που επιθυμούμε περισσότερο χρησιμοποιώντας διάφορες μεθόδους, να προγραμματίσουμε εκ νέου τις υποσυνείδητες πεποιθήσεις μας, προκειμένου να έχουμε διαφορετικά, πιο θετικά αποτελέσματα στις ζωές μας.

Cypria C Room - 2:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Caroline Carter

Table 48

99042639 info@healthyhealingcy.com www.healthyhealingcy.com

Healthy Healing Pathos – The Benefits of Live Blood Analysis.

Healthy Healing Πάθος – Τα Οφέλη της Ανάλυσης Ζωντανού Αίματος (LBA).

Video and slides showing live blood samples. The exposure and subsequent understanding of these issues disclosed via LBA has allowed many clients to return their bodies to a state of homeostasis. Edgar Cayce once asserted “The day may yet arrive when one may take a drop of blood and understand the condition of any physical body”. It would appear that time has arrived. LBA special show price of €30.

Βίντεο και διαφάνειες που προβάλλουν δείγματα ζωντανού αίματος. Η έκθεση και η κατανόηση στη συνέχεια αυτών των ζητημάτων που αποκαλύπτονται μέσω LBA έχει επιτρέψει σε πολλούς πελάτες να επαναφέρουν το σώμα τους σε μια κατάσταση ομοιόστασης. Ο Edgar Cayce κάποτε δήλωσε «Μπορεί να έρθει μια μέρα που κάποιος θα μπορεί να παίρνει μια σταγόνα αίματος και να ερμηνεύει την κατάσταση οποιουδήποτε φυσικού σώματος». Φαίνεται ότι αυτή η ώρα έχει έρθει. Ειδική τιμή εκδηλώσεων της LBA 30 ευρώ.

Dionysus Room - 3:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Wil de Boer Guided meditation :’ Forgiveness ‘ Guided meditation into self forgiveness and surrender to the power within.

Amathusia Room 3:00 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια Evi Holroyd Evi’s Worm Works - How Worms Can Help The Earth Recycling food waste, why we should do it and how we can do it with worms (vermicomposting). Get practical information on how to keep composting worms and the benefits. Even if you are squeamish, they are easy, fuss free and very effective at converting food scraps into potent, natural fertiliser. See a “working worm works.” Table 18 Cypria C Room - 3:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Helen Christodoulou

Table 33

25-331471, 99-579169, adonisel@yahoo.com www.adonisellinas.blogspot.com

99-935979 holisticcyprus@cytanet.com.cy Καθοδηγούμενος διαλογισμός: «Συγχώρεση» Καθοδηγούμενος διαλογισμός για την αυτόσυγχώρεση και την άφεση στην εσωτερική δύναμη.

99-756424, eviswormworks@gmail.com, www.eviswormworks.com Πώς τα σκουλήκια μπορούν να βοηθήσουν τη Γη. Aνακύκλωση περισσευμάτων φαγητού, γιατί πρέπει να το κάνουμε και πως μπορούμε να το κάνουμε με σκώληκες (vermicomposting). Θα δοθούν πρακτικές πληροφορίες για το πώς μπορούμε να διατηρήσουμε σκουλήκια κομποστοποίησης στην Κύπρο καθώς και τα οφέλη. Ακόμα και αν είστε «σιχασιάρηδες» είναι εύκολο, χωρίς καθόλου φασαρία και πολύ αποτελεσματικό στην μετατροπή αποφαγιών σε ισχυρό και φυσικό λίπασμα. Θα υπάρχει ένα δείγμα.


Fusion7 Healing - Workshop

Fusion7 Healing - Εργαστήριο

Learn how a skilled practitioner uses meditation, intuitive abilities, psychic perception and guidance, using Fusion7 brainwaves to access readings and instantaneous healings. It is safe, simple and natural. Benefits are felt and achieved even after one session.

Μάθετε πώς μια ικανή θεραπεύτρια χρησιμοποιεί το διαλογισμό, τη διορατικότητα, την ψυχική αντίληψη και την καθοδήγηση, χρησιμοποιώντας τα κύματα εγκεφάλου Fusion7, ώστε να έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτόματες θεραπείες και διαβάσματα. Είναι απλό, ασφαλές και φυσικό. Τα οφέλη είναι αισθητά ακόμα και μετά από μια μόνο συνεδρία. 9

Salaminia Room - 3:00-Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Konstantin Pavlidis SCIARTMET Interface - the Meeting Point Between Science, Art & Metaphysics

SCIARTMET Interface – Σημείο Συνάντησης μεταξύ Επιστήμης, Τέχνης και Μεταφυσικής.

The SCIARTMET Interface is the meeting point between Science, Art and the Metaphysics in life and can be described as a Three Way relationship or Trilogy. It refers to the process of unifying our opposites through researching the principles and nature of our inner male and female (Yang/Yin); how these relate to the same principles universally and how they are integrated with the universal, through the metaphysical.

Η επιφάνεια SCIARTMET είναι το σημείο συνάντησης μεταξύ Επιστήμης, Τέχνης και Μεταφυσικής στη ζωή και μπορεί να περιγραφεί ως μια Τριμερής σχέση ή Τριλογία. Αναφέρεται στη διαδικασία ενοποίησης αντιθέτων μέσα από την έρευνα των αρχών και της φύσης του εσωτερικού μας αρσενικού και θηλυκού (Yang/ Yin), καθώς και στο πώς αυτά σχετίζονται με τις ίδιες αρχές καθολικά και πώς ενώνονται με το συμπαντικό μέσα από το μεταφυσικό.

Dionysus Room - 4:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Steven Victor

Αυτό-Ηγεσία: Συνεργασία με τη Σοφία

Whether leading your own life or a business, as current global events show us, it is time for us to do things differently. The difference that makes the difference in how well you like your life, lies beyond what your upbringing, education, training, and experience offer you. In our time together we will speak to and explore the Universal Wisdom present in the fields of energy that await to assist each of us.

Είτε διαχειρίζεστε τη ζωή σας είτε μια επιχείρηση, όπως μας δείχνουν οι παγκόσμιες εξελίξεις σήμερα, είναι ώρα να αρχίσουμε να λειτουργούμε διαφορετικά. Η διαφορά που κάνει τη διαφορά στο πόσο σας αρέσει η ζωή σας ή ο εργασιακός σας βίος βρίσκεται πέρα από αυτά που σας προσφέρουν η ανατροφή, η εκπαίδευση, η κατάρτιση και η εμπειρία σας. Στο χρόνο που θα έχουμε μαζί θα μιλήσουμε και θα διερευνήσουμε την Παγκόσμια Σοφία που υπάρχει στα πεδία της ενέργειας που περιμένουν να βοηθήσουν τον καθένα από εμάς.

Secrets of Scanning

Τα μυστικά του Feng Shui αποκαλύπτονται με τη σάρωση ενέργειας

Feng Shui, the art of managing and harmonizing the energies of your environment, can be very confusing ,with so many different schools giving conflicting advice. The late Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, made a brilliant and succinct explanation of the energies of Feng Shui, and taught his students scanning skills to verify everything for themselves.

Το Φενγκ Σούι, η τέχνη της διαχείρισης και της εναρμόνισης των ενεργειών του περιβάλλοντός σας, μπορεί να προκαλεί μεγάλη σύγχυση! Πολλές διαφορετικές σχολές, φαίνεται να δίνουν αντιφατικές συμβουλές. Ο αείμνηστος Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, εξήγησε με έναν ευφυέστατο και σαφέστατο τρόπο τις ενέργειες του Φενγκ Σούι και δίδαξε του μαθητές του ικανότητες σάρωσης για να τα επαληθεύουν όλα από μόνοι τους. Η Gilly McKay θα σας δώσει μια συναρπαστική γεύση των δύο επερχόμενων ολοήμερων εργαστηρίων Εντατικής Σάρωσης Ενέργειας και τα Μυστικά του Φενγκ Σούι.

Salaminia Room - 4:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Neophytos Efstathiou



Feng Shui Revealed with Energy

Gilly McKay will give a fascinating foretaste of two, upcoming workshops, Energy Scanning Intensive and Secrets of Feng Shui.

Table 52

99-497318, chaliceearth@gmail.com, www.stephenvictor.com

Self- Leadership: Collaborating with Wisdom

Amathusia Room - 4:00 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια Gilly Mckay Dimitriou

Table 53


99- 696765 info@liveinharmony.org

The 7 Rules That Can Help You CREATE The Life You Desire

Οι 7 Βασικοί Κανόνες για να ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΗΣΕΤΕ ότι επιθυμείτε στη Ζωή σας

We are the CREATORS of our LIFE, the major “detail” is that we do this UNCONSCIOUSLY because we do not know how we do it. The result of this is that we attract and create conditions and events that are full of pain and misery. There are 7 rules that, when used effectively, can help us change our LIFE . With the correct use of these RULES we become CONSCIOUS CREATORS of our LIFE …

Είμαστε οι ΔΗΜΙΟΥΡΓΟΙ της Ζωής μας … η μονή διαφορά είναι ότι το κάνουμε ΑΣΥΝΗΔΕΙΤΑ γιατί απλά δεν γνωρίζουμε πώς να το κάνουμε, με αποτέλεσμα να έλκουμε και να δημιουργούμε στη Ζωή μας καταστάσεις και γεγονότα τα οποία μας προκαλούν πόνο και δυστυχία … υπάρχουν 7 κανόνες που εάν εφαρμοστούν σωστά μπορούν να μας βοηθήσουν να αλλάξουμε τη Ζωή μας ..Με την εφαρμογή των Κανόνων αυτών γινόμαστε ΣΥΝΗΔΕΙΤΟΙ δημιουργοί της Ζώης μας ….

Amathusia Room - 5:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Maggie Erotokritou Soul Mates

Αδελφές Ψυχές

Do you believe in Soul Mates and that it is possible to attract yours to you? Are you ready to call in your most compatible Soul Mate or to improve your relationship? What are the qualities that you desire in a Soul Mate and what do you have to offer? Do you have attachments or unfinished business, anger or resentment from the past that get in the way. The clearer you are on what you want, the easier it is to attract that special person into your life. Come and join us to find out more.

Πιστεύετε στις Αδελφές Ψυχές και ότι είναι δυνατόν να προσελκύσετε τη δική σας κοντά σας; Είστε έτοιμοι να καλέσετε την πιο συμβατή με εσάς Αδελφή Ψυχή ή να βελτιώσετε τη σχέση σας; Ποια είναι τα χαρακτηριστικά που επιθυμείτε να έχει μια Αδελφή Ψυχή και τι προσφέρετε εσείς με τη σειρά σας; Έχετε προσκολλήσεις ή εκκρεμότητες, θυμό ή δυσαρέσκεια από το παρελθόν που στέκονται εμπόδιο. Όσο πιο ξεκάθαροι είστε στο τι θέλετε τόσο πιο εύκολο είναι να προσελκύσετε αυτόν τον ιδιαίτερο άνθρωπο στη ζωή σας. Ελάτε να συμμετάσχετε για να μάθετε περισσότερα.

