Putting together this magazine within the midst of a holiday and us moving has been very challenging. On top of it, my old dinosaur of a computer is showing it’s age. By the time I start putting together the next issue, I’ll be running on a new computer. It’s well overdue.
I really wanted to get the Life in Motion back up and running, but with the time constraints, I haven’t had the time. There will be plenty to write about in the coming months with a house that was built in the 50s and not having a lot of upgrades since. The bones and and basics are in great condition but the cosmetic upgrades needed are in every room. Even the outside - about half an acre - hasn’t probably seen a flower in years. Of course I’ll change that.
Once life settles, I’ll be introducing new features and adventures for Uncaged Book Reviews. This will include online parties with plenty of prizes with authors that everyone loves. Lots of other ideas are spinning around, and I can’t wait to start jotting it all down.
We will be continuing with the “Buy 2, Get 1” promotion we’ve been running, with some changes for 2022/23. The promotion will only be for Full Page Ads, so if you buy 2, you will get one free. No other advertising will be eligible. With the issues selling out advertising more frequently, this gives more opportunities for all in advertising in the magazine. It really does help from a marketing standpoint, to have an advertisment run three months in a row to repeat in the readers mind. You don’t just see a commercial on TV one time and remember it, right? So we will continue to try and provide the best bang for your buck and get the most eyes we can on your work.
Enjoy the July/August issue of Uncaged Book Reviews and I wish for 2023 to be a great year for all.
July 6-9, 2023; Boca Raton, FL https://sleuthfest.com/
RomantiConn 2023
July 8, 2023; Trumbull, CT
Writers on the River
July 15, 2023; East Peoria, IL
Romance GenreCon
August 3-5, 2023; Kansas City, MO
July 13 – 16, 2023; Quincy, MA https://readercon.org/
Rockin’ Romance Readers
August 5, 2023; Knoxville, TN
RSJ Virtual Romance Book Con
July 13 - 15, 2023 VIRTUAL https://rsjconvention.com/
The Steamy Lit Con
Aug 16, 2023, 2023; Anaheim, CA
Uncaged will watch for any cancelations or modifications for the 2023 season. Please watch their websites for information as the dates get closer.
Over a 30-year Air Force career, author Cam Torrens delivered combat supplies and personnel across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. He piloted the first mobility aircraft into Iraq during the Iraq War, served as the United States Air Attaché at the US Embassy in Beijing, China, and spent four years as the Professor of Aerospace Studies at Virginia Tech.
A father of six, Cam and his spouse live in Buena Vista, Colorado where he serves as the Vice President of the Chaffee County Writer’s Exchange and volunteers with the Chaffee County Search & Rescue team.
Stable is his debut novel. The next book in the Tyler Zahn series, False Summit, will be released in October, 2023.
Welcome to Uncaged! On July 20th, your debut thriller, Stable will release. Can you tell us more about this book?
My protagonist Tyler Zahn’s life disintegrated when he lost his son. He discarded his family, his career, and his dignity, finding solace in apathy and beer. Eight years later, armed with new confidence, he invites his estranged daughter, Daria, to visit his Rocky Mountain home. Zahn tries too hard to mend their relationship, and as the tension between father and daughter increases, forgiveness seems out of reach. Especially when his Search & Rescue work pulls him away from Daria and she finds romance at the church camp next door. Meanwhile, someone is nabbing young children in this mountain valley—and no one knows who will be next.
You had a long career in the Air Force. What inspired you to start writing?
I’m a lifelong reader and I go through a lot of books! Usually over a hundred books a year. It’s my absolute favorite thing to do. Throughout my military career, I often thought how special it would be to be able to impact others through writing as so many authors did for me.
And the things my protagonist deals with came from my experiences as a military pilot—and afterward with my current work in Search & Rescue. When I retired, I wanted to be done with making the big decisions involving potentially life-threatening consequences and just focus on family. I’d had enough drama in the desert. My protagonist Tyler Zahn feels the same way, but quickly discovers he can’t just stand aside and let bad things happen. In Stable, I wanted to show that you can pull the veteran from the battlefield, but it’s hard to quell his or her desire to continue to serve—and the inherent conflict of service before self or family is still there.
What are you working on now that you can tell us about?
I just received word the second Tyler Zahn novel, FALSE SUMMIT, is heading to the printers. It releases on October 5th. I’m about 70K words into my first draft of the third Tyler Zahn book—hopefully you will see it in 2024!
What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?
I thought writing in the voice of a child would be easy. We’ve got six kids and I feel like I know what makes them tick. But it turned out to be a real challenge and I’m not in a hurry to write many more scenes from a child’s point of view.
My favorite scenes to write involve dialogue and trying to create tension within it that’s felt between the lines instead of in the lines.
How do you come up with names for your characters?
I use names of friends, names that sound cool, names from my past. If a name I use is one that an acquaintance I know will recognize, I make sure the character is nothing like the real person. Don’t need that kind of drama!
Do you read reviews? What do you take away from them?
I do. I’m a new author, so it’s not like there are hundreds to look at. At this stage, I’m still treating a negative review like I would input from my local critique group or from a beta reader. Areas to improve. And if it’s a positive review, I try and say thank you! Actually, I’ve said thank you to a couple negative reviews as well because they offered good advice.
I’m a part-time ultrarunner. I’ve done seven marathons and six races between 30-50 miles. I’ve found my running is like my writing. It takes me a long time, I’m not always happy with my results, but I generally can count on finishing. I’m on day 579 (as of this interview) of a running streak where I run at least a mile a day.
Which comes first, the plot or the characters in the planning stages?
Definitely the characters. I don’t know to whom to attribute the quote, but I remember reading “the reader doesn’t care about your plot…they care about how the plot affects the characters they’ve grown to care for...” I try to remember that while writing.
I’m enrolled in a writing class for veterans right now taught by David L. Robbins and he reminds us every session that we shouldn’t start writing until we’ve determined the character’s profound truth—one that every reader can relate to on some level.
What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren’t writing or working?
Ha! That would be reading. Now that I’m writing, the books to be read are piling up. But I also enjoy traveling with the family, hiking, and going to our two 8thgrade boys’ sporting events.
Do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks or physical books? Are you reading anything now?
My preference is e-books so I can read them anywhere. I save audiobooks for running and road trips. I’m currently reading Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware, Don’t Believe It by Charlie Donlea, The Sinking of the Angie Piper by fellow Black Rose Writer Chris Riley, and an advanced copy of The Long Haul by award-winning author Lena Gibson.
What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?
What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
Our country is blessed to have first responders in every state and county committed to the safety of our citizens.
Cam on a SAR mission in La Plata, Argentina
Colorado’s Search & Rescue plays an important role in my books and a portion of my author proceeds goes to the local group I’m a part of. camtorrens.com
Stable Cam Torrens Suspense Thriller Releases July 21
A kidnapper hiding in plain sight.
A rural town with tons of suspects.
From debut author
Cam Torrens comes a gut-wrenching suspense novel based on an actual missing person case.
A 911 call sends Search & Rescue on a search for a missing girl in the Collegiate Peaks. They find a child...but not the one they seek.
Air Force pilot Tyler Zahn’s life disintegrated when he lost his son. He discarded his family, his career, and his dignity, finding solace in apathy and beer. Eight years later, armed with new confidence, he invites his estranged daughter, Daria, to visit his Rocky Mountain home. Zahn tries too hard to mend their relationship, and as the tension between father and daughter increases, forgiveness seems out of reach. Especially when his Search & Rescue work pulls him away from Daria and she finds romance at the church camp next door.
But Zahn can’t get the missing girl he found-and the one he can’t find-out of his mind. Someone in this mountain valley is collecting children, and Zahn is gradually drawn into the case while still trying to break through to his daughter.
Then she disappears too.
Zahn thought about that. It felt that way when he was with Daria. Like she wore armor around the things that hurt. The things not discussed.
“You got something bothering you? Daria doing all right?”
“Yeah, she’s doing great. Starting the healing process. I guess I’m just interested in hearing some more of an outsider’s perspective on this place.” Zahn scooted his stool back a couple of feet from Elliot to give CAM TORRENS 109 him room to finish the shoe. “She’s quite taken with Kevin. And I guess I’m okay with that. He seems like he’s squared away.”
“I can vouch for that,” Gabe said. “Solid young man, and he’ll treat your daughter right.”
“I’m kind of worried about where he’s coming from. This church. All the praying.”
“Prayer stuff?” Elliot smiled.
“You know, when you pointed out Kevin and the others praying for her after the fall? She felt something when they did it. I suspect she’s still doing it with Kevin. She said she wanted to try going without the meds and using prayer to help with the pain.”
Elliot nodded. “Is it working?”
“I don’t know,” Zahn said, shaking his head. “She thinks it helps, and I guess that’s what matters. What kind of place is this?”
Elliot finished mounting the shoe. He stood and untied the horse, then led it into the adjoining corral, patting the animal on the flanks as he released it to
join the others. Zahn followed. After Elliot closed the corral gate, he propped his foot up on the bottom rung of the fence and leaned on his elbows across the top rung, looking up at the foothills of Mt. Columbia. He nodded toward his right, and Zahn joined him at the fence.
Elliot returned his gaze to the mountains. “You want the party line, or my opinion?”
“Your view. I already looked them up on the Internet and got the public affairs version.”
“Uh-huh.” Elliot nodded and stayed silent for a moment.
Zahn waited.
“I lost someone I loved. About ten years back.” Elliot kept his gaze focused on the mountain in front of him. “My daughter.” He stopped and took a breath. “My entire world.”
Zahn turned to look at the man. No wonder he felt drawn to this stranger. Elliot recognized Zahn’s pain. He’d likely suffered with it even longer.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sure you are, and I appreciate that. Not looking for sympathy, though—trying to explain something about this place.” Elliot turned his head toward Zahn. “When I lost my girl, this church wrapped itself around me. The men kept me company. The women fed me. They all embraced me in prayer. I got explanation after explanation about why bad things happen to good people. If ever I was to step into their fold, that was the time.”
“But you didn’t?”
“I didn’t.” Elliot shook his head. “I thought their explanations were a bunch of shit. What kind of God takes the innocent?”
Exactly. Zahn felt a sense of déjà vu. What kind of God would take Jacob?
“I worked—hell, I still work—through the pain myself. By honoring my girl’s memory. Her dreams
of what might have been. Her aspirations.” Elliot stepped back from the fence and looked into Zahn’s eyes. “But here’s the deal. It was the church’s intent that earned my respect. Not their religion. They were wrapping me into their fold because they cared about my pain. They weren’t recruiting. Weren’t trying to prove how their religion was better than others. Just trying to help me because they cared.” Elliot looked at the ground, then back to Zahn. “That meant the world to me, and it’s why I still work here. I don’t believe in their worldview. I don’t believe in their God. I believe in what they gave me—grace, with nothing expected in return. Screw outcomes. Their intent is what mattered.”
“Screw outcomes?”
“Right. Take Daria, for example. If the prayer doesn’t work, then have her take the damn medicine. But no need to blame the church. They mean well.” Elliot nodded. “I guess that’s what I feel about this place. You don’t need to worry about Daria here. Their intent is good.”
Zahn nodded. He had asked for a straight answer and got it. From a man he’d just met. But a man he had quickly grown to respect.
Elliot spoke again. “Another thing.”
“What’s that?”
“I know your friends are still poking around out here trying to figure out where that little girl is, right?”
“Of course they are. They’ll poke until they find her.”
“Uh-huh. Well, they can keep poking, but my gut tells me they won’t find anything strange going on here.” Elliot swept his arm toward the main lodge.
“This place means well.”
Brian Kaufman is a curriculum editor for an online junior college. He is the author of ten published novels and a collection of novellas. Kaufman lives in the Colorado mountains with his wife Judith and Finn the dog. He divides his time between various passions, including writing, blues guitar, hiking, cooking, and book-hoarding.
Welcome to Uncaged! In August, your latest novel, A Persistent Echo will release. Can you tell us more about this book?
A PERSISTENT ECHO is historical fiction—an endof-life story with themes that I hope will resonate with modern readers. 1897: August Simms returns to Rhome, Texas—the town where his wife is buried. He’s dying of cancer and has one last adventure in mind. Hundreds of UFO sightings have been reported, seven years before the Wright brothers flew at Kitty Hawk. (True. Google Aurora UFO.) August wants to solve the mystery. Instead, the past comes calling. His wife’s death, a murder, and a lynching are inextricably tied to the present. The adventure August finds will not be the one he expects.
While in Rhome, August stays at a boarding house run by Nadine Martin and her daughter Natalie. Nadine does not recognize August, though he boarded there for a summer fifteen years earlier. She’s been keeping a secret, and August may be the only person who can help her when the past threatens.
What are you working on now that you can tell us about?
I tend to hop genres. Probably not wise from a career standpoint, but it keeps me fresh. My current project is a cross-genre series (noir and near-future dystopia). I’ve finished the first book and I’m halfway through the second. Research has been a joy—I read the classic pulps, watched dozens of black-and-white movies, and even delved into some serious academic studies of noir’s philosophical underpinning. Wonderful stuff.
What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?
textbooks during the day and novels at night. I never tire of the process. Things you do with that sort of regularity begin to flow with less effort.
How do you come up with names for your characters?
This will sound odd. When I’m imagining a character, the first thing I come up with is a face. That face usually suggests a name. That’s as close as I can come to explaining.
Do you read reviews? What do you take away from them?
I read them all. I try not to take any of them too seriously (though I probably do). Occasionally, someone will dig deep and find things I’ve buried, and that’s an amazing feeling. I’d like to think that I reward close readers.
What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
I was a cook for decades before I began writing textbooks for a living. I specialize in Sicilian, Cajun, and Tex Mex dishes. My wife Judith, who never cooked professionally, is a better cook. We eat very well at our house!
Which comes first, the plot or the characters in the planning stages?
I start with a plot idea. Something I am obsessed with, or something that strikes a thematic chord. Then comes the protagonist—someone whose character arc follows the thematic progression suggested by the plot. I don’t worry about antagonists right away. (If one isn’t obvious, the protagonist will be his own worst enemy, as is most often the case in real life.)
There’s a funeral scene in A PERSISTENT ECHO that was very painful. My dog Gus, a constant companion for 16 years, was near death, so I had trouble evaluating the funeral scene properly. Most other writing is comparatively easy. I’m lucky in that I love the craft. I write
What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren’t writing or working?
We have a long-haired dachshund puppy named
Finn who takes up a serious amount of our time. I hike and lift weights. I also play blues guitar, though I’m not very accomplished. Finally, I drink the local craft beers (something at which I’m very accomplished).
Do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks or physical books? Are you reading anything now?
I commute an hour each way to work, so audiobooks are a blessing. eBooks are great at night when I can’t sleep—the Kindle app on my iPad is backlit so I won’t disturb my wife. But I’ll never give up the joy of a well-made physical book. I read somewhere that as paper degrades, it gives off organic volatile compounds, which smell good to people. That odor, and my wife’s chicken and dumplings, are the ultimate comfort smells.
What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?
My hopes are best expressed by Umberto Ecco (THE NAME OF THE ROSE), who said, “I wanted the reader to enjoy himself, at least as much as I was enjoying myself.” To that, I’d add “Thank you.”
Brian Kaufman
Historical Fiction
Releases August 24
August Simms-explorer, soldier, world travelerreturns to Rhome, Texas to chase one last adventure.
Hundreds of UFO sightings have been reported, seven years before the Wright brother’s initial flight, and August intends to solve the airship mystery.
Instead, the past comes calling. A murder, a lynching, and the death of his wife fifteen years earlier are inextricably tied to the present, and the adventure August finds will not be the one he expects.
The evening meal is served promptly at five. The table sits in the center of the kitchen. Both the old dining room and the parlor have been converted to rooms. Nadine and her daughter Natalie set serving plates at the center of the table. Biscuits, fresh from the oven, and pickled beans, the last of the winter stores, accompany the roast pork. Having lived in similar places for many years, August is familiar with the “boarding house reach”—the scramble for the best cuts of meat and a fair portion share. He lets the others at the table fill their plates before taking a biscuit and a small piece of pork.
“You have to be quicker than that,” the man to his right says. William Chambers is a short, stout man who uses a cane to get to and from the din-
ing table. He sports a salt-and-pepper goatee that extends to the top of his chest. He is losing his hair on top, something everyone can see because of his diminutive stature. His stomach acts as a shelf for his hands, which rest with fingers interlaced when he is not eating, though he is eating now, diving into a plate piled high with biscuits and pork, along with a tablespoon or two of vegetable.
“Mr. Simms?” Nadine asks. “Do you have enough to eat?”
“I do,” August says.
“Simms?” Chambers asks, as if chewing on the name instead of the biscuit in his hand. “I know that we were introduced, but I didn’t catch your first name.”
Chambers swallows. “August Simms. I believe I know of an August Simms. Explorer of sorts.”
August cuts his biscuit in half and stuffs the pork slice inside. He takes a bite. The flavor is surprisingly good. He glances at Nadine. “This is marvelous. What is the seasoning?”
“Coriander,” Nadine says. Her eyes go wide.
“Yes, quite delicious,” Chambers says. “One of your better meals.”
“Pleased to hear it,” Nadine says, glaring at Chambers. “Must be extraordinary for you to take notice.”
to August. “In your travels, have you encountered the seeds?”
“Coriander grows wild in the Land of Israel as well.”
“Ah. The Levant.” Chambers nods. He pats his lips again. “You may not be aware, but the spice’s name comes from the Greek word koris—the stink bug. It refers to the peculiar odor.”
