Upcoming Czech animation projects - Annecy 2014

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CZECH aniMation kitCHEn

Mifa 2014 Czech Film Center

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introduction Dear friends, The Czech Film Center will be representing Czech animation at this year’s MIFA 2014 in Annecy for the first time. After almost 12 years of its existence, the promotion of Czech cinema, new film projects and film industry abroad remains the Czech Film Center’s main goal. I’m glad, that after many years of our presence at major film markets, such as Berlinale, Cannes, Clermont-Ferrand or Busan and Toronto, we are now entering also the world dedicated exclusively to animation. Czech animation has always been the most acclaimed area of Czech cinema. Thanks to the big names as Karel Zeman, Jiří Trnka or Jan Švankmajer, Czech animation has maintained its stable place on the international film industry map. Unfortunately, the long-term lack of financing has caused a decline of Czech animation and for many years there were hardly any animation films in theatrical distribution. With the new State Cinematography Fund, we hope to change this and achieve a functional funding system. The special calls for animation films and minority co-productions, and the tax incentives promise to bring improvement in this area. On the other hand, the limited volume of financial resources doesn’t allow a substantial growth in the field of film production, especially in the case of animation, where the costs for a single project are extremely high. At the occasion of our first presence at MIFA, the Czech Film Center prepared this compilation brochure, providing the information about numerous animation projects – feature length, shorts and TV series in development, production or postproduction; many of them open for international co-production. Moreover, it is our great pleasure to have an opportunity to present 4 titles, which will be highlighted in frame of the Annecy IAFF 2014 – Cvak! the Phenomenon of television by Michal Žabka, the new Species by Kateřina Karhánková, and also Even Mice Belong in Heaven by Denisa Grimmová and Noro Držiak which will be presented among MIFA Pitches, and Little from the Fish Shop by Jan Balej in Works in Progress Session. See you soon in Annecy!

Markéta Šantrochová Head of Film Promotion Czech Film Center


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oFFiCiaL SELECtion

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS 5 FEaturE FiLMS 21 SHort FiLMS 31 tV SEriES

annECy 2014 oFFiCiaL SELECtion

Cvak! Fenomén televize Click! the Phenomenon of television

SHort FiLM / 30 SEC / CZ 2013 / FiniSHED FiLM DirECtor Michal Žabka SCriPt WritEr Michal Žabka art DESiGnEr Michal Žabka ProDuCEr Barbara Johnsonová – Česká televize

Very short film for the 60th anniversary of Czech Television, about the coexistence of man and television. Who holds in his hand a tv remote and who controls the program?

annECy 2014 CoMMiSionED FiLMS in CoMPEtition

ContaCt Česká televize, Petra Šťovíková Kavčí hory, 140 70 Prague 4, Czech Republic e-mail: petra.stovikova@ceskatelevize.cz, mobile: +420 732 087 106, www.ceskatelevize.cz


annECy 2014 oFFiCiaL SELECtion

nový druh the new Species

SHort FiLM / 7 Min / CZ 2013 / FiniSHED FiLM DirECtor Kateřina Karhánková SCriPt WritEr Kateřina Karhánková art DESiGnEr Filip Pošivač ProDuCEr FAMU

This is a story about three kids who find a mysterious bone and their journey in trying to find the creature, that the bone belongs to.

annECy 2014 GraDuation FiLMS in CoMPEtition



FAMU – Film and TV faculty of Academy of performing arts in Prague, Věra Hoffmanová Smetanovo nábřeží 2, 116 65 Prague 1, Czech Republic, www.famu.cz e-mail: vera.hoffmanova@famu.cz, phone: +420 224 220 955 Kateřina Karhánková, e-mail: katerinakarhankova@email.cz, mobile: +420 604 121 511

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

arny a jeho kamarádi arnie and his Buddies

FEaturE FiLM / 90 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor David Havel, TBD SCriPt WritEr Patrik Jenčík, TBD ProDuCEr Nelly Daniela Jenčíková – MIRACLE FILM Co-ProDuCErS Marcel and Marián Ferko – Marlen Media Group (SK), Adam Ptak – Se-ma-for (PL), Tim Bryans – Flickerpix Animations (UK)

Arnie and his Buddies is an animated film based on the successful book series of technical fairy tales by Martin Sodomka. An adventurous tale of Arnie the rat, who, in a bet with his rival Lanky Jack, has to compete for supremacy in the construction of various machines (car, plane, ship...), while having a far more important motivation – to win the heart of the beautiful Lucy – the missy mouse. He’s not alone on his road to success, there’s Bill the sparrow and Mr. Grouch a.k.a. Christian the frog, to lend him their helping hands. The whole story is interspersed with technical details and explanations of how a car is put together and how it works, thus achieving the aim of playful learning, i.e. edutainment, such as the legendary French series „Once Upon a Time... Life.”

