Division 2 February 2014

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Kiwi Chronicles OFFICIAL

D I V I S I O N 2 N E WS L E T T E R

The Division 2 candidates at Conclave did a fantastic job! G-DOUBLE-O-D-J-O-B, good job! Good job! Way to go, Kevin, Jeremy, Edmond, Alan, and Megan.

Jokes from our Members of the Month! 10

February’s Service Initiative 21 Conclave Recap 22 Why go to DCON? 31

& more.

February 2014 Volume 2 // Issue 10 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali -Nev-Ha District | Key Club


INSIDE TH LTG’s Welcome Message 4 Upcoming Events 6 February DCM Agenda 7 Division Goals 8 Recognition 10 Club Reports 14 February’s Service Initiative 21 Conclave Recap 22 LTG-Elect’s Introduction 23 Articles 24 Awards Preparation 26 2

HIS ISSUE Rustic Pathways 27 A Call to Service Initiative: Cindy’s MLK Jr. Day Speech 28 District Convention 2014 29 5 Reasons Why You Need to Attend DCON 31 DNE’s Closing Message 32 Contact Info 33 Thank You 36


Hello Kiwis! What a month January has been! It was definitely a golden kick starter to the year! Let’s rewind our month... I attended Winter Board Training Conference and we have elected a Lieutenant Governor. I can still remember the day I was elected, February 2nd, and I can’t believe it’s been so long. It‟s been a year full of laughter, smiles, tears, hard work, service, and much more. This year has been life changing, and I can’t believe how much we’ve grown as a division and as leaders. Awake-a-Thon is right around the corner and I am more than ready to stay up all night! Don’t forget to invite your Kiwanians. I hope you are all attending DCON to celebrate our wonderful year of service together. For those of you who haven’t gone before, get prepared for a life changing event As the incoming leaders begin their legacies, we need you to finish your legacy strong. Train your elect so that they can start with a strong foundation. Work with them to create events, fundraise, and bond. Let’s see what we can accomplish in less than 80 days. See you soon, Kiwis!

Deed of Kindness: This month, I want YOU to get creative. Come up with your own random act of kindness. I’d like to see what you come up with.


Division 2 Lieutenant Governor 2013-2014


Check out the LTG Electâ€&#x;s Introduction on page 23!

Can you spot Cindy?



February 2014







Sat 1 Dues are due!


SAA Captain Apps are due!







8 Movie DCM







Awake-a-Thon Submissions Due







Studio One DWS

Complete Awards, Kiwanis Scholarship, and DCON Registration!!




February Movie DCM February 8th 2-5PM



The Kiwanis DCM will be in the morning and the Key Club DCM will be in the afternoon!


28 Vote for the movie you want to see on the Facebook event page!

Hosted by Oakland Tech Key Club.

Awake-a-Thon Submissions are Due! February 15th More information coming soon!

Awards, Kiwanis Scholarship Applications, and DCON Registration is all due on February 20th. Good luck completing everything! Your hard work will pay off. :) DWS: Studio One Clean-Up February 22th 10AM-2PM


Did you know our hash tags are #d2kiwis or #2wengz?


9PM to 9AM.


As of February 1 according to monthly submissions

Service Hours: 14,030/15,000 hours

Funds Raised for PTP: $8018.92/$10,000 Funds Raised for Eliminate: $3723.89/$10,000

Fundraising Initiatives $150 per month, per club towards Project Eliminate. Recommended: 1-2 fundraisers per month. Ideas: Tapioca sales (get a bulk rate!), Safeway sponsorship, Host a DCM, Coin Jar, Sports tournaments, etc.

Service Initiatives 100 hours per month, per club. Recommended: 4 services per month. Ideas: Bell ringers, trauma dolls, clothes drive, book drive, gift wrapping, dance marathon, etc.


Membership Goals „12-‟13


„13-‟14 Goals Increase by:

















Castro Valley




El Cerrito












Oakland Tech








San Leandro












R ECOGNITION San Leandro had the most service hours. Piedmont raised the most funds. Skyline is our club of the month.

Division Kiwis of the Month Kiwanian of the Month

Officer of the Month Jaime Wong

Karla Salazar

(San Leandro)


Division Member of the Month Arroyo: KAJOL DHIR “My favorite Key Club memory was the most recent event taking prom pictures with the elderly and dancing to the chicken dance.” “You shouldn’t wear makeup because you’re messing with perfection!”

