Division 2 February 2016

Page 1



Arroyo Key Clubbers enjoy themselves at a successful A2D2 InterKey movie night!

Kiwi Points 8 Recognition 10 Conclave 26 Articles 27

February 2016 Volume IV // Issue 9 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

LTG’s Welcome

Page 4

Upcoming Events

Page 6

February’s Service Initiative Page 7 Kiwi Points

Page 8


Page 10

Club Reports

Page 17

DCON 2016

Page 25

Conclave 2016

Page 26


Page 27

District Newsletter

Page 35

DNE’s Closing Message Page 36 DLT Contact Info

Page 37

President’s Contact Info Page 38 Thank you!

Page 40 !3

Love is in the air, Kiwis! What love you, ask? That D2 love! February is here and a handful of great events and opportunities are coming your way! January was a great start to the new year for us. We're entering an era of new service and leadership. The term is soon coming to a close, but Division 2 is nowhere close to slowing down. San Leandro continues to hold their annual tradition by hosting Awake-a-Thon! Come out on February 20 for a night of service and bonding. From 9 PM to 9 AM, we will be staying up ALL NIGHT in an effort to raise money for the EliMiNaTe Project! I have been to this event almost every single year in high school and I can say that it's filled with fun times and memories. If you have any questions, feel free to ask a San Leandro officer! As mentioned before, the end of the term is coming soon. It's not all sad, however. I know, I know, I'll be leaving, cry cry cry. District Convention 2016 is on the way! On-time registration is due on February 10 at 6 PM. If you decide to register after this point, the registration fee per member will rise to $249. Be sure to communicate with your club advisors and make sure that you have the help you need! If you have any questions about this wonderfully memorable event, feel free to ask me or a club officer. Time is running out, Kiwis! Isn't it weird to think that this will be one of the last issues from DNE Meiling? Be sure to thank her for all her hard work throughout the entire term. She works tirelessly to think of new ideas to make the newsletter more interesting for you guys. Please take a good read and I'll see you at an event soon! Taking FLIGHT in Service, Calvin Tang

Division 2 Lieutenant Governor



Nonday 1











MRF due!. 7






















San Leandro Awake-A-Thon February 20, 2016 | 9PM - 9AM

Boys and Girls Club of San Leandro

Articles & Visuals due!

Awakea-thon 27


Stay up from 9PM to 9AM with San Leandro Key Club! Come to their annual Awake-a-Thon to meet new friends and raise both money and awareness for the Eliminate Project! All clubs must fill out and bring an ERF to the event!

February DCM Late February Time TBA Location TBA

Join American Indian Key Club at their second DCM since their charter!

February’s Service Initiative The CNH Service Projects Committee created the Spotlights on Service Program to help educate members about Key Club International and Cali-Nev-Ha’s Service Initiatives to encourage active participation. Each month, a service initiative is assigned for clubs to focus their service projects on.

The February Focus is…

Children’s Miracle Network is one of Key Club’s Preferred Charities. The mission of CMN is to raise funds and awareness for our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. CMN strives to save young lives battling virtually every type of childhood illness and injury by helping to purchase proper equipment, training doctors, implementing outreach programs, and providing healthcare for children whose parents cannot afford to pay.

Service Project Ideas: 1. Music Lessons for Miracles 2. Book/Toy Drive 3. Miracle Mile for Quarters 4. Stalling for Spare Change 5. National Pancake Day Submit the form by the 5th of each month. Send visuals to cnhkc.sp@gmail.com.

Once you've completed a service event that fits the service initiatives created by the district, fill out there form HERE


Early MRF:

Submit your report form before the 1st at 6PM!


On-time MRF: It must

be received by 6PM on the 5th of each month.


Late Submissions:

You do not get penalized. Better late than never!


On-time MoM/OoM:

Fill out the Google Form and send in a photo by 6PM on the 10th!

Kiwi Points


The Google Form must be timestamped before 6PM on the 5th of each month.


On-time Article:

They must be received by 6PM on the 10th of each month for full points.