ContaCt MIRACLE FILM, Nelly Daniela Jenčíková, Radka Mizerová Smetanovo nábřeží 197/26, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: dnelly@miraclefilm.cz, radka@miraclefilm.cz, mobile: +420 722 008 006, www.miraclefilm.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Hmyz insects

FEaturE FiLM / 90 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Jan Švankmajer SCriPt WritEr Jan Švankmajer art DESiGnEr Jan Švankmajer, Veronika Hrubá ProDuCEr Jaromír Kallista – Athanor

A pub in a small town. Pub is closed, the chairs upturned on tables. The six amateur thespians at the table are: the Director, Rose, William, mr. Forrest, Nettle, miss Jilly. Tramp is at home, laid up with sciatica. Mrs Dung-Beetle and Mayfly have not yet turned up. During the rehearsal the amateur actors’ own stories interweave with those of the Čapek brothers’ characters. The Director – Cricket bullies William, his wife’s lover, literally to death. Nettle, in the role of Parasite, devours Miss Jilly the Larva. Mr Forrest is so convincing as the Dung-Beetle that he actually morphs into an insect. As the rehearsal progresses characters are born and die without regard to time. All this happens against the background of the Čapek brothers’ drama, in which insects behave like humans and humans like insects.


Athanor, Jaromír Kallista U 5. baterie 21, 162 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic e-mail: athanor@nextra.cz, mobile: +420 602 270 836, www.athanor.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

jack russell – zachránce planety jack russel – rescuing the Planet

FEaturE FiLM / 80 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Alex Dowis SCriPt WritEr Alex Dowis, Lumír Tuček art DESiGnEr Alex Dowis ProDuCEr Alex Dowis – DOWIS, Jakub Červenka – Bedna Films

An animated sci-fi comedy is intended for viewers from 6 to 100 years of age. The main character, a Jack Russell dog, is a famous vaudeville performer who combines the features of celebrities and ordinary dogs. He sells out concert halls and is the center of media attention. Fame, however, is not enough for him, so he decides to help people who have found themselves in big trouble. The world is in danger of becoming a garbage dump for another civilization. Jack Russell elegantly solves a problem that not even the world’s most important politicians could solve. Plus he saves one endangered species along the way.

ContaCt Bedna Films, Jakub Červenka Hradčanské nám. 61/11, 118 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: jakub@bedna.tv, mobile: +420 777 317 980, www.bednafilms.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

jedenáctka the Eleven

FEaturE FiLM / 75 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor David Súkup SCriPt WritEr Marek Epstein ProDuCEr Martin Vandas – MAUR film Co-ProDuCEr Christian Pfohl – Lardux Films (FR) Klapzuba was an unhappy veteran. But one day, in his darkest hour, he received from perhaps the highest-ranking general of them all a whistle and a momentous task to go with it. To show his eleven sons that they did not come into this world just for nothing, their father makes an uncommon football team out of them and decides to win all of the football battles in the world. But their largest battle will not be waged for honour or fame, but for life and death…

ContaCt 8

MAUR film, Alena Vandasová Konviktská 1055/7, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: vandasova@maurfilm.com, mobile: +420 775 117 646, www.maurfilm.com

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

království tří věží kingdom of three towers

FEaturE FiLM / 80 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor David Havel, TBD SCriPt WritEr Jana Abrahámová, TBD ProDuCEr Nelly Daniela Jenčíková – MIRACLE FILM Co-ProDuCErS Marcel and Marián Ferko – Marlen Media Group (SK)

Kingdom of Three Towers is a tale of love and evil punished. The island on which the story takes place crumbles into three parts. This is the work of the maleficent Countess Berta, who, on her way to power, makes use of intrigue, deception but also dark magic. Craving for even more power, she starts harming everyone who gets in her way. A valiant and fearless youngster Philip and Princess Claire attempt to thwart Berta’s evil endeavor, they will do everything they can to stop her. For they’re not doing this just for themselves, but for their loved ones who are in imminent danger. Will this time love and friendship triumph over evil and hate?

ContaCt MIRACLE FILM, Nelly Daniela Jenčíková, Radka Mizerová Smetanovo nábřeží 197/26, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: dnelly@miraclefilm.cz, radka@miraclefilm.cz, mobile: +420 722 008 006, www.miraclefilm.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

kruanova dobrodružství adventures of kruan

FEaturE FiLM / 90 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Tomáš Krejčí SCriPt WritEr David Šenk, Robert Geisler ProDuCEr Jiří Košťál – Salamander Syndicate

Film adaption of a legendary Czech comics. Stories from the ABC magazine listed below will become a feature film, which will be produced together with 26 television episodes: Events of the Little God, The Arrival of the Gods, Kruan’s Adventures, Kruan’s Journey, Kruan and the Goddess and Kruan and the Earthmen.

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Salamander Syndicate, Tomáš Krejčí Mánesova 37, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic e-mail: krejci@synfilms.cz, mobile: +420 603 780 465, www.synfilms.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Lajka Laika

FEaturE FiLM / 90 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Aurel Klimt SCriPt WritEr Aurel Klimt art DESiGnEr Martin Velíšek, František Lipták, Aurel Klimt

ProDuCEr Aurel Klimt – Studio ZVON

Life is not easy for Laika, a dog on the outskirts of a big Russian city. She is caught and forcibly retrained to become a pioneer in astronautics. Soon after her lift-off into space, a number of animals follow that are hurriedly launched from Houston and Baikonur. The animals travel astray, but finally manage, with the help of a black hole, to colonize a faraway planet. After a short period of harmonious, undisturbed co-existence with indigenous life forms, however, first human cosmonaut runs ashore on their planet, and their harmonious life, indeed their very survival, are suddenly in jeopardy.

