Division 2 March 2017

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Skyline Key Clubbers working hard in preparations for the Hot Chocolate Run in San Francisco.


Recognition Club Reports Let Us Recap! Articles

March 2017 // Volume 5 // Issue 10 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

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Upcoming Events March DCM: Where: Albany Memorial Park Time:TBA March DWS: TBA 6

03/18 03/xx

March’s Service Spotlight

March of Dimes Focus: The CNH Service Projects Committee created the Spotlight on Service in order to help educate members about Key Club International and California-Nevada-Hawaii’s service initiatives to encourage active participation. This month’s highlight values the significance of March of Dimes to improve health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature births, and infant mortality. Together, we can decrease the rate of premature birth! Any questions or concerns, you are welcomed to email: cnhkc.sp@gmail.com.

Car Wash!

Penny Wars! Are you ready to battle it out against your opponents? Pennies are positives while other coins like Dimes, Quarters and bills are negative. Depending on how you set the rules, winner can receive incentives.

Vroom vroom. Is your car dirty? Host a car wash event to fundraise money for March of Dimes. Keep in mind you will need lots of volunteers and a large area to wash the cars.

Miles of Dimes! Work together with other volunteers and create a pathway of pennies! Doing this would raise awareness of March of Dimes. Not only that, but it also brings sparkle and shine to the community.


As of February 18th:

Alameda………………………………….715 Albany............................................1002 American Indian………………………..573 Arroyo…………………………………….814 Berkeley………………………………….432 Castro Valley……………………….1178 El Cerrito…………………………………410

Encinal………………………..……..879 Leadership Public……………………….132 Oakland…………………………..……..338 Oakland Technical…………………..…440 Piedmont……………………………….…463 San Leandro……………………………..811 San Lorenzo……………………………..553 Skyline…………………………….………627






American Indian Arroyo

814 432



Castro Valley


El Cerrito


Encinal Leadership Public 132 Oakland Oakland Technical Piedmont

338 440 463 811

San Leandro San Lorenzo Skyline

553 627

Member of the Month K_lly Ts_

has been constantly going to a lot of Arroyo's service events including some of the Division Wide Services and the Division Council Meetings. She was also one of the spirit leaders for Fall Rally North, working hard to encourage positive attitude.

Advisor of the Month


Thom[s Woo

has helped the entire division plan District Convention by finding and securing transportation. He is extremely communicative with everyone to finalize attendance and other necessities. He is extremely supportive towards Skyline as a club.

Officer of the Month H_l_n M[ is the Underclassmen Representative for her home club. She keeps recruiting new freshman to give Key Club a try. Helen continues to recruits and bring new Key Clubbers to service events the meetings.

Arroyo with the most service events.

$116Alameda raised the most funds. Skyline is our the club of the month.


Emily Tran -My favorite aspect of key club is how the club is


all about service and giving back to the community. I also enjoy the fact that everyone in the club is kind and fun to be around. - M y f a vo r i t e Ke y C l u b m e m o r y w a s volunteering on Thanksgiving at Salvation Army. It was really fun because I was with my friends and I was directly giving back to the community.

Ella Lopez -My favorite aspect of Key Club is how it's like a family in which everyone feels connected and everyone is friendly and really welcoming. -I wish I had more memories in Key Club, but my favorite one would probably be voting for the Lieutenant Governor because I got a better idea of how much Key Club really affects people's lives and I felt more involved.


Rafael Castellanos

American Indian

-My favorite aspect of Key Club is most definitely the different opportunities it gives to help out the community - the choices are so diverse, there's bound to be something anyone would like. - I have to say, my favorite memory of key club so far was being able to go and sell shirts the day before a marathon. The reason why is solely on the fact that everyone worked together there and everyone was kind and respectful to everyone.


Nikki Benitez -My favorite aspect of Key Club is the service because not only do you get to help your community out but you also get to meet new people. -My favorite Key Club memory is when I met the 16-17 DLT for the first time. -Last semester, I didn't volunteer as much as I wanted to and so this semester, I will be going to as many events as I can.


Ezra Torio


-My favorite aspect of Key Club is that it isn't required of us. We aren't being forced to be in the club. But we all take our time to give back to our community by choice. -My favorite memory from Key Club was at Spiral Gardens. I went with another member, Philip, and had a great time. Every gardener was really chill and showed us around the place. We somewhat gained a new interest in gardening and Phil bought a plant that tasted really good.

