Division 2 November 2014

Page 1

Inside Th

LTG’s Welcome 4 Upcoming Events 6 November DCM Agenda 7 Division Goals 8 EA’s Note 8 Recognition 9 A Clue For You... 14 2

his Issue

October’s Service Initiative 15 Club Reports 16 Region Training Conference 23 Articles 25 DNE’s Closing Message 30 DLT’s Contact Info 31 Presidents’ Contact Info 32 3

LTG’s Welcome


My lovely Kiwis! My lovely Kiwis! Thank you so much for attending Fall Rally North 2014! I enjoyed seeing all the Kiwi spirit. You all definitely made me proud! We’ve got quite a ton of exciting events coming up! These include Key 2 College, Ice Skating, and Candidate Training Conference. It’s quite sad to think that our 2014-2015 Key Club term is halfway over, but after looking back at all the progress that we’ve made as a division, I can’t wait to see what we can achieve in the future! Keep it up, Kiwis! Never stop serving your homes, schools, and communities. Deed of Kindness: This month, hold a coat drive at your school to donate to families for the cold winter season.

SOARing for Service,

Kevin Moyung Division 2 Lieutenant Governor 2014-2015


Upcoming Events KEY CLUB WEEK! Key 2 College


Key 2 College

November 15 8 am - 3 pm Evans Hall, UC Berkeley

November DCM

November 29 1 - 3 pm Cordonices Park, Berkeley 6

An informative and fun event for anyone with any questions about the college application process or college in general! Hosted by UC Berkeley’s Circle K. Join us for a scavenger hunt filled with riddles, cool prizes, new friends, and a beautiful park!

November DCM


November 29th, 2014

Division 2 | Region 9 Call to Order: 1:00 pm I. Pledges II. Roll Call a. Alameda, Albany, American Indian, Arroyo, Berkeley, Castro Valley, El Cerrito, Encinal, Leadership Public Hayward, Oakland, Oakland Technical, Piedmont, San Leandro, Skyline b. Advisors and Guests III. Old Business a. Club Reports b. Fall Rally North 2014 c. November DWS d. Key 2 College: UC Berkeley e. Key Club Week! i. If you participated in Key Club week, see me for a prize! IV. New Business a. December DWS i. Dunsmuir Hellman Holiday Tradition ii. December DCM: Region 9 Ice-Skating 1. Dublin Iceland 2. Meet other Key Clubbers from Divisions 26N/S and 8! b. Candidate Training Conference i. Interested in running for Lieutenant Governor? Come to this training conference to learn about the duties and responsibilities! c. Reminder: Dues i. The normal deadline for club dues is DUE on DECEMBER 1ST, 2014 ii. Update the Membership Update Center iii. Money must be received by DECEMBER 1ST or else your club may become suspended d. Kiwi Tip: Club Socials i. It's a good idea to have club socials to get to know your members and improve club cohesiveness e. Kiwi Tip: Communication i. Remind, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. are great ways to connect with members ii. Use e-mail or phone for Key Club work


Division T-Shirts i. A second batch of g. Recognition | October 2014 i. Club of the Month: Piedmont ii. Member of the Month: Karen Nguyen (AI) iii. Officer of the Month: Emily Cai (Arroyo) iv. Kiwanian of the Month: h. Recognition | November 2014 i. Club of the Month: ii. Member of the Month: iii. Officer of the Month: iv. Kiwanian of the Month: i. Division Goals i. Serve 100 hours per club per month ii. Raise at least $150 to Project Eliminate every month iii. Donate extra funds to PTP iv. Attend 2 Kiwanis meetings or communicate with Kiwanis twice a month j. Newsletter Prizes V. Comments/ Questions? VI. Adjournment


Division Goals (as of Sept 5)

