Kiwi Chronicles OFFICIAL
D I V I S I O N 2 N E WS L E T T E R
Castro Valley— Jeff Van helps out at the Studio One Clean Up, a Division-wide Service (DWS).
Recognition page 8 June DCM/OTC 22
ICON 2013 28 CNH District Board 29
August 2013 Volume 2 // Issue 4
& more.
Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali -Nev-Ha District | Key Club
INSIDE TH LTG’s Welcome 4 Upcoming Events 6 July DCM Agenda 7 Club Summaries 13 Articles 19 June DCM/OTC 22 Studio One Clean Up 24 July BBQ DCM 25 2
HIS ISSUE Fundraising Ideas 28 ICON 2013/International Board
District Board 31 DNE’s Closing Message
Contact Info 33 Thank You 36
Photo credits to Julie Ho, Skyline. 3
Happy summer, Kiwis! Summer literally flew by! The school year is about to begin and I’m sure that all of our Kiwis are busy bees! I would like to give a huge thank you to the DLT for doing such a great job at maintaining the Division while I am absent. I’ll be back soon! I hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful summer filled with service, love and happiness. I can’t wait to come back and tell you all about my experience in Paraguay! I hope many of you were able to attend the DCM on the 16th! If not, I hope to see you at our next DCM. We have tons of events coming up, so look out for them! Let’s start this school year strong, yes? Have an amazing time back to school! Each month, I have one deed of kindness I’d like to see our fellow Kiwis complete. :) You can Facebook or e-mail me a photo or message of how it goes! Deed of Kindness: Donate clothes that you aren’t using! :)
Flying with Service,
Division 2 Lieutenant Governor
Photo credits to the Amigos de las Américas Paraguay Facebook page. 4
Can you spot Cindy?
August 2013 Sun
Fall Training Conference
Look! Is Cindy back from Paraguay already?
Meet Ginger!
DWS: Studio One Clean Up When: August 3rd, 10am– 2pm
What’s in the box, Kelly?!
Where: Studio One, 365 45th Street, Oakland, CA
August DCM
Where: Ohlone Park
When: August 16th, 10am– 2pm
What: Tie Dye + Spirit Training
Fall Training Conference
Where: Studio One, Oakland, CA
When: August 10th, 10am—12pm
What: More training to prepare officers for the
upcoming school year!
August DCM Agenda AUGUST 16, 2013 Division 2 | Region 9
Tie-Dye DCM
We’ll provide the T-shirts and you guys provide the fun!
There will be an admission fee to help pay for the T-shirts and supplies.
Want to participate? Let your club president know and what T-shirt size you want.
Check out the division website!
R ECOGNITION Alameda had the most service hours. Berkeley had the most funds raised for service. El Cerrito is our club of the month.
Division Kiwis of the Month Officer of the Month
Kiwanian of the Month
Han Tran (Arroyo)
Virginia Carpenter (Berkeley)
Division Member of the Month
San Leandro: DAVID TRUONG ―What I like about Key Club is the passion and leadership that everyone has not only towards community service, but also the dedication that we all put towards one goal.‖ ―One interesting fact about me is that I love to sing because it gets rid of all my stress and calms myself when I feel like I have something to express or when I am not in a good mood.‖ 8
CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Alameda: EMILY LIU ―My favorite memory of Key Club is when my friends and I spent all day baking really ugly cupcakes, brownies and cookies (not on purpose!) for the bake sale.‖ ―A favorite movie would be The Croods.‖
Albany: ALYSSA SHAN ―I don’t really have a favorite moment, but I like the times when volunteering, when not only do you bond with the people you volunteer with but with the people you volunteer for.‖ ―Favorite song of all time? Hakuna Matata. My life philosophy.‖
Arroyo: KASEY PHAM ―I like that Key Club brings us all together so that we can better the community. And [also] cute girls.‖ ―I like The Cat in the Hat, but the movie made me cry. It was really scary.‖
CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Berkeley: TAMAYA REID ―I like Key Club because it helps you to help others. I’ve always heard about people in difficult situations and I never really knew what I could do about it, so I found Key Club to be a gateway to helping those people.‖ ―This summer, I am going to L.A. and Yosemite with my family. I’m really excited!‖
Castro Valley: JAMES ZHEN ―All of the time I spent with Key Club has been great, but my favorite memory is going to March of Dimes. Volunteering together at the event helped me get to know more of my fellow members (as does spending hours cramped in public transit). The people’s enthusiasm to support a good cause was extraordinary. We had many laughs and it was a great experience.‖ ―My favorite book is The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.‖
