DOLLS 5 Main Conference 2015

Page 1

to... Welcomes You

15 0 2 e c n e r e f n o 5 Main C Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. -2 Timothy 2:15

August 13-15 @ Lake Lav Bapst Camp


Forms NOT


Plan on bringing these completed & signed forms with you to Conference or mail them in advance to DOLLS Headquarters at: 1105 E. Main Street #217, Allen, TX 75002. Lake Lavon Bap

tist Encampmen


Guest Registration

/Consent and

I promise to obey I am attending

(Under 18 years

the rules and regulati

ons of Lake Lavon

with ______________

ment and will



Grade Comple

Please check here___

to Lake Lavon

Baptist Encamp

ment’s mailing


an emergency,




__ Work Phone




want to be added



be reached in


_ Female________

if you do NOT

Guardian’s Name:_

If parent cannot



: Male_________

Home Phone (___)__




ted_____ Gender










the leaders and

n, City__________




cooperate with





Baptist Encamp


Camper’s Name__

Email Address_______

Release Form of age)




_____ Email__


please contact




_____ Phone #______




I, the undersigned Lake Lavon Baptist I certify that my

_ Relationship___

_____ Phone #______



parent or guardia

n, hereby consent


child/youth is

an event sponsor

_ Relationship___


to my child/yo

uth, ______________

____ participating

ed by _______


in aevent at

_____Church on

______________ able to particip ___ 200_____. ate in all activitie s including but Swimming pool not limited to: activities, all mud-pit activities, all Rockwa and volleyball. ll activities, all field sports includin g, but not limited to softball, basebal If there are any activities I do not l, soccer want my child to be involved in, I have listed I understand that them here:_________ medical care is ___________________ provided by the authorize the Lake __. group my child/yo Lavon Baptist Encamp uth is attendin child/youth. I underst ment staff, Health g with and not by Lake Lavon Care Provider and that limited Baptist Encamp or Group Leaders accident insuran illnesses or any ment. I hereby hip to make emer ce coverage of pre-existing conditio gency medical $5000 for acciden ns such as asthma proper protecti decisions for my t expense is covered ve equipment or other illnesses or for . Insurance will and in proper accidents involvin place. All claims not cover any g skateboards, will be filed by roller blades, etc. I UNDERSTAND the Lake Lavon without using Baptist Encamp AND HEREBY AGREE TO ASSUM ment Office. PRELIM INARY E ALL OF T HE AND SUBSEQUENT RISKS WHICH THERET O. I do directors, agents, MAY BE ENCO UNTERE D ON hereby indemn employees, volunte SAID ACTIVIT Y, ify and hold harmles ers and represe actions, cause INCLUDING ACTIVIT s Lake Lavon Baptist ntatives ( the “Indem of action, claims, IES Encampment, losses and/or expense nified Parties”) connection with and their officers from and against s, including but or based on injury , any not limited to and all liability, to or death of member of the attorneys fees, damages, any persons or Group or the Group court costs and property, includin Leadership, regardle expenses, arising parties, or any g the loss of use thereof in one or more of ss of whether , caused in whole them. Howeve or not cause in understand that r, this indemnification or in part by any whole or in part part of the camping by the negligen shall not apply experience involves ce of theindemn and that they come to willful miscond ified activities and group with certain risks uct committed by the Indemn and uncertainties living arrangements ified Parties. I beyond what my and interactions child may be used that may benew to dealing with to my child, at home. I am aware of these risks,

1. Officer Constitution Signature Page 7 2. Permission & Medical Release Form 3. Lake Lavon Baptist’s Consent Form 4. Minor Photo Release Form

Welcome 5 Main Conference 2015

Greetings, 5 Main! We are delighted to have you on board! This is going to be an exciting year for our ministry. We are so thankful for our dedicated partners, like yourself. We are fully believing that God is going to do some powerful things on our campuses this year. Thank you for your obedience to His call on your life!