Keep Rem up th emb e goo er t d o ke work ep f ! und rais i


EA’s Note

Hey kiwis! My name is Xiuhoon Giang and I am one of your executive assistants. I hope you are all doing fantastic and if you went to Fall Rally North I hope you had an amazing time! It was great getting to see all of your happy faces cheering and screaming at the top of your lungs to support our division! I know that school is starting to get stressful, especially if you are a senior and are applying for college right now. Hopefully you’ve gotten into the groove of balancing school with family, friends, Key Club, work, and other extracurriculars. One thing to keep in mind is to prioritize school over Key Club. If you have a big exam you need to study for but you really want to attend a service event, you should study instead of going. Your grades are more important! It’s now November and that means Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Around Thanksgiving there are always lots of service events that provide food for people in need. This is a great opportunity to serve your community and I highly encourage you to take part! I hope to see you all soon and have a wonderful day! Smiling for Service, Xiuhoon Giang Executive Assistant 8

RECOGNITION Castro Valley has the most service hours. Castro Valley raised the most funds. Piedmont is our club of the month.

Division Kiwi of the Month Officer of the Month

Kiwanian of the Month

Emily C.

Vonnah Bagner


(San Leandro)

Division Member of the Month AMERICAN INDIAN: Karen N. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is that it gives money to a good cause.” “My favorite Key Club memory is when I donated $100 because it made me feel like I was making a change to the world.” “If I was to dress up for Halloween, I would dress up as Pikachu because the costume is very comfortable. ”


Club Members of the Month ALAMEDA: Helen A. “My favorite aspect of Key Club are the events. They are great excuses to force other lazy friends to hang out while participating in beneficial causes!” “My favorite event was the Eat Real Festival where I had a lot of fun making pickled cucumbers with kids while eating good food with my other kiwis.” “If I were to dress up for Halloween, I would dress up as a dolphins. It’s just something about their intelligence and behavior that makes them so cute and lovable.”

ALBANY: Hope H. “I love Key Club because not only do we help people by volunteering but also get to have fun with group members/ friends.” “For Halloween I would probably dress up as a zombie (again) because I like to do the makeup for it. Last year my friend, my sister, and I dressed up as zombies and it was interesting putting on makeup and using liquid latex (for fake cuts/peeling skin.)

ARROYO: Sabrina H. “My favorite aspect of Key Club would have to be knowing that I am part of an organization that has an initiative to help women worldwide affected by maternal neonatal tetanus. I am glad to know that we are trying to provide vaccines in countries that do not possess it, and for those who cannot afford health care. It makes me feel like I created a future for someone who would’ve been unable to experience life otherwise.”


Club Members of the Month BERKELEY: Maia R. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is going to events and getting to interact with new people. It’s great because you get to volunteer for a good cause while making new friends.” “My favorite Key Club memory is volunteering at the Eat Real Food festival and watching and helping the people make kimchi, and then getting a free jar of it. ” “If I dressed up for Halloween, I would be a witch because I already have the costume from last year!”

CASTRO VALLEY: Zishan H. “My favorite aspect of key club is that all the members in the club are leaders.” “My favorite key club memory is RTC.” “I would dress up as some kind of princess for Halloween because I always enjoy the times when I was treated like a princess.”

EL CERRITO: Aiden N. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is the fun we have at meeting and volunteering.” “My favorite Key Club memory is the ice cream social.” “If I were to dress up for Halloween I would be Magic Mike. Nuf said.”


Club Members of the Month ENCINAL: Mariele D. “I love how I got to interact with everybody and the community. It was great meeting new people from the club.” “My favorite Key club memory was when I went to the DCM in Alameda. It was fun learning new cheers and making crafts for the FRN. I also got to meet the new people and chat.” “I would dress up as Ninja Turtles. It would be Donatello or Raphael, because they’re hella rad and I love them.”

LEADERSHIP PUBLIC: Marie L. “I like that we help not only other people at our school, but the people in our communities as well.” “My favorite memory was getting to know everyone at the picnic gathering we had.” “If I were to dress up for Halloween I’d want to dress us as a character from Mazerunner, because the movie and book are both so amazing.” 12

Club Members of the Month OAKLAND: Lawrence L. “The volunteer work is the best aspect.” “My favorite Key Club memory is the volunteer work.” “On halloween I would dress up as nobody.”

OAKLAND TECHNICAL: Yuting Y. “My favorite aspect of Key Club would be the fact that I get to meet many new people and develop new skills through volunteering at events.” “My favorite Key Club memory would be screaming my head off at FRN at the spirit battles.”