El Cerrito: MIKAELA CASI ―I like how Key Club is international and how we participate in community activities, enabling us to meet new people. ―[This summer, I plan on] swimming and volunteering at my church, especially with the home bound. Oh! And taking voice lessons.‖
CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Encinal: ANDY HUANG ―What I like about Key Club is that many people really get very hyped and doing service. I personally like meeting new people and throwing myself out there.‖ ―My favorite food is Pad Thai.‖
Oakland: JOYCELYN LY ―My favorite memory is Fall Rally North because it’s a chance to have fun and meet new and different members.‖ ―My plan during the summer is helping little kids and working at my job to teach little kids to swim.‖
Oakland Tech: CHRISTIE LUONG ―Everyone [in Key Club] is so enthusiastic and welcoming. I felt like I was part of it immediately.‖ ―This summer, I’m working and in August, I’m going to Southern California and after that I’m camping.‖
CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Piedmont: KEVIN SHUM ―My favorite Key Club memory is volunteering with Uhuru Foods at Maker Faire because we got to cook and eat delicious food.‖ ―I’ve been traveling throughout Hong Kong this summer with my family.‖
Skyline: ANDREW HO ―[My favorite Key Club memory is] going to San Francisco to help with the Cherry Blossom Festival.‖ ―HA! BOOKS… What are those?‖
Kiwi Points Note: These Kiwi Points are percentages per member.
Alameda: 10.86
Castro Valley: 5.01
Oakland Tech: 15.57
Albany: 24.68
El Cerrito: 0.00
Piedmont: 36.75
Arroyo: 9.54
Encinal: 3.38
San Leandro: 16.63
Berkeley: 11.89
Oakland High: 7.47
Skyline: 11.74
Piedmont is in the lead. G-double-O-D-J-O-B Good job! Good job!
Though it is summer break, everyone in Alameda Key Club is still active with service! Starting with Relay for Life, volunteers stayed overnight to support the American Cancer Society. The next service event was the Crown Beach Restoration, where our members collaborated to clean our local beach. And finally, we had the Parking Sign Clean Up event, where Alameda and Encinal Key Clubbers teamed up to take down the signs the day after July Fourth. Even with everyone’s busy summer schedules, Alameda Key Club is still (and always!) ready to contribute to our community.
ALBANY This month, Albany Key Club attended the July Fourth Festival in El Cerrito, helping our Kiwanis club sell hotdogs. The event was a great success, selling out a total of 4000 hotdogs in less than three hours! The Kiwanians appreciated our help a lot! We also have a couple of events coming up this summer, such as the AIDS walk and the Safety Palooza. It's great seeing Key Clubbers taking their time out of their break to help out their community!
Club Summaries
ARROYO Arroyo Key Club participated in events such as the Studio One Clean Up and the July DCM, a barbeque hosted by Castro Valley. Also, Arroyo High School was cheerfully recognized as a chartered club at the Installation BBQ when presented a banner and a bell by our advisors Vonnah Bagner and Chad Pennebaker. Upcoming events include a movie night, an event co-hosted by San Leandro and Arroyo Key Club. We will be showing Back to the Future, a movie from 1985, on the big screen at the BAL theater. Both San Leandro and Arroyo are working hard to sell tickets and fundraise for their clubs. Arroyo officers are meeting together this summer to plan for a better KEY experience this upcoming school year. Our main focuses include increasing club members, increasing fundraising and providing our members with a more memorable club experience.
BERKELEY This month, Berkeley Key Club only had one event, but it was very successful. We had a bake sale on Fourth Street in Berkeley. We raised around $100. We all came together to bake cookies, brownies, Blondies, cupcakes, lemon bars and made lemonade. Most of our goods were sold and all of the money made went to PTP. It's great how we made a good amount for a great cause!
CASTRO VALLEY This month, we attended the DWS event: Studio One Clean Up. We did gardening as well as cleaning the surrounding areas of Studio One. Also, we helped out at the annual Castro Valley Run to the Lake event where we handed out water to the runners and monitored the course. A few members from Oakland Tech also volunteered at the event. I encourage all members to attend next year because it was an amazingly fun and exciting event. We also had a successful car wash to FUNdraise for PTP.
EL CERRITO On July Fourth, we volunteered at the Fourth of July Festival at Cerrito Vista Park. The event was fun! Everyone enjoyed themselves while volunteering. We all helped out at the game booths and kiddie rides during the festival. This festival was a great experience as our first event. Also, El Cerrito High School Key Club is planning to have a car wash soon.