Club Members of the Month Alameda: HANNAH GONCHAR “I like how we can meet new people from different schools and help our community at the same time.” “Knock Knock. Who’s there? Interrupting Cow. InterrupMOOOOOO” 10

Club Members of the Month Albany: ASHA LIDDICOAT “What I like most about Key Club is really just the atmosphere of the meetings. Everyone in Key Club is usually so naturally friendly and I feel like it’s a place where I belong and can just be myself.” “One of my favorites that I’ve heard is: Feel my sweater. Know what it’s made out of? Boyfriend material.”

American Indian Public: HALEY TRAN “Key Club does community service and funds money in hopes of changing lives!” “Why does the monkey climb the tree? Because it’s dead.”

Check out all of these hilarious jokes, puns, and pick-up lines from our very own Members of the Month!


Club Members of the Month Castro Valley: PARIYA NEDJAD “My favorite Key Club experience so far has been FRN. FRN has shown me that Key Club is bigger than I thought it was and it was great to see the club members showing their spirit and pride towards community service.”

Encinal: DEANNA CHU “I like how everyone’s close to each other and I got to know more people within the club.” “I usually take steps to avoid elevators.”

Oakland High: CINDY LUONG “I like that Key Club is a club that gives a lot of opportunities to help the community.” “Did you just fart? Cause you blew me away.”

Oakland Tech: KEVIN MA “Something I like about Key Club is the fact that I can meet new people from the events.” “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”


Club Members of the Month Piedmont: JASMINE QI “My favorite memory would be going to FRN because it was nice meeting people from other schools and everyone showed a lot of spirit.” “It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they take things so literally!”

San Leandro: GRACIE PANG “I like the family aspect of Key Club because it differentiates it from other clubs, which makes it incredible. I also love how you can be apart of something so special that is also international!” “I don’t have a library card, but mind if I check you out?”

Kiwi Points Note: These Kiwi Points are percentages per member and have been calculated directly from the MRF!

Alameda: 32.10

Castro Valley: 83.28

Piedmont: 120.35

Albany: 28.57

El Cerrito: 0.00

San Leandro: 61.28

American Indian Public: 68.19

Encinal: 5.53

Skyline: 50.73

Arroyo: 79.50

Oakland High: 14.81

Berkeley: 19.01

Oakland Tech: 37.04


Piedmont is in the lead!

C LUB R EPORTS ALAMEDA Alameda Key Club has been exceptionally active in our service over the past month. We participated in a myriad of festive events for the holiday, including volunteering at the Oakland Museum, serving thousands of meals at the Salvation Army on Christmas, and packaging and sorting canned goods at our local food bank. Our first time pie baking at Uhuru Pies was a success! Additionally, We painted and sold countless ornaments as one of our club fundraisers are currently planning to do more fundraisers so that we can meet our goal. Elections for the 2014-2015 officer board are coming up, so we will be excited to see the new board that'll take charge!

ALBANY Albany High School Key Club spread the holiday spirits this month by having a Winter Wonder Candy Card Sale! The sale required a bit of preparation but it was definitely worth it! We dressed up as Santa Claus and gave out cards attached with home made Peppermint Bark and Rice Krispies for a dollar. All funds went to project Eliminate and it was a success! This month we plan to volunteer at the Champagne Gala on the first of February, and we are very excited. Board Members have been meeting up a lot this month as well, and we are planning to have a fundraiser during Valentines day. We are getting ready for the year 2014 for Key Club!


AMERICAN INDIAN PUBLIC The past month has been a festive month with lots of holiday-related activities. Our members went to Dunsmuir Estate on the weekends to help their annual event. For the last two weeks before winter break, we had a can drive and collected 159 cans to donate to Alameda Food Bank. At the meeting before winter break, we held a Christmas party to award our members for being so supportive and encourage them to continue being active in the future. On December 23, we went to the Holiday Dinner at Oakland Marriot to prepare food and set up tables. It was a lot of fun meeting people from other Key Clubs.

ARROYO We had service events such as The New Year's Eve Marathon and Winter Ball for Disabled Adults. We also had some members and officers attend the Holiday Dinner DWS. We are also volunteering at the Crab Feed with SL Key Club. We are having a Kiwanis Takeover on January 28th to raise money for MNT. We will be auctioning baked goods, coupons, etc. We are also selling Bal Theatre tickets; they are worth $10 but we are selling them for $8.50. Lastly, we are planning to hold our election in the next month or so.