On-time Visual:


Service Events:

Hold 5 service events in a month.


$150 to PTP/MNT:

Donate at least $150 to PTP or MNT in a month.


Member/ Officer:

Earn one point for each one present!



Each visual that is submitted Advisors before 6PM on the10th Earn ten will receive 2 points. points for each one Anyone can submit! present!

AS OF 1/20/2016

Alameda Albany American Indian Arroyo Berkeley Castro Valley El Cerrito

On-time TMRF:

331 622 381 565 237 827 89

Encinal Leadership Public Oakland Oakland Technical Piedmont San Leandro San Lorenzo Skyline

328 75 320 331 359 358 480 281





American Indian


Arroyo Berkeley

565 237

Castro Valley


El Cerrito 89



Leadership Public 75



Oakland Tech




San Leandro


San Lorenzo Skyline

480 281




AMERICAN INDIAN had the most service hours. ALBANY raised the most funds. ALAMEDA is our club of the month.


KIWANIAN of the month VICTOR CHAN— He has been assisting Oakland clubs for years as

their Kiwanis Advisor and as the assistant Region 9 Advisor. However, he has recently been promoted to Region Advisor for all of Region 9 to help guide not only Division 2, but Divisions 8, 26N, and 26S as well. The amount of work and care he’s put into Key Club is admirable.

YVETTE RODRIGUEZ— As a new secretary for a newly chartered

club, she did not have much guidance from other officers to fill out the MRF properly, but not only did she submit a perfectly completed MRF for the month of December, but she also updated all past tabs to show just how well her club has been doing.

MEMBER of the month



her extra busy schedule, she always makes time for service and Division Council Meetings. During her three years in Key Club, her passion and dedication has always been apparent, and she goes above and beyond to make new friends while continuing to keep in contact with those she’s made in the past. She is one of the friendliest Key Clubbers you could meet.


OFFICER of the month

Alameda “My favorite aspect of Key Club is the community.”

“My favorite memory is getting into vintage dresses for the Dunsmuir Christmas event.” “My New Year's resolution is to improve on my extracurriculars.”

Member of the Month:

Susan Nguyen


Member of the Month:

“My favorite aspect of Key Club is the community it builds within the club.” “My favorite Key Club memory is either the Albany beach clean up or Fall Rally North.” “My New Year’s resolution is to try to be nicer to my little sister and to be less of a procrastinator, especially with French homework.”

Pasquale Morton

American Indian “Key club is a great way to serve the community and make new friends at the same time.” “My favorite Key Club memory was when Brendan and I were making burgers together.” “My New Year's resolution is to get a 6-pack.”

Member of the Month:

Andy Phan


“My favorite aspect of Key Club would be the fact that the people in the club treat you like family. Especially volunteering, getting to know a lot of people and meeting them was something I enjoyed doing (especially with my bad puns).”

Member of the Month:

Kevin Si

“My favorite Key Club memory would be FRN because it was the event that started my passion and love for Key Club, doing many cheers and highly-spirited.”


“My favorite aspect of Key Club is helping the community and getting to make new friends that I wouldn't have the opportunity to meet otherwise.” “My favorite memory from Key Club is selling food at cal concessions, while working with Cal's Circle K Club.” “I plan procrastinate less and be more active both in and outside of Key Club.”

Member of the Month:

Marli Anglim

Castro Valley Member of the Month:

Kevin Wu

“My favorite aspect of Key Club is all the nice people in the club and how welcoming, fun, and spirited they are!” “My favorite memory in Key Club is that I like seeing people smiles and reactions when I serve them.” “My New Years Resolution is to make everyone happy in Key Club, future as well, and to bring new cheerfulness in their ongoing lives. This will be accomplished with my awesomeness and my very weird but inclusiveness personality!”

El Cerrito Favorite aspect of Key Club: “Having experience for work and college.”