ENCINAL There hasn't been much going on for Encinal Key Club for the past month. There was a scheduled Safeway fundraiser, but unfortunately it was canceled. We are trying to set future events and we even have plans for recruiting new Key Clubbers at next school year's registration.
OAKLAND HIGH For the month of July, we had many service events available for our members to attend. Even though it's summer and a lot of members have things planned out with family and friends, there are still those who are ready to help when there's a chance! Some events include Run or Dye, Relay for Life, and division wide events which were Studio One Clean Up and the annual AIDS WALK in San Francisco! We're excited for more service events and we can't wait to see what's in store for us!
OAKLAND TECH In the month of June, Oakland Tech Key Club ended the 2012-2013 school year with a banquet. Our club became inactive during finals week, but we started doing service immediately after summer started! We volunteered a couple times at the Uhuru’s Market at the Grand Lake Farmer’s Market. During June, we had a bake sale in Berkeley to fundraise for Pediatric Trauma Program. In July, we had a couple of our members that went to the Studio One Clean Up as a Division Wide Service. We also volunteered at Run or Dye in San Francisco. Also, for the rest of July, we plan on volunteering at the AIDS Walk of San Francisco, Oakland’s Relay for Life, and also having another bake sale as a fundraiser.
PIEDMONT With many of our members traveling over the summer, this past month has been a little bit slow, but we’ve still managed to make time for volunteering and bonding with our fellow Key Clubbers! A couple of our members attended the Studio One Clean Up and San Francisco AIDS Walk DWS. We also enjoyed relaxing and eating delicious food at the July DCM at Lake Chabot. Currently, we are thinking of ideas to maximize member recruitment for school registration. In addition, before school starts up again, we plan on holding a few fundraisers, perhaps bake sales, to raise money for PTP!
SAN LEANDRO The month of July was a relaxing month for San Leandro! The events we hosted and attended were service or social events. For instance, San Leandro hosted the June OTC/DCM at the San Leandro Main Library, where Division 2 discussed the upcoming DCM, goals, recognition and businesses. Our Kiwanian, Vonnah Bagner, was the Kiwanian of the month! The San Leandro Art Association Festival of Art was basically an event where our Key Club had to watch over equipment. DWS Studio One Art Center was hosted by Oakland Tech and we beautified the gardens by, for example, cutting bushes, planting and picking roots. The Installation BBQ was for San Leandro Key Club and Arroyo Key Club. The new board was recognized and installed. We had activities going on such as water fights, the barbecue and icebreakers! Also, San Leandro Key Club won the Distinguish Club Diamond Level Award! Our goal is to have our car wash as soon as possible and to have more members join our club.
SKYLINE Although it's summer, the Skyline Key Club still hasn't slowed down. We're still trying to recruit members, and when school registration starts, we'll be hoping to be at a table, ready to spread the word of Key Club. Besides that, there are no new events except AIDS Walk and Relay for Life.
Castro Valley
Castro Valley
Castro Valley volunteers at the Run to the Lake event.
Castro Valley
El Cerrito and Albany helps out at the Fourth of July Festival. Piedmont prepares food for Uhuru Foods.
Piedmont 19
El Cerrito
San Leandro and Arroyo Key Clubbers have fun pieing their presidents and advisors as well as participating in the watermelon eating contest.
Installation Barbecue By Emily Cai, Arroyo On July 14th, San Leandro and Arroyo Key Clubs came together to welcome and recognize their new officers. Key Clubbers also cheerfully celebrated with past officers for serving an amazing term this past year. Participants enjoyed a variety of activities including a water balloon fight, a watermelon eating contest, getting soaked with water guns, ice breakers, suck-a-skittle competition and getting pied in the face. With great enthusiasm, kiwis munched down on juicy, sweet watermelon as if there was no tomorrow. Han Tran, president of Arroyo Key Club, won first place and Breana Wong took on second. Everyone got to enjoy a BBQ lunch as they proceeded on to make new friends and chatter among themselves. Installation time arrived when officers were called to receive a pin of recognition from the lovely club advisors, Vonnah Bagner and Chad Pennebaker. San Leandro’s club president, Jessica Huynh, was pied in the face by vice president Edmond Lau. Han Tran, president of Arroyo Key Club was pied on the spot by Kasey Pham. In addition to officer recognitions, Arroyo High School was presented with a Key Club banner as well as a bell as a result of being chartered on January 28th, 2013. Everyone enjoyed a joyous afternoon with much laugher as we all witnessed our lovely advisors Vonnah and Chad getting pied in the face. Key Clubber Tiffany Cai, claims, ―You can feel the energy and the urge for revenge in the air.‖ Summer time fun has just begun with our kiwi family! 20
Parking Sign Clean Up By Aiden Sun, Alameda On the Friday morning of July 5th, a group of Key Clubbers came together to help take down street signs left over from the Fourth of July parade. There were about ten volunteers from both Alameda and Encinal Key Club. Everyone brought scissors and pliers to cut down the signs that were located from the South Shore shopping center to Park and Central Street. The whole event was spectacular because everyone had a chance to communicate with each other while doing a service to the community. It was fun bonding with other Key Clubbers.