ContaCt Studio ZVON, Aurel Klimt Žižkovo nám. 53,285 41 Malešov, Czech Republic e-mail: aurelklimt@seznam.cz, mobile: +420 775 950 545 www.studiozvon.cz, www.lajka.eu


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Lichožrouti oddsockeaters

FEaturE FiLM / 90 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Galina Miklínová SCriPt WritEr Pavel Šrut, Galina Miklínová art DESiGnEr Galina Miklínová ProDuCEr Ondřej Trojan – Total HelpArt – T.H.A.

Oddsockeaters, creatures that take our socks and are responsible for humanity having only odd socks where once there were pairs, are the main protagonists. A world very similar to our own human world is painted onto a gangster tale of two enemy oddsockeater gangs, the conflict of generations, of moralities, though in the gentle and humorous style. The fates of the oddsockeaters, and their greatest opponent, an odd and forsaken Professor, a human, are joined by the tale of the main hero, the small oddsockeater Hihlík.

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Total HelpArt – T.H.A., Michaela Syslová Kuchynková Kříženeckého nám. 322, 152 53 Prague 5, Czech Republic e-mail: michaela@tha.cz, mobile: +420 602 231 297, www.tha.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Malá z rybárny Little from the Fish Shop

FEaturE FiLM / 75 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Jan Balej SCriPt WritEr Jan Balej, Ivan Arsenjev art DESiGnEr Jan Balej ProDuCEr Nelly Daniela Jenčíková – MIRACLE FILM Co-ProDuCEr Marcela a Marián Ferko – Marlen Media Group (SK), Olivier Catherin – Les Trois Ours (FR) Deep underneath the surface of the sea, accompanied by a fish orchestra, the voice of the ocean is telling a story about Little, the daughter of the Sea King. Forced to abandon the devastated, plundered waters of their home, the Sea King, his old mother and his three daughters – Little, Middle and Eldest ventured to live among humans. In a darkened fish shop in the heart of a harbor district full of immigrants, they now lead a tedious life filled with work and loneliness. Until one day, when the fish shop door flies open and in walks J.J., a charming, handsome and rather brash young man. Little is utterly enchanted by that man and the music that’s following him. From this moment forward the life of Little and her family is to take a sea change. Thus begins the story of a great love annECy 2014 of Little from the fish shop. MiFa MEEtinGS WiP


MIRACLE FILM, Nelly Daniela Jenčíková, Radka Mizerová Smetanovo nábřeží 197/26, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: dnelly@miraclefilm.cz, radka@miraclefilm.cz mobile: +420 722 008 006, www.miraclefilm.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Malý pán the Little Man

FEaturE FiLM / 75 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Radek Beran SCriPt WritEr Lumír Tuček art DESiGnEr František Antonín Skála ProDuCEr Jakub Červenka – Bedna Films

The Little Man is a kind-hearted bloke who likes to help everyone and is never taken by surprise. Ever since that night when he had a strange dream in which he saw a cottage out of a fairy tale with a sign over the door that said: “Here shall you find that which you lack,” the Little Man has been restless. Nothing raised his spirits. So he decides to get to the root of this mystery. And that is where the adventurous incidents begin. Adventurous because the road to such a mystery is long and hard, especially if you have a bewildered blue Blockhead as a helper. So we encounter various forest creatures with the Little Man, some kind, some malicious, and together we come to the very end, where we find the magical Tree of Answers, thanks to which we discover what the Little Man has been searching for all this time and thus we all will be able to sleep easier.

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Bedna Films, Jakub Červenka Hradčanské nám. 61/11, 118 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: jakub@bedna.tv, mobile: +420 777 317 980, www.bednafilms.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Myši patří do nebe Even Mice Belong in Heaven

FEaturE FiLM / 80 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Denisa Grimmová, Noro Držiak SCriPt WritEr Alice Nellis art DESiGnEr Denisa Grimmová ProDuCEr Vladimír Lhoták – Fresh Films

A comedy about two mortal enemies – a little mouse and a fox, who after an unfortunate accident, meet in animal heaven. They lose their natural instincts and become best friends. They set out on a journey together, they have to face many difficulties and obstacles, what makes them know themselves better and improves their lives. Their wish to stay together after they return to the Earth comes true, but they are reborn into opposite roles. Thanks to the power of friendship, they can even overcome what seemed to be impossible. annECy 2014 MiFa PitCHES

ContaCt Fresh Films, Vladimír Lhoták Kubelíkova 27, 130 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic e-mail: vladimir@freshfilms.cz, mobile: +420 777 080 353, www.freshfilms.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Přemyslovci Premyslids

FEaturE FiLM / 70 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Šárka Váchová SCriPt WritEr Lucie Konášová art DESiGnEr Šárka Váchová ProDuCEr Jan Mrzena – JesuPrague Film

Premyslids is a project of leading Czech autors Lucie Konášová and Šárka Váchová and a continuation of the Czech puppet school tradition. Little we know of our legends and myths, little we value them... but the stories of our kings represent our cultural heritage. Should we forget them, we would lose our own identity. The story is told by the means of flickering through old chronicles. The beautiful images are inspired by the poetics of Jiří Trnka’s works, mainly his monumental work Old Bohemian Legends (1953). The puppets were inspired by gothic statues of Petr Parléř and paintings of Master Theodoric; reminding the audience of the Gothic period at its peak. The historic content, the story itself and its visual (and musical) art form, created by the means of the most up-to-date animation technology, have the potential to become an extraordinary work of European cinematography. The film, which is 70 minutes long, targets all age groups, but primarily children and their parents.