BERKELEY Berkeley Key Club hosted the Peanut Butter Plan and a bake sale on 4th Street. The first event we participated in was the Peanut Butter Plan. We made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at the park across from Berkeley high and distributed them to the homeless. This event was a huge success because we made around 50 sandwiches and handed most of them. All the homeless were very appreciative of the food which made us feel good and happy. The fact that people appreciated the sandwiches was extremely touching because we didn't think people would want the sandwiches. Many members enjoyed this event and want to participate in this in the future. Many Key Clubbers felt that the peanut butter plan is a great way to give back to the community. Berkeley Key Club also hosted a bake sale on 4th street. We raised around $80 for PTP. We had an assortment of cupcakes, cookies, brownies and cake. We will continue to host bake sales because they are a great way to raise money.

CASTRO VALLEY This month, we had a card making event where we made motivational cards for support. We also had a paper star making event in which we folded as many paper stars as possible and put them in nice clear jars to give to our two teachers at Castro Valley High School diagnosed with cancer to show our love for them. We held a District Convention informational meeting for those who are interested in attending the District Convention or just want to learn more about the District Convention. We had a background making event to create and decorate a background drop.


EL CERRITO El Cerrito Key Club has been trying to plan fundraisers and events. In the future, we hope to have a bake sale and a car wash to raise money for PTP. We hope to reach our goal by the end of the school year! Officer elections will take place soon, where next year’s board members will be selected.



LEADERSHIP PUBLIC Since it’s a new year, we started to plan events for the upcoming months. We started by meeting up at the local Starbucks and discussing what we wanted to do for our Key Club as well as helping with the community. We wanted to help the community by helping out with other events and showing our pride. We agreed on a few events like Brides Against Cancer, a movie sleepover night, and others. We are happy to be able to get our members excited for our events and we are glad to have such great members.

OAKLAND HIGH For the month of January, our club got to give back to our school. Some members volunteered during campus cleanup. Campus cleanup is an event held at Oakland once a month for students. To volunteer, We do things like cleaning up the campus, decorate bulletin boards, painting banners, decorating hallways and anything to beautify the school.


OAKLAND TECH Since last month's submission our club has attended the division wide services. We also participated at the Salvation Army Luncheon and the Oakland Holiday Dinner. Over the holidays, we also had our club volunteer at the Alameda County Food Bank. Recently, we hosted a bake sale to fundraise.

PIEDMONT Recently, our club has been volunteering with Uhuru Food & Pies in helping them with their holiday pie campaign, as well as by volunteering at their local farmers' market stand. We are also searching for a wider variety of service events to volunteer at and looking for other organizations to establish closer relations with. As usual, we are continuing to raise funds through our weekly bubble tea sales and plan to hold a badminton fundraiser soon. We are all excited to be hosting a DCM with Arroyo in March!


SAN LEANDRO San Leandro recently had a dodge ball tournament to help fundraise for DCON. We have our annual Kiwanis Crab Feed at the Boys and Girls Club coming up on Saturday January 18. We are also planning on having a officer training for those who are interested in running for a position.

SKYLINE December and January have been great months for Key Club -- we're growing ever so more! In December, we went to fun events such as the Oakland Holiday Parade, and this month, we are having other events such as helping out with nature and the environment. Besides that, meetings have been more and more vibrant as we expand with more members, and our single service event of a book drive is going excellently. Already, we have a lot of books ready to be donated -- it's just a matter of counting books to see who is the lucky winner of Warriors tickets we plan to give to the one who donates the most! Elections are coming up soon as well -- in February, we're going to start off with mock elections and eventually, there will be a new board ready to replace the old one.


February’s Service Initiative The CNH Service Projects Committee has created the Spotlight on Service Program to educate Key Clubbers about Key Club International and service initiatives. A service initiative will be assigned to every month for clubs to focus on!

This month’s service initiative is...

Goal: To raise money towards children’s hospitals nationwide and provide things like research, training, and proper equipment.

Statistics: 62 children enter a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital for treatment every minute, which translate to one child every second.


Create cards for patients at your local Children’s Hospital. This is an ideal project for the holidays! 21

Provide toys and dolls for kids going through trauma. How about trauma dolls?

Organize fundraisers to raise enough money to buy specific pieces of equipment.

