21 minute read
Beth D. Carter
from Uncaged Book Reviews
by Cyrene
The summer after high school graduation, Roni worked two jobs to pay for nursing school. During the midnight shift as a waitress, a charismatic young man at the counter flirted with her for hours as he consumed seven cups of coffee. Their first date was eventful enough to be a book itself! Forty-some years and two kids later, the love story continues. Just like her novels, life can’t be too simple and you must make it an adventurous ride!
Her favorite place to write is in her hammock at their small Michigan cottage where she literally dodges the feeding hummingbirds while being serenaded by the lake’s loons. Besides writing, she loves hiking, biking, and antiquing. The pandemic has taught me to savor time with family and dear friends. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff.
Uncaged welcomes Beth D. Carter
Welcome to Uncaged! Can you tell readers more about your Forgotten Rebels MC series and the first book in the series Unbroken? Are you planning on continuing this series?
The Forgotten Rebels is a motorcycle club where the men are ex-military. The series has four books, and I’ve expanded the universe with a short story in the Lawless Anthology from Evernight, and a new series called The Death Riders. The first book will be published soon through Evernight!
You also have the World of Danger series, with three books, is this an ongoing series? Can you tell us more?
This is one of those instances where a character was so powerful, he demanded he have his own happy ever after. In books 3 & 4 of The Forgotten Rebels, the heroines are running from an assassin, Lee Masterson. I liked him so much I knew I had to write his story. This turned into three Romance on the Go series from Evernight.
What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?
For me, it’s the day to day, mundane aspects of what the characters are doing that’s the hardest. The action is the easiest. I love writing Points A and B, but in between takes me the longest.
Do you have a favorite character you’ve written? Has there been a character that’s been hard to write about?
My favorite couple was in book 4, Warrior, of The Forgotten Rebels. The hero, Darrell, has come back from war missing not only his leg, but his place in the club. He butts heads with the President constantly. The heroine of the story is named Church, and she has her own issues. These are two very damaged souls who help each other and find love. I really loved writing their story.
Sometimes I get the titles from songs. For instance, Book 3 is Take Aim and Reload. That phrase came from an Ed Sheeren song, Don’t. Each book I write has a signature song. Music inspires me a lot. I also ask my husband to help me with titles.
What behind-the-scenes tidbit in your life would probably surprise your readers the most?
Hmmm…I’m a huge Star Wars fan. So is my husband. We had a Star Wars themed wedding and our anniversary is May the 4th (be with you!).
Which comes first, the plot or the characters in the planning stages?
The characters are the first thing that comes to me, and I have to have their names before I even start thinking about what their journey will be. When I write a story, I have the beginning and the ending in mind, and then every thing in between is usually plotted out chapter by chapter.
What are some things you like to do to relax when you aren’t writing or working?
Being with my husband. He’s probably the funniest man on the planet and I laugh all the time with him. We’ll hike (when the weather isn’t a thousand degrees in Vegas), or go shopping together. Or just hang out watching TV.
If you could have one all-year season, which would it be and why?
Fall. I love the cool weather. Here in Vegas, for about four months it’s hotter than Tartarus. When October rolls around, the temperature drops and at night it’s heaven to sit on the patio, drink some wine, and watch the stars.
Do you prefer ebooks, audiobooks or physical books? Are you reading anything now?
I prefer ebooks because I can read on my phone wherever. I do have lots of paperbacks, mainly older romance books, but I’d rather download books.
What would you like to say to fans, and where can they follow you?
Thank you, to everyone who reads one of my books. All I’ve ever wanted to do was be an author, so I’m always thrilled when I get a review or a social media message.
Stay Connected
Enjoy an excerpt from Unbroken
Unbroken Beth D. Carter Romantic Suspense