Nadine is bent over the table, retrieving the empty serving platter. “Oh, my. I hope the odor doesn’t bother you.” Her expression says something entirely different.
Young Natalie puts down her fork, sighing. She pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger. She is the only person in the room under the age of thirty, and she looks as if she’d rather be anywhere else. Perhaps Portugal or Israel, August thinks.
Don’t miss these titles:
“When something’s good, proper acknowledgement should be made,” Chambers says. He fingers his goatee, smiling. Across the table, young Natalie rolls her eyes.
Chambers pats his lips with a napkin and adds, “Coriander seeds grow wild in Portugal.” He turns
Kalee has been in the financial industry for over 15 years, but her love of money started very young. Growing up in a single parent household, she watched her mom struggle with finances and wished there was something she could do to help. Around this time, she realized she needed to find her own way to save and earn if she wasn’t going to allow her circumstances to define her. And so, her own journey to financial literacy began.
Today, as a single mom and financially independent woman, Kalee is called to support women in their financial lives. She continues to create initiatives to grow a community that brings together financially independent women that are stepping into their worth as serious earners and smart investors. Knowing that talking about money and investment topics can be intimidating and overwhelming for women, five years ago she started women-only events to offer a safe and comfortable space for women. She continues to host these ongoing events on various wealth topics on a monthly basis that attract over 1000 women per year.
As a strong proponent of financial literacy she writes articles on financial topics and has been published in Calgary’s Child magazine with her article called ‘Raising Money Savvy Children’. And appeared on the Global Morning show in Calgary to discuss ways to teach your children about money.
Kalee has spoken on various panels including the Divorce Symposium and Women in ETF’s about investing and money topics. She has also been requested to speak for a variety of organizations and groups including the Young Women Lawyers Association, Articling Students Association, Young Women in Business, and Women in Energy on topics such as “Women Building Wealth”, “Investing for Success”, and “Money Mindset”. She is the sessional instructor teaching the ‘Investing 101’ course with the Alberta Securities Commission. And was recognized by Wealth Professionals as one of the 20 Rising Stars in Canada in 2020, and was the gold winner of the Young Achiever of the Year award.
Uncaged welcomes Kalee Boisvert
1) Welcome to Uncaged! Your book, Make Money Your Thing will release in July. What prompted you to write this book and how is your book different from other money managing help books?
I’ve actually spent more than 15 years working in the financial industry, but my fascination with money began
at a very young age. Growing up in a single-parent household, I witnessed my mom’s struggles with finances and wished I could do something to ease her worries. I firmly believed that no woman should have to experience anxiety about having enough money to support herself, her family, or her future. This deeply personal conviction propelled me towards a career that would allow me to advocate for women and their financial well-being, ultimately leading me to be-
come a financial advisor.
To establish my women-focused wealth business, I started hosting financial literacy events exclusively for women. These events gradually gained momentum, attracting a larger and more enthusiastic audience. It became evident that women were eager to learn more about managing their finances, and I also realized that my events were limited to reaching only the local audience of my city. This realization prompted me to embark on the ambitious journey of writing a book that encompasses everything I believe every woman needs to know about her financial life. In crafting the book, I wanted to take readers on a transformative journey towards building money confidence. By the end of the book, my aim is for readers to discard phrases like “I’m not a numbers person,” “I’m not good at math,” or the dreaded “money isn’t my thing!” Instead, they will be empowered to confidently proclaim that money is, indeed, their thing!
What are you working on now that you can tell us about?
I continue to work on initiatives to provide financial literacy opportunities. I have a children’s picture book called MoneyWise Mabel’s Bursting Bank coming out in September which is aimed for ages 4-6 and I hope for parents to use this as a tool to start talking about money with their little ones really early on. There is so much power to an early start to learning about money, it leads to children growing up to be confident and empowered adults with their finances.
What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?
Some of the stories I share near the beginning of the book, which recount moments from my childhood, were challenging to write. They transport me back to a time when growing up poor weighed heavily on my shoulders, and witnessing the burden my mom had to bear was heart-wrenching. These stories also remind me of a period when the lack of financial resources affected my sense of self-worth, leading me to internalize the belief that I wasn’t “enough”.
Writing about the remarkable women I’ve had the privilege to meet and collaborate with was the easiest. These women are everyday individuals who have embraced money as an integral part of their lives, making it “their thing.” I hope that by sharing their stories, readers will be inspired to cultivate confidence in their own money abilities.
Do you read reviews? What do you take away from them?
I do pay attention to reviews, as I value receiving thoughtful feedback that helps me understand what other topics and information people are interested in when it comes to money and finances. But I also get that my work will not be for everyone, and that I think is to be expected, I understand that some reviews might not be positive, but hopefully not too mean. Go easy on us authors, writing a book is a very vulnerable experience!
What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
I am a single mom to an 8 yr old daughter and almost 1 yr old son. That often surprises people as a lot of the writing for this book was done while running my business and being pregnant all as a single momma. I juggle a lot but I am so passionate about the work I do and about being a mom so I love that I don’t have to choose one or the other. I get to do both!
What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren’t writing or working?
I love to read fiction books to help relax and clear my head. Great books can take my mind off a terrible day. I also love guided meditations – I haven’t mastered just sitting in silence but guided meditations with positive affirmations have been so powerful in my life.
Do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks or physical books? Are you reading anything now?
I love books in all forms and I love that they come in
a variety of formats now. Audiobooks are wonderful for listening on the go. And ebooks are so convenient especially with having my little guy, there were many late night feedings where an ebook helped me pass the time. And then of course the classic book in hand is great when you are on a fabulous beach vacation or cozied up in a comfy chair.
What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?
I am beyond appreciative for people taking a chance on reading my book. Money is a tricky topic and can be overwhelming, so the fact that you are taking the plunge to Make Money your Thing! means the world to me. And please feel free
Make Money Your Thing
Kalee Boisvert
Self-Help Releases July 11
Making Money Your Thing Is Easier Than You Think . . . With inspiration from her own life, Kalee Boisvert has developed an easy-to-use system for women, young and old, to take control of their finances. Make Money Your Thing is an approachable guide to take women on a journey from avoidance and overwhelm to feeling comfortable and in control of their finances. This book provides simple action steps to learn the basics of money management, understand the importance of balancing the books, and embrace the uniqueness of your own personal situation. The end result is
women feeling good about where their finances are right now, and building a solid foundation for where you want to go in the future. When money is your “thing” you can feel completely at ease about making it work for you–and feel confident that your financial goals and dreams are all very possible.
With clear, simple steps, and easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll be making money your thing in no time! Some of the concepts you’ll explore in the book.
● Transforming money mistakes into money wisdom
● Keep the focus on what you can control
● Step into your power: become a money boss
● Go on a date with your money
● Embrace your money uniqueness
I’VE SPENT A FAIR BIT of my adult life in the dating game looking for “the one.” I was an early adopter of online dating, attended speed dating events, allowed myself to be set up on several blind dates, and took my trips to bars with friends extra-seriously by spending hours curling my hair. Unfortunately, nothing came from those efforts other than an array of comedic material about how bad a first date truly can be. I can look back now and laugh about those encounters, and share the age-appropriate stories with my daughter, her favorite being the greedy pizza guy that ate the entire pie to himself (didn’t share a single piece with me). But I would be lying if I said these disastrous dates didn’t leave me with an overall negative and hopeless view on dating. And it was likely that bias that led me to the period I stayed in for several years which I called—the avoidance phase.
At that time I had a lot on my plate anyway as a single parent and building my business, so saying I didn’t have the time was an easy cover-up. During those years, I gave absolutely zero time and attention to finding a partner or being in a romantic relationship. And what did my nonexistent effort result in? You guessed it, being perpetually single. And I’m talking really, really single—not even one disastrous first date
to speak of during those years. I’ve done a lot of personal development work since then and I know now that if I truly want to find that special someone, I cannot avoid dating, relationships, and love. Finding a partner starts by being open, and giving that part of my life time and attention. It means seeing the possibilities, rather than burying myself under a pile of excuses.
And just like I hid from my love life, I see women take a similar approach when it comes to the relationship with their money. They enter their own period of avoidance, but in this case it’s the money avoidance phase. They defend this choice with valid excuses, not unlike the ones I’d given when it came to dating. Have you ever found yourself avoiding the topic of money? Maybe you’ve had good intentions to try but had some disappointing first experiences akin to my first dates. Perhaps you enrolled in a course or read a personal finance book but it didn’t really resonate with you, searched for a financial professional to work with but couldn’t find the right fit, attempted investing on your own but then gave up after seeing all the investment options, or opted to delete it from the to-do list when life got too busy. Avoidance is an easy solution to any tricky topic, especially money, which like finding love, can be uncomfort¬able, overwhelming, and stressful.
But if you have dreams for your future, ignoring your money will not get you any closer to achieving them. Neglecting your money will not progress you toward your end goals. In fact, it may actually take you further away from them as you money erodes away from inflation (talked about in Chapter 9).
Paying attention will help you achieve the unshakeable money confidence that is needed when money is your thing. It’s about tak¬ing initiative, checking in on your cash, making adjustments where needed, and celebrating successes. Unfortunately the avoidance tac¬tics play out all too often where people give very little or no time to their money. You exert so much of your precious energy into making money. Most of you probably spend upward of forty hours per week earning money, the majority of your waking hours. But do you spend any time working on your money? With how much of yourself you give to earning it,
doesn’t that give your money the right to rank high on your list of priorities? Doesn’t it deserve your time and attention?
Results happen when you can give your money the effort it deserves. This could look like:
• Reconstructing your beliefs around money with a more positive outlook, open to the possibilities
• Creating your wealth snapshot (outlined in Chapter 7)
• Understanding your spending habits
• Getting specific on exactly what you want to achieve with your money and writing it down
• Expanding your financial literacy
• Developing strong money communication with your partner
• Celebrating money milestones and successes
Doesn’t this sound a bit more like what your money deserves?
For a reality check on how little time you may be giving your money, let’s compare it to something fun and exciting that really gets your attention—like planning a vacation! How much time did you spend planning your last vacation? A day? A week? Now hon¬est reflection moment: do you spend this much time planning as it relates to your money (which also happens to be the tool that makes your vacations possible)? I suspect it is the fun exciting stuff that gets a bit more of your time. And I get it; vacations are a blast. But there’s a very real possibility you may be selling your money short.
Everyone could spare a little more time in their schedule for money matters. And there was a period when I too wasn’t giving my money enough loving. Early on in my career I decided to enlist the support of a life coach—intuitively knowing my life was lacking bal¬ance. One of the initial exercises my coach had me complete was the wheel of life. The wheel was divided into slices like a pizza. Each slice being labeled with a category or area of one’s life including family, relationships, money, business/career, health, person-
al growth, and social life/hobbies. The goal of the exercise is to gain insight from this visual tool of where you might be focusing the majority of your time and energy, and to identify the areas you may be neglecting. It aims to bring you back into balance. What I discovered after completing my own life wheel was that the vast majority of my focus was on my business/career and family (as a single momma) and very little was given to the money category. Seeing this was a big wake-up call for me. I was so passionate about helping other people in their financial lives but turns out I was not giving time and attention to my own. Discovering this early on was key because I developed an important relationship building strategy with my money. As a busy professional and parent the change for me came from being intentional about actually scheduling time to give to my own finances. And this was the start of my money dates! “Money dates?” What the heck are those you may be wondering, envisioning a new dating app where you swipe for dollar bills. Sorry, no awkward first dates with a big pile of cash. My money dates were actually nonnegotiable and uninterrupted time that I devoted to my money. Just some special romantic quality time with my cash. For my money dates, I would block off a specific date and time in my calen¬dar. The time was spent working on my own money. It started with one date, but my money and I hit it off so well that there were plenty more to follow. The focus of my first date was tracking expenses. As a new business owner there had been a lot of changes in spending, so doing this activity turned out to be very insightful. After tackling that first topic I was excited to take on the next which was setting up a plan for saving to fund my daughter’s postsecondary education. After each date I felt a stronger connection with my money, and it felt so good to be taking actual action steps and getting things done. I was eager to plan and schedule the next date with my money; it was definitely love at first sight.
I’ve been successfully dating my money for several years now and it’s something I highly recom-
mend for all my clients to do too. And now I get to share this fabulous money habit with all you reading this as well! The biggest hurdle is scheduling in that first money date. You can come up with all sorts of excuses to put it off for another time and continue to avoid it. So I will try to make this easier for you, if you’re new to money dates—my key dating tips are:
1. Actually book it in: Don’t add it to a list of random tasks on a scrap of paper. Because then there’s a better chance of you organizing your sock drawer than setting your money date. Put it in your calendar as an event. Once it’s in the calendar that’s seri¬ous, you mean business, and you cannot stand up your money!
2. Create a recurring event: Ongoing maintenance is required. Don’t be like twenty-year-old me who forgot about the importance of regular oil changes only to have the engine seize in my Dodge Colt. There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to your money, for best results it requires recurring check-ups or check-ins. This also removes any pressure because unlike a real first date you can guarantee there will be another one! So if you don’t show up as your best, need a bit of a do over, or some more time, that’s completely okay; you always have the next one. Choose a fre¬quency that works for you—monthly tends to work best for me. But for you maybe it’s a bit more often at the start if you have a lot of ground to cover, and then perhaps it decreases after that.
3. For singles—do it solo. For couples—do it together: What’s great about a money date is that unlike a traditional date—it can be done solo! If you’re single the money date will be some special time for you and your money. And if you’re in a relationship a money date is most effective when done with your spouse or partner. This presents a fabulous opportunity to discuss money topics openly with each other. Financial topics are one of the leading causes of disagreements in relationships. A money date is a perfect opportunity for you to open the lines of communica¬tion and to get on the same page when it comes to your financial goals and dreams. You’re both on the same team, and by work¬ing together you’re setting yourselves up for success in reaching whatever goals you set out to achieve. If the relationship is new, a money date is a wonderful idea to incorporate when the time is right.
It’s a less intimidating approach to discuss those money topics that may feel awkward or uncomfortable. Having it as a scheduled task sets the date and time where you both know that money will be the topic of conversation.
4. Make it fun: So you don’t ghost your date; you want to make this time with your money something you look forward to. Do what you can to make it fun, because spending time with your money is awesome and it should feel good. Whether that’s making your favorite tea, adding a sweet treat, playing a pump up playlist, or lighting incense to refresh your space. Whatever gets you amped up for the date and doesn’t have you running for the exits is what matters (yes, I’ve resorted to fleeing the scene mid-date once or twice).
The above tips will help you set the date. But now what do you actu¬ally do on a money date, you may be wondering? It’s not like you can take your bank account to dinner and a movie. Instead, I assign topics for my time with my money. Once you get into the habit and routine of paying attention to your money the topics of focus will likely start to flow to you as you get to know your money better. But of course, I want to set you up for success when it comes to spending time on your money.
Don’t try to cram in too much on one date, take it slow, spending time with your money is something you are now striving to do on a regular basis, so there will always be another opportunity to pick up where you left off at your next date. Here are some money date ideas:
You’ll want to set up your desk or kitchen table for this one. You can even light some candles, play some low music, and pour yourself a glass of wine if you like. Take an hour or two to go through the aware¬ness tools you started in the Chapters 7 and 8. Really get to know your wealth snapshot to have a thorough understanding of where you stand. Share your dreams and desires for it (either with your partner, or you can write them down if you’re doing this solo)—where would you like to see this wealth number next year
Think of going Dutch, getting creative with a low cost or no cost activity, or taking your date to McDonald’s (oh, I wouldn’t mind that one bit). Now look at your expenses with this lens. Are there ways you can cut costs? What could you do without?
It’s become very easy to spend money. Online shopping allows you to make purchases right from the comfort of your home with the click of a button. Targeted marketing literally reads your mind and knows exactly what ads to serve you. Social media puts on display fabulous lifestyles that leave you envying what others have. And to make matters worse you don’t even need any money to get every-thing your heart desires thanks to the accessibility of debt. With all these forces at work it’s far easier to spend than to save. Having a cheap date is an opportune time to create a spending plan for your ideal money scenario. The easiest side to tackle on the income and expenses equation is usually the expenses as you can implement changes immediately. Use this date to brainstorm ideas to spend less. Get resourceful and do what is realistic for you when it comes to cut¬ting costs. Here are a few ideas to get those creative juices flowing on where to save some cash:
. Skip a few: Let those roots get a tad more length by getting your hair done four times per year versus six, for instance.
. Take out the trash: Get rid of anything that can be easily elimi¬nated right now, like subscriptions to streaming services or apps you aren’t using.
. Be a little less classy: Instead of buying your fancy lattes daily, can you limit it to a few days per week, and attempt to be your own Barista the other days?
. Follow the money: Try recording every single purchase you make for one full week to get very clear on your spending habits.
. Dolla bills: When is the last time you used
real money? Give yourself a certain cash budget for the week or month, when the money runs out, no more spending (yes, I am talking about real paper money here).
. Lay down the law: Try setting money rules or boundaries for yourself. For instance any purchase over $150 you wait on and think about for 48 hours.
During this money date, pick one to two of these strategies (or come up with some of your own), and plan how you’ll incorporate them over the coming weeks or months.
Do you ever feel guilty that you don’t save enough money? If so, devoting time and attention to developing a savings strategy on your money date is time well invested. Even if you’re already saving, there’s no harm in saving more; it just means more money for you! A higher savings rate can lead to achieving your financial freedom goals sooner, creating a nice cash safety net, or even building a won-derful travel account for a dream adventure. Adding a portion of your income to savings each month is how you become a super saver. But as for “how much?” that will depend on your unique circumstances and goals. Most importantly, do what works for you. Setting attain¬able savings targets will ensure you don’t set yourself up for failure. A commonly cited rate for your long-term financial freedom goal is to save 10–15% of your gross income. This number will depend on a variety of factors such as your age and desired lifestyle in retirement. So when it comes to saving there’s no “one size fits all” solution. But the more you save the quicker you build wealth. If you’re look¬ing for some inspiration to up your savings rate, below are a few ideas:
. Anything is better than nothing. Do what you can even if it doesn’t feel like much.