Cypria C Room - 5:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Xenia Ioannidou

Table 36

99-435687 visionquest@spidernet.com.cy

“Old Lives Become New!” Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) & Spiritual Restructuring (SpR) Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Is based on Pythagorean philosophies and quantum physics. A pendulum is used as a receiver to access your Akashic Records (book of life), always with the permission of your own High Self, to clear the subconscious blocks and interferences and allow for new, positive, supportive ideas and beliefs to establish themselves and bring about self-healing on all levels. Salaminia Room - 5:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Edmond Hawila

+30 210 42 97 105, +30 6932 30 39 29, www.srt.gr or info@srt.gr Διαπιστευμένη Δασκάλα της SRT & SpR - «Παλιές Ζωές Γίνονται Καινούργιες» Θεραπεία Πνευματικής Απόκρισης (SRT) και Πνευματική Αναδόμηση (SpR) «Παλιές Ζωές Γίνονται Νέες!» Η Ξένια Ιωαννίδου, δασκάλα του SRT, θα επικεντρωθεί στην απάντηση των ερωτήσεών σας σχετικά με τις πρακτικές εφαρμογές της θεραπείας. Ξένια Ιωαννίδου – Πιστοποιημένη Δασκάλα SRT και Σύμβουλος SpR

99 324268 www.healthcy.com, edmhaw@gmail.com,

Arriba! Wellness Clubs

Κλαμπ Ευεξίας Arriba!

Nutrition: What’s the Deal Anyway?

Διατροφή: Τι Παίζει Τελικά;

Edmond Hawila will explain how Nutrition has changed over the last 30 years, how it’s affected us and our behaviour. He will provide motivation and tips on what to watch and how to become more conscious about what passes through our lips. He has personally helped more than 200 people improve their nutrition and lifestyle.

Ο Έντμοντ Χαουΐλα θα εξηγήσει με ποιο τρόπο η Διατροφή έχει αλλάξει τα τελευταία 30 χρόνια, πώς έχει επηρεάσει εμάς και τη συμπεριφορά μας. Θα σας δώσει κίνητρα και συμβουλές για το τι να προσέχετε και πώς να γίνετε πιο συνειδητοποιημένοι στο τι τρώτε. Έχει βοηθήσει προσωπικά περισσότερα από 200 άτομα να βελτιώσουν τη διατροφή και τον τρόπο ζωής τους.

Dionysus Room - 6:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Heleniq Argyrou M.A.

99 238660, info@druminspire.com, www.druminspire.com

Children in this Age - Indigo and More

Παιδιά αυτήν την Εποχή – Ίντιγκο και Άλλα

The age that is upon us now is of rising challenge to the enormous task of responsible parenting. More important now than ever, the personal and environmental needs of children faced with a changing world need to be well understood. Many children nowadays seem to be unmet by normal education systems, and some are even said to be ‘special’, or ‘indigo’ children. Is there really a new race of children arriving, or is this a glorified myth? What is the difference between a special child and an ‘indigo’ child and how do parents make choices to support this difference?

Η εποχή που ζούμε σήμερα αποτελεί μια ολοένα και μεγαλύτερη πρόκληση ως προς το μεγάλο καθήκον της υπεύθυνης ανατροφής τέκνων. Σήμερα είναι σημαντικότερο από ποτέ να γίνουν καλά κατανοητές οι προσωπικές και περιβαλλοντικές ανάγκες των παιδιών που αντιμετωπίζουν έναν κόσμο που αλλάζει. Πολλά παιδιά σήμερα φαίνεται να μην αντιμετωπίζονται επαρκώς από τα κανονικά εκπαιδευτικά συστήματα, και κάποια από αυτά λέγεται ακόμα ότι είναι «ιδιαίτερα» ή «ίντιγκο». Αληθεύει πράγματι ότι έρχεται μια νέα γενιά παιδιών ή πρόκειται για ένα μεγάλο μύθο; Ποια είναι η διαφορά ανάμεσα σε ένα ιδιαίτερο παιδί και ένα παιδί ίντιγκο και πώς κάνουν επιλογές οι γονείς για να στηρίξουν αυτήν τη διαφορά;


Amathusia Room - 6:00 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια www.angelandco.hu and www.ezoko.com Benny Vervliet +36 204496367 ,benny@qupdate.net Balance your Life with Crystals!

Ισορροπήστε τη Ζωή σας με Κρυστάλλους!

In this lecture Benny will show you how to use Crystals to balance your Chakras and create abundance, Joy and all those positive things in life we so long for. He will show you the principles of Crystal Healing and give you some practical tips on using Crystals.

Σε αυτήν τη διάλεξη, ο Benny θα σας δείξει πώς να χρησιμοποιείτε Κρυστάλλους για να ισορροπήσετε τα Τσάκρα σας και να δημιουργήσετε αφθονία, Χαρά και όλα εκείνα τα θετικά πράγματα στη ζωή που τόσο πολύ ποθούμε. Θα σας δείξει τις αρχές της Θεραπείας με Κρυστάλλους και θα σας δώσει κάποιες πρακτικές συμβουλές για τη χρήση των Κρυστάλλων.

Table 94 Cypria C Room - 6:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Akasha Center - Marilena Shiamma Traditional Hatha Yoga Class Traditional Hatha Yoga is a balanced programme for the proper development of all levels: physical, emotional, rational-intellectual, mental and spiritual. The main series of classes offers a combination of all yoga systems and teaches physical exercises, relaxation techniques, purification methods and breathing techniques as means of self-healing and prevention.

info@akasha-center.net Hatha Yoga είναι ένα αρμονικό πρόγραμμα για τη σωστή ανάπτυξη κάθε επίπεδου: σωματικό, συναισθηματικό, λογικό - διανοητικό, ψυχικό και πνευματικό. Η κύρια σειρά μαθημάτων προσφέρει μια σύνθεση όλων των συστημάτων γιόγκα. Διδάσκονται σωματικές ασκήσεις, τεχνικές χαλάρωσης, μέθοδοι καθαρισμού και αναπνευστικές τεχνικές, ως μέσα αυτό-θεραπείας και πρόληψης.

Table 41a Salaminia Room - 6:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Georgia Charalambous

Table 5

Science of Spirituality

Επιστήμη της Πνευματικότητας

Discover your Self Through Meditation “We will share with you a primordial technique of Meditation, of the Great Masters, that by daily training, you will change your way of thinking, you will enjoy a life better, you will have inner peace and serenity and you will fulfil the very purpose of your life on Earth: “Self-realization” and “God-realization.” Evy Caradja, Greece + 210 748314, Giorgia Charalambous, Cyprus 99- 644893

Ανακαλύψτε τον Εαυτό σας μέσα από το Διαλογισμό Θα μοιραστούμε μαζί σας μία αρχέγονη τεχνική Διαλογισμού των Μεγάλων Διδασκάλων, με την οποία, μέσα από την καθημερινή εξάσκηση, θα αλλάξετε τον τρόπο σκέψης σας, θα απολαμβάνετε καλύτερα τη ζωή σας, θα έχετε εσωτερική ειρήνη και γαλήνη και θα κατορθώσετε τον τελικό σκοπό μας πάνω στη Γη: Την “Αυτογνωσία’’ και τη “Θεογνωσία”. Εύη Καρατζά, Ελλάδα + 30 210 748314 Γεωργία Χαραλάμπους, Κύπρος 99- 644893

Dionysus Room - 7:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Heleniq Argyrou, M.A.

99 238660 info@druminspire.com www.druminspire.com

Drums, Dreams And The Journey To Your Authentic Self

Τύμπανα, Όνειρα και το Ταξίδι στον Αυθεντικό Εαυτό σας

This workshop will include a basic introduction to drumming with a specific approach to using the drum as a self developmental tool. We learn to read the drum like a mirror, which reflects a deeper truth to us about ourselves and the way we project our mental thoughts into the universe. Using the drum rhythm we will learn to bring the mind home, back into the body to connect deeply with the authentic self within.

Αυτό το εργαστήρι θα περιλαμβάνει μια βασική εισαγωγή στο παίξιμο των τυμπάνων με μια συγκεκριμένη προσέγγιση για τη χρήση του τυμπάνου ως εργαλείο προσωπικής ανάπτυξης. Μαθαίνουμε να διαβάζουμε το τύμπανο σαν καθρέφτη ο οποίος αντανακλά μια βαθύτερη αλήθεια για τους εαυτούς μας. Χρησιμοποιώντας το ρυθμό του τυμπάνου μαθαίνουμε να επαναφέρουμε το νου πίσω στο σώμα για να συνδεθούμε βαθιά με τον αυθεντικό εαυτό μέσα μας.

Amathusia Room - 7:00 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια Benny Vervliet Numerology Learn about the basic significance of Numerology in our daily lives, you will be shown some calculations on how to predict your reaction and moods during a certain period. Attention, in this lecture you will become addicted and start a new life as a Number conscious person. Table 94


www.angelandco.hu & www.ezoko.com +36 204496367 ,benny@qupdate.net Αριθμολογία Μάθετε για τη βασική σημασία της Αριθμολογίας στην καθημερινή ζωή μας, θα σας δείξουμε κάποιους υπολογισμούς για το πώς να προβλέπετε την αντίδραση και τις διαθέσεις σας σε μια ορισμένη περίοδο. Προσοχή! Σε αυτήν τη διάλεξη θα εθιστείτε και θα ξεκινήσετε μια νέα ζωή ως αριθμο-συνειδητoποιημένος άνθρωπος.

fusion7healing By Helen Christodoulou

HELENS BACKGROUND: Fitness and personal training. Naturopathy. Reflexology. TCM. Yoga Teacher. Reiki. Quantum Healing. Spiritual Counselling. Regression. ThetaHealing and Teaching. For more information on courses, sessions or expo mini sessions come visit our table.

stability, I’ve lost my excess weight and enjoy full health. Beyond that, I experience enhanced psychic senses, expansion of my intuitive abilities, acceleration of the ascension process, soul evolution. remembering and accepting individual and collective identity. FUSION7HEALING Can Help YOU: Take this 7 day course, taught locally and internationally, to heal yourself, your family and your pets, or simply to educate yourself in the field of energy and healing. On completion of the course, you can be certified in FUSION7HEALING, and use it professionally completing a specified practice period. What is FUSION7HEALING? FUSION7HEALING is a versatile, multi dimensional approach that deals with the 7 aspects of all that we are: physical, emotional, mental, environmental, energetic, psychic and spiritual. FUSION7HEALING is equipped to restore any area of our lives. Whether the session is face to face, over the internet or by phone you can expect equally effective results, whether the session is for you personally, your home, office or pets. The approach is tailored to the client’s needs. The therapist will sense the issues at hand through a “scanning process”. With the clients permission THE ENERGETIC ROOT of the problem is located, addressed, healed and transformed to “well being energy” that is achievable and sustainable. A typical session takes an hour. Issues can be accessed and dealt with, from whenever or wherever they came from. Choosing a compatible therapist, healer or teacher is of prime importance. Clarity and simplicity are the major requirements and sometimes this understanding happens on the soul level! So let’s make this simple and start with the results - after all positive change is that which we all seek! My personal journey to health and happiness was fraught with challenges: multiple sclerosis, a broken marriage, emotional and financial instability, emotional breakdown, physical illness, weight gain, near death experiences. My transformation through the creation of FUSION7HEALING has freed me of multiple sclerosis. I now have a joyful relationship, emotional and financial

On the course, you will receive a comprehensive understanding of Universal and Cosmic laws and aspects of quantum, metaphysical and spiritual sciences, with an emphasis in practical application to create profound change in our own or others’ experience. Spiritual development circle, one day workshops and lectures are also available at The Little Sanctuary, Limassol.

What previous students have said about the course: Anyone and everybody who takes courses from Helen is very lucky. Without a doubt after one session or class you will start thinking and feeling different. She is very gifted at seeing the root of the problem physically or mentally. What I loved the most about the sessions I had with her was I never felt judged or alone overcoming my obstacles. You really can’t find a better teacher to help you heal. Helen is really listening to her guides as they are directing her to create fusion7healing. I have experienced her healing and really resonated with the energy that came through. She is a heart centered lightworker and her intentions to share this powerful work will benefit many. Her intuitive gifts are many so am “Highly Recommending” Fusion7Healing.