PIEDMONT: Ben F. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is meeting people from other schools.” “My favorite Key Club memory is the Swim-a-Mile event because it was very inspiring.” “I’m not sure what I’d dress up as for Halloween. Some other members of my club think I should dress up as Totoro, but that probably won’t happen.”


Club Members of the Month SAN LEANDRO: Lilian N. “My favorite aspect of Keyclub is the social environment! Being apart of Keyclub makes me feel like I fit in since we’re all shooting for same goal helping others and everyone has spirit!” “My favorite Key Club memory was leading the spirit battles at RTC 2014. It was really fun seeing how loud and spirited everyone is!” “If I were to dress up for Halloween, I would dress up as a doorknob because I can open doors of opportunities for people everywhere!!”

SKYLINE: Cassandra C. “I like the joy that comes out in Key Club.” “I really enjoyed the Skyline Key Club potluck social.” “I would dress up as a pumpkin for Halloween so I can blend in with the other pumpkins around my neighborhood.”

Here's a clue for you... Get excited! We’ll be announcing a very exciting event soon! Here’s a clue: Twice the love, twice the service. Can you guess what the event is ? 14

November’s Service Initiative The Spotlight on Service Program was created to educate Cali-Nev-Ha Key Clubbers about the Key Club International as well as Cali-Nev-Ha Service Initiatives and encourage active participation with/for the organizations and initiatives. A service Initiative is assigned each month in which clubs should focus a project or two on supporting the initiative.

The November Focus is...

Kiwanis Family and Foundation

The Kiwanis Family and Foundation are our support systems in Key Club. We rely on our Kiwanis Foundation and sponsoring Kiwanis club for support. We also work with other Service Leadership Program such as Builder’s Club to bring forth young leaders in the community. This month, let’s show appreciation for our Kiwanis Family and Foundation through service projects! Did you know that Alan Kwok (Oakland Technical) is our district’s Kiwanis Family and Foundation Chair?

Service Project Ideas 1. Project with Kiwanis Family a. Food Drive b. Caring with Crafts c. Book Drive d. PTP Fundraisers

Click here to read more!

2. Kiwanis Takeover 3. Kiwanis Dinner 4. Thank You Notes 15


It’s been a pretty hectic month with people settling into school. On the bright side, Alameda has recruited a large amount of freshman who seem eager to start participating in service events. This month, some of our old members went to the OACC Moon Festival, the Oaklavia Eat Festival, and a few of our new members went to the OMCA Family Drop-In Workshop. In addition, we’ve started a book drive to help fund raise for the club.


Our last month has been very exciting for Albany. First, of course, we had Club Rush, where we danced and screamed, wrapped in lime green. We had a multitude of sign ups, and our first meeting of the year was really successful! This led to our first official event, where we cleaned up the Bulb. A large amount of new members attended! We also helped out with Dinner with Albany, a potluck the city of Albany has every two years. We did various jobs including set-up, hosts, bell ringers, VIP, and bike valets. We have also begun hosting churro sales at the high school, and they sell out quickly every time! 16

American Indian Public

For the month of September, American Indian Public attended an Officers’ Retreat to learn more about the officers’ responsibilities and advice on improving our club. Moreover, we participated in the Swim-A-Mile and was able to meet other Key-clubbers! We are looking forward to FRN and future service events.

Arroyo Key Club had a fun month! We volunteered at the Fall Flea Market, where we volunteered behind booths to help sales, and at the See Jane Run, where we cheered runners on! We also had a club rush week where we had many new and returning members sign up! Our first club meeting was successful with 113 members in attendance. We were able to inform them about Key Club, eliMiNaTe, and PTP and play icebreakers! We look forward to another fun and busy month as our Stuck For a Buck fundraiser is coming up! 17


Berkeley High has started off the school year strong! We have volunteered at multiple events such as the Coastal Cleanup at the Berkeley Marina and the DWS at the Port of Oakland. That same day, 16 of our members volunteered at the Eat Real Festival in Jack London Square. We also spent a morning at GLIDE in San Francisco making bagged lunches and prepping for meals. Most recently, we volunteered at Sunday Streets which took place along Shattuck Ave. in Berkeley. We are planning to have bake sales at school and on Fourth Street this month.