. Implement cost cutting (what you found on your cheap date).
. Make it easy; don’t give yourself an ex-
tra task; set it to automati¬cally add to your savings when you get paid. Pay yourself first!
. Increase your savings when you get a pay raise or bonus.
. Maximize any employer plans and matching programs available to you.
. Set targets and make them specific. It’s much more motivating to work toward a goal, such as “I currently save 5% of my income but I will increase that to 7% by the end of this year.”
When it comes to making money your thing, learning is part of the journey. But learning can be fun too. Having study buddies made cramming for an exam much more fun during my business school days. So invite your partner, spouse, or a friend or family mem¬ber along as this money date is an opportunity to teach and learn together. First step is for you and your study buddy to choose a money or finance topic that you want to learn more about (focus on the same topic or each choose a different one). For instance let’s say you choose inflation. Leading up to this date, each spend time researching and learning about inflation. When you come together for the big date you get to take turns teaching each other about infla¬tion. Learning through reading or listening is great. But if you can then take those lessons and teach it to someone else it builds a deeper knowledge and understanding of the concept. This date is a fabulous long-term investment in yourself, and you both walk away learning something new so it’s a win-win!
I’m sure you would all rather have a fun date than a serious one. But dealing with the tough stuff is important in relationships, and it’s important for your money as well. When it comes to your money you might have the best laid plans, but even the most air tight strategy can go astray. This date is all about planning for the unknown, so when stuff comes up you are ready to take it on. Because you’re deal¬ing with the unknown and worst case scenarios this money date topic might feel uncomfortable and awkward at first, but it’s still important to have. Whether single or in a relationship, this is about asking the hard questions.
Like, what if:
. You were seriously injured?
. You were diagnosed with an illness?
. You developed a disability that impacted your ability to work?
. You or your partner were to pass away unexpectedly?
. You divorced/separated?
This is a chance to ensure the proper supports are in place to pro¬tect yourself and your family from the unexpected. Important items include reviewing insurance policies, having a will done or updating your will if it’s not current, having a plan in place if you have minor children, updating beneficiary designations, and having or building an empowerment account. It might feel difficult to approach these topics at first. But once you’ve done the work to protect yourself from the unknown it feels like a weight has been lifted. And I don’t at all want to downplay the heaviness of this topic so do make sure you reward yourself for taking on the awkward blind date. A reward could be binge watching your favorite show, ordering in from your favorite sushi spot, or a bubble bath—whatever it takes to give your¬self the congrats you deserve. These are a few topics to get you started with money dates, but the possibilities are endless. What matters most is that you’re spend¬ing quality time with your money giving it the attention and care it deserves. This is nothing like going on the date with some guy you swiped right to. A money date is akin to spending time with your soulmate. And if you play your cards right on your money date you’ll be guaranteed a lifelong partner that makes your dreams a reality.
Open your schedule and book a money date right now! Or even better, drop everything and have one! Pick from the date suggestions in the chapter or design one of your own.
I hope when you were younger, you had the opportunity to walk or run barefoot through a field filled with dandelions on a warm spring afternoon as a gentle breeze whispered across your skin and dandelion fluff floated through the air as hundreds of wishes traveled to their destinations.
I recall walking amongst those bright yellow flowers as a child on an endless backdrop of green. Pausing momentarily, I can hear the bees buzzing from bloom to bloom.
The change that takes place within a couple of days always amazed me. I would walk through the same field, and those bright yellow flowers had changed into delicate white puffballs. My eyes would grow wide at the sight. “Oh, look at the wishes waiting to be made!” That is how I viewed that scene in my youth, as wishes waiting.
Reaching down, I would gently pull a dandelion from the ground so as not to lose any wishes before
I’d had a chance to give a gentle puff of breath and set them free. Then, off the seedlings go, floating upon a whisper.
I recall watching how high those tiny seedlings would float. I used to ask myself if I should pick another to set off more wishes but would feel guilty for wanting to make too many, so I would leave them for the next
person to come along, notice the opportunity and make their own wishes. What gentle and innocent memories those are for me. The anticipation of being able to make a wish and watch as they took to the air, hoping they would come true.
Decades later, I find myself walking through a field filled with dandelions. Two catch my eye. As I bend down to get a closer look, I see one dandelion has become a full round puffball, and the other is empty, with its head tilted downward, as if these two are discussing wishes waiting and wishes made.
When was the last time you knelt to pick a dandelion readying yourself to make a wish? Can you remember that childlike wonder you felt when those spring flowers appeared? Of course, some may say that dandelions are
weeds, but you and I know better, don’t we?
Some believe they represent endless possibilities and tenacity; healing from emotional pain or physical injury; intelligence in an emotional or spiritual sense; warmth and power of the rising sun; surviving challenges and difficulties; happiness and wishes coming true.
Whatever version you may remember or may have believed once upon a time, I hope you have had the chance to stop and look in wonder and awe at what nature provides to us throughout each season and that you still carry a bit of wonder in your soul that lets you send your wishes out into the world with a puff of breath to ride along on a soft breeze to land who knows where.
Kim is a multi-published author, writer, podcast host of Let Fear Bounce, and TV show host of The Write Stuff, The Authors Voice with the Believe In Your Dreams TV Network.
©Copyright 2023 Kim Lengling for Uncaged Book Reviewswww.uncagedbooks.com
Published with Permission
In addition, she is an active speaker sharing her story of being a female veteran living with PTSD and spreading a message of Hope. She regularly speaks for local veteran and women’s organizations in her hometown area and across numerous global organizations.
She has been writing and speaking with empathy and emotion since 2004 showcasing her faith, nature, love of rescue animals, and advocacy for veterans living with PTSD. She showcases her writing through her books, business, and website; www.kimlenglingauthor.com.
She is the lead author and coordinator of a collaborative 3-book anthology series titled When Grace Found Me. In addition, she is a published co-author in seven anthologies and numerous print and online global newspapers and magazines.
Kim sees each day as an opportunity to spread hope and encouragement, for, without hope, life would be a dark place.
“The world can be a dark place. So I choose to toss nuggets of hope out into the world like confetti; little sparks of light in the darkness.”
D. C. Gomez is an award winning USA Today Bestselling Author, podcaster, motivational speaker, and coach. Born in the Dominican Republic, she grew up in Salem, Massachusetts. D. C. studied film and television at New York University. After college she joined the US Army, and proudly served for four years.
D. C. has a Master’s Degree in Science Administration from the Central Michigan University, as well as a Master in Adult Education from Texas A&M- Texarkana University. She is a certified John Maxwell Team speaker and coach, and a certified meditation instructor from the Chopra Center
One of D. C. passions is helping those around her overcome their self-limiting beliefs. She writes both nonfiction as well fiction books, ranging from Urban Fantasy to Children’s Books. To learn more about her books and her passion, you can find her at www.dcgomez-author.com.
Welcome to Uncaged! Can you tell readers more about your series, The Intern Diaries? How many books are you planning for this series, or is it open ended?
Thank you so much for having me. It is truly a pleasure.
The Intern Diaries is a completed series with 5 novels and 3 novella. While the novels are through the eyes of Isis, I focused the novellas on some of the side characters. I tell readers- you get to see what happens when Isis is not around. You also get a little inside joke that Isis usually misses in the novels.
You also took part in an anthology, Songs of the Deep. Can you tell us more about this set?
This is the first anthology that I have worked on that is
based on a shared universe. It focuses on mermaids, with the same magical rules and connections to their creators. My story takes place in 1619 off the coast of Great Britain, with some fun historical elements. So for anyone that likes mermaid stories, this anthology is a blast.
What are you working on now that you can tell us about?
At this time, I’m working on a Kickstarter campaign for a motivational book. One thing I enjoyed doing is emailing my newsletter motivational messages on Mondays. I called them my Monday Motivations. This campaign will bring together 52 messages to help readers start their week full of inspiration and focus. My goal is to kick-off the campaign this fall.
What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?
In the Origins of Constantine, there is a scene where thieves attacked Constantine and break his back. That scene broke my heart. Even though I knew how it was supposed to end, having to put those words on paper was excruciating painful. It’s that way anytime my characters need to get hurt in my books. I feel their pain as well.
I’m not sure about the easiest. I have the most fun reading fight scenes. Working on the coordination of the movement and ensuring people can visualize the action, it’s a blast.
How do you come up with names for your characters?
For my main characters, most of those just come to me. My side characters, on the other hand, required a little more work. Depending on the age of the character, I would search for the most common baby names for that year. Then just go down the list and see which one speaks to me. Sometimes the names pop-out of the page. Others, I’m searching for hours.
Do you read reviews? What do you take away from them?
Sometimes I do. Reviews are difficult for me. I’m extremely emotional and take everything about them personal, good or bad. This can create unrealistic expectations when I work on the next project. However, I’m always extremely grateful for everyone who leaves a review for any of my books and always I always encourage it. They are so beneficial to other readers.
a blanket with my cat. I also don’t have any fancy program to write or craft my books. I do my outlines on post-it notes and my books on Word.
Which comes first, the plot or the characters in the planning stages?
The plot comes first for me, and the characters develop with the story. Readers get to experience the character at the same time as I do. It’s one of the main reason you don’t have a lot back story at the beginning. We just don’t know it yet.
What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren’t writing or working?
To this day, reading is one of my favorite things to do. Books are all over my house in different piles, waiting to be read. If for some strange reason I don’t have a book with me, I’ll probably be playing bubbles on my phone.
What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
Probably most readers would be surprised to know that I don’t have an office where I write. Most of my writing takes place on my couch, cover in
Do you prefer eBooks, audiobooks or physical books?
Are you reading anything now?
I never thought I would be the person who would enjoy eBooks or audiobooks either. Due to the fact that time is very limited for me, I read on all three mediums. If I’m running errands or cleaning around the house, I will be listening to an audiobook. When traveling, because of limited spaces, eBooks are my go-to. At home, I prefer a physical book. Currently, I’m going back and forth between The Night Watch and Two Week Notice. From a fantasy to a non-fiction.
What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?
Thank you so much for joining on this journey. If you have a chance, take a leap and pickup a new book from an unknown author. It might surprise you what you find. If you are curious where to find me, check out my website www.dcgomez-author.com
To save his race, Eric will have to risk losing his soul. If he still has one…
Being the Order of Witches’ Hitman, is not Eric’s view of an ideal job. But he can’t deny he is good at the job. If he can find the traitors, he might have a way out of the mess he finds himself in.
It seems Eric is not the only one hating being an assassin. The sexy Sasha Garcia, from the renowned clan of assassins, is having her own morality dilemmas. Too bad the world cannot wait for either of them to address their internal turmoil.
Chapter 1
Blood flowed down his abs as the scorching water hit his body. It was hard to tell if the blood was Eric’s or his last target. Did it make a difference? There wasn’t enough soap or boiling water to wash away the memory of the kills. Eighteen months. Eric had been chasing witches, wizards, traitors, and the like for the last eighteen months of his life, all on behalf of the Order. He slammed his fist against the tiles of his shower and immersed himself under the water. His bruised knuckles split open again. Fresh blood mixed with the trails already running down his body. His dark hair was matted, probably from guts or brain-matter. The result was the
same: dead bodies everywhere and still no lead. He was tired of the chase, the games, the intrigue—of everything. The madness of it all was eating away at his soul, if he even had one at this point. In his one hundred and seventy-three years of living, this was the first time Eric had truly hated his existence and his skills. Yes, he was a great witch, but by the looks of it, he was a better killer. Eric continued his ritual, soaking his head with shampoo as if that could erase the memory and the tension in his mind. His pride wouldn’t let him admit it out loud, but he missed Texarkana. The madness of Reapers Inc. would be a welcome relief in exchange for the life he’d been living. He never intended to become the Order’s assassin or their avenging angel. For as old as he was, he still made many foolish mistakes. Did he honestly believe he could help his people after the blows they’d suffered? No. Eric knew better. He was running away. The water cooled, and Eric knew the drill. Once the water turned cold, it was time to step back into the real world. To forget his life as a cop in Texas, the last one he’d embraced, and don the mask of a cold, calculated bastard. If Isis was right, it wasn’t hard for him to be distant and disregard people. He actually missed her and regretted never telling her how he felt.
“Damn Constantine and Virginia,” Eric told himself for the hundredth time as he stepped out of the shower and let the cool air dry his body. The guardian of the interns and Death’s right-hand man, Constantine, was not one to be crossed. The five-thousand-year-old cat had more money, power, and influence than God himself. If Eric believed in the Almighty, it might impress him. But when Constantine hired him to train the newly made Intern, he gave strict instructions to never get involved with her. Eric didn’t see that as a problem. He never expected to fall for her. Isis Black was insufferable, impulsive, and opinionated. Yet, Isis made him see the good in people again.
If Constantine wasn’t reason enough to stay away, the too-hot-for-her-own-good Intern was related to the most improbable person alive. How could he have known she would be the goddaughter of Vir-
ginia Black, the high priestess of the Order of Witches? Could his life become more demented?
The cell phone screamed the ring tone “Hells Bells” by AC/DC.
Eric took deep a breath to settle himself. That ring tone could only mean one thing, and he wasn’t in a rush to answer the call. Strutting naked through his apartment, he headed toward the kitchen. It was six in the morning, and since he’d been up all night, he needed coffee. Duke could wait.
The smell of the Jamaican coffee was intoxicating. It was official. His automatic coffee maker was his new best friend. Eric poured a cup and inhaled the decadent brew. He didn’t care that the liquid was boiling. Deep down, Eric prayed the wrath of his coffee would burn away the bile he felt burning the inside of his throat.
“No luck,” Eric told himself just as his cell rang again, causing his insides to turn.
“I know you are ignoring me.” Duke’s heavy European accent came across the speaker as soon as Eric connected.
“I just got in,” Eric replied. “You can’t possibly have another lead for me.”
“I have something better,” Duke replied.
“Doubt it, but let me hear it.” Eric placed the cup down and used his power to heal his wounds. The skin on his hand mended, and he could feel his ribs snapping back in place. If he was going out again, he didn’t have time for natural healing. Eric doubted he remembered how that actually worked anymore.
“Are you listening to me?” Duke shouted.
Eric had blocked the man out and missed all the details. “Sorry, man, I was trying to heal here.”
“You are great at that,” Duke admitted in a softer tone. “You should have been a healer instead…”
“Instead of an assassin?” Eric finished for him. Both men avoided the conversation, knowing it was pointless to dwell on bad choices. “Regardless of how many times you fix the body, humans always die.”
“Sounds like you’ve been there.” Duke was in a very talkative mood.
Eric was not. “What’s the lead, Duke? I want to crash before I face another battle.”
“We found him,” Duke whispered.
“Are you sure?” Eric knew exactly who Duke was referring to.
“The arrogant bastard thinks he’s untouchable,” Duke continued. “He’s collecting an army of low-life wannabe witches with no talent. You need to take care of Rafael. The priestess wants his head on a platter.”
“Didn’t think Virginia was one for channeling her inner Salome?” Eric smirked. He didn’t blame their leader. Too many good people had died because of Rafael’s betrayal.
“That might be the only bible reference she ever quotes,” Duke answered. “That asshole has an ongoing date every Friday at the Village Underground in Greenwich.”
“I know the place.” Eric had lived in New York City several times and was familiar with the now comedy club. He remembered when the place played Spanish Rock to the drunk college students and village hippies.
“Anything you need?” Duke had the excitement of a teenager at prom.
“Set me up an appointment with Mr. Lorenzo,” Eric replied.
“Again?” Duke choked. “Man, how many suits can you destroy in one month?”
“Do you want to do my job or what?” Eric was in no mood to defend himself from a man who only wore sweatpants and crop tops. “Do you even own jeans?”
“Fuck you, Eric,” Duke answered.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Eric sipped the rest of his coffee. “Let him know I’ll be by the shop at one.” “Will do. Do you need any weapons?” Duke was back to acting like a giddy cheerleader.
“Last time I checked; I am the weapon.” Eric examined his fully healed body. If his magic ever failed— which never happened—he was physically strong enough to take on an ox. There was no doubt he was deadly.
“If that wasn’t a fact, I would say you were an arrogant asshole as well,” Duke told him.
“Oh, I am definitely that,” Eric said, not apologizing for his attitude. “But I’m as good as it gets, so why bother denying it? Text me any important details, and don’t call me until tomorrow.”
“Yes, Master Eric. Whatever you say, Almighty One,”
“Go to hell, Duke, and don’t call me back.” Eric disconnected the call before the two of them bantered for another hour.
Eric poured himself another cup of coffee. He wanted a nap before heading out for the day. It had been over a month since he had stayed at the apartment, which meant there was no food anywhere, besides the coffee. To make things worse, the place smelled of mildew. He wondered if the cleaning lady ever aired it out. He could cleanse it with magic, but he doubted he would be in town long enough to enjoy it.
New York City was a strange place early in the morning. For the city that never sleeps, early mornings were eerie in their quietness. Eric could sense all the residents of the building either sleeping or slowly waking up. He let his senses trail the enchantments and security around his apartment, needing to make sure no person or thing could sneak up on him while he slept. Taking one last sip of coffee, he headed for bed. He didn’t bother with clothes. After everything he had been through, modesty was something he cared nothing about.