PRESENTATION Sat. & Sun. 3:00 - 5.00pm in the CYPRIA C room table 33 Tel: 99-401036 Fusion7healing@gmail.com, www.fusion7healing.com 13

Soul Mates By Maggie Erotokritou

Do you believe in Soul Mates, that there is someone really special out there for you? Actually there is more than one special Soul Mate, and during the course of our lifetime, it is possible to meet several of them, but we want to attract the most compatible one to share our life’s journey with. At this particular time, due to the magnetic pull of the earth, and the shifting energies and evolution of consciousness, which is drawing many towards the spiritual path, more and more people are now finding their Soul Mates. This is also because people are becoming more aware that they no longer want to compromise and want to be treated in the way they deserve. Everyone wants to be loved, valued, appreciated and respected; no one wants to be taken for granted. Deep communication and sharing from the heart is essential for any relationship to work long term but not everyone knows how to do that, but they can learn and clear the blocks that hold them back. Sometimes people move in different directions and no longer have much in common, or the relationship becomes dull because really it’s over and it’s time to move on. The signs are there, we just need to learn to read them. Energetically everything is changing, and so are we, when we get really clear on what we want, then we can attract it. You need to become aware of what vibrations you are giving out, if there is anger or resentment, it gets in the way, it sabotages your future.


Are you ready to make a commitment to share your journey with your most compatible Soul Mate? What are the qualities that you desire in a Soul Mate? Most compatible means it’s easy, it’s not complicated; you understand, respect and appreciate each other, including your differences. There is a feeling of deja vu, of finally having arrived, you feel a soul connection, it’s as if you have known them before, maybe you have in a past life. A Soul Mate will love you deeply for who you are and not expect you to be perfect, it doesn’t mean there won’t be any challenges or anything to work on but together you can work it through and experience together. Most people want someone who is monogamous, (not all are) and romantic, and easy to communicate with. Add some joy and fun, lots of laughter and creativity, and you are on your way! What do you have to offer to your Soul Mate? Do you feel worthy enough to attract this wonderful person into your life or is there still unfinished business or limiting patterns from the past that stop you manifesting what you desire. What you believe is possible, is what you will attract. If you feel there is no one out there for you, no good men, or women, no likeminded people, then you won’t find them, it’s time to change those limiting beliefs. The world is full of wonderful people, and when you are clear enough to see that, you will attract them into your life. In Theta Healing we clear unconscious limiting beliefs and programs on four levels, the core level - this lifetime, from birth to now, past lives, genetic level and on a soul level. This frees you to be who you truly are and to not only find your Soul Mate, but also to live your life with passion and joy and to fulfil your full potential. When you feel worthy and loveable, and deserving, doors open everywhere.

Sometimes there are still wounds from the past, experiences of painful past relationships, betrayal or heartbreak that need to be healed before the right person can come. Fear creates boundaries and resistance, patterns of jealousy, resentment, abandonment, control issues, abuse, and fear of getting hurt again, that may make you afraid to love again. You can clear them and learn to feel safe again, so that your Soul Mate can now come in, someone who will love you and treat you well and whom you will treat well too and not push them away. Both of you need to be ready, sometimes your partner to be has things to work out too before you can be together, so you may need to be patient. When the timing is right, everything comes together, but in order to maintain a happy, beautiful relationship long term, you have to be aware what patterns may be coming up such as control issues or lack of trust so as not to sabotage what you have.

Maggie Erotokritou will be doing two introductions to the Soul Mate work at the Mind, Body, Spirit exhibition. She will also be doing a one day Soul Mate workshop on November 19th 2011. To book call 99435687 or email visionquest@spidernet.com.cy

We often still have energetic and emotional attachments to people we have been involved with including sexual partners. You need to do an energetic divorce with each of these partners, to cut the cords energetically, and call back your soul fragments, through an easy soul retrieval process, which we do with Theta Healing. Open the heart chakra so that you are able to give and receive equally, and call in your most compatible Soul Mate, believe it is possible and it will be.

PRESENTATION Sat. & Sun. 5:00pm in the AMATHUSIA room




/ workshops, talks & classes

Presentations will start on time. Please be seated 5 minutes before. Οι παρουσιάσεις θα αρχίσουν Εγκαίρως. Παρακαλώ να είστε εκεί 5 λεπτά πριν από την έναρξη.

Sunday 13th November

Κυριακή 13th Νοεµβρίου

Dionysus Room - 12:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Master Vasilious Firippis Tai Chi Chuan - The “Natural way” - Workshop

Table 27

Tai Chi Chuan translated means the “Natural way”. Most people are aware that they have energy, but have never really felt it, so the aim of this workshop is to show you how to truly connect with your energy and other peoples. Tai Chi is used for self healing and meditation. Come learn to heal yourself and those around you.

Amathusia Room - 12:00 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια Thalia Panayidou

Το Tai Chi Chuan μεταφράζεται ως «φυσικός τρόπος». Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι γνωρίζουν ότι έχουν ενέργεια αλλά δεν την έχουν νιώσει ποτέ, επομένως ο σκοπός του εργαστηρίου αυτού είναι να σας δείξει πώς να συνδέεστε πραγματικά με την ενέργεια σας και με την ενέργεια άλλων ατόμων. Τάι Τσι για αυτοΐαση και διαλογισμό. Πώς να θεραπεύσετε τον εαυτό σας και αυτούς που σας περιβάλλουν.

99-028221, thalia.panayidou@gmail.com Απελευθερωθείτε από ότι σας κρατά δέσμιο!

In this workshop you will experience how change is in reality very easy to achieve. Through a simple exercise you will find what is behind the behaviour or emotion you wish to change and you will rid yourself of it. Workshop bonuses: You will experience who you really are, discover your highest intent and celebrate your true self!

Μέσα από το εργαστήριο θα βιώσετε το πόσο εύκολο είναι στην πραγματικότητα να πετύχετε την αλλαγή μέσα σε μια στιγμή. Μέσα από μια απλή άσκηση θα ανακαλύψετε τι βρίσκεται πίσω από τη συμπεριφορά ή το συναίσθημα που θέλετε να αλλάξετε και θα απαλλαγείτε από αυτό. Τα μπόνους του εργαστηρίου: Θα βιώσετε ποιος πραγματικά είστε, θα ανακαλύψετε την ανώτατη σας πρόθεση και θα γιορτάσετε τον πραγματικό σας εαυτό!

Cypria C Room - 12:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Caroline Evans ND MH BA (Hons) Nature Versus Nurture - Dealing with Genetic Dispositions- Prevention Is Preferable To Cure!


Tai Chi Chuan – Ο «Φυσικός Τρόπος» Εργαστήριο

Free Yourself From What Holds You Back

In 2010, Thalia created “Yanantin”, a breakthrough program for couples that consistently succeeds in taking couples from the verge of divorce to a passionate fulfilling relationship.

Table 13

97-699068, vaf4@mac.com

A pre-disposition does not necessarily amount to a pre-determination. Our road to health is given but our expression of such is dependant on what we do along the way. Caroline will discuss diagnostic tools such as iridology as a way to decipher factors that should influence our lifestyle choices and health management. The iris can show us our weaknesses and our strengths and how we can prevent familial disease manifestation. Caroline will aid in creating a greater awareness of self and achieving true health.

Το 2010, η Θάλεια δημιούργησε το “Yanantin”, ένα επαναστατικό πρόγραμμα που καθοδηγεί ζευγάρια σε κρίση να ξεπεράσουν τα προβλήματα και να δημιουργήσουν μια ολοκληρωμένη και παθιασμένη σχέση.

99 993412 caroline@heavenonearthherbals.com Φύση Κατά Ανατροφής – Αντιμετώπιση Γενετικών Προδιαθέσεων- Η Πρόληψη είναι Καλύτερη από τη Θεραπεία! Μια προδιάθεση δεν συνεπάγεται απαραίτητα και προκαθορισμό. Ο δρόμος μας προς την υγεία είναι δεδομένος, αλλά ο τρόπος που τον εκφράζουμε εξαρτάται από το τι κάνουμε στην πορεία. Η Caroline θα μιλήσει για διαγνωστικά εργαλεία όπως η ιριδολογία ως τρόπο για να αποκωδικοποιούμε παράγοντες που θα πρέπει να επηρεάζουν τις επιλογές τρόπου ζωής και διαχείρισης της υγείας. Η Caroline θα βοηθήσει στο να αποκτήσουμε καλύτερη επίγνωση του εαυτού και να πετύχουμε πραγματική υγεία.

Salaminia Room - 12:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Vassilis Kyriacou

Table 42

Australian Bush Flower Remedies Using the healing properties of flower essences is an ancient art, spanning many cultures. Flower Essences are safe and powerful catalysts that everyone can use. They assist in clearing the blocks that stop an individual getting in touch with their true or Higher Self and give clarity to one’s life purpose. They help to resolve any drama and distress in life and allow for the development of a higher level of intuition, self esteem, spirituality and fun. Good health is a result of emotional, spiritual and mental harmony.

Cypria C Room - 1:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Sylvia Braun

Table 49

99-139722 sylviabraun@cytanet.com.cy www.innerharmony-cyprus.com Αποκτήστε Μεγαλύτερη Ισορροπία στη Ζωή σας

For many people, the inevitable result of modern day living is a nervous system undergoing constant stimulation and a restless mind full of thoughts and worries, creating anxiety, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, depression to name but a few. This creates a downward spiral of more stress leading ultimately to disease and ill-health. In order to achieve a healthy balance in our lives we need daily practices which enable us to increase our conscious awareness, gain more control over the stress response and learn how to activate the relaxation response. This workshop provides you with simple, effective techniques to do just that.

Για πολλούς ανθρώπους το αναπόφευκτο αποτέλεσμα της σύγχρονης ζωής είναι ένα νευρικό σύστημα που δέχεται συνεχή διέγερση και ένας ανήσυχος νους που κατακλύζεται από σκέψεις και ανησυχίες, δημιουργώντας δυσάρεστα συναισθήματα. Αυτό δημιουργεί περισσότερου στρες οδηγώντας εντέλει σε ασθένειες και υποβάθμιση της υγείας. Προκειμένου να πετύχουμε μια υγιή ισορροπία στη ζωή μας, χρειαζόμαστε καθημερινές πρακτικές οι οποίες μας δίνουν τη δυνατότητα να αυξήσουμε τη συνειδητή μας επίγνωση, να αποκτήσουμε μεγαλύτερο έλεγχο στην αντίδραση στο στρες και να μάθουμε πώς να ενεργοποιούμε την αντίδραση χαλάρωσης. Αυτό το εργαστήρι σας προσφέρει απλές, αποτελεσματικές τεχνικές για να κάνετε ακριβώς αυτό.

How to Use the Law of Attraction in Your Life This informative lecture is for people who are new to this universal law, who either do not know about it or do not understand its effect in our everyday lives. The talk will offer guidance about how to use it and how it can improve all areas of life. At the end of the session, attendees are invited to ask questions regarding their own lives. Susan’s Master Certification in Life Coaching is based on this universal law.