Favorite Key Club memory: “Making friends with senior citizens in Berkeley.” New Year’s Resolution: “To not procrastinate as much as before”

Member of the Month:

Karen Tan

Encinal Member of the Month:

“My favorite aspect of Key Club is that it always has that sense of a safe environment. Members treat each other with respect and give off positive and friendly vibes that make feel engaged in the community.” “My favorite Key Club memory is definitely this year's FRN. It was cool meeting up with the division showing all of our D2 pride competing with other divisions as well as befriending some of them at the amusement park.” “My New Year's resolution is to drink more water, spend more time outside, focus on the positive and pet more dogs.”

Mariele Dacoron

Leadership Public


Member of the Month:

Favorite Aspect of Key Club: “Being able to hangout with my awesome officers.” Favorite Key Club Memory: “Meeting new people at DCMs and having fun with my officers! ” New Year’s Resolution: “To attend more services!”

Crystal Bach Oakland Technical “My favorite aspect of Key Club is that everyone, even new people, are treated like family. No one is ever left out and we give everyone the respect they deserve.” “My favorite Key Club memory so far is when D2 took over FRN by winning the spirit stick and I got to be a part of the Spirit team.” “My New Year’s resolution is to eat less than I usually do and to stop procrastinating.”

Member of the Month:

Marcus Acosta


San Leandro Favorite Aspect of Key Club: “Key Club has many people with similar motives and actions to do service for the community! No other club can offer that to me.” My favorite Key Club memory is when Division 2 won the spirit stick at FRN!” New Year’s Resolution: “To be come a better person by helping those in need!”

Member of the Month:

Hy Dang

San Lorenzo “My favorite aspect of Key Club is all the caring people in it. We all want to volunteer and make a difference. Whether its helping kids make crafts at the aquarium or helping serve food to the homeless, we want to help.”

Member of the Month:

“My favorite Key Club memory is running in the rain from Bart to The San Francisco aquarium. It was pouring, but that didn't stop us.”

Mariela Gonzales


Favorite aspect of Key Club: “Making new friends.” Favorite Key Club memory. “Going to services.” New Year’s Resolution: “To not procrastinate and focus on her study!”

Member of the Month:

Tina Lin



American Indian—



Castro Valley—

El Cerrito—


Leadership Public—


Oakland Technical—


Sharon He

Tiffany Huynh

Matthew Emily Yu Ma

Haley Tran

Jangle Thomas

Jessica Choy

Meiling Zhang

Allan Nguyen

Vincent Wong


San Leandro—

San Lorenzo—


Ivan Kao Theresa Tran

Tien Le

ClubClubRepOrts RepOrts Our key clubbers and key club officers attended the Dunsmuir Holiday Tradition event, the Salvation Army Christmas Luncheon, and also Rythmix Cultural Works: Bubble Show. We finally collected all the money from UNICEF boxes and started to count the money raised. We are currently planning a fundraiser where we will members and nonmembers can buy roses and write a note and we will deliver them to the recipient. We are also starting board elections next week.

For this month of holiday cheer, Albany Key Club had a variety of fun events! We helped at a Barnes and Nobles Gift Wrapping that contributed to our school district, and also helped at the Christmas Bird Count Dinner, making centerpieces for tables and registering attendees. Lastly, we held an annual holiday fundraiser making, selling, and delivering winter wonder candy cards at our school

In December, we began the month by monitoring street closures for Montclair Village's Holiday Stroll. Later, we decorated and participated for the MDA's annual holiday party and the Kiwanian Auction. We also volunteered for December's DWS at the Dunsmuir Estate and ushered for OYC's 41st annual Winter Concert. To end the month, we served at the East Bay College Fund's Annual Winter Retreat and Oakland AFS Foster Youth Holiday Funtastic.

To finish off the year, Arroyo Key Club has participated in as many events that would bring joy to the community as possible. Through events such as It’s a Wonderful Night, and Toy Basket Sorting, we were able to spread the joy of service to all we encountered. We topped off the year with a collaborative event with Arroyo Interact. The InterKey movie night was a great success to celebrate the amount of service committed by both D2 Kiwis and A2 Salamanders!