Without further ado, lets get started! There are several things you will need to do to prepare yourself for 5 Main Conference 2015. Included in this program is all the information you will need to know to gear up for our training. Our retreat is being held at Lake Lavon Baptist Camp in Princeton, TX (8050 County Road 735, Princeton, TX 75407) on Thursday, August 13th at 10am through Saturday, August 15th at 5pm. Remember, conference is mandatory for ALL officers. You must be able to attend the entirety of all three days. If you should become unavailable for all or part of the retreat, please let us know immediately so we can seek to find an eligible replacement. There's a lot to look forward to at 5 Main Conference 2015! We believe that God is going to do some amazing things during these three days of training and equipping. Start praying now for the way He is going to move in your life and in the lives of your fellow 5 Main. We can't wait to see you in August!

We do not have many rules, and we'd like not to waste valuable conference time to hound our officers about them. We expect officers will review these expectations with their parents before they come and that officers will commit to their compliance throughout the retreat.

1.cabin behavior Officers will be sleeping in cabins according to their grade level (HS or MS). They will share a room within that cabin with their 5 Main team and one additional campus. Cabin curfew time is 1 :30pm. Cabins will be supervised by our DOLLS Interns 24/7. All students are to be in their cabins at 11:30pm. Students are to be in their own room and quiet by midnight. Participants are to stay in the cabins until 6 a.m. unless accompanied by an adult.

5 Main

2. dress code In an effort to maintain modesty during our time at camp, officers are expected to dress appropriately for a Christ-focused summer camp. For us this means conservative dress with little or no upper thigh, midriff, or chest area exposed for females. Shoes are to be worn at all times for health and safety reasons. Please consider that photos will be taken throughout the conference and you will want to be represented as a woman of integrity. Interns and conference personnel are permitted to request an officer change into more modest attire.


Camp Rules & Expectations

3. prohibited materials 4.CURFEW Campers are expected to be in their cabins by 1 pm. Guests are invited to enjoy time with their team within the safety of their dorm. Lights out will happen at midnight each night.

Il egal drugs, alcohol, fireworks, weapons, pornography and/or other illegal substances are prohibited at 5 Main Conference. Any officers found with these materials will be sent home at their own expense and removed from their officer position. Report any drug use, alcohol, or other prohibited behavior to conference staff.

5. use of Technology To help officers remain fully present on all God has for them at 5 Main Conference, and for their safety and security, we request that all technology is left at home. The exception to this would be personal cell phones. Cell phones should be silenced at all times and put away during gatherings and training sessions. Any technological devices brought to conference are done so at your own risk. All personal items brought with you to camp will be your responsibility. DOLLS will not be liable for lost or stolen items.

8. respect During your stay at Lake Lavon Baptist Camp you represent Jesus Christ, the DOLLS ministry, and your local DOLLS chapter. Look for ways to show respect, politeness, appreciation and courtesy to everyone including Lake Lavon staff, DOLLS Headquarters personnel, and your teacher sponsors. Officers are to respect and obey the leadership of their assigned DOLLS Intern as well as all conference personnel, including Ambassadors and guest speakers. Conference is taking place in a camp environment, which may include the potential of wildlife. Therefore, travel in groups of two or more at all times and be sure to always let an adult know where you are going. Stay within the campground boundaries designated to you by DOLLS personnel at all times. Dehydration and heat exhaustion could bring an early end to your time at 5 Main Conference. Be sure to drink lots of WATER, avoiding heavily caffeinated drinks. Energy drinks (such as Red Bull and Monsters) are strictly prohibited. Remember to get plenty of sleep before you arrive to camp to ensure your are fully present for all your sessions & training throughout your stay. Don’t forget, we will be staying at a typical campground. Please bring sunscreen & insect repellent to protect yourself from the elements.

Should I Wear That?

Wonder if your outfit is appropriate for 5 Main Conference? Take this quiz to find out!


TOPS Does it have a logo or design that might be considered offensive?

Is It low cut on the Neckline at all?




Do you plan to wear a tank underneath to make it more Modest?




Does it reveal your midriff?


DO your shorts/skirt extend down to at least your mid-thigh? N


Are they considered “YOGA” pants? Y



Does it have Spaghetti Straps? Y

Are they Pants?