Dionysus Room - 2:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Helen Weeks

Table 47

Θεραπευτικές Ιδιότητες και χρήση των Εκχυλισμάτων Λoυλoυδiων Αυστραλίας Oι θεραπευτικές ιδιότητες των εκχυλισμάτων από λουλούδια και η χρήση τους είναι γνωστή τέχνη από την αρχαιότητα. Tα εκχυλίσματα είναι ασφαλής, απλή και εξαιρετικά δυνατή μέθοδος ολιστικής θεραπείας για όλους. Βοηθούν στο να καθαρίσουν τα μπλοκαρίσματα που εμποδίζουν να αγγίξουμε την δική μας αλήθεια και τον ανώτερο μας Eαυτό. Bοηθούν στην απελευθέρωση από το άγχος και τις πιέσεις της ζωής καθώς και στην ανάπτυξη της διαίσθησης ,της αυτοεκτίμησης και της χαράς.H καλή υγεία είναι αποτέλεσμα συναισθηματικής, διανοητικής και πνευματικής αρμονίας.

Bringing More Balance Into Your Life

Cypria C Room - 1:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Susan Annika Erkan

Table 64

99 976373, 99 474109 mar.s7@cytanet.com.cy

Pranic Healing. Feeling the energy. Group Healing for Stress. Everyone is capable of using energy healing to heal themselves, their families and their friends, even if they live abroad! Pranic Healing is a very simple but extremely effective method of healing which can be learnt in a 2-day workshop. In this presentation, you will experience energy with your hands and there will be a demonstration on how quickly you can heal a simple pain. You will also discover, as a group, how you can actually project this energy to send love, peace and inner calm.

+90 533 882 1475, susanerkan@gmail.com Πώς να χρησιμοποιείτε το Νόμο της Έλξης στη Ζωή σας Αυτή η ενημερωτική διάλεξη απευθύνεται σε ανθρώπους για τους οποίους αυτός ο παγκόσμιος νόμος είναι κάτι καινούριο, οι οποίοι είτε δεν τον γνωρίζουν είτε δεν κατανοούν την επίδρασή του στην καθημερινή μας ζωή. Η ομιλία θα προσφέρει καθοδήγηση για το πώς να τον χρησιμοποιείτε και πώς μπορεί να βελτιώσει όλες τις πτυχές της ζωής. Στο τέλος της συνεδρίας, οι συμμετέχοντες καλούνται να θέσουν ερωτήματα αναφορικά με τη δική τους ζωή. Το Πιστοποιητικό Master της Susan στην Προπόνηση Ζωής βασίζεται σε αυτόν το νόμο της έλξης 99 851102 helenpranichealing@yahoo.com Εισαγωγή στην Πρανική Θεραπεία. Νιώθοντας την Ενέργεια. Ομαδική θεραπεία για το Στρες. Όλοι έχουν την ικανότητα να χρησιμοποιήσουν την ενεργειακή θεραπεία για να θεραπεύσουν τον εαυτό τους, την οικογένεια και τους φίλους τους ακόμα και αν ζουν μακριά! Η Πρανική Θεραπεία είναι μια πολύ απλή αλλά πολύ αποτελεσματική μέθοδος θεραπείας που μπορεί να διδαχθεί σε ένα διήμερο εργαστήριο. Σε αυτήν την παρουσίαση θα νιώσετε την ενέργεια με τα χέρια σας και θα γίνει επίδειξη για το πώς μπορείτε στα γρήγορα να θεραπεύσετε απλούς πόνους. Θα ανακαλύψετε πώς, ως ομάδα, μπορείτε να στείλετε αυτήν την ενέργεια ώστε να μεταδώσετε αγάπη, ειρήνη και εσωτερική γαλήνη.

Amathusia Room 2:00 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια 2:00 Frances Carter

99 864308 frances_carter@hotmail.com

Healing Love This workshop is for ladies only

Θεραπευτική Αγάπη Ένα εργαστήρι μόνο για γυναίκες

Through Tao practices, learn to cultivate the essence of feminine radiance and vitality.

Μέσω πρακτικών Τάο, μάθετε να καλλιεργείτε την ουσία της γυναικείας ακτινοβολίας και ζωντάνιας.

The time is perfect for all women to reconnect with their feminine energy and feel their inner beauty and outer radiance through the practice of Healing Love. The time tested Taoist female practices and meditations help regulate the hormone production in the body, and eliminate premenstrual symptoms. This workshop is for all women regardless of the stage of their reproductive cycle or age.

Είναι η πιο κατάλληλη ώρα για όλες τις γυναίκες να επανασυνδεθούν με τη θηλυκή τους ενέργεια και να νιώσουν την εσωτερική τους ομορφιά και την εξωτερική τους ακτινοβολία με την πρακτική της Θεραπευτικής Αγάπης. Οι δοκιμασμένες στο χρόνο ταοϊστικές γυναικείες πρακτικές και διαλογισμοί βοηθούν στη ρύθμιση της παραγωγής ορμονών στο σώμα και στην εξάλειψη των προεμμηνοπαυσιακών συμπτωμάτων. Αυτό το εργαστήρι απευθύνεται σε όλες τις γυναίκες ανεξάρτητα από το στάδιο του αναπαραγωγικού τους κύκλου.

Salaminia Room - 2:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Susan E Worwood M.I.F.A.

99 956557 www.fragrantplanet.com, info@fragrantplanet.com

Aroma and the Emotions

Άρωμα και τα Συναισθήματα

A fun and informative explaining how to use essential oils and aromatherapy for your emotional wellbeing. Learn which essential oil will relax you, invigorate you and change your mood including creating the right ambiance for your home or work area.

Μια διασκεδαστική και ενημερωτική εξήγηση του τρόπου χρήσης των αιθέριων ελαίων και της αρωματοθεραπείας για τη συναισθηματική σας ευεξία. Μάθετε ποιο αιθέριο έλαιο θα σας χαλαρώσει, θα σας τονώσει και θα σας αλλάξει τη διάθεση, καθώς και θα δημιουργήσει την κατάλληλη ατμόσφαιρα για το σπίτι και το χώρο εργασίας σας.

Table 27a Dionysus Room - 3:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Steven Victor Self- Leadership: Collaborating with Wisdom

Αυτό-Ηγεσία: Συνεργασία με τη Σοφία

Whether leading your own life or a business, as current global events show us, it is time for us to do things differently. The difference that makes the difference in how well you like your life, or work life, lies beyond what your upbringing, education, training, and experience offer you. In our time together we will speak to and explore the Universal Wisdom present in the fields of energy that await to assist each of us.

Είτε διαχειρίζεστε τη ζωή σας είτε μια επιχείρηση, όπως μας δείχνουν οι παγκόσμιες εξελίξεις σήμερα, είναι ώρα να αρχίσουμε να λειτουργούμε διαφορετικά. Η διαφορά που κάνει τη διαφορά στο πόσο σας αρέσει η ζωή σας ή ο εργασιακός σας βίος βρίσκεται πέρα από αυτά που σας προσφέρουν η ανατροφή, η εκπαίδευση, η κατάρτιση και η εμπειρία σας. Στο χρόνο που θα έχουμε μαζί θα μιλήσουμε και θα διερευνήσουμε την Παγκόσμια Σοφία που υπάρχει στα πεδία της ενέργειας που περιμένουν να βοηθήσουν τον καθένα από εμάς.

Cypria C Room - 3:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Helen Christodoulou

Table 33


99 497318, chaliceearth@gmail.com www.stephenvictor.co


Fusion7 Healing - Workshop

Fusion7 Healing - Εργαστήριο

Learn how a skilled practitioner uses meditation, intuitive abilities, psychic perception and guidance, using Fusion7 brainwaves to access readings and instantaneous healings. It is safe, simple and natural. Benefits are felt and achieved even after one session.

Μάθετε πώς μια ικανή θεραπεύτρια χρησιμοποιεί το διαλογισμό, τη διορατικότητα, την ψυχική αντίληψη και την καθοδήγηση, χρησιμοποιώντας τα κύματα εγκεφάλου Fusion7, ώστε να έχει πρόσβαση σε αυτόματες θεραπείες και διαβάσματα. Είναι απλό, ασφαλές και φυσικό. Τα οφέλη είναι αισθητά ακόμα και μετά από μια μόνο συνεδρία.

Salaminia Room - 3:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Stavros Papageorghiou Archaeoastronomy In Cyprus

Αρχαιοαστρονομία Στην Κύπρο

Stavros Papageorghiou, the Cypriot director of the documentary film ENTELECHY, presents the archaeoastronomical connection of three ancient sacred places located in Cyprus; the sanctuary of Aphrodite at Palaepaphos, the temple of Apollo Hylates near Curium and the roman temple of Aphrodite at the citadel of ancient city of Amathus.

Ο Σταύρος Παπαγεωργίου, σκηνοθέτης παραγωγός της ΤΕΤΡΑΚΤΥΣ ΦΙΛΜΣ θα δώσει διάλεξη για τις αρχαιοαστρονομικές σχέσεις τριών αρχαίων λατρευτικών χώρων στην Κύπρο: Το ιερό της Αφροδίτης στην Παλαίπαφο, το ναό του Απόλλωνα Υλάτη στο Κούριο και το ναό της Αφροδίτης στην ακρόπολη της αρχαίας Αμαθούντας. Η παρουσίαση θα περιλαμβάνει αποσπάσματα από το ντοκιμαντέρ ΕΝΤΕΛΕΧΕΙΑ το οποίο έχει ως θέμα την αρχαιοαστρονομία στην Κύπρο.

Table 92

Amathusia Room - 4:00 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια Konstantin Pavlidis


SCIARTMET Interface - the Meeting Point Between Science, Art & Metaphysics

SCIARTMET Interface – Σημείο Συνάντησης μεταξύ Επιστήμης, Τέχνης και Μεταφυσικής.

The SCIARTMET Interface is the meeting point between Science, Art and the Metaphysics in life and can be described as a Three Way relationship or Trilogy. It refers to the process of unifying our opposites through researching the principles and nature of our inner male and female (Yang/Yin); how these relate to the same principles universally and how they are integrated with the universal, through the metaphysical.

Η επιφάνεια SCIARTMET είναι το σημείο συνάντησης μεταξύ Επιστήμης, Τέχνης και Μεταφυσικής στη ζωή και μπορεί να περιγραφεί ως μια Τριμερής σχέση ή Τριλογία. Αναφέρεται στη διαδικασία ενοποίησης αντιθέτων μέσα από την έρευνα των αρχών και της φύσης του εσωτερικού μας αρσενικού και θηλυκού (Yang/ Yin), καθώς και στο πώς αυτά σχετίζονται με τις ίδιες αρχές καθολικά και πώς ενώνονται με το συμπαντικό μέσα από το μεταφυσικό.

The ultimate objective of the SCIARTMET Interface is to facilitate the Evolution of Consciousness.

Ο απώτερος σκοπός του SCIARTMET Interface είναι να διευκολύνει την Ανάπτυξη της Συνειδητότητας.

