Division 2 October 2013

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Kiwi Chronicles OFFICIAL

D I V I S I O N 2 N E WS L E T T E R

Oakland High— Oakland High Key Clubbers help recruit new members at their school’s club faire.

Fall Rally North 10 September DCM/Retreat 26 Pediatric Trauma Program 28 Club Website Showcase 30

& more. October 2013 Volume 2 // Issue 6 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali -Nev-Ha District | Key Club


INSIDE TH LTG’s Welcome 4 Upcoming Events 6 October DCM Agenda 7 Division Goals 8 Fall Rally North 10 Recognition 12 Club Summaries 16 Articles 22 August Tie-Dye DCM & Division Leadership Team Retreat 26 2

HIS ISSUE DWS Reflections 27 Pediatric Trauma Program 28 Membership Update Center 29 Club Website Showcase 30 DNE’s Closing Message 32 Contact Info 33 Thank You 36



Hello Kiwis! I can‘t believe we‘ve already been in school for a month! Time seriously flies. Let‘s not forget all those wonderful memories from the summer and the valuable lessons we learned about the importance of service. Enjoy your time in school, manage your time, and sleep lots (or as much as you can)! This is going to be a hectic year — I can already tell! But nonetheless, it will be amazing, life changing, challenging, and rewarding. I know that for me, this will be a year of self-discovery and giving back to the world. It will be a year where I appreciate every opportunity I‘ve ever received. To all the new members out there: thanks for reading our newsletter! It means a lot to us. I hope you go to lots of services and events, because you will find a love for service — trust me, this club will change your life. It‘s really all about how much you put in it — and you get that, times a million, back. Practice those cheers and I‘ll see you at Fall Rally! To all you seniors out there: good luck on college applications! Each month, I have one deed of kindness I‘d like to see our fellow Kiwis complete. :) You can e-mail me a photo at d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com of how it goes! It can be a funny photo, or just cute! Deed of Kindness: Talk to people, get to know them, care about them. Whether it be a simple “how are you doing?” at the grocery store, asking about your teacher’s day, or sitting down with a homeless man and having a conversation — they are all people. So often, we take people for granted or walk past them without a word. It’s time for that to change. It’s time for YOU to make that change and care more for the people around you.

Flying with Service,

Division 2 Lieutenant Governor



October 2013











Sat 5 DWS







12 DCM

















Fall Rally North

Color Run




October DWS: Swim a Mile October 5th, 8:30am-12:15pm & 12-3:45pm

31 Volunteers will count laps, sign people in, etc. “I’ve gone every year, and it’s SO inspirational!” — LTG Cindy Weng

Mills College, Oakland

October DCM: FRN Prep October 12th, 1-4pm

We will be prepping for Fall Rally North (the following week!). Division 2 shirts will be distributed here!

Mosswood Recreation Center, Oakland

Fall Rally North October 19th

Show off your Division 2 spirit while raising funds for PTP, meeting other Key Clubbers, and celebrating service. Let’s win the Spirit Stick!

Six Flags Discovery Kingdom

October DWS: Mini Makers Faire October 20th

Optional! The Mini Makers Faire was also the FIRST DWS in our division. :)

Studio One Art Center, Oakland

San Francisco Color Run October 26th Candlestick Park, San Francisco 6

This is a service opportunity that clubs can sign up for on their own.


October DCM Agenda OCTOBER 12, 2013 Division 2 | Region 9

Order a Division T-Shirt!

Preorders are $10 and prices will go up to $13 after September 21st. Money & orders will be collected at the September DWS. Shirts will be distributed at the October DCM (Oct. 12).

Check out the division website! www.d2kiwis.org


As of September 20th according to monthly submissions

Service Hours: 7201/15,000 hours

Funds Raised: $4532.26/$10,000 forfind PTP out! Come to FRN and



FALL RALLY OVERVIEW The Fall Rally event is three events in one: a fundraiser, a celebration of service and philanthropy, and a day of Key Club/Kiwanis Family fellowship. The proceeds from the ticket sales, in addition to the funds raised through bake sales, car washes, Awakeathons, restaurant nights and more by Key Clubbers, are donated on behalf of the respective divisions to support our CNH Kiwanis Foundation’s Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). The fun and fellowship of this event will become golden memories of your member experience as a Kiwanis Family member. This is a time to experience motivational programs, meet new people, help out Pediatric Trauma, and show off your Key Club spirit! Hope to see you there! Are we going to win the Spirit Stick or are we going to win the Spirit Stick?!



R ECOGNITION Castro Valley had the most service hours. Arroyo is our club of the month.

