Division 2 April 2016

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American Indian Key Clubbers finalize the details of the March DCM hosted by their club.

Kiwi Points 8 Recognition 10 Conclave 26 Articles 27

April 2016 Volume IV // Issue 11 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

LTG’s Welcome

Page 4

Upcoming Events

Page 6


Page 7

Kiwi Points

Page 8


Page 10

Club Reports

Page 15


Page 25

District Newsletter

Page 31

DCON 2016

Page 32

DNE’s Closing Message Page 34 DLT Contact Info

Page 35

President’s Contact Info Page 36


Happy April, Kiwis! The end of the term is finally here. This is my last Lieutenant Governor's Intro, and that's no April Fool's joke! As we reach the end of our term together, it doesn't hurt to look back. I really do hope taking F.L.I.G.H.T. was as good of an experience for you as it was for me. Do you remember our very first DCM? The Snapchat Scavenger Hunt? Man, was I nervous that day. That was the day I learned that I could count on all of you to support me when I needed it. Do you remember the June DCM? That was the day I learned how important the Kiwanis Family was to me. Do you remember Region Training Conference? That was the weekend I learned I could be the leader I've always dreamed of. Do you remember Fall Rally North? That was the day I learned that the Kiwis are capable of anything. Do you remember Conclave 2016? That was the day I learned there is always room to improve in the future with new leadership. Thank you for everything that you have done this term. Seeing our successes and times of hardship has made me fall more in love with Key Club than ever before. You, as student leaders, are capable of anything. Thank you for giving me the motivation and passion to serve you all for these past thirteen months. I'll still be around, don't you worry; I'm not gone yet! Remember, I'm always a quick message or phone call away. You will are grow so much under the leadership of Meiling in the coming term. I look forward to watching your passion grow from the sidelines. Once a Kiwi, always a Kiwi.

Taking FLIGHT in Service,

Calvin Tang
 Division 2 Lieutenant Governor







Friday 1


MRF due!. 3



One Day




























Articles & Visuals due!

CNH District
 Convention 2016 Friday, April 30 Sunday, April 10 Sacramento Convention Center

April DCM: Divisions 2, 26S, & 26N Banquet Saturday, April 30 6PM - 10PM Danville Grange Hall

DCON 2016



Meet thousands of Key Clubbers from all over CNH during and unforgettable weekend. Be recognized for your year of service and be installed into a new term.

Kick off the new term with a new Lt. Governor by celebrating the successes and accomplishments of the past term.

Division 2 | April DCM Agenda Saturday, April 30th | 6PM - 10PM | Danville Grange Hall I.

E. Kiwi Tip: Transition 1. Share important materials and files 2. Meet up for training 3. Ask questions F. Division Goals 1. 5 service events per month 2. Hold a joint interclub event 3. 1 fundraiser for preferred charities 4. Attend the next DCM 5. Form bonds between the new board and club G. Recognition | April 2016 1. Club of the Month: 2. Member of the Month: 3. Officer of the Month: 4. Advisor of the Month: H. DCM/Newsletter Questions

CALL TO ORDER A. Pledges B. Roll Call (# of officers, members,

advisors) 1. Albany, Alameda, American Indian, Arroyo, Berkeley, Castro Valley, El Cerrito, Encinal, Leadership Public, Oakland, Oakland Technical, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Skyline

C. Advisors & Guests II. OLD BUSINESS A. Club Reports - ____ edition B. Mach DWS: Great Egg Hunt C. DCON 2016 D. Over 15,0000 Service Hours E. Over $____ raised for preferred charities III. NEW BUSINESS A. DLT Applications 1. Task Coordinators Applications Due 2. Executive Assistant & Division News Editor Deadline: a) Executive Assistants MUST be underclassmen 3. Video Announcement ore results B. May DCM C. Club Visitations D. Kiwi Tip: G- Grow 1. Apply for a DLT position! 2. Attend an Officer Training Conference 3. Keep an eye out for future leadership opportunities

Contact Me! Meiling Zhang email: d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com call/text: (510) 909-4393


Website: www.d2kiwis.org

Twitter & Instagram: @division2kiwis

Google Reflector tinyurl.com/D2KeyClub

Facebook Group:


Early MRF:

Submit your report form before the 1st at 6PM!