This year’s Conclave and January DCM was held at Studio One in Oakland along with both Division 26 North and South. At Conclave, Key Clubbers elected their 2014-2015 Lieutenant Governor through a series of caucus sessions and listening to the candidates’ speeches. We had five wonderful and extremely qualified candidates --Alan Kwok, Edmond Lau, Kevin Moyung, Megan Phuong, and Jeremy Yu -- and it was hard to choose! In the end, Kevin Moyung was elected as the 2014-2015 Division 2 Lieutenant Governor. Congratulations, Kevin!

Photo credits to Mr. Gin, Beijo Lee, Desiree Choe, Jessica Huynh, Kelly Chan & Peony Chen. 22

Hello Kiwis! I am so excited to start a brand new term with you all in the upcoming year! It’s been quite a fantastic term and every single club has been doing so well: we’ve had so much club growth this year. Our service hours and PTP/Eliminate fundraising has been absolutely splendid! For the 2014-2015 year, I would like to implement my set of goals: S.O.A.R! Service is a main focus point in Key Club and we need to make sure that every single member can have equal opportunities to attend service events. By encouraging interclub service along with Kiwanians, there can be larger events made available to more people! Outreach - our communication has been pretty well this year, but I would love to increase communication with our Kiwanis clubs; they support us every step of the way and we should return the favor by creating a positive bond between them and us. It’s not just with Kiwanians however. Within our division, I hope to encourage more communication between everybody so that our club can come together as a more united goal of talented individuals. Achievement - Goals are very important for us. I plan on discussing goals with every club to then set a division goal that we can all achieve together. Recognition - Members who show exemplary dedication and passion for Key Club deserve to be recognized; through recognition, other members can be motivated to do the same. Look out for a new future: Weekly Member Spotlight! Within my set of goals, I hope to be able to support every single one of you every step of the way, so that together, as one big family, we can SOAR to great heights!

With great dedication and love,

Division 2 Lieutenant Governor Elect 2014-2015 23

San Leandro

San Leandro

San Leandro

San Leandro hosted their 3rd Annual Dodge-Ball Tournament. “What I liked about this event was that everyone had a great time and everyone was cheering one another to win. I learned that showing good sportsmanship will bring heartwarming attitude and better vibes to new members,” says Anthony Nguyen.


In December, Division 2 clubs participated in the season of giving: Arroyo along with other clubs volunteered at the City of Oakland’s Holiday Dinner, Skyline organized a book drive, and Albany delivered “Winter Wonder Candy Cards” to classmates as a fundraiser!


Arroyo 24



KPFA Crafts & Music Fair By Rachel Fong, Piedmont On Saturday, December 14, Piedmont Key Club was able to volunteer at the KPFA Crafts and Music Fair in San Francisco. It is the largest weekend holiday craft fair of its kind in Northern California, and featured exhibitors throughout the West Coast. The fair even included live music and a food court for guests. When we arrived at the fair, we were divided into four groups to monitor different areas of the building. We then introduced ourselves to all of the different booths, and offered our assistance

to them. For example, my group was able to help a booth that specialized in jams and juices to volunteer by labeling their jars. Afterwards, they even gave us free, freshly-made apple and grape juice to bring back to our club. We also assisted a hula-hoop entertainment area, and were able to hula-hoop while watching over the guests that participated alongside us. Overall, we had a lot of fun at the event as we got to assist the booths while getting to know the vendors and sample their products. We attended this event last year as well, and hope to continue to volunteer at next year’s fair as well!

Adopting Diamond Park By Lynn Vu, American Indian Public

American Indian Public

American Indian Public


Ever heard of a service called Adopt-a-park? No? Adopt-a-park is when someone or, usually, a group of people take on the task of taking care of the park for a day and preserving it. American Indian Public High School’s Key Club has adopted Diamond Park in Oakland, CA and has been actively cleaning this park and keeping it in tip-top shape for people of all ages to enjoy. Lately all the leaves have been crumbling, tumbling, and bumbling down so this month we have been clearing the leaves so that no one there is in danger of slipping and hitting their head against the concrete. For people who are handicapped and require things such as crutches or a cane to get around, these people often come into contact with slippery leaves and are very likely to fall. It has happened on multiple occasions. It was a blast volunteering here and we even received compliments from the daily park goers. If any Key Club has a chance to, I say this is a great and fun way to give back. We had the opportunity to bond as we all worked together to rake the leaves and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the hiking trails and the joy on the children’s face as they ran around on safer grounds.

