3 minute read
by d-mars.com

By d-mars.com
News Provider
What you believe is your reality. It drives you. It moves you. It anchors you. It lays at the foundation of your actions. Where are your beliefs taking you and is it a place you want to go? Often, we adopt beliefs out of tradition or habit; not because it serves us well.
We do well to challenge our beliefs, especially when it comes to business ownership. If you don’t challenge your beliefs, your mind is closed to differing perspectives and ideas that have the potential to make your life richer. In essence, you will only go as far as your beliefs will allow. How far will you allow your beliefs to take you? Can you look at your life without bias? When you believe that anything is possible, you open the door to possibilities through your actions by preparing for, recognizing and seizing opportunities.
When you believe that there are no limits; you choose not to pigeon-hole yourself to one idea or opportunity; you open yourself up to receive all your good without limitations.
As new information comes into your being, your beliefs can change. You can choose not to remain stuck in a place that hinders your growth, development, and experience. You can get new beliefs if the ones you have are not serving you. Just because you once believed something doesn’t mean you must always believe it. When you change your beliefs, you change the way you look at life and your life reflect that inner transformation.
Tracy Perlman, the NFL’s senior VP of marketing and communications said that choosing between 18-20 players was a “sweet spot” for the event, “[Interscope has] the same philosophy we do. We are player-first, and they are artist-first. Everything we do is about value to the player,” she said. “The whole scope of this program is to give players insight so that they can say, ‘This is for me, I want to pursue it,’ and now they have the network to continue the conversation.”
According to Sports Illustrated, nearly 4 out of 5 former NFL players either go bankrupt or suffer severe financial distress within two years of retirement.
Do you believe it is your time? Use the following questions as life or journal prompts to help you plan out your best year:
• Do you believe you are worthy of good things?
• Do you believe that you can be financially abundant in your business of choice?
• Do you believe you can have immeasurable peace and be filled with unspeakable joy?
• Do you believe that you have something to offer the world?
• Do you believe that the world needs your gifts, services, and offerings in your business?
• Do you believe that you were born to make a positive and indelible impact upon this world?
• What do you want to be, do and have? What is holding you back? What actions can you take to move you forward?
No matter what you are doing in your life; your beliefs will do one of two things for you; open doors of opportunity through your own strategic positioning or close the doors of opportunity through self-sabotage. You decide what you want your life to be, what you want to have and what you want to do:
• It is your time to position yourself so that doors will open to you.
• It is your time to align yourself with your true desires to attract your ‘good’.
• It is your time to shake off the limitations of others and the hindrances in your own mind and forge past fear.
• It is your time to walk toward your greatness.
I implore you to do what it takes, put your positive beliefs into action and allow yourself permission to come out of the shadows and shine your light while embracing all the good that the remaining year will bring to your doorstep.
Source: Frenetta Tate, Contributing Writer

This year, take some time to look at the coming months and mark major holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, concerts and vacations in a calendar. Estimate how much you can spend on each event, so when the time comes, you won’t have any surprise expenses and you can avoid going over your budget.
Consider using tools like Chase’s Spending & Budgeting, that provides information on your spending based on the purchases you make and helps you keep track of what you’ve spent to prevent overspending. If your banking app doesn’t have a similar feature, you can download a budget worksheet and keep track of your spending and budget throughout the year. Get started planning now to save yourself financial stress throughout the year.
Set Savings Goals
A simple way to afford all your fun and celebratory expenses throughout the year is to set savings goals. By putting away money in advance, you can reduce the stress and anxiety of affording your vacations, concerts and even holiday expenses later in the year.