Division 2 January 2017

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Castro Valley Key Clubbers work together in unison managing the booth for Berkeley Half Marathon.


Recognition Club Reports Let Us Recap! Articles

January 2017 // Volume 5 // Issue 8 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

10 17 25 27

Upcoming Events January DCM: Conclave Rockridge Library [5366 College Ave] 11:00AM-2:30PM


January DWS: Studio One Art Clean-Up TBA 6

January’s Service Spotlight

Community Outreach Focus: The CNH Service Projects Committee created the Spotlight on Service in order to help educate members about Key Club International and California-Nevada-Hawaii’s service initiatives to encourage active participation. This month’s highlight values the importance of reaching out to communities as there are places that are always in need of help. Who knows what can happen as you can always make new connections for future services! Any questions or concerns, you are welcomed to email: cnhkc.sp@gmail.com.

Host a yard sale! You can gather things from teachers, neighbors, or classmates to sale. It could be a fun time to bond with community and any things left over from the sale could be donated to BINGO! Spend time with your local retirement or local charities that accepts used items you have. nursing homes and enjoy a game a bingo. It is always exciting to see the joy that the elderly has when they win their prize. But BINGO isn’t only limited there, you can host a bingo event where snacks and refreshments can be charged and all proceeds can go to a specific cause.

Nothing is tastier than homemade food. Host a bake sale with the permission of the shop owner to sell in front of their shop. Be sure to make poster and a donation jar to catch customers’ eyes. Have a good FUNdraiser!

Venture out and help your local city and government. Many city councils and park recreations are always in need of help with cleaning up sidewalks or painting curbs.


As of December 15th:

Alameda………………………………….646 Albany.............................................898 American Indian………………………..469 Arroyo…………………………………….770 Berkeley………………………………….355 Castro Valley……………………….1087 El Cerrito…………………………………355

Encinal………………………..……..806 Leadership Public………………………..114 Oakland…………………………..……..309 Oakland Technical…………………..…386 Piedmont……………………………….…454 San Leandro……………………………..778 San Lorenzo……………………………..480 Skyline…………………………….………562






American Indian Arroyo

770 355



Castro Valley


El Cerrito


Encinal Leadership Public 114 Oakland Oakland Technical Piedmont

309 386 454 778

San Leandro San Lorenzo Skyline

480 562

Member of the Month N[th[ni[l Ortiz is a very active and dedicated member who shows his passion for Key Club by going to nearly every events.

Advisor of the Month


Vonn[h B[gn_r has done so much for this Division and for San Leandro. She attends the Division Council Meetings with high spirits. She chaperoned a lot of events for San Leandro including Region Training Conference.

Officer of the Month Mi]h_ll_ Lin is very active in her home club. She gets her work done on time and will do her task when asked too. Michelle attended the Dunsmuir Mansion Division Wide Services several times and as well as the Division Council Meetings.

Alameda with the most service events Encinal raised the most funds. 1 9 $4


Castro Valley is our the club of the month.

Clinton Phan


-My favorite aspect of Key Club is that it brings me together with other people. -My favorite memory of key club was the harvest meal because I got to hang out with cool people and food. -Thanksgiving break was a busy week for me because I was out a lot. Yes I went black Friday shopping.

Danny Wu -My favorite aspect of Key Club is being able to volunteer. It is satisfying to be able to help others and give back to the community. -My favorite Key Club memory was the July 4th Festival event hosted by Albany. It was entertaining. -My thanksgiving break was good! Though I probably should have finished my homework instead of playing video games. I went Black Friday shopping but not at 6 pm on Thanksgiving Thursday.


Brendan Co

American Indian

-My favorite aspect of Key Club is being able to help out the community. -One of my favorite Key Club memories would have to be riding the trolley at the December DWS for nearly half the day. -Thanksgiving break was definitely fun, but not at the end when I had to finish all the packets. Black Friday shopping got me a really bad cold but also cheap deals on clothes and shoes.


Calvin Tang

-My favorite aspect of key club is going to different types event all around the east bay. Even though I have lived here all my life, I never really explored it as vastly since the beginning of August. It really is nice to see what gems there are throughout our home. Along with that I met so many nice people from different areas, schools, and regions!




-My favorite aspect of Key Club is that you get cool opportunities to volunteer and meet new people. -I don't have one yet, but I am looking forward to the holiday meal this weekend. -Thanksgiving was great. I did a bit of black Friday shopping but it was more of a coincidence than on purpose.

Jackie Wang -My favorite aspect of Key Club is that at each event, high school students get together and help each other out while having fun. -My favorite memory of Key Club is helping out at the Berkeley Marathon event. Everyone was so nice and I had fun hanging out with the other members afterward. -My Thanksgiving break was uneventful. I did not go black Friday shopping because there wasn't really anything that I wanted to buy.


Castro Valley

Cecilia Miao


-My favorite aspect of Key Club is serving others and being able to have fun with friends. -My favorite Key Club memory is DCM with friends. -I was in the hospital during that time, but I wanted a new camera.