Salaminia Room - 4:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Universelles Leben Meditation: «As much as you give, that shall you receive» A 30 minute film in Greek The inner strength of Christ can help us even when we are not feeling well. Indeed, He is our inner doctor and therapist. Gabrielle, the messenger of God for our time, tells us why, in this deep meditation accompanied by images of nature. Table 19

Dionysus Room 5:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος 5:00 Jorge Zubieta Positive Psychology & The Power of Your Strengths

Table 34

99-694407 www.tetraktys.tv tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy

Positive Psychology is a science and a profession that builds strengths to enable people to achieve the best in life. Strengths are things you already do well, making you feel energised and authentic with yourself. The Values In Action (VIA) Survey of Character Strengths is designed to identify, rank and describe your strengths. Knowing your strengths gives you a great awareness on what is going right about yourself and then learn how to use it to help you flourish.

www.universelles-leben.org Tel. 99439503 Συμπαντική Ζωή Διαλογισμός: «Στο μέτρο που δίνετε, θα λάβετε» Προβολή μιας ταινίας στα Ελληνικa (Διάρκεια 30 λεπτά). Την εσώτερη δύναμη του Χριστού μπορούμε να τη νοιώσουμε σαν μια βοήθεια, ακόμα κι όταν δεν αισθανόμαστε καλά. Πράγματι, Εκείνος είναι επίσης ο εσώτερος ιατρός και θεραπευτής. Η Γκαμπριέλε, η αγγελιαφόρος του Θεού για την εποχή μας, μας πληροφορεί γι’ αυτό, στο βαθύ αυτό διαλογισμό, που συνοδεύεται από εικόνες της φύσης. 99 312722 Θετική Ψυχολογία & Η Ισχύς των Ικανοτήτων Σας Η Θετική Ψυχολογία είναι μια επιστήμη και ένα επάγγελμα που καλλιεργεί τις ικανότητες για να βοηθήσει τους ανθρώπους να πετύχουν το καλύτερο στη ζωή τους. Οι ικανότητες είναι πράγματα που ήδη κάνετε καλά, κάνοντάς σας να νιώθετε τονωμένοι και αληθινοί με τον εαυτό σας. Η Έρευνα Αξιών Εν Δράση (VIA) για τις Προσωπικές Ικανότητες έχει σχεδιαστεί για να εντοπίζει, να κατατάσσει και να περιγράφει τις ικανότητές σας.


Amathusia Room 5:00 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια 5:00 Maggie Erotokritou

99-435687 visionquest@spidernet.com.cy

Soul Mates

Αδελφές Ψυχές

Do you believe in Soul Mates and that it is possible to attract yours to you?. Are you ready to call in your most compatible Soul Mate or to improve your relationship? What are the qualities that you desire in a Soul Mate and what do you have to offer? Do you have attachments or unfinished business, anger or resentment from the past that get in the way. The clearer you are on what you want, the easier it is to attract that special person into your life. Come and join us to find out more.

Πιστεύετε στις Αδελφές Ψυχές και ότι είναι δυνατόν να προσελκύσετε τη δική σας κοντά σας; Είστε έτοιμοι να καλέσετε την πιο συμβατή με εσάς Αδελφή Ψυχή ή να βελτιώσετε τη σχέση σας; Ποια είναι τα χαρακτηριστικά που επιθυμείτε να έχει μια Αδελφή Ψυχή και τι προσφέρετε εσείς με τη σειρά σας; Έχετε προσκολλήσεις ή εκκρεμότητες, θυμό ή δυσαρέσκεια από το παρελθόν που στέκονται εμπόδιο. Όσο πιο ξεκάθαροι είστε στο τι θέλετε τόσο πιο εύκολο είναι να προσελκύσετε αυτόν τον ιδιαίτερο άνθρωπο στη ζωή σας. Ελάτε να συμμετάσχετε για να μάθετε περισσότερα.

Cypria C Room - 5:00 - Αίθουσα Κυπρία Γ Akasha Center - Marilena Shiammα The yoga of love! A course based on Tantric philosophy and practice including the fundamental principles of subtle energies and its proper use, techniques for personal development of basic energy, communication between lovers and the basics of tantric sex yoga.

info@akasha-center.net Η γιόγκα της αγάπης! Σειρά μαθημάτων βασισμένη στην ταντρικη φιλοσοφία και πρακτική. Διδάσκονται οι θεμελιώδη αρχές για τις λεπτές ενέργειες, μέθοδοι για την αρμονική κυριάρχηση και σωστή χρήση τους, τεχνικές για την προσωπική ανάπτυξη της βασικής ενέργειας, την επικοινωνία των εραστών και διδάσκονται βασικά στοιχειά από την ταντρικη ερωτική γιόγκα.

Table 41a Salaminia Room - 5:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Life Centre Join us for a grounding and relaxing session of Healing Yoga Class by LIFE CENTRE

Dionysus Room - 6:00 - Αίθουσα Διόνυσος Korina Kontaxaki

Ελάτε να συμμετάσχετε σε μια προκαταρκτική και χαλαρωτική συνεδρία Θεραπευτικής Γιόγκα από το LIFE CENTRE


Transcendental Theatre Workshop- Theatre, Yoga, Physical Expression

Εργαστήρι Υπερβατικού Θεάτρου - Θέατρο, Γιόγκα, Σωματική Έκφραση

“A combination of yoga and theatre techniques with the aim of self-expression, self-exploration and the release of emotional obstacles.

«Ένας συνδυασμός τεχνικών γιόγκα και θεάτρου με στόχο την αυτό-έκφραση, την αυτό διερεύνηση και την απελευθέρωση των συναισθηματικών εμποδίων.

The class begins with Hatha Yoga, and physical and vocal training as a warm-up. This is then followed by theatre techniques and improvisations, using themes suggested by the group. The session closes with relaxation techniques (relaxing sound-therapy in collaboration with Heleniq Argyrou) The transcendental theatre workshops involve a special formula also combined with transcendental theatre performances.



Το μάθημα ξεκινά με Hatha Yoga και σωματική και φωνητική εξάσκηση ως προθέρμανση. Ακολουθούν στη συνέχεια τεχνικές θεάτρου και αυτοσχεδιασμοί χρησιμοποιώντας θέματα που προτείνει η ομάδα. Η συνεδρία κλείνει με τεχνικές χαλάρωσης (χαλαρωτική ηχο-θεραπεία σε συνεργασία με την Ελενίκ Αργυρού). Τα εργαστήρια υπερβατικού θεάτρου έχουν να κάνουν με μια ειδική συνταγή που επίσης συνδυάζεται με ερμηνείες υπερβατικού θεάτρου και διοργανώνονται συχνά στη Λευκωσία για παιδιά, εφήβους και ενήλικες.

Amathusia Room - 6:00 - Αίθουσα Αµαθούσια Elina Papa

Table 34

Laughter Yoga & Breathwork - Master Your Mind And Body

Γιόγκα Γέλιου & Ασκήσεις Αναπνοών Κυριαρχήστε στο Νου και στο Σώμα σας

A fun and stress relieving Laughter Yoga session including a short talk about EEP (Emotional Energy Pollution); the energy you collect and exchange with people daily, and how it affects your health and your life. We will practice the purifying technique of Breathwork, and learn how it heals mental, emotional and physical blocks.

«Μια διασκεδαστική και αγχολυτική συνεδρία Γιόγκα Γέλιου συμπεριλαμβανομένης μιας σύντομης ομιλίας για την EEP (Συναισθηματική Ενεργειακή Ρύπανση), την ενέργεια που συγκεντρώνετε και ανταλλάσετε με ανθρώπους καθημερινά και τον τρόπο που επηρεάζει την υγεία και τη ζωή σας. Θα εφαρμόσουμε την καθαρκτική τεχνική των Αναπνευστικών Ασκήσεων και θα μάθουμε πώς θεραπεύει νοητικά, αισθηματικά και σωματικά μέρη.

Salaminia Room - 6:00 - Αίθουσα Σαλαµίνια Constatinos Tellalis

Table 90

99 312 722 elina@laughteryogacyprus.com –


OSHO “I Leave You My Dream.”

OSHO “Σου Αφήνω το Όνειρό μου.”

How and why Osho Meditation Centers and meditation techniques have spread to sixty seven countries worldwide including China, Russia and even Cyprus.

Πώς και γιατί τα Κέντρα Διαλογισμού Osho και οι τεχνικές διαλογισμού έχουν διαδοθεί σε εξήντα επτά χώρες παγκοσμίως, μεταξύ των οποίων η Κίνα, η Ρωσία, ακόμα και η Κύπρος.

An analysis of Osho’s insight for the future.

Μια ανάλυση της αντίληψης του Osho για το μέλλον.

PANCYPRIAN ASSOCIATION OF ACUPUNCTURISTS LTD 全塞浦路斯针灸师学会 Founded in 2008, the Pancyprian Association of Acupuncturists Ltd is a non-profit organisation which promotes the safe practice of acupuncture in Cyprus by thoroughly trained practitioners.

• Promoting • Educating

• Safeguarding

Registered members are qualified acupuncturists whose training and practice standards meet the requirements set by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) 1999 Guidelines for the safe and effective practice of acupuncture.

Email: info@acupuncture.org.cy Tel: + 357 25 574900 www.acupuncture.org.cy

Registered members Nicosia Charis Theocharous Olivia Zachariades Sue Scandale

99649514 99497318 97602427

Limassol Charis Theocharous Christine Kylilis Costas Georgiou Lyndsey Gilmer

99649514 99791355 99661290 99439364

Pissouri Olivia Zachariades


Larnaca/Agia Napa Lyndsey Gilmer


Bringing More Balance into Your Life By Sylvia Braun

Are you as happy and content as you would like to be? Do you want to be healthier, more successful, have more fulfilling relationships and resolve ongoing issues which present you with challenges? If you tend to be preoccupied with limiting and negative thoughts in any of these areas and you find yourself unable to shut off excessive mental chatter, it will pressurize and overwhelm you. As a result, you create an unhealthy stress response within your body and mind. For many years, people have referred to the Fight/Flight response as the stress response but this is a one-off reaction to a perceived challenge and is not necessarily bad for the individual. Imagine finding yourself in a field being chased by an angry bull, the ensuing surge of stress chemicals gives you the resources you need to get out of there fast! When the immediate danger has passed, our autonomic nervous system brings us back into a state of balance. However, continually perceiving that we are under threat of some kind means that the body chemicals associated with Fight/Flight are continually being stimulated. Whether the perceived threat is real or imagined makes no difference. This long term activation of the stress response and the overexposure to cortisol and other stress hormones eventually disrupts the body’s processes and results in ill health. Stress has long been identified as the major cause of disease and dysfunction, compromising mindbody integrity and creating blockages to the flow of vital life force energy, cutting us off from our spiritual source and all our inner resources. Our brain does not experience the world directly. We use our senses to collect information which then must be processed. We do not experience reality, we experience our own model of the world based on our own perceptions shaped by past experiences, beliefs and conditioning. Our model is unique to us and it’s important to realize that it may not be a very accurate representation of reality. Often it’s not so much the

external situation that’s the problem rather it’s our reaction to the situation based upon our beliefs about ourselves. In the same situation, one person may suffer from acute anxiety while another may find the experience pleasurable. However well we handle pressure, excessive long term exposure to stressors without adequate rest and recovery time is likely to be ultimately damaging to our physical and mental health. We are equipped with a self-regulatory mechanism in the form of the autonomic nervous system which consists of two complimentary aspects, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. Put simply, stimulation of the sympathetic aspect results in activation of the Fight/Flight response which can be triggered by anything we perceive as a threat, real or imagined. The fast pace of modern day living puts enormous strain on the nervous system with environmental factors such as noise, speed, bright lights, rapidly changing images on computer screens and TV’s, stress created by negative thought patterns and the other long term stressors at work, with the family and so on. The parasympathetic aspect represents the opposite, each playing a complimentary role in the body’s ability to regulate its own workings. The parasympathetic activates a relaxation response, a restorative process that promotes a stable, resilient physiological state, in effect switching off the Fight/Flight response. How do we create more of what we desire in our lives? Perhaps the first step is to take responsibility. We know that negative thoughts produce negative feelings and reactionary responses. When we accept this fact, it empowers us to create change. If we have created our reality, we can change it! In my workshop I will be presenting simple, effective tools we can use daily to help still and calm the mind, helping to create a quiet space inside to allow us to observe ourselves and start making the positive changes we desire. Are you ready to take more responsibility for your well being and bring more balance into your life? PRESENTATION Sunday 1:00pm in the Cypria C Tel. 99139722 23

Treating the cause NOT the symptoms Based in the beautiful Sea Caves area of Pathos, we offer natural holistic tests and healing therapies which will enable you to regain and sustain optimum health. Clients travel from all over Cyprus to avail of our realistically priced Ozone Therapy, which rapidly encourages the body into a state of homeostasis. Progress is visibly charted via live blood analysis. A free pdf brochure relating to Ozone Therapy is available for download on our website.

