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Uncaged’s Feature Authors introduce you to their devoted writing buddies, and the devotion goes both ways
from Uncaged Book Reviews
by Cyrene
Meet Sadie and Nala, Author Rachael Tamayo’s two rescue pups. Adopted as puppies from an animal shelter, these mutts are sisters, littermates, and haven’t left each other since birth!
They will be one year old in October.
TARA SUE ME & Pierre
In 2018, we lost our twelve-year-old French Bulldog, known on my Facebook page as Pierre. We rescued Pierre and his sister, FiFi, in 2009. Fifi passed in late 2017, but I never had the same bond with her. Pierre was 100% beta male, going along with anything his sister wanted. He was an old soul, and followed me all around the house. I was already working from home and he was my almost constant companion. I still miss him.
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Boone is a seven-year-old Golden Retriever. She believes she is the boss of the house and expects to get her way by staring with a sad puppy look. She usually wins. She loves to lay on her back either on the old couch or outside in the grass. It looks like she is suntanning her very white belly.
She is a beautiful red color and is the most loving, gentle dog I’ve had.
CAT RAMBO & Taco Cat
This is Taco Cat, who is both palindromic and cute. She was featured in my short story, “Tortoiseshell Cats Are Not Refundable,” which appeared on Clarkesworld Magazine - http:// clarkesworldmagazine.com/rambo_02_14/

Pets and companions come in many shapes and sizes. From furry to feathered to hairy and scaley - there is a place for all of them. Authors have a special relationship with their pets - whether they remind them to get up and take a break or they inspire their writing. Meet the critters that share their love and devotion to Uncaged Feature Authors.
Meet Mr. Henry! He’s a shitzu and a rescue. He came to us as a monster, and I mean biting and nasty. I wanted to send him back so many times until the reality of his survival hit me. He was so aggressive, I knew he’d be euthanized. I actually begged my husband to be the alpha over him, which meant he’d probably earn a few scars. I just couldn’t do it anymore, even though I’d had many rescue dogs. He was just the worst.
So I buckled down with a routine, training, hand and word commands. And you know what, he needed structure. He needed to feel safe. He needed to learn how to communicate. We crate and potty trained him very quickly. We knew he was super intelligent. We also knew he was an

alpha. My hubs just had to be the bigger one. We set rules of acceptable behavior with treats. There were repercussions to aggression. Basically, crate time (maybe five minutes). Then we’d let him out and make up. At night, I made sure we had special one-on-one time together. He would actually come and get into my arms and kiss my face. He just needed to feel loved.
Henry became my blessing. When tragedy struck our family, he became my comfort dog. The rest is history. I’ve had Henry for almost 2 years. I may have rescued him, but he rescued me too! Here he is ready to celebrate my favorite season and hand out treats!
Issue 51 | October 2020 | 43

Jangles, my chihuahua, fancies himself as master of the universe. He is also a real taskmaster as my editor. He insists everything is a “ruff” draft. Jangles watches tv and barks at any animal, any animated figure, and Donald Trump (sorry, Mr. President!). He also barks at violence (he has a good heart). Needless to say, it’s hard to watch a movie or television show when he’s awake.
I myself don’t have any pets. However, as my sister and her son live with me, and they have pets, that makes up for it. There is Connor the dog, got the cat, and Polu the parakeet. Polu likes to sit on my shoulder while I write.

I have three little dogs, all are mixed breeds. However, I have to tell y’all about Lola, the Chiweenie. She is chubby, has an attitude and lives her best life every single day. I can definitely take lessons from this little princess on the how to not let things let me down. No matter what, she always makes me smile!