During the month of December, Berkeley High key club participated in two events. On Saturday, December 5, we helped out over in Oakland with the Lake Merritt Clean Up and on December 12, we volunteered at the Berkeley High School Holiday meal.

Before transitioning to the new year, Castro Valley Key Club had to wrap up a few lose ends before calling 2015 a good year. We volunteered twice with our Kiwanians at the Safeway BellRinging. Before the break started, we announced elections for the 2016-2017 term as well as information about DCON 2016. On the 20th, we worked with CVHS's Acts of Random Kindness club to make cards for hospital patients. We celebrated 2015 together with our Winter Social. We ended December with Meals on Wheels, as well as Bethel Food Pantry.

Send in a photo of your club to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com to make sure your club gets to be showcased like it deserves.

Do YOU want to show off what your club has been up to the past month? Contact your club’s Editor/Historian and send a summar y along with a photo to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com.

This month our club participated in our monthly food bank as well as division-wide events and meetings like the ice skating DCM and the Dunsmuir Tradition DWS.

Do YOU want to show off what your club has been up to the past month? Contact your club’s Editor/Historian and send a summar y along with a photo to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com.

Do YOU want to show off what your club has been up to the past month? Contact your club’s Editor/Historian and send a summar y along with a photo to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com.

In December, Oakland Tech has participated in the DWS that lasted over a few weekends, helped out Uhuru with baking pies for fundraising, and fundraised for ourselves over $200 from a boba sale.

This past month, our club volunteered at the Uhuru Farmer's Market and Holiday Kiwanis Auction. At the Farmer's Market, we were happy to have four new members attend, and hope they will continue to stay active within our club. Additionally, we had Club Day at our school, and were able to recruit more new members for our club. We're also continued our bubble tea sales to raise over $250!

Do YOU want to show off what your club has been up to the past month? Contact your club’s Editor/Historian and send a summar y along with a photo to Meiling at d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com.

This month of December, San Lorenzo Key Club participated in the Oro Loma Levee Project, the Dunsmuir Estate DWS, Aquarium of the Bay Breakfast Support, and the Salvation Army: Christmas Food Boxing Event. We also had 2 fundraisers where we sold cookies and coco, and also had a Christmas-themed photo booth. We raised $150 for the Eliminate Project! (we also performed an awesome Christmas-themed club report at the DCM.)

In the month of December, we unfortunately have not had a lot of attendance to services, but we have focused on building stronger relationships between officers and the club. We had a white elephant event and we also had a potluck. We have also been prepping for elections.


Hello Division 2!

My name is Stephen Liang and I am one of the Executive Assistants. I’d like to start off by congratulating you all on making it through Semester 1 of school! I hope each and every one of you tried your best on finals to get the grades you want! If not, meh. As the term comes to an end, be sure to apply for all things possible! Literally. You won’t believe the vast amounts of things you can apply for in Key Club! Are you a senior? Apply for Key Club scholarships! Are you a member? Apply for a board officer position! Are you an officer? Apply for a higher level of office position! Are you a Kiwanian? Apply for chaperoning us Key Clubbers! There are endless opportunities out there for all of us to enjoy! Take some time and research what you’re eligible to apply for! As always, be sure to reach out to your Kiwanis Club to see if they have any leadership opportunities you can attend! Who knows, maybe you’ll even receive a small stipend for attending! HEY! Are you an officer? Yeah, I know. It's that time of the year. Retirements. Please remember to provide your newly elected board with proper training on how to complete their tasks in order to have a successful year! Take time out of your schedule each week to provide training on how to complete each task thoroughly. If possible, invite the new board to a board meeting for them to see what happens! That’s all from me! I hope to see your lovely faces in the near future. As always, feel free to contact anyone from the Division Leadership Team if you have questions about anything!

With love, Stephen Liang

Theme Design Created by: Danika Manguiat, Division 28 South

DCON registration closes soon! Click HERE to begin. Click HERE to see available contests and recognition! Join thousands of Key Clubbers from all over CNH at the 70th annual District Convention from April 8-10, 2015 in Sacramento!