Is the shirt sleeveless? N


Do you plan to wear a Cardigan over it?

Do they Satisfy The Bible’s requirement of us found in 1 Tim. 2:9? N


Would your pastor approve?





Are the Straps thick enough to completely Hide your bra strap? N


Would HQ feel comfortable posting a pic of you wearing it on the DOLLS website?

If pictures of you were taken, would HQ Want to use those photos on DOLLS marketing materials? N



Leave it! Wear it!

Leave it! Wear it!

2 t a h W Pack

as your pack your bags, there are several things you will want to include to ensure you are fully prepared for everything we have in store for you at 5 Main Conference 2014. Don't leave your house without the following items:

ist to heckl ference C s i h Use t ck for Con pa e h lp U

Writing Uten sils

Your Bible

Sack Lunch

Bathroom Toiletries

Bedding (Sleeping bag, sheets, pillows, blanks)

A Towe l

Prom Dress



Pg 7 of the 5 Main Con stitutio


ed by you & a par ent


Flashlight Hair products Camera

It’s MEAL TIME! ne? o y n y, A r g n r hu cove s s e e l f

mea th camp all i Your ost of rday, w h c u t n u c the day-Sa of l 4 s n r o Thu xcepti That’s 2 e the ursday. akfasts, s. h e on T s, 2 br 2 dinner k c d sna es, an deal! h lunc What a ! h Gos

’ It! n i g Bag

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Due t o the food aller vast arra dieta y of gies r a commo y restric nd n the tions will s be un e days, D accom able OLLS t m dieta odate any o r Guest y request special s wit s. conce h rns c such DOLLS an co ’ n Direc Executiv tact tor, e for m Gale o C about re inform arter, ation o p t i to me o et th ns availa eir n b eeds. le Email:

w o b m ord an In camp gether, u tnk fro on o y of me to ask dri unch ti ke to nch & for l li ck lu eat y of ed ovidot sa me to st da r p n ho r fir ce. be ll ou nferen ll notion wi don’t Co ch wi gerat so if ’t n i *Ludn refrlable,ve, doag it! e an avai star own b ll b be nt to to br ls wi wa rget mea fo ther o *Alolvided. pr

KS! BRING SNAC Our 5 Main made sure to pack lots of munchies last year. HQ had plenty of food for us at meals and during scheduled snack times, but it was nice having our own stash back at the cabins to munch on late at night! -Annaliese & Savanna, Heritage HS


Frequently Asked Questions about 5 Main Conference: What will we be doing at Conference? The primary goal of this conference is to equip you to be the best DOLLS leader you can be for your campus. Conference is designed to teach you everything you will need to know in order to lead your ministries successfully next Fall. The following is just a snap shot of how we plan to achieve that during Conference: Officer Breakout Sessions Each officer position is very different from the others. Each comes with different responsibilities that your fellow 5 Main will trust you to handle with expertise. During Breakout Sessions, you will be united with the girls from the other chapters who serve in the same office as you. There you will learn everything you need to know about what it takes to fulfill your position perfectly. Theology Crash Coarse You and your fellow 5 Main will get a crash-course in systematic theology. What does that mean? Basically, you will receive an introduction to the core beliefs of classical Christianity, learn the history of the Church, learn to defend your faith confidently using Christian apologetics, get equipped to respond intelligently to the hot topic debates within our culture using a Christian world view, and other cool things that will impress people at your next church potluck. Our goal is to provide you with a rock solid theological foundation and to give you a greater appreciation for the soundness of Scripture. You’ll leave with the self-assuredness you need to fulfill your role as a spiritual leader in the lives of your members. Leadership Intensive As you will quickly learn, a secondary mission of the DOLLS ministry is to operate as a leadership factory; training and building-up young leaders in the Faith for the work of the Kingdom. During Conference, we will take a look at the Biblical model of Godly leadership. We will study character traits that all great leaders have and learn ways to implement those into our own lives. Ministry Operations Training You’ll be taught how to manage all the things that will make your ministry run more effectively. Things like how to select worship music, how to research and write devotionals, how to plan events, outreaches, and community service projects, how to manage your membership records, social media outlets, and chair positions, and much, much more! Team Time And of course there will be ample time for team building, vision casting, and planning with your team and sponsor. You and your team will go through an enlightening personality styles seminar where you will discover how each player on your 5 Main thinks and how you can best operate as a cohesive team. You’ll get a chance to sit down with a DOLLS HQ director to have your first planning meeting of the year. You’ll even get to create some lasting memories during our ice breakers games, Faux Prom, and Commissioning Ceremony.