Division Kiwis of the Month Officer of the Month

Kiwanian of the Month

Jason Yu (Alameda)

Denise Haugen (Berkeley)

Division Member of the Month San Leandro: FIONA GEE ―My favorite memory of Key Club is when I went to Fall Rally North for the first time. I‘ve never experienced such a crazy and spirited event before.‖ ―If I could be in an book or movie, I‘d be in Percy Jackson, so I can go on the quests with him, meet Demigods, and kill monsters from the underworld.

Club Members of the Month Alameda: ANDY HUANG ―My favorite memory would have to be the Easter Egg Hunt event. It was a really large event where hundreds of people attended and it was a pleasure to be a part of it.‖ ―Although this is my last year in Key Club, I‘m looking forward to putting myself out there and getting even more involved!‖ 12

CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Albany: EUGENE CHOU ―I like how Key Club is really inclusive and helps many people all while having a good time.‖ ―Heh, I would want to be in The Lord of the Flies by William Goulding, but not be one of the people who die.‖

Arroyo: JUSTIN DELEON ―My favorite Key Club memory is the car wash because it was fun randomly yelling at people to come.‖ ―I‘m looking forward to season four of ―The Walking Dead.‖ I‘m also looking forward to learning how to salsa dance in Spanish 3, hanging out with friends, track season, and accomplishing my goals.‖

Castro Valley: GRIFFIN CHEN ―What I like about Key Club is being with my friends during meeting and doing fun community service with my friends. I like that Key Club helps out PTP, Eliminate Project, and much more. And also, [I like] getting to know new friends from different schools that are in Key Club.‖ ―[If I could be in any movie, book, or TV show] I would want to be in the TV show ‗The Walking Dead.‘‖

El Cerrito: CATHY PHUN ―Key Club is a great club to meet new people from the other Key Clubs and it‘s the perfect place to learn new things about myself and the club. Plus, Key Club‘s events are awesome!‖ ―I would want to be in the world of Pokemon. It would be pretty awesome to be a Pokemon trainer.‖ 13

CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Berkeley: HABIB ELBGAL ―My favorite Key Club memory was when we volunteered at the Chaparral House because it made me feel good helping the seniors over there feel good and making them feel special.‖ ―If I could be in any TV show, I would be in the Walking Dead because I think I would have the survival skills and I think it would be an adventure to survive with other survivors and fighting with other people for land and food.

Encinal: SUNNY OUYANG ―I loved attending Fall Rally North and meeting everyone from the other divisions.‖ ―[If I could be in any movie, book, or TV show, I would want it to be] Pokemon!!‖

Oakland High: DELANO LE ―My favorite Key Club memories is when we were at FRN.‖ ―This school year, I‘m looking forward to having fun and doing great things.‖

Oakland Tech: SALIH STAMP ―I like that i can give back to the community and meet new people.‖ ―I‘m looking forward to hanging out with my friends after not seeing them for awhile.‖


CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Piedmont: TINA LEE ―I like how Key Club has a very friendly environment.‖ ―I am looking forward to volunteering more with everyone and also getting to know everyone in Key Club.‖

Skyline: ANDY LI ―I like meeting new people and it is helping me with my shyness.‖ ―[If I could be in any movie, book, or TV show, I would want it to be] I would be in 500 Days of Summer.‖

Piedmont is in the lead! 1-2-3 N-I-C-E, NICE!

Kiwi Points Note: These Kiwi Points are percentages per member and have been calculated directly from the MRF!

Alameda: 13.31

Castro Valley: 14.17

Oakland Tech: 21.44

Albany: 26.41

El Cerrito: 0.00

Piedmont: 36.99

Arroyo: 9.54

Encinal: 4.43

San Leandro: 20.43

Berkeley: 15.17

Oakland High: 10.66

Skyline: 11.74


Alameda Key Club has been successfully preparing for the new school year. The officers had a work day meeting the week before our school orientation where we worked on posters and a giant Key Club I.D. card to attract attention. These were put to use during freshman orientation. Many freshmen were in a hurry to get their schedules and textbooks, so many were unable to take a picture with our I.D. card, but it did succeed in getting their attention! We had more freshmen than expected who stopped by our booth and gave us their contact information. During the second week, we had our first (but unofficial) meeting. We saw a lot of returning and new faces which was very exciting! We did an ice breaker and raffled off pins. In regards to our future events, we will be participating in Oakland's Eat Real Festival, an OMCA event and the 2013 Coastal Clean-Up event. We have a lot of fundraisers planned and our Fundraising Committee will continue to help plan more!