When she was eighteen, Piper’s obsessed boyfriend murdered her family right in front of her. She went into police protection, but his family’s wealth made it easy for him to track her down. Desperate and alone, she turned to her step-brother for help. He just happened to be president of a motorcycle club. Eight years later, when the club is patched into a larger club the White Death MC, Piper meets its president. Kix Rockwood is a force to be reckoned with. He wants her, but he has no idea about the danger that lurks for her if she leaves the club. Because no matter how long it’s been, someone blames Piper for what happened and wants revenge for the past.
had to be getting hungry, so she went into the kitchen and began organizing food into sandwiches. It was something she’d done a hundred times before. After the platter was finished, she sent a quick text to Wick. He replied almost immediately that it was okay for her to enter with the food.
Picking up the platter, she carried it to the Church door where one of the men opened it for her. Wick smiled his appreciation when he saw the pile of food she’d made. She quickly set it down and made a beeline for the door, knowing to get out as soon as possible. “Wait,” came a deep voice. “I thought I met all the club girls.”
Piper halted and glanced over to the opposite end of the table. Her gaze met a pair of eyes so green it made her think of emeralds. They were framed with the type of dark lashes that women would kill to have. His black hair flopped a little over his forehead and scruff outlined a strong jaw. Next to his left eye was a small tattoo, a black diamond. The man was big, muscular, and he stared at her like he wanted to devour her. Butterflies swarmed through her belly and her mouth went dry. She tried to wet her lips with her tongue but didn’t have enough saliva to do the job. “She’s not club pussy, Kix,” Wick said evenly.
Kix flicked his gaze toward her brother. “Is she your old lady?”
Wick shook his head. “My sister.”
Kix visibly relaxed. “I see.” He looked at her once more. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Sissy,” Piper said. “I take care of the house.”
“Sissy,” he repeated, then frowned. “That name doesn’t seem to suit you.”
She cleared her throat. “It’s what I’m called.”
“And we’re all called something, aren’t we, sweetheart?” The men of The White Death chuckled and Sissy pulled her gaze away from Kix to look at the newcomers. Parky had been correct. Each man was gorgeous, a far cry from the current Rebels stock. The Brothers might be family, but some of them had a face only a mother could love.
“Who’s old lady are you?” Kix asked.
She lifted her chin. “I’m no one’s old lady.”
He gave a wicked little grin. “Good,” he murmured.
Piper flushed and turned, hurrying out of the room. It might be rude, but she didn’t care. Her heart raced in her chest, and she put her hand over it as if that would make it slow down. What was wrong with her? She’d met bikers through the years, nomads mostly, who’d stopped by the clubhouse to stay a few nights and rest. She lived around hard men who never did things half assed, and have seen things that stripped off all her blinders. No one and nothing had ever made her acutely aware of her own body, of every pulse and electrified need, quite like looking into Kix’s green-eyed gaze had done.
“Good looking, aren’t they?” Parky asked.
Piper let out a little squeal and spun. Now her heart thudded with a completely different feeling. “You scared me!”
“I’m sorry,” Parky said quickly.
Piper took a deep breath to settle her nerves. “It’s fine. And yes. They are certainly good looking.”
Parky cocked her head. “You like one of them.”
“I do not!” Piper must have said that a little too fast because a smirk crossed over Parky’s face.
little girl. “Oh goodie! You’ve finally found a man! Which one?” “No one,” Piper said. Her mind flashed back to Kix and the animal magnetism that had briefly sucked her under.
“Spill, Sissy. I gotta know which man to keep my hands off.”
“Why would you care about keeping your hands off?” Piper asked.
“Because, silly, I’m your friend and I won’t have it in the back of your mind that I once sucked off your man.”
Piper flushed. “He’s not my man.”
Parky put her hands on her hips. “Not yet. So which one caught your fancy?”
His name was on the tip of her tongue. All Piper had to do was just say it, but it seemed that effort took an enormous amount of courage, and she’d never been very good with being fearless.
“Um…I thought K-Kix was good looking,” she whispered.
Parky winked at her. “You got it, love. I quite had a liking for his V.P. myself. Well, I have to get ready for the party. You’re going to be there, right?”
Piper frowned. She usually didn’t attend the parties. “I don’t know.”
“Listen here, Sissy,” Parky said fiercely. “You will be there, do you understand me? If I have to break down your door and drag you out, you will come after you man.”
A grin tugged at the corner of Piper’s mouth. “Well, with such sweet intentions how can I refuse? But I’ve already told you he’s not my man.” “And I’ll guarantee that he’ll be your man tonight.”