Max Martinez -I enjoy being able to make the community a better place. -My favorite Key Club memory would be bonding with people at my school. -Thanksgiving was A1. I didn't go Black Friday shopping, but I wanted to buy more turkey.

Leadership Public

Sunny Wu


-My favorite aspect of Key Club is everyone's spirit. -My favorite Key Club memory was last year's FRN. -I can't recall anything from Thanksgiving break. For Black Friday, I just wanted to buy some comfy winter clothes.


Vincent Yu

-My favorite aspect of key club is having fun doing services with fellow key clubbers. I can make new friends and enjoy spending time with them. Also being able to serve the community and making others happy makes me enjoy doing services more. -My Thanksgiving was great especially being able to hang out with friends and family. I was able to go Black Friday shopping and just blew a lot of money doing so. Black Friday just made me broke and cry about my wallet.

Oakland Technical

Kailee Lin


-My favorite aspect of Key Club is that all my friends do it. Going to events doesn't feel like work. It's more just like I can help out the community while having fun with my friends as well as other volunteers in our community. -My favorite Key Club memory would be the food pantry event in SF that we went to over the summer with the Arroyo Key Club. I got to attempt to speak Chinese to some of the people we were serving, and afterwards we went to Boba Guys!

Hy Dang -My favorite aspect of Key Club is that we all come together as one and everyone show their care for others and bring out the best of each other. -My favorite memory of Key Club have to be 2015 FRN because we won our Spirit Stick. -My Thanksgiving Break was really fun because I had a lot of food and left overs to eat, but Black Friday was too much for me to handle so I stay home.


San Leandro

Alyssa Contreras

San Lorenzo

-My favorite aspect of Key Club is volunteering at service events with my friends. -My favorite Key Club memory was when our group went all the way to San Francisco, but ended up getting lost and trying to look for the event location. -My Thanksgiving break was good and I didn't go Black Friday shopping, but if I did, I would've bought clothes.

Mimi Nguyen -My favorite aspect of Key Club is the people I get to meet from service. -My favorite Key Club memory is looking for boyfriend material at FRN. -Thanksgiving break was good. I spent over 12 hours at service for Key Club so I expect to be member of the month ;).




Jennifer Che

Michelle Lin

Crystal Huang


Phoebe Chiu

Stephany Su

Jason Le

Brandon Lee Tatyana McDade

Amy Huang

Wuason Liang Mariela Gonzalez

Camila You

Koi Nguyen

This month Alameda decided we needed to be more communicative with other clubs. We decided to hold an inter-club event at Share Tea Alameda with APEN. Along with this great event, We decided to help APEN out at their concert. Not only did we get closer to APEN, we got closer to other key clubbers by attending the DWS at Dunsmuir. Besides getting closer to all these great people. we continued doing service events at Uhuru pies, OMCA, Harvest Meal, and the Salvation Army Luncheons. Finally, we continued to fund raise for our fundraising programs by making cute kiwi pins and selling them.

Club Reports

Despite the season's growing cold, Albany's volunteering spirit is just getting warmed up. With high attendance to club meetings and service events, as well as helping each other out whenever possible, we're finally settling into the swing of things. Leaving an awesome 2016 behind, we're energized to start a new year with renewed volunteering spirits for 2017!


For the past month, we had three service events. First, we helped Uhuru Furniture and Collectibles unbox their holiday merchandise. Then, over Thanksgiving Break, our club had 11 members come out to the November DWS at Dunsmuir, where they helped decorate the trees. Finally, on Thanksgiving Day, we woke up early to assist the Lake Merritt Methodist Church with their annual luncheon by passing out food and cleaning tables.

In the month of November, Arroyo had a total of 4 events. 2 of them were with our sister club, Piedmont Key Club. It included the Splash Pad Park Clean Up where the volunteers tidied up a local park in Oakland. We also had a Cafe Restoration Event with Piedmont. In this event, we had a painting party in the cafe. The volunteers were able to repaint the area and also did some cleaning. In the Bethel Community Food Pantry Event, the volunteers dispensed food supplies to the patrons. And lastly, our volunteers made thoughtful cards at our Thanksgiving Card Making Event.


This past month we had 5 service events. We had a cleanup at the Berkeley marina and a bakesale on Fourth Street. Additionally, members went to Spiral Gardens to help farm and the Oakland Zoo to cleanup. Our last event was the Berkeley Half Marathon.

Starting off the month, we helped our at our Kiwanis' Pasta Dinner alongside with UC Berkeley and CSU East Bay 's Circle K. At the same time, we helped out directing traffic at the Light Parade. Castro Valley Key Club also helped out two days during the Berkeley Half Marathon.


This month we collected the Trick-or-Treat boxes and donations and got $28.73. We had only two service events the El Sobrante Dog Run (Attendance: 1 member) and the Berkeley HalfMarathon (Attendance: 3 Board and 3 members). We had 2 Board members attend this month's DCM. Lastly, we had a new paid-membership member.