Castro Valley

The month of September means new students, new members, and first impressions. We started the year off with club day where we recruited over 150 members! Afterwards, we attended the annual Fall Festival where we helped set up, monitor, and clean. Another annual event we attended was the Stanton Sock Hop, which is a super interactive event and is always a blast! Selling food, handling compostables, judging in contests, and running games while connecting with the kids was great. On the third weekend of September, we were packed with 3 events on one day, including Grandparents’ Breakfast and the Food Pantry. At Grandparents’ Breakfast, we helped Kiwanians serve food and clean up while at the Food Pantry, we sorted and gave out food to the less fortunate. This really helped us reflect on how fortunate some of us are and how our helping hand really means a lot to some. 18

El Cerrito

This month we are volunteering at Riverside Elementary on Wednesdays after school. There is also an opportunity to get involved with volunteering at a senior citizen center.


We started our general meetings this month and it’s been going great! We went to the DWS and events of our own - including the Neptune Beach Celebration, Customer Appreciation, monthly Food Bank, and our school’s Club Week. We’re finding more events, like the annual Halloween Haunt, for our wonderful members can attend.


Leadership Public

Just last Saturday, our school took part in the Science in the Fair exhibition in which students had the opportunity to do hands on experiments with major scientists, and have fun. For example, we got to see rockets launch, pet brown llamas, and learn about climate change since it’s obviously important considering the drought and extreme temperatures in California right now.


This month, the service event we participated in was our school’s first campus cleanup. Here, we helped beautify our school by picking up trash, fixing bulletin boards, cleaning windows, and etc. Besides that, Oakland High’s main focus was to recruit new members for the school year! Since school was only coming closer, we decided have a Key Club booth every single day at registration to inform others about what we do in this club and why they should join. At this moment, we are currently waiting to have our first general meeting this Friday to get the club started for the year!


Oakland Technical

We attended the DWS with the division and also went to Uhuru to help make food. We, as a club, have been preparing for one of the biggest events, FRN. We have also been educating our members about Project Eliminate and PTP so that they can learn and teach other people about the Key Club preferred charities.


Recently, we volunteered at events including our community’s harvest festival and both the September and October DWS’s. We especially love volunteering at DWS’s because we get to meet and hangout with so many different Key Clubbers! We finally had our school’s club day and are looking forward to introducing our new members to the Key Club family. In terms of fundraising, we are continuing our biweekly bubble tea sales to raise money for PTP and the Eliminate Project. We’re looking forward to volunteering and fundraising throughout this term and beyond.


San Leandro

This month San Leandro High School’s Key Club started the year off great with our first general club meeting! Some past events we had were SLED Gala, Sausage and Suds Festival, Food Pantry, San Francisco’s Walk to End Alzheimers, and See Jane Run. Also, we had a Ribbon Lei event to raise funds for our club by making Ribbon Leis to sell during homecoming week and Fundraising Week, where our club sold food after school. Future events we have are Roosevelt’s Fall Festival, Making gift bags for the homeless, and wheels for meals ride.


In early September, Skyline had a club rush during lunch where we recruited people. The following week, on September 26th, we had our first meeting where 43 people (non-officers) attended! Skyline Key Club officers are still working on making our club better and filled with more club spirit, but we are making progress! In the past two months (September and October), we have had a potluck social/kickback and participated in three service events. During the third weekend of September, Key Club officers engaged in cheering on walkers during the Alzheimer’s walk on the 20th from 7am-12pm and guarded entrances to the Eat Real Festival on the 21st from 10 am-2pm. On October 4th, Key Clubbers had the opportunity to serve root beer floats during the Oaktoberfest from 1pm-4pm. Later on, we plan to have a bake sale. 22

Region Training Conference October 4-5 | YMCA Camp Jones Gulch

Region Training Conference 2014 was yet again another inspiring weekend filled with fun, learning, and Key Clubbers! I had a great time planning this event with all of the the other Lieutenant Governors and I hope that everyone enjoyed their time learning how to better serve as a leader! Kevin Moyung Division 2 Lieutenant Governor


FRN 2014

October 18, 2014 | Six Flags Discovery Kingdom


Pictures to come!