Avery Kuang (Alameda) takes down signs.
Studio One Clean Up By Anthony Nguyen, San Leandro
San Leandro
Kiwis hard at work!
During this month we had a couple of events, but the event that stood out the most was the Division-wide service (DWS) at the Studio One Art Center. It was a combined event with all of Division 2. San Leandro had three members that showed up (one old member and two new members!) and they did a lot of work that included gardening and cleaning the areas nearby Studio One. Everyone enjoyed serving the community together and had a great time bonding.
Check out pages 24-25 for another article about the DWS! 21
Photo credits to Julie Ho, Skyline.
June DCM & A Learning Exper
―I personally thought this OTC was a very informational eve rent LTG, and Charles Chu, our past LTG, first went over h as of being anyone. Then, Cindy talked about the jobs of ea task coordinator. She also discussed ways to fundraise. One ca sale.
The goal of our division is to raise $10,000 for PTP by FRN the term. Our service goals are 1,200 hours per month and depend on which school. Even if a school already has plenty room to increase in numbers!
In between the power point presentations we had a quick lu this time everyone had the chance to socialize with each oth cream before returning to the rest of the presentations. In th a letter to our future selves and a goal on another piece of p
The whole event was a great experience – I loved how inform Club and of course, the food!‖
- Peony Chen, Preferred Charities Ta
ent. Cindy Weng, our curhow to become a better leader ach individual officer and the example was to have a tapio-
N and $10,000 by the end of membership increase goals y of members, there’s always
unch of pizza and chips. At her. We later had cups of ice he end, Cindy had us write paper that everyone signed.
mational it was on Key
ask Coordinator
Studio One C
―The June DWS at the Studio One Art C tended this year. During the past division there were always other local service proje special occasions and etc. Only the secretary (Bryan In) and I attend we mainly did some gardening work. For e cleaned up leaves. Since I don’t go to man other Key Clubbers from other schools. H switch off a job, or were tired, I met someo work as a team, and it seemed very easy to end of the service event, I ended up talkin gained experience in gardening. It was def
- Alicia Phang, Vic
Photo credits to Francisco Aguilera, Castro Valley. 24
Clean Up A Good
Center was actually the first division event I atevents, including the other DWS’s and DCMs, cts for our club, other mandatory school events,
ded the DWS from our club. During the event, example, we pulled out weeds, cut bushes and ny division events, I don’t actually know many However, each time another person wanted to one new from our division. It was really nice to o start a conversation with a new person. At the ng to some other kiwis and I also learned and finitely a very nice first DWS.‖
ce President of Albany
y! a d h t py Bir
p A Ha―The July DCM was a new experience because our However, the DLT was there to lead it.
We started off the DCM with what club updates, t ending with fun cheers lead by FRN Coordinator J duced a special guest: our very own "Cindy Weng" head on a stick).
We then proceeded on to the barbecue cooked by Chan, and the Alameda advisor, Scott MacAskill. T worth the five dollars. Some members also helped PTP dolls. Volunteers helped put on labels and stu
There was also a water fight mostly targeted at Oak me, being it was our birthday. The DLT really pull of the DCM and I was glad to be able to celebrate
- Jessica Huynh, President
Photo credits to Julie Ho, Skyline. 26
r dear Miss LTG Cindy was gone.
then with our future plans and Jeremy Yu. The DLT then intro(a cardboard cut-out of Cindy's
the Oakland advisor, Victor The food was delicious and well the Kiwanis LTG Roberta with uffing.