Live Blood Analysis - special show price - €30.00 Advantages of LBA

personal effectiveness coaching

anita michaelidis

What holds you back from living the life you desire? Imagine working with someone where the total focus is on you on what you want out of life and on how to achieve it. Anita’s work supports you in identifying and actualising your individual direction.

Many health issues not uncovered with conventional tests are detected during live blood analysis.

Coaching gets results because it brings out your best.

Immediate results. Allows highly visual progress checks. Only one drop of blood necessary.

99 686879


Painless. Fast. Accurate.

Causes of health problems, not just symptoms are frequently revealed. Stress and disease appear in the blood years before symptoms manifest as disease in the body; therefore LBA is an ideal preventative measure. Live blood analysis has helped 95% of our clients to understand and deal with the root cause of their problem. Parasites, yeast and leaky gut syndrome are easily visible.

It has been determined that the average hospital or lab is only able to detect 20% of actual parasite infections. Over 1000 species of parasites can live in your body and there are tests available for only 40 to 50 types. This approximates to a 1% accuracy of testing, which is why there are so many infections left undetected. LBA has subsequently shown that many of our clients, previously diagnosed with IBS, were found to have intestinal parasites. While it may be difficult for conventional testing to uncover the presence of parasites, our high powered specialist microscope can detect many of these parasites within minutes. Uncovering and treating the cause of a problem rather than treating the symptom is the ONLY way to truly regain health. Failure to achieve weight loss, despite dieting, is simply a symptom of high toxicity. At Healthy Healing we have specifically tailored cleansing programs that soon resolve the cause of the toxic overload. Unlike weight lost through rigorous exercise and dietary regimes, weight loss through cleansing is permanent.

For an appointment call 26343512 – 97788931 www.healthyhealingcy.com info@healthyhealingcy.com

Parasites – The Invisible Enemy By Caroline Carter

grow in tissue throughout the body. Parasites have three main goals/effects within the human host: • Grow fat on your nutrition. • Drink your blood. • Overload you with waste, which is reabsorbed into your bloodstream, weakening the entire immune system. The majority of clients whom we have seen with chronic conditions have been shown to be infested by multiple parasites. I have lost count of the debilitating conditions that have been resolved once the parasites are removed and the body receives the nutrition the parasites have lived off for so long. These conditions include Infertility, CFS, IBS and Leaky Gut.

It is estimated that over seventy per cent of Europeans and ninety percent of Americans suffer from parasites and don’t even know it. When symptoms appear, the worms/parasites have probably been in your system for over a decade! Worms are the most toxic agents in the human body. They are one of the primary underlying causes of disease and are the most basic cause of a compromised immune system. Parasites are scavenger organisms living within us, aiding many serious health ailments to develop, including cancer. Parasites thrive in the intestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and brain where they become “obese” when fed their favorite diet of sugars, processed and junk foods, toxins, and excessive carbohydrates. These dangerous, uninvited visitors can become extremely toxic and even deadly; as waste materials are expelled into the host body, their eggs hatch and larvae

PRESENTATION Saturday 2:00pm in the Cypria C www.healthyhealingcy.com Tel. 99042639


Love THY Mother As Thyself By Francesca Pinoni

to bring balance and, with it, a happier and healthier life for us all. When we realize that we do indeed live in a global village and that we are all one, all inhabitants of our one Mother Earth, we can look at situations from a higher perspective and move beyond the small-minded selfishness that causes excessive destruction resulting from greed on the one hand and excessive destruction resulting from poverty on the other.

“The growth in population is very much bound up with poverty, and in turn poverty plunders the earth. When human groups are dying of hunger, they eat everything. They cut down the trees, they leave the land dry and bare. All other concerns vanish. That’s why in the next thirty years the problems we call “environmental” will be the hardest that humanity has to face.” The Dalai Lama From the Dalia Lama’s Book of Daily Meditations Random House 1998

It’s not only financial poverty that devastates the environment. Spiritual poverty is also a key factory. When the desire to make money overrides concerns for the preservation of the environment, as is so often the case in the world today, those who see the importance of allowing nature to flourish and nurture us, body and spirit, often feel powerless against forces that put short term economic benefits before long term stewardship and sustainability. What can we, as individuals, do? We can simplify our own lives; walk more gently on the earth, reduce the resources we consume, reuse what we can and recycle our waste. We can actively appreciate our Mother, Nature, honoring “Gaia”, the great Earth Mother. Awareness of the “Divine Feminine” has been expanding in recent years as evidenced by the popular book “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown and the many works of non-fiction from which the author drew. Magnetic, feminine principles include nurturing, protecting and also clearing the way to make room for the new. By becoming aware of these principles and giving them equal value with the prevailing values of our current, male dominated society, such as single-pointed focus and competition, can go a long way 26

Through self-development practices we can come to understand and balance the male and feminine principles with ourselves. This is the first step and a very necessary one on the path to improvement. Without finding our own true balance, any action we do will arise only through intellect, ego and self interest. With balance, we begin to act from our heart and use our intuition more and more. We worry less, because we trust our inner knowing. We act in ways that will serve the common good, not only our own personal interests. And, believe me, this is the way to true happiness and fulfillment. By focusing on what you can give rather than what you can get, from a place of balance rather than neediness or domination, opportunities arise and miracles happen. Life becomes more rewarding, happy and fun. When you know the whole world is your home, you wouldn’t even consider dumping rubbish; just as you now keep your home tidy and well repaired, you would maintain any place you find yourself. It will take time for this mindset to catch on, but the best way to teach is by example. Start by leaving each place you are a little better than you found it. Pick up rubbish if you see it on the road. Smile at the people you meet to lighten their spirit. Small drops in the ocean, maybe – but small drops add up over time to a tsunami that can sweep everything clean to make a new start!

Co-ordinator MB&S expo Tel. 99 801314

Nature Versus Nurture By Caroline Evans ND MH MAMH MBANT

and so on. These issues can determine whether we follow the path of our parents or not.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, stated that ‘our health is our greatest wealth’, why then are there an increasing number of sick people on this planet, and an increase in socalled ‘genetic’ disorders? A greater understanding of what is considered a genetic disease is needed, why this is happening and what we can do about it… NATURE There is an increasing number of what are commonly believed to be ‘genetic disorders’ such as heart disease, arthritis’, cancers, diabetes and hormonal issues affecting each and everyone of us. Most of us believe that if these diseases run in the family then there is a pretty big chance that when the time comes, that’s the way we will go too. Is that true? There are very few actual genetic diseases, and these are incredibly rare. More and more diseases are being coined ‘genetic’ as they are becoming increasingly popular and are running through families like similar facial features. Based on my studies, clinical practice and work with iridology, I have learned that not only do we inherit certain physical or psychological characteristics from our parents, but we most certainly inherit their behaviour patterns of how we deal with stressors, food and lifestyle habits, fluid intake, exercise, emotional issues,

There are various techniques to work out our predisposition for certain diseases. Iridology is a tool whereby, using a torch and magnifier, the practitioner studies the markings on the iris which show physiological and psychological strengths and weaknesses. For example, a history of Tuberculosis stretching back many generations can be noted in the iris. This does not mean that the person will express this disease, just that their family line has been affected by this some time back? The iris structure, colour and majority of the markings read by the practitioner are fully developed by the age of 6 years old. Acquired signs such as circulatory factors, arthritic signs, stress signs and cholesterol issues develop later. In essence iridology highlights inherent weaknesses and strengths, which may be considered our genetic predispositions. By having a method that shows us where our health may take us, we can work with food, herbs and lifestyle changes to heal any incurred damage, strengthen weakened organs and prevent what might otherwise be considered the way we are meant to go. NURTURE With modern life as we know it, there is incredible pressure on an individual’s physical, mental and emotional health. We are expected to perform and conform to consensus’ that do not necessarily make sense to our health. There are an incredible amount of pollutants that we deal with on a daily basis such as contaminants in our soil, food, water supply, electromagnetic stressors, our air and in our homes. All of these factors accumulate in our body further weakening our organs. If someone is brought up within a family that has a history of heart disease, and along the way they learned to ‘eat on the go’, have a high fat diet, carbonated drinks, smoke heavily and have a high powered stressful job; is it any surprise that this person will die of a heart condition? Can we state that it was purely genetics and their familial predisposition that ensured their heart condition was pre-determined. Or can we honestly reflect on their life and see that indeed they were born with a weakness in the circulatory system, which should have meant they protect their heart and keep their blood clean instead of the lifestyle that they chose. Disease management and prevention is our personal responsibility. Living in today’s world, the odds of optimum health are effectively stacked against us. This is a great challenge, and most people would rather give their power away and have someone else fix it for them. As was written above the gates of Delphi, ‘Know Thyself’ and this is the challenge of the individual within society. If we know our weaknesses, through our own work, actively choosing a healthy lifestyle, to eat, drink, exercise, experience joy and health in our cells we can prevent what should have been our demise. Your health is in your own hands! PRESENTATION Sunday at 12.00 in Cypria C Room Tel. 99 993412, www.heavenonearthherbals.com 27


Lecture room


















To Main Lobby












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Lecture room

Cypria C





Lecture room









Lecture room


Exit & Stairs



Hotel Entrance



Coffee Corner









Lecture room

Hotel Spa






Cypria A & B












85 79 78






Lecture room












Upstairs by the Lefkothea room

Hilton quality... at a very special price

all for â‚Ź 10

Enjoy an assortment of salads & a vegetarian dish

Stay all day!