Albany’s Coastal Cleanup photos by Asha L., Albany






Michelle Y., Castro Valley We all remember the glorious days of elementary school; the multiple recesses, the playgrounds, and of course the carnivals and festivals! The Stanton Sock Hop is an annual event held at Stanton Elementary and includes multiple games and contests. While the event is primarily based around donating socks, there are also many games, contests, and food booths available, all in which we gave a helping hand! It was a very interactive event where we got to speak with little kids and see how they have fun. Some of us were judging contests such as bubble gum blowing, dress up, and cars while others were serving food and helping out with games. The most important task was probably directing the kids how to correctly recycle and compost! Nearly all items at the event were compostable, which was great. The kids were astonished that everything was compostable because they believed that everything was trash. Teaching kids how to recycle and compost instead of throwing everything away is definitely important so that they will develop and keep these habits! Overall, the event was super fun, and we look forward to going back next year!

OMCA Family Drop In Workshop

Vincent N., Alameda

On September 21, two of our officers and two new freshman came to volunteer at the OMCA. The event lasted from 11:00 to 3:30, with two shifts. The first thing we did was help set up the tables, bring out sponges, paper, and paint brushes. It got a little messy when we helped bring out the actual paint, because we had to clean out every individual paint pallet. Before any of the actual families showed up, the painters asked us to paint examples for the families to look at. Of course, it went terribly because only one of us had any real experience in drawing. After this, many families started to come and we were asked to swap their water, paper, and paintbrushes if the families needed them to be cleaned. It was heartwarming to watch parents bring in their kids and paint together with them. During our break, the head painters told us to go look at the “Fertile Land� exhibit, which was what the service event was based on. There were many paintings and objects that represented the era that the exhibit was based on. All in all, it was a very simple event that introduced our new members to what key club does, and I hope to see more members, both new and old to come out and volunteer. 26

Tiffany Z., Piedmont

Harvest Festival

As autumn arrives to the city of Piedmont, the local community celebrates the great year with its annual Harvest Festival. For the month of the September, our club members and officers volunteered at this community get together. From volunteering at the lemonade stand to the Edible contest, this event allowed us to actively participate our community.

Joseph T-W, Berkeley

I was really excited to go to my first key club event of this school year. This was only multiplied by the fact we had a really awesome event. Festivals are good. Food is good. Food festivals are even better. I must not have been the only one with this belief because we had the highest turnout out of any event I’ve ever gone to. Walking into the event the energy was high. Everyone was thrilled to be in this hipster-utopia, artisanal food celebration. The volunteer coordinator delegated our jobs. She gave a few others and me what she considered the best job they had. What did it in entail? We would just prepping for and cleaning up after a presentation of how to cook each section of the cow. We were then told they would be bringing half a steer on a forklift to the stage to give the demonstration. As a former vegetarian I was a little frightened. Trying to relive the anticipation I said, “what half of the cow are the gonna bring? The head? The butt?” My friend responded, “what if it’s cut right down the middle?” She was right. It swung back and forth before landing on stage. Then the butchers dismantled piece by piece. (I’ll save you the graphic description.) Probably the most dramatic part of all came after when the volunteers had to bag all the big bones and trimmings then clean the cutting boards. It was a little gruesome and gory. But after it gave a sense of accomplishment to do something that pushed my limits. Ultimately this is was a Key Club event where I found my personal growth more significant than the volunteer work. Cleaning cow guts is definitely a character building experience.


Customer Appreciation Deanna C. & Cindy H., Encinal This month, we helped at the Alameda Customer Appreciation Day in downtown Alameda. This event was held on a fine and lovely Saturday morning. We first tied multi-colored balloons to front of local businesses to show that that business were giving out free or discounted items. After that we folded pamphlets for the local art pieces about peace happening at different shops around Park Street. We also stayed after to help at the Alameda Business Booth. We passed out flyers for local events as well as informed customers that a copious amount of stores were offering. We helped with a rather exciting raffle. We even got the chance to non-Alameda residence inform about the wonders of Alameda! Although we walked up and down Park Street (almost two miles by itself) multiple times, we all had fun day working and enjoying the nice day out.