ContaCt 1

JesuPrague Film, Jan Mrzena Na Dlouhém lánu 18, 160 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic e-mail: jan.mrzena@jpfilm.cz, mobile: +420 604 631 788

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Přes hranici the Crossing

FEaturE FiLM / 80 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Florence Miailhe SCriPt WritEr Marie Desplechin art DESiGnEr Florence Miailhe ProDuCEr Dora Benousilio – Les Films de l’Arlequin (FR) Co-ProDuCEr Martin Vandas – MAUR Film, Arnaud Demuynck – Digit Anima (BE), Grit Wißkirchen – Balance Film (DE) A plundered village, a fleeing family, and two stray children on the roads of exile: Kyona and Adriel are trying to escape from their pursuers and to reach some more welcoming country. During their initiatory trip from childhood to teenage, they will have to cross an entire continent obsessed with hunting down migrants, and to go through many trials, both real and surreal, in order to discover a New World, free at last!

ContaCt MAUR film, Alena Vandasová Konviktská 1055/7, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: vandasova@maurfilm.com, mobile: +420 775 117 646, www.maurfilm.com


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

trilogie kaktusák the Cactusman trilogy

FEaturE FiLM / 80 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Jan Bubeníček SCriPt WritEr Jan Bubeníček art DESiGnEr Henry Boraros, Jan Bubeníček, Jan Kurka, Katarina Hollá ProDuCEr Ondřej Trojan – Total HelpArt – T.H.A. Josef inherited his madcap grandfather’s old flat. Just as soon as he moves in and starts sorting out his inheritance, he starts to get the feeling that he is not alone in the flat. He sets a trap in the kitchen, thinking he has a mouse, but instead of a mouse he captures a strange creature – a small ancient Mexican Cactusman, an inhabitant of Grandfather’s humungous cactus that Joseph inherited along with the flat. The Cactusman starts getting back at Josef for the trap and a fierce battle breaks out between them. Josef puts up a chase and they end up completely demolishing the entire flat and Cactusman ends up imprisoned in the fridge. It is only then, when viewing Grandfather’s old 8mm film, that Josef discovers that Grandfather was best friends with the little goblin.

ContaCt 18

Total HelpArt – T.H.A., Michaela Syslová Kuchynková Kříženeckého nám. 322, 152 53 Prague 5, Czech Republic e-mail: michaela@tha.cz, mobile: +420 602 231 297, www.tha.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Vodní lékař the Hydrodoctor

FEaturE FiLM / 75 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Ondřej Žatečka SCriPt WritEr Andrea Bezděková art DESiGnEr Marek Berger ProDuCEr Miroslav Veselý – Muvi.cz production

The Hydrodoctor is the full-length animated movie dedicated to Vincenz Priessnitz – the famous personality of Czech medicine from early 19th century and the founder of the world’s first hydrotherapy spa. The movie should present important milestones and relates of Priessnitz’s life history with unusual style and attractive graphics. Priessnitz promoted the work therapy, fresh air and fresh mountain water treatment, and thus he laid the foundations of the hydrotherapy. Nearly 1500 patients healed yearly in his spa and doctors from all Europe came here to study his therapy methods. Vincenz Priessnitz was the man, who devoted his all life to help to the other people.

ContaCt Muvi.cz production, Miroslav Veselý Václavské náměstí 813/57, 11000 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: vemirek@gmail.com, mobile: +420 777 29 39 49, www.muviczproduction.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS FEaturE FiLMS

Život k sežrání Living Large

FEaturE FiLM / 70 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Kristina Dufková SCriPt WritEr Barbora Dřevikovská art DESiGnEr Kristina Dufková ProDuCEr Veronika Sabová – Barletta

The main character of the comedy Living Large is teenage Benjamin. He loves foot and his dream is to open a restaurant in his grandmother’s house on the Breton coast, where he would spoil his guests. Although Ben is quiet obese at the first glance, he is bright and subtle enough to walk through life without difficulties. But his carefree late childhood ends with two major events – letter from the doctor triggering a hunt for Ben’s obesity and Ben’s schoolmate Anna who came to school after the holidays with breasts!!! Ben falls in love for the first time and with everything that comes with it. In order to gain Anna’s affection he has to lose some weight. That spins carousel of mad escapades with diets, exercising and all sorts of obscure methods to achieve a perfect body. Ironically, Ben’s supposed enemy is the one who helps him to obtain self esteem as well as winning Anna’s heart.

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Barletta, Veronika Sabová Náměstí Přátelství 1518/3, 102 00 Prague 10, Czech Republic e-mail: veronika@barletta.cz, mobile: + 420 603 853 146, www.barletta.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

anatomie pavouka anatomy of a Spider

SHort FiLM / 2 Min / in PoStProDuCtion DirECtor Vojtěch Kiss SCriPt WritEr Vojtěch Kiss art DESiGnEr Vojtěch Kiss ProDuCEr Tomáš Hrubý, Pavla Kubečková – nutprodukce

The movie presents a vision of a gloomy city. Up from space it looks like a glowing spider’s web, from the inside it is a concrete organism, inside its bowels thick human sediments move back and forth through its veins and fibres. One of them is Mr. Spider, a clerk working in a huge office, a voluntary slave, a lonely person lost in the labyrinth of streets, corridors and his own mind drenched in alcohol. However somewhere much deeper, in a place where reason disintegrates and dreams begin, a wide endless space opens radiating a fragile power...