On-time MRF: It must

be received by 6PM on the 5th of each month.


Late Submissions:

You do not get penalized. Better late than never!


On-time MoM/OoM:

Fill out the Google Form and send in a photo by 6PM on the 10th!

Kiwi Points


The Google Form must be timestamped before 6PM on the 5th of each month.


On-time Article:

They must be received by 6PM on the 10th of each month for full points.


On-time Visual:


Service Events:

Hold 5 service events in a month.


$150 to PTP/MNT:

Donate at least $150 to PTP or MNT in a month.


Member/ Officer:

Earn one point for each one present!



Each visual that is submitted Advisors before 6PM on the10th Earn ten will receive 2 points. points for each one Anyone can submit! present!

AS OF 4/1/2016

Alameda Albany American Indian Arroyo Berkeley Castro Valley El Cerrito

On-time TMRF:

379 698 421 609 269 888 99

Encinal Leadership Public Oakland Oakland Technical Piedmont San Leandro San Lorenzo Skyline

385 86 334 366 396 381 531 315





American Indian


Arroyo Berkeley

609 269

Castro Valley


El Cerrito




Leadership Public 86



Oakland Tech




San Leandro


San Lorenzo Skyline

531 315

RECOGNITION 61 4.5ARROYO had the most service hours.



PIEDMONT raised the most funds. ARROYO is our club of the month.

KIWANIAN of the month BILL K’BURG— On top of being club advisors, Kiwanians have their own busy lives, but he still makes time to chaperone his Key Clubs. Although the February DCM was on the same day as Kiwanis mid-year North, he still came out to watch Kiwis participate in Running Man inspired activities.

AIDEN SUN— Despite being a senior in a club that’s near the end of the division’s boundaries, he always tries his best to attend division events. His stellar term as president also led him to apply for the Distinguished President award, so his hard work does not go unnoticed.

MEMBER of the month


TIFFANY CAI— She always tries to go out

of her way to attend any kinds of events that she can. From her attendance to DCMs to service events and even to Arroyo’s Kiwanis Takeover, she shows that you don’t need to be an officer to be dedicated. Her spirit and passion for Key Club is only continuing to grow stronger despite the stress of junior year and only having one more year left in Key Club.


OFFICER of the month

Alameda “My favorite aspect of key club is how there are a lot of community service opportunities to help out our community and others” “My favorite key club memory was when I did community service at Salvation Army helping to serve food to people.” “Key Club has impacted my life because it makes me want to do more community service and help others.”

Member of the Month:

Melanie Yip


Favorite Aspect: “Volunteering and watching people coming together for an event.” Favorite Memory: “At FRN, I ate ice cream with the president of our club.” Impact of Key Club: “I made many new friends.”

Member of the Month:


American Indian “I like that Key Club gives me the chance to meet new people while serving the community.” “My favorite memory would be the Kaiser 5K run. Although it was raining that day, I still can't forget the fun all I had with my friends, cheering on the runners.” “Key Club really helped me grow as a person. I was able to practice my communication skills.”

Member of the Month:

Anderson Luong


Favorite Aspect of Key Club: “I'm not sure yet.” “My favorite Key Club memory was FRN because it's where I can bond and meet new people.”

Member of the Month:

“Key Club impacted my life because it gave me an opportunity to give back to the community.”

Benita Ng


“My favorite aspect of Key Club is the positive effect it has on the community.” “My favorite Key Club memory would be bagging fruit at the alameda food bank while getting to know my fellow key clubbers.” “It has resulted in me getting to know my community more and realizing how much volunteer work is needed, and it has made me love giving back.”