Be prepared for the most jam-packed three-days of your life!

Will the cabins be supervised? A team of DOLLS Big Sisters will stay with the officers in the cabins. Our Big Sisters are college-aged students, most of whom were involved with DOLLS as high schoolers themselves, with aspirations of pursuing careers in ministry. These young women are spiritually mature, responsible, and reliable models of Godly character. All Big Sisters have interviewed with DOLLS' Executive Director and submitted to a thorough background check before granted acceptance into the DOLLS Big Sis program.

Can I arrive an hour late or leave an hour early? No way, sister! As you will remember from your 5 Main Application, you committed to attending the ENTIRETY of Conference. To miss even 1-minute of that commitment would disqualify you from service. Please don’t call & ask us to make a special exception for you.

Do I have to stay overnight at the camp? Yes, for safety and liability reasons, all officers are required to stay overnight, in the cabins, on location at Lake Lavon Baptist Camp. The cabins include air conditioning, private restrooms, and private showers. They will be supervised by adults at all times. In addition to safety concerns, DOLLS also feels strongly that the bonding time granted during sleep overs will be invaluable to our officer teams.

Will my sponsor be at Conference? Sponsors are not required to attend conference, however, they have all been strongly encouraged to join us. We find that the majority of sponsors are delighted to attend 5 Main Conference along with their officers. It serves as a valuable time for them connect with their officers and to receive an understanding of the inner-workings of our ministry, thus allowing them to better facilitate and advise your chapter.

Who will my parents contact in the

event of an emergency during cam

Emergency phone calls only can be mad e to the following #’s: Daytime: 972-7362273 Evening: 281-732-9919. Please identify that you are calling for a DOLLS camper.


Will I need to bring extra money? Your registration fee covers all essentials, such as your lodging and breakfast/lunch/dinner, but you will no doubt want extra spending money for extras such as DOLLS merchandise and snacks. We will be selling great DOLLS t-shirts, letter jacket patches, pens, Christian books, and much more! You will not want to miss out on all the great products.

CHAPTER WARS Chapter Wars is a competition that takes place annually at 5 Main Conference. Each chapter will compete against the other campuses with the goal of being “crowned” (Haha! “crowned” Get it?) the 2015 Chapter Wars Champion!

5 Main Spirit Make a grand entrance at Conference! Show up on the first day with team spirit! In this contest, teams will earn points for their chapter for the best Team Spirit Wear. - Create Shirts/Accessories

- Use DOLLS Colors

- Use Face Paint/Glitter

Cabin Neat Freaks For this competition, its time to go all “Cinderella” on your cabin. Officers will compete against one another for the cleanest bunk. This will be the contest for the super perfectionist on your team to shine. After your team leaves each morning for breakfast, the DOLLS Interns will be exploring your cabins to give points to the tidiest cabins. Extra points will be given for extreme obsessiveness (i.e. folded toilet paper edges, bribery for interns, etc.) Get creative!

Decked-Out Dorms This contest is designed to help you make yourself at home. Have you ever seen a college dorm room? They are always so cute and personalized! This is your chance to deck out your dorm just like that! Bring your spirit signs, floral arrangements, decorative pillows, etc. Points will be given to the most creative decor. We will also send out your bunk assignments ahead of time, so you can coordinate your Decked-out Dorm Decorations ahead of time if you wish.

Constitution Contest Throughout your three days at Conference, interns will be walking around ready to ask you questions relevant to your 5 Main Constitution. Answer correctly and you will earn points for your 5 Main! Prep for this contest by studying your 5 Main Constitution this summer. As you can see, There are lots of categories & your chapter can enter in as few or as many as your team would like. Check out each one of the categories ABOVE & start your brainstorming today!