/ The Corridor


Tsiolis Mosaics Trading Co. www.tsioligroup.com A selection of semiprecious stones, healing power stones, horoscope, bracelets, Feng Shui items, etc. Available at the Mosaics Plaza at Paphos Harbour, Retail & Wholesale and in selected hotels. Tel. 26 819999, e-mail: mosaicsplaza@cytanet.com.cy


Pure Beauty Cyprus A unique range of skin and health care products containing Collagen and Coral seaweed. Collagen capsules, for skin repair, hair and nail growth. Experience our Instant Hand Manicure free of charge. Prof. Peter & Linda Whiteside, Tel. 99 756751, e-mail:purebeautycyprus@cytanet.com.cy

3 4 5 6 7 8 8a 9

Creations By RK Beautiful handmade jewelery with semi precious stones such as malachite, tiger-eye, amethyst, hematite, pearls and more. Rena Kilaniotou, Facebook.Com/Creationsbyrk. Tel. 99-309020, renakilaniotou@hotmail.com Marion McDonald www.ekorkokiou@rencap.com Parapsychologist /Futurologist/ Card reader/ Psychic investigator / Psychic Consultant. Marion studied in Athens and the UK. Born in the north of England Marion has lived in Cyprus for 14 years and speaks fluent Greek. Many articles have been written about her work. The Science of Spirituality This Yoga teaches how to obtain true and lasting Happiness, Love, Joy, Peace and Fulfillment in modern life through a simple method of meditation. Evy Caradja, + 210 748314, Giorgia Charalambous, Tel. 99 644893, e-mail: evycasos@otenet.gr Nature’s Resort Natural & Organic Skin Care The official representative and exclusive distributors of Jason Pure Natural & Organic Skin Care products, bio-supplements from Switzerland, Styx and Lorex natural products.. Ms. Natalia Branishte & Mr, Spatacos, Tel. 22 780429, 99-511886, e-mail: damingo@cytanet.com.cy Garnet - Sonia For a selection of beautiful, handmade jewelry from around the world. e-mail:soniacostarico@hotmail.com Indian Treasures Ethnic clothes designed for women, beadworks, scarves, bedding, wall hangings, healing crystals, etc. Established 1995 in Larnaca -1 Stassinoue St. Tel. 24 665307, 99 616614, email: helenangelide21@hotmail.com Jacki Original card reading using tarot cards and ancient rune stones to guide you in your life. Tel. 99 588 294

LifeWave www.lifewave.com New technology for improving health and dynamic anti-aging effects. Remember what it felt like to be young, vibrant and pain free? This is the way you’re supposed to feel through your life. Tel. 99-363309, e-mail: ouzounis@gmail.com

Health and Well Being Festival, Paphos Sunday 19th February Akteon Village, Paphos 10am - 6pm Exhibition Stands, Workshops, Classes and Lectures. For further information and bookings please contact us on mail@in-any-event.biz or call 99 387 311


/ Cypria A & B


Heaven on Earth Herbals www.heavenonearthherbals.com High quality organic & natural nutrition and skin care products. Nutrition consultations and natural health care advice along with running a mail order service across Europe. Caroline Evans Tel.99 993412, e-mail: heavenonearthherbals@hotmail.com


Elemental Gifts www.elementalfaeriesangelsgifts.com Selling the most diverse range of Faeries-Angels-Dragons-Unicorns-Crystals-Old Tupton Ware-Oils -Incense-Mist Lamps-Angel & Faerie Music CDs. We have a shop in Old Paphos. Tel: 26 653097, 99 766213, e-mail: sandynshee@cytanet.com.cy


Theramusica ~Music, Health and Wellbeing Center www.oneversalmuse.blogspot.com Offers Natural Nutritional Therapy, Aromatherapy/ Herbal Medicine, Sound Massage, Sound Therapy using the Virtual Dolphin Therapy™, Maria Trillidou & Anna Trillidou Santi. Tel. 25 750833, e-mail: mariatrillidou@gmail.com, mushroomisland@live.com

16 16a

Salt Pipes www.saltpipescy.com Natural therapy for adults and children suffering from asthma, allergies, sinus problems, breathing difficulties, chesty cough, dry cough, bronchitis, shortness of breath and breathing problems related to smoking. Cost 37 Euros. e-mail: info@saltpipescy.com or Tel. 99 992896. Thai Massage www.thaimassagecyprus.com This ancient form of traditional authentic Northern style Thai massage combines work on the energy lines, acupressure points, stretching (in yoga like positions) and relaxation. e-mail: tina@thaimassagecyprus.com, or call Tina on Tel. 99 992896


The New Earth Wellness Center www.newearthwellnesscenter.com The New Earth Wellness Center is a new center in Larnaca that provides the space to exchange your gifts in health, self enhancement and activities. Guytane Guedikian. e-mail: info@newearthwellnesscenter.com, Tel. 99 888062


Evi’s Worm Works www.eviswormworks.com Find out why the Earth loves worms! Pioneering worm composting products and information in Cyprus. How we can recycle food scraps into natural fertilizer. Evi Holroyd: Tel. 99 756246, e-mail: eviswormworks@gmail.com


Universelles Leben’ www.universelles-leben.org Is a community that links up with the Original Christian stream. Over a period of 25 years it has grown into a worldwide movement. ‘Universelles Leben’ is the living in the Spirit of God. e-mail: info@universelles-leben.org, Tel. 22 499313, 99 439503,



COMFORT 2 U, LTD www.comfort2uonline.com Relieve everyday tension and stress with a massage chair or a massage accessory from the leading manufacturers, most technologically advanced massage equipment. Andreas Christodoulou Tel. 25 398736, 99 825379, e-mail: sales@comfort2uonline.com


Korallia Mozora Astrological readings for self-development, synastry, predictive astrology for self development and self knowledge, cosmic astrology for the understanding of political and social events. Harmonize with the collective consciousness. Tel. 99-594123, e-mail: koral.mozora@gmail.com


Lo Shu Feng Shui www.mgtheodosiou.com Traditional Chinese figurines, Buddha, moon frogs, mandarin ducks, horses, a variety of fountains, essential oils, fairies & fairy coins. Woodstock wind chimes, Swarovski crystals & sterling silver charms, tumbled stones from Marios in Larnaca. Tel.99 669590, e-mail:info@mgtheodosiou.com


Kypros Tai Chi Association www.kyprostaichi.com Master Vasilious has been practicing Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong for over thirty years. He teaches original Yang Style Tai Chi, including it’s various forms, Tai Chi dance, pushing hands and self healing through meditation.Tel. 97 699068, e-mail: vaf4@mac.com


/ Cypria A & B


Fragrant Planet – Susan Worwood www.fragrantplanet.com Organic and wild crafted essential oils and vegetable base oils. Paraben-free products for face, body and around the home. Clinical Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Sports, Pregnancy & Well Being Massage. Tel. 99 956 557, e-mail: info@fragrantplanet.com


Joan Bunyan www.cosmicuniverseonline.com Clairvoyant and Channeling Medium for 40 years and author of 10 books. Numerous individual spiritual training courses with manuals, notes, practical training and certificates. Private consultations and dreams explained.Tel. 25 33 6284 / 25 33 2848 / 99 039 453, e-mail: joanbunyan@primehome.com


Helen Christodoulou www.fusion7healing.com Fusion7Healing is a non commercial method of healing. It uses 7 key components of the Universal Energy Field to heal the 7 areas of the Human Energy Field.Tel. 99401036


Elina Papa - Laughter Yoga-Rebirthing-Vegan cooking www.laughteryogacyprus.com Laughter Yoga Cyprus offers therapies using the proven benefits of laughter and rebirthing-breathwork to improve all aspects of your life. Private Rebirthing sessions. *NEW- Come try our HAPPY COOKIES, and other delicious vegan recipes! Tel. 99 312722


Jorge Zubieta - Positive Psychology A personal and corporate consultant in Positive Psychology. Grounded in scientifically proven methods of Character Strengths and works with individual clients and conducts workshops at schools and businesses. Tel: 96 856484

35 36


Agelor Activation Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Angelic Reiki, SRT, Pranic Healing, Aura Soma, Chinese Astrology, Dowsing, Cleaning electromagnetic fields in spaces, Api Therapy, Chinese Medicine and Herbal therapist e-mail: andreasneophytou@cytanet.com.cy, MariaMenikou@oikod.coop.com.cy andmona.kyprianidou@hotmail.com

Spiritual Response Therapy www.srt.gr Was developed by Robert E. Detzler in 1988 and is now a world renowned therapy. SRT clears the negative energies that each of us accumulates and carries from past lives. Xenia Ioannidou Tel. +30 210 42 97 105, +30 6932 30 39 29, e-mail:info@srt.gr Aphrodite Aromatics Pure essential lavender oil distilled from local organic plantation certified by Lacon. Suppliers for professional and home use. Rosemary, Bay Leaf, Oreganum, Pine and Eucalyptus Oils are also available. Tel. 99 616324, 26 272627, e-mail: poppypsaltis@hotmail.com


Akasha Center www.akasha-center.net Ethereal Place For Yoga, Tantra, Arts and Treatments. Traditional Yoga for all levels, Meditation & Theory, Aqua Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Shakti Yoga, Pregnancy Yoga, treatments and Ayurvedic Massages, arts, workshops and events. e-mail: info@akasha-center.net


Australian Bush Flower Remedies A very powerful and safe way for bringing good health and harmony to the emotional, mental and spiritual self. Made of the oldest and most sacred plants in Australia and worldwide. Vassilis Kyriacou and Maria Stavrou, Tel. 99 976373, 99 474109, e-mail: mar.s7@cytanet.com.cy


Charalambos Soleas www.soleas.eu Hypnotherapy, NLP, Life coaching and seminars for self development, self hypnosis, Reiki. Tel. 7000 5750


Pranic Healing www.pranichealingcyprus.webs.com A very simple but extremely effective energy healing which heals not only the body but the also the mind. It accelerates the body’s natural healing powers 10 times faster! Nicosia: Helen Weeks Tel.99 851102. Paphos: Eleni Alexandrou(Greek) Tel. 99 454952. Limassol: Brenda Sanderson Tel. 99 892537. 31


/ Cypria A & B


Healthy Healing www.healthyhealingcy.com Offering Live Blood Analysis at a special show price of €30. Observe and understand the condition of your body at cellular level. Bookings accepted in advance. Contact Caroline Carter: Tel. 99 042639


Ole Piil Specializes in coaching, mentoring, conflict management and objective and cognitive training for individuals and businesses. Courses, for all age groups, in sports coaching, mental training and team building. Tel. 96 703659, e-mail: op@keymanagement.dk


Sylvia Braun A unique blend of Bowen Body Work and NLP based techniques to address the links between physical and emotional well-being. Practices Ki Massage, Reflexology and Coaching and is a Yoga instructor and Holistic Dietician. Tel. 99 139722


Ε.Μ. ΟΙΚΟ-ΛΟΓΙΚΗ ΛΤΔ (Ε.Μ. ECO-LOGIC LTD) www.em-ecologic.com An all-natural blend of beneficial non genetically modified micro-organisms, which has a reviving action on humans, animals, plants, and the natural environment.Giorgos Eftychiou & Rodoula Eftychiou Charilaou Tel. 26 632926, 99 557704 & 99 531175, e-mail: info@ em-ecologic.com


Thai Elements Centre Traditional Nuadthai school from Bangkok. Thai practitioners: Traditional Thai Massage, Aromatic Oil massage, Reflexology, Thai Compress Therapy. Trainings with Certifications from Thailand, e-mail: info@thaielements.eu, biliana_d@hotmail.com, Tel. 7000 0744


Armoniki Zoi Kyprou www.holisticharmony.com/greek A non profitable, Educational and Cultural Association / Organization offering seminars & lectures on Self Knowledge, Self Development , Relationships , Philosophy ( Greek and English). Based on the work of well known philosopher Robert Elias Najemy. e-mail: info@liveinharmony.org, Tel. 99-696765


Gilly McKay Dimitriou Problem solving in the pursuit of health and happiness using feng shui, pranic healing, family soul therapy and other spiritual approaches. Tel. 22 873618, 99 420196, e-mail: fengshui@gillymckay.com, pranichealing@gillymckay.com


Medicolor -Permanent Make-Up And Medical Camouflage Artistry Natural enhancement of eyebrows, eyes and lips, using the latest digital equipment and specialized medical procedures- scar camouflage, areola/nipple reconstruction, hair replacement, re-pigmentation of Vitiligo, cleft palate reconstruction, Milena Mutafova e-mail: millakara@hotmail.com, Tel.99 644418


Liesa Catharina Kyriacou www.cattsoulart.com Better known as Catt, a British artist and designer residing in Cyprus, displays her unique style of art, which she calls SOUL ART. Her work is of spiritual influence and is deeply meaningful. e-mail:cattkyriacou@gmail.com, Tel. 99 456802