Awards Preparation How to Save Your Files Stay organized and make sure all of your file names follow the same format.

Graphic Standards Don’t forget about this! Graphic Standards will be like your extra brownie points. :)

Starting Early Take screenshots of important emails and social media usage throughout your term. Collect a compilation of these. Use all resources available to you on the CNH CyberKey!

How to Organize Your Application

One word: Folders. Divide into subsections.

Setting Deadlines Start early. Budget your time by creating a schedule/calendar for yourself. Work at it little by little.

Criteria Adhere to Graphic Standards. Read the rules and fill out your application correctly. Complete the supplementary forms (some of these only apply to certain apps): Checklist, E-signatures, and Proof of Attendance.

More award resources are available online. cnhkeyclub.org/resources/tutorials 26

Meet Kiwanis International’s newest co-sponsor: Rustic Pathways! Rustic Pathways leads travel service programs for students. Check it out! There are more than 130 programs in 20 countries worldwide. As partners of Key Club, Rustic Paths will offer trips exclusively designed for Key Club members. Through these unique adventures, you can gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and your place in the world.

For more information, visit rusticpathways.com/keyclub 27

Our Lieutenant Governor Cindy Weng was asked to speak at the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration sponsored by Piedmont Appreciating Diversity Committee. Here’s what she had to say about what Key Club is doing for others and the importance of service initiative:

Hello, My name is Cindy Weng, and I serve as the current Lieutenant Governor of Division 2’s Key Club. I am currently a high school senior at Oakland Tech. I look over 14 clubs in our area, ranging from El Cerrito to the Castro Valley/ Hayward area and serve as a liaison on tri-state and international levels. We are very proud to have Piedmont High School as a part of our division. Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. We stand by the core values of leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness. We believe that children are our future, thus they are our focus. This year, our division has raised over $10,000 in 6 months for two charities, the Pediatric Trauma Program and the Eliminate Project, both of which save millions of children’s lives. This morning, our district, California-Nevada-Hawaii, hit our 2 million dollar benchmark in raising funds for the Eliminate Project, which eliminates tetanus in underdeveloped countries. And Piedmont High School has played a large role in this area. Furthermore, we have served over 14,000 hours of service in just a mere few months. However, I’m not here to bring you numbers. I’m here to inspire you to make a change within your own communities, and see how youth today are really our future. We are achieving what many told us was impossible, and what many just laughed in our faces and thought was a funny joke. But, in Key Club, serving has become a way of our life, a way to better the world. And with that, I encourage you to stand up and make a change. It only takes a mere few moments: picking up some trash, volunteering at a food bank, serving the homeless. I’m here giving you the opportunity to serve the community around you, because the possibilities are endless. And, you might just learn the most important lesson, something about compassion and understanding. Thank you. 28

For more information, visit the CNH Cyberkey and the District Newsletter! 29

REGISTRATION CHECKLIST CNH DCON 2014: Your Golden Ticket Note: The recommended deadlines are divided into weekends to accommodate for different Key Club meeting days.


You must have school and/or school district approval for overnight events (usually referred to as a field trip request.) Make sure you KNOW what forms to complete and HOW EARLY they must be submitted. The advisor must submit these forms.

Failure to comply with school policies may jeopardize not only your opportunity to attend this event but potentially future Key Club events.

If your school or school district denies your club from attending convention, then your club may not attend.

BY FEBRUARY 1ST - PROMOTE CONVENTION Tools include the Call to DCON Video, DCON promotional flyers, and sharing previous DCON experiences during meetings.


1. Compile a list of students and advisors attending the convention. You really want to encourage your club’s new officers to attend DCON, and remember that the only qualification to attend DCON is to be a dues paid member in good standing! Be sure to have the following prior to registration:

    

Name of attendees and office held (if applicable). Email Gender Shirt Size Number of Vegetarians

2. Continue collecting payment for the convention registration, hotel reservation, and transportation. 3. Have the primary advisor complete registration.

Students and advisor(s) must be registered within one session of the online registration process with ease - also, please remember that there is a 1 advisor to every 10 students ratio BY GENDER.