Member of the Month:

Mackenzie Nye

Castro Valley “My favorite aspect of Key Club is that we help the community and people around us without getting any benefits from it, like money for example.” “My favorite Key Club memory is the first DCM we had at UC Berkeley because I got to meet many kiwis from other schools in our division.”

Member of the Month:

Amber Dai

“Key Club has impacted my life by giving me a new meaning of "service," I made many many friends from Key Club, and I got to know a lot of key clubbers outside of our school and division.”


“My favorite aspect is that there are routine division-wide events. This is unlike other clubs and it definitely promotes camaraderie with kiwis of other schools.” “Running for a position and becoming part of one of my first high school clubs taught me the importance of being dedicated rather than just being affiliated with the club. It taught me that I need to dedicate myself to what I am enrolled in rather than trying to be in everything and doing a poor job.”

Member of the Month:

Armen Phelps


Favorite Aspect of Key Club: “Being able to make other people happy.” Favorite Key Club Memory: “Helping out at Oakland High's club fair with Key Club” Member of the Month:

Impact of Key Club: “It made me want to commit more into community service!”

Hannah Hoang

Oakland Technical Favorite Aspect of Key Club: “The family connection” Favorite Key Club Memory: “Ohacks ” Impact of Key Club: “I have made new friends through Key Club as well as strengthen old friendships.”

Member of the Month:

Austin Nguyen


Favorite Aspect of Key Club: “I enjoy contributing to the community while being surrounded by friends.” Favorite Key Club Memory: “I loved volunteering at an art festival in San Francisco and experiencing the underground culture of art.”

Member of the Month:

Impact of Key Club: “I feel more grateful because I work to contribute to and help a community.”

Bentre Nguyen

H T N O M E H T F O S R E C I F OF American Indian—


Linda Nguyen


Jennifer Che

Castro Valley—

Khai Pham

Aiden Sun



Emily Yu

Raymond Ng

Oakland Technical—


Antonio Calbo-Jackson


Charlotte Chan

Phu Hoang


Angela Zhou

ClubClubRepOrts RepOrts This past month Alameda's Key Club finished board elections. We are in the process of teaching the new board how to run Key Club in terms of PowerPoints, ideas on how to get more members, and also roles of what each officer do in Key Club. We had our first bake sale in which we got donations from local bakeries. We made a total of $331. We were pretty successful.We will be having another bake sale in a couple of weeks.

February was an exciting and busy month for Albany Key Club! We helped at the Chocolate and Champagne Gala, Chinese New Year Celebration, Golden Gate Audubon Event, Albany Film Fest, and East Bay Homeless Connect, all important events for the community! Lastly, we held elections for the 2016-17 term and are excited to start trainings soon!

As we're getting close to the end of the term, we still managed to volunteer for the annual Kaiser Permanente 5k/ Half Marathon for the third year, the Laurel Dragon Dance Parade, and Super Star Literacy. In addition to our busy month, we held our officers election for our 2016-17 term and hosted February's DCM!

February proved to be a huge success for Arroyo! This month, our club participated in a variety of service events such as Super Bowl Fever, Bay Breeze Half Marathon, Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church Crab Feed, and Chabot Trail Run. During Kiwanis Takeover, we managed to raise over $500. This month also brought a pleasant turn, as we elected our new board for the 2016-2017 term and we were able to deliver windbreakers to outside schools in Division 2.

In February, Berkeley High School Key Club volunteered at two different events. On Saturday, February 13, we volunteered at the Berkeley Food Pantry. On Sunday, February 21, we went to Glide in San Francisco.

Service never stops. We went to Oakland to volunteer at the Joaquin Miller Plant Nursery on the 13th to help remove weeds and regrow plants. We also displayed our club booth at the second semester Club Day and got many new members. On the 21st, we attended the Berkeley Bay Shore event to remove invasive plants and cleaned up the shore.We finally wrapped up elections and announced the officers for the 2016-2017 term!