Robert Byrum

Seeing Life Living a Full Life
Author shares his experiences and memories in new book
Author Robert Byrum has lived a full life of action, adventure, friendships and lots of laughter. He had A Life Well Lived, and this memoir, he looks back on his long life and recounts all of the memories and experiences that have made his life unique. It has been an enjoyable trip. He hopes that through his personal stories, he will be able to let readers see that life is worth living, no matter what. In this book, he records of his life journey, from the hardships of growing up as a young boy during the Depression; his adventures as a pre-teen who is free to explore his world without too many restrictions or worries; his high school sports and college escapades; the Korean War; to his own professional engineering practice, retirement, and the challenge of moving to Montana. All of these recorded with humorous experiences. Following his passion for living and adventure has allowed him and his wife Nancy to travel the world, witnessing other lands and people. They have enjoyed their opportunities to fish, hunt, train dogs, and compete with their Labrador Retrievers and these experiences are included in what is a remarkable life’s account.
This book is available and can be purchased at online bookstores; www.dorrancepublishing. com, www.amazon.com and www.barnesandnoble.com.
Upcoming Book Event!!! 2022 Frankfurt International Book Fair
WHERE: Frankfurt, Germany WHEN: Oct 19, 2022 - Oct 23, 2022

Barbara J. meredith
Barbara J. Meredith was co-owner of Kids Express Learning Center & Daycare, LLC until her retirement in 2013. She was also the director and head teacher for 14 years. Portions of the proceeds of this book will be donated to Kitty of Angels of Coventry, Connecticut, and to Bandits Place, Inc. of Connecticut. Her first book in the series was Daisy and Friends: How to Stay Healthy.

Daisy and Friends are Back
New picture book follows the well-loved animal characters as they face the pandemic
Another new book in the Daisy and Friends children’s picture book series will entertain and inform young readers. In “Daisy and Friends What Happened to Yesterday: A Covid-19 Story”, author Barbara J. Meredith offers children an informative and vibrantly illustrated read as they discover how these animal friends faced Covid-19. Once again, young readers will meet Daisy the cat and her three canine friends, H-Dee, Smokie, and Rocky, as together they face a worldwide pandemic. This time, the story tackles the Covid-19 pandemic and how everyone’s life changed in just one year. It begins with the definition of the words ‘pandemic’ and ‘essential workers’. The story then explains the changes in people’s daily lives before and during the pandemic. The author also hopes that kids everywhere will enjoy the other book titles of Daisy and Friends books series: “Daisy and Friends How To Stay Healthy”; “Daisy and Friends Rocky’s New Friend”; “Daisy and Friends Outside Our Window”; “Daisy and Friends Waiting for the School Bus”. She shares, “The animals in the Daisy and Friends books are my actual pets. The inspiration for the books came from over 20 years as a pre-school teacher observing children’s behaviors.” This book is available online and can be purchased at online bookstores; www.sbprabooks. com, www.amazon.com and www.barnesandnoble.com.
Upcoming Book Event!!! 2022 Frankfurt International Book Fair
WHERE: Frankfurt, Germany WHEN: Oct 19, 2022 - Oct 23, 2022

