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by d-mars.com
By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent
In 2022, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra implemented actions to improve maternal health and reduce health disparities, and this year, the BidenHarris Administration has continued to champion policies to improve maternal health and equity.

Vice President Kamala Harris convened a meeting with Becerra and other Cabinet leaders amplifying a whole-of-government approach to reducing maternal mortality and morbidity.
On Monday, April 10, President Biden issued another proclamation to begin Black Maternal Health Week. The president called the week a reminder that so many families experience pain, neglect, and loss during what should be a joyous occasion. Biden called it urgent that all act.
Black women in America are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women, the president remarked.
“This is on top of the fact that women in America are dying at a higher rate from pregnancy-related causes than in any other developed nation.”
He insisted that tackling the crisis begins with understanding how institutional racism drives these high maternal mortality rates.
Studies show that Black women are often dismissed or ignored in hospitals and other health care settings, even as they suffer from severe injuries and pregnancy complications and ask for help, the president reminded.
He said systemic inequities are also to blame.
“When mothers do not have access to safe and stable housing before and after childbirth, they are at greater risk of falling ill,” Biden exclaimed.
“When women face barriers traveling to the hospital for prenatal and postpartum checkups, they are less likely to remain healthy. Air pollution, water pollution, and lead pipes can have dangerous consequences for pregnant women and newborns. And when families cannot afford nutritious foods, they face worse health outcomes.”
He claimed his administration has penned the blueprint for addressing the maternal health crisis, an agenda that lays out specific actions the federal government would take to improve maternal health and secured funding from Congress to help implement it.
“Vice President Kamala Harris has been a leader on the issue of maternal mortality for years and led the charge to improve maternal health outcomes, including by issuing a call to action to address disparities in maternal care,” Biden stated.
“She continues to elevate the issue nationally, convening State legislators, medical professionals, and others so all mothers can access the care they need before, during, and after childbirth.”
The president continued:
“Additionally, my American Rescue Plan gave States the option to provide a full year of postpartum coverage to Medicaid beneficiaries — up from just 60 days of coverage.
“As a result, my Administration has approved requests from 30 States and Washington, D.C. to provide women with Medicaid coverage with a full year of postpartum coverage, and we have made this option permanent for every State that extends Medicaid postpartum coverage.
“My Administration has helped facilitate Medicaid expansion in four States since I took office, and I continue to call on the Congress to close the Medicaid coverage gap.
“We are also working to expand and diversify the maternal health workforce, helping health care providers hire and train diverse and culturally competent physicians, certified nurse midwives, doulas, and community health workers to support women during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care.”
The president’s budget includes $471 million to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity rates, improving access to care in rural communities, expanding implicit bias training for health care providers, and further supporting the perinatal health workforce.
“This week, as we continue our work to make pregnancy and childbirth safe, dignified, and joyful for all, let us remember that health care should be a right and not a privilege,” Biden continued.
“Let us give thanks to the extraordinary maternal health care workforce, which serves its patients and their families every day. And let us join in common cause to end the tragedy of maternal mortality once and for all.”
Source: NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent
First responders handle the most high-risk, urgent, and dangerous events in their communities. Police officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), paramedics and other public health workers all fall under the category of first responders, and the nature of their jobs can take a toll on their overall well-being. They often experience high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suicidal ideation, anxiety and depression.
Lexipol - a leader in policy, training and wellness support for first responders and public servants - is dedicated to helping public safety leaders promote mental health and wellness for their personnel. While there are many reasons to proactively address first responder wellness, the company has highlighted four reasons why public safety decision-makers should invest in mental health and wellness programs for first responders.
It’s difficult for anyone to perform well at work when dealing with mental health issues. For first responders, mental illness can lead to critical mistakes and poor decision-making that impact them and the community. Firefighters, for example, regularly suffer from sleep disorders that can lead to poor cardiovascular health and vehicle crashes, two leading causes of line-of-duty death among firefighters.
For law enforcement agencies, poor decision-making stemming from mental health issues increases costs associated with personnel complaints, lawsuits and settlements.
According to a 2020 study, workers who experienced psychosocial stressors at work had higher rates of sick leave because of mental health issues. Increasing incidences of sick leave or disability due to PTSD or other mental illness can make it difficult for first

Mental Wellness For First Responders
By: d-mars.com News Provider
responders to continue in their profession. Also, from a financial standpoint, public safety agencies and departments rack up overtime costs when personnel take sick or disability leave.
Because first responders are tasked with handling dangerous and complicated situations, they often experience stress that has real physical impacts. Stress isn’t just a mental health issue. It can also have physical side effects, including cardiac issues, diabetes, obesity, substance abuse and sleep issues. These health conditions make it difficult for first responders to function in their day-to-day lives both on and off the clock, and these conditions can follow them for years to come.
While many agency and local government leaders want to support first responders’ mental health by providing policies, training and resources, the cultural stigma around mental health has prevented many officers from seeking help for emotional and behavioral issues.

Another issue is that many agencies are new to wellness and lack the internal expertise and resources to create confidential wellness support tailored specifically for public safety employees. They often don’t have an existing culture or framework to support first responders’ mental health. Also, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) often don’t meet the real needs of first responders. For example, a recent survey of firefighters who used wellness resources through an EAP found that 63% of respondents didn’t find the EAP program helpful. While there are no easy solutions to mental health crises among first responders, Lexipol has created the Cordico wellness app to help agencies invest in and promote personnel wellness.
A study from Utah State University found that 70% of first responders reported not having enough time to recover from the traumatic events they experienced on the job. Without enough time to recover and a lack of access to mental health resources, many first responders experience burnout and leave the profession altogether. This means departments must spend more on recruiting, training, equipping new personnel and other turnover costs when first responders choose to leave the agency due to chronic stress or feeling unsupported.
Cordico is an award-winning tech-forward wellness product that delivers high-quality tools, resources, and assessments to public safety workers. Using this app, first responders can learn about behavioral health, build, and maintain resilience and connect with therapists and peer support team members. The app does not collect personal data, ensuring anonymity, and offers a one-touch crisis response for users. To learn more about how this wellness solution can help enhance first responders’ overall wellness, visit Cordico.com.
Source: BrandPoint