A Scientific Breakthrough

Josh & Daniel, LPS

During science in the Park, we got to experience what it is like to mentor kids. We got to give other students an opportunity to get an hands on activity regarding science. It was really exciting getting to empower future generations about science. I believe that having kids pursue science at a young age would benefit not only our community but themselves since their people are our future. I was able to lead a booth in which students were able to ask questions about recycling and get info that they can use in their own lives. I encountered many fun experiences at the park. When I first got there, I saw various animals, including a brown llama for the first time in my life. We also got to touch starfish, and look through a “telescope” and see sunspots clearly through a multi-focal lens. In the end, we also got to see the exhilirating sight of a rocket being launched straight into the air. While recording, one of my friends barely had time to keep track of where the rocket was as it tore through the sky overhead. One of our friends got so addicted to the video he recorded of the rocket flying that he watched it over five times. Overall, it was an astounding experience well worth anyone’s time.


SF Alzheimer’s Walk

Quyen-Vi N., Skyline

On September 20, Skyline’s Key Clubbers took the bart to San Francisco and cheered on the people partaking in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alshiemer’s. At this event, they were surrounded by a plethora of children and adults who were all passionate about raising awareness and money to end Alzheimer’s. Not only did they get to watch and be inspried by participants that showed up, but they also cheered on all the walkers as they walked by.

Sept DWS & Oct DCM

Adrienne Le 29


Hallå Kiwis!

That’s how you say hello in Swedish! I hope everyone had an amazing time at FRN and RTC, I know I did. I know we didn’t win the spirit stick this year but I’m so incredibly proud of you all! Remember that just because FRN’s over doesn’t mean the spirit dies. Let’s keep that Kiwi Spirt up all year! Another thing that I’m glad about is that it’s November! It’s pretty crazy how fast the months are going by, I can’t believe it’s November already. I mean, really, the school days seem to go by so slowly but then you look, and boom, we’re already a quarter of the way through the school year. Thanksgiving is probably my absolute favorite holiday, I love the days we get off and the holdiay itself: a day for food and good company. Make sure you thank the important people in your life and let them know how much they mean to you. Personally, my favorite food from Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie (one of the only pies I actually like), what’s yours? It may seem like there’s nothing to look forward to until DCON (5 months away!), but don’t forget we have our November DCM and super fun December ice skating DCM with the rest of Region 9. Make sure that you’re keeping up the amazing work fundraising and attending events! Hope to see you at Key 2 College and the November DCM! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and November. With love,


Maya Shen Division News Editor

Contact Info

Kevin Moyung Division 2 Lieutenant Governor D02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Xiuhoon Giang Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

Maya Shen Division News Editor D02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Rachelle Villanueva Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com

Jaime Wong Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com




Presidents’ Contact Info ALAMEDA



Karen Duong karen_duong32@yahoo.com

Nancy Zheng zheng.jynancy@gmail.com

Alicia Phang aliciasphang@gmail.com




Maxwell Ngo maxwellngo@gmail.com

Cindy Tran cindytran345@gmail.com

Brena Wong xbweanaxbabeh@gmail.com



Maya Shen Sarah Quady pennyfromheaven2@gmail.com sarahquady@students.berkeley. net



Kevin Pham kevinphvm@gmail.com




Serena Truong serena.t98@gmail.com

Aaron Do aarondodo@gmail.com

Kiana Go gokianago363@gmail.com




Jouie Tran jouuuiee@gmail.com

Megan Phuong megan phuong@gmail.com

Remy Afong remy.afong@gmail.com


Edmond Lau edmondhlau@gmail.com

Region Advisors


Allan Qin allanqin@yahoo.com

Douglas Gin region9advisor@gmail.com

Lisa Grover lisagrover81@gmail.com


If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, please contact Kevin or Maya.

cnhkeyclub.org | keyclub.org 34

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