ContaCt nutprodukce, Kateřina Šafaříková Bubenská 1, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic e-mail: katka@nutprodukce.cz, mobile: +420 604 821 642, www.nutprodukce.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

až po uši v mechu Deep in Moss

SHort FiLM / 15–20 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Bára Zadražilová, Filip Pošivač SCriPt WritEr Filip Pošivač, Iva Jestřábová art DESiGnEr Bára Zadražilová, Filip Pošivač ProDuCEr Pavla Kubečková, Peter Badač – nutprodukce

In the midst of a deep forest live tiny elves resembling humans, Josephine and Bertie. Bertie’s job is to look after some very special jingly mushrooms – night lamps – which he lights up and puts out every day. The only one that can give him some really hard times with her nutty ideas is his sister Josephine. The little elves’ story intertwines with life stories of unhappy Rusalka (a little water nymph). She comes across Bertie’s luminous mushrooms. Their glowing light and sweet sounds make her happy and she starts to steel them. Josephine has to get to the bottom of the missing mushrooms mystery. Josephine catches Rusalka and she tells them her story. Although her story is very sad, Rusalka tells it so beautifully that she gets so absorbed with her own story that she lights up on her own fantasy stronger than armour.

ContaCt 22

nutprodukce, Pavla Kubečková Bubenská 1, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic e-mail: info@nutprodukce.cz, mobile: +420 605 256 190, www.nutprodukce.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

jezdec času time rodent

SHort FiLM / 15 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Ondřej Švadlena SCriPt WritEr Ondřej Švadlena, Nicolas Schmerkin art DESiGnEr Ondřej Švadlena ProDuCEr Nicolas Schmerkin – Autour de Minuit (FR) Co-ProDuCEr Martin Vandas – MAUR Film Modern housing estates glow with light in the fog, like industrial juggernauts eating up the darkness. In the distant future, however, darkness permeates both night and day, the earth is cooling down. The mutant population swarms around the last remnants of available light, taking on fantastic shapes and colours, with the search for light becoming the final meaning of human life. This is all narrated by a strange being, a mysterious witness to this transformation of the world.

ContaCt MAUR film, Alena Vandasová Konviktská 1055/7, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: vandasova@maurfilm.com, mobile: +420 775 117 646, www.maurfilm.com


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

Pérák Springman

SHort FiLM / 10 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Marek Berger SCriPt WritEr Marek Berger art DESiGnEr Marek Berger, Marek Pokorný ProDuCEr Tomáš Michálek, Dagmar Sedláčková – MasterFilm

Re-imagination of an urban legend from the era of Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia during the WW II. According to this legend a mysterious man was jumping above the streets of Prague and fighting the Nazis. He was a runner at the Olympic Games in Berlin 1936. After the Nazi’s invasion, he becomes an outlaw because of his Jewish origin. Later he returns as the phantom avenger with spring-heeled shoes – the Spring-man. Meanwhile the Nazis are trying to wake up the Golem at the Old Jewish cemetery, which could be a disaster.

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MasterFilm, Tomáš Michálek Bubenská 1, 170 00, Prague 7, Czech Republic e-mail: tomas@masterfilm.cz, mobile: +420 602 630 466, www.masterfilm.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

Pod jabloní (Pohádka na (ne)dobrou noc) under the apple tree (a Badtime Story)

SHort FiLM / 20 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Erik van Schaaik SCriPt WritEr Erik van Schaaik art DESiGnEr Erik van Schaaik ProDuCEr Thomas Hietbrink – Pedri Animation (NL) Co-ProDuCErS Nelly Daniela Jenčíková – MIRACLE FILM, Erik van Schaaik – Erik van Schaaik Production (NL), Steven de Beul – Beast Animation (BE) An incredible comedy macabre about apple worms who decided to exchange the apples for the human body. This is how zombiedom was “born”.

ContaCt MIRACLE FILM, Nelly Daniela Jenčíková Radka Mizerová, Smetanovo nábřeží 197/26, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: dnelly@miraclefilm.cz, radka@miraclefilm.cz, mobile: +420 722 008 006, www.miraclefilm.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

Praha! Prague!

SHort FiLM / 9 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Matyáš Trnka SCriPt WritEr Matyáš Trnka art DESiGnEr Matyáš Trnka ProDuCEr Tomáš Rychecký – Anifilm

The film is a personal message from the author to his native city. How did Prague look in the history and how does it look now? Why do millions of tourists keep visiting it every year? Aren’t the crowds changing its appearance and beauty? Using the special technique of non-touch animation, the film portrays the current nature of Prague with its brighter and darker sides and the omnipresent tourism. The metropolis fights its daily combat with the onrush of tourists and merchants, in which a flood seems to be the only means of salvation.