Send in a photo of your club to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com to make sure your club gets to be showcased like it deserves.

We have not had any events this month. This month we have concentrated our efforts on acquiring the funds to send next year's board to DCON.

This month our club began to prepare the new term in meeting and events. First we had the Oakland Estuary clean up, where we volunteered to beautify our bay. Then we attended the DCM in Alameda with some our first time members. Finally we had our monthly food bank, as usual.

Do YOU want to show off what your club has been up to the past month? Contact your club’s Editor/Historian and send a summar y along with a photo to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com.

Do YOU want to show off what your club has been up to the past month? Contact your club’s Editor/Historian and send a summar y along with a photo to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com.

In the past month, Oakland Tech's Key Club has volunteered for Uhuru Foods a couple of times, raised over $130 from a boba fundraiser, and most excitingly, we received the honor to help make Oakland's first ever Hack-a-thon happen! Our new 2016 - 2017 election and board have been finalized, so we look forward for the next term to be as great, or even greater, as our past term!

This past month, our club volunteered twice with the American Women's Medical Association (AMWA) and also held club elections and bubble tea fundraisers. At the AMWA event, we all went to our Vice President's house to assist her mom's organization in assembling medical kits and paper cranes. We're also continued our bubble tea sales to raise over $250!

Do YOU want to show off what your club has been up to the past month? Contact your club’s Editor/Historian and send a summar y along with a photo to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com.

For the month of February, San Lorenzo Key Club participated in MedShare and we also teamed up with Earth Team in the San Marina Cleanup Event. We also had our elections for next year's board members.

This month we have been steadily running elections and electing our new board. Even though this has taken up most of our time, we have still been able to provide services. The most attended one was when we helped Earth Team's and FOSC's park restoration project in Joaquin Miller Park.

We came together with Interact Area 2 for a night of service, bonding, and friendship.


Charlotte Chan & Linh Tran, Encinal This month, many of our club members took part in a division wide event, the February DCM at Washington Park in Alameda. The scenic park located next to the bay and the perfect weather was absolutely fitting for such a meeting. A few members and almost all of the officers were present at the event, which was great for us. We arrived early to socialize with other Key Club members and with our current and upcoming Lieutenant Governor. The DCM starts with the division meeting, where we

discussed past events, division progress, and other upcoming events such as District Convention 2016 (DCON). The meeting portion was a lot more entertaining and enjoyable because there was a little twist to it. Instead of each club just reporting information about the progress, we had to do so in either a rap or a poem. Our president, Kathy, shared a poem that she wrote about our club and we all loved it! After the meeting portion, we all played mini games based on the popular

Korean Show “Running Man.� We got a chance to bond with other Key Clubbers naturally by having fun and enjoying the game with one another. After the games and all the fun festivities, everyone sat down on the picnic tables near the ocean to eat the snacks provided. Because of our excellent attendance for this event, our vice president rewarded us with pizza during the following meeting. We look forward to the next DCM before the term officially ends.

Rachel Fong, Piedmont On a sunny February morning, we all arrived at Washington Park for the DCM hosted by American Indian. After catching up with our fellow Kiwis, we started off the meeting. During club reports, we all enjoyed hearing each other rap about our club’s progress throughout the month. Then Lieutenant Governor Calvin Tang led announcements and reminders about DCON, club elections, and more. Afterwards, it was time for the fun “Running Man” games that American Indian planned! To start off, we played a game where we hopped on one foot and tried to knock each other over. Even the Division Leadership Team got involved as we laughed and hopped around. Next, American Indian announced that they had hidden six party hats around the park, and Kiwis raced around the area to find them. Ultimately, it seemed that Team 1 was winning across the board in the games. This hu nt fo r ha ts wa s followed by even more Running Man inspired games, including a game where we passed sticky notes from mouth to mouth, ate Pocky, and made human pyramids. Overall, we all enjoyed our second-to-last DCM hosted by American Indian. Although it may be one of the last DCMs of the term, our Kiwi spirit was still in FLIGHT!


