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Sandi Eli..................................................................................Operation Get Fit, LLC

Sandi Eli

2022 TOP P&E

An Oklahoma native, Sandi Eli attended Langston University, an HBCU, where she was a university cheerleader and student body fitness instructor. Sandi graduated from The University of Central Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Science Degree. Sports and physical activity make her feel good, and she enjoys teaching it to others. When she became a certified personal trainer in 2006, she realized that she could do so much more than just help someone look good and feel good but that physical activity and feeding the body well is powerful. She not only helps people lose weight, but also helps reverse chronic disease, increase bone density, increase mobility, reduce depression and anxiety, and improve a person’s quality of life. Exercise has helped save her life a couple of times, and she wants the same for others. Since founding Operation Get Fit, LLC in 2007, Sandi has played an integral role in the Houston community. Whether she is educating youth groups on healthy eating, implementing worksite fitness classes for businesses of all sizes, or collaborating with city officials to develop wellness programming for city employees that encourages healthy living, she has been steadfast in pursuing her goal of creating a happier and healthier modern world. Sandi’s work has made a tangible difference in countless lives, and her story is still just beginning. As driven as ever, Sandi is intent on sharing her wisdom with anyone who is interested in living their best possible life. Operation Get Fit provides virtual and on-site health and wellness training to a wide variety of organizations. She has partnered with the City of Houston, the Mayor’s Office of Special Events, the Houston Independent School District, the Houston Zoo, YWCA, and Cigna, among many others. By encouraging daily movement, proper nutrition, and positive thinking, Sandi has helped each of these groups to foster greater health and productive workplaces with far-reaching benefits for all parties involved. Sandi’s efforts have been recognized numerous times, with honors that include: •2013 recognized by City Council Member Larry V. Green for valuable entrepreneurial contributions to the Houston community •2012 honored as a Top 50 Black Health, Medical & Wellness Professional by d-mars.com •2011 honored by the Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation Since launching her career, she has gone on to meet people from all walks of life. Her diverse experience has given her a unique ability to connect with people and set them on the path to long-term prosperity. Sandi says, “If you have never had good health and fitness, we want to help you get it. If you have it now, we want to help you keep it, and if you had it and lost it, we want to help you get it back. When we accomplish our mission to help people live healthier lives, then those people can go on to achieve their life’s mission.” Ultimately, what truly makes Sandi stand out is her ability to always see the best in people. She knows that with enough hard work and dedication, physical and mental well-being is within everyone’s grasp. Sandi looks forward to continuing to share her passion with like-minded individuals for years to come. She is the proud mother of one busy 12-year-old daughter and adores her other baby, a blue heeler dog.

Sandi Eli Founder and Owner Certified Fitness Instructor Operation Get Fit, LLC info@operationgetfit.com Facebook @operationgetfitusa

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