If money is an issue, consider reaching out to family, friends, and church members who might want to support the good works you will be doing as an officer of DOLLS. People will likely be thrilled to support such an endeavor! Below you will find a Sample Support Letter with ideas to help you write your own letters to friends and family. We have also included 2 pre-addressed donation envelopes, which we suggest you include along with your support letter. If you need additional forms/envelopes, let us know and we can provide those for you. Remember, DOLLS is a recognized 501c(3) non-profit, so all money donated to our Financial Aid Fund is tax deductible!

Raise Support

Feel free to steal ideas from this sample support letter: Dear (_______________), For the past year I have been involved with a club at my school called Daughters of Our Living Lord & Savior, or DOLLS. It is a student-led, student-initiated Christian club for girls. We meet once a week to worship, learn from the Bible, and fellowship with other Christian girls on our campus. This club has had a tremendous impact on my faith over the last year. I have grown closer to God than ever before and my faith has become my own. I have seen first-hand how this organization can impact the lives of teenage girls and it is for this reason that I have made the decision to accept a leadership position within the club. Next school year I have been selected to serve my campus as my chapter's (officer position). Four others of my peers and I, affectionately titled “the 5 Main,” will work together as missionaries within our school with the goal of being the light of Christ and preaching the Gospel. I am honored to have been offered this position and pray that God will use me to make a Kingdom impact on my campus. The DOLLS Corporation and I understand that this step I am taking is going to be tremendously challenging. In order to equip me to do ministry effectively, I am required to attend a three day training conference in which I will receive a crash-course in theology, learn about Godly leadership, bond with my fellow officers, and much more. The conference is called 5 Main Conference 2015. I am extremely excited about the opportunity to meet other girls from all over North Texas who share my heart for spreading God's Word and learning how to be the best officer for this club that I can be. I would love for you to consider supporting me on this endeavor, either financially, through prayer, or both. The cost to attend this training conference is $150. This cost will cover my lodging, meals, and conference materials. Although I will need the finances to be able to attend this training, more importantly, I will need continuous prayer throughout the year. Specifically, I ask that you pray for protection over me and the four other officers and wisdom to be able to discern God's Word so that the good news of Christ is communicated effectively to our members. Thank you for the consideration of your prayerful and if possible financial support. Enclosed is a pre-addressed envelope along with a donation card. Checks can be made out to “DOLLS” with “Conf. Donation- my name” in the memo space. All donations are tax deductible, as DOLLS is a registered 501c3 non-profit ministry. Thank you so much for reading this letter and for your support! Feel free to contact me if you would like more details about Conference or the DOLLS ministry. You can also visit our website at Sincerely,

Tips for writing support letters:

-Handwriting your letter is a good idea. It will seem more personal to your reader .-Send out your letters well in advance of Conference. Give people time to pray about their donations. -Consider adding your own stamp to the self-addressed envelope. -Always follow up with a thank you note. DOLLS will let you know who donates towards your account so you can appropriately thank them. -Remember that any donation, small or large, is a blessing. -Ask for God to bless your efforts before you send out your letters. He may just blow your mind! -Do not worry if no one is able to help you. DOLLS Headquarters will be sending out similar letters to our prayer partners, so financial aid may be available.

Daughters of Our Living Lord & Savior

2015 2016


Can we be real with you? Serving as a DOLLS officer next year is going to be hard. You are going to sweat like you’ve never sweat before, work like you’ve never worked before, and cry tears like you’ve never cried before. Why? Because serving God always involves sacrifice. And to make matters worse, you have an enemy who does not want to see you successful in any of this. That’s why, at DOLLS, we know how important it is that you are covered in prayer unceasingly. We’re here to help make sure that happens.