ContaCt 2

Anifilm, Tomáš Rychecký Valdštejnské náměstí 2, 118 01 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: tomas.rychecky@anifilm.cz, mobile: +420 776 288 558, www.anifilmstudio.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

Strom the tree

SHort FiLM / 12 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Lucie Sunková SCriPt WritEr Lucie Sunková art DESiGnEr Lucie Sunková ProDuCEr Martin Vandas – MAUR film Co-ProDuCEr Dora Benousilio – Les Films de l’Arlequin (FR) In the countryside, we follow a life cycle of an old oak tree that overlooks the landscape and a nearby family house. He is giving birth to a young stick growing next to him from his acorn, while protecting him from rainy winds and dry summers. But one day the old trunk is uprooted in the storm and is driven away to serve as a new carved table for the family with children. The old tree table is trying to look out of room window to see his young fellow growing during the time. Until one day the horizon is empty. To his big surprise the family father is bringing a new chair carved from the young wood.

ContaCt MAUR film, Alena Vandasová Konviktská 1055/7, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: vandasova@maurfilm.com, mobile: +420 775 117 646, www.maurfilm.com


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

transport Er transport Er

SHort FiLM / 10 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Miloš Zvěřina SCriPt WritEr Miloš Zvěřina art DESiGnEr Helga Weissová-Hošková, Erna Bonnová, Petr Kien ProDuCEr Vladimíra Jokešová – Animation Films The puppet film Transport Er tries to depict the atmosphere of one part of the second World War, which took place in the ghetto in Terezín. The director, Miloš Zvěřina, said about the prepared film: “My goal is to remind children through a short and simple story that history is not one-dimensional and simple. Life in our current multi-cultural environment and democracy is not a matter of course, but requires sensitivity for the unique values of national traditions as well as empathy towards values of whole generations. Certain manifestations of xenophobia are a constant warning. While they can be overstated sometimes, they should not be ignored. I believe that the uniqueness and timelessness of the technology of animation is an appropriate means of expression for this purpose. The film will be a part of a wholeevening animated project called The Terezin Trilogy.



Animation Films, Vladimíra Jokešová Svornosti 1664, 755 01 Vsetín, Czech Republic e-mail: info@animationfilms-cz.com, mobile: +420 734 406 381 www.animationfilms-cz.com

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

Vánoční příběh Christmas Story

SHort FiLM / 8–10 Min / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Michal Žabka SCriPt WritEr Břetislav Pojar art DESiGnEr Vratislav Hlavatý ProDuCEr Michal Podhradský – animation people

Puppet stop frame animation based on a story by Bretislav Pojar. At the time we as a society are not sensitive to war atrocities and violence and Christmas has been downgraded to a mere holiday of consumption, Pojar is instinctively coming up with a topic that, unfortunately, will remain up-to-date yet for a long time. He combines a simple story with Andersen’s motif of a Christmas fairy-tale where the idea of Christmas wins over the military power. It is a story of a soldier – machine – that even at predominantly technical days has a human heart. It is a story of a dream and fantasy stronger than armour.

ContaCt animation people, Michal Podhradský Na Doubkové 8, 150 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic e-mail: people@animation.cz, mobile: +420 602 378 362, www.animation.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS SHort FiLMS

Vánoční svatba sněhuláka karla Christmas Wedding of Charles the Snowman

SHort FiLM / 10 Min / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Petr Vodička SCriPt WritEr Petr Vodička art DESiGnEr Bára Čechová ProDuCEr Radim Procházka – Anima

Even amongst Christmas decorations a spark of fancy may appear. What to do though when merciless Fate (or the human hand) has placed our beloved right to the other side of the tree? No use crying when a decoration wants to achieve something – it must unhook itself. And thus, our snowman Karel sets off with the straw angel Kamil in search of snow-lass Eva. They wander through the Christmas tree overcoming obstacles, and with the help of other distinctive decorations they eventually reach Eva who is being held captive by the evil Balls brothers. A short debut animated film by the theatre director Petr Vodicka and produced by Studio Anima.

ContaCt 30

Anima, Jakub Halousek Heřmanova 3, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic e-mail: info@animastudio.cz, mobile: +420 223 008 532, www.animastudio.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS tV SEriES

anča a Pepík annie and joseph

tV SEriES / 13 Min / 7 EPiSoDES / in ProDuCtion DirECtor Michal Žabka SCriPt WritEr Lucie Lomová art DESiGnEr Lucie Lomová ProDuCEr Barbara Johnsonová – Česká televize

Adventurous TV animated series for children at the age range 8 – 12 years, based on cult comics by Lucie Lomová, the acclaimed author of comic books in the Czech Republic and also abroad. The main characters are represented by two little mice children Annie and Joseph who solve various detective and mysterious situations together. Thrilling detective stories with magical elements are very attractive for our target audience. The stories take place in a unique mice world – the town of “Ušín” (“Eartown”) and a nearby “Enchanted Forest” full of magical creatures. This kind of genre is not used in animation very often and makes this series special. Although the stories are exciting and mysterious, they are still strongly moral and timeless.

ContaCt Česká televize, Barbara Johnsonová, Markéta Štinglová Kavčí hory, 140 70 Prague 4, Czech Republic e-mail: barbara.johnsonova@ceskatelevize.cz, marketa.stinglova@ceskatelevize.cz phone: +420 261 134 325, +420 261 134 164, www.ceskatelevize.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS tV SEriES

kuchyňské pohádky kitchen Fairy tales

tV SEriES / 10 Min / 52 EPiSoDES / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Vojtěch Domlátil SCriPt WritEr TBD art DESiGnEr Vojtěch Domlátil ProDuCEr Nelly Daniela Jenčíková – MIRACLE FILM Co-ProDuCErS Marcel and Marián Ferko – Marlen Media Group (SK) Funny fairy tales about a kitchen, that comes alive every time a female cook, the granny, ruins the food, or forgets to add crucial ingredients. Salt shaker, the main character, and his friends experience thrilling adventures during which they must overcome all sorts of traps lurking in the kitchen and other parts of the house.