Claire can’t remember a time when writing wasn’t part of her life. Growing up, she used to write stories with her friends. As a teenager she started out reading fantasy and science fiction, but her diet quickly changed to romance and happily-ever-after’s. A native of Massachusetts and cold weather, she left all that behind to move to the sun and fun of California, but has always lived no more than twenty miles from the ocean.
In college she studied acting with a minor in creative writing. In hindsight she should have flipped course studies. Before she was published, she sold books on eBay and discovered some of her favorite authors by sampling the goods, which was the perfect solution. Claire has many book-irons in the fire, most notably her urban fantasy series, The Elementals’ Challenge series, but writes contemporary and shifter romances as well as.
While she’s not a movie mogul or actor, she does work in the film industry with her office firmly situated in the 90210 district of Hollywood. Prone to break out into song, she is quick on feet and just as quick with snappy dialogue. In addition to writing she does animal rescue, reads, and goes to movies. She loves to hear from fans, so feel free to drop her a line.
Welcome to Uncaged! Your latest book, Healing Portals, is the 5th book in The Universe Chronicles series. Can you tell readers more about this series? Do these books need to be read in order, or can they stand on their own?
Thanks for having me! The Universe Chronicles is set in today’s world, with the twist that people have extra talents, unbeknownst to the rest of us. In this series, those with powers are largely grouped into two factions – one under the umbrella of the US government, and one under Russia’s. We learn over the course of the series, which is still ongoing, that there is a third, shadow group that threatens Universe, Night Stars (the other agency) and pretty much everything we know.
Each book continues that worldbuilding/larger plot but also has a self-contained story within it of the couple and their particular adventure. In order to truly get a sense of the entire larger conspiracy and the clues behind what is happening, it may be easier to read from the beginning, but in terms of ending on a cliffhanger, I don’t leave my characters dangling from the Burj Khalifa or anything like that. Each romance resolves and each plot comes to a conclusion, though there is still much story to be told. If someone picked up Healing Portals, they can be confident that Derek and Katrina will not be left hanging. The entire story arc for the worldbuilding will not resolve, but their piece of it will have a conclusion.
What are you working on now that you can tell us about?
I have several things in the works – I’ve always got something happening. Universe Chronicles is my next big push, of course. I’m also finishing author edits for the fifth and final book in my Elementals’ Challenge series to send that to the editor, as well as a companion book to the third in that series. Then I’m going to pick up the threads of a fantasy romance trilogy that I’m very excited about. I also have shifter novellas, and many other things cooking. Because I write in so many different genres, I also have short stories in SF, horror and fantasy that are constantly being submitted.
What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?
Though they can also be the most rewarding, I find sex scenes sometimes difficult. I want those moments to be a natural outgrowth of the character’s emotional arc, and not sex for the sake of sex (nothing wrong with that, of course). So sometimes I struggle with those scenes – especially when it’s too early in the morning!
The easiest scenes are those that come as a natural part of the story arc. Sometimes I’ll be writing and the idea will come to me of what must happen next. The muse really flies into action then. Of course, that usually comes after a few days of thinking “okay, they are about to have x and y happen” and then cogitating on the answer.
How do you come up with names for your characters?
Since I’m a pantser often I will have a blank page in front of me when I start a story. Often that first character name is one of my placeholder names to have something to refer to (Roger seems to be a particular favorite). Then as the story takes hold, that name will change, perhaps more than once, as the character’s traits are revealed.
Alternatively, especially with my paranormal or urban fantasy stories, I will go searching for a character name that evokes the talent or background of that person. If a character is the descendant of a god, I will check out names from that part of the world, and pick one that aligns with the feel of that character. Or I will embed the clues in the character’s name. I’m working on a fantasy trilogy where I give a huge clue as to the ancient god origin of one of the characters by his last name. Names have power and choosing the right one can be key to the story.
Do you read reviews? What do you take away from them?
I do read reviews, mine and others. I’m always curious what people take away from my stories, and sometimes that answer is quite surprising. The negative reviews are painful, of course, but over time I’ve gotten better about not taking it personally. Sometimes those are also the ones I can learn the most from. I read a comment early on in my writing career, something to the effect of “if you are feeling down, go and read the reviews of your favorite book.” It worked! When I read the one-star reviews of my most beloved books, I realized that no matter how amazing a book is, someone isn’t going to like it. And the reverse is also true.
What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
I think what may be most surprising to people is that I have a rock and roll past!
I moved
out to Los Angeles when the whole hair metal era was hitting its stride and spent several years hanging out at places like the Rainbow, the Whiskey, Gazzarri’s (when that still existed). I met a lot of interesting musicians
and witnessed many interesting events. I have a lot of photos of me and my friends with big hair and little dresses to prove it. I’m much more sedate now, but the memories of those fun days gone by live on!
Which comes first, the plot or the characters in the planning stages?
That depends on whether the story is an ongoing series, like the Universe Chronicles, or something new. With Universe Chronicles I have the prior characters and the overall plot threads to consider in any new stories, so there is a built-in set up for a plot framework as well as existing people who I hope the audience wants to continue to visit. With a new story I usually have a few ideas in my head about what is going to happen before I tackle a blank page, but I often just start. Because of my non-plotter nature, I am often surprised at the twists and turns my stories take when I’m not looking.
What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren’t writing or working?
I’m a sucker for competition reality shows – not like Survivor (though I did go through a stint where I watched a lot of The Challenge), but more like Top Chef, or The Voice or Lego Masters. There’s something soothing about following a group of people competing and having a winner at the end. I’ve also been known to watch The Bachelor/ette and shows like it. But the truth is that I have very little time outside of writing/writing activities and working. My company was recently bought and we are still in transition, with all of the chaos that that sort of statement implies. In order for me to maintain any sort of regular writing schedule and be effective, I am up VERY early to write before work so by the time my work day is done, I’m pretty much spent.
Do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks or physical books?
Are you reading anything now?
These days, due to time and the requirement to be back in the office three days a week, I find myself with an hour and a half to two hours of commuting time on those days (ah-Los Angeles!). I fired up my Audible
account and downloaded Libby again when the requirement for return to office was put in place and listen to audiobooks on the drive. When I’m home I often have many other things to do and wind up not reading either ebooks or physical books. Though, for the sheer pleasure of the sight of them, I adore physical books. Some of my most treasured books are the ones I got signed by Anne McCaffrey back when she used to go to Boston science fiction conventions and I trucked my horde of her books to the convention to be signed. But for convenience, I find myself gravitating to the electronic/audio.
I love hearing from people! My website has way to contact me and I always answer. I am thrilled when I hear what people enjoyed – or didn’t enjoy – about the stories I craft. So, if you have something you want to say, don’t hesitate to reach out!
I can be found on many social media platforms, but here are three. If you’re curious about other sites, contact me! www.clairedavon.com
When Katrina Paul is summoned to rescue an agent in the middle of the night, she does so without hesitation. The last thing she expects is her old flame Derek to come tumbling through her hasty portal. She’d left Toronto—and Derek—behind when she’d relocated to Richmond for good reason.
If not for Katrina’s ability, healing talent Derek Forester would have been trapped in the mission gone bad. He hadn’t expected to see Katrina again, but had never forgotten the way she made him feel. He’d done the right thing, but seeing her again made him question the wisdom of that choice.
Almost as soon as he arrives, mysterious entities begin plaguing them. Someone is trying to keep them together, and engineered his rescue to Richmond. It has the touch of mysterious new entity Whisper, but why? Soon they are on the run, keeping one step ahead from energy beings that find them no matter where they go. When a crisis triggers a new, hidden talent between them, it becomes clear that this entire situation has been a setup. Right from the beginning.
As the truth about their power begins to emerge, Katrina realizes that she’s never stopped loving Derek. But when they learn that everything they understood about their past and their present is false, they wonder if anything between them is real. At the critical moment of danger, will their talent save them? Or are they doomed to lose it all in
a fiery cataclysm that dooms their hearts—and their lives?
The sun was beginning to set and the night was getting cold. The tunnel afforded some shelter but little protection against the plunging temperature. They had the one mylar blanket that he had left in the pack, along with their handful of supplies. That was it. This wasn’t sustainable, but was safety for the short term. Too many ideas were rattling around his brain and he was having trouble focusing on one. Their near capture, or worse, still floated around, reminding him that he and Katrina could have been wounded or dead in that forest and nobody would be the wiser. Sure, Universe would launch an investigation and get to the truth, but inquiries couldn’t bring them back to life.
They were sitting on the leaf covered floor, debris coating their jeans. He enjoyed that she didn’t care that she was dirty and sweaty. He liked his women to dress up but also to roll with the punches. Samantha had always been well groomed, and he appreciated that, but this willingness to go with the flow had its own charm. “What next?” Katrina gestured to her purse. “That was a good idea to turn the phones off. I’m out of ideas about what to do next.”
He offered her his hand. Derek focused, finding her aches and pains and fixing them. She sighed as fatigue lifted from her. She gazed at him with a contemplative air that was odd in the green glow of the fading stick. “I haven’t a clue,” he admitted. “We can’t stay here, but we can’t get back to Richmond using your portals. Do you think their block on your power is specific to Richmond or could we go somewhere else, like we did here?”
She lifted her shoulders. “Couldn’t say. We’re going to have to move, but I have no idea where. I couldn’t get to Charlotte before, but maybe I can try something this direction.” She waved the way they had come. “Thanks for back there. You put yourself at risk for me.”
“It’s not in my nature to let someone I care about go through pain.” He said the words before he thought them through. He hadn’t meant to speak with such vigor. “I wish I could will all of this away and you would be snug in your bed.”
She grinned and squeezed his hand. “I’d like to be home reading my latest novel too. But if I have to be on the run, dirty and disheveled, there’s nobody else I’d rather be with.”
Her words filled him with warmth that went so far down into his bones it became part of him. All this time he’d been searching for his perfect mate, even believed Samantha was it for a while, but the women had never been quite right. Until that night.
Derek groaned and pushed the revelations away. He had no time to deal with something so complicated right now.
“Me either. What next?”
She went silent, her attention focused on the far wall, the one bricked over and decorated with “No Trespassing” signs as well as decades of debris. Trash was floating around the corners of the abandoned tunnel, suggesting an occasional visitor, but not so much that he was concerned the neighbors stopped here.
“Couldn’t say. We can spend a night here but that’s it. After that we’re low on supplies and warmth.”
“I vote we bed down as best we can and then hike out in the morning. If they don’t come for us then we can make more unexpected jumps. Maybe risk short Internet forays to find random locations. But Katrina, at some point we have to go to Universe. Then we will be vulnerable.”
fices but they could give us what we need. Maybe Charlotte was too close to Richmond. Maybe if we head west, we will be all right. I don’t think I can get to the West Coast—it’s too far. And too obvious.”
He considered her words. “Maybe. These folks are not stupid. They might not be expecting the Midwest. I don’t have many details about the agents in this part of the country. Detroit is where I’m from, but I don’t have contacts there.”
“I got it. Detroit’s too big a hub anyway. If anything, I’m thinking the one or two man operations in places like Louisville, if we can get that far. At some point we’re going to have to take a chance on something. We can’t keep running.”
Maybe they could just go underground, and never go back to Universe. Maybe he could keep Katrina in the wild, living on their wits and their information, making love at night and sleeping under the stars. Maybe if they never went near a Universe branch they would be safe.
Her safety was the thing that mattered. The rest was irrelevant. Katrina needed to be untouched or his entire life meant nothing.
“I’ll think of something,” he said, more to himself than to her.
“Derek,” she said. When he didn’t respond, she called again. “Derek.” She said it louder, so he could not pretend he didn’t hear. He focused on her, unsure of what he would say. The emotions were ringing through his mind so fierce he wondered if she could hear them, whether or not she was a sensitive. He wasn’t sure he trusted himself to say anything, but some response was required.
“I suspect they will be waiting for that. They have to have Toronto covered, and New York and Boston as well. Miami is out, even if the situation in that city is stabilized. We could consider going to Atlanta or St. Louis. Not Chicago. Too big. The rest are satellite of-
“I can’t risk you.” That was all he could say. The rest couldn’t be said, not yet. They hadn’t been together again long enough, and they were too alone. He didn’t even comprehend what he was trying to
speak of anyway.
“Derek,” she said his name with such fervor that he stilled whatever he’d been about to say. He had no clear awareness of the right next move, but he couldn’t let her go. Not now.
Not ever.
“What is it?”
“I’m not delicate,” she said, lacing their fingers together and tugging on his hand. He stepped to her and put his free arm around her.
“I recognize that,” he said on a sigh, tugging her to him so they touched from hip to shoulder. He could make out her eyes now, and they held such compassion that he almost blurted out his confused, chaotic feelings. “It would be easier if you were. Then I would have a roadmap on what to do.”
She chuckled—he could sense the vibration under his hand. He wasn’t sure what was funny and then he, too, laughed, just a short bark.
“I didn’t mean to throw you out of your comfort zone,” she said with an amused tinge to her voice. “You’re still a big bad protector. But you’re not that fierce.”
“I think I am.” He cupped the back of her head and held her still for a kiss. The movement was so gentle that he wondered if she could detect it. In this perpetual twilight of the tunnel they were operating more on instinct than action, and he wished he could witness all of her in full sunlight. He would love to take her somewhere where nobody could spot them and caress her in a place where the world comprised him and her, and that was all. He longed to feast on her, kiss her from top to bottom and then back again, and all the places that lay hidden from everyone else.
She was Katrina. She was his.
“Okay, tough guy. I’ll give that to you.” She moved away and gestured to the floor of the tunnel, strewn with leaves and detritus. “I guess we should try and get some rest. You want to take first watch or second?” What he longed to do was make love to her right then, until she was sobbing his name in ecstasy. But he wouldn’t dishonor her by making love to her in such a dirty location, even if it were safe. His sunlit fantasies didn’t involve trash and questionable floors.
“First,” he said. Both, if he could manage it. She needed her rest. “You go to sleep. I’ll wake you if I hear anything.”
Say “hi” to Lily! She’s a 13-yearold whippet who has lived with us in Washington DC, China, Virginia, and now Colorado. Although she’s not overjoyed with the elevation of our house (8.6K feet,) she can still run faster than most of the critters around here.
This is the aforementioned Finn—supposedly a long-haired dachshund. He is part piranha (ask my furniture), part mountain goat (I’ve watched him scale what looks to be sheer rock), and part demon (don’t let his innocent eyes fool you). We are the best of pals
This is my primo editor, Miss Sassy Pants (Sassy Classy) She is my best friend, my soul mate. She’s litter box trained so she doesn’t need a cage and chills with Mama while I work! Bananas are her favorite food!
This is JJ, my beloved black and white cat who was the light of my life. I had him from the age of four weeks old, when my former roommate and I rescued his mother and all of him and his siblings (eight in all) when they were dumped at the shelter. JJ endeared himself to me very early on my climbing up my pants every time I went in the room to feed them (I quickly learned to wear jeans in that room). Though the intent was to foster to adoption, JJ and his sister Madison became permanent residents of my house hold. I would say his name and he would trill back. He would play fetch and sleep on me whenever he could, whether on the bed or the sofa. Truly one of the best cats EVER!
Pets and companions come in many shapes and sizes. From furry to feathered to hairy and scaley - there is a place for all of them. Authors have a special relationship with their pets - whether they remind them to get up and take a break or they inspire their writing. Meet the critters that share their love and devotion to Uncaged Feature Authors.
Frances is a Dutch-English native. She graduated from the University of Amsterdam with a degree in English Literature and from London Middlesex University with a Master’s in Novel Writing. Although fluent in both languages, she prefers to write in English. For her day job she trains guide dogs for the blind. Her dream is to support herself with her writing so she has the time to foster and train more guide dogs on the side. She lives in Amsterdam with her flat mate.
The idea for the Asters first came to Frances on holiday aged 15; building the legend, history, characters and events of the Astersphere, in her head and on notes, consumed her spare time ever since. In 2021, before she started as a guide dog trainer, and while locked-down during Covid, Frances finally got time to focus on completing and publishing the trilogy of Asters Prequel novellas. Last summer she published the first full-length book in the follow-on Asters Original Series, From Fury Reborn.
Welcome to Uncaged! Could you tell readers more about your YA Fantasy books, Asters Original series? I noticed that there is also a trilogy of prequels for this series, should readers start with the prequels?
The Asters Original Series is a found-family fantasy adventure full of magic and action, subterfuge and betrayal, and deep bonds of friendship between the five magical “siblings” known as the Asters. There are four boys and one girl in the latest generation of Asters; they have trained together all their lives to hone their unique magic and fighting skills. For the last 500 years, together with the rest of the Affinite race, who each have an affinity for a specific skill, the elite Aster warriors have protected humans from the evil ambitions of the Dark Kings.
In the Prequel Series*, a new Queen, born with the ancient magic of the first Affinite Queen, is set to
return to the Affinites’ home island to take up the crown; the Asters are tasked with bringing her safely back, knowing this is the most dangerous time for the Dark Kings to attack. In From Fury Reborn, the first in the follow-on Asters Original Series, the consequences of the events that close out the Prequel Trilogy, play out to deadly effect.
You can read the Asters Original Series without having first read the Prequel novellas, but readers will get more context and background information if they read the Prequel Trilogy first.
The books are primarily action-driven and are suitable for teens, although the fighting scenes have been described as potentially too graphic for some readers. They have a very low spice level; while there is some romance, it is only as side plots and is all fade-to-black. The setting is contemporary without being specific to time.
*A Queen To Come, A World To Lose, A Threat To Remain
What are you working on now that you can tell us about?