“Fret not about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” -Philippians 4:6

Rally Your Prayer Warriors You have some homework to do before 5 Main Conference. Your task is to find 3 faithful families, friends, mentors, etc. who are willing to commit to serving as your team of Prayer Warriors during your service as a DOLLS officer. In late June, you will be receiving an email from DOLLS HQ. Attached to this email will be an Excel data file. Your job is to fill in all the data for each of your 3 Prayer Warriors and email your completed file back to DOLLS HQ no later than August 1st.

What Can Warriors Expect? Prayer Warriors will each receive an attractive fridge magnet with a photograph of you! This souvenir will serve as a daily reminder for your warriors to pray for you, your chapter, and the ministry of DOLLS. Prayer Warriors will also recieve a special e-newsletter, updating them on specific areas of need for your ministries and to share stories of the successes our chapters are experiencing throughout the year. We will challenge your Warriors to contact you personally throughout the year to offer words of encouragement and to challenge you to stay strong to your commitment to God and to DOLLS.

Is it Safe to Sign up to be a Warrior? DOLLS absolutely respects the privacy of our partners and promises we will not rent, sell, or exchange our mailing lists. Likewise, DOLLS will not solicit your Prayer Warriors for donations. This outreach is about prayer, and prayer alone.

Information Needed

*For each Warrior, you will need to provide the following: First & Last Name Mailing Address

Email Address City, State Zip

* Do NOT wait until the last minute to begin gathering info. * When entering this information into your Excel file, use correct spelling, capitalization, etc. Remember, this is a professional job. If HQ is not satisfied with your work, you will be told to re-do it. That would be embarrassing... *Please remember that this is your first chance to prove to DOLLS that you are up to the task of serving as a responsible, reliable member of the team.

Rules to Follow

1) Do NOT include your fellow officers or sponsor. Your team is expected to be praying for each other already.

2) Avoid duplicate Warriors within your team.

 Let’s say 3 of the girls on your team pick the same family. This one

family will now be getting three of the same newsletters.

This is pointless because it wastes valuable ministry $$ and you won’t

be as covered in prayer as you could be.

Try to coordinate with your fellow officers in order to avoid repeats.

3) Each household counts as ONE Warrior.

In other words, if you want your BFF and her mom to be your Prayer

Warriors, list them together as one—not separately.

Your Aunt Carrie and Uncle Bob, who are married and live together,

cannot count as two different Warriors.

4) Prayer Warriors Due by August 1st.

Email your completed excel files to our Executive Admin at

Failure to submit on time will not reflect well on you:(

Stayed tuned on the 5 Main Facebook Group this summer for all the newest trends being added to the DOLLS Store next Fall. You’ll have first dibs on buying all the latest at 5 Main Conference. Bring some extra spending cash so you don’t miss out!

s t r i Sh






Tumblers ...And Much more!

Bags & Totes






That’s right! We’re inviting your parents to join us for a couple of sessions at conference this year... Date: SatURDAY,

August 15th Time: 1:30PM - 5PM Location: Camp Conference Center

Student Rights 1:30PM

Liberty Institute is our nation’s largest and most well-known nonprofit law firm. They are dedicated to defending and restoring religious liberty across America. Join us as one of their top attorneys comes to speak to our girls about the religious freedoms they rightfully have on public school campuses.

Commissioning Ceremony


Join us two hours early for our annual 5 Main Commissioning Ceremony!! This will be an emotional and inspiring ceremony designed to leave our girls feeling encouraged, equipped, and supported to fulfill the calling God has on their life.



Do you have questions about DOLLS? Do you want to know more about what your daughter is getting herself into? Come out an hour early on Saturday afternoon to join us for a 1-hour Meet-n-Greet with DOLLS Headquarters. During this meeting parents will have a chance to meet HQ Staff and learn what to expect as your daughter serves with the DOLLS ministry. You’ll even have a chance to ask questions of current and former DOLLS parents, and much more!

Join us for all or some!

August 13th-15th D.O.L.L.S. Lake Lavon Baptist Camp

5 Main Conference

Princeton, Texas

RREGISTER EGISTER TTODAY ODAY HOW to register... Register online at To avoid online merchant fees mail your check to 1105 E. Main St #217, Allen, TX 75002


$75 Deposit due by July 1st Remaining BALANCE due Aug 1st

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