Jenny Wu -My favorite aspect of Key Club is being able to do service for our local community but also getting real life experience at the same time. -My favorite Key Club memory is going to the Castro Valley Winter Social because I got to meet and connect to people outside of school. -One thing that I'm going to do differently this semester is to overcome the fear of attending Key Club events alone by branching out and being more active


Castro Valley

Helen Zhao

El Cerrito

-My favorite aspect of Key Club is its positive attitude, the chance to be creative, and my commitment to Key Club. -My favorite Key Club memory was the Berkeley marathon because I got to help a lot of people and was part of handling a big event. -I am too going to be more positive this semester.

Alicia Zhen -My favorite aspect about Key Club is that it's a very close knitted community, I guess! It's also a very positive and friendly, and we have encouraging officers. -My favorite Key Club memory would be the first MDA event I attended! I really enjoy the MDA events since it's like we always have something to do—something to keep us busy.


Martin Meraz

Leadership Public

-My favorite aspect of Key Club is how I am able to help my community while making new connections with people and friends. -My favorite memory of Key Club is going to day of the dead convention for I got to learn more about my culture. -I will try to balance to out events from Key Club and school work so one doesn't overpower the other.


Brenda To -My favorite aspect of Key Club is how everybody is very spirited. -My favorite memory of Key Club is going to FRN 2016. -I am going to try to go to more DCMS and get other people to go as well. I'll accomplish that by driving other people and


Emily Ye

Oakland Technical

-My favorite aspect of Key Club would be the many opportunities to step out of my comfort zone that it provides me. I've made so many memories thanks to KC that I wouldn't have made otherwise. -My favorite memory from Key Club would be attending FRN since I got to many so many other dedicated KC members. -This semester, I'll try my hardest not to procrastinate on any of my assignments and always remember that school isn't the most important thing in my life. I will remember to enjoy my youth because I'll only be young once.

Matt Lichens -My favorite aspect of Key Club is the opportunities provided where I'm able to contribute to my community. -My favorite Key Club memory is planting plants in Beaconsfield Canyon to help make it better. -I will be more involved than last semester, by going to more events.



Dexie Lapore

San Leandro

-My favorite aspect of Key Club is the fact that we take time out of our lives helping our community and also the fact that everyone is welcomed. -My favorite Key Club memory is FRN. -I want to try to focus more on my school work. I want to practice my time management where I can balance between my social and school work. I also want to cut down on the amount of time I spend on my phone and computer.

Alyssa Contreras -My favorite aspect of Key Club is being with my friends. -My favorite Key Club memory is spending a day at Six Flags during FRN. -I want to go to more events than I did last semester and I will accomplish this goal by talking to more people and asking when the next events are.

San Lorenzo

Monica Pham


-My favorite aspect of Key Club is that it is like a second family. -My favorite Key Club memory is meeting new people at service. -I am going to manage my time better this semester. 15

Sharon He

Hope Higuchi

Michelle Lin

Hailie Le

Emily Yu

Christine Tseng

Karen Tan

Deanna Chu


Tony Ngo

Yuting Yu

Camila You

Geneva Mai

Theresa Tran

Tina Lin

This Month, on January 9th we returned back to school. Although at first we had few events planned, that didn't stop us from doing our part. We reached out to Crab Cove where our members were able to help around the area. Lunar new year was also near, so we volunteered at OACC where we helped with selling and helping people as they came in. As the month went on, we had a bake sale to raise money for PTP. Feeling proud about the things we have done, we shared it with our fellow kiwis at the DCM conclave. The month ended up quite busy but we were able to help a local event called the Chili cook off. To end off the month, we had a small fun event, where we made bracelets! We look forward to doing more service and spreading love.

Club Reports

This past month was an extremely busy month for Albany High School students because of finals. Nevertheless, many showed up to the few events we had and we were still able to put aside time for service despite school stresses and hours of studying! Great job on making it this far everyone!


This past month, we only had one event at UHURU's MLK Day Event and Project. Our club spent our day off from school at a leadership lecture where we were educated on Black History and to hand out fliers to promote MLK Day and our African American leaders. Our club also attended this month's DCM: Conclave, which was really fun and exciting.

In the month of January, Arroyo had four events. Sadly the holidays are over, but our volunteers had a lot of fun taking down Susan's holiday decorations. Since Valentine's Day is around the corner, we held a card making event at our home school, Arroyo. Our volunteers also served for the Kiwanis Club of San Leandro Crab Feed. Lastly, our volunteers helped out at the local All Saints Episcopal Church with their monthly food pantry.


This past month we had 4 service events. We had two days at the Prisoner's Literature Project, the shoreline cleanup at the marina, and the Spiral Gardens project.

Right as we returned back from winter break, we head to the Hayward Shorelines for a K-Family event with the local Circle K and the Kiwanis. The current board also held an Officer Training Conference for all interested candidates for the upcoming term. We ended the month off with a Joaquin Miller Gardening Event and our Don Jose fundraiser for DCON!


