Division 2 May 2013

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Kiwi Chronicles OFFICIAL

D I V I S I O N 2 N E WS L E T T E R

Encinal - Alameda’s Danny Wong, Jay Zhang and Bao Thai partake in the DCON spirit.

Kiwanis One Day page 19 Top DCON Moments 22 Eliminate Week 24 Division Leadership Team

May 2013 Volume 2 // Issue 1

& more.

Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali -Nev-Ha District | Key Club



Encinal - Key Clubbers at General Session at District Convention. 2

LTG Welcome ………….….………………... page 4 Upcoming Events …………………….…....………. 6 May DCM Agenda …………………...….……….. 7 Recognition ………….…..………………….…….... 8 Club Summaries ………………..……….….…....… 13 Articles ………..……………………….…..….…..… 18 Top DCON Moments ….…………….………….... 22 Eliminate Week ………..…………….…..….…..… 24 Division Leadership Team ……………..….…..… 25 DNE’s Closing Message …………………………. 28 Links/Contact Info ……….…………….…..….…. 29


Hello Kiwis! Welcome to the very first newsletter for the 2013-2014 term! I‟d like to formally welcome you to a promising new term. I hope that everyone had loads of fun at DCON: crying, smiling, laughing, meeting new people, learning more about Key Club, and much more! But, this is just the BEEginning! We‟ve all been quite busy with SAT‟s, AP‟s and not to mention… all the hard work your current officers have put in so that they can best serve YOU! In addition, I hope many of you were able to attend the DCM on the 27th! If not, I hope to see you at our next DCM. We have tons of events coming up, so look out for them! It‟s definitely been a hectic few weeks for me, and I‟m enjoying every moment of it. I‟m already amazed by the progress our division has made! We have potential to truly go above and BEEyond. Anyway, I‟ll see your beautiful faces soon. :) Each month, I‟ll have one deed of kindness I‟d like to see our fellow Kiwis complete. :) You can Facebook or E-mail me a photo or message of how it goes! Deed of kindness: Place a post-it note with words of encouragement somewhere for others to read! Like on a door at school, or even a box of eggs at the grocery store!

Flying with Service,

Cindy Weng 4

Photo Credits: Michael Nguy and Christine Lam, Albany.

Division Goals


15,000 hours of service

$20,000 raised for charity

1,000 members


May 2013 Sun

















Eliminate Week! (May 6-10)

due by 6pm



(Good luck with AP Testing, Kiwis! I BEElieve in you!) 12





Officer Training Conference (OTC) location TBA




Kiwanis DCM

articles due by 6pm

DWSE: Walk for Poverty

-MoMs due by 6 pm

9am-1pm @ Lake Merritt

Good luck with AP Testing, Kiwis! You will BEE amazing!) 19






May 24 –26

DCM @ San Leandro

Cindy is gone for the May District Board!

Library, 10:30am– 2pm. Auctioning Off Kiwis!

26 We’ll miss you, Cindy!





D2 T-shirt designs due by 6pm




May DCM Agenda May 19, 2013 @ San Leandro Library, 10:30 am– 2pm, hosted by San Leandro Key Club Call to Order: 10:30 am Pledges Roll Call Alameda, Albany, Arroyo, Berkeley, Castro Valley, El Cerrito, Encinal, Oakland, Oakland Technical, Piedmont, San Leandro, Skyline Old Business Club Reports Division 2 OTC: May 11th, 10am-3pm, location TBA New Business T-Shirt Designs: Yes, they‟re approaching quickly! Due by May 30th, 6pm. Results will be announced at the June DCM. Winner will receive a free T-shirt and a $15 Starbucks Gift Card! Applicants will receive a free cookie! :) Anyone can design it (even seniors!) Upcoming Events Region Banquet June Division Wide Service June DCM Recognition Club of the Month: Piedmont Member of the Month: Lillian Lee My Absence Love Box: Write a message, and I‟ll read it at the end! Newsletter Prizes Announcement of the Task Coordinators for the 2-13-2014 term. Fall Rally Spirit Coordinators (3) In addition, there should be one FRN Spirit Leader per school. Spirit Cheers Preferred Charities Coordinator Key Leader Coordinator Kiwanis Family Coordinator Website Coordinator Time for…. Cheers! And then the Auction may begin! :) Comments/Questions? Adjournment 7

Recognition G-double-O-D J-O-B, good

job! Good job! :)

Albany had the most service hours. Piedmont had the most funds raised for service.

Piedmont is our club of the month.

Club Members of the Month “By far my favorite thing about Key Club is its uncanny ability to reach into the goodness of people. I love how it can influence people to think and act in ways they would not have before, no matter if out of genuine kindness or just for self-interest, as cynical as that is.”

“I have no idea what my „spirit animal‟ is, but I guess I‟d be a frog.”

Avery Kuang, Alameda 8

“For my favorite Key Club memories, DCON 2013 definitely tops them all. Dude, I wore a tutu with tights.” “String cheese. Not many people know, but I love string cheese.” Kai Huang, Albany

“My favorite Key Club memory was when I barely made the height limit to go on the sky ride at Oakland Zoo after volunteering for Kiwanis One Day.”

“My spirit animal is a fox because they are clever and sneaky. They are also independent yet highly social.” Emily Cai, Arroyo

“The first event that I ever went to, we were digging around a creek. It was the first Key Club bonding experience that I had, and I was able to meet a lot of people.”

“I love to take photos and work on design projects. I‟m also on the yearbook, I love to travel, and of course go to events!” Eli Rudy, Berkeley 9

“I like how everyone is like family to one another and how we always are welcoming more people. It makes me feel apart of something more than just as club.”

“I like steak.” Calvin Tang, Castro Valley

“I love Key Club because it‟s fun, you get to meet people and it‟s just awesome!” “I really don‟t have a favorite food because I like to try new things, but my favorite DESSERT is COOKIES.” Anthony Saefong, Oakland High

“My favorite memory is when I helped out at Uhuru‟s. I worked up front and asked people for donations and by the end of my shift, I got a total of $48 in donations.

“I like to draw and listen to music.” LemLem Shikor, Oakland Tech 10

“I like Key Club because you can do community service and meet people outside your own school.” “[My favorite food is] In-N-Out burgers with extra lettuce, grilled onions and no tomatoes.” Minjie Zhu, Piedmont

“It was your normal average sunny day at the first Key Club meeting at my school, and there was so much enjoyment in the room I couldn't help but jump around the room all giddy and stuff. All the members were all so nice, including the Board members as well! That was my most favorite memory….”

“My favorite food has to be...EVERYTHING, but seafood...Ok maybe a little seafood, but not too much. ” Wesley Wong, San Leandro

“I like how down-to-earth everyone in Key Club is and how we are all passionate about making our community a better place. I also really like the spirit.”

“My inner animal is a sea turtle because I‟m pretty chill and I like to go with the flow.” Viet Hua, Skyline 11

Kiwi of the Month Encinal’s Lillian Lee

What do you like about Key Club? I enjoy involving myself in a club that’s different from one I’ve ever been a part of before. Key Club is actually the first EHS club I ever joined, and I chose Key Club first and foremost because of the close community I saw when I looked at all of its members. I knew that being a part of community service and helping my community with a group of people so committed would be really fun! And it is! Do you have any favorite Key Club memories? One of my favorite Key Club memories is actually the first event I attended after I joined the club. I came with a few of my friends to help set up for the Halloween Haunted House. It was the very first time I got to feel the energy of all the club members working together. People I didn’t know seemed perfectly comfortable involving me in activities, even if they hadn’t seen or talked to me before. It was really fun getting to know all of the other members, who were extremely welcoming and helpful to me, someone who wasn't yet sure of their place in the club. What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time…. This is going to sound fake. But it is honestly very true! The majority of my free time is spent with my friends at community service events! I find it so rewarding giving back to the community, interacting with new and interesting people and even just finding ways to spend more time with people who I know enjoy Key Club just as much as I do. What is your favorite food? My favorite food is popcorn chicken. Ayyye. #Quickly What is your spirit animal and why? My spirit animal has to be a dog. The reason being: I have to get to know somebody before I am comfortable hanging around them, but once I do, I am a fun-loving person and all I really want to do is talk and have fun. 12

New board members have been selected for the 2013-2014 term! Welcome to our new Alameda board members! During the month of March, our club raised $265 and a portion of it will go to PTP. We started out our new term with the Oakland Running Festival, which took place on March 24, where we volunteered to help with registration and cheer on runners as they partook in the 5K, half-marathons and full marathon. The next event we participated in involved our whole division! The Easter Egg Hunt which took place at the Dunsmuir Hellman Estate on March 31 was the first division wide service of the year which allowed many of the new officers and members alike to get to know each other and enjoy Easter. The next event was purely business. At our Kiwanis Takeover, we effectively raised more than $200 for our club with a bake sale -- what a great step towards an amazing year! During our meetings, we are interested in recruiting more members as well as providing the best services available for our members. We are extremely excited to work with our division to provide service and to spread the Key Club LOVE.

ALBANY At our Emeryville Bayshore Cleanup event, we cleaned up most of the trash and were able to make the beach cleaner and more visually and hygienically pleasant. This month, we also volunteered for the UC Berkeley Suicide Prevention Walk. Many of the Key clubbers had a long term donation collection for PTP and raised more than $300.


Club Summaries


In the month of April, we have participated in many events which include the Ukulele Festival, the beautification of the Oakland Zoo and the Easter Egg Hunt. At the Ukulele Festival, our volunteers helped with registration, selling t-shirts, handing out programs, running the snack bar and assisting in the stage set up for the event. There were more than fifty volunteers, including participants from other clubs. As much as fifteen Key Club members attended. At the Oakland Zoo event, we helped pull weed and pick up trash from the creek. Additionally, we helped run an egg hunt at the Easter Egg Hunt. We worked at the face painting booth, the craft stations and at the Games Area for children.

BERKELEY We haven't had very many events this month, but the training that Molly went to at Princeton Review was extremely important to our club. Molly had a great experience and she learned so much. She became more organized and developed better leadership skills. In addition, she bonded with other Key Clubbers from around the Bay Area and she represented BHS Key Club as well. Unfortunately, the other board members weren’t able to make it to the training, so Molly shared her knowledge with us. Another event we had recently was the Easter Egg Hunt at UC Berkeley. According to the members who went, it went great and it was super fun. The Key clubbers helped hide the eggs and supervise the children. Many people said it brought back good memories because they used to do the Easter egg hunt when they were little. As of right now, our club has planned two activities this weekend. One is building a house and is a service opportunity. We have several other events coming up as well.


Club Summaries


Castro Valley is currently transitioning into the new board -having the new officers run the meetings and such. We had a great turnout at the Easter Egg Hunt in Oakland. Castro Valley also attended K-One day in Hayward along with our Kiwanis club and Circle K members in serving the homeless. We made 200 sandwiches while bonding with our Kiwanis and Circle K members. In just a few days, all of the sandwiches were gone! It was a great event; we served many homeless people while we had fun with our Kiwanis family. We had a car wash on the same day to fundraise for our club. We are planning on fundraising more to keep our club on track.

ENCINAL This month, our club participated in the Easter Egg Hunt and the Oakland Running Festival. These events went great, although our club is still trying to encourage more members to attend the events. (Only a couple of members went to the Egg Hunt and Oakland Running Festival). Our club also attended DCON which was an amazing and inspiring experience for the members to become better leaders of the club. Lastly, LTG Cindy Weng's visit at our school was a good way to have members meet and get to know our LTG and to also learn how to interact with other clubs through the joy of service.


Club Summaries


In the month of April, we had a couple of events that our members participated in. We attended the Kiwanis Takeover for Oakland High and raised over $110 from a variety of things ranging from donations to doing back flips, cartwheels, push-ups and more! It was super fun and it was a great way to fundraise. We also attended Kiwanis One Day, which took place at Camp Arroyo. We helped the camp fix up their facility for their future campers with Piedmont, Skyline and our KIWIN's club by doing inventory and cleaning up wood chips. It was a great experience. We were able to get a lot of work done and spend time with our Kiwanis. Our members were full of energy and they enjoyed work-

OAKLAND TECH A few of us in Oakland Technical High School Key Club had the opportunity to attend DCON last month with the Cali-Nev-Ha district for three days. We all seemed to have a wonderful time cheering for Division 2 and learning new things about college and leadership, presented by upperclassmen and current college students. The speeches given by the past and current elect leaders and inspirational speakers were very moving; and brought many of us to tears of happiness and pride within the region. DCON was a life changing experience for some of us. After attending this event, I can clearly see there are now improved leadership skills within our club board and stronger relationships between members. Many of us are now looking forward to the Convention for next year and already making plans of what to accomplish at the event. Moving onto fundraising -- Our club managed to fundraise $119 through a tapioca sale at school for PTP. Many students at our school were so eager to buy these drinks. They sold in less than 10 minutes. We are planning to hold another tapioca sale in the future and looking to find other ways to fundraise for PTP and for the Eliminate Project later in the year. For Easter, many of our members attended the Easter Egg Hunt located at the Dunsmuir Hellman Historic Estate in Oakland. They helped gather admission fees and did the hokey pokey dance with the other volunteer crew. Overall, Oakland Technical High School’s Key Club is striving and moving forward! 16

Club Summaries


This month, Piedmont Key Club has been mainly focused on transitioning the new officers and making sure that they know their duties. We have attended the Easter Egg Hunt and Kiwanis One Day. We are starting to look for new events for April and May.

SAN LEANDRO This past month has been an amazing month for San Leandro. We are determined to improve our club by increasing our members – adding more freshmen and adding at least 10+ hours per members. We’ve done events, such as the Kiwanis One Day, Dollars for Scholars Dinner, and we also had a DCM. The Kiwanis One Day event was where San Leandro Key Club united with Arroyo Key Club and worked successfully together to clean the Oakland Zoo Area by planting, pulling weeds and clearing up the creek. We also got recognized by the San Leandro Times of Neighbors Community Service Group. After that, we had a BBQ with our fellow Kiwanis and we got to explore the zoo. Another amazing event that occurred this past month was The Dollars for Scholars Dinner; we set up for the dinner and then served food and drinks. We had a very special guest attend this dinner, Katharine Sarafian, the producer of the Oscarwinning movie, Brave. She gave a speech about how being the past Key Club President had changed her life and point-of-view. The Key Club adventures that she experienced gave her the idea for the movie. Lastly, the DCM was led by Cindy Weng, our LTG. At this DCM, the Leadership team was announced.

SKYLINE A new board for Skyline Key Club started its term this month and the meetings and events have been more lively. During the beginning of the month, meetings only had a few people, but with recruitment efforts, the most recent meeting (on April 12th) became a meeting with a room filled with new people excited for what's happening in Key Club and more. The meeting consisted of lively social games such as Assassin and lots of prizes like chocolate bunnies that kept the crowd wanting more. Events occurring this month include Kiwanis One Day, helping out with cooking at Uhuru markets near Lake Merritt, the Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco and April DCM. An ongoing event of Skyline Key Club is donating to PTP. 17

Club Summaries


Oakland Tech

Alameda Oakland Tech

Oakland Tech

Oakland Tech

Castro Valley

Key clubbers had fun volunteering at the division wide service event, the Easter Egg Hunt.




Albany Key Club tidied up a local beach at their Emeryville Bayshore Clean Up event. 18

Kiwanis One Day By Sherry Liang, Oakland High On April 6, 2013, we joined with Skyline and Piedmont Key Club, our KIWIN‟s club and the Oakland Kiwanis Club for Kiwanis One Day by volunteering at Camp Arroyo. We woke up super early to make sure that we‟d arrive on time and we did. We learned a little about the camp and its goal. Then, we separated our group into two groups for the different things that needed to be done. One group had the job of doing inventory – counting, stocking and moving many boxes. We first moved out all the boxes that were filled with wine glasses, glass cups and wine buckets. Then, we counted every single one and made sure that they were in good condition. We had to make sure that the glass was not chipped or it would potentially hurt someone handling it. The second group had the job of spreading wood chips around the rock climbing area, so that there would be a cushion if kids were to ever fall off the climbing area. These volunteers unloaded a truck with 150 pounds of wood to get started. It was a very tiring day, but the members were energetic and had a lot of fun doing it!




For their Kiwanis One Day event, Skyline and Piedmont teamed up to spread wood chips and do inventory at Camp Arroyo, a camp for children with disabilities.


Oakland Zoo Beautification By Emily Cai, Arroyo On April 6, Arroyo and San Leandro Key Club spent a day at the Oakland Zoo tackling weeds and picking up trash by the creek.


Old weeds and other mysterious plants that grew endlessly were replaced with new grass which would be used to feed the zoo animals. Because it was a cloudy day with a sprinkle of rain, many volunteers complained that it was wet, muddy and slippery.


Arroyo and San Leandro worked together to pull weeds — steps toward a more beautiful zoo!

As a team, Key Club rolled up its sleeves and contributed to the beautification of our local Oakland Zoo. Afterwards, our Key Club volunteers and Kiwanis got to spend the day inside the zoo. With great service, comes great reward!

Kiwanis Takeover

Alameda Key Club sold baked goods at a Kiwanis meeting.

By Qiqi Wu, Alameda The Kiwanis Takeover was very successful – we had a fun time attending the Kiwanis meeting and selling baked goods. We received some very generous donations from the Kiwanians. To my surprise, we have many talented bakers in our club who contributed to our fundraiser. We sold desserts such as peanut butter cookies, colorful cupcakes, mint-chocolate chip brownies, and even banana bread. It was great meeting and getting to know our fellow Kiwanis who sponsor us. I am hoping we can attend these meetings often in the future to get more involved with our Kiwanis family. 20


Oakland Running Festival


By Brian Ye, Alameda On March 24, we set off early on a beautiful Saturday morning to help register people, adults and children alike to participate in the upcoming Oakland Running Festival. We arrived at approximately 8:00 a.m. at the Marriot Hotel in downtown Oakland. Lines were already forming as we walked through the large glass doors. Our goal was to help these people, over 3,000 people, with their needs and to assist the coordinators to make sure everything would go smoothly. We were debriefed by a very nice lady who Alameda’s Jason Fan worked at the registration directed us to our designated stations that were booth for the Oakland Running Festival event. already filled with Key clubbers. They then imparted the jobs we were supposed to do. One of these jobs included giving each participant their respective number that corresponded to their name and sign-up sheet. We were also responsible for carrying inside food as well as helping out all of the booths. As people busted through the doors signaling the start of the event, we were slightly overwhelmed, but as the event went on, we got into the swing of things. We regained our composure and soon we were handing out and reading the sheets like a factory line! “The event was a blast! We worked hard for such a long time and helped so many people with their numbers. There was so many people all filled with joy to partake in the festivities,” said volunteer Emily Liu. “I especially enjoyed putting together sets of pins to give to people. Ten hours of work seemed really tiring, but it was meaningful at the end because I helped my community!” volunteer Jason Fan said. As the event continued, another volunteer and I were ushered in to the booths in charge of handing out samples of energy gummies made by GU. This booth had so many free gummies that if everyone in the convention center was to take ten, we would still have plenty left over! Overall, it was a great event and we felt very good helping the people.


F eatures

Q: What was your top moment at DCON 2013? “My favorite DCON moment was when I got to cheer my heart out with the rest of my division, and staying up late talking to my roommates.” - Jeff Van “My DCON moment was getting pinned by a guy and finding out it was a girl; and the amount of sleep I got *cough cough*”- Edmond Lau “My top DCON moment was probably when our whole division started doing the wave so loudly that later on other people from other divisions said that they could hear us from afar.” - Ashley Ung “My top DCON moment was when one of our members wore a ridiculous outfit on the spirit day. He had an unusually large amount of make-up on his face and wore very tight tights. Additionally, he wore a tutu, a headband, and stuck a feather in his hair. He was so dedicated that he agreed to wear this atrocious attire just to represent our lime green division. (We love you Kai!)” - Xiuhoon Giang “My top DCON moment was when a lot of Key Clubbers got up and started to form a snake/ train-like thing around the stage area. We high-fived passerby's and cheered as one. We stopped being different divisions and started to bond together as one large district. I felt closer to Key Club than I had ever been. As a Senior in high school, it is definitely something I won't forget.” - Scarlett Wu “Seeing the wedding proposal :)” - Qiqi Wu 22

“Seeing Cindy Weng. ^___^ “ - Steffen Yorn

“My top moment was the lady who got proposed to. It was a beautiful sight because it was my first time seeing someone get proposed to. Their kiss at the end made it even sweeter.” - Jaime Wong “My top DCON moment was having all 3000 key clubbers attending stand up and screaming in unison with each other about how we feel!” - Grey Janowski

“I absolutely LOVED general sessions! It felt amazing to see my IP Club president walk across the stage being installed as our LTG, to see my club on the screen for an award, to cheer my lungs out and lose my voice for my division. Never in my life did I think that I would have the capability to talk to strangers and make friends the way I did at DCON. It was an absolutely AMAZING experience that I wish would've lasted longer.” - Megan Phuong

“When we first reached Anaheim hotel. All the key clubbers around. OMG. THE FEEEEEEEEEEEEEELS ~ ” - Janet Yan

“My favorite DCON moment was the balancing Key Club and school workshop. Not only was it very helpful, it was extremely interactive because the speakers were making jokes and keeping everyone awake.“

- Julie Ho

“My top DCON moment was definitely being called up on stage for both Distinguished and a Awarded Scholarship. Overall, DCON was pretty amazing and it's sad to think that this year was my last. Circle K, here I come?! :D” - Evellyn Le “My top DCON moment was when the whole division cheered together during general session because this was the first year that the division was together and not split up. Also, when we marched into the convention cheering. It was one of the best DCON ever!” - Melissa Yip “When I stood on stage, looking over the sea of Key Clubbers and I spotted our Kiwis. That was the moment I realized our potential and the love I have for the organization.” - Cindy Weng “My top DCON moment was when my friend James Chen, immediate past Kiwanis Family Chair had spoke about Key Leader and mentioned me as a person in his Key Leader neighborhood who had been elected President.” Jessica Huynh 23

You can get this as your cover photo on Facebook! Go to Key Club International’s Facebook page and click on the cover page. Right click the image > Save As.

WHAT IS THE ELIMINATE PROJECT? Kiwanis International and UNICEF has teamed up to create The Eliminate Project. Their goal is to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. 

Tetanus affects almost 60,000 babies and many mothers each year.

Newborns with this disease suffer through repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch.

HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE IN ELIMINATE WEEK? Raise funds and awareness for the Eliminate Project! Ideas? 

Set up a booth outside a grocery store (eg. Safeway). Pass out pamphlets, talk to people about The Eliminate Project and collect donations

Typical fundraisers: coin jar, bake sale, car washes, etc.

Go to keyclub.org > Serve > The Eliminate Project to learn more and get more ideas! 24

Meet your Division Leadership Team.



Hey Kiwis! My name is Danica (Pronounced Danick-kah) Liang and I am your Division Newsletter Editor! I look forward to meeting all of you and I cannot wait to see our division grow and go BEEyond and above! When I am not doing Key Club work, I like to read, run, write and watch TV and movies. My favorite movies are probably The Proposal or Les Miserables. My favorite TV show is Parks and Recreation. Anyways, I love meeting new people, so don‟t be afraid to say hi to me or start a conversation! I‟m only 4‟11 and 3/4 and I‟d like to think that I am quite approachable. :)

Edmond Lau EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Hey Key clubbers! My name is Edmond Lau and I am one of the few EAs serving Division 2. Simple information on me: I go to San Leandro, Vice President of Key Club, I have tons of derp photos, I eat food(buy me food and I will love you forever), I love to take photo of myself and others >:D; I probably have a derp photo of you guys, and I love to photo bomb. If you know me, and you take a photo around me, I WILL PHOTO BOMB, so be prepared when you take a photo. It will be an amazing year for us. My quote for the year is "All hail Dictator Weng!" #2Wengz 26


Hello, all you lovely D2 Kiwis! I‟m Jeff Van, a sophomore from Castro Valley High School, and I‟m truly honored to serve as your next Executive Assistant. This is my 2nd year of being in Key Club, and I can‟t wait to begin my third. The 2013-2014 administrative term has barely started, but I already know that we‟ll definitely be able to accomplish unBEElievable things! In my free time, I like to play tennis and run. I also read a lot; I‟ll read anything from classics to manga, and I‟m always up for book suggestions! My all-time favorite book is Paper Towns, by John Green. I‟m usually found on the computer, listening to music, or doing community service with Key Club. I have one dog, named Max, and he‟s a miniature schnauzer. My favorite food is sushi, and the best movie ever made was 3 Idiots. I also really love making new friends, so if you‟d like to y‟know, maybe hang out or something, hit me up!

Julie Ho


Hey my fellow Kiwis, my name is Julie Ho and I‟m very excited to be one of your Executive Assistants for the new term. I am currently a junior that attends Skyline High School. My hobbies are consisted of taking pictures, playing golf, and providing service to my school and community. I also love traveling and I wish I could visit Italy in the near future. I am also really friendly and I love making new friends so don‟t be shy if you want to introduce yourself or ask me a question or just want to make conversation. With that being said, this is going to be a great term and I can‟t wait to see how far we're going to progress as a division.


I miss DCON!

DNE’ S C LOSING M ESSAGE Hey everyone! My name is Danica Liang and I am from Alameda Key Club. I feel extremely honored to be serving as your 2013-2014 Division Newsletter Editor! I know that this upcoming term will bring us many things and I can‟t wait to see what WE, as a division, will accomplish. As we‟re starting off the new term, now is the perfect time for past officers to be training new officers. Training is important and it‟s good to get it out of the way right from the start. An uninformed officer is not as effective. If you are confused about what you are supposed to be doing, just ask. We (the Division Leadership Team, your current and past officers) are your resources and we want to see you succeed. :) And honestly, I love getting questions! Thank you for taking the time to the FIRST issue of the new volume! Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks to those who contributed (historians/editors, the VPs who sent in MoM submissions and people who submitted their top DCON moment) and thank you to ALL of you for doing your part in serving the community. I love Key Club and I hope that all of you will eventually feel the same way as I do towards this organization (if you don‟t already). :) With Kiwi love, Danica Liang, Division Newsletter Editor 28


Oakland Tech

Don’t forget to join the Google reflector groups!

Division 2 Google Reflector: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#! forum/d02_kiwis

CNH Key Club: cnhkeyclub.org

Contact Info Cindy Weng Division 2 Lieutenant Governor D02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Jeff Van


Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

Danica Liang


Division Newsletter Editor D02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Julie Ho


Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com

Edmond Lau


Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510)-701-6980

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, email Cindy or Danica. 29

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