Designing Healthier Urban Environments for a Healthier Urban World January 7, 2013 Sandra Plaza
SNEHA Project Overview
Š Design Impact 2013
Project Summary •
Our initial proposal was to look at developing a sustainable business model in which new services would offset the costs to deliver existing SNEHA service
We soon realized the costs to deliver SNEHA services was high
We decided to alter our focus on the improvement of the delivery of existing services
We conducted interviews with SNEHA staff and Program Directors to understand the different processes and strategies used
We reviewed costs to deliver SNEHA services and examined SNEHA Centre business model
SNEHA Project Overview
© Design Impact 2013
Percentage Breakup of SNEHA Centre
Case Study: SNEHA Centre Overview
Š Design Impact 2013
Breakup of Cost per Centre (INR in lacs) Cost Heads Personnel cost for Program Staff Personnel cost for Common Operations Staff Training Cost Monitoring & Evalaution cost(including data team) Running Cost for Centre Food, Medicines, Educational Materials for DCC kids Other Program Cost Set up Cost for Centre Overhead Cost for Staff Capital Cost Administrative Cost Total Cost Case Study: Actual costs of SNEHA Centre
Amount 6.33 0.52 0.14 0.38 2.10 2.72 0.21 0.30 0.51 0.82 1.40 15.42 Š Design Impact 2013
SNEHA Centre Business Model Selected four centres to review delivery of health services in the community Catchment Area Per Centre • 600-650 Households • 400-450 Families • 2250 Population
Case Study: SNEHA Centre locations
Centre Locations 1. Plot 29 2. Sanjay Nagar 3. Shastri Nagar 4. Guatam Nagar 5. Raman Mama Nagar 6. Ardash Nagar 7. Zakir Hussein Nagar 1 8. Zakir Hussein Nagar 2 9. Janta Nagar 10. Ekta Nagar 11. Sector C 12. Sector D
© Design Impact 2013
Case Study: SNEHA Centre Organization Structure
© Design Impact 2013
Conducted interviews with SNEHA staff of Centres #1 & #2 Strong team support, good rapport with the community, residents asking for support for services, centre located on main street, highly visible
SNEHA Centre Overview: Shastri Nagar & Sanjay Nagar
Š Design Impact 2013
Centre #1 located on main street, highly visible
View of inside lane
SNEHA Centre Overview: Shastri Nagar
Street life
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Centre #2 located on main street, highly visible
View of centre space
SNEHA Centre Overview: Sanjay Nagar
View of community inside lane
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Interviews with SNEHA Staff of Centre #3 Strong team, very well organized, good rapport with community and with community volunteers, space is smaller
SNEHA Centre Overview: Guatam Nagar
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Center #3 located in inside lane of community
Entrance from main road to the centre
SNEHA Centre Overview: Guatam Nagar
View of inside lane
Š Design Impact 2013
Interviews with SNEHA Staff of Centre #4 Strong team of experienced CO’s in the social sector, maximum visibility to street life and located on main street, close to playground, school and Municipal health post
SNEHA Centre Overview: Raman Mama Nagar
Š Design Impact 2013
Located on a main street and highly visible
Entrance to nearby health post
SNEHA Centre Overview: Raman Mama Nagar
Housing conditions in community
Š Design Impact 2013
Next •
We reviewed all the strategies and processes used to deliver SNEHA services and created a SNEHA strategy matrix per Program Director responses
Program Directors pointed out strategies they feel are most effective
Goal is identify the similar processes used to deliver health services in the community and understand which strategies are most effective
Currently conducting consumer end research to understand how beneficiaries perceive SNEHA services and the strategies they find most effective through a series of workshops
SNEHA Project Overview
© Design Impact 2013
SNEHA Strategy Overview Matrix
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SNEHA Strategy Overview Matrix
Š Design Impact 2013
SNEHA Strategy Overview Matrix
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SNEHA Strategy Overview Matrix
Š Design Impact 2013
Workshop #1 Met with the beneficiaries of Prevention of Violence Against Women and Children to understand their aspirations for the future
Community Workshop Overview
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Desire to own her own home
Education is a must
Community Workshop Overview: Women’s responses
Honest doctors
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Picture Exercise We asked beneficiaries to draw upon their own personal experiences per photographs shown representing health and community
Community Workshop Overview
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Workshop #2 Met with the beneficiaries of Sexual and Reproductive Health’s Adolescents Gaining Ground program
Community Workshop Overview
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Value Exercise Conducted a value exercise workshop with the adolescents to understand their aspirations for the future
Community Workshop Overview
Š Design Impact 2013
Reduce child labour
Education helps build a career
Community Workshop: Adolescent’s responses
Doctors are important, villages have less doctors
Š Design Impact 2013
Community Workshop Overview
Š Design Impact 2013
Community Workshop Overview
Š Design Impact 2013
Follow Up •
We will continue to conduct workshops with the beneficiaries of SNEHA Programs and document and record the information so we can identify patterns from consumer research
Once the workshops have been completed, we will make sense of the collected data, define opportunities and deliver solutions
SNEHA Project Overview
© Design Impact 2013
Thank You Contact: Sandra Plaza
Š Design Impact 2012