kland Tech's Megan Phuong and ed it off well in every component my birthday with them as well.‖
t of San Leandro
Oakland Tech
n io it d a r T w e N A Bake Sales: ―Fundraising for our preferred charities can get tough during the summer. Especially when a lot of our Kiwis are busy taking summer classes, going on vacation, or enjoying their summer, summer is a really hard time to come together and fundraise. However, my club has figured an easy solution to this problem. Every last Sunday of the month, we would travel to 4th Street in Berkeley and sell our homemade baked goods to the public. It’s sort of like a potluck, except we’re selling it. It became a tradition in our club to have a bake sale every month as a fundraiser! Also, it’s a really fun one! During our bake sales, we would do cheers to attract customers to come to our table. Anything really works, like,―1.80 can save a child’s life, donate today.‖ We would have brochures for The EliMiNaTe Project and the Pediatric Trauma Program in case our customers want to get involved or learn more. Another bonus is educating the public by explaining the charities when they purchase some baked goods. In terms of bringing baked goods, what my club found out that sells out easily are brownies, cookies, cupcakes, muffins, and French macarons. Being the baker that I am, I would go crazy and bring like 5-7 things every time we have a Bake Sale. Finally, this is a great opportunity to bond with your officers, whether you bake together and have a movie night, or just cheering on top of your lungs to attract customers to your table, this is an excellent idea to fundraise and bond together as a club!‖
-Alan Kwok, President of Oakland Tech
Oakland Tech
Castro Valley
Carwashes 28
Oakland Tech
Bake Sales/Bake Offs
Movie Night 29
Talent Show
The 2013-2014 Key Club International Board International Vice President Rachel Benoit, LouisianaMississippi-West Tennessee District
International President Raeford Penny, Capital District
Trustees: Alberto Berrizbeitia, Roshni Chandwani, Renisha Daley, Avery Hitchcock, Kelsie Hoppes, Madison Kemker, Casey O’Neill, Maria Palazzolo, Michelle Petersen, Zachary Waldorf, Eric Yoon
International Recognition
Oakland Tech and San Leandro received an international and district award for being Diamond Distinguished Clubs in the CNH District of the 2012-2013 term. Our 2012-2013 LTG Charles Chu was also awarded with the Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lt. Governor Award. Congratulations to all! :) 30
The 2013-2014 California-Nevada-Hawaii District Board meets up for their May Board Meeting.
Meet the The Executive Board
(From left to right): District Governor Victoria Lai, District Secretary Amanda Redublo, District Treasurer Johansen Pico, District Tech Editor Lincoln To.
The Leadership Team News Editor: Kelly Chan Communications & Marketing Chair: Jennifer Nguyen District Convention Chair: Madison Draper Kiwanis Family & Foundation Chair: Carissa Yen Member Relations Chair: Jeffrey Xiong Policy Int’l & Elections Chair: Jacob Torres Service Projects Chair: Kelly Soares 31
Hello Kiwis! I hope everyone had a fantastic July! Summer really is going by fast! What have you done? This summer, I went to Southern California and Las Vegas, attended an absolutely eye-opening leadership camp, went camping for the first time, and I will be going to a running camp later this month. I’d really love for you all to share with me what you’ve done. Tell me and I may potentially feature it in the next issue. Although the school year is quickly approaching, it is still summer! Haven’t done much? Don’t sweat it. This is your summer and this is your time. I encourage you all to create for yourselves an enjoyable, productive, and impactful summer. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend both DWS events in July — looks like everyone had a blast though. :) However, I did attend the July DCM and I really hope everyone had a good time. The DLT worked hard and got the job done — and so, I’d like to give a quick shout-out to my wonderful counterparts Edmond, Jeff, Julie and ALSO to the Task Coordinators! Finally, I must give a shout-out to everyone who went. As we were preparing, multiple people would come up and volunteer to help us prepare the food and the grills. Every time I go to a division event, I am constantly reminded of how selfless and genuine the Kiwis are. Thank you for being you! I’m super stoked about the events coming up in August. I’ll see you guys then! ^_^
Yours In Service, , Division Newsletter Editor P.S: I spotted some typos in the last issue. If you ever notice any mistakes, do not hesitate to let me know! Thanks! :) 32
C ontac t Info Cindy Weng Division 2 Lieutenant Governor
Jeff Van
Executive Assistant
(510)-847-3607 (510)-779-8215
Danica Liang Division Newsletter Editor
Julie Ho
Executive Assistant
(510)-846-9238 (510)-213-3049
Edmond Lau Executive Assistant (510)-701-6980
’ s t n e Presid
C ontac t Info
Jay Zhang
Ayleng Giang
Han Tran
Molly Wampler
Kevin Moyung
Christina Zhou
Tsz Yau Wong
Janet Yan
Alan Kwok
Taylor Chow
Jessica Huynh
Lena Chen
Region Advisors
Douglas Gin
Lisa Grover
Thank you for reading!
If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, please contact Cindy or Danica.