The month of January was a busy month because of finals and transitioning into our new classes as we are on block schedule, so we didn't get to do a lot. We helped make posters and set-up for our city's annual Martin Luther King Jr. Parade and marched along with them on January 16th as parade monitors. After the parade we helped usher the guests and marchers into our school's theater for the MLK program. We had all 4 board members attend the January DCM on January 14th. We had a Quickly fundraiser on January 28th. We will update the money fundraised as soon as we can.

Encinal started this year strong with a very successful Chipotle fundraiser, followed by two events with the Muscle Dystrophy Association where we helped out at the office. We also participated, once again in our annual Chili Cook Off fundraiser. And of course, we had our monthly food bank event. Throughout the month, we've been preparing for elections, and we finally held our club elections at the end of the month.


Submit your articles and submissions to Kathy Yan of d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com to make sure your club gets recognized for all the hard work you have accomplished

This month, Oakland Key Club will be having campus cleanup tomorrow. Due to complications, our events were cancelled. However, we have future events planned.


Submit your articles and submissions to Kathy Yan of d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com to make sure your club gets recognized for all the hard work you have accomplished.

During January, Piedmont Key Club did two events and one of them is a joint event with Arroyo. Piedmont Key Club volunteers helped out at the Kiwanis Club of San Leandro's crab feed and Friend with Sausal creek's Plantng Day in Beaconsfield Canyon.


San Leandro is back at it again with another fundraiser! This time, it has been planned to be at least 3 days long at San Leandro's iTea. Aside from that, we have been working to come up with our Season of Service project for our school.

We unfortunately did not attend any events due to silent week and finals week at our school this past month. However we did begin to plan our Mason Jar fundraiser for the month of February.


Skyline Key Club started off the new year with elections for the 2017-18 board. Currently, only the President, Vice President, and Vice President of services have been elected, and we are looking forwarded to voting for the rest of the board. January was a slower month for us because of finals, so we only had two services which had great attendances.

Meet your Member Recognition Coordinator, What is your favorite Key Club Memory? My favorite Key Club Memory was from District Convention 2016. There was so many inspirational speeches for the District Board and I met so many new people from all over California-Nevada-Hawaii.

How did you join Key Club? I joined Key Club because of my cousin, Gloria Chen who was Lieutenant Governor for Division 2 for the 2010-2011 term. She always talked about her accomplishments and how fun Key Club was, and so I joined when there was sign-ups at registration.

What is one unique fact about yourself that people wouldn't know unless they're told. I'm the youngest person in my generation, and everyone else is already in college or working.

Kevin Wu


OACC Event


Alea Eugenio, Alameda

Bowl Of Chocolate

Tina Lin, Skyline


Spreading the Holiday Cheer


Anna Zheng, Castro Valley

Uhuru MLK Day

Michelle Lin, American Indian


Berkeley Shorebird Cleanup


Sarah Hartono, Albany

Kiwanis Club of San Leandro Crab Feed

Angela Zhou, Piedmont


DNE’s Closing Message Hello Kiwis! Happy March everyone! Can you believe that we only have basically one more month left until DCON?! Oh my gosh. I hope everyone had a wonderful election process. Congratulations to everyone elected or appointed into a position. I know you will be a great leader for the members you serve in the incoming term. If your club elections are ongoing still, I wish you all luck! But nonetheless, keep up the fantastic work! There was so many service events this month! I hope you had a fun time serving the community because it was certainly fun seeing others work together. What’s good about service sometimes is that there are incentives like yummy pizza and other stuff, so don’t miss out and attend! I hope to see you there next time. Did you have fun at the scavenger hunt? Did you know it was our second to last DCM for this term? I hope the riddles weren’t too hard with the hints to assist you. Congratulations to the winners who won the CREAM gift card! I hope you all enjoyed the event and see you at the next DCM in Albany. It’s pretty far, but it will definitely be worth it. Don’t let distance keep you away!!! Thank you for reading this month’s newsletter. My gosh, the time has gone by fast. But there’s still more work to do before the term ends. Let’s end it strong! Tweet Tweet. At Your Service, Kathy Yan Division News Editor 2016-2017


Hello, it’s Division 2! Meiling Zhang Division 2 Lieutenant Governor d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (510) 909-4393 Kathy Yan Division News Editor d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (510) 875-8365 Nikki Benitez Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510) 935-2423


Division 2 [Key Club]


Angela Wong Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510) 417-8099


Ruby Chin Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510) 918-8209


Thank you for reading! Please contact Kathy Yan or Meiling Zhang if there are any questions, comments, or concerns. See you in the next issue.

cnhkeyclub.org // keyclub.org

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