This month, our club raised a total of $354 for PTP with our two fundraisers this month: one at Lola’s Chicken Shack and the other at SPIN! Pizza. Alongside that, we also participated in the monthly food bank on the first Saturday of November and division events (DCM and DWS). During Thanksgiving break, we created positivity posters to post around school.


Submit your articles and submissions to Kathy Yan of d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com to make sure your club gets recognized for all the hard work you have accomplished

In November, we participated in a festival that donated to leukemia treatment. We directed folks and did other various chores such as cooking.We're thankful for being a part of that event.


The Oakland Tech Kiwis kicked off their November by participating in two separate fundraisers on the same day: a fundraiser with the Taiwanese restaturant T4 and another with Spin! Pizza, partnering with Encinal Key Club. 15% of proceeds went to PTP. Throughout the month, volunteers participated in the November DCM on the 12th, made PTP dolls to comfort hospitalized children at the Thanksgiving with the Kiwanis Family event on the 19th, and cleaned up the Dunsmuir estate on the 23rd for their upcoming holiday events. On the 24th, volunteers took time out of their Thanksgiving to held the Salvation Army Chinatown Corps serve a community meal. And of course, volunteers helped out the Uhuru breakfast booth at the Grand Lake Farmer's Market on Saturdays throughout the month.

During November, Piedmont Key Club did four events and two of them is a joint event with Arroyo. Piedmont Key Club volunteers helped out at once Splash Pad Park, twice at the local cafe restoration project, and once at Friends of Sausal Creek native plant nursery. We have also did the Splash Pad Park and one of the cafe restoration with Arroyo.


This month, San Leandro has been cooking up some new fundraising ideas. Though FRN season is over, we are happy to see that many of our freshmen are very active in service events and even attending their first DCMs! We are excited to see our baby kiwis continue to strive!

This past month of October our club attended it's first event of this school year to Medshare. We also attended an Ice Skating social, FamFest Event, and a Stop Hunger Event. We also had an event at the Hayward Historical society one the same day as FRN, and had a Kids Breakfast Club event on the 29th.


For Skyline Key Club, the month of November began with selling boba at our school's annual event called Titanpoliza. Then our members and officers spend their times volunteering at CYO Cross Meet and Uhuru Food n' Pies where volunteers helped bake and place pies in boxes. On Thanksgiving, our key clubbers served and prepare at the Lake Merritt Methodist Church.

Meet your Lieutenant Governor, What is your favorite Key Club Memory? My favorite Key Club memory is Region Training Conference 2015. It was the first and only RTC that I got to attend as a member, and even though I've been to DCON and FRN before that, I felt like it was the first time I really got to experience what the organization is like outside of service events.

How did you join Key Club? I first signed up Key Club after being bombarded by an officer right after registration my freshman year without having any idea what I was doing. I had a friend that dragged me to meetings and events and eventually I became a pretty dedicated member.

What is one unique fact about yourself that people wouldn't know unless they're told. I was born in China???

Meiling Zhang


Piece of Positivity


Linh Tran, Encinal

S’mores Night

Sarah Hartono, Albany


Oakland Zoo


Sarai Montes, San Lorenzo

Folding Our Way Into Service

Tina Lin, Skyline


A Thanksgiving Lunch


Vanessa Wu, San Leandro

Splash Pad Park

Angela Zhou, Piedmont


Berkeley Half Marathon


Athena Chin, Berkeley

Uhuru Holiday Merchandise Unboxing

Michelle Lin, American Indian


DNE’s Closing Message Hello Kiwis! Can you believe that it’s the New Year! Do you have any resolutions made yet? I’m still in the process of making mine. Since it is the new year, it is time to reflect and think back to the happy memories you made this year and try to make more! For me, I had a great time meeting new people and especially getting pied with shaving cream to fundraise for PTP. Let’s not forget the Color Rendezvous hosted by Arroyo because that event was definitely colorful. With a new year means it’s cutting close to the end of the term. We all worked hard either going to meeting or chairing for events. You all definitely worked to the best of your abilities and you should be proud of that. Don’t start getting lazy because you still have to prepare for officer elections. Be sure to hold your elections soon because time flies when you’re planning to run for a position. January’s DCM will be so exciting!!!! Are you excited as I am? I look forward in seeing the candidates for the next term. Best wishes to all the candidates that are running, I believe that all you are qualified and wonderful leaders. Brrrrrr, hopefully the cold hasn’t gotten to you yet. Remember to stay warm and I hope you enjoy the rest of your winter break. Thank you so much for reading the Kiwi Chronicles and see you next time. Tweet Tweet. At Your Service, Kathy Yan Division News Editor 2016-2017


Hello, it’s Division 2! Meiling Zhang Division 2 Lieutenant Governor d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (510) 909-4393 Kathy Yan Division News Editor d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (510) 875-8365 Nikki Benitez Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510) 935-2423


Division 2 [Key Club]


Angela Wong Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510) 417-8099


Ruby Chin Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510) 918-8209


Thank you for reading! Please contact Kathy Yan or Meiling Zhang if there are any questions, comments, or concerns. See you in the next issue.

cnhkeyclub.org // keyclub.org

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