I’m currently working on the second book in the Asters Original series, A Crown Denied. I can tell you that the first draft is complete, and that it is filled with even more action and drama than book one. And just like book one was, for the most part, from the perspective of one Aster, this book will do that as well. Except this time it will be Sky Mayne instead of Nathan Radbourne. It’s scheduled to release in November.
What is the most difficult scene for you to write?
What is the easiest?
The most difficult scenes for me to write are those with more than six characters in play at the same time. Because I have a bunch of characters, some morally gray with differing motives, and all with strong opinions, it is sometimes extremely difficult to figure out how a meeting would go in terms of interaction and dialogue when they’re all in the same room together. There are several cases of this in A Crown Denied, and these took the longest to plot and write, and were the last chapters I drafted. In contrast, I find dialogue between two characters the easiest. I have the type of relationship between just two characters always very clear in my head, so I can come up with the dialogue between them surprisingly naturally.
How do you come up with names for your characters?
By scrolling through endless baby-name websites! For me the character and their ethnicity, race, nationality and personality come first, and the name comes next. Sometimes I spontaneously come up with a name myself that fits perfectly immediately, but that rarely happens. For instance, apart from Sky, all of the Asters had different names to start with.
I read reviews for different reasons. Sometimes I just like reading how someone loved my book - it gives me such a buzz to know that my books have given pleasure to people. Sometimes I read less positive reviews to see if they contain critique that I should consider when writing my next book or whether it’s just a matter of personal taste. And then I read reviews for marketing purposes. For instance, sometimes reviewers use words to describe my book in a way I’d never have thought of, and I can decide to use those words in advertising and marketing copy so that new readers can find my book more easily when using search engines.
What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
A fact that might surprise people is that dialogue between characters from my book can appear in my head at any time, which is why my phone notes are filled with tiny pieces of dialogue without any description around them at all. Inspiration can strike at any time, and I have more than once pulled over while driving to note down a particular scene. And it doesn’t have to be the book I’m currently working on. I have notes in my phone from all six books in the Asters Original series!
Do you read reviews? What do you take away from them?
Then there’s the fact that I don’t have a writing nook at home. Although I write (i.e. type) mostly on my laptop at the dining room table, I can also write on the sofa, in bed, outside, including on my phone - as long as it is quiet. I don’t use any special software programme to plan out and capture my books’ stories – yet; I note the high-level story arc on a white board that hangs in my kitchen, and at a certain point I’ll commandeer the whole of the dining room table and set out and, if necessary, re-arrange, the chapters and their key points on post-it notes, before transferring everything to a
Word document.
Which comes first, the plot or the characters in the planning stages?
The entire series started with me coming up with a singular character and only then did I start thinking about what type of story she could be a part of, what type of world she would be living in, and how her story could play out. But as the story grew around her, the other main characters evolved pretty much simultaneously with the plot.
What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren’t writing or working?
Because I have a very physical full-time job, what I tend to do to relax is hang around at home and do some reading, watching television, or a jigsaw, which I got into during Covid lockdown. When I do go out, it’s to hang out with friends at cafes, and go to the occasional concert, most recently Bruce Springsteen – which was amazing!
Do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks or physical books? Are you reading anything now?
My preference will always be physical books, but when I’m travelling my ebook is my best friend. I’ve never been a fan of audio books. For some reason my mind always wanders away and it takes me a long while to realise I’ve stopped listening! Right now I’m reading King of Scars, by Leigh Bardugo.
What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?
Thank you for making my dream come true, and please stick around for the entire Asters Original series—it’s only going to get bigger! My fans can follow me best through my monthly newsletter (you can sign up on my author website, or via BookFunnel). francesellenbooks.com
YA Fantasy
Five magical warriors. One dangerous mission. Two fearsome enemies. When they all converge in a deadly jungle, who will come out alive?
Protecting humans from the seven Dark Kings is the duty of the Affinite race, led by the Asters, five people each with a unique form of magic. Charged with investigating sinister events in the Amazon Rainforest, Nathan and his fellow Asters prepare themselves to face the smartest and deadliest King ever. But there is more than one monster roaming the jungle, and Nathan’s magic holds the key to its identity.
As the shocking revelations mount, Nathan fears that the fatal mistakes of the past have come back to haunt them.
Can Nathan harness his unique connection to the Asters’ newest enemy and form an alliance against the Dark King? Or will that put them in more danger than ever?
Those village parties were a blast. Lian thought it a shame that he couldn’t join Anna this year. But he needed a good night’s sleep. A possible mission at any time had stopped him from truly enjoying everything Remembrance Day had to offer. But that was what it meant to be an Aster; to have the responsibility to avert the danger to humans from the Higher Kings, and to lead their fellow Affinites into battle. Missing a party was a small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things, really.
The large buffet table all along the far wall of the dining hall was empty; not even the chefs were awake yet. Lian weaved in between the dining tables and headed for the kitchen in the back. He returned with a bowl filled with granola, yoghurt and fruit and a glass of water. His head was completely clear; not having had a single drink the entire evening.
Lian knew for a fact that all the Asters except for Sky had followed this rule. He might have even had a second drink, if Lian had to guess. He knew his brother long enough. He’d seen the beer in Sky’s hand when he was chatting up some redheaded girl. Lian had been surprised to see the girl go down into the village and not follow Sky to his room. But when he spotted Sky and Camille leave together, the world made sense again.
As Lian sat down, the door to the dining hall opened and Nathan and Matu stepped through. Lian greeted them as they both headed for the kitchen. They emerged at the same time as Sky entered. Sky vanished into the kitchen while Nathan and Matu took a seat next to and across from Lian. They all dug into their breakfast without a word.
Chapter 9
Lian was the first at breakfast the following morning. The dining hall was completely deserted. Every Affinite visiting for Remembrance Day would be sleeping in. Lian wouldn’t be surprised if most of them had only gone to bed a few hours ago. The older Affinites probably went home after the celebrations in the Throne Room drew to a close, while others continued the party down in the village.
“Did anyone find Sophie in the end?” Lian asked. He noticed Nathan open his mouth, but Sky beat him to speaking.
“Jacob did,” Sky said, taking a seat next to Matu. “Right after pissing me off while I was talking to…” He snapped his fingers trying to come up with her name. Lian chuckled at the sight of him forgetting. “What’s-her-name.”
“We’re blaming Jacob for you striking out with the redhead?” Matu asked. Lian sniggered. Apparently, he hadn’t been the only one to notice that the play on the redhead hadn’t gone to Sky’s plan.
“I didn’t strike out. I just decided not to go home with
her,” Sky replied defensively.
“Was this before or after you decided to take Cami home instead?” Lian asked.
“You went home with Cami?” Matu said, his tone surprised. “Honestly, what is wrong with you?”
“What? Nothing’s wrong with me. We both don’t want anything serious and we have fun while she’s here. No feelings get hurt and we stay friends.”
“I don’t know…” Matu dragged out as he shook his head. “Girls have a tendency to—”
“Girls have a tendency to… what?” Without any of the boys noticing, Sophie had come up behind them and had caught the last part of their conversation.
“To get hung up on guys they sleep with,” Lian finished Matu’s sentence.
Without even knowing it was about him, Sophie immediately turned to Sky. “Who this time?”
“Wha—why do you automatically assume it was me?”
Sophie raised her eyebrows at him. She gestured around the table. “Because… come on.”
Lian could do nothing other than agree with his sister. Of the four boys around the table, it really could’ve only been Sky they were talking about. “She’s not wrong,” he said.
“I’m never wrong,” Sophie said. “So? Who?” “Cami,” Sky admitted.
“Oh,” Sophie huffed, slapping Lian on the shoulder. “Cami’s smarter than that. She won’t get hung up on him.”
“See! It’s perfect!” Sky exclaimed.
“No, that’s not what I meant,” Sophie snapped. “It’s disrespectful, unfeminist and a bunch of other things, and not my point.”
Sky frowned. “Then what is your point?”
Sophie held her hands up. “Respect women?”
Sky thought on this for a moment. “I respect you?”
Sophie narrowed her eyes at her brother. “That’s because I don’t sleep with you.”
Sophie threw her hands up again and said, “You’re impossible,” before heading for the kitchen to get breakfast of her own.
Matu turned his head to watch her go. Once he seemed sure she was out of earshot, he turned back to Sky. “You better hope she’s right about Cami being
smarter than that.”
“Oh, come on, will you give it a rest?” Sky replied in exasperation.
Matu held his hands up. “All right, fine. But if your phone starts filling up with messages and missed calls from Camille, don’t come moaning to us about how you thought both of you went into this thing thinking it meant nothing, when in fact that was only you.”
Sky narrowed his eyes. “She won’t do that.”
Matu shrugged and returned to his breakfast without saying anything more. Lian sniggered again. Sky rolled his eyes and picked up his fork again.
For a moment the boys ate in silence. Once Sophie returned to the table she asked Matu, “Where’s Josie anyway?”
“She’s sleeping. Didn’t want to wake her just because I have to be up bright and early,” Matu answered.
Sophie nodded and patted Matu on the shoulder. “See that, Sky? That’s respecting women.”
“Okay, you’ve made your point. Any other subject we can talk about?” Sky said.
But Lian didn’t miss the mischievous smile playing on his brother’s lips. “I thought you never minded being the subject of conversation?”
“I do when I’m being told off.” Sky glared at Sophie for a moment, but his serious expression wasn’t one he could maintain for long.
Sophie pointed at him with a strawberry at the end of her fork. “Stop being a jerk to women and I won’t have to scold you anymore.”
“I think we all know that’s never going to happen,” Matu said without looking up from his breakfast. “Okay, okay, are we done now? New topic, please.”
Lian looked at Sky with a challenge in his eyes. He would like nothing more than to turn up the heat on Sky. Make him squirm just a little bit more. But when Lian opened his mouth, Sky beat him to it very quickly by snapping, “Don’t you dare.”
Lian held up his hands. “Fine, fine.”
Sophie cleared her throat. “How is this for changing the subject,” she offered. “The Small Council is sending me to Viria today.”
All the boys froze for a moment to stare at her. “What about our possible mission?” Nathan asked. It had been the first time he’d spoken that morning.
“I’m sure you boys are more than capable of bringing back a single Disciple without me. I have my own mission,” Sophie replied.
“What kind of mission could you possibly have on Viria?” Sky asked, clearly offended that he hadn’t been asked for this mission himself.
“Well, if you spend even a second with your nose in a book, you would know that they have the most extensive library of all three islands,” Sophie said.
“Oh… right,” Sky said, returning to his breakfast, having immediately lost interest. Sophie rolled her eyes at him.
“Well, at least you get to leave the island. It’s getting a little claustrophobic around here, what with Sky’s ego growing by the second,” Lian said. He grinned at his brother.
Sky smiled his crooked smile just as the doors to the dining hall opened again, and a whole group of Affinites walked in. Jacob was among them. The sight of him automatically made Lian roll his eyes. He knew Sky would have a similar reaction.
“Couldn’t you let him sleep in, like Matu did with Josie?” Sky muttered.
“Be nice,” Matu warned.
“I’ll play nice when he does,” Sky answered.
Matu gave him a look.
“Okay, I won’t. Ever,” Sky admitted. Jacob headed for their table and stopped behind Sophie, placing his hands on her shoulders. He looked straight at Sky. “Saw the redhead emerge from one of the guest rooms. What, did you strike out?” he said, a smirk on his face.
Lian purposefully focused only on his breakfast. He was getting tired of these confrontations between Jacob and any one of the Aster boys. Sophie sighed, looking apologetically over to Sky.
“It’s okay,” Sky told his sister, and he turned his attention to her boyfriend. “I didn’t strike out. I just realised I was more in the mood for a brunette.”
He winked, and returned to his breakfast.
“You’re despicable,” Matu whispered across the
Sky looked up at him and shrugged.
“It’s a real pity you guys can’t leave the island. My Soph here can because they need her for research you all aren’t cut out for. Hey, Sky. Have you been to Europe lately? Or you, Lian? I’m heading to Paris this afternoon. I’ll send you a postcard,” Jacob said. He grinned and winked. Then he leant down to Sophie and whispered “good luck, today,” in her ear and waved a hand. “Later fellas.”
Lian growled. “How is that guy an Affinite? He’s got the ego of a Disciple if I ever saw one.”
“And what the hell is he going to do in Paris?” Sky snapped.
“He’s just visiting a friend, calm down,” Sophie replied.
“Honestly, what do you see in him?” Sky asked.
“Watch it,” Matu warned.
“Just get over yourself, Sky. He might be an arse to you, but he’s sweet to me,” Sophie said.
At that moment, Nathan pushed back his chair and abruptly left the table. He hadn’t even finished his breakfast, but he was already headed back to the kitchens to leave his plate and cutlery.
Sophie stared at him. She turned back to the three boys still at the table. “What’s going on with him?” she asked.
Lian glanced at Sky, but remained silent. Sky shrugged and returned to his breakfast. Lian saw Sophie think about it for a moment before shrugging it off. He realised she’d made her breakfast to go; two simple sandwiches.
“Well, I have to go. I’ll see you boys later.”
“Happy reading,” Sky mumbled, not even looking up from his breakfast.
“Thanks,” Sophie replied sarcastically. Lian watched Sophie leave the dining hall. Sky quickly grabbed his drink and finished it. When he set his glass back down, he pushed his chair back and stood up.
“Gotta go,” he said. He picked up his plate and glass and turned to Matu. “You’re joining me on the tracks tonight?”
“Yeah, you bet.”
As Sky left the dining hall, Lian watched the main doors close behind him. Both Lian and Matu knew that Sky was going after Sophie. The two bickered
ninety per cent of the time they were in the same room together, but they were closer than any of the Asters. Lian knew he was going after her right now to make sure the Transport to Viria went all right. If Sky had it his way, he would shimmer her there himself. Sky was an arrogant flirt to most of the world. Only those closest to him would notice the small acts of kindness. Just like now, when he wanted to know for sure Sophie got to Viria safely. Sky would never show that side to anyone else outside of the five of them. Unless some fraction of the truth would help him pick up a girl, of course. *
The whole day had been frustrating. When Sky saw Sophie off through the portal that morning, he’d expected to get more information on what the hell she was going to be doing there. But he’d barely got an answer. Eventually, Sophie had just kissed him on the cheek, said, “Don’t worry about it,” and stepped into the portal without another word. Sylvia had somewhat gruffly told him that what Sophie was off doing didn’t concern him. Sky disagreed. Everything research-related that Sophie did, concerned him. Because whatever research she was doing, it was usually for the Asters. So, what the hell was with all the secrecy?
After dinner, Sky made his way out to the athletics track at the foot of the cliffs below the castle. He was looking forward to this training; he needed to release some of the frustrating energy that had been inside of him all day long.
The cold night air nipped at his face when Sky stepped outside. Matu was already on the track.
“You’re late,” Matu said.
“I wanted answers,” Sky replied, referring to trying to ask Sylvia about Sophie’s mission again at dinner. “Didn’t get any?”
“No,” Sky grumbled.
“Well, then you wasted both our times.” The two boys started jogging alongside each other. It was late in the evening and the tracks were almost completely abandoned. Floodlights surrounding the track blazed brightly in the darkness. The sun had set hours ago. Sky and Matu ran around for two circuits before Sky finally felt a bit warm.
“How’s your shimmer training coming?” Matu asked
as they ran another circuit.
“It’s coming,” Sky replied vaguely.
“Meaning what?”
“Meaning shimmering people to other places at a distance is high level magic.”
“And you’re upset you suck at it.”
“There’s no need to be mean about it,” Sky said defensively. Sky’s shimmer could transport himself and other people all over the world in the blink of an eye. But Sky always needed to be in physical contact with them for it to work best. And now his training had progressed, and he needed to learn how he could cast a spell and send his shimmer to work on someone without that contact. It was hard, and Sky hated that he wasn’t a master at it yet.
“I wasn’t being mean. I was being accurate.”
“You know, with that super serious face, I can’t tell if you’re trying to be funny or not.”
“I’m not Lian,” Matu replied.
Sky looked up at his oldest brother. “Is that supposed to be a surprising fact?”
That made Matu smile and shake his head. Sky was glad he could bring that reaction out of his brother. It’d been too long since Sky had heard Matu laugh. Even a chuckle was a win these days. “I meant that not everything I say is a joke to stop everything from being too serious,” Matu clarified. “I think… I already knew that.”
A chuckle this time. It felt like another win for Sky. The boys ran around the track for the fourth time.
“So, does Diana know what’s stopping you from getting your remote shimmer to work?” Matu asked.
Sky huffed. “Something with accuracy, which is highly unhelpful, since, yeah, I get that my accuracy’s off when I shimmer people and they appear somewhere I didn’t mean for them to.”
“I’m quite sure Diana is more constructive than that,” Matu said. Diana Griffiths was the Asters’ teacher when it came to their magic. Jackson could turn them into great warriors, but he had no ability to train their magical powers.
“You know, you’re really annoying to vent at about my problems; you keep throwing facts back
at my face. How is that helpful?”
Matu smiled again. Instead of continuing this particular conversation, he asked, “You warm?”
“Oh yeah,” Sky replied. Then the Band on his wrist started pulsing a bright blue and he offered, “Race you four hundred meters?”
Matu narrowed his eyes. “No magic.”
Sky rolled his eyes, his magic dying down and his Band returning to its usual black colour. With his magic of Speed and Flight he would win hands down. “Fine, no magic.”
“All right, in three, two—” Suddenly Matu stopped.