G DOUBLE O-D J-O-B GOOD JOB to all four candidates!


(_Meet_your_Lt_Governor_Elect!_) Name: Meiling Zhang School: Castro Valley High School Grade: 11th, Junior Birthday: March 3, 1999
 Current Position: DNE & Castro Valley Treasurer Favorite Color: Sky Blue & Navy Boba Order: Roasted oolong milk tea, 
 30% ice & 80% sugar, no toppings Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chip/Coffee Dream School: Johns Hopkins University Favorite Movie: The Lion King Favorite TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy Favorite Sport: Figure Skating Favorite Food: PASTA Allergies: Cats đ&#x;˜ż Ideal Date: Carnival/Zoo Fun Facts: I was born in China 
 & I speak Mandarin 

My best friend, Claire Pei, is D12W’s elect!


December DCM: D2 Charlotte Chan, Encinal

What better way to welcome the holidays than iceskating? As the cold weather approaches, we all f ind ourselves drawn to the chilly ice rink. However, this we are warmed by the opportunity to meet our fellow key clubbers from other divisions. Our unity as a club extends beyond our own schools and divisions as we all put on our skates, gloves, and scarves. At this month’s division council meeting we met up at the Dublin Iceland Ice Skating. Once again we meet to discuss the progress and news of our clubs, but even as we talk we’re all excited to get onto the ice. This time it’s not just us Kiwis, we’re also joined by the Blue Devils who share are anticipation. It is a great opportunity for us to meet

with other Key Clubbers who share our heart for service, leadership, and fun! As soon as we get onto the ice, some are already gliding along effortlessly around the rink. Some of them even showed off their cool moves here and there. It looked so easy when they did it, but who knew it would be so hard? Personally for me, ice isn’t my natural habitat. The skates felt foreign to my feet as I dragged them into the rink. I found myself hugging onto the edge of the rink as I inched my way in. After awhile, a long while, I realized that holding onto the edge of the rink would bring me nowhere. I gathered all my courage and let go. It wasn’t so bad. I took small steps and bigger steps as

I became bolder. It was all going so well until I suddenly found myself sitting on the ice. I struggled a bit before a friend helped me up, and it wasn’t long before I was skating again. Maybe it took a couple of falls, but by the end of the night I was no longer afraid of the slippery ice and blades on my feet. Even though falling is frightening, there’s a certain sense of victory and assurance that comes with getting back up. After falling once, I was able to take confident strides on the ice, because I was no longer afraid of falling. Falling is just a part of taking risks. I realized at this short and fun event, that the greatest lessons come from the most mundane things.

Photos by Khoi Nguyen, Skyline

& D26S Ice Skating Watch the latest episode of KIWEVILS HERE!

Christmas Food Boxing

December 20, 2015

5 days before Christmas, San Lorenzo Key Club attended the Salvation Army: Christmas Food Boxing event. When we arrived to the event, we were greeted by other volunteers ranging from students, adults, and seniors. We were given a brief orientation about the history of the Salvation Army organization. They also informed us that the boxes that we will pack that day will be delivered to various food banks in the TriValley area. After the orientation, we were assigned different stations such as preparing the boxes, filling the boxes with various foods, taping the boxes, and also putting the boxes on pallets in

Wesley Sosa, San Lorenzo

order to easily place them inside the delivery trucks. We were also challenged to pack 650 boxes in an hour, and that motivated us to work even faster. Everything happened so quickly, many boxes were filled, and before we even knew it, we already completed our challenge. Although the time constraint added a pressure to us, we were still able to complete the challenge and have fun while doing it. I interviewed Key Club member Galal Mohamed about his overall experience in the event and he replied, “I had a great time, getting to meet new people and working [alongside with them] to make a change was

a heart-warming experience! It really [made me aware] that there are people in this world who care about others, EVEN those who work so hard to get on the table to support their families. I know that every box we filled wasn’t going to waste but [instead] going to the right hands of thankful people who just try to make it through the day with what they have. “I would really attend this event again because it just fills [my] heart with love and care that [I] never felt before, therefore, I absolutely recommend that [SLz Key Club] do this again and persuade others to try it out because I assure you won’t regret it!”