ALBANY This month, Albany Key Club strived for another tapioca sale! We were able to sell approximately 150 cups, and all of the money made will be donated to PTP. We also had a day of poster making to prepare for Club Rush Day! We will be making science boards and doing our best to find new and enthusiastic Key Clubbers. Also coming up this month is a Coastal Cleanup at the Albany Bulb. We will be picking up trash around the bay.


Club Summaries


ARROYO Arroyo Key Club participated in events such as the August Tie-dye DCM. We have held a fundraiser involving Rigatonis and a car wash this month. The car wash was very successful earning $226 dollars for PTP. Rigatonis was a great success as well as friends and family dined or purchased at Rigatonis. Arroyo Key Club got twenty percent of each customer's purchases if they wrote "Arroyo Key Club on their receipt. The amount profited from Rigatonis is unknown at this time. Arroyo High is having their club rush week really soon as Key Club officers prepare for a great year. Arroyo Key Club is holding officers meeting to make poster, tri-boards, and other accessories to boost Key Club spirit and to inform new students about our club. We will be holding meetings soon and we hope to attract more members to the club especially freshmen. Key Clubbers and our officers are busy with school but yet we are keeping up with attending events and planning fundraisers. We are excited and in preparation for an outstanding year!

BERKELEY Berkeley High Key Club only had one event this month which was the Berkeley High Club Fair. It was freshmen orientation that day, so we tried to catch their attention by giving good reasons why Key Club is good. We also said fun facts and passed out candy. We were very successful because we had three sign up sheets filled with names. We are hoping to gain new members this year and we are confidence that we will because a lot of freshmen signed up to get more information on Key Club. All of the board members attended the Club Fair and we all helped recruit new members. We haven‘t had any events this month or the month of August except for the Club Fair. We are planning a ton of events this month.


CASTRO VALLEY Castro Valley attended the August Tie-Dye DCM where we bonded with many ice breakers and made tie-dye shirts. We have had our first two club meetings held in the gym and two board meetings. We had a car wash fundraiser for PTP and club funds in which we raised $680 in total. We also had a bonding event for all members to enjoy.

EL CERRITO El Cerrito Key Club is off to a good start! On September 9th, El Cerrito had their first Key Club meeting. There was a lot of people who attended which was great! On Friday the 13th, El Cerrito High School had a Club Day where each club from our school would have a stand and try to get new members to join their club. With that being said, El Cerrito Key Club did it as well with other clubs trying to get new members and we did — success! We are excited to see new members come to our meetings and join our club as well as do events with us. This month and in coming months, we will have new events to attend.


ENCINAL This month we had our first Key Club meeting of the year! We were very excited to welcome a fee new members and a lot of returning members. (We do hope to get more during next week's club day!) We introduced our officers and talked about what Key Club is all about, and what organizations we help out. Then, we taught then the Key Club Pledge and ended with information about RTC and FRN. Also, last week we went to the Neptune Beach Festival where we helped set up tables and chairs and organize boxes. We're looking forward to Fall Rally North!

OAKLAND HIGH For the month of September, we just began to recruit new members to add onto our many returning members! We had our 2nd general meeting just last Friday. The result was good, considering the many members that showed up. We're super excited for the next steps! We've already shared to our members the information about Fall Rally North, t-shirts, DCON, service events and more!


OAKLAND TECH Our club has been staying busy with many different events this month. We recruited at school registration, although we couldn't get a table. We also did service with the Kiwanians and Circle K's Golden Gate division. The Thursday of first week of school, we had our first general meeting and there was a great turn out. The numbers have been hovering around 40-50 people so far. Last weekend we hosted a beach clean up and helped out at the Cal Concessions. Last week we also sold milk tea to fundraise for PTP.

PIEDMONT As everyone begins to adjust to the school schedule and actually having to do homework, we are also working on creating more volunteer opportunities for our members. We attended the August DCM, where we got to reunite with our fellow key clubbers and create beautiful tie-dye shirts. We also volunteered at the J-Sei Family Festival, helping to sell desserts for the Japanese American Citizens League. In addition, a few of our members worked at the concessions stand for a CAL football game. We plan to continue volunteering here in the future. Our main objective right now is preparing for our school's club day, where we will hopefully recruit many more spirited members to join the Key Club family! 20

SAN LEANDRO This month, San Leandro Key Club prepared much for our school registration. Many members contributed at the Key Club booth, making it a very successful event! Our president, Jessica Huynh, got the idea of making a Kiwi I.D. photo booth out of cardboard from the UCB Circle K. New members were excitedly taking pictures as they asked questions about Key Club. Some enthusiastic members even walked around shouting ―JOIN KEY CLUB!‖ while waving the sign over their heads and receiving much attention. The most exciting day was Freshman Orientation because the new high schoolers had many questions about Key Club. It gave us the chance to really show what Key Club is about -- the memorable experiences, fun events, and great service. Our member of the month is Jamie Li; she attended and worked hard at all four registration dates.

