Division 2 March 2014

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Kiwi Chronicles OFFICIAL

D I V I S I O N 2 N E WS L E T T E R

Most Division 2 clubs like Skyline have just elected their new officers! See page 26 to read more about how elections went for Skyline.

February Movie Night DCM 14 March’s Service Initiative 23 Meet Kevin Moyung 28 International Convention 32

& more.

March 2014 Volume 2 // Issue 11 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali -Nev-Ha District | Key Club


INSIDE TH LTG’s Welcome Message 4 Upcoming Events 6 March DCM Agenda 7 Division Goals 8 Recognition 10 February Movie Night DCM 14 San Leandro Kiwanis Crab Feed 15 Club Reports 16 March’s Service Initiative 23 2

HIS ISSUE Articles 24 UNICEF Tap Project 27 Meet Kevin Moyung 28 DCON Overlays 29 District Convention 30 International Convention 32 DNE’s Closing Message 34 Contact Info 35 Thank You 38


Hello Kiwis! Are you ready for March Madness? It‟s going to be an amazing month. We have now come full circle and it is the 12th month of our term! How crazy is that? Make sure to make the most out of the last few days of your term and make sure you accomplished everything you set out to. Reflect on the goals you set in the beginning of your term and think about how well you‟ve executed and accomplished them. Meanwhile, keep your elects involved so that they can be trained and learn from you! There are quite a few exciting events coming up, such as: Awake-A-Thon, We Day, Key Leader, and DCON! You can still register for DCON! Talk to your club officers about it - late registration is due March 15th. In addition, if you would like to apply for Executive Assistant, Division News Editor, or an appointed District position, applications should be coming out soon, so look out for that! Remember, we are the change. Together, we can do the impossible. Let‟s end our terms with a bang.

Deed of Kindness: Check in with people and ask about how things are going. You never know how much caring can mean to others.

In Flying Service,

Division 2 Lieutenant Governor 2013-2014




March 2014







Sat 1




























PTP/Eliminate Donations Due

DCON: Late Registration




WE Day


DCON: Late Registration is Due! March 15 The late registration fee is $218.

Did you know our hash tags are #d2kiwis or #2wengz?

San Leandroâ€&#x;s Awake-a-Thon

fun with the Kiwis!

March 21-22

Minimum $25 pledge OR donations!

Raise money for great causes while staying up late to have PTP and Eliminate Donations March 25

You MUST have chaperones! date, so that you can have it on your term!

Try to send in all your PTP/ Eliminate donations by this WE Day March 26 from 7AM-3:30PM Oakland Oracle Arena Our division will be attending 6

WE Day, a celebration day for service! Spots are limited to 3 members per club in the division


As of March 1 according to monthly submissions

Service Hours: 15,230/15,000 hours

Funds Raised for PTP: $8074.37/$10,000 Funds Raised for Eliminate: $6551.80/$10,000

Fundraising Initiatives $150 per month, per club towards Project Eliminate. Recommended: 1-2 fundraisers per month. Ideas: Tapioca sales (get a bulk rate!), Safeway sponsorship, Host a DCM, Coin Jar, Sports tournaments, etc.

Service Initiatives 100 hours per month, per club. Recommended: 4 services per month. Ideas: Bell ringers, trauma dolls, clothes drive, book drive, gift wrapping, dance marathon, etc.


Membership Goals „12-‟13


„13-‟14 Goals Increase by:

















Castro Valley




El Cerrito












Oakland Tech








San Leandro












R ECOGNITION San Leandro had the most service hours. Piedmont raised the most funds. Oakland High is our club of the month.

Division Kiwis of the Month Kiwanian of the Month

Officer of the Month April Huang

Patricia Parker

(San Leandro)

(Castro Valley)

Division Member of the Month American Indian Public: YOUNG CAI “My favorite memory of Key Club would be helping out at the Holiday Dinners. It was a bit hectic, but I definitely loved greeting people and wishing them happy holidays.” “I‟d want the powers to read minds because I would like to know if someone is lying or not.”

Club Members of the Month Alameda: COURTNEY CHENG “Key Club is amazing. I love how there are so many different community service opportunities. Helping the community and meeting so many new people means a lot to me.” “If I had super powers, I‟d want shape-shifting. I‟d want to shift into a llama and have people wondering, „what‟s a llama doing at the school?‟ Then, I‟d surprise them by talking. It would be like a real life KUZCO.” 10

Club Members of the Month Albany: GALEN FOLK “I like Key Club because I like hanging out with friends while serving the community and being productive.” “My superhero power would be having the ability to fly because I hate walking.”

Arroyo: SHAYNE BUAC “My favorite Key Club memory is when I volunteered at a Winter Ball for special adults. I had a great time serving them, and I even danced with them. We also had a little photo session and had a train going on!” “My superhero power would be teleportation so that I wouldn‟t always ask for rides and I could get to places instantly.”

Castro Valley: KEVIN PHAM “Key Club has allowed me to grow, not only as a leader, but also in the way that i view my family, friends, and myself. It has taught me to become more responsible and caring towards others.” “If I could have a super power, the super power that I would like to have would probably be elemental manipulation. Element manipulation is the power to control elements so I would pretty much be just like an Avatar.”


Club Members of the Month

Encinal: STEPHEN OUYANG “I really like Key Club because of its welcoming atmosphere. Everyone here is really friendly and accepting towards one another, making this experience more enjoyable for all. It‟s just a really fun way to meet new people while doing community service.” “My superpower would be hands down the power to fly. It would be so wonderful to be able to just travel the world at my leisure, taking in all of the sights. Plus, I wouldn‟t have to spend money for airplane tickets, which is an unbeatable deal.”

Oakland High: KEVIN HOANG “I like that members can socialize with members from other divisions.” “My superhero would be something that can heal diseases because I know that there are many people who are suffering from diseases.”

Oakland Tech: KRISTEN HUEY “What I really like about Key Club is how nice everyone treats one another and how we all have respect for each other. Key Club is like another family to me that will never be forgotten.” “My superhero power would be to fly. I always end up having a blast and just getting out and hanging out with people that make me happy. To have flying as a superpower would give me more opportunities to make new friends all around the world and attend more services for Key Club! 12

Club Members of the Month Piedmont: SARAH CHIN “My favorite Key Club memory would be working at the Farmers‟ Market with Uhuru Foods because it was one of my first events and I got to see what Key Club actually does.” “My superhero power would be invisibility because no one could be able to see me and I could do whatever I wanted.”

San Leandro: DANNY HUYNH “What I like about Key Club is how nice and friendly the board members are and the events that we attend.” “My superhero power would be time travel/time freeze. I would like time travel because if I miss out on something, like a Key Club event, I would go back in time and attend it, and time freeze if I get into a situation where I need more time to think.”

Piedmont is in the lead!

Kiwi Points Note: These Kiwi Points are percentages per member and have been calculated directly from the MRF!

Alameda: 34.18

Castro Valley: 85.64

Oakland Tech: 42.22

Albany: 28.62

El Cerrito: 0.00

Piedmont: 133.58

American Indian Public: 72.15

Encinal: 5.53

San Leandro: 64.04

Arroyo: 80.81

Leadership Public: 72

Skyline: 50.73

Berkeley: 19.01

Oakland High: 16.01


By Maya Shen, Berkeley On a rainy Saturday, Kiwis arrived at Studio One Art Center to for the February Movie DCM hosted by Oakland Tech Key Club. Key Clubbers got up to date on division news and events and answered newsletter questions with donuts, in lieu of Danica‟s chocolates, as prizes. All proceeds from this event, from the admission fee and refreshments, went to Project Eliminate. The movie itself was one of Hayao Miyazaki‟s most well-known and beloved films, Spirited Away. A room was set up with curtains, blankets and a projector for the movie. Everyone had a great time watching the movie with their friends. Although I enjoyed the movie immensely, my favorite part of the DCM was definitely meeting some really amazing people from other clubs.

“The February DCM was the perfect way to spend a rainy day: cozying up with a few of my favorite people in the world, along with some yummy snacks and a lovely movie. My favorite art was being able to meet new Key Clubbers after the movie, while we were all fangirling about Studio Ghibli’s movies.” -Jeff Van, Castro Valley

“It was a wonderful experience to be with the rest of my lovely Division 2 community of Kiwis like any other DCM, but what made this one especially special was that we got to watch a great movie all together and raise money for Project Eliminate!” -Peony Chen, Albany


San Leandro Kiwanis Crab Feed

San Leandro

San Leandro


Kiwis from San Leandro Key Club as well as other Division 2 clubs volunteered at the San Leandro Kiwanis Annual Crab Feed on January 18. Below, April Huang, the San Leandro Key Club secretary, talks more about the event in detail. Q: What did volunteers do? AH: This is one of San Leandro Key Club’s most popular events. Knowing this, we had email signups; all 20 spots were filled up in under 2 minutes! Volunteers served various foods such as salad, pasta, bread, and crab. Q: What did you enjoy about this event and why? AH: I’ve attended this event for the last 4 years and it just keeps getting better! I enjoy this event because I am able to spend more time with my fellow Key Clubbers. We are given some time to eat and relax before the event starts and there are always ice breakers such as “All Hands on Deck.” Q: What are some interesting or funny things that happened when you were planning the event or at the actual event itself? AH: There is unlimited crab served throughout the night and buckets of crab available for sale. However, every year without fail, there is always at least one person that we catch putting crab in a bag to take home. Also, I’ve served at many crab feeds, but I’ve never actually been to one to eat. It is always interesting to me how people can bring large amounts of condiments and sauces for their crab. I have even been asked if I could help melt someone’s butter. Q: Is there anything else you would like to add? AH: I notice that most members enjoy this event because of the people they meet. Whether it’s someone from another school’s Key Club, or a super nice person actually attending the event, the people are very friendly.


C LUB R EPORTS ALAMEDA Alameda Key Club has been doing well! In late January, we volunteered at the annual Kiwanis Chili Cook-Off which was a terrific event where we got to work with our Kiwanians and get to know them more. We also got to try the various yummy kinds of chili. At the very end of January, we had our school Food Faire and we raised over $50 selling sodas and gorgeous cupcakes that were made by our Member of the Month. So far in the month of February, we've attended two events to celebrate Chinese New Year: The Oakland Asian Cultural Center and Oakland Museum of California's New Year Celebrations. Volunteers helped set up and work at hands-on arts and craft tables. Everyone had a fun time volunteering and enjoyed seeing the traditional lion dances! Alameda Key Club has also had an ongoing Teens For Jeans jean drive with LEO, Interact, and Sierra Club. The jean drive has just ended, but it was successful and we can't wait to donate all of these jeans to homeless youth across the nation.

ALBANY The very exciting Chocolate and Champagne Gala took place early this month at our local community church. Everyone dressed all nice and volunteered our butts off the whole night. We also had a fundraising event for DCON, a Valentine's bake sale. A bunch of Key Clubbers got together to bake cookies and other goodies. Sales were great and business was booming!


AMERICAN INDIAN PUBLIC This month our club did not do many service projects but we did do tons of fundraising. We sold gift cards for an ice cream shop named Cream in Berkeley, cupcakes from Encorecakes, and handmade things such as chocolate covered strawberries, cookies, and chocolate covered pretzels. We made over $200. Our service project this month was the 31st Annual Kaiser Permanente San Francisco Half Marathon and 5K Fun Run in Golden Gate Park on February 2, 2014.

ARROYO We have officially started our scratch card fundraiser, half of the profits will help members pay for their DCON trip if they are going and the other half will go towards the Eliminate Project. We raised $300 when we volunteered at the crab feed at The Boys and Girls Club with San Leandro Key Club. We are selling lime green socks for $3 to $5 dollars and the money we earn will also go towards the Eliminate Project. We are planning to have our Kiwanis Takeover on March 11th. We had 3 members go to the crab feed at the Greek Orthodox Church and we also volunteered for the Bay Breeze Marathon. We are searching for more volunteering events for February. We had interviews for candidates running for an officer position and they will be giving their speech on February 18th.


BERKELEY This month, we had a great variety of events, with bake sales, Cal Basketball concessions, and peanut butter plans. Perhaps one of our most popular events was the basketball concessions, with many members eager to participate in the next concessions event. We're all looking forward to February, as we have a huge number of fundraisers, especially bake sales planned.

CASTRO VALLEY This month, Castro Valley held a club officer training conference for all Castro Valley Key Club members where the officers gave presentations and played ice breakers. We volunteered at the Castro Valley Elementary School Science night in which we helped run the Science night successfully and enjoyed helping the kids learn while having fun. Our club had multiple photo booth preparation parties throughout this month. The members of Castro Valley Key Club fundraised for Project Eliminate by holding a Valentine's Day photo booth for a week during lunch at school. Our club also had the Kiwanis pancake breakfast flyering event held at the Castro Village where the members kindly asked the stores around if we could post the flyer on their window to further increase the amount of people to attend. 18

EL CERRITO El Cerrito Key Club is off to a good start so far. Last week on February 4th, 2014, our president, Christina handed out papers to those who are interested in being a board member for 2014-2015. There were 5 people who were interested and our president interviewed them this Monday, March 5th, 2014. El Cerrito's Key Club's goals for 2014-2015 are recruiting more members, having more fundraisers, and have at least 2-3 events per month or per week. Also, this coming month, we will participate in our school's Spring Carnival where we will be fundraising for our club.

ENCINAL The club has definitely been very active this month. We started of by having the Chili Cook-off which turned out to be a huge success because more members attended than we expected. We also partnered up with St. Barnabas and are participating in their fundraiser for Lent, in which the profits that we gain from the rice bowls help the needy and impoverished people in second world countries. We have also been starting to discuss with Paden Elementary about the afterschool tutoring program that we plan on initiating with them.


LEADERSHIP PUBLIC During the month of January, we had a great amount of time planning events. The officers had many days to group together and plan events throughout each month. Each event was part of a Key Club Wide Service event or our very own event to raise a few bucks. Our first event in January was the Brides against Breast Cancer. At least 10 people went to the event and helped out the Brides with setting up. We had some fun during the event. Some of the members were great at helping and being funny to help keep us going. This event was mostly to bond together and help out community. The second event we had during the month of January was Project Smile. Some members went in this event and had fun and helped out with the presents. They gave great joy and help to the many people that needed it and put a smile on a lot of peopleâ€&#x;s faces. Last but definitely not least, our last event of the month was Movie Night Sleep Over. It happened at our school, LPS, and was a very successful event. Lots of people came to help out setting up and help get the movies working. We raised $130+ on this event! It was the greatest and most successful event of January.

OAKLAND HIGH For the month for February, we had participated in our school's campus cleanup. Where we were able to help beautify our school alongside do service! We also participated in Oakland High's "THINK PINK" day where the members of Key Club wore pink or red on Valentine's day to earn hours for our club. Every 5 members counted as 30 minutes towards 10 hours of service at school in order for us to do a fundraiser! Lastly, we had our elections and elected our officers for the 2014-2015 term.


OAKLAND TECH This month, we had our elections. We're all extremely excited to train our elects for the upcoming term. We had our Berkeley Kiwanis takeover and auctioned off baked goods and services to fundraise for our DCON expenses. We hosted the February DCM, and as a fundraiser, we screened Miyazaki's "Spirited Away" and charged an admission fee as a fundraiser for Eliminate. We also sold milk tea at our school as another fundraiser.

PIEDMONT Recently, we volunteered at a habitat restoration event at Martin Luther King Jr. Shoreline Park and also helped sort food at the Alameda County Food Bank. We are continuing to raise funds for The Eliminate Project through our biweekly bubble tea sales and are in the midst of planning our badminton fundraiser. We had a great time at Conclave and the February DCM, and are super excited to attend DCON this year! Hope to see everyone reppin' tons of lime green!


SAN LEANDRO San Leandro volunteered at the Cerebral palsy crab feed in Oakland during the beginning of February. We also finished our elections and will announce the results soon. We are also prepping for our annual Awake-a-thon and we encourage many to audition for the talent show. There is a Facebook event page that has all the details.

SKYLINE This month, Skyline Key Club was a lot more tranquil in activities except.....WE HAD OUR ELECTIONS! Elections was a very exciting time as the officers were anticipating who would take their positions next year as most of the current officers were seniors. Fortunately, in two weeks, we have voted for our executive board and more excitedly, finished our book drive. Skyline Key Club collected over 850 books that we will donate to low-income schools throughout Oakland!!!!!! Our top three donors collected over 130 books each with the top donor donating over TWO HUNDRED books. As of now, we are fundraising even more through selling candy, recruiting more members as we prepare for next year, and planning out our March DCM.


March’s Service Initiative The CNH Service Projects Committee has created the Spotlight on Service Program to educate Key Clubbers about Key Club International and service initiatives. A service initiative will be assigned to every month for clubs to focus on!

This month’s service initiative is...

Goal: To improve the health of mothers and babies by preventing birth defects, premature births, and infant mortality.

Statistics: Birth defects are the leading cause of death in the first year of life. 1 in 8 babies are born premature. There is a higher risk of serious disability or death the earlier a baby is born.


Sign yourself up to volunteer or participate at a March for Babies event. 23

Make greeting cards for new parents, including information about newborn screening and immunization.

Educate your peers on March of Dimes and how they can help ensure a future of healthy babies!





For Valentine’s Day, Albany decided to hold a bake sale. Their selection of baked goods included assorted cookies, Rice Krispy Pops, brownies, and flavored pink popcorn. “The bake sale was a great success,” said Hiroka Tamura about the event.


During the month, Arroyo volunteered for the Bay Breeze Marathon in San Leandro and Piedmont helped clean and preserve the habitat at a local park.


Arroyo 24



Kiwanis Chili Cook-Off By Michelle Lau, Encinal Basically we set up for the event and everyone worked different things. Some did coat check, some did drinks, and others sold tickets. I really liked it because it was fun and we were able to help out and be with our friends at the same time. Also, the people there were really funny and energetic. Towards the end of the event, some people got pulled onto the dance floor and it was hilarious watching them because they were so reluctant to go, but they got pulled onto it anyways. Lastly, the very end of the event was super funny too because they had us deflate the balloons to reuse for next year. Tim popped one while attempting to deflate by sitting on a balloon—it was hilarious! “What made the event most memorable was the senior citizens dancing near the end; it was really funny because some Key Club members got dragged into it and had to dance along!” -- Stephen Ouyang, Encinal


School Campus Clean Up By Michelle Ha, Oakland High On February 8th, we participated in the campus clean up event held at Oakland High School. It was a two hour event held on a Saturday morning. Here, we helped our school in many ways. Our jobs included picking up trash on around the campus, updating the school bulletins, fixing book shelves, taking down winter decorations, and more We had a fun time doing service while beautifying our school!

Oakland High 25

Oakland High

Oakland High


Preparing for new leaders

By Anna Xu, Skyline

Every year, club officers run frantically in circles as the club elections roll around. It's time to elect the new executive board, and how else do we help to ease the anxiousness that the candidates feel, other than to constantly reassure them that everything will work out the way it should. February 14 and February 21 were exciting days as Skyline Key Club held its elections for the new executive board for the 20142014 school year. As paid members sat in their seats and quietly waited for the president to make her announcement, everyone were waiting in anticipation for which group will be the next executive officers.


To president Lena Chen, however, the elections were more than just to seeing members holding the power to elect their next board of leaders. “I was able to see many underclassmen take the opportunity, whether they were an officer already or not, to learn to grow into the leader that they want to be through Key Club,” Chen said. “Key Club has taught me many things as holding an officer position comes with a handful of responsibilities. I feel happy seeing that my peers are willing to step up and take on the responsibilities as officers to better help out community.” First, Allan Qin, current vice president of events, was nominated for club presidency. After his nomination was seconded by several others, Qin made his speech about how much Key Club meant to him.


“I really want to increase interactions between my sister-clubs,” Qin said. “I hope that would increase both membership and service hours. Of course, that‟s not all, but that‟s my big goal as of now.” Other officers were soon chosen. With both Armando Pena and Andrew Ho nominated and running for Vice President of Admin, the two young men made a speech about what they would do for Key Club. Pena expressed the fact that as he was Hispanic, he would be able to bring more diversity to the club, a point that resonated with everyone. Pena received the position, and next, Jessica Yorn was nominated as secretary. Yorn received the position with an almost unanimous decision. However, the bell soon rang and the first part of the elections was over. The next week, Andrew Ho was voted as Vice President of Service; Isaac Ramos became Treasurer; and Quyen-Vi Nguyen became Editor. We‟ll all be anticipating Skyline Key Club next year as we wait for administrative board to be chosen as well! “I‟m pretty excited about being president, and I‟m also a bit nervous.” Qin said when asked about how he felt about becoming the next president of Skyline Key Club. 26

UNICEF Tap Project Are you up for the challenge?

For every minute you donâ€&#x;t touch your phone, one day of clean water will be provided to a child in need.


Meet your Division 2 Lieutenant Governor Elect, Kevin Moyung. Q: Describe yourself in a 3 sentence blurb. KM: Hello! I’m Kevin and I currently attend Castro Valley High School as a junior. My life right now is a constant juggling act between school and Key Club, but I think I’m getting the hang of it and it feels amazing. I love to learn, laugh, experience things, and serve others.

Q: Why did you join Key Club? KM: At first, I was only looking for a community service club. I had no idea that Key Club was more than just a club until I attended the Region Training Conference a couple years ago. It became a way of life!

Q: What is your favorite service event and why? KM: My favorite service event is Relay For Life because it is an amazing event that raises so much money for cancer cures and cancer research. Along with other Key Clubbers, I was able to participate in this 24-hour celebration to remember those who have/had cancer and help to fight back.

Q: What are you looking forward to at DCON? KM: I am looking forward to celebrate a new year of service with all the CNH Key Clubbers, as well as learn how to be a better service leader for Division 2.

Q: Choose an object in your room and compare it to Key Club. KM: My Incredibles Phone (Yeah, it actually looks and sounds like the phone from the movie) - Key Club is a club where we can come together as one family to help others in need and make the world a better place for everyone, so we must be ready to answer the CALLS for SERVICE.

Q: Aside from being able to sing Whitney Houston‟s “I Will Always Love You,” what other talents do you have? KM: Haha, well, I don’t have any real talents, but I do play the string bass in my orchestra.

Q: What is something random and/or interesting about yourself? KM: I LOVE CHICKEN WINGS. 28


Get a DCON Overlay! Why should you get a DCON Overlay? Not only will this be a great way to promote District Convention, but it can also serve to raise awareness of Key Club around your community! Plus, it looks cool. :) How can I get one? Email a picture of yourself, a quote (“I’m attending DCON 2014.....”), your name, and Key Club position to cnhkc.overlay@gmail.com. They will email you back with your formatted overlay. Don’t forget to say thank you!

Check out these GOLDEN Kiwis below!


For more information, visit the CNH Cyberkey and the District Newsletter! 30

5 reasons

why you need to go to District Convention

1. BEE recognized for your and others’ achievements. 2. Get spirited and show off that Kiwi pride! 3. Attend workshops that will further your success as a leader. 4. Meet new people! (Hello, free hugs anyone?) 5. Above all, you will BEE inspired. Seeing the district come together in one place and being surrounded by passionate people who truly care for this organization and what it stands for will empower you. All of this, including the workshops and keynote speaker, will motivate future officers to start their terms off with a bang and graduating Key Clubbers will celebrate the past term!

Photo credits to Stella Wong and Julie Ho. 31

Join thousands of Key Club members from all over the world at International Convention (ICON) in Anaheim, California, home to Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm. This will be an event you won’t want to miss!

REGISTRATION FEES • Early bird tour (before or on May 16) $175 • Regular tour (after May 16 and before or on May 30), $215 • Host committee volunteer rate (before or on May 16), $125 • Host committee volunteer rate (after May 16 and before or on May 30), $215

KEYNOTE SPEAKER ICON 2014’s keynote speaker will be Chris Bashinelli. After a long acting career, Chris moved to Africa. He hosts and produces a PBS show called Bridge the Gap in which he walks in someone else’s shoes for a day. Chris has spoken in a number of places including Brazil, TEDx, and Azerbaijan. He is also a guest author for Huffington Post and Lonely Planet. 32



Hello Kiwis! I am so glad I got through that hectic month of February! Key Club awards, scholarship applications, submissions, DCON registration - Wow, February was truly brutal. Good job to everyone! To be honest, I‟m always thinking about District Convention. I can‟t wait to see everyone, I can‟t wait to find out who the new executive District Board members will be, and I mean, it‟s DCON! What is there not to love? However, I realize that I am constantly thinking about the future. It‟s coming up so soon, but that also means that I only have a little bit more than a month of my term left. After working on my Key Club award, I realize that I really want to create a legacy. I don‟t want to simply ensure success for my term and the next term, but I want this to be a successful system that will truly teach people how to become leaders and how to develop all of these skills in something that they are wholeheartedly passionate about. I want to be able to visit my club and my division again years after I have graduated and think that I somehow have affected those current Key Club leaders. Of course we cannot reach out to everyone, but everyone should place a huge emphasis on training! Officers: train your elects! February may have been busy, but to the seniors out there: March is a whole new story. Ever since we hit those “Submit” buttons, we‟ve been dreading this month. I want to emphasize that what happens, happens and that the college you will eventually end up at does not determine your future. YOU determine your own future. We always undermine ourselves and the power in how we respond to situations. In fact, there‟s a really great TED video on stress! (Here‟s the link! http://www.ted.com/talks/kelly_mcgonigal_how_to_make_stress_your_friend) As always, I cannot wait to see all of your GOLDEN Kiwi cutie faces! See you all soon! Below, I have included an inspirational quote that very well applies to us, Kiwis! “The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.”

Yours In Service, , Division 2 Newsletter Editor 34

C ontac t Info Cindy Weng Division 2 Lieutenant Governor

Jeff Van


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510)-779-8215

Danica Liang Division Newsletter Editor

Julie Ho


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510)-213-3049

Edmond Lau Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510)-701-6980


â€&#x; s t n e Presid

C ontac t Info





Jay Zhang

Ayleng Giang

Cindy Tran

Han Tran








http:// albanyhighkeyclub.weebly.com/


Molly Wampler


Kevin Moyung

berkeleyhighkeyclub@gmail.com castrovalleyhighkeyclub@gmail.com (510)-861-8641

(510)-996-8272 http://cvhskeyclub.tk/


(510)-695-3636 http://arroyokeyclub.webs.com/



Christina Zhou

Tsz Yau Wong







Kiana Go

Janet Yan

Alan Kwok

Taylor Chow







http:// oaklandhighkeyclub.weebly.com/


http://piedmontkeyclub.wix.com/ home



Jessica Huynh Slhs.kc2@gmail.com

Lena Chen skcpresidents@gmail.com

(510)-383-6080 http:// slhskeyclub.weebly.com/


(510)-318-0993 http://skylinekeyclub.webs.com/

Region Advisors


Douglas Gin

Lisa Grover




Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, please contact Cindy or Danica.

Photo credits to Danny Wong.


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