Alta Mira Club Holiday Tea The Alta Mira Club Holiday Tea event was a lovely occasion that took place in San Leandro on December 12, 2 01 5 . T h e a m o u n t o f volunteers we had for the event was outstanding, considering that December is typically a busy month. With so much help, volunteers were able to quickly and efficiently assort platters of sandwiches and sugary sweets for elderly guests. Volunteers were asked to

politely greet the table they were serving and to attend to their requests when necessary. Members reported back saying that it was “like working in a cafe” and that they “really enjoyed serving the guests.” I, along with my peers, would be glad to serve at the Alta Mira Club again. We were taught proper etiquette for serving and drinking tea and coffee, as well as appetizer assortments. The Alta Mira Club was so thankful for our service that

Kristen Chhom, Arroyo they provided each volunteer with a small tip, as well as provided food. Members were able to communicate with those who were serving, as well as those who were served, enjoying one another's company. All together, volunteering Alta Mira Club was welcoming, and exciting. Respectively, both parties would enjoy joining forces for another event.

Winter Social “Tis the season to be jolly,” and that’s exactly what Castro Valley Key Club did on December 22nd. In desperate need of relaxation and bonding, our Service Committee hosted the Winter Social for all of our spectacular Kiwis! Although the social wasn’t technically supposed to start for a few more hours,

people started to show up Johnny Chen, Castro Valley and get comfortable for everyone had brought. From the huge amounts of fun that sushi to katsu, from homemade they didn’t even know they were boba to bacon-wrapped mashed going to have! Once 3 P.M. potatoes, we started stuffing rolled in, we kicked off the ourselves as we all got to chill out bonding with introductions and and have fun! an Ice-Breakers which many Throughout the night, know as “Bang!” After that our Kiwis were playing cards, intense gun-fight, we started watching movies and doing even eating all of the potluck that more games like “Mafia.” Unfortunately, we had to call all of the excitement to an end as the time was approaching 6 P.M. However, we finished off a SUCCESSFUL Winter Social with our “amazing” holiday karaoke where ears may or not have ended up bleeding (disclaimer: they didn’t). Having such an incredible membership of dedicated members is what made this event so much fun! To an even greater year in 2016!

Raymond Chu, Oakland Tech

December is the month of song, joy, giving, and receiving. Once again, Oakland Tech’s Key Club was fortunate to be able to work with Uhuru Foods and Pies in an effort to battle colonialism in Africa. December is the last month of the year and one of

the coldest, so surely families would love to enjoy handmade home pies over Christmas. Just like Thanksgiving, Oakland Tech Key has participated to help prepare, bake, and box pies ready to sell. The proceeds will go toward the African Community and help employ all people of African American descent. We look forward to more opportunities to work with Uhuru and contribute to their aim.

Winter Wonder Candy Cards

T’was the month of holiday cheer, and Albany Key Club’s annual Winter Wonder Candy Card Fundraiser! We would make cards for people to buy at our school for $1 each, and then deliver their cards on the second-to-last day of school before winter break, along with a yummy baked good. We got to work early this year, making cards three weeks before delivery so we had ample time to sell. We bought colorful card stock and ribbons, and members helped at the end of club meetings to make cards in assembly-line fashion. We then sold cards for a week before delivery, at every lunch in our school’s atrium. Members also had the option to sell cards themselves. We trusted them to keep track of the cards and be honest about turning in money. These two methods turned out to be very effective, as we sold over 400 cards in the end. As for the baked goods, we gave the choice of either ricekrispies or brownies to come with the card. Members helped bake both, which was incredibly helpful, but in the end there were just too many orders of brownies to possibly home-make all of them in time and we had to buy some. Fortunately, they were still delicious! The day of card delivery was chaotic, but exciting and

fun. Members helped during every period of the day to deliver the cards, and we even had a Santa costume that members could dress up in. We also had a mix-up during third period, but thankfully we found out in time and with the help of our incredible members, running from classroom to classroom to try to deliver in time, all cards were delivered in the end. Although this fundraiser took many hours of planning, organization, and work, in the end we made great profit, had lots of fun, and brought joy to so many people.

