Division 2 June 2013

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Kiwi Chronicles OFFICIAL

D I V I S I O N 2 N E WS L E T T E R

Castro Valley— At the Division-wide Service (DWS), Adrienne Le from Oakland Tech helps rebuild a home.

April DCM Review page 19 Rebuilding Together Oakland 21

CKI Banquet 24

Task Coordinators 29

June 2013 Volume 2 // Issue 2

& more.

Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali -Nev-Ha District | Key Club


LTG’s Welcome ………….…………………... page 4 Upcoming Events …………………….…....………. 6 June DCM Agenda …………………...….……….. 7 Recognition ………….…..………………….…….... 8 Club Summaries ………………..……….….…....… 13 April DCM Review ……………..……….….…....… 19 Articles ………..……………………….…..….…..… 20 OTC Reflection ……………………….…..….…..… 24 Eliminate Week Reflection ………….…..….…..… 25 Kiwanis Family Feature ….……..…….………….... 26 Circle K ………..…………….……………..….…..… 29 Favorite Summer Events ……………..….……..… 30 Meet Your Task Coordinators ……..……………. 31 DNE’s Closing Message ……..………..…………. 34 Contact Info ……….………..………….…..…..…. 35


Photo credits to Julie Ho, Skyline.



Hello Kiwis! Wow it‘s been over two months since DCON. Summer is right around the corner! This is going to be a summer filled with fun, service and new experiences. What are you doing this summer? I‘d love to hear all about it. As many of you know, I‘ll be in Paraguay this summer, volunteering and serving the children of our world. I‘ll be sure to tell you ALL about it when I return. Remember to email me any comments or concerns you have before I leave. I hope many of you were able to attend the DCM on the 19th! If not, I hope to see you at our next DCM. We have tons of events coming up, so look out for them! Key Club doesn‘t end when school ends; service is infinite. Those of you still in school, finish the year strong! Happy summer, Kiwis! Each month, I have one deed of kindness I‘d like to see our fellow Kiwis complete. You can Facebook or E-mail me a photo or message of how it goes! Deed of Kindness: Donate your used books to the Library!

Flying with Service,

Cindy Weng


Upcoming Events JUNE 2013












5 Club MRF &



TMRFs due





8 DCM & Division Banquet



15 Club visuals/ articles, club summaries, MoM submissions due OTC with Region 9















DWS: Mosswood House Clean Up



June 27-30 Kiwanis ICON


June DCM Agenda JUNE 15TH, 2013 Division 2 | Region 9

Call to Order: 12:30 pm I. Pledges II. Roll Call a. Alameda, Albany, Arroyo, Berkeley, Castro Valley, El Cerrito, Encinal, Oakland, Oakland Technical, Piedmont, San Leandro, Skyline b. Advisors and Guests III. Old Business a. Club Reports b. May Board c. c. Division 2 & 26 Banquet IV. New Business a. Love Box & T-shirt Results i. Winner will receive a free T-shirt and a $15 Starbucks Gift Card! ii. Applicants will receive a free cookie! :) b. Upcoming Events i. My Absence ii. June Division Wide Service 1. Mosswood Clean Up: June 22nd 2. Studio One Clean Up: July 6th iii. Need Kiwanians at the July DCM iv. DCON 2014 v. Kiwi Points 1. What are they? 2. Who is in the lead? :) vi. Recognition | May 2013 1. Club of the Month 2. Member of the Month 3. Officer of the Month 4. Kiwanian of the Month vii. Service doesn‘t end when School does! viii. July DCM 1. When 2. Where 3. What ix. Love Box: Write a message, and I‘ll read it at the end! x. Newsletter Prizes V. Time for…. Cheers! And then an explanation of how OTC will run :) VI. Comments/ Questions? a. Adjournment 7

R ECOGNITION Albany had the most service hours. Piedmont had the most funds raised for service. Albany is our club of the month.

Division Kiwi of the Month Alameda’s Lucy Peng What do you like about Key Club? I love being able to meet new people and getting the opportunity to serve the community; everyone is so nice and I've made a ton of new friends. KC is also such a fun and close-knit community. Giving time to help others has definitely made me grow as a person. Do you have any favorite Key Club memories? One of my favorite Key Club memories was during the Holiday Crafts Fair event at Studio One. Key Clubbers from different schools like Oakland Tech and Skyline were all there; we quickly became friends and had the best time making crafts and playing with the different art materials. What is your favorite song of all time? Of all time? Hmm... It has to be the Pokemon Rap song. If you could be anyone in the world for a day, who would you be? Why? I would be Barack Obama because he's cool...and the president of the United States. He also has fantastic handwriting. What is one interesting fact about you? I sometimes like to eat obscene amounts of celery. 8

CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Albany: KARLA GUERRERO ―My favorite Key Club memory is when I went to DCON with my division, which really opened to me what Key Club is really all about.‖ ―I love to play tennis with my buddies and bike around the bay area.‖

Arroyo: MAGGIE HUANG ―I like the fact that Key Club offers many events and opportunities.‖ ―[If I could be anyone], I would be Aly Raisman, an artistic gymnast, because she does many events and I have always wanted to be on Dancing With the Stars.‖

Berkeley: DALIA BOLTON ―My favorite Key Club memory is of when I helped build a house! It was so cool to see the progress and the impact it makes.‖ ―A fun fact about me is that I tore my ACL. :(‖


CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Castro Valley: HANA LIU ―I like Key Club because it gives me a sense of energy and pride in my home club.‖ ―I like ALL kinds of foods, but if I had to choose, it would probably be sushi.‖

Encinal: CARI CHOW ―I really like how Key Club gives the opportunity to spend time with friends and help out the community at the same time. Plus, it‘s an easy way to get hours.‖ ―Do Pokemon count [as my spirit animal]? Because I think mine would be a Piplup. I always choose it as my starter when I play Pokemon Diamond.‖

Oakland High: ALLAN NGUYEN ―FRN and the April DCM are my favorite Key Club memories.‖ ―One interesting fact about me is Naruto is the only thing that makes me cry like a little girl.‖


CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Oakland Tech: RUBY ROSENBERG ―All of the times I‘ve volunteered with Key Club, I‘ve always had a lot of fun, whether I was just hanging out with my friends or doing something that I knew was for a great cause. I‘ve never had a bad experience so I can‘t really pick a favorite.‖ ―[My favorite song is] W.A.M.S by Fall Out Boy.‖

Piedmont: REINA LOWE ―My favorite memory was going to the Easter Egg Hunt! I definitely became friends with people from our school I didn‘t think I‘d be friends with.‖ ―I‘d be Jennifer Lawrence [for a day] because she‘s down to earth and hilarious, and I would love to see what her life‘s like!‖

San Leandro: FIONA GEE ―There are many things I love about Key Club; from the spirited and dedicated Kiwis to the smiles on everyone‘s face during service events. But all in all, Key Club brings out the crazy in me, the one who is willing to go above and beyond to serve.‖ ―My dream is to one day be an FBI/CIA/secret agent.‖


CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Skyline: ANDREW HO ―My favorite Key Club memory is barting to SF for the Cherry Blossom Festival and watching Stephen wave at random people.‖ ―[If I could be anyone in the world for a day], I would be someone who has a REALLY hard life because I want to appreciate my life more, after the day is over.‖

Kiwi Points Alameda: 5.76 Albany: 8.68 Arroyo: 6.83 Berkeley: 3.81 Castro Valley: 1.21 Encinal: 0.46

Piedmont is in the lead! :) Note: These Kiwi Points are percentages per member.

1 2 3 N-I-C-E, NOICE!

How can I get more Kiwi Points? More members, more service hours and more funds raised!

Oakland High: 5.70 Oakland Tech: 5.34 Piedmont: 17.07 San Leandro: 4.43 Skyline: 5.61 12

Why should I care? At the end of the term, the club with the most Kiwi Points will win a pizza or ice cream party. You will also earn the self-satisfaction of having helped your community. :)

This month has been very uneventful. During the month of April, we attended events at the Oakland Museum and also participated in the ARPD Earth Day celebration. Starting with the OMCA Family event on April 14th, we volunteered to help children with arts and crafts of various kinds and had a great time! The next service event was the ARPD event that was led by our fellow officer Qiqi Wu at Washington Park. We sold food at a booth to celebrate Earth Day. Our next event was the monthly DCM, where we got a little devious as we bombarded each other with water balloons and got ALL wet. We had another event at the Oakland Museum to round out our delightful month as we once again volunteered to instruct children with various arts and crafts. While we did not have much going on in our club because of the stress of AP testing and such, we were still able to help the community.

ALBANY Albany High School Key Clubbers had a very busy month this May. Some of the main events we attended were the Marin Elementary Silent Auction and March of Dimes: March for Babies. At the Marin Silent Auction, we volunteered to serve food, clean up plates and answer to the attendee's needs. The Key Clubbers who went to the event enjoyed doing the 2-hour shifts! The March of Dimes event was a lot of fun, and volunteers learned the art of face-painting. Although it was a long drive to San Francisco, it was definitely worth it! We also organized a garage sale and tapioca sale to support the American Cancer Society. We made a lot of profit and it was a great success!


Club Summaries


BERKELEY Berkeley High Key Club attended many events in April and May such as the May DCM, Rebuilding Together Oakland and bake sale on 4th street in Berkeley. The May DCM was great because many Berkeley Key Club board members attended it and found it helpful. We all learned a lot of tips about getting club members more involved and becoming a better club overall. We also learned about Key Club cheers, which many board members found interesting. We plan to get all board members to attend next time! Berkeley Key Club also participated in Rebuilding Together Oakland. An elderly woman who wasn't in a stable condition needed a makeover for her house. Her house was not enough to support her because there were lots of things that needed to be fixed including no heater or air conditioner. We went to her backyard that was overgrown with weeds and plants and we pulled them out and cut the plants. It was very tiring but we did a great job! It felt very good to help this woman and she definitely appreciated our help. Finally, we had a bake sale on 4th street in Berkeley. It was very successful because we sold everything in a couple of hours and many customers seemed to enjoy our baked goods. All of the goods we sold were either baked from our club members or store bought. We made a good amount of money from the bake sale and it was a lot of fun.

ARROYO In the month of April and May, we participated in events including the Brain Tumor Walk, Special Olympics Track and Field, Morris Mervins Park Beautification, April Water Fight DCM, and Officer Training Conference. At the Earth Day Beautification, our volunteers picked up litter around the neighborhood near Morris Mervins Park. At the Brain Tumor Walk, volunteers sold raffle tickets for fundraising, ran booths, prepared races, cheered the participants and helped clean up after the event. Although the Officer Training Conference was on the same day as the Special Olympics Track and Field event, many of Arroyo's Key Club members were able to attend. Meanwhile, club officers who attended the OTC were granted with a better knowledge of how to make Key Club a better experience for its members. The conference provided us with a better understanding of our duties and what Key Club is about. Many great ideas were exchanged and we learned how to be successful in our new term with great advice and information provided by Cindy Weng.


CASTRO VALLEY We had a Rowell Rodeo Chili Cook-Off event in which we ran a concession stand. Most of our officers, as well as some dedicated members of the club, attended OTC. After OTC, we had a food sorting event where we sorted food into boxes that were later shipped to places such like local food banks.

ENCINAL In the past month, our club attended the DCM at which our members were able to meet and have fun with other kiwis. Unfortunately, that was the only event our members were able to attend. Although the past month has been so chaotic with all the testing, you can expect more fun events and more activity from Encinal Key Club! We look forward to attending the next DCM!


OAKLAND HIGH This month, we participated in Oakland High's Food Fair. The event was fun and exciting because we sold out within an hour! We made about $70 making red velvet crepes. We also participated in OTC, where officers and members of Key Club were informed about being an officer and learned more about their position. Another event we will be participating in is the poverty walk this Saturday!

OAKLAND TECH Greetings! This month, Oakland Tech's Key Club is planning to volunteer with Uhuru's, an organization that does fundraising for the African/African-American community at the Makers Faire in San Mateo. The Maker Faire will last two days there will be many stands that showcase crafts, science, fashion, art and food. We will also be volunteering at a division-wide event – the Walk to End Poverty event, located around Lake Merritt. Another event we have is at the Studio One Art Center, where we will help clean the art space for children who attend the art program. Lastly, we will be educating people in our community in front of Safeway groceries about The Eliminate Project to raise awareness and funds for Eliminate. We are currently planning a Spring Banquet that is coming up next month. Oakland Tech Key Club will continue to strive.


PIEDMONT Since transitioning to the new board, our officers have continued to familiarize themselves with their roles and duties in the club. We participated in the division-wide service event, Rebuilding Together Oakland, which was not only an amazing volunteering experience, but also a wonderful opportunity to bond with our fellow Keyclubbers. We had a lot of fun cleaning debris, painting each other, and of course, eating! In addition to this, we volunteered at Maker Faire with Uhuru Foods, an organization that fundraises for African community economic development programs, by selling African comfort food. We got to help run their food booth and also try their garlic fries and crab cakes! We are continuing to do our normal thing – selling bubble tea twice a week, and raising a little over $100 every week. We are working on recruiting new members and retaining active members so that we can attend more service events; hopefully at least one every weekend!

SAN LEANDRO This past month has been quite awesome. We had two equally big events on the same day: the Altarena Theatre‘s 75th Anniversary Dinner and the Alta Mira Club Vintage Fashion Show. For the Altarena event, Key Club received a generous donation from the cater we worked with for doing a fantastic job in helping them run the event smoothly. The most important thing that came out of these two events was shining the light on the dedication of our member of the month, Fiona Gee. She attended these two, hours-lasting events. From the morning until close to midnight, she happily dedicated her day to volunteer.


SKYLINE Due to exams for many, the month of May has not been as lively as ever, but Key Club is still as wonderful as ever. We have a new adviser – a former Kiwani herself, Ms. Pipping will be the new faculty adviser for Skyline's Key Club. As for meetings, we, once again, had our social meeting, though this time we had a thumb war showdown where we all bonded through introducing each other before battling off with our thumbs. Events are still here – on May 11, there was an officer training and on May 18, we'll have a walk for poverty. Soon, some will be attending the Key Club Appreciation Dinner on the 26th. Though some seniors will be graduating, the Skyline Key Club will still continue "feeling good" as the next year hits.


April DCM Review Skyline

San Leandro


―During the DCM, I got to meet a lot of the new officers from other schools and it was great getting to know them. For the ―bonding‖ activities, we played Assassin and had a water fight, which were both very fun. I thoroughly enjoyed the activities we had and the time I got to spend bonding with people in our division. OH, AND I GOT TO MEET ERINN WONG. OMG.‖ -Danny Wong, Alameda


San Leandro 19


San Leandro



Castro Valley

Castro Valley

Castro Valley volunteered at San Francisco’s March for Babies. After the event, they passed out leftover sandwiches to the surrounding homeless community.



Arroyo Arroyo collected trash from a local neighborhood.

Castro Valley 20

Castro Valley

Castro Valley participated in a food sorting event.

Rebuilding Together Oakland By Francisco Aguilera , Castro Valley On the morning of April 20, Key Clubbers from all over the division came together to help rebuild a home that was falling apart. The morning started with everyone getting a free T-shirt and putting on name tags. Members were then given instructions by the RTO team leader and assigned to different areas of the house. Some members got to work in the back yard while others got to work on the sides and front of the house. The back yard of the home was filled with thick weeds and ivy. Key Clubbers working in the yard were assigned the difficult task of clearing out all of the weeds and ivy. Meanwhile, members working on the sides and front of the house were in charge of scraping loose paint off the house. After they were done scraping paint, members then applied a fresh coat of primer on to the house. Overall, this event was a great success and very fun. Key Club made a huge positive impact on someone‘s life that day.

Castro Valley




Castro Valley

Food Fair Fundraiser By Michelle Ha, Oakland High


April 17 was Oakland High School‘s annual Food Fair, where the OHS Key Club spent time after school selling red velvet crepes. Like many of the other clubs, some of the officers were excused from 6th period for the preparation of the ingredients and supplies that were needed. After school came, a few of our fellow Key clubbers came to help us advertise our product with the help of their spirit and the posters that were made. Even though it was difficult to make crepes as fast as the customers were buying them, we worked very hard to fulfill the demand. Within the hour, our red velvet crepes were completely sold out! We made about $70 that day and overall, it was a great experience because we learned the value of teamwork and efficiency!

Tapioca Sale to Fight Cancer By Hiroka Tamura, Albany

It was the beginning of May, and the summer breeze had begun to blow. Albany Key Clubbers sought this as a perfect opportunity for a tapioca sale. To support the American Cancer Society, we sold drinks in front of the school at the end of the day. The popularity of tapioca was massive, Albany and many people dropped by to buy one. When the crowd of high schoolers died away, we shifted our sale over to the Albany Middle School. We were able to make a lot of profit there as well. With all the boxes of tapioca drinks sold out, the sale was a big success! We are also planning on having more sales to support the American Cancer Society. 22

Altarena Theater’s 75th Anniversary Dinner By Timmy Leong, San Leandro For San Leandro Key Club, it has been an eventful month so far. The most interesting one of those events was Altarena Theater‘s B y the Tim my Le o n g , S75th an Leandro Anniversary Dinner event! The caterer who asked us to work with them on a past Scholarship Dinner event, asked us again to help them out again! San Leandro This took place at the Elk‘s Lodge in Alameda. It was exciting to see how lively the room was. There were performances taking place on the stage, people were moving to the music, and our lovely Key Club servers served with smiles on their faces.

For doing such a great job with the events we helped them with, the caterer and the librarian, Nancy Fong decided to donate a large amount of money to Key Club. Very big thanks to them and to our members for being just simply awesome people.

Oakland Museum of California: Fun With Paint By Oscar Leung, Alameda



OMCA was a fantastic event! I colored and painted with the children and adults ,which was fun. The art teachers and instructors were very friendly and nice. I helped pass out watercolors and brushes and I also helped set up the children‘s art projects. I even made an awesome entrance sign to guide the guests to the art room. I also cleaned up the papers and hung the artwork around. I had a really great time there and I hope more member will come to more OMCA events and share the experience!

OTC REFLECTION THE SKY IS OUR LIMIT By Eddie Kweon, Castro Valley I‘m definitely not the guy to sugar coat anything, but even through my hard head, I was able to soak up so much information! The Officer Training Conference (OTC) flowed smoothly from the beginning to the end and the hours really just flew by. Whilst maintaining a professional environment, everyone there made the experience very interactive, fun and informative. The information we received was great; we learned exactly what every officer‘s duties are (what every kiwi should do) and many other important things such as our division goals, graphic standards, potential fundraisers, how to contact people and our preferred charities. However, let‘s keep in mind that the duties mentioned are just the minimum of what we can and should do. No kiwi should limit themselves from reaching above and beyond in whatever they do! Any officer –new or old— and officer trainees who are looking to run for a position next term can do so much with the information we were given. For our first OTC of the year, everything seemed to flow very well, but there is definitely room for improvement in our officers‘ knowledge of how Key Club/Division 2 works, what our duties are and how we can make the best of this term. Many of these things we will definitely learn hands-on through working and serving, and I hope to learn/teach many things from everyone as we work together to make our division and community the best they can be! Let‘s take the most out of all the information we were given. Although some of the information may have seemed a bit old and repetitive, it just proves that we, the Kiwis, know our material. There is so much room for improvement and change (I know that I have much to learn!) in our division and within each member. For those of us in division 2, our limit is the boundless blue sky!

Oakland Tech 24

ELIMINATE WEEK REFLE CTION Q: What did your club do for Eliminate Week? ―During EliMiNaTe week, our club held a Pie-an-Officer event to raise money for Project EliMiNaTe. We auctioned off officers, committee chairs, and even UNICEF officers too! We couldn't forget about them! During the auction, the members were free to raise their hands and call out the officer's name and the price. Despite my initial doubts, the fundraiser had a surprising turnout, raising $140 towards Project EliMiNaTe! I highly encourage all clubs to give this idea a try and see how much money they can contribute to saving lives!‖ -Kevin Moyung, Castro Valley



―Throughout the past month, Alameda has been spreading the word about Project Eliminate, and conducting fundraisers. During our Key Club meetings, we educated members on what the Eliminate Project is through an informational video. We encouraged members to learn about the campaign through answering questions related to the project and rewarding them with chocolates and Chinese New Year Candy. Our club has started a coin drive for donations that is ongoing until the end of the school year. Also, we participated in a school-wide food fair in which we sold baked goods and root beer floats to fundraise for the cause. The fundraiser was very successful; we raised over a hundred dollars.‖ -Qiqi Wu, Alameda 25





Skyline Oakland Tech

Circle K Spring Banquet

Oakland Tech



A GLIMPSE OF LIFE AF TER KEY CLUB By Jeff Van, Castro Valley delicious food, tremendous amounts of praise and recognition were being announced, from the installation of the new board, to giving a huge shout out to the Kiwanians that were there. They also had ‗Most Likely to...‘ awards, such as ‗Most Likely to Be the First to Like Your Facebook Status First‘ and ‗Most Likely to Give You a Ride at 2 AM in the Morning‘ Tears were shed, and hugs were given.

“ It was truly inspiring to be around all these people and to see the bonds that they had with each other. ” I thought it was amazing how every single member in the club was directly helping it somehow. Usually, officers are the ones known for doing behind-the-scenes work, Oakland Tech but Circle K is the farthest thing from that. I was flabbergasted to find that members would be a part of not one, not two, but sometimes three committees, all at once. It The wind blew a gentle breeze as I strode across stunned me, and it really opened my eyes that members of the UC Berkeley campus, absentmindedly checking my Circle K, as well as Key Club, are not simply members that phone for the time. 6:10, it read. Shoot. I was 10 minutes do community service. It‘s been said countless times belate for the UC Berkeley‘s Circle K Spring Banquet. I fore, but they are the backbone of the club. By being part walked inside the hall, and I was greeted immediately by of a committee, they directly help the club in ways that Julie Ho, who was clearly at ease amongst the Circle K‘ers only they as members can. surrounding her. We exchanged hellos, and headed into While attending this event, I learned a lot about the banquet room. Circle K, and even more about what it means to serve, Circle K was having its end-of-the-year banquet, to while having the time of my life. It‘s truly an understatecelebrate another year of service. As it went on, I learned a ment to say that I can‘t wait to go to another one, and lot about Key Club‘s college counterpart. Most people maybe even begin attending Circle K meetings in the futhere were past Key Clubbers, and all of them were exture! tremely welcoming. Some Circle K‘ers in attendance were even from different colleges, such as UC Davis and UCLA. One thing that really struck me, though, was the amount of spirit and love that these people had. As people were given awards and recognition, the whole room would stand up and begin a multitude of cheers. It was truly inspiring to be around all these people and to see the bonds that they had with each other. Throughout the night, the Circle K members had planned a 3 part skit, which was entertaining to say the least. The whole banquet was Lion King themed, so the plot naturally revolved around that. Between the skit performance and stuffing ourselves with


TEARS AND LAUGHTER By Julie Ho, Skyline When I attended Circle K‘s end-of-the-year spring banquet, I was really excited. The banquet‘s theme was portrayed through the pictures of the African forest depicting the wonderful film of Lion King. And although it was exciting to be part of this CKI family, I also took part in the emotional moments throughout the night. Because I‘m close to Circle K‘s president, Chris Tung, seeing him resign was really emotional for me. It was that breaking moment where you felt like you were losing your best friend because he was graduating. So yes, I did shed some tears when he gave his final resignation speech towards the end of the night and Charles was able to witness that.


I was also able to whisk the night away through laughter too. Of course, a banquet would be incomplete without laughter which completely flooded the room when slide shows were presented and when skits were performed. I can honestly say that this has been one of the most amazing banquets I have ever attended.









Join Circle K! 

There are 9 divisions! Key Club regions are essentially Circle K divisions.

CNH Circle K is located at over 56 college campuses/ universities. This includes universities, community colleges, and private colleges.

Circle K is the largest collegiate community!

Why should you join? 

Continue with the Kiwanis Family

Continue doing service

Meet new people


Skyline 29



F eatures

Q: What is your favorite summer Key Club event? ―My favorite summer service would have to be AIDS Walk. I get to pass out food, play with boxes and be with friends. I mean, what can get any better than that? PLUS it was a service event!‖ - Edmond Lau, San Leandro

―I‘m definitely looking forward to Relay for Life. It‘s a great event and I‘m always inspired by those who come out to support the fight of cancer. At this event, all of us cheer for the survivors, support the fighters and remember the ones who have lost the battle.‖ - Kevin Moyung, Castro Valley

―My favorite summer service is definitely the annual AIDS Walk in San Francisco! Waking up early was a drag, but it was s0o0oo worth the sunny day. It was so fun passing out granola bars and water to inspiring walkers who have a set goal, which motivates me to do my part as a growing Kiwi. :3 I participated in it during my freshman summer, which is quite a while ago, but I hope to do it again this summer with our division! Tehee. :D‖ - Tiffany Huang, Oakland Tech ―See Jane Run, summer DCMs, Oakland Museum events and meeting new friends from other schools in our division!‖ - Jennifer He, Alameda ―OMGGG. I‘m looking forward to more Division Wide Service events! My favorite summer service event for Key Club would have to be either a 5k run to beat the heat or Street Meal at Berkeley. We could have a bonfire/picnic for fundraising too!‖ - Julie Ho, Skyline

―Relay For Life.‖ - Bridget Kim, Alameda

―Studio One clean up. ^_^‖ -Cindy Weng, Oakland Tech


Bake Sales


Relay For Life

San Francisco AIDS Walk

Clean ups (Parks, beaches, etc.)

Food Banks



Cristobal Martinez K I WA N I S F A M I L Y A N D F O U N D A T I O N COORDINATOR Hello Kiwis! My name is Cristobal Martinez and I'm a sophomore at Oakland Tech. I would like to formally introduce myself as your Kiwanis Family and Foundation Coordinator (KFFC); I'm really excited about working with all of you lovely kiwis to expand the relations within our clubs. As KFFC, I'm looking forward to bring together our clubs and educate our members about the reasons why we do everything we do, our Kiwanis and branches, and preferred charities. So, I really hope to start hearing wonderful things about the friendships between clubs and members, and also how well informed our kiwis are.

Peony Chen PREFERRED CHARITIES COORDI NATOR Hi all! My name is Peony Chen and I am D2's Preferred Charities Coordinator. I'm currently a freshman at Albany High. I know that my position isn't a full year around term, but I'm still very excited to speak to everyone about UNICEF, Children's Miracle Network and March of Dimes. Outside of school and Key Club, I like to figure skate and read. Sometimes I can be pretty hard to talk to because of my shyness, but I have to say that Key Club has helped me open up a bit. One last random fact about myself is that I absolutely LOVE One Direction (do not judge me :).

Eddie Kweon MEMBER RELATI ONS AND RECOGNITION COORDINATOR FALL RALLY NORTH COORDINATOR Beloved Kiwis! During these last two years, I‘ve met and fallen in love with many of you, and now I‘m happy to announce that I‘ll serve this time as your Membership Recognition and FRN Coordinator! I hope to meet the rest of you who do not know me and to grow closer with everyone in our key farmbam! I‘ll do my best to serve y‘all and if you guys have any questions, just holla! 32

Jeremy Yu FALL RALLY NORTH COORDINATOR Hello, my Key Clubbers! My name is Jeremy Yu, and I would like to address myself as this year‘s 2013 Fall Rally North (FRN) Coordinator! I am really excited to be serving you and our club this year in planning this year‘s FRN. Before I start my term as serving you in making this FRN a blast, I would like to introduce myself just so you guys know a little more about me. I am currently a freshmen at Castro Valley High School (CVHS), and going to become a sophomore during my term! I am also 15 years old and I enjoy serving my community throughout many creative activities that Key Club provides. With that said, I am glad to be serving our club in this year 2013 Fall Rally North Task Coordinator!

Tiffany Huang FALL RALLY NORTH COORDINATOR Hi Kiwis! My name is Tiffany Huang and I am currently a junior at Oakland Technical High School. I am still in shock to be one of the three Fall Rally North Task Coordinators for our division, but I am nevertheless BEEyond excited to do great things within this mini term. As a mini person, I like to run on trails, eat, take lots of creepy pictures, and ride roller coasters. Run with me and I will love you forever. <3 Although I may come off as a really shy person, I do hope to meet each of you and help our Kiwi Division (jk D2) flourish with spirit and energy while also improving myself as a leader and Key Clubber. :D With that being said, let's win the spirit stick this fall! Tweet, tweet! P.S. Quick note for FRN: Go hard or go home! Jk, go ride roller coasters (with me)!


Hello Kiwis! My goodness, how hectic was AP testing week?! I‘m just glad it‘s over! Good job to everyone who survived. We‘re at the final stretch now before school ends! We‘re almost there. We‘re almost done. Let‘s finish the year off strong. Quite frankly, this past month has been so much fun! I‘ve met many more Kiwis at the division events. I love my Kiwis so much! One of my favorite events was at the Walk For Poverty event at Lake Merritt. Not only was it extremely fun to cheer on the athletes with our Key Club cheers, many of us joined the line dance at the end of the event. I can somewhat do the Wobble now! I also enjoyed this month‘s DCM. I‘d like to give a shout out to San Leandro for hosting such an entertaining and SUCCESSFUL (We raised $618 for PTP!) auction. :) After publishing the first newsletter, I have gotten an overwhelming amount of support. Thank you so much for everyone‘s support and another job well done to my fellow editors and historians! Hope to see more of your lovely faces at the upcoming DCM and DWS! Don‘t be scared to say hi. As I have stated earlier, I L-O-V-E my D2-Kiwis!

In Service, Danica Liang, Division Newsletter Editor 34

The Division Leadership Team!

C ontac t Info Cindy Weng Division 2 Lieutenant Governor

Jeff Van


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510)-779-8215

Danica Liang Division Newsletter Editor

Julie Ho


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510)-213-3049

Edmond Lau Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510)-701-6980

Thank for reading! If you have anyhave questions, comments or concerns Thankyouyou for reading! If you any questions, comments or concerns the newsletter or submissions, email Cindy or Danica. regardingregarding the newsletter or submissions, email Cindy or Danica. 35

’ s t n e resid


C ontac t Info ALAMEDA


Danny Wong

Jay Zhang

Ayleng Giang










Han Tran

MingFeng Li

Molly Wampler









Kevin Moyung

Christina Zhou

Tsz Yau Wong











Janet Yan janetyan510@gmail.com (510)-666-5724


Jessica Huynh jessicamhuynh@gmail.com (510)-383-6080


Alan Kwok

Taylor Chow






Lena Chen lenachenx@gmail.com (510)-318-0993

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