Sky felt it, too. The chip in his upper right arm started twitching. Every Aster had one, and it would start twitching if they were being summoned by the Small Council. This meant they had to get to the Board Room immediately. This was what Jackson and Axel had warned them about yesterday.
Sky looked at Matu. The other boy recognised the look on Sky’s face, knowing that his chip wasn’t the only one that had twitched. Matu nodded. Sky put a hand on Matu’s shoulder and shimmered the two of them to the Board Room. Blue light filled Sky’s vision momentarily as his magic transported them to the castle. When the light vanished, they found Axel and Jackson waiting for them in the Board Room. Matu’s signature knuckle knives and Sky’s short spear, amongst other weapons, were laid out on the round table in the centre of the room.
“You don’t have much time,” Axel said. Matu slid his knuckle knives into place. He didn’t grab any other weapons; he didn’t need any. Weapons just got in the way of his natural, magical strength. At the same time, Sky strapped two daggers to his forearms. Then he grabbed his short spear and waited for further instructions.
“There is a small group of Disciples in the Upper Amazon Basin in the north-west of Brazil,” Axel said. “Bring at least one back alive.”
Sky realised that he and Matu were the only ones who had been called in for this mission, and that they were to leave that very moment. Jackson would have known that they were training together
and so could be deployed immediately. Neither one of them had time to question the Ambassador or the Commanding Chief further. They had no idea how many Disciples they would be facing. This was a chance to learn of the South American King’s plans, and they weren’t going to waste it. Without so much as a goodbye, Sky glanced up at the television screen behind him, showing a map of the world. It started zooming in until it was focused on a sand bank. A handful of black dots indicated Disciple lives.
Sky put his hand on Matu’s shoulder, put his magic to work, and shimmered the two of them from Saluverus to the banks of the Amazon River.
When the blue light vanished from Matu’s vision, he squinted, not expecting the brightness of the afternoon sun on the wide stretch of green-brown water. Of course, Brazil was a few hours behind Europe, and the sun was still high in the sky.
Matu turned his attention away from the river. The sandy bank they were on was narrow, and to their left an incredibly lush, green jungle towered over them.
Under normal circumstances, Matu would have stared at the impressive sight, but given why they were there he couldn’t get distracted by the scenery.
About a hundred yards along from where Matu and Sky had appeared were five Disciples. Matu and Sky hurried to the edge of the rainforest and hid behind the first line of shrubs, to watch without being seen. The Disciples were all dressed in brown leathers and travelling cloaks, their hoods pulled back. And they were doing something Matu had never expected to see.
Joseph A. Schiller is a high school social studies teacher in Houston, TX USA, where he lives with his wife and three sons. He has previously had several poems and short stories published in curated anthologies in addition to his debut fantasy novel, Upon the Arrival of Dawn. Joseph is currently working on the publication of a non-fiction historical investigation along with a graphic novel and sci-fi projects.
Welcome to Uncaged! Can you tell readers more about Upon the Arrival of Dawn? Is this your debut novel?
Upon the Arrival of Dawn is what I would categorize as speculative fantasy. It is my debut novel, a project 10 years in the making.
What are you working on now that you can tell us about?
I’m nearly ready to publish a non-fiction historical investigation, Judaism and Shintoism - Possible Correlations Between Two Ancient Faiths, which explores the potential connections between those two faiths. Additionally, I’m working on a graphic novel of comic shorts and a sci-fi novel based on the mythologies and mysteries of the ancient Greek mathematician and esoteric, Pythagoras.
What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?
I don’t really have issues developing scenes. My biggest challenge is having a sense of how much or how little to develop them. Finding that balance is not
always straightforward.
How do you come up with names for your characters?
For most of the characters the names are based on the research behind the topics covered in the story. Only one required my contribution, which ended up being a random name I settled on.
Do you read reviews? What do you take away from them?
I absolutely read reviews. I have found that the reviews on sites like Goodreads don’t always give me a complete evaluation of a book. When I read reviews or blog posts about a book I normally look for the author’s unique contribution to their genre.
What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
I speak fluent Japanese and have since I lived in Japan after high school for a year.
Which comes first, the plot or the characters in the planning stages?
Normally I would say plot, which is the case with my short stories. However, with Upon the Arrival of Dawn, the genesis of the story began with a character.
What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren’t writing or working?
If I’m not writing, I’m reading, cycling, playing tennis, or doing things with the family.
Do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks or physical books? Are you reading anything now?
I prefer physical books. This is not to say that other formats don’t have value. I just prefer the textile nature of reading.
What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?
My fans can easily find me on FB (facebook.com/UpontheArrivalofDawn). And, I would like to say thank you to everyone that has, is, and will support my work.
A darkness grows, threatening the delicate fabric of the Universe. An ominous cloud spreads, bringing an increasing imbalance across the Cosmos. Essences bent on wickedness and ultimate destruction are violently stripping the Energy of Life from innocent terrestrial creatures, bringing Existence to the very brink of collapse. Only one Celestial essence boldly accepts the calling to seek out the source of the encroaching evil and restore Harmony once again to Existence. Azrael, humble servant of Eternity, offspring of Existence, will stop at nothing to protect the Universe, mortal and immortal alike.
nificantly afflicted they are in the body and mind, and therefore, how accelerated their eventual deterioration shall be. Why is this thus? It is because death, as a state or condition of being, is what ultimately defines mankind’s mortality, determining man’s terrestrial destiny. Wicked and righteous souls alike fear its gradual approach. Anyone that proclaims they are prepared for the end of their corporeal existence is either deceiving themselves or is trying to fool others.
Perhaps it is unfair for the benevolent, the righteous, to feel any trepidation. After all, did they not try to live their lives in accordance with some commonly accepted sets of principles and values, cornerstones of a virtuous life? These individuals, if any beings at all, should be able to stare off into the beyond with stout hearts, possessing confidence that their post-terrestrial circumstance will be all they believed it could be. Nevertheless, they do not. For most, death’s embrace is felt the same, regardless of one’s individual merit. And that feeling is trepidation.”
“Kah, kah, kah…kah, kah, kah!” coughed Cyril, in one of the increasingly frequent early morning spasms he had been having. “Kah, kah!”
If these spells would subside for even a moment, I might actually get a moment of peaceful slumber, he thought to himself in frustration. He was beginning to stir uncomfortably about his bed, clenching his fists around as much bedding as he could grab. The fits were becoming much more severe and persistent as of late, a source of growing concern.
“The winter of one’s life can be, and generally is, difficult to accept, especially when one is fully aware of just how quickly one’s twilight is approaching, as is often the case in old age. The associated anxiety can be particularly acute if one is agonizing over how sig-
While Cyril is an older gentleman, until very recently one might argue that he had enjoyed remarkably good health for a man of his advanced age. For the past several weeks, though, he had been essentially confined to his bed, unable to shake a spell of something respiratory in nature. Cyril’s condition began to change innocently enough – an early winter chill of sorts – but quickly progressed further into something much more serious. Bedrid-
den, his physical state gradually worsened to the point that his family felt obligated to step in to tend to him full time.
When the family’s collective efforts to help him overcome his ailing condition failed, several physicians were dispatched to attempt to diagnose and treat him, all to no discernible avail. At the same time, the family, as is the wont of most of mankind when faced with similar circumstances, turned more of their attention toward a deity upon which they projected all of their collective hope could and or would intervene on their behalf, and make their loved one whole once again. While hopeful, there were some members of Cyril’s extended family who, nevertheless, began preparing for what seemed inevitable – their patriarch’s passing. And so, the family sought the presence of men they believed could intercede spiritually.
Mankind’s view of its physical condition early in life seems often to be one of almost invincibility or infallibility. Death, however, tends to remind all of just how truly fragile the nature of cellular organisms really is. Cyril’s family could regrettably only sit in earnest vigil day and night, while hoping desperately for signs that his situation would improve.
Cyril’s comfort was looked to with the utmost care and absolute dedication. No expenses or conveniences were spared in providing for what was increasingly expected to be the family elder’s last days, or perhaps hours. If only everyone in such a state could be looked after with such unconditional outpouring of compassion and devotion.
A man beloved by all that had the pleasure of knowing him, Cyril was, as would be considered by most, a good man. While he led, by all accounts, an unassuming and arguably ordinary life, he was at the same time virtuous and not without a sort of merit in humility.
Cyril was not an overly recognizable figure within
or without his community any more than others of moderate success in life tend to be. As far as greater mankind is concerned with acquiring more money or possessions throughout life, he was by no means categorically wealthy. Nevertheless, he was, and it must be emphasized, more than respected by the few lucky enough to call him family, friend, and acquaintance.
Prior to this most recent period in Cyril’s life, of which this tale begins, Cyril was merely a humble clockmaker, constructing and repairing various time pieces in his small shop below the set of family apartments just a few paces from the center of his village. Certainly not a trade of any glamor or notoriety, but working hard, he was able to afford a sufficiently comfortable livelihood for his modestly sized family. Cyril was a good provider and a man adored by all. Now his family and friends were repaying his love and kindness in turn, with their own adoration.
Cyril’s hacking subsided long enough to allow him to gradually breathe a bit more steadily, and with a little less effort. He slowly opened his eyelids, and, with tremendous anguish, sat himself up in his bed. In his feeble condition he usually required someone’s assistance in order to move his fragile frame in any small way. He forced himself on this occasion out of a sudden sense of necessity. His numerous bedsores, a constant source of discomfort, were beginning to irritate him again, making the skin on his underside raw and sensitive to the touch. Gathering what little strength he could, Cyril propped himself up on his elbows.
Gingerly rotating his head about, Cyril slowly scanned his modest room. He noticed a small bowl of food was set carefully upon the nightstand next to his bedchamber. By the appearance of its contents, it was some sort of porridge, and had most likely been there for a while. Cyril knew his wife had been in to see him at some point earlier in the evening. The porridge by now had likely lost any aroma or flavor. Food was once such an indulgence, though, now he
was reduced to a largely liquid diet. In fact, he often had to force himself to consume whatever was prepared and act grateful for it. He stared at the bowl for several minutes, unable to decide whether he was desperate enough to try eating, before being overcome once again with sluggishness.
Fatigue often quickly evolved into drowsiness. Gently laying back down in bed, straining just as much as he had when he sat up, Cyril closed his eyes in an effort to return to sleep. In his heart, he said a quick prayer, asking in desperation for uninterrupted slumber; something he had not enjoyed now for several weeks. He had just started to drift off when something startled him back to reality, believing that he had heard something faint, something akin to a soft voice calling out in the darkness of his bedroom. Heart thumping almost out of his chest, he remained perfectly motionless, holding his breath as best he could as he strained his ears for a hint of what had woken him. After several moments of no perceptible noise of any kind, Cyril felt convinced that he was in fact mistaken.
After all, this old home always makes such unexplainable noises, Cyril thought to himself.
It was possible that one of the many guests that had recently visited had perhaps neglected to close a window before retiring from the bedroom. Slightly frustrated with the prospect of being kept up all night with the constant swishing and swaying from an evening breeze stirring the curtains about his chambers, Cyril closed his eyes once again with a renewed determination to get a few more hours of repose before something else jolted him awake.
These thoughts of rest had no sooner filled his mind than Cyril once again thought he heard the faint call penetrating the silence ever so softly. This time, however, the voice seemed to be speaking his name, as a gentle whisper into one’s ear. With all of the intensity that he could gather, Cyril listened for the voice to repeat itself. His mind and heart began to race once again, renewed with scattered thoughts. Was this perceived voice merely the imaginings of a sick man?
He was never one that believed in ghosts or specters, but he found himself questioning how firmly he disbelieved. He was not disappointed when several seconds later, like the passing of a light spring breeze across one’s face, and yet almost entirely imperceptible, Cyril was convinced that he unmistakably heard his own name called out to him from a yet undetermined corner within his room.
“Who’s there?!” Cyril called out as loudly as he could into the nothingness of the room, while nearly choking on his own words.
He was beginning to perspire quite heavily, sweat beading across his brow, while his heart rate now began to race out of control within his frail frame. He tried again to calm himself down by attempting to convince himself that the voice he believed that he had heard was nothing more than a symptomatic of a senile old man in desperate need of rest. After all, he was extremely sick, and anyone in his particular condition could be forgiven for having periodic episodes of delirium.
“Yes, that is precisely what I am experiencing. These are simply hallucinations brought on by my weakened condition. My poor body is so tired. The sooner my eternal rest begins, the better,” Cyril declared under his breath.
His mind wandered for a few moments. The instantaneous and equally terrifying realization that there was something like a hand resting gently on his left shoulder brought him back. “Who’s there?” he called out again.
Shivers immediately passed along his nerves. Fearing to move even a millimeter, he kept absolutely still for what seemed an eternity. A steadily rising heart rate and cold sweat returned with increased intensity. Finally, Cyril collected what little courage he could and painfully tilted his head ever so slightly toward his left side, to look upon whoever or whatever had
taken hold of his shoulder. His eyes, finally fully adjusted to the absence of light, rested on an unfamiliar personage positioned on his left, and Cyril’s entire being froze in debilitating shock. Terror instantly overcame him at the recognition of the figure moving to sit next to him on his bed. Terror, because he had an equally strong impression as to why this visitor was present.
This state of paralysis lasted for what felt like forever to Cyril. He feared and refused to move, to blink, to breathe, or to even make a sound. Wanting desperately to believe that he was in fact just dreaming, he tried to convince himself that at any moment something would at last stir him awake; that what he was experiencing was nothing more than a bad bout of hysteria. The personage’s eyes, nevertheless, remained locked with his, neither set deviating from the other.
It was the specter that finally penetrated the silence.
“You recognize me, do you not?” whispered the figure rhetorically, with an almost inhuman voice. “You know of me and have strong suspicions of precisely why I’m here. Are you surprised?”
Despite the solicitation, Cyril made no effort to respond in any way to the prompt. While not being aware of exactly why, there was a strange and instinctive acknowledgement of this being lingering by his side. Consequently, he was beginning, intuitively, to recognize this mysterious guest’s purpose for visiting, and, therefore, he remained resolved not to reply.
“It’s perfectly understandable that you would resist responding,” said the strange visitor in an attempt to break the stalemate. The stranger looked upon Cyril with an almost gentle gaze, cocking his neck to the side slightly as he did. “By doing so, you believe that you would ultimately be acknowledging my presence. And, by not answering…well, what do you
hope the outcome to be? As much as you would like to convince yourself that these sensations, both auditory and visual, are nothing more than the product of your weakened physical state, deep down in your core you know that is mere foolishness. Yes...I can read your thoughts, and your feelings, as I can of all of your kind.”
Cyril attempted to make out the full features of this personage. While he was unable to accurately discern anything for certain, he was able to catch some vague physical traits. Yet, he was unsure whether his eyes were betraying him. Nevertheless, the being sitting at his bedside appeared to be a relatively young man, though it was hard to estimate an age. From what Cyril could recognize, his lines were soft, calm, with an almost childlike innocence. In fact, his features had an almost disarming quality to them. Cyril stared at those eyes gazing deeply into his. It did not matter that he could not see the specter clearly. He could feel the intensity in that gaze; could feel how the specter’s eyes never lost their focus for even an instant. Yet he also sensed what seemed like a friendly enough grin.
After a few seconds, when the mysterious figure was assured that Cyril was fully attentive, he continued, “Do you know why you recognize me?”
“No.” It came out as a stutter, betraying the persistent state of absolute terror Cyril had found himself in.
“That is not entirely truthful, is it? You felt my presence the very instant I entered this room. Your energy flowing through you is as familiar with mine as mine is with yours, as it is with the rest of your mortal brothers and sisters. For we are all part of the same creative force, are we not? Your spirit, if you will, recognized the presence of a force, which, as it did mine, similarly created your existence,” added the mysterious guest.
The specter smiled at Cyril, almost warmly. “I am sensing a heightened anxiety within you. There is no
There was a rather long pause before either said anything else. Cyril found it impossible to settle his heart and mind, though, not without trying. Despite the strange visitor’s admonishment to remain at peace, Cyril felt strongly that those were merely convenient words.
Finally, Cyril gave in, and ventured into a conversation with all the remaining bravery available within him. “Is this the end of my time?”
With absolutely no hesitation, the voice of the specter replied in the affirmative. “Yes. Though, you already anticipated that I would answer as such.”
“I suuu...suppose I dddd...did,” Cyril said in the trembling tone of a man beginning to accept, and in deep contemplation of, his fate.
“Cyril, try to settle your heart and your mind,” suggested the specter. “Arrangements have all been made for you.”
At that moment, Cyril noticed the visitor’s countenance begin to change, darkening and swelling like lengthening shadows. A sinister smile gradually formed across the visitor’s face. Whatever lingering peace and calm Cyril previously had left in his heart quickly vanished and was replaced immediately with a renewed sense of anguish and horror. His first instinct was to use what fleeting strength he could muster to flee from his room in search of help, or to call out to his family elsewhere within the home. His condition, however, was simply too fragile for any attempted outburst or escape. He found it equally as difficult to raise his voice much more than a whisper. Meanwhile, the personage just sat and watched him struggle, staring with an increasingly malicious look of enjoyment on his face.
The stranger then slowly rose up from his sitting position on top of the bed, and once again stood to Cyril’s side. He then walked with great purpose to-
ward the window, almost gliding as he did, before eventually taking a position at the front of the room, facing out onto the empty street below. Pausing, the figure looked out into the dark of the night, almost as if he drew strength from it. He remained thus, peering out for several minutes in deep silence. Cyril himself was too struck with fear to do anything to break that silence. It seemed that this being had been sent to escort his soul away to meet his maker. What he could not reconcile was why he felt so mortified instead of elated.