/ Lefkothea room


Jurlique www.jurlique.com.cy Products rich in natural antioxidants and organically grown herbs to revitalize, nourish and strengthen your skin. We offer Aromatherapy treatments for Face & Body, Pedicure and Manicure, using our products. Dia Kauriefs, Tel. 25 814844, 99 468480, e-mail: jurliquecy@cytanet.com.cy


Susan Annika Erkan Helps clients to find their goals in life, understand possible sabotaging patterns that prevent full enjoyment of life, and realize their personal growth and spirituality by using the Law of Attraction. She offers tarot card readings Mob: 90 533 882 1475, e-mail: susanerkan@gmail.com


Open Sky Cafe www.openskyglobal.com Open Sky Cafe offers Healing Touch, Spiritual Readings, Dream Interpretation, Sacred Oil, Spiritual & Angelic Languages. Yari Koivu, openskycafe@gmail.com


/ Lefkothea room


Irene Tymviou Tarot readings for guidance and reassurance of major life issues. A Tarot reading will guide us to face and overcome a problem, it’s up to us to accept this guidance or not. e-mail: itymviou@hotmail.com, Tel. 22 660301, 99 699569


Cyprus Green Party www.cyprusgreens.org Action and field work concerning environmental management such as pollution, energy conservation, water management, GMOs, bio/organic agriculture, electromagnetism, antennas, wild life, etc. Nicosia: 22 518787, Limassol: 25 342661,


Friends of the Earth Cyprus www.foecyprus.weebly.com A non-profit, non-governmental, environmental organization, established in 1980 and campaigns on local, regional and international environmental issues. They raise awareness on the importance of preserving the natural environment. Tel 25 347042 e-mail: foecyprus@yahoo.com


NDS-Nicosia Dog Shelter www.dogshelter.org.cy Offers a vital service to the community by caring for lost and abandoned dogs. The NDS has “no refusal” policy. Office tel 22 357007 - Adoptions 99 520511


Episkopi Turtlewatch www.episkopiturtlewatch.com A volunteer group working to conserve marine turtles and their habitat in Cyprus. It conducts direct conservation activities, raises public awareness of the need for conservation and, campaigns for the introduction of protective measures. Tel. 99 307296 e-mail: info@episkopiturtlewatch.com


Ethnic Shop The Ethnic Shop has a variety of interesting products from many different countries like fairies, gem stone lamps etc, Nicholas Phillipou, Tel. 99-649545, e-mail: theethnicshop@gmail.com


The PA KUA eco furniture & Feng Shui Shop www.pakuafs.com Imports and distributes Feng Shui items, crafts, water features, lamps, authentic Chinese calligraphy scrolls, books, cd’s and a wide range of eco furniture. Charalambos Charalambo. pakua1@cytanet.com.cy Tel. 22 463503


Osho Sanbodhan Meditation Center & Institute of Music www.oshocyprus.com Osho meditations, workshops in the Aum meditation, Ayurvedic healing, Osho no-dimension meditation and Biodanza. Constatinos Tellalis, Tel. 99 441531, 22 003758, e-mail: ossia2@mtnmail.com.cy


Eileen Augusti www.eileenaugusti.com Aura Photographer, Psychic Consultant and Spiritual Clairvoyant. Eileen is an expert on the explanation of the Aura, she reads clairvoyantly channelled from her guide Francis. Aura photographs are very exciting with clear and precise meanings. Tel. 99 637093, e-mail: eileen.augusti@gmail.com


TETRAKTYS Film Productions www.tetraktys.tv The development of high-quality audiovisual projects to promote culture and facts of Cyprus, using crossmedia platforms. DVD of ENTELECHY documentary will be available for sale, Stavros Papageorghiou Tel. 22 337433, 99 694407, e-mail: tetraktys@cytanet.com.cy


Books by Francesca & Igor: To the Rhythm of the Moon - by Chess Capino (aka Francesca) A tale of knowledge and love lost and found. A book for the young, and young at heart. www.cyprusspirit.com/chess_capino.html Your Health: It’s a Question of Balance – by Dr Igor Cetojevic & Francesca Pinoni. A lighthearted guide to holistic health. www.DrIgor.org


Angel and Co Kft. www.angelandco.hu & www.ezoko.com Esoteric gifts, such as Angels, Fairies and Buddhas, a huge range of crystals, stones and Tibetan Jewelry. We will help you to find your personal crystals/stones/lucky charm through the help of numerology. Benny Vervliet Tel. +36 204496367,e-mail: benny@qupdate.net 33


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Pranic Healing® and Reiki – the differences By Helen Weeks

balance the client’s physical, mental and emotional bodies. If a strong blockage is found specific techniques such as “psychic surgery” are used to release it. PRANIC HEALING employs specific energetic routines of cleansing and energizing the 11 major chakras and numerous meridians that are energetically causing a particular illness.

According to REIKI Masters who have attended PRANIC HEALING classes, here are some of the major differences between PRANIC HEALING and REIKI: 1. PRANIC HEALING is a non-touch system of healing. REIKI practitioners touch the body most of the time, although they also employ some non-touch techniques. 2. REIKI practitioners offer themselves as an open channel and allow the energy to flow wherever it is needed, while PRANIC HEALING teaches students to “scan,” or actually feel the aura, to assess areas of energetic depletion and congestion, which helps identify problem areas that need healing. 3. PRANIC HEALING employs a manual cleansing technique called “sweeping” to remove blockages and congested energies before giving fresh energy to the patient; cleansing is critical to the healing process because stagnant energies and negative emotions have to first be removed before energizing. In fact, cleansing alone often allows the body to quickly heal itself. 4. REIKI facilitates the flow of Reiki energy into whatever area needs healing to address all health problems and

5. PRANIC HEALING teaches its practitioners to draw energy from the sun, air, ground and other spiritual sources and then project this prana into their subjects’ auras and chakras. REIKI practitioners are initiated by a REIKI Master and a Reiki lineage and are given symbols help them focus on the healing energies. PRANIC HEALING employs simple breathing and visualization exercises that allow anyone to heal immediately with minimal instruction. This includes an excellent practice called “energetic hygiene” which is a special cleansing routine for the practitioner. REIKI Masters attending PRANIC HEALING classes agree that energetic hygiene is one of the greatest benefits of the class, particularly the techniques that enable them to cleanse themselves of contaminating energy they pick up from clients and how to prevent negative people from draining them. This is particularly important for all healthcare providers because they frequently experience pain or the ailment of their clients and become drained and tired after healing someone. 6. PRANIC HEALING employs the use of color energies that dramatically accelerate the body’s healing abilities. In fact, many REIKI Masters who have taken PRANIC HEALING often say that if they have a subject who wants immediate relief or rapid healings, they use PRANIC HEALING — particularly, the colored pranic techniques. But, if they have a subject who wants a relaxing and soothing session, they prefer to use REIKI. In summary, both PRANIC HEALING and REIKI are excellent healing modalities and help alleviate pain and suffering. PRANIC HEALING complements REIKI and all healing modalities, including traditional orthodox medicine. We are here together to help create health and happiness for all. After all, all healing comes from One Source, expressed in a myriad of ways. Adapted from www.pranichealing.com with the kind permission of Master Stephen Co by Helen Weeks, Certified Pranic Healer and Instructor, Cyprus. Tel: 99.851.102 PRESENTATION Saturday at 1pm in the SALAMINIA room “Super Brain Yoga” & Sunday at 2pm in the DIONYSOS room “Group healing for Stress Workshop” 35

Improve your health and enrich your personal growth

Hatzy Joyce MAR, MLDUK, BFRP

The Choice is Yours ! Therapies tailored to your needs By Hatzy Joyce

THERAPIES Reflexology Ear Candling Aromatherapy Bach Flower Consultation Manual Lymph Drainage Lymphoedma Support Pranic Healing Family Constellations

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vessels, due to surgery, burns, or a genetic disposition. MLD allows therapists to re-route the flow of lymph to healthy functioning lymph glands, thus reducing swelling, tightness of skin and heaviness of the limb. Ear Candling induces a feeling of warmth and balances the pressure in the ears, forehead and sinuses. This soothing therapy, from the Hopi American Indians, uses smoke from a hollow candle made of cotton with a thin film of wax to get into all the nooks and crannies of our sinus and auditory canal to help clear and clean them. Twelve years ago I started working in the field of complementary therapies, which are therapies that complement and work well alongside the medical field. My aim was to bring relaxation and balance to the physical body, that is muscles and tendons, using Massage and Aromatherapy and allowing the therapeutic oils to harmonize the mind and spiritual body too. I have continually re-trained in new therapies. Why? Well, like a gem, we are multi-faceted and I believe we need a multi-faceted approach at times. For example, Reflexology is great for those who don’t like getting undressed, or the elderly who cannot tolerate an hourlong session but will still get a ‘full body’ treatment with this therapy. Our feet mirror our body and by working gently on the feet all reflex points of the body are stimulated thus bringing all body systems back into balance. Some people need a lighter touch, and so Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) which works at skin-level only, stimulating the much under-estimated lymphatic system to pick up and eliminate toxins quicker will greatly benefit anyone who has for example acne, low energy levels, fluid retention, or swollen feet/arms. It is a vital component in the treatment of lymphoedema - the swelling of a limb or trunk due to an obstruction to the lymph 36

We must not forget our emotional self! For those who are for example under exam stress, moving house/job, suffering from fears, despondancy, or dealing with anger issues to name a few, having one’s own, tailor-made Bach Flower Remedies bottle brings emotional stability to their lives. All emotional imbalances hinder us from being who we really are. People with balanced emotions are happy, positive and effective! Pranic Healing cleans our auric field of heaviness and impurities. Subtle energies, known as Chi, Vital Life Force, or Prana is used to balance and align the flow of energies, and the chakras are energized and stabilized which positively effects the physical, mental, emotional and auric bodies. The physical body is not touched! You can choose to have a Family Constellation which effectively finds, heals and releases energetic entanglements within our family and other relationships. Often, out of blind love children take on the burdens of their elders, which are not for them to carry. Or someone is missing, either a sibling died young, or a family member is excluded and not spoken about. The latter injustice creates burdens which can be contributing factors to difficulties experienced in life. Very simply put, the constellations’ aim is for you to take your rightful place, hierarchically, in order of age, within your family of birth which will allows love to flow smoothly again between the family members. This work integrates and reorganizes itself at a soul level, which in turn has a positive effect on our physical reality. It is now also being successfully employed within the business sector to identify and release energetic entanglements. As we become aware that we are more than our physical body and start addressing the needs of our mental, emotional, auric and spiritual bodies too, all levels requiring attention at some point in our lives, offering you the above choice of therapies is my contribution to our mutual growth. Hatzy Joyce Mob: 99667039, hatzyjoyce@yahoo.co.uk, www.hatzyjoyce.com

The Nicosia Dog Shelter is a registered association which was established in 1991 for THE WELFARE OF DOGS IN CYPRUS. We offer a vital service to the community. Lost and abandoned dogs and puppies are brought to us every day by members of the public and local municipalities. Without the Nicosia Dogshelter these unwanted dogs would roam the streets and create a serious problem and inevitably suffer through no fault of their own. With a caring and responsable attitude to animal welfare, we believe society can be grately improved. The NICOSIA DOG SHELTER has a ‘NO REFUSAL’ policy. We offer help and advice regarding all aspects of animal welfare and firmly believe that TOGETHER we can make a DIFFERENCE. Office: 22 357005 nicosiadogshelter@gmail.com Emergency: 99 868512 Adoptions: 99 520511 www.dogshelter.org.cy

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