SKYLINE Although quite a bit slow in activities this month, the Skyline Key Club has still done a lot of work recruiting newcomers to join the club. So far, we've held a booth during school registration and recruited at least 20 new students to Key Club. Besides that, we've only participated in divisional events.


San Leandro


San Leandro




Division 2 clubs worked hard to provide services and fundraisers for their club! Services included San Leandro’s gala event and Piedmont’s J-Sei Festival event. Fundraisers included Arroyo and Castro Valley’s car washes.


Oakland High


With the start of the new school year, clubs like Oakland High and Berkeley set up booths this past month to recruit new members. 22

Car Wash Fundraiser By Francisco Aguilera , Castro Valley On the morning of September 7th, Castro Valley Key Clubbers got up bright and early to kick off our very first car wash of the school year. We started off the day by blowing up balloons and getting everything ready for the car wash. Members hit the streets to advertise with balloons and posters. Car after car started pulling in to the car wash. Members started washing quickly as more and more cars started coming in. At one point, we even had to stop advertising because there were so many cars. We all worked together as fast as we could to wash, rinse, and dry all of the cars. There was never a dull moment because there were so many cars! This car wash was a huge success for us. We raised over 680 dollars. Over all, this car wash was a great event especially for our new freshman members. It was a great success and we raised a lot of money for PTP.

Castro Valley

Castro Valley

Neptune Beach

Tapioca Sale

By Stephen Ouyang, Encinal

By Hiroka Tamura, Albany

I had a lot of fun at the beach festival helping set up. Even though it was really hot even early in the morning, it still felt nice serving the community. It's always better when you're doing it with a bunch of other people. Our Key Club members worked on setting up tables and chairs, putting up signs, and carrying boxes to their designated locations. The job was quickly done – teamwork! Afterwards, we got to hang out and play cards. It was a really fulfilling morning!



This month, Albany High Key Club strived for another one of our popular tapioca sales! Right before the last bell, we set up a table in front of the school and prepared the drinks we had refrigerated beforehand for the refreshing taste. As a river of students streamed out of the building, we were able to attract a lot of people for $3 per cup. Club members contributed to the event by managing the money, holding posters, and attracting and serving the customers. The sale went on until most of the students went home. At this point, we only had a few tapiocas left. We sold approximately 150 cups in total. All of the money made will be donated to PTP.

The First Meeting By Jessica Yorn, Skyline Our first general meeting was on September 13th. A total of 43 people came -- this was very surprising and exciting to me since Club Rush hadn't even arrived yet but so many people came to the first Key Club meeting. Sign-in sheets were passed around, and at 11:56 a.m., the meeting was called to order. There was an introduction of the officers and then a discussion of projects and goals: PTP, Project Jump Start, and Eliminate were all spoken about to our new members. Events like Fall Rally North and Region Training Conference were also mentioned. Afterwards, we had an ice-breaker with a rockpaper-scissors tournament! There was a lot of laughing involved and the winner received a box of candy, which was a bonus to the game. Towards the end of the meeting, there was a random drawing for the new members and winners received candy as a gift. It was fun seeing the members' faces light up as soon as their names were called. It reminded me of the similar excitement and connections people were exhibiting during the first time I joined Key Club as a freshman. The meeting was adjourned as soon as the bell rang at 12:17 p.m.


El Cerrito

Club Faire By Sherry Liang, Oakland High

Oakland High


On September 11th, 2013, the Key Club members of Oakland High came together to participate in our school‘s club faire. We helped set up the Key Club booth to prepare for the recruitment of new members for the new school year! We stayed after school to show our pride and shared our club‘s motive, chants and spirit! The members had fun wearing lime green and we were ready whenever someone asked, ―HEY KEY CLUB, HOW DO YOU FEEL?!‖ We recruited a good amount of people and we were proud of our work by the end of the day! What a great way to get the school year started!

Oakland Tech

Oakland Tech

Oakland Tech

Oakland Tech

Inter-club Service with the Kiwanis Family By Alan Kwok, Oakland Tech On August 24th, Oakland Tech had an inter-club service with the Berkeley Kiwanis Family. We went to Tilden Park in the Berkeley Hills to pull invasive weeds from the park. Overