Division 2 November 2013

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Kiwi Chronicles OFFICIAL

D I V I S I O N 2 N E WS L E T T E R

Pump, pump, pump it up! Pump that D2 spirit up! Edmond Lau, Jeff Van and Vivian Sin get spirited at Fall Rally North.

Region Training Conference 22 Fall Rally North 28 Trick-or-Treat For UNICEF 33 What are you thankful for? 35

& more. November 2013 Volume 2 // Issue 7 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali -Nev-Ha District | Key Club


INSIDE TH LTG’s Welcome 4

Upcoming Events 6 November DCM Agenda 7 Division Goals 8 Recognition 10 Club Summaries 14 Articles 20 Region Training Conference 22 Division Events 24 Key Leader 27 Photo credits to Edmond Lau. 2

HIS ISSUE Fall Rally North 28

Key Club Week 30 Membership Update Center 31 November’s Service Initiative 32 UNICEF Boxes/How to Donate to Eliminate 33 March of Dimes 34 Thanksgiving Feature 35 DNE’s Closing Message 36 Contact Info 37 Thank You 40 3

Photo credits to Michelle Ha.


Hello Kiwis! November, November. Time has sure gone by. It was wonderful to see you all at FRN and I can’t wait to see you all at Key to College. Seniors, as college season rolls around, I want you to remember to give it your all — show these colleges why you are GOLDEN. Furthermore, underclassmen, don’t forget to support the seniors through a tough time by stepping up and taking initiative to help out a little more! Each month, I have one deed of kindness I’d like to see our fellow Kiwis complete. :) You can e-mail me a photo at d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com of how it goes! It can be a funny photo, or just cute! Deed of Kindness: I want you to dedicate this month to giving thanks. Thank you parents who support you in your endeavor. Thank your teachers who care about their students. Thank your Kiwanians and advisers for putting in their time and effort to serve you. Thank your bus driver for daily transportation to school. Furthermore, give thanks by giving back to the community you serve by attending even more service events this month. :)

Flying with Service,

Division 2 Lieutenant Governor



November 2013








5 Key Club Week! 12















DCM & Key 2 College

Key Leader















World Prematurity Day


Key Club Week November 4-8 This is an opportunity to show your community

November DCM: Key 2 College November 9th - Meet at 9:15 AM Sproul Plaza, UC Berkeley

Key Leader November 15-17 Camp Jones Gulch, La Honda, CA

World Prematurity Day November 17

what Key Club is truly about! For each day, spread the word about Key Club. More information on page 24. The UC Berkeley Circle K is hosting a series of workshops that will help prepare Key Clubbers for everything college-related (applying, majors, college life, financial aid, etc.)! Sign up for this inspirational leadership program. Throughout this weekend retreat, you will participate in workshops, discussions and teambuilding activities. with other organizations around the world to raise awareness about premature births and how to prevent them.

March of Dimes (one of KC’s preferred charities)

November DWS: Thanksgiving Service November 30 Oakland Marriot Center 6

Work with other Kiwis to help out at this Thanksgiving service event!


November DCM Agenda NOVEMBER 9, 2013 Division 2 | Region 9

Check out the division website! www.d2kiwis.org

Did You Know? November is Kiwanis Family Month. See page 32 for ideas on how to become more involved with your Kiwanians!

L-O-V-E, We love our Kiwanians!


As of November 1 according to monthly submissions

Service Hours: 8,553/15,000 hours

Funds Raised for PTP: $7,700/$10,000 Funds Raised for Eliminate: TBA/$10,000


Go to page 33 to learn more about the Eliminate Project!


R ECOGNITION Castro Valley had the most service hours. Castro Valley raised the most funds. Oakland Tech is our club of the month.

Division Kiwis of the Month Officer of the Month

Kiwanian of the Month

Janet Yan (Oakland High)

Chad Pennebaker (San Leandro)

Division Member of the Month Castro Valley: SABRINA HO ―One of my favorite key Club memory was at a DCM when we were all spirited and hyped up screaming the chants to practice for FRN.‖ ―I still can’t believe I once had not considered joining Key Club. Now, I know it was one of the best choices I’ve made!‖

Club Members of the Month Alameda: KAREN DUONG ―I like that everyone in Key Club is nice. It’s great that Key Club has so many events the members can attend. Plus, they’re all extremely fun events!‖ ―When I was like 11, I was riding a bike with my cousin to South Shore. Then, we traded bikes, but her bike had no brakes and I wasn’t used to it. So we were riding and I ran straight into a pole….‖ 10

CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Albany: CATTIE SUPAWIT ―My favorite memory of being in Key Club is probably the night we went to Awake-a-thon last year. By the end, I felt closer to the other members in our club.‖ ―Something interesting that has happened to me was when I was to Koizumi, Miyagi, Japan to do volunteer work and community building in the rural area that was destroyed by the 2011 tsunami.‖

Arroyo: WENDY LI ―I like that Key Club gives us opportunities to meet different people from all around and help others in need.‖ ―Something interesting that has happened to me is this summer, I went to a summer program at Massachusetts called Summer in Smith, where I got to meet many people from around the world and now I have a best friend from Smith who lives in New York!‖

El Cerrito: MIKAELA ANJELA CASI ―I like how Key Club is international and how we participate in community activities, enabling us to meet new people!‖ ―I still can’t believe I once was a freshman.‖


CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Encinal: TRENT FONG ―Key Club is a very fun and loving community. I like being involved with the activities that occur in this club. It is a place for my friends and I to get to know each other better. Oh, and it gives us community service hours.‖ ―I still can’t believe I once helped someone carry in heavy things. This person seemed to need my help and I stepped forward. I wouldn’t never thought that I would do something like that.‖

Oakland High: GIA PHAM ―I love how everyone is spirited and very involved in activities.‖ ―I still can’t believe I got picked to be the member of the month.‖

Oakland Tech: MIKAELA HARRINGTON ―I like how Key Club makes me feel like a part of the community, where everyone can count on each other. I also just enjoy being able to help others in the company of friends.‖ ―Something interesting that has happened to be was when I was visiting Mexico. I took a bus through this little village outside of Puerta Vallarta. It was like a picture from National Geographic of one of those sad places coming to life and it was one of the first moments I realized i wanted to help other people.‖

Piedmont: GELLY MILLER ―I loved going to the Cal game to work in the concession stand because I could combine two things I like to do: volunteering and watching football.‖ ―I still can’t believe i once went to Lithuania to see where my great-grandfather lived.‖


CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH San Leandro: SHIRLEY KONG ―The most recent event that i really enjoyed was the SLED Gala event. Not only did we volunteer, but we got free food, flowers, and a photo booth!‖ ―I still can’t believe I missed out on FRN my sophomore year.‖

Skyline: ARMANDO PENA ―Fall Rally North 2012 memories still flicker in my mind [as my favorite Key Club memory]. I had a blast and I can’t wait for this year’s.‖ ―Something interesting that has happened to me was when I joined Skyline’s tennis team and I brought diversity.‖

Piedmont is in the lead! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU, SAY WE ARE PROUD OF YOU!

Kiwi Points

Note: These Kiwi Points are percentages per member and have been calculated directly from the MRF!

Alameda: 14.85

Castro Valley: 19.98

Oakland Tech: 26.84

Albany: 27.06

El Cerrito: 0.00

Piedmont: 58.71

Arroyo: 19.64

Encinal: 4.97

San Leandro: 22.41

Berkeley: 16.10

Oakland High: 12.01

Skyline: 12.20


C LUB R EPORTS ALAMEDA This past month, we participated at our school's club day where we set up a booth to help recruit new members. We had a fantastic turn out! Members also attended the Eat Real Festival in Jack London. Additionally, we had a successful first fundraiser of the school year. We sold draw-string bags at the October DCM and we raised $215 from that alone. With this, we have successfully reached our goal of raising $800 for PTP. We will also be selling these bags on the day of FRN! The day after the October DCM, we had a garage sale and bake sale fundraiser. We were able to raise over $100. Overall, this month has been a wonderful month for us in regards to our fundraising.

ALBANY This month, our club volunteered for the Albany Community Triathlon. This was a great service for bonding with both the community and the new club members! We had a total of 4 hour shifts of setting up, passing out water, cheering runners and cleaning up. Also, our club has found great success in obtaining new members, and we see a lot of new faces around our weekly meetings! For our future volunteering opportunities we are planning to attend the Breast Cancer Walk in San Francisco next weekend. We are very excited!


ARROYO On October 5th, we had 7 members volunteer for the Big Fall Flea Market in Castro valley. Volunteers helped sell food or flea market items and met many people in the community. Additionally, we have 15 members that will volunteer at the Kapuna Celebration on October 20th. Next, we had a bake sale at the DCM and made around $27. We sold lime green cupcakes for 50 cents and nutella cookies for a dollar. Finally, we have officially 37 people who are attending FRN from Arroyo Key Club, which is a great improvement from last year.

BERKELEY Berkeley High Key Club only had one event this month which was the Berkeley High Club Fair. It was freshmen orientation that day, so we tried to catch their attention by giving good reasons why Key Club is good. We also said fun facts and passed out candy. We were very successful because we had three sign up sheets filled with names. We are hoping to gain new members this year and we are confidence that we will because a lot of freshmen signed up to get more information on Key Club. All of the board members attended the Club Fair and we all helped recruit new members. We haven’t had any events this month or the month of August except for the Club Fair. We are planning a ton of events this month.


CASTRO VALLEY Castro Valley attended the Regional Training Conference where we learned how to strengthen our leadership skills as well as meet new people. RTC was a great experience that could never be forgotten. Everyone is highly encouraged to attend next year, because it is BEEyond amazing. We had a few work parties specifically for Fall Rally North to make lime green tutus. Also, we had a flyering event at the Castro Valley village for a pasta dinner. We helped out at the Stanton elementary school carnival and bonded with the members while doing so. We held a FUNdraiser at Peet's Coffee by having a bake sale and it was a success!

EL CERRITO El Cerrito Key Club has been doing well! Our club had participated in a collab with Albany High by helping then clean up Albany Bulb. Also, there was a Division Wide Servce on the same day at Lake Meritt which was a clean-up event also. There was also an event in Oakland where we had to usher people. This Saturday, on October 19, El Cerrito Key Club will be going to FRN (Fall Rally North) at Six Flags!. We are looking forward to it because we know it will be fun!


ENCINAL We skipped a couple of club meetings this months dues to the holidays and the craziness of homecoming, but it's been great. We attended the Port of Oakland Shore Cleanup where we helped pick up trash. Unfortunately, we had to end it early because of the rain but nevertheless, The events was a success. This week during homecoming week, we successfully sold chicken and made much profit from it. And lastly, we're ready for Fall Rally North!

OAKLAND HIGH This month was the sixth month of the term. Events we had this month were all volunteering work, like our school’s Campus Cleanup, the DWS, and volunteering at the Farmer’s Market at Uhuru Foods and at the Eat Real Festival. We had four general club meeting this month, and had an average of 47.25 members present.


OAKLAND TECH Our club has been staying busy with many different events this month. We recruited at school registration, although we couldn't get a table. We also did service with the Kiwanians and Circle K's Golden Gate division. The Thursday of first week of school, we had our first general meeting and there was a great turn out. The numbers have been hovering around 40-50 people so far. Last weekend we hosted a beach clean up and helped out at the Cal Concessions. Last week we also sold milk tea to fundraise for PTP.

PIEDMONT This month, we attended a few service events and also continued fundraising through our bubble tea sales. We volunteered at the DWS: Creek for Bay Day in helping to clean up the bay by Jack London Square. We also attended Piedmont's Harvest Festival in helping to prepare and serve food. At the October DCM, our members had a lot of fun cheering and prepping for FRN. Currently, we are thinking of new ways to make our meetings more fun and to encourage members to attend more service events. We look forward to participating in more service events and bonding with our fellow key clubbers!


SAN LEANDRO On October 11th, we had helped out at the annual Comedy night for Bal theatre. We helped accompany people to their seats, clean up etc. At this event, every year there is a famous comedian who attends, this year it was someone from Saturday night Live. The following day, their was another event called the Roosevelt fall festival. This is at one of our local elementary school and we set up booths and had tons of fun with some kids.

SKYLINE Skyline is doing very well this month. We've been having many meetings and events with excitement, and on November 1st, we will be having a sale of Asian food in a school event. This month though, we've attended events such as swim-a-mile and Fall Rally North, and on October 26th, we will be fundraising at Montclair selling baked goods. We're currently almost done setting up our new single service event where we will be donating books to those who need them, and we will also be setting events to tutor those in need. As for our other single service projects such as UNICEF, we've raised over $100, saving many babies! We're excited to see how we go as we've already had our mid-term meeting where we are expecting great results for this year's club turnout. 19




Albany volunteered at the Albany Community Triathlon, a community effort to celebrate an active and healthy lifestyle. Volunteers enjoyed bonding with members of their club as well as members of their own town community.






At Berkeley’s September bake sale, so many members brought baked goods that they couldn’t fit them all on the table! Berkeley also volunteered at the Chaparral House and Sunday Streets. 20

Piedmont Harvest Festival By Remy Afong, Piedmont

On Sunday, September 29th, about eight of our members volunteered at the Piedmont Harvest Festival. A few of us prepped food in the kitchen, a few of us helped serve food to customers and a few of us volunteered at the carnival booths for little kids. I was a part of the group working in the kitchen to prepare Caprese salads. Arriving at 10 a.m., my group's first task was to peel basil leaves for the salad. While the chef cut the tomatoes, we began making the salads. They consisted of four layers of tomato, three layers of mozzarella cheese, and three layers of basil. The tomatoes were an assortment of colors, ranging from crimson ted to vibrant orange to forest green. We had a lot of fun assembling the salads to make them as beautiful and colorful as possible. As we made them, we sent out trays of salad to be sold. Because they were selling so fast, we had to assemble the salads continuously, with hardly any breaks in between. When the lunch rush died down, we had the opportunity to try the delicious food and also walk around the festival. Some of the attractions included a scarecrow contest, a baked goods contest, and also a largest pumpkin contest! We also got to observe and participate in the carnival events. I got a cute butterfly and dinosaur painted on my face. Although it was a tiring day, we had a lot of fun brushing up on our cooking skills and aiding our community in making this highly anticipated festival happen. We look forward to participating in similar events in the future, and will hopefully volunteer at this festival again next year!

Alameda High’s Club Day By Jason Fan, Alameda


On October 4th, Key Clubbers at Alameda High had a booth during our annual club day, where many of our officers and a few members helped out. During this event, we helped explain the Key Club and the services we provide, attracting many who are less informed about our club to become curious. We handed out brochures and candy, which attracted many fellow students. At the end of the event, we were able to accumulate over 40 people interested in joining our club. The following meeting the next week was exceptionally bigger than usual.

Eat Real Festival

By Michelle Ha, Oakland High On September 27th after school, Key Club members from Oakland High helped volunteer at the Eat Real Festival in Jack London. Depending on when and what they were interested in doing, they were assigned a specific shift of the time they would be working from and what they would be doing. Our members did various volunteer work including alcohol control, handling the volunteer hub with signing volunteers in and out, directing where people should throw their trash and picking up trash. All in all, it was an amazing experience working with people who were so passionate on making Eat Real happen! 21

Oakland High

Photo credits to Julie Ho, Danny Wong and Adrienne Le.

Region Training Conference By Cindy Weng, Division 2 Lieutenant Governor

his final RTC was amazing and so inspirational. I remember attending last year, and it was part of the reason why I fell in love with Key Club. But this time around, I wasn’t sitting through each workshop, I was hosting them along with the other District Board members. This event has made me laugh, smile, cheer, scream, sing, jump, dance, and even almost cry. It brings me hope to see all these newcomers, because these are the future leaders of our club. It brings me happiness to sing and cheer at the campfire, and to see everyone else doing it too. It puts a smile on my face when I’ve been up until 3AM preparing a slideshow, and seeing the members enjoy it. Love is when your Kiwanis Advisors throw your shoes across the campfire. But, it also brings me sadness to know that this past weekend was the last RTC I will be attending. Working with all the other Lieutenant Governors has truly been a blessing, and I’ve fallen in love with who they are and their personalities that they bring to the table. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for all our golden kiwis. :) 22

What did the Kiwis do?

Kiwis arrived at Camp Jones Gulch bright and early — ready to face the long but fun day! Some chose to hang out at the basketball courts while others socialized with Key Clubbers who had just arrived. After this, Kiwis enjoyed sandwiches for lunch.

After lunch, all RTC attendees headed towards the music shell for the Opening Session. We can always count on the LTGs to make listening to even the code of conduct interesting! Key Clubbers then dispersed into the various officer workshops. These workshops were followed by group time.

Key Clubbers attended the Round Robin Workshops with their groups where they learned about time management, ethics, member recognition, professionalism and public speaking. Groups also went to the Keynote Session to hear various inspirational speakers.

After workshops, there was cabin time, dinner, and group time to work on group skits and cheers. These were performed at the campfire. After the campfire, Key Clubbers danced the night away, played board games, played Ping-Pong and more. Lots of fun!

The next day, RTC ended with a slide-show, DCM breakouts, outdoor activities & Closing Session. 23

By Molly Wampler, Berkeley On October 5th, Key Clubbers from Division 2 gathered at Mill’s College in Oakland for the 18th annual Swim-a-Mile for Women with Cancer, put on by the Women’s Cancer Resource Center. Over 600 men, women and children swam up to one mile, while our Key Clubbers tirelessly counted their laps, while cheering them on and encouraging them to finish their goal. It was all so inspiring, seeing kids as young as 7 years old, enthusiastically swimming lap after lap to reach the 36 lap mark. Another inspiration was a man, who had never learned how to swim. But he had fundraised and was determined to swim a mile. Much over an hour later, he finished swimming his mile, proof that anyone can complete this seemingly impossible challenge. The fact that grown men who had never learned to swim and small children with only a couple years of swimming instruction were able to swim a mile encouraged me and I’m sure many others that they too can do anything they set their mind to. Going to this event truly made me want to swim in this event next year.

Photo credits to Julie Ho.



By Tiffany Huang, Oakland Tech On a breezy Saturday afternoon, more than 100 D2 Key Clubbers attended the October DCM prior to discuss about our division goals, accomplishments and recognition, and of course – to prep for Fall Rally North. Although the meeting was longer than the usual DCM’s, majority of the members still had loads of energy, support, and patience towards perfecting the three rally cheers and familiarizing themselves with the game plan. Spirit leaders and returning members excitingly assisted the new members with cheers, which included the classic ―How Do You Feel‖ to even learning our division’s newly created ―We Are Kiwis‖ Cheer. Talk about dedication and eye for the golden prize – the spirit stick! Aside from cheers, several schools sold Key Club merchandise, which went from tutus, lanyards, and even draw-string bags! Last, but not least, we donated a total of $240 to PTP within the few hours together. Keep up the great work and let’s strive for more golden achievements! Tweet tweet! :)

Photo credits to Edmond Lau.



By Megan Phuong, Oakland Tech The Mini Maker’s Faire was great! I volunteered last year as well and it was just as great, if not better. This year, I helped kids make terrariums and decorate stepping stones. The kids were adorable and made things better than I could have. I also helped out at the photo booth where I had a better view of everything else. It was amazing to see all of the technology and activities that kids could participate in and learn from. I hope to have this chance again next year!

Photo credits to Cindy Weng. New Task

r! Coordinato

Maya is our division website coordinator. If you haven’t seen the division website at http://d2kiwis.org, check it out! She has made some updates. :) Hi everyone! My name is Maya Shen and I am a sophomore at Berkeley High School. I’m extremely grateful for this position as well as super excited for this year! I hope to keep the site up to date and easy to navigate for all us Kiwis. Some of my hobbies include reading, drawing and watching all sorts of TV shows. My favorite TV show has got to be Grey’s Anatomy. I also love virtually all Disney and Pixar movies (who’s excited for Frozen?). I enjoy all sorts of food, but especially Thai and most anything sweet. I hope that I’ll be able to meet you all one day! Feel free to ask me if you have any questions! I’ll help you to the best of my abilities! 26


Participate in this truly life-changing leadership retreat! What is it? Key Leader is a life-changing weekend leadership program sponsored by Kiwanis International. Key Leader that focuses on service leadership. The most important lesson of leadership? Helping others to succeed.

When/Where is it? The next Key Leader event will be held at Camp Jones Gulch from November 15-17th. To register or find more information, visit the website at http://www.key-leader.org.

“Key Leader is more than just a simple leadership camp. It’s something that can change your entire perspective on the world; it’ll help you become a better leader, and ultimately, a better person.” — Jeff Van, Castro Valley “Key Leader taught me that anyone can be a leader, but to be a key leader, the right mindset is needed.” — Jessica Huynh, San Leandro


Fall Rally North

“FRN is the best experience for me to have spirit and spend time friends while meeting new people. I hope everyone had an am time just like me. Hope to go next year.” — Jocelyn Ly, Oakland

“I really enjoyed meeting new people! :) “ — Rodrigo Mora, San Leandro

“Fall Rally North is one of my favorite big social events of the year. You have the opportunity to show off your division gear and pride. This is the event you want to be at if you want to see how much spirit every division member has. Anyways this year at FRN, Division 2 Kiwis were SO close to winning that spirit stick but it doesn't if we won it or not because we did try our best. We were able to fundraise over $7,000 for Pediatric Trauma Program and I'm so proud of us. I also want to congratulate Division 26 North Red Devil's Lieutenant Governor Leon Pan and his members for winning the spirit stick. Finally, EVERYONE at the rally was amazing! Good luck next year! :)” — Julie Ho, Skyline

“Fall Rally Nort and the office amount of mo be forgotten. what we did a

“FR wa ne rea

“This was my first FRN and IT WAS AMAZING! I loved everything about it! Spending time with my division and meeting lots of other divisions! — Billy Chen, Skyline

Photo credits to Julie Ho. 28

DISTRICT EVENT “As a Senior, I can truly say that this was my most memorable Fall Rally North. I will never forget the experiences I had with my old and new fellow Kiwis. After three Fall Rally Norths, I'm glad my fourth one was with over 300 Kiwis sitting right in the middle.” — Adeline Ruan, San Leandro

e with mazing d High

th was AMAZING, the atmosphere of the members, the divisions, ers on DB. The spirit, celebration, emotions, all of it was crazy. The oney we raised for PTP and the loudness of our division, will never Though we may have lost the spirit stick, nobody will ever forget at FRN.” — Edmond Lau, San Leandro

RN was really fun. I love how during the spirit rally everyone as just cheering and smiling with their division. I met so many ew people. Everyone was just so sweet which is one of the asons why I love Key Club.” — Pauline Le, San Leandro

“FRN was the best! I had the time of my life~ #2weng” — Evelyn Lee, San Leandro


Kiwis had a GOLDEN time at Fall Rally. Take a look!


Key Club Week is an opportunity for Key Clubbers around the world to show their community what Key Club is and what it is all about. Key Club Week is the perfect kick-off to Kiwanis Family Month! Do your part and participate. Here on some suggestions on what you can do for each day:



Kudos to the Key players Personally thank all the Key Club supporters (for example: teachers, advisors, Key Club members/officers).  Get your Kiwanian a gift!  Thank-you notes

Connect the Ks

MONDAY Show your K in every way Show people what Key Club is all about.  Wear Key Club apparel  Publicize Key Club Week & Key Club in your school and community

Team up for a joint service project and/or fundraiser.


THURSDAY Bring a friend to Key Club Bring some friends to the next Key Club event! The more the merrier, right?


Celebrate the K-Family by getting everyone in our ohana involved!

Your way This is your club’s chance to do its own thing to promote Key Club. 

Service project

Social event

Something else? BEE creative! :)

Check out the Key Club Week Manual for more ideas: http://www.keyclub.org/ Libraries/Service/ Template_KeyClub_Key_Club_Wee k_Manual.sflb.ashx


Send it in 3 weeks before the deadline!

December 1st, 2013


November’s Service Initiative The CNH Service Projects Committee has created the Spotlight on Service Program to educate Key Clubbers about Key Club International and service initiatives. A service initiative will be assigned to every month for clubs to focus on!

This month’s service initiative is...


Our Kiwanis are our number one supporters! Who else do we look to for advice and help related to Key Club? Who else makes the effort to attend our Key Club events and chaperone us? Who else can tell fortunes by smelling the person’s shoes? Our Kiwanis.

This month, get to know your sponsoring Kiwanis Club members.

Kiwanis Ta

er with Plan a dinn ! e ic n g in Do someth a gift!



host nis to a iw K h raiser up wit l fund u f s Team s e c tti st suc aghe o p S m ? e t th nigh Movie ! r e v e feed?


them them, give

What are some ideas? Think outside of the box!

Organize a se rvice project with them. The ideas are en dless: plant flowers , prepare kits, host a clo thing drive, etc.



Where does the money go to? Donating the funds raised from these UNICEF boxes to the Eliminate Project will save the lives of mothers and babies. The goal of The Eliminate Project is to eliminate neonatal and maternal tetanus from the world. Sounds like a huge task, huh? Well, turns out we have already eliminated MNT in 13 countries. 26 more to go!

Why should we eliminate MNT? MNT kills one baby every nine minutes. The effects are excruciating: tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions


and are extremely sensitive to light and touch. MNT is caused when tetanus spores (found in soil everywhere) come into contact with open cuts during childbirth.

How do I submit my donations? Check or money orders should be sent to: The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office Kiwanis International Foundation 3636 Woodview Trace

However, MNT is completely preventable! Just $1.80 can save a mother and her babies from MNT through a vaccine. We must change the fact that innocent mothers and babies are dying in the world from a disease that can easily be prevented. The joys of bringing a child into this world have been overshadowed by the tragic effects of this disease.

Indianapolis, IN, 46268 USA ATTN: Trick or Treat Memo Line: Club name or number

Clubs will be awarded with UNICEF Patch if at least $250 in funds and the KiwanisGiving Form are submitted by December 31, 2013.



By Peony Chen , Preferred Charities Task Coordinator

The mission? To improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality.

Did you know 1 in 8 babies are born prematurely? More than half a million babies are born prematurely in the United State each year. Premature birth is the #1 cause of death during the first month of life. Even babies born just a few weeks too soon can face serious health challenges and are at risk for lifelong disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, lung problems, and vision and hearing loss. November is when March of Dimes focuses everyone’s attention on the impact premature birth has on babies and families. Throughout November, Key Club members can support the March of Dimes mission by educating peers on the importance of healthy lifestyles. You can also contact your local office to see what volunteer needs the local Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the hospital might have, such as making scrapbook pages or hosting a dinner for parents. And on Global Prematurity Day, November 17, you can do a range of activities to spread awareness about the global problem of preterm birth! Your club can host an event at your school to educate others and you can dedicate a day to wear purple, the March of Dimes color.



Happy Thanksgiving! Q: What are you thankful for? “I am thankful for my Kiwi family and Key Club!” — Evelyn Lee, San Leandro

“I am thankful for my family and friends. If it hadn’t been for them, I feel like I wouldn’t have accomplished a lot.” — Onuva, Oakland Tech

“I am thankful for my family for already being there when I need them and supporting me all of my life, from birth till now. I am thankful for my BFF for always, always being there when I needed her the most and just being my best friend for me cause I was very lonely before I met her. So shout out to Michelle Wong, thanks for being there for me!!! I hope you join Keys Club next year or else I am going to drag you there!!! (JK but I will make you join cause it is very fun) Last one is I am thankful for my friends for helping me out when I got a problem at school. :D” — Liza Leung, San Leandro

“I am thankful for beef jerky. That stuff’s good.” — Daniel, San Leandro

“I am thankful for my parents for everything that they do for me. Thanks mom and dad for driving me (at the earliest) 6 am in the morning and picking me up (at the latest) 12 pm at night to and from events. Thank you for being really understanding for my passion for service and Key Club. There's so many things I wish I could thank them for but I'll just end it here. Also, thank you to all of my members for being the greatest people alive. I'm really sad to say that in a few months, Danica, Cindy, and I will be retiring from our positions and moving onto graduation and college. But in our hearts, we'll always be a Division 2 Kiwi!” — Julie Ho, Skyline

“I am thankful for my best friends. After all these years, you guys still are the best people I’ve ever met.” — Adeline Ruan, San Leandro


Look who I found at FRN! :) Photo credits to Edmond Lau.

Hello Kiwis! Only at Key Club events will hugging strangers be a norm…. Oh, how I love Key Club! My love for this organization trumped my fear for rollercoasters (I know, I know. I’m a strange one… Ask everyone who had to deal with me on the rainbow carousel. Yup, that’s right. The carousel.) and I just couldn’t imagine not going to Fall Rally. It was a blast meeting and reuniting with other Key Clubbers, hanging out with my fellow Kiwis, and screaming at the top of my lungs during the rally. I didn’t realize how tired I would be! I am SO proud to be a Division 2 Kiwi. I am so proud of everyone in Division 2. Can you believe that we were able to buy three LTGs and 2 District Board members? We are golden. :) My first and final FRN was wonderful! We have reached the halfway point in our 2013-2014 term and I just wanted to say that it’s been such a pleasure serving as the Division Newsletter Editor. It’s time-consuming and sometimes, I wish I could just have a break and not have deadlines flying at me, but I really do love what I do and it’s been tons of fun. ^_^ I’ll see you guys at the November events! I’m especially looking forward to Key 2 College! Also, I’ve found out that I really like quotes. I will be ending all of my Closing Messages with a quote I like! ―If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Yours In Service, , Division 2 Newsletter Editor 36

C ontac t Info Cindy Weng Division 2 Lieutenant Governor

Jeff Van


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510)-779-8215

Danica Liang Division Newsletter Editor

Julie Ho


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510)-213-3049

Edmond Lau Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510)-701-6980


’ s t n e Presid

C ontac t Info




Jay Zhang

Ayleng Giang

Han Tran













Molly Wampler

Kevin Moyung

Christina Zhou












Tsz Yau Wong

Janet Yan

Alan Kwok











Taylor Chow

Jessica Huynh

Lena Chen











Region Advisors


Douglas Gin

Lisa Grover



Thank you for reading!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, please contact Cindy or Danica.


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