ContaCt 32

MIRACLE FILM, Nelly Daniela Jenčíková, Radka Mizerová Smetanovo nábřeží 197/26, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: dnelly@miraclefilm.cz, radka@miraclefilm.cz, mobile: +420 722 008 006, www.miraclefilm.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS tV SEriES

Legendy staré Prahy old Prague Legends

tV SEriES / 5 Min / 12 EPiSoDES / DiStriBution + in ProDuCtion DirECtor Ondřej Žatečka SCriPt WritEr Andrea Bezděková art DESiGnEr Marek Berger ProDuCEr Miroslav Veselý – Muvi.cz production

All ancient cities have their secrets and Prague is no exception. This magical city in the very heart of Europe has experienced both moments of glory and periods of darkness. Despite the passing of history, there are many tales about its streets, palaces and secluded places that would give you the creeps. This unique and artistically freshly conceived series brings you a remarkable and impressive experience. Let yourselves feel the fascination of a world of old, mysterious stories, that might actually have happened...

ContaCt Muvi.cz production, Miroslav Veselý Václavské náměstí 813/57, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: vemirek@gmail.com, mobile: +420 777 29 39 49, www.muviczproduction.cz


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS tV SEriES

ryc a Pic ryc & Pic

tV SEriES / 20 SEC / 3 5 EPiSoDES / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Jaromír Gál, František Mlčák SCriPt WritEr Jaromír Gál art DESiGnEr Jaromír Gál ProDuCEr Vladimíra Jokešová – Animation Films

Short gags in the stories of two figures – one fat, the other, thin. The fat one’s name is RYC and the thin one’s name is PIC. There are 365 episodes in the prepared series.

ContaCt 34

Animation Films, Vladimíra Jokešová Svornosti 1664, 755 01 Vsetín, Czech Republic e-mail: info@animationfilms-cz.com, mobile: +420 734 406 381, www.animationfilms-cz.com

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS tV SEriES

trinkani trinkans

tV SEriES / 5 Min / 50 EPiSoDES / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor František Mlčák SCriPt WritEr Klára Smolíková art DESiGnEr František Mlčák ProDuCEr Vladimíra Jokešová – Animation Films

The animated series is designed for the smallest viewers, children from the age of two. The main emphasis is put on action and simple plot. “Trinkani” behave in a similar way to pre-school children. They giggle, they fall over, they are in constant motion and they do not worry much about anything. However, they always stick up for others and they always try to help.

ContaCt Animation Films, Vladimíra Jokešová Svornosti 1664, 755 01 Vsetín, Czech Republic e-mail: info@animationfilms-cz.com, mobile: +420 734 406 381, www.animationfilms-cz.com


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS tV SEriES

ušák Flapper Flapper and Friends

tV SEriES / 10 Min / 52 EPiSoDES / DiStriBution + in ProDuCtion DirECtor Krzysztof Brzozowski, Jacek Łechtański SCriPt WritEr Wojciech Próchniewicz, Antoni Bańkowski, Julia Śniarowska, Krzysztof Brzozowski art DESiGnEr Piotr Knabe, Paulina Majda, Krzysztof Wierzbowski, Agata Gorządek ProDuCEr Se-ma-for Produkcja filmowa (PL) Co-ProDuCEr Nelly Daniela Jenčíková – MIRACLE FILM

Flapper and Friends series is aimed at small children and is made to sensitize them to the beauty of the surrounding world. It is meant to show such values as friendship, wisdom, nobleness, honesty; instill positive standards of behavior and caution against the consequences of misconduct.

ContaCt 3

MIRACLE FILM, Nelly Daniela Jenčíková, Radka Mizerová Smetanovo nábřeží 197/26, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic e-mail: dnelly@miraclefilm.cz, radka@miraclefilm.cz, mobile: +420 722 008 006, www.miraclefilm.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS tV SEriES

Vážně nevážně Seriously unserious

tV SEriES / 3,5 Min / 50 EPiSoDES / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor František Mlčák SCriPt WritEr František Mlčák art DESiGnEr Lucie Dvořáková ProDuCEr Vladimíra Jokešová – Animation Films

The animated series is based on classical pieces of music. It is world classical music for children. This new animated series tries to get children acquainted with the gems of world classical music in an original way suitable for children. The individual stories are fantasies inspired by the particular musical theme. The harmony of sound and picture will give children the chance to get closer to the concept of classical music.

ContaCt Animation Films, Vladimíra Jokešová Svornosti 1664, 755 01 Vsetín, Czech Republic e-mail: info@animationfilms-cz.com, mobile: +420 734 406 381, www.animationfilms-cz.com


CZECH aniMation ProjECtS tV SEriES

Velká dobrodružství rosy a Dory the Great adventures of rosa and Dora

tV SEriES / 7 Min / 52 EPiSoDES / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Martin Duda SCriPt WritEr Kristina Nedvědová, Jiří Vaněk, Hynek Trojánek art DESiGnEr Martin Duda ProDuCEr Vratislav Šlajer – Bionaut

Dora and Rosa are seven-year-old sisters. Rosa is level-headed, thinks a lot about everything, is always examining objects and asks how things work. Dora dives head-first into everything, she’s fast, and acts first and thinks later. On their visits to Grandma and Grandpa’s house they always get involved in a big adventure. Every episode starts with Grandpa’s dog Laiko creating a big problem that threatens the world. Girls and Grandma have to save Laiko and with him, the world. Luckily Grandma knows everything and has lots of inventions in her house so she is always able, together with the girls, to solve every problem. But solving the problems also destroys the whole house. Each episode ends with total destruction, after which grandpa puts down his newspaper, picks up a hammer and puts the house back together – so that Dora and Rosa can have another adventure in the next episode.

ContaCt 38

Bionaut, Bára Příkaská Dělnická 47, 170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic e-mail: bara@bionaut.cz, mobile: +420 774 810 635, www.bionaut.cz

CZECH aniMation ProjECtS tV SEriES

Živý svět kolem tebe Living World around you

tV SEriES / 2 Min / 14 EPiSoDES / in DEVELoPMEnt DirECtor Maria Procházková SCriPt WritEr Maria Procházková art DESiGnEr Maria Procházková ProDuCEr Barbara Johnsonová – Česká televize

Animated entertaining and educational TV series for small children at the age range 4 – 8 about nature which they observe and perceive every day but almost do not know. Thirteen-part TV series for each topic: flowers, trees, birds, beetles, mushrooms. We introduce the most common flowers, trees and animals from parks, forests, meadows and gardens. Our aim is to entertain and educate inconspicuously, therefore we use a playful form which children perceive as an adventurous discovery. Combined technology – animation, photographs, real and time-lapsed images of nature + comments spoken by a child’s voice

ContaCt Česká televize, Barbara Johnsonová, Markéta Štinglová Kavčí hory, 140 70 Prague 4, Czech Republic e-mail: barbara.johnsonova@ceskatelevize.cz, marketa.stinglova@ceskatelevize.cz phone: +420 261 134 325, +420 261 134 164, www.ceskatelevize.cz


Funding for animation films in the Czech republic State Cinematography Fund • re-established on 1 January 2013 • new separate institution with a Director at its helm • new financial resources • operates the tax incentives (tax rebate) programme national Support • separate schemes for animation – development, production • allocated amounts in 2014 Development (March 2014) Production (February 2014) Minority co-production – all genres (February 2014)

CZK 2M (approx Eur 73,000) CZK 15M (approx Eur 545,000) CZK 25M (approx Eur 910,000)

tax incentives • rebate up to 20% on qualifying Czech spend and 10% on qualifying international spend • eligible spend capped at 80% of the total budget • the rebate is available to feature, TV, animation and documentary films with a runtime of at least 70 minute and to tV episodes with a runtime of at least 40 minutes per episode • to qualify for the rebate, projects must pass a cultural test and have a minimum spend in the Czech Republic of CZK 15M (approx USD 790,000, Eur 58 ,000) • only registered Czech income tax payers with a place of business in the Czech Republic may apply for the rebate • international producers may partner with a Czech co-producer (which becomes the applicant) or establish and apply through a Czech subsidiary • there is a three-part application process to the State Cinematography Fund: – the first stage – a call for project registration applications is made at least once a year (usually at the beginning of the year) and applicants have one month to apply for the registration – the second stage – applicants provide financial information about the project; a response is issued giving the approved amount of the grant – the last stage – rebates are issued at the end of production upon submission of audited statements of costs incurred and paid out in the form of cash grants • the projects can be for multiple years (but maximum 3 years) • yearly budget for the programme is CZK 500M (approx USD 26M, Eur 19.5M)

ContaCt: 40

Státní fond kinematografie e-mail: sekretariat@fondkinematografie.cz, phone:+420 224 301 278 www.fondkinematografie.cz







Czech animation at annecy aiFF and Mifa 2014 – programme CoMMiSSionED FiLMS in CoMPEtition

Click! the Phenomenon of television by Michal Žabka Mon 9 june / 2:00 p.m. / Décavision Salle 3 Wed 11 june / 10.30 a.m. / Décavision Salle 2 Fri 13 june / 10:30 p.m. / Décavision Salle 3 Sat 14 june / :00 p.m. / Salle Pierre Lamy

GraDuation FiLMS in CoMPEtition

the new Species by Kateřina Karhánková tue 10 june / 8:30 p.m. / Salle Pierre Lamy Wed 11 june / 4:00 p.m. / Décavision Salle 2 thu 12 june / 10.30 p.m. / Décavision Salle 2


Even Mice Belong in Heaven by Denisa Grimmová and Noro Držiak tue 10 june / 3:00 p.m. / impérial Palace, Salon ravel a&B


Little from the Fish Shop by Jan Balej thu 12 june / 9:30 a.m./ Salle Pierre Lamy

Czech Film Center at Mifa 2014 Stand nr. 4.B21 Markéta Šantrochová mobile: +420 724 329 948 e-mail: marketa@filmcenter.cz aida abbasová mobile: +420 08 022 310 e-mail: annecy@filmcenter.cz

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