While continuing to peer out the window, the terrible figure stated, “There are several questions you have chosen, as of yet, not to ask me. Perhaps you are afraid of the responses.” It took Cyril a moment, but eventually he managed to choke out one of the questions lingering in his heart. “Am...am I going to heaven, or hell?”
The guest in Cyril’s bedchamber responded with a short chuckle – a fiendish cackle. Though brief, the laugh betrayed an intensely demonic nature. “Countless ages have wrestled with such futile questions.”
Cyril was beginning to think his heart would give out just from talking to this terrible specter. Was that why the thing had come to visit? To hasten my demise? He shuddered and the increasingly terrifying visitor laughed. He sensed that the terrible personage was deriving more pleasure from his heightened anxiety and fear.
“I have had you in mind for some time,” the stranger said. “You led a life more than worthy of having the energy of your soul returned to the source, the origins of all creation, or heaven – the thing corporeal beings commonly refer to as the afterlife.” He gave another malevolent giggle, whilst still maintaining his gaze out the window. “However, ... I have other plans for your departing soul.”
Cyril was once again stunned – paralyzed even –
with an indescribable fright. A darkness seized upon the deepest reaches of his heart. It took him several minutes to even marginally recover his faculties. “Whooo…. who are you?” he asked, trembling and gasping uncontrollably at this point.
Cyril was surprised when his visitor did not respond. He was about to repeat himself when he thought he heard a sudden rushing sound from without the bedroom window; the kind of noise made by a strong gust of autumn wind. A wind, from the sound of it, was fast approaching. Turning his ear ever so slightly toward the direction of the disturbance, Cyril now thought that perhaps the noise sounded not of a wind at all, but like the beating of thousands of sets of wings, accompanied by ever louder, unexplainable shrieks. And his terror increased a thousandfold.
Suddenly, and without warning, the specter turned. Those intense eyes gleamed with malevolence as he coldly answered, “I am... the Taker of Souls!” Without hesitation, the devilish form threw open the bedroom window in order to allow in a flood of demons; terrible spirits called Keres summoned for the purpose of devouring souls. At his bidding, the Keres quickly went to work to rip Cyril’s life energy from its mortal frame. His soul screamed out in tremendous and dreadful agony, a scream that reached every conceivable corner of time and space of Creation.
Silence soon prevailed. There were no discernible traces remaining of any activity in Cyril’s apartment; none, except for Cyril’s cold and lifeless body lying in his bed. One might have mistaken him to be in a deep and permanent slumber, were it not for the terror of his final moments frozen in his lifeless face, the eyes staring at their tormentors and the mouth agape in a silent outburst.
Penelope Rivers is an erotic novelist of M/M romance novels and short stories. A hopeless dreamer, she spends her day thinking about all things fantasy, romantic and not. It is her view that when you start choking on the occasionally dry bread of life, you need something sinfully delicious to chase it down with. Currently, she lives in Utah with an abnormal amount of pets.
Welcome to Uncaged! Your latest book, Drug of Choice deals not only with a romance, but a drug addiction. Can you tell readers more about the book?
The main character, Samuel, is a recovered addict mentoring other people who are going through addiction. He ends up mentoring the younger guy, Kevin. After a bit of time, Samuel helps him get a job and lets him stay with him while he doesn’t have a place to go. They start to catch feelings, and Samuel grows to really love Kevin, even though he realizes he has to let him go. I am a low angst person, so I’d say the book is low angst too. I just really chose to go into drug addiction because, while I don’t struggle with it, I’ve had family members go through it. It is incredibly painful and I have the utmost respect for people trying to get sober, so I was inspired.
What are you working on now that you can tell us about?
I am really excited about the series I’m working on now. It’s called Love by Design, and it’s a series about the artists of a gallery falling in love. I’m approaching
the end of the first one. My protagonist, Antonio, is a terrible artist. He meets one of the artists of the gallery, Olson, when he submits some of his art for consideration, but it’s only when he creates a masterpiece that things change. They clash heads at first and so do their kids, but Olson helps him deal with the death of his father. The problem is, Antonio’s self-esteem gets in the way.
What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?
My answer may be surprising. I have a hard time writing sex scenes. Not because I don’t like them or anything. I just run out of ideas that make them interesting by the end of the book. That’s what Google is for, I know, but I’m disabled and living with my family. I would be mortified if I was, ugh, browsing when they came in. The easiest for me is probably the first chapter. I love first chapters. I’m always so excited for the rest of the story. There is so much potential.
How do you come up with names for your characters?
This is probably the most boring answer on earth! I google sexy guys names and pick the ones that stand out the best. Then my brain goes overdrive, and the story pretty much writes itself really.
Do you read reviews? What do you take away from them?
I will occasionally check out my rating, but that can keep me from writing for weeks to months. I was debating whether or not to include this in my interview, but I’m schizophrenic and bipolar. My voices tell me I’m a terrible writer for three stars, four stars reviews, which is what most writers get, even if in reality I’m just happy someone actually managed to finish my book. My brain clings on to weird obsessions like a spider monkey. I do try to get better each time, but mostly my editors know how to deal with my sensitive brain.
What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
I think the most unusual thing is that I am bunny crazy and I have a bunny (right now Sassy) roaming the house. She is litter box trained and just as friendly as any dog. They live 10 plus years if you’re lucky. They make stellar fur babies, and Sassy is the “boss” of me. She also is more feisty than our dogs.
Which comes first, the plot or the characters in the planning stages?
Plot for sure. I call myself a “shower writer.” Most of my ideas for books come during the shower and they gain life from there. The characters backstory comes during the brainstorming session, but they are intertwined.
What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren’t writing or working?
I am an avid walker. I love to hike the trails by my house and do an hour a day with hope to go further. I do 5ks. I also, surprise, read a ton. Gosh, I read so many books that it pretty much consumes my life.
Do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks or physical books? Are you reading anything now?
I used to be a paper book snob, honestly, but now I am an ebook fan. I just read so much and I love being able to have access to so many books. It also helps with the weird looks you get when reading a book with an erotica cover. I am halfway through Twisted-Twenty Six by Janet Evanovich. Her books are a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I am going to finish up the series then plow through Joanne Fluke’s mystery series. At the same time, for my dose of romance, I am reading Firefly Lane by Riley Hart.
What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?
I just have to say thank you for giving me a shot! I stopped writing for a bit due to developing schizophrenia and needed time to find the right meds. I never imagined I’d be able to write again. I very much feel like a newbie, though, and I appreciate anyone willing to try my books out.
Samuel is a recovered meth addict dedicated to being a peer mentor. When he meets Kevin as he struggles to regain his family and beat his drug addiction, he wants to help him in any way he can. But as time goes on and he realizes he has deepening feelings for the other man, he knows he’s in big trouble. He wants Kevin, but he loves him enough to let go. Unless Kevin wants him to be a part of his family too.
Samuel wouldn’t think of it again. Or so he thought. The very first thing that happened when he saw Kevin Monday night was his heart quickening and his brain returned to the hot moment when he’d dreamt he’d licked cum off his finger. He wasn’t sure what kind of face he was making, but it must have been pretty funky because Kevin gazed at him with concern.
“Dude, you okay?” Kevin grabbed one of the plastic chairs and dragged it over.
Even though he was physically fine, he collapsed on the chair. “Yeah. Just some weird thoughts. How have you been? How are your urges?”
“I’m having a hard time. I’ve been dreaming about getting high.” A shiver must have run down the guy’s back because he trembled. “I hate it.”
cause you wake up without. I used to get high at night, so it was always the hardest for me. Just remember to be always vigilant. You have to always be prepared. Have a game plan.”
“Yeah.” A hefty sigh left the guy’s mouth.
The sigh was heavy enough to break the earth. “You okay?”
“I just…” Red clawed up Kevin’s neck, and he fiddled with one of his silver earrings, something Samuel realized was a nervous tic. “I lost my job. They found out I had been coming in high.” He hung his head, a silver cross he was wearing around his neck dangling over the table. “Now my parents are kicking me out and I can’t go back to my girlfriend’s because she threw me out too.” While Kevin spoke, he buried his face in his hands with a groan. “All this shit is a mess. I’m scared living on the street will put me close to meth and I’ll use again.”
Eyes widening, Samuel’s brain went into overdrive. You have an extra bedroom, whispered a voice in his head, and you run a call center that always needs employees because who the fuck wants that job… But the dream haunted him, and he was horrified to feel his dick stir a little, even here. He couldn’t let that stupid dream keep him from being helpful.
Kevin was still talking, unaware that he had become lost in thought. “No, I won’t use. No matter what. I have to get my girlfriend and daughter back.”
Only God would ever know the shit Samuel was dreaming of. “I have those sometimes. They suck be-
He thought hard for a second. Offering to let Kevin stay with him was a bad idea. A) he didn’t know him well and b) he liked his privacy. But the thing was, Kevin looked so lost sitting there hunched with his face buried in his hands. He didn’t like leaving someone hanging, especially when he had the means to help them. As he watched Kevin straighten up and begin toying with his piercings again, he realized he wasn’t going to keep his mouth shut, even if the other guy gave him hard ons and he didn’t know him that well.
“I think I can help you.” Running his tongue along his teeth, he watched Kevin turn his head towards him, and he remembered the dream. Heat made his cock jump a bit, but he shifted, praying he wouldn’t notice. “I have an extra room and my call center is always hiring. I can put you up for a while until you get your shit together.”
Like a kid blowing spit bubbles, Kevin opened and closed his mouth several times, his dark eyes on him. “I’m not a charity case, okay? I can take care of myself.”
The reaction caught Samuel off guard. He held up his hands. “I don’t think of it that way. I needed help when I was first getting sober too.”
Kevin lowered his hands and stared at them as if he’d never seen them before. “I’ll think about it.” “Just remember to always be prepared for temptation,” he said “It can strike at any time, especially when you’re stressed.”
The words pissed him off a bit, but Samuel reminded himself of the way he’d felt at that age, the way he’d felt like he had something to prove. He slouched and nodded, his knuckles clenched before he took a breath. All of his frustration left him when he saw the other man’s downcast face.
Life was tough, f**k anyone who said otherwise.
Off to Maui for a relaxing vacation? Hardly. Surfer Jenna Monroe is on the run from a stalker who lusts after her blood. Instead of combing the beach for lost treasures, she’s forced to venture deep into the terrifying world of shapeshifters.
Uncaged Review: This is a great start to a new series. This series spins off from the Aloha Shifters, Jewels of the Heart series and if you’ve read that series, you’ll love the idea of seeing your old faves come back into these books. This time out, Connor, an ex-Special Forces expert and his brothers are hired by Sila’s team to be security for a large estate. Meanwhile the woman he met on the plane, Jenna, is staying at the same estate. Jenna is running from a stalker they believe is a vampire in L.A. and is new to the world of shifters. Imagine their surprise when they bump into each other on Maui. Sparks fly, even literally, when these two are near each other.
This is a book full of action, romance, hot sex scenes and even some nostalgia as you see old favorites. The book will twist and turn and you won’t guess the outcome easily with this one. Jenna has some surprises up her sleeve, and to see her come into her own is amazing. Connor will grab your heart as he turns from the rebel he once was to the leader he was meant to be. You don’t have to read the other Aloha Shifters series first to read this one, but if you haven’t, you are missing out. Highly recommended for fantasy romance lovers. Reviewed by Cyrene
Gay Erotica
Damian Lake is a rockstar with everything he could ever want at the tips of his fingers in 1975 Los Angeles--and that’s the problem.
In the wake of a whirlwind world tour, he’s struggling to write new music and slowly becoming a hermit in his Beverly Hills hideaway. In a last-ditch effort to shake himself out of his rut, he decides to visit a professional Dominant. The mysterious Lukas comes highly recommended. He’s experienced and discreet, with a long list of famous clients. He’s just what Damian needs.
Uncaged Review: Damian Lake is in a band looking to blow off some steam. He meets Lukas who’s willing to give him what he wants. This book is a short steamy read. Giving the reader just enough to want more. This is my first book by this author but won’t be my last. Reviewed by Jen
A talking cat, a boy genius, missing people, and an untrained Intern for Death. What could possibly go wrong? Did that really happen?
There’s no way Death offered me a job. I’m a musician that makes her living as a waitress, with absolutely no training in the supernatural world. This is all a very bad dream.
Uncaged Review: I really enjoyed this book as the start of a series. The premise is very original, and I actually found myself smiling and laughing a couple times. The best I can explain, is that Isis, who is on her own, scraping to get by, by being a waitress at a Mexican restaurant. When a homeless veteran friend named Bob goes missing, she’s compelled to find out why, being a vet herself. When Death offers Isis a job as her/his intern – she finds out about a supernatural world right under her feet.
I can’t get into everything, but the main plot is a group of witches that are kidnapping people that no one will miss, like the homeless in order to take their souls to keep them immortal and young. There is a cast of characters that are very originally thought through and Isis soon finds a family that she’s never had before. This is a fast paced urban fantasy that jumps out of the gate at a sprint and keeps on going. Looking forward to continuing with this series. Reviewed by Cyrene
Shifter Romance
Sienna falls out of the sky and into Adam’s life...
She’s a shifter with the ability to turn into a golden eagle and she’s fleeing danger, but with an injured wing, she crashes onto the balcony of Adam, a man who likes to be in control.
Adam’s orderly world is turned upside down with the arrival of the golden eagle, and now that he has her, it’s clear that control is over-rated. If it means keeping Sienna, then he’ll embrace the wildness.
Uncaged Review: When I first started this book, I was afraid it wasn’t going to be something that really appealed to me because I’m not really into the instant lusting that happened here very quickly. But once I got past the first couple of chapters, it turned into a really good suspenseful romance. Sienna is flying away from a shifter hunter, with a damaged wing. She’s an eagle shifter, and she flies until she crash lands on Adam’s balcony. Adam rescues her and brings her into his apartment, and hopes to help her heal. After the first couple chapters, this book picks up speed and you meet the rest of the characters in the book.
This is a good start to this shifter series, and a nice original take on this genre. I’m looking forward to the rest of the series. Reviewed by Cyrene
Tragic stories are common in the ER but nurse Dani takes the blame for a toddler patient’s death personally, confirming her abusive father’s belief that she is inept. To prove her competency and free herself from overwhelming guilt, she volunteers for a humanitarian mission trip to Tanzania where she can focus on doing good.
Uncaged Review: I don’t normally read a lot of romantic suspense, it’s not a genre that I gravitate to. But the author did a great job pulling me into this story, with danger, suspense, romance and some really good plot twists that I didn’t see coming. Some of the villians in this story don’t present themselves as bad guys right away, but slowly you will peel the layers and find the different characters and their true colors. This book drew me in, and I had a hard time putting it down. The end of the book will have the reader glued and waiting to find out what happens, reading swiftly to get through it.
Great read, and a high recommendation for the suspense lovers, and maybe the “not so suspense readers” also. Reviewed by Cyrene
Killing vampires is easy. Trusting one will be the hardest thing Dahlia Sabin has ever done.
Dahlia has lived a lonely existence as a killer of the undead. Known as The Blushing Death to those that fear her, Dahlia uncovers a plot by Columbus’s Master Vampire, Ethan. He intends to raise a demon from the depths of hell to destroy the city, cement his power, and take control.
Uncaged Review: I really enjoyed this first book in this series. Dahlia is a vampire hunter, but when she has to work with one to stop the top vampire in the city from raising a demon, she’ll face the fight of her life. This book doesn’t slow much, Dahlia is in over her head throughout the book, but she’s pretty bad ass and the fight scenes are terrific and gory. This is a good start, and I am definitely looking forward to the next book in the series. Dahlia is a strong character and gets herself in more trouble with her snarky comebacks, but it’s very entertaining. This is a hot urban fantasy which is sounding like it will become a reverse harem in the future books, which is always fun. Reviewed by Cyrene
The day I rode to the Rift with my brother the king, I never expected him to deliver me into the hands of our enemies. Desperate to stop the Deepnight from covering his kingdom in shadow, he’s pledged me as a blood slave to King Laurent, ruler of the vampire kingdom of Nor Doru.
Uncaged Review: The author warns us to “Mind the cliff.” As in, the major cliffhanger at the end of this book. And it’s a doozy. One thing going for it is that the 2nd & 3rd books are out now, so you can continue on immediately. This is a hard hitting paranormal, with MM, MF and MFM. If that’s not your style, then this isn’t for you. If that doesn’t bother you, you will find a book that twists and turns and a well thought out story and world. This can be a bit confusing at first, when you are trying to keep the worlds separated but it will fall into place as you keep reading.
Given is a half human/half vampire, and the growth and strength we see in her as the book goes along is noticeable and terrific. When you get to that ending, don’t toss the Kindle or cuss out the author. Just go get the second book. Reviewed by Cyrene
A year after the brutal death of her parents, Crystal Francois moves back home to the eerie small town of Lakeview Falls. When one of her neighbors goes away abruptly leaving his home to be watched by a young man named Jason Warwick, Crystal finds herself falling for him instantly because of his charming ways and dashing good looks
Uncaged Review: This is an engaging read that the author balances the horror with a bit of romance and some humor to level out the horror. And this is a horror book and it can be a bit scary at times but the dark humor balances it out. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, and the author does a great job keeping them all separate with unique personalities. I, as a reader, had a bit of a challenge keeping up with them.
There are some great twists and turns in this book, and the world building is well done. I didn’t find many slow spots and it grabbed my attention right away. This is a series that horror and dark fantasy fans will enjoy. Reviewed by Cyrene
Coming of Age/Family/ Drama
When Gerry, the beloved Williams patriarch, dies suddenly, his grandchildren flock from across the country to the family home in Eulalia, Georgia.