 

Code of Conduct (must be sent WITH club registration printout and payment) Medical Forms (advisor keeps these during entire convention)

BY FEBRUARY 15TH - COMPLETE THE PROCESS By this date, you are recommended to have: 1. Completed and submitted all necessary school forms. 2. Sent in the complete registration and fees to their correct destinations.

Submit ONE CHECK, a printout of the registration, AND one code of conduct for EACH attendee.

3. Complete hotel registration for either Hyatt Regency, Sheraton Grand, Holiday Inn Capital, Express, Fairfield/Courtyard, Residence Inn, or Hawthorne Suites

You will be asked to show proof of hotel registration at the registration booth.

If this plan is followed and all forms are correctly completed, you should have no problem meeting the February 20th DCON registration deadline! 30

5 reasons

why you need to go to District Convention

1. BEE recognized for your and others’ achievements. 2. Get spirited and show off that Kiwi pride! 3. Attend workshops that will further your success as a leader. 4. Meet new people! (Hello, free hugs anyone?) 5. Above all, you will BEE inspired. Seeing the district come together in one place and being surrounded by passionate people who truly care for this organization and what it stands for will empower you. All of this, including the workshops and keynote speaker, will motivate future officers to start their terms off with a bang and graduating Key Clubbers will celebrate the past term!

Photo credits to Stella Wong and Julie Ho. 31

Three generations of Alameda Key Club!

Hello Kiwis! When I make my newsletters, the first thing I usually do is edit the cover and change the month name and issue number. Well, when I wrote down the big “10” this month, I was so surprised. Really now? Is this the TENTH newsletter I have made for the division? This is the first time I have ever really thought about how many newsletters I’ve been making. Where did all that time go? It’s weird to think I only have two more newsletters to make for you guys! I have truly been honored to serve as your Division 2 Newsletter Editor. “Fun” is an overly-used word, so I feel odd that I was going to describe this job as “fun.” It is not simply fun. My term has been so much more than that, the word “fun” cannot encompass everything I have experienced! I have stepped out of my comfort zone in so many ways, grown as person, a leader, and I will continue to use the things I have learned during my term in my future. Although it is too early for farewells, I will really, really miss this job. Conclave is an event that I always look forward to! I get to witness so many inspirational Key Club leaders who all want to better our Division! Congratulations to our Division 2 Lieutenant Governor Elect. :) February 20th is the deadline for all awards and the Kiwanis Scholarship applications! Members: Did you know that there is a new recognition program just to recognize YOU? All of you are now eligible of being recognized on stage at District Convention. I encourage the members, the officers, and the everyone and anyone to apply! Even if you do not feel like you would qualify for Distinguished, why not try? And even so, you may qualify for “Appreciation” or “Outstanding!” Trust me, you won’t regret it. I was the only person from my club who applied for something last year. I applied for the Newsletter Contest and our club was recognized as “Outstanding.” I wasn’t really sure how awards worked back then, so I definitely did not expect to see my club’s name up there on the presentation! It was probably the highlight of my entire DCON experience last year. :) Hope to see you all soon! Here is a quote to leave you all with: “It‟s not what you look at that matters, it‟s what you see.”

Yours In Service, , Division 2 Newsletter Editor 32

C ontac t Info Cindy Weng Division 2 Lieutenant Governor

Jeff Van


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510)-779-8215

Danica Liang Division Newsletter Editor

Julie Ho


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510)-213-3049

Edmond Lau Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510)-701-6980


â€&#x; s t n e Presid

C ontac t Info





Jay Zhang

Ayleng Giang

Cindy Tran

Han Tran








http:// albanyhighkeyclub.weebly.com/


Molly Wampler


Kevin Moyung

berkeleyhighkeyclub@gmail.com castrovalleyhighkeyclub@gmail.com (510)-861-8641

(510)-996-8272 http://cvhskeyclub.tk/


(510)-695-3636 http://arroyokeyclub.webs.com/



Christina Zhou

Tsz Yau Wong







Kiana Go

Janet Yan

Alan Kwok

Taylor Chow







http:// oaklandhighkeyclub.weebly.com/


http://piedmontkeyclub.wix.com/ home



Jessica Huynh Slhs.kc2@gmail.com

Lena Chen skcpresidents@gmail.com

(510)-383-6080 http:// slhskeyclub.weebly.com/


(510)-318-0993 http://skylinekeyclub.webs.com/

Region Advisors


Douglas Gin

Lisa Grover




Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, please contact Cindy or Danica.

Photo credits to Danny Wong.


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