Tiffany Huynh, Albany

DECEMBER DWS Angela Quach, Alameda

The Dunsmuir Holiday Tradition took place on December 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 19th, and the 20th. This event started from 10:30 am to 4 pm. The location that the event took place was in Oakland. This event happens every year and it was Key Club’s Division Wide Service event. The people who came to volunteer had to wear black since it is easier to see who were the volunteers and who was not. The mansion was really big and spacious. It was also really nice too since it was decorated with a lot of Christmas decorations and Christmas trees. The mansion was already decorated a while ago so we were not assigned to that job. Instead, the job we were

assigned to was watching the children that came to the event and to also entertain them. We stayed in the area that was designated for children. There was not a lot of kids at this event when I went but a few more came after. We made some roasted marshmallows and enjoyed them with both the other key clubbers and also the children. We entertained the kids The next day that we went to volunteer, we were led inside the mansion. Our job was to direct tours that many people took and to also explain the items in the mansion. Overall, this was a really fun event. It was filled with many christmas decorations and it also gave a really great

warmth since many people came to see the mansion. It was a really great way to meet other Key Clubbers since this event was a DWS. It was also really fun too.

Click HERE to check out the DISTRICT newsletter and read more about Key Clubs from all over CNH!

Hey Kiwis! After all the stress and anxiety that came in January, I’m BEEyond excited to start February! First semester is finally over, so we can have a little time to breathe since it’s just the beginning of a new semester! Along with new beginnings in school also comes new beginnings in Key Club! I’m am extremely honored to be able to serve you as your next Division 2 Lieutenant Governor for the 2016-2017 term! In order to have the best year possible, this division needs to have the best officers for the job, so that means YOU should consider running for a position on your club board or apply to be a part of the DLT! There are only a little over two months left until District Convention, but there are so many things that we can accomplish in that time. Run for a position, apply to be a part of the board, learn graphic standards and apply or DNE! The possibilities are endless. I hope you enjoy your month and have a happy Valentine’s Day and President’s Day! I’ll see you all at the February DCM! With Love, Meiling Zhang Division News Editor 2015-2016

Calvin Tang Division 2 Lieutenant Governor d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (510) 505-4477

Stephen Liang Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510) 666-5486

Meiling Zhang Division News Editor d02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (510) 909-4393

Calvin Cheung Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510) 913-6888

Rachel Fong Executive Assistant d02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510) 219-4252






Lucy Peng LucyPeng213@gmail.com (510) 219-9939

Xiuhoon Giang xiuhoong@gmail.com (510) 710-7474

Young Cai youngcai543@gmail.com (510) 336-1223




Maya Shen Annie Fang Julia Pew pennyfromheaven2@gmail.com 00xiaowei00@gmail.com juliapew@students.berkeley.net (510) 510-4812 (510) 388-6855 (510) 847-3957


Song Quan songq99@gmail.com (510) 600-5896


Serena Truong serena.t98@gmail.com (510) 381-1954


Kathy Yan yankathy5@gmail.com (510) 875-8365


Janelle Le janellekle@gmail.com (510) 363-4038


Allan Nguyen Adrienne Le allanguyenn@gmail.com adriennelauren98@gmail.com
 (510) 759-0252 (510) 316-2872




Rachel Fong 16rachelfong@gmail.com (510) 219-4252

Lilian Nguyen lilianguyenn@gmail.com (510) 463-7298

Kevin Duong tinduong14@gmail.com (510) 755-9334

Douglas Gin region9advisor@gmail.com
 (925) 785-7616

Lisa Grover lisagrover81@gmail.com (707) 410-8499


Nikki Phu phu.nikki@yahoo.com (510) 918-8289

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the newsletter, feel free to contact Meiling or Calvin.

cnhkeyclub.org | keyclub.org

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