Amy’s Review: Entertaining.
Cat Shook tells a coming of age, and familypacked tale with If We’re Being Honest. I haven’t listened to anything by this author before, and what a hidden gem. I did read the print version of the story, and enjoyed it, but I also really enjoyed this audiobook. The reader is introduced to Gerry, who dies suddenly. He is the patriarch of the William’s family, and hearing about his death, family from across the country hurry to get back home, in Georgia. It was a remarkable story, and a very interesting family, and how the grief process, and the urge to get things out in the open is stemmed from the loss. It’s emotional, poignant, and sometimes, kind of humorous. It’s one of those funerals that if you attended, you’d sit in the back and just watch. It’s a wonderfully told story of a dysfunctional family that many readers can relate to and enjoy the story. The author weaves a tangled web of story, and captures the reader. Family dynamics and drama are always entertaining when reading about them, but this takes it to a whole new level of uniqueness and grand storytelling. Whatever this author writes, I want to listen to. This book deserves both a read and a listen! It’s an emotional rollercoaster. This book captures the reader’s attention at chapter 1. The narrator brings this story to life. A genuine character driven story!
Rejected from the mating ceremony, Mabel finds a unique way of making her dreams of a family come true, though she may have to defy the leader of her planet to do so, and work with a species that isn’t known for playing fair to have everything she desires.
Sky Robert writes an alien romantic sci-fi tale with Her Alien Prince. This book is part of the Treasures of Trillume series, and this is volume two. As this is the second book in this series, I do recommend that readers read the first one, Jewel of the Alien Bandit, in the series first, even if each book is a standalone. Mabel is a very unique character, and she can make her family’s dreams come true, literally. She cannot be part of the mating ceremony, and she is one who is not for following the rules or obeying their leader. She finds away to work with another species. Enter Trent, a prince on his planet, who is facing a war of his own, against a planet known for its hostility. Peace may not be an option, or one without a price. I’m a fan of this author! The characters are so real, it’s like being with them within the story. Sky Robert has a great imagination. It’s definitely an embraceable story. It’s literally out of this world! Who could ask for more when it’s filled with various aliens, and other interesting creatures? A very unpredictable story, my favorite kind!
Chris Longo served in the military for five years, but that was two decades ago. Today he’s just a regular middle-aged man working at a dull state-run veteran agency. After feeling disillusioned that he’s not making a real difference there, he decides to quit and seek a new start. Yet only months later, he’s contacted by his old employer and the DoD.
Amy’s Review: Very impressive story telling Cesare Giannetti writes a dramatic military tale with De facto Pathfinder. I am a big fan of Cesare Giannetti and read whatever this author writes. He uses his experience in the Army to write these wonderfully, magnetically charged stories. The stories work and also provide insight into the lives of veterans, especially those who need help. This author has talent for showing the story. I’ve read his biography book, and his other fiction stories, but these may be fiction stories, but they are extremely true to life. The reader is introduced to Chris Longo, a veteran, who was working in a job he finds extremely dull, a state run veteran agency. Longo needs a purpose, something that makes a difference, something that helps out others. After he quit his job, he is offered another one, a chance of a lifetime that is the perfect fit for him. Helping other veterans, who lost their way, their path. A job with no title, except the one he gives it. De facto Pathfinder. This is one of those books that grabs you from the start and pulls you in. The author weaves a tangled web of story, and captures the reader. The story is endearing and heartbreaking. This is a magnificent plot that kept this reader turning the pages. Chris Longo is a formattable character.
A series of endings and beginnings for Gus, and several familiar characters from the series.
The team deserve a break after finally resolving the complex case in North Somerset. They couldn’t have known what lay in store when they returned to work.
Amy’s Review: Another Intriguing Case
What a great story in A Morning Murder by Ted Tayler. This book is part of the Freeman Files series, and it’s volume20 (and I’ve read every one of them). I really love reading about Gus and his team, and how they have these interesting cases to solve, some feeling unsolvable. The team finally gets a holiday, and a break from the cold case puzzles that are always hitting their desks. When the team returns, things have changed between the team and each other, but there is also a new case for them. There is a pattern of yearly murders of teenage girls, no suspect in mind. So the team has their work cut out for them. I am a definite fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I read. This is a magnificent plot that kept this reader turning the pages. The author’s technique of raw, magnetic characters and great plotlines is a gift. It’s a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. This author’s characters develop and interacts well with the other characters. Definitely an unpredictable story, my favorite kind! A wonderous trail of words.
Casanova Cowboy
Jamie Schulz
Cowboy dystopian romance
Izabel Silva is wary of men. After escaping an awful relationship and a workplace betrayal, the talented marketer seeks refuge with an old friend in small-town Montana. And though worried she’s falling in with another control-obsessed hunk, she accepts the kindly neighbors’ invitation to stay with them and their flirtatious son.
Jamie Schulz writes a dystopian cowboy romance tale with Casanova Cowboy. This book is part of The Montana Men Series, and this is volume two. Meet Izabel and Zach. Izabel is completely wary of men, yet totally attracted to Zach. Zach, though sexy and handsome, has some troubles of his own. There is a lot going on between the two of them, and the chemistry is there, not forced, no matter how much they try to not be attracted to each other, or want more than just each other’s bodies, things happen. Zach is a broken hero, and Izabel is a very strong-willed and tenacious Latina, let alone beautiful. This shows that there is more than just outside attraction. A fantastic romance, with both characters do their best to deny attraction, and look for something deeper, and it is also part of self-discovery, and putting yourself out there, even if your heart gets broken. Whatever this author writes, I want to read. This author brings the story to life. It’s very breathtaking!
Karl Beckstrand
Eleven-year-old Samuel can barely contain his excitement to sail with his family from South Africa to live in the United States—then he contracts typhoid fever.
Amy’s Review: An interesting journey for a new life Beckstrand pens a wonderful true story in Samuel Sailing: The True Story of an Immigrant Boy. This is book four in the Young American Immigrants series. I’ve read all of them now, and they are standalone stories, but all are amazing journeys about young children that immigrate to America and have harrowing experiences. These are true stories that are written through the perspective of the children. Beckstrand shares the story and retells it, as this one is about Samuel Martin Beckstrand. The story is told through words and old photographs that document a family’s history and travels. It was a poignant and heart-filling story, even with the obstacles, it was also about survival. Survival and living, real living, and the longing to find that new place, a place called home.
Imprisoned in the darkness all her life without knowing why. Only understanding she must escape to survive. And escape into the forest she does. But the forest isn’t empty.
Andrew Wichland writes a fantastical tale with Once Upon a Time: A Warriors Heart. This book is part of the Once Upon a Time series, and this is volume one. The reader is introduced to the darkness, and a young girl, locked in a cell. The story revolves around this escaped prisoner of the Queen, who doesn’t even remember her own name. Then, because of happenstance, she ends up at Shadow’s and his men’s place, sleeping in Shadow’s bed. Her escape is only the beginning, and her relationship with her saviors becomes something more, and then it starts to get more exciting. This is one of those books that grabs you from the start and pulls you in. I’m a big fan of this author! The characters are so real, it’s like being with them within the story. This journey was very unpredictable. The title drew me in, but the story made me stay. I like a story that is a once upon a time. Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all. White as Snow... Red as Blood... Black as night ... the fairest heart. belongs to the last of the House of White.
Rome has collapsed. Dark Forces eye the imperial remnants like birds of prey, ready to devour its carcass and any secrets hidden therein.
Michael Eging and Steve Arnold write a historical fantastical tale with Ash and Ruin, Paladin of Shadow Chronicles. I haven’t read anything by these authors before, and what a hidden gem. I enjoyed it so much, that I have now followed the authors and look for more books to read. This book is part of the Paladin of Shadow Chronicles series, and this is volume two. Now, I just have to make time to read volume 1. These authors have a grand imagination, and talent for showing the story. A dark force has arrived after Rome’s destruction. The reader is introduced to Arawn, a Celtic God of the afterlife, and he has a hold on Erik of Birkenshire. Erik doesn’t know what his fate may be, and he’s on the line between life and death. In order to save himself, and an eternity of being under Arwan’s hold, he must find an artifact, something that may save more than himself. This is one of those books that grabs you from the start and pulls you in. The authors weave a tangled web of story and captures the reader. These authors brings the story to life. The story brings in the believable, even if almost impossible. The reader just embarks on a superb journey. This is a magnificent plot that kept this reader turning the pages. Tantalizing and intriguing! A wonderous trail of words.
Hoda Z. Amer Medical/Women/Contemporary
Marla is a new mother looking for a place to “pump,” Sana is a first-year resident looking for a place to “pray.” Neil is a good-looking Instagrammer with lots of admirers, while Pixie is an ambitious resident with almost no admirers.
Amy’s Review: Enjoyed this story and it was very entertaining Dr. Hoda Z. Amer writes a contemporary medical tale with Animals of Undetermined Significance. I haven’t read anything by this author before, and what a hidden gem. I enjoyed it so much, that I have now followed the author and look for more books to read. This book also has an audiobook version. If you read print, I also recommend listening to the audiobook, as it’s a whole experience and perception of the story. The reader is introduced to five pathology residents. It’s not just about them specializing in pathology, but also their personal lives, and how a personal life can affect ones work, and how they manage juggling their work. Marla is a new mother, Sana wants to be able to pray, Neil is handsome and has a lot of admirers, where Pixie is ambitious, and others perception of her, make them not like her. Jiang, is the Chief resident, with secrets all his one. It’s a fun read, and many parts are humorous. It’s an interesting look in a residency program, especially in pathology, which is the study of the cause and effects of diseases and injury. An embraceable story. An emotional rollercoaster.
Malrisa Kriscott
Genre: Christian contemporary romance
Ross Jarboe finds himself stuck in time between his life in the novel’s present—it is set in the late 70’s-- and his life in the past. Twenty some years before, his father moved his family from Boston to the safety of the Colorado Rockies and built an impervious fallout shelter under his house
Amy’s Review: A Great emotional and intense read Malrisa Kriscott writes a Christian romantic tale with School’s Out. This book is part of the Second Chance Teacher Romance series, and this is volume four. The reader is introduced to Josh, and Sarah. They have a past connection, but it was more of an acquaintance. Sarah has been struggling, and she is doing everything to keep her mind focus on her child and look for a better teaching job. Her family blames her for a sin that they believe is her fault, even though, she could use their support. Nothing she does seems to help her family situation. Then, insert Josh. He has charisma, and a charm, but still secrets of his own. Sarah feels unattractive and does whatever she can to keep her and her child above water. There is a lot of emotion in this book, and it can get very intense, and one of them is that Sarah wonders if Josh could love her as she is, her true self. Compelling! This is one of those books that grabs you from the start and pulls you in. I’m a big fan of this author! This author is a great storyteller. The reader just embarks on a superb journey. This is a magnificent plot that kept this reader turning the pages.
The King of America: Epic Edition
Rod Glenn Horror/Thriller
King Paul Frelon...ruthless dictator or flawed leader?
President Grant Lexus...idealistic reformer or jealous traitor? Two men...one nation divided... pick a side.
Amy’s Review: A Brilliantly horrifying and magnificent story!
What a magnetic story in The King of America: Epic Edition by Rod Glenn. I am a definite fan of this author! Whatever this author writes, I want to read. This author brings the story to life, in all gruesome and darkness the end of civilization as it is known. The story brings in the believable, even if almost impossible. This book deserves a second read! (and maybe more). Past meets present and the war has just began. It is always an honor to read this author’s books. This author is a great storyteller. The story brings the reader on a superb journey. A definite attention grabber, so much I couldn’t put it down. Both thrilling and intriguing, all the way to the end. Brilliant writing, and yes, this story is epic. It’s a great story to follow and try to figure out what will happen next. This author has a grand imagination, and talent for showing the story.
Growing up in the city of Stillwater, Oklahoma, thirteen-year-old Liberty Justice has learned how to cook, clean, and care for her heroin-addict mother. But at school, Liberty struggles to fit in, and a fight with her rival gets her suspended. Frustrated, she turns to writing poetry—her only escape.
Amy’s Review: Very impressive story telling. Brett McKay writes a thrilling, heart-pounding tale with Liberty Justice. I haven’t read anything by this author before, and what a hidden gem. I enjoyed it so much, that I have now followed the author and look for more books to read. The reader is introduced to Liberty Justice, a young girl that has to take care of herself, because her mother is unable, especially being an addict. She is a very tenacious young girl, and even though her mother failed her, she knows she will never fail her mother. She will do whatever it takes, to take care of her mother. It’s an emotional, compelling thriller, that puts this young girl in the forefront, and her only outlet is her pen to paper. This author brings the story to life. The characters are so real, it’s like being with them within the story. This journey was very unpredictable.
Karen Leigh Charles
Cozy Mystery
Becca Flynn, an artistturned private investigator, never dreamed underwear could cause an uproar. But that’s what happens when her best friend, Pix, opens a lingerie boutique in quaint Bayleys Landing. The toohot-for Main Street undies infuriate the staid residents, and making matters worse, a tabloid TV show invades the town to cover the controversy.
Amy’s Review: Wonderfully told.
Karen Leigh Charles writes a cozy mystery with Murder in Plein Air. I haven’t read anything by this author before, and what a hidden gem. I enjoyed it so much, that I have now followed the author and look for more books to read. This book is part of the Becca Flynn Mystery series, and this is volume one. The reader is introduced to Becca Flynn, an artist and a private investigator. She’s a very interesting person, she’s loyal and openminded, as well as determined. Her best friend opens a local Boutique for lingerie, and it causes a controversy unlike anything Becca or Pix has ever seen. It’s a frenzy over under garments. This topic brings in the news crews and tabloid TV, and then, something happens. Murder. And then Pix is threatened, and Becca is on a trail to help her friend, and figure out all the clues, and that the murder may only be the first one. This author brings the story to life. The characters are so real, it’s like being with them within the story. An embraceable story.
Michael Morford and Michael Ferguson
True Crime/serial killer/serial rapist
In 1976, a serial rapist terrorized California’s Sacramento County, breaking into homes and leaving a trail of destruction behind him. As the masked predator expanded his turf, his evil urges drove him to murder. In Northern California, he was known as the East Area Rapist.
Michael Morford and Michael Ferguson writes about the rape and murders in The Case of the Golden State Killer. I am a fan of true crime stories. This is the second book written by these authors that I’ve read. They have a podcast, and after reading their work, I will definitely tune in to “Criminology True Crime Podcast.” This is the story of a rapist and killer who was known by many names, Original Night Stalker, Visalia Ransacker, East Area Rapist, and then the Golden State Killer. It was only after there was DNA testing that linked many cases from around the Sacramento area, and then moving forward. The book details the investigations, how the cases were linked, and all of his crimes, as they didn’t always include murder. The photographs and case documents can be disturbing, but also interesting. A note, that in 2018,Joseph James DeAngelo Jr. was charged with kidnapping and abductions, since the rapes from the 1970’s statute of limitations had ended. He made a plea deal and plead guilty to several counts of murder and kidnapping, and was spared the death penalty. He got life without parole. This book was written very well. These authors write with dignity to the victims, and share aspects without too much emotion, which needs to be removed, but respect isn’t removed from the writing.
Melanie Nowak
Alyson is the vampiress reigning, born of legend and legacy with the supreme power to control all vampires, or so she’s been told. So why is a newly formed coven of renegades who call themselves Red Fang so eager to destroy her? Uniting all vampires to live peacefully among humans is her destiny, damn it!
Amy’s Review: “Fang”tastic!
Melanie Nowak writes a magnificent vampiric tale with Vampiress Reigning Trilogy. I was so ecstatic to know that Melanie Nowak was back, releasing more of her thrilling vampiric books. The wait is over! She has written her Almost Human Series (which I recommend reading ALL of her books). This book is part of the Almost Human series, but is an Almost Human-The Third Trilogy). I am a big fan of Melanie’s and read whatever this author writes. This author has a grand imagination, and talent for showing the story. The reader is introduced to Alyson, the vampiress reigning, that has this power that can control every vampire, but she doesn’t really know if that’s the truth. This book tells the stories of Alyson, and the different vampires, and almost humans. Some issues are coming to surface, and there are others that are involved in this story, and even familiar favorites from the other books. It’s a shift of power, and bits of blood lust, and trying to figure out what it destined, and what needs to be fixed. Not all enemies are visible or noticeable until the last minute. When I read Melanie’s first book, it made me a fan of vampire stories, something I wasn’t before that. Her stories are ones that I set as grand standards for these types of stories. This is one of those books that grabs you from the start and pulls you in. Un-put-downable! The author weaves a tangled web of story, and captures the reader.
K.C. Carson Romance/suspense/
A riveting tale of revenge, survival and redemption, wrapped around an unlikely love story and set against an urban backdrop corrupted by bigotry and misogyny.
Amy’s Review: Riveting and breathtaking!
K.C. Carson- writes a very dramatic and suspenseful tale with Desiree’s Revenge: A Romance. I haven’t read anything by this author before, and what a hidden gem. This author has a grand imagination, and talent for showing the story. Desiree was 12 when she was raped by three KKK members. The hate they had for her was all about her race. Then, she grew up into a very beautiful assassin. Her mission, revenge. She’s on the hunt, hoping to find men with bad intensions, just to grab them, and make them pay. Something happens along the way, as she stalks the darkest roads and places to find who she is looking for, when she is saved by Tony. They team up and the mission may change. It’s a very dramatic, edge of your seat read. It’s not your normal romance story, but that’s the best kind, especially as they are delving into the dark side of humanity. The author weaves a tangled web of story, and captures the reader. Absolutely chilling, with the thought of death and torment around every corner.
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