Meet Sadie and Nala, Author Rachael Tamayo’s two rescue pups. Adopted as puppies from an animal shelter, these mutts are sisters, littermates, and haven’t left each other since birth! They will be one year old in October.
TARA SUE ME & Pierre In 2018, we lost our twelve-year-old French Bulldog, known on my Facebook page as Pierre. We rescued Pierre and his sister, FiFi, in 2009. Fifi passed in late 2017, but I never had the same bond with her. Pierre was 100% beta male, going along with anything his sister wanted. He was an old soul, and followed me all around the house. I was already working from home and he was my almost constant companion. I still miss him. 42 | UncagedBooks.com
Boone is a seven-year-old Golden Retriever. She believes she is the boss of the house and expects to get her way by staring with a sad puppy look. She usually wins. She loves to lay on her back either on the old couch or outside in the grass. It looks like she is suntanning her very white belly. She is a beautiful red color and is the most loving, gentle dog I’ve had.
CAT RAMBO & Taco Cat
This is Taco Cat, who is both palindromic and cute. She was featured in my short story, “Tortoiseshell Cats Are Not Refundable,” which appeared on Clarkesworld Magazine - http:// clarkesworldmagazine.com/rambo_02_14/ Follow my Twitter stream for frequent videos of her going “mert” indignantly when I poke her.