Character Micro-Growth in a Series
Guest column by Kelly Brakenhoff

by Kelly Brakenhoff
I visualize my mystery series as one TV season.
Recently, I completed the third book in my Cassandra Sato academic mystery series and gained a better understanding for how each book fits into the whole. While the main character will be very different at the end of the series than she was on page one, in each book Cassandra experiences microscopic moments of character growth. These slight changes may seem minor during each episode but play a key role in her overall transformation within the series.
As an example, in Dead of Winter Break, Cassandra Sato is learning American Sign Language (ASL). Growing up on Oahu, Hawai’i, among her Japanese American family, she already knows phrases from several languages and has been exposed to the multicultural cornucopia of island life. It’s common for people there to switch between several languages during one conversation, fitting the best phrases to the context.
Learning a second (or third) language is an enormous challenge for adults.
Cassandra’s co-worker friend Meg, an ASL interpreter at Morton College, had already taught Cassandra a few ASL phrases in Death by Dissertation and Dead Week, the first two books in the series. But whenever she has a longer conversation with a Deaf student or faculty member, Cassandra relies on Meg’s expertise to interpret the complete message. Cassandra often says she knows enough signs to match an average toddler’s vocabulary level. She has a long way to go! This time, Cassandra is more motivated to learn. She’s working on a grant proposal with Dr. Bryant, a Deaf Studies professor and community activist. Meg is at home on vacation and Cassandra plans to meet with him alone over winter break. Although Cassandra bingestudies YouTube videos and practices another student, she feels frustrated by the difficulty of learning a new language.
As an ASL Interpreter for over thirty years, I spend my workdays switching between two languages and cultures simultaneously. I interpret in university classrooms where I convey the lectures and class discussions between the Deaf students and teacher in English and ASL. Including my experiences and feelings is one of my favorite parts of writing and brings authenticity to the college setting for the readers.
Becoming fluent in a second language took me years of study and practice. Before going on vacations abroad, I like to study enough foreign language phrases to use in basic everyday communication. Interpreting requires a much higher level of understanding both languages than chatting with a taxi driver or ordering food in a restaurant. Luckily, on vacation I can get away with a very limited awareness.
In this story, Cassandra is highly motivated to learn ASL and she has found readily available practice partners. If you ever have tried learning a second language, immersing yourself in a place with native users of the language is much faster and easier than studying a book or video.

ior citizens in Hawai’i. One of my job duties was to chat or play games with the folks who attended the community center. They taught me some of their indigenous Hawaiian Sign Language (HSL) signs which were different than ASL, and I was an eager student.
One day particularly stands out. I had joined a table of elderly Deaf ladies playing Mahjong. They gossiped and chatted in a mix of ASL and HSL about their families and current events. Months earlier, I would have struggled to keep up with their friendly, rapid conversation.
But after months of daily immersion, it felt like a light switch magically flipped inside my brain, and I understood them! In that no-pressure environment, I was laughing along with their jokes. I was even able to answer a question posed to me without asking the woman to repeat it! In that moment, I finally felt comfortable and fluent in ASL.

In Cassandra and Dr. Bryant’s storyline, there’s a scene in Dead of Winter Break where Cassandra feels the thrill of understanding his signing without an interpreter or extra help. What might appear insignificant becomes a pivotal detail in her growing awareness of Deaf Culture and cementing a friendship with a colleague who initially intimidated her.
In each novel or episode in my series, there are many micro-growth moments that combine to move Cassandra and the other characters down the overall path of the story. I think that pattern imitates real life where we all experience those aha reactions that lead to greater awareness. KELLY BRAKENHOFF writes the Cassandra Sato Mystery series including DEATH BY DISSERTATION, a 2020 RONE Award Mystery Finalist, DEAD WEEK, “a diverting whodunit,” (Publishers Weekly), and DEAD OF WINTER BREAK, a holiday themed whodunit. Kelly is an American Sign Language Interpreter whose motivation for learning ASL began in high school when she wanted to converse with her deaf friends.
NEVER MIND, FARTS MAKE NOISE, and MY DAWG KOA, her children’s picture books and printable workbooks featuring Duke the Deaf Dog and illustrated by her sister, Theresa Murray, are popular with children, parents, and educators for promoting inclusive conversations about children with differences.
©Copyright 2022 Kelly Brakenhoff for Uncaged Book Reviews www.uncagedbooks.com Published with Permission

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William F. johnson
William F. Johnson lives in St. Helens, Oregon, with his wife Alice. He enjoys reading, movies, chess, lively discussions, and traveling for pleasure. Although he has written other stories, The Third Triumvirate, is his first published work.
Author William F. Johnson’s first publication brings forth suspense and gripping political drama as he weaves intriguing plots and characters in The Third Triumvirate. What happens when the five political regions unite and combine strength to elect a president? It’s a new triumvirate, but it seems that dirty politics is everywhere, even with this newfound unity.
After two brutal years of political negotiations, the five former political regions of Canada, the United States, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean Rim Island Nations have forged to become a single government, the world’s Third Triumvirate. The election for the new President of the Third Triumvirate has commenced. Threats are everywhere but finally, the final count and results are here.
It is the dawning of a new era for the North American Triumvirate, Garth Brady has just been announced as the new President, and he is ready to put his thought-out plans into place. What he doesn’t expect, however, is the opposition he will encounter along the way. As various issues begin to come to light, the President will be forced to make choices he never expected.
This book is available online and can be purchased at online bookstores.

Upcoming Book Event!!! 2022 Frankfurt International Book Fair WHERE: Frankfurt, Germany WHEN: Oct 19, 2022 - Oct 23, 2022

feature authors
thriller | mystery

Cody J. Thompson h umphrey Hawksley
Bill Bush Lori d. Foster

Cody J. thompson
Cody James Thompson is a writer from San Diego, California. He has been writing for many years and is finally diving into the world of novels and storytelling. Previously, he wrote as a columnist with his work featured in San Diego CityBeat, San Diego Weekly Reader, The Westcoaster Magazine, San Diego Downtown News and he was the staff columnist for San Diego Uptown News writing about the beverage industry. With storytelling, he focused mainly on thriller inspired work. When he is not writing or reading he spends time with his wife and their two pit bulls, cheers on his Golden State Warriors and San Diego Padres and can be found writing, producing and hosting the first and longest running podcast in San Diego, Beer Night in San Diego.
Uncaged welcomes Cody J. Thompson
Welcome to Uncaged! Can you tell us more about your new book, Bonesaw Serenade that will release in October?
Bone Saw Serenade is my first published novel, and I could not be more excited about getting it into readers hands and minds. I went into the story thinking “Thriller! Thriller!” And as the story unfolded, it definitely remained a thriller, but a lot of horror elements also came to life within. Domestic thriller, modern day horror, both work when describing the story. It’s all about modern horrors, really. The things we all deal with in everyday life. Not that we’ve all gone through what these characters deal with, of course. But I wanted it to be relatable on some level. A husband goes missing, an old friend appears in town for a reunion, and people start to question who truly has good intentions or purely evil ones. We’ve all had new, or old, friends come into our lives. And sometimes, unfortunately, it’s too late before we realize what truly lives behind the friendly mask they wear around us. I really love the way Rex Pickett described the book in his cover blurb. “…A complex flashback narrative structure that involves past jealousies, betrayal and the worst in humankind.” I think that sums it up quite well, and I am pretty proud of that description. I feel like it’s a perfect fit for lovers of a good thriller, horror stories, true crime and anyone who might enjoy a twisted love story. If anyone enjoys any or all of those, check it out!
What is the most difficult scene for you to write? What is the easiest?
The most difficult scene in Bone Saw Serenade was probably the very first that I wrote. Which, inside scoop, is absolutely not the first chapter. That came much later. I think it was the most difficult because this is my first full novel. And I am learning on the fly. Figuring out what works, what doesn’t and hammering down (hopefully) a style that’s mine. Being as this was not only my first novel, but the first scene or chapter I created from out of nowhere, it took me some time to dial it and get it where I felt happiest. Moving forward, I don’t believe any book, scene or story will be easy to write or craft. Writing