The 2015-16 term is sadly coming to an end, but with it is a new board to take over! We held our elections on Fe b r u a r y 2 5 t h , a m u ch anticipated day for the entire club. We started the meeting with a short overview of past and upcoming events, then went right into elections, as we had quite a few people to go through! Two Kiwanis members came to watch as well and help us count the votes afterwards. Each candidate was asked to present a speech or presentation of the sort, and then answer questions from the audience and a few caucus questions we had prepared.

Although most of the candidates seemed a little nervous, all were well prepared and excited to be running. One of our candidates who ran for Secretary, Ruby Tang, presented a poem as her speech, a creative and fun way to engage the audience and also get the message across. Another candidate who also ran for Secretary, Jennifer Che, had even prepared a slideshow for her speech, but unfortunately our projector overheated and we couldn’t show it. Nevertheless, she gave a heartwarming speech about her love for Key Club and how it connected her to so many people, telling a story about how she received help from a

Tiffany Huynh, Albany stranger when she got lost taking the ACT’s at another high school. The girl had seen she had on a Key Club sweatshirt, and because of it, they had instantly connected as the girl was in Key Club too. Ever yone’s speeches were special in their own ways and, as our President Xiuhoon said, “[they] all pulled on my hear tstrings with [their] genuine words about [their] love for Key Club.” After presentations, caucus questions, and a lot of “Abooga booga boogas” (“How do you feel,” much to the mild annoyance of some candidates, was a very popular audience question), the votes were counted and the final results in! It was a successful and exciting election, with everyone putting in their whole efforts in running, all deserving a big round of applause. Albany Key Club 2016-17 is in good hands!


Raymond Chu, Oakland Tech In February, Oakland’s first ever Hack-a-thon took place at Oakland Technical High School’s upper campus. In this informative, fun, and friendly event, high school students from all over the Bay Area were welcomed to join i n to l e a r n a b o u t a p p developing, computer programming, and what it’s like being in the computer science category.

Oakland Tech’s Key Club was honored to have this first ever event held at our very own campus and was very glad to help the young and enthusiastic teenagers that are interested in the world of computer science. Oakland Tech Key volunteers helped set up the event, guide guests to their workshops and stations, and helped clean up. Throughout this event,

high school students from over the Bay Area gathered and formed groups to design and present their miniprojects - whether it be a digital program or mobile app - and receive feedback from experienced mentors. All in all, this event was a great success and a very great honor for Oakland Tech to be able to help make it happen!

supplies collected are then sent to q u a l i f i e d healthcare facilities in the developing world. A day before Valentine's Day, San Lorenzo Key Clubbers along with the Wesley Sosa, San Lorenzo American Honors Feb 13, 2016 Society club volunteered in Did you know that in MedShare located in San the United States hospitals Leandro. We were first given a generate more than two brief histor y about the million tons of medical waste organization, and also had an each year? Most of that waste orientation of what we will be are unused medical supplies doing. It was very confusing at and equipment. MedShare is a first because there are many nonprofit organization that different types of medical recovers and distributes these equipments to sort out by type surplus of medical supplies, in and by expiration date, but order to improve healthcare with the help of the other for those in need and also to volunteers who have worked help the environment. The

with the organization before, we were able to understand what to do, and how to do it. Our president, Kevin Duong, has been volunteering in the organization since his freshman year. “It was great having the opportunity to bring along our Key Club in this event. It made the event even more fun and I was happy to let them experience a community service event that I have been doing for a long time. Through the creation of our Key Club, we were able to motivate more people in San Lorenzo High School to participate in community service events and give back to t h e c o m m u n i t y t h ro u g h incorporating the social aspect of Key Club of volunteering with friends and meeting new ones.�

Lunar New Year Celebration Angela Quach, Alameda

This event is Oakland Museum’s Annual Lunar New Year Celebration and Other Traditions. It took place on February 14,2016 from 9 am to 4:30 pm. What better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than to volunteer with other Key Club members! There were many Key Club volunteers for this event. Which was great because the more the merrier. The Lunar New Year celebration had many different kinds of booths to volunteer for such as: hands-on activity, Chinese Zodiac button making, and also learning how to write Calligraphy. We arrived at 9 am and were assigned different booths. A few of us were assigned to hang the decorations since the event was starting pretty soon. A few other Key Clubbers were

assigned to booths such as the calligraphy booth, and the hands-on booth. The calligraphy booth was taught by a teacher who showed adults and children how to practice calligraphy. It was really cool. The hands-on booth was where children can color pictures of the monkey since this year is the year of the monkey. They also had the option of making it into a mask too. My group went to the zodiac button making booth. We helped kids place the picture onto the buttons. They were able to color their buttons anyway they want. We were also allowed to make buttons too. It was really fun. There were live performances also such as live music playing, traditional dances being performed, and lion dancing. It was a really cool way to celebrate the Lunar New Year through many traditions such as Chinese, Vietnamese, etc.

Skyline’s Beautification Day Quyen-Vi Nguyen, Skyline

On February 27th, our school held their annual beautification day from 9am to 12pm. Upon arrival the volunteers were given bagels as breakfast. After eating, the event coordinator, Mrs. Loo, split people in teams and assigned each one a building to work in. There were people from all kinds of organizations and clubs at our school such as

the ROTC, PTSA, Interact a n d L e a d e r s hip. We a l l collectively worked to clean the school buildings. I split off with my friends. My team was a mixture of Key Club, Interact and Leader ship people. First we cleaned all of the lockers, then the floors and windows. It was a lot of extraneous work but it was fun because we talked and played

music to pass the time. Once we were done with the inside we cleaned the windows on the outside. Once we were done with a building, we notified Mrs. Loo and moved onto the next building. People were free to leave and join a group, so even though I started in a group with my friends, I still met new people.

On Saturday February 13, three officers attended the Berkeley Food Pantry. We arrived at 9am and immediately began setting up for the day. We set out bins and labels to sort the food that volunteers would bring, and we also set up the scale. Together, all three of us greeted those bearing food, weighed it, and sorted Savannah Tuma, Berkeley it based on its food group. It was great to see how many

different people came to donate food. After everyone brought their food, we lugged all the containers up stairs into a pantry with other canned food. It was special to see how many people cared so much about our community with all of the food they brought. We hope to be back to volunteer with the Berkeley Food Pantry.

Click HERE to check out the DISTRICT newsletter and read more about Key Clubs from all over CNH!

Theme Design Created by: Danika Manguiat, Division 28 South



Necessities • Medical Release Form • Toiletries (Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, cologne, perfume, make up, lotion, retainers, shampoo/conditioner) • Camera • CHARGERS (for phones & cameras) • Medicine if needed (Advil, Tylenol, etc) Friday SPIRIT ATTIRE: • Key Club Shirt • Lime Green tutu • Lime green socks, shoes, shoelaces • Lime green bandanna, necklaces, hair bows, hair clips, hair spray, nail polish, wig, ribbon, sunglasses • ANYTHING LIME GREEN Saturday: Business Professional Attire Saturday Night: Governor's Ball Sunday: Convention Shirt/Business Casual

Check out the Guardian's Guide To Convention created by the DCON committee! It includes: • Bucket List • Scavenger Hunt • F.A.Q • DCON Overview

FRIDAY NIGHT FOOD OPTIONS Find the District Guide HERE and look at more details about each of the options! • Hock Farm • GoGi’s Korean BBQ • Starbucks • Bento Box • PF Changs • Subway • Lucca • Pieology (Click on the name of each restaurant to be directed to their Yelp page!)

DCON OVERLAYS Get a DCON overlay to promote district convention & Key Club


How can I get one? E-mail a picture, a quote, your name, Division 02, and a position to cnhkc.overlay@gmail.com!

Check out all the candidates running for a District Executive position HERE! At District Convention, be sure to: • Attend Caucus • Listen to all the candidates give speeches and answer questions • Ask all the candidates questions • Read through the booklet • Attend House of Delegates if you are a delegate for your club

DCON OVERVIEW FRIDAY: SPIRIT DAY • GENERAL SESSION 1: OPENING SESSION • Introduction to Executives & overview of weekend • Key Note Speaker: Heather Schultz • SERVICE EXPO • REGION SESSION SATURDAY: BUSINESS FORMAL DAY • CAUCUS/HOUSE OF DELEGATES • GENERAL SESSION 2: KIWANIS FAMILY • Learn about all parts of the CNH Kiwanis Family & Key Club International


CEREMONY • Be recognized for your year of service • See the newly elected Executives • Receive Kiwanis Foundation scholarships • GOVERNOR’S BALL/ALTERNATE ACTIVITIES SUNDAY: BUSINESS/CONVENTION CASUAL • GENERAL SESSION 4: TRANSITION • Governor’s farewell address • Retire 2015-2016 officers • Install elected 2016-2017 officers

Hey Kiwis! The past year has been overwhelming with joy, stress, and growth. It’s hard to believe that the 2106-2017 term is almost over, and that this is the very LAST issue of Volume IV of the Kiwi Chronicles. Thank you all so much for flipping through the virtual pages of this newsletter and staying updated with everything that’s happening in the division. As sad as the end of this term may be, I am beyond excited to start the next one. Serving as Division 2 News Editor has taught me so much about being organized, professional, and most of all making things pretty! If you have any ideas on how to make these newsletters even better, make sure you keep an eye out for Division Leadership Team applications! They will be released right after District Convention, so start planning out what you want to say or how you want to make your eportfolio now! As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions about anything, and I’m looking forward to seeing you at the March DCM, March DWS, DCON 2016, AND the April DCM! With Love, Meiling Zhang Division News Editor 2015-2016

Calvin Tang Division 2 Lieutenant Governor d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (510) 505-4477

Stephen Liang Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510) 666-5486

Meiling Zhang Division News Editor d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (510) 909-4393

Calvin Cheung Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510) 913-6888

Rachel Fong Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510) 219-4252






Lucy Peng LucyPeng213@gmail.com (510) 219-9939

Xiuhoon Giang xiuhoong@gmail.com (510) 710-7474

Young Cai youngcai543@gmail.com (510) 336-1223




Maya Shen Annie Fang Julia Pew pennyfromheaven2@gmail.com 00xiaowei00@gmail.com juliapew@students.berkeley.net (510) 510-4812 (510) 388-6855 (510) 847-3957


Song Quan songq99@gmail.com (510) 600-5896


Serena Truong serena.t98@gmail.com (510) 381-1954


Kathy Yan yankathy5@gmail.com (510) 875-8365


Janelle Le janellekle@gmail.com (510) 363-4038


Allan Nguyen Adrienne Le allanguyenn@gmail.com adriennelauren98@gmail.com
 (510) 759-0252 (510) 316-2872




Rachel Fong 16rachelfong@gmail.com (510) 219-4252

Lilian Nguyen lilianguyenn@gmail.com (510) 463-7298

Kevin Duong tinduong14@gmail.com (510) 755-9334

Douglas Gin region9advisor@gmail.com
 (925) 785-7616

Lisa Grover lisagrover81@gmail.com (707) 410-8499


Nikki Phu phu.nikki@yahoo.com (510) 918-8289

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the newsletter, feel free to contact Meiling or Calvin.

cnhkeyclub.org | keyclub.org

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