Division 2 June 2017

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Alameda Key Clubbers cheering on the runners as they approach the finish line at the Oakland MS walk.



Recognition Club Reports

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June Recap Articles

17 23

June 2017 // Volume 5 // Issue 13 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

Inside this Issue... LTG's Welcome 4 Upcoming Events 6 June's Service Spotlight 7 Kiwi Points 8 Recognition 10 June Recap 17 Club Reports 18 Articles 23 DLT Contact Information 27

LTG's Welcome Hello Kiwis!

Believe it or not the school year is almost over, which means summer! Finals are coming up and I wish all of you the best of luck. Don't forget service is always out there when you are feeling stressing, or if you simply just want to take a break from studying. End you school year by attending the Division End-or-the-Year banquet. Say your final goodbyes as seniors leaves for college- be sure to wish them good luck before they go off the college and thank them for everything they have done. The division banquet will be the last event ever host by your one and only IP Lt. Governor Meiling Zhang. I hope to see all your wonderful faces there!

After coming back from Spring Board Training least weekend, I have learned many new ways to help YOU become a better leader. During Spring Board, decisions were made and Division 2 will be realigned for the 2018-2019 term. Be sure to attend the June DCM to find out more about the realignment.

I want this term to be Division 2's best term, whether it is members retention, funds raised, or service hours because we will, as a whole, will create history that will never be forgotten. Together, let's mark our history on our final year as Division 2 as a whole.

Deed of kindness: Support your fellow friends by writing a cute note

wishing them good luck on their finals! Making them a mini carry package would be cute too.

Devoted for Service,

Angela Wong Angela Wong Division 2 Lieutenant Governor 2017-2018


Division Wide Service: Bay Area Book Festival

Saturday & Sunday June 3rd & 4th MLK Jr. Civic Center Park Time: TBA JUNE EVENT

Division 2Â End-of-the-Year-End Division Counsel Meeting: Annual Summer BBQ

Friday, June 16th Elk's Lodge 6:00PM - 9:00PM JUNE EVENT

Saturday, June 24th Lake ChaboT Regional Park 12:00PM - 3:00PM

J u ne's Spotlight Service Health & Safety

Focus: This month's Spotlight Service is Health & Safety. As summer approaches, it is important to have fun, but also to stay healthy and safe! Look below for some activities you can do to promote this month's Spotlight Service.

Clean-Up Find service events where you clean up nearby beaches, community centers, & parks.

Donation Jar Find local restaurants/stores and work with them to place a donation jar at their place!

As of May 10th Alameda...........................................................................119 Albany..............................................................................80 American Indian..............................................................79 Arroyo...............................................................................63 Berkeley...........................................................................11 Castro Valley.................................................................77 El Cerrito.........................................................................24 Encinal..............................................................................84

KIPP King............................................................................27 Leadership Public...........................................................20 Oakland.............................................................................55 Oakland Technical.........................................................43 Piedmont............................................................................61 San Leandro.....................................................................50 San Lorenzo.....................................................................45 Skyline..............................................................................74



American Indian



Castro Valley

El Cerrito



Leadership Public Oakland

Oakland Tech


San Leandro

San Lorenzo


Recognition JUNE 2017

Member of the Month Vina has always gone above and beyond in attendance for service events. She is a dedicated members who thrives to motivate other members to join Key Club. Her passion her service has definitely reflected the kind of leader she is and as the term goes one, she will continue to grow, inspire and reach new heights

Advisor of the Month

Vina Ma i Oaklan d Techn ical

Mike has never failed to support his club and to show his passion for service. He is always willing to put himself out there and make Key Clubber have a fantastic times at events. He always bring a bright smile to every Division Counsel Meeting and makes sure all Key

aivre F e L e k Mi Arroyo

Clubbers enjoy their time at the event.

Officer of the Month

Andy is an officer that always strive to become better. He never hesitates to ask questions when he needs help, attend division events, and represent his club during Division Counsel Meetings. He always talk to new members during events to make them feel welcomed.

Andy Ph am America n Indian

Castro Valley with the most service hours 230 San Lorenzo with the most funds raised $5 10.00 Alameda is our club of the month

Christy Wong My favorite aspect of Key Club is being able go to events and building a friendship with my fellow kiwis. When we work together to achieve a common goal, a sense of community and friendship is formed. Something that I will miss about this term is that my sister will leave when the term is over; as she is going to be a senior next year. I feel like Key Club has become a new bond that we have and will be missed. My favorite Key Club memory is going to FRN because it made me fall in love with the community and club. Rallying and cheering with my fellow members was really fun.

Alameda Emily Yang

I love helping out in general so that's why I joined + I love Key club. I get more opportunities to do what I enjoy. I also meet a lot of new people which is really cool. I think what I miss about the term is the officers and the feeling of being a new member. They were the ones who helped me get through my first term of Key Club. All of them were really nice. I have two favorite Key Club memories. The first is probably just becoming a new member. Joining Key Club turned out to be a really good choice b/c it allowed me to share so many new and fun experiences with my friends. My second favorite memory was when we went to the Oakland Zoo and it started pouring. Celeste and I had to walk in the rain for like two miles uphill b/c we actually wanted to see all the animals after helping. It was freezing and a disaster but it turned out to be a great day.

Albany Benson Wu

My favorite aspect is the potential to improve my ability. My awesome peers, secretary, president, Enjie, treasurer. Insane Inflatable 5K Run

American Indian

Karen La I love Key Club's openness and the many opportunities it has to offer to meet new people and do new things. I will miss being Treasurer for this term since I am my club's immediate past term. My favorite memory was the Soy and Tofu Festival where we served people tofu samples.


Berkeley Kristy Chan My favorite aspect about Key Club has to be how friendly and kind everyone is! Right when you join Key Club, the officers are incredibly welcoming and you feel as if you've just  joined another family. I'll definitely miss the officers. They were incredibly nice and they really encouraged the new members to volunteer for all the events. They were very inspiring and I definitely look up to them! My favorite Key Club memory has to be the Winter Social. From the icebreakers to the food to the movie to the games, it was amazing! It was so much fun and I was able to bond with a lot of other people!

Castro Valley

El Cerrito Christina Chau My favorite aspect of Key Club is volunteering. I enjoy helping out others and building connections with them. I will miss the seniors. Some of them gave me great advice about Key Club. My favorite Key Club memory is FRN because of the community of it all. I liked cheering with D2.

Encinal Jasmine Liou

My favorite aspect of Key Club is the spirit and the effort we put into it. When we do something, we finish it with tenacity and with fervor. We have multiple spirit chants and even a spirit stick. Before Key, I was never a part of such spirited rallies. But when I joined, I witnessed massive excitement for service and for our projects.


Leadership Public Kenny Yu My favorite aspect of Key Club is that it's very social. You can meet lots of new people you would never think you'd meet. I'll miss Key Club in general because it's my last year. :( My favorite memory of Key Club was FRN. It was memorable because we won the spirit stick that year.

Oakland Lisa Yu

Oakland Technical

My favorite aspect of key club is getting to go to services and help others out while getting to meet new people, and building new friendships. I will miss the seniors of our club the most because they're leaving and they were the ones who welcomed me to the club and introduced me to a world of people who love volunteering just as much as I do. Â My favorite key club memory was FRN because I was able to meet new people and I really got to see how spirited and huge D2 was.

Amy Foo In the beginning, when I first joined Key Club, I wanted to hang out with my friends. In all, it was fun to be able to talk with my friends, but as time passed, I discovered I wanted to create close ties with my peers whom I never interacted much with before. I was also able to make an impact on the community by volunteering, which I feel especially happy about. Since I just recently joined Key Club, I will really miss all the new friends I made during this term from the club and from others all around the Bay Area. Moreover, I will also miss all the memorable experiences I was able to have by provide a helping hand to the people in our community to make it a better place. During the American Medical Women's Association event, we watched "The Intern" which was a really fun because I was able to hang out with my current friends and people that I did not usually talk to before then. It was a nice bonding experience and it made me feel more a part of Key Club than I was before.

Piedmont Desirae Joy Igancio

My favorite aspect of Key Club is that we get to give back to the community and get to experience new things. I will miss the old officers because they were very supportive and caring. My favorite Key Club memory is the DCM's and FRN.

San Leandro

San Lorenzo

Derek Luo My favorite aspect of Key Club is volunteering while being able to chill with friends. I will miss the seniors the most. My favorite Key Club memory is awkwardly selling lemonade because it was kinda fun derping around while being able to help the world.




American Indian


Brenda Wong

Danny Wu

Imee Paterno

Calvin Tang


Castro Valley

El Cerrito



Phoebe Chiu

Stephany Su

Cecilia Miao


Leadership Public


Oakland Technical

Terrence Liu


Jessica Dam

Emily Ye


San Leandro

San Lorenzo


Vivian Wu

Aislynn Clavido


Jennifer Nguyen

May DCM: K-Auction

May DWS: Studio One

June Recap...

Going once, going twice, SOLD! Huge shout out to San Leandro Key Club for hosting May DCM. I hope most of you bought yourself a date while raising funds for service! Thank you for all those who came out to the May DWS. It was definitely an unexpected surprise service event, but I hope each of you enjoyed it! Don't forget to come out to the Bay Area Book Festival this month!

Club Reports JUNE 2017

Alameda Alameda

The '17 to '18 term has started and our board is incredibly excited to make serve our community to the max! For our first month, we started off strong with six service events, marking over 200 hours of service completed at the beginning of our term. Our members and officers bonded together to help out our community, such as passing out water for the runners at the Oakland Running Festival and planting trees at the Kiwanis One Day event. Through our scratch card fundraiser, we raised over $400 for our club, $250 of which we plan on donating to help fight PTP! However, only 28 Alameda Kiwis participated in our events this month, so our board is planning to dedicate ourselves to increase member participation and promote our Hornet and Kiwi pride as Alameda High's one and only Key Club!

Albany Our club this month went to 5 events and served 78 hours! We started off with lots of member turn out at meetings. New members attended their first events and old members were reminded why they love volunteering.

Alameda American Indian

This past month we had five service events-- Kiwanis One Day: Oakland Zoo Clean Up, Inflatable 5K Run, Oakland Cityteam Easter Basket/ Food Box Prep, East Bay MS Walk, and DWS: Dunsmuir Egghunt. Certainly, we had a lot of fun helping out the community-- to cleaning, to hiding easter eggs, to passing out medals to 5K participants.


For this month, Arroyo has comprised a total of four service events and one fundraiser. We volunteered at the Cheery Blossom Festival and volunteers helped distribute pamphlets and aided staff despite the rain. Next at the Oakland MS Walk where we set up tents and cheered people walking to support the cause. We then volunteered at a event in Berkeley called the Bay Area Adaptive Sports Fest 2017. We monitored climbers, distribute food and cleaned up. At last we volunteered at March for dimes and helped set up the food zone. Arroyo has successfully started off the new term with a Sharetea Fundraiser and witnessed many new and old faces supporting PTP.

Castro Valley Alameda

We started April off with a bang volunteering for the Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco Japantown both of the weekends! Our members were found at Dunsmuir during the DWS and at the March of Dimes marching for babies. During eliMiNaTe week our officers went around carrying jars educating our peers about where their money is going and collecting donations. Our own vice presidents even held a competition to see who could fundraise the most money, winner gets pied so stay tuned!

El Cerrito

This month we didn't have much planned as many are studying for AP testing and SAT testing. We had 2 members attend the Kiwanis One Day event and 1 officer attend the April DWS. We had 2 officers and 2 members attend the April DCM. Hopefully, in the month of May, we will be able to hold more events in the upcoming month after AP and AT testing.


From athletics to cooking, Oakland Tech Key Club volunteers spent their April volunteering at different volunteering opportunities around the heart of Oakland. On April 2, volunteers assisted at mini games stations and helped pass out water for the runners for the Oakland Running Festival. And on April 16, volunteers helped cook breakfast and set up tables for the Annual WaSung Pancake Breakfast in Lincoln Park.

Oakland Technical San Leandro

For the month of April we had the Kiwanis One Day event where members helped clean the Oakland zoo. We also had the SLED breakfast for 2 days with people from Interact and other volunteers. We had our first 2017-18 board meetings just before April ended and passed out little boxes to collect donations for MNT!

Articles JUNE

Oakland MS Walk On the morning of the April DCM, Alameda helped at the Oakland MS Walk, which helps fight Multiple Sclerosis. Before the event started, many members were confused with where the event took place, which caused quite a panic. Luckily, all ten of our Kiwis could make it to the event without too much chaos! Originally, we were supposed to help at water stations, like we did earlier in the month at the Oakland Running Festival, but the organizers of the event informed us that the spots were taken with other volunteers. Instead, our wonderful Kiwis were given the important task of cheering for our walkers and awarding medals to every participant of all ages. We split into two teams, one to hand out medals and hold up posters at the finish line and another fifty feet away from the finish line to cheer for incoming walkers with plastic clappers. Every time a participant approached us, each group gave a loud cheer. Enthusiastic Kiwis even chanted the SUPERSTAR cheer several times during the event! Near the end of the event, the inflated archway lost air and started to collapse onto the ground! However, with the help of other volunteers and our Kiwis who held up the arch up high, participants could go under the arch safely and complete the walk. At the end of the event, there was a dog show for the cute canines that participated in the walk with their owners. How we wished to stay longer to watch the pups strut their stuff! But we had a DCM to attend and boiled eggs to decorate, so our service for the morning ended, and our lovely kiwis quickly rushed to meet with the rest of our D2 clubs. Alameda, Brenda Wong

Inflatable 5k Run American Indian had several service events for the month of April. The most memorable one of all was the Inflatable 5K Run on the 1st of April. During the early hour of 7 A.M., we were separated into four groups to complete a number of tasks—working at stands to help the Inflatable 5K Run participants, assuring the safety of the bags, handing out water bottles and medals and congratulating the participants. Once we were assigned a station, we headed out and got ready. Because we were all assigned to do different things, we were spread out all around. The cool part of being at different stations was that we could easily spot one another because we were given Inflatable 5K Volunteer shirts, which were very vibrant. Because of the semi-gloomy weather, some of us just put the shirt over our hoodies and sweaters. While waiting to pass out waters and the medals, we, luckily, had tents to protect us from the weather and to make sure we were easy to find in case any participant needed our help. This Inflatable 5K Run was extremely fun even though we had to wake up really early! After working for seven hours, we finally had the chance to try out the inflatable run itself. Despite the fact that we were a bit tired from helping out and cleaning up, everyone got a boost of energy and got excited to try the inflatable run out. Brendan Co, a Key Club volunteer, said, “Even though the work was a bit difficult and exhausting, I got to run on the inflatables at the end, and it was worth working for so long because I had so much fun!” It was nice to be able to have a chance to try out the course, and hopefully, we can volunteer and try the course out again next year! American Indian, Imee M. Paterno

Oakland Running Festival On a bright and early Sunday morning, thousands of runners eagerly gathered at Lake Merritt for the annual Oakland Running Festival. There was a positive vibe of energy circulating through everyone as they were anxiously waiting for the start of the races. Many of the runners, having trained for many months, were ready to show off what they have been practicing in the full marathon, halfmarathon, or the 5K races. Even children of all ages, were eager to participate in the children's fun run. All of this would not have happened smoothly if it were not for the hundreds of volunteers who woke up even earlier than the runners to get the event started and running. Oakland Tech Key Club volunteers ushered runners to their starting points and handed out water throughout the day. They watched over mini game booths where they interacted with parents and played games like football with children. You were able to sense the fun and exciting atmosphere of everyone there at the whole event. The Oakland Running Festival was an amazing event where people from all over the Bay Area came together to enjoy a day of exercising, spending time with friends and family, and to give back to their community through service. Oakland Technical, Ryan Chen

Contacts Lieutenant Governor: Angela Wong d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (510) 417-8099 Division News Editor: Vanessa Wu d02.cnhkc,dne@gmail.com (510) 610-4502 Executive Assistant: Kevin Wu d02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510) 610-6943 Executive Assistant: Vivian Luong d02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510) 736-0177 Executive Assistant: Alyssa Ha d02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510) 517-7176

Thank you for reading! Please contact Vanessa Wu or Angela Wong if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. See you in the next issue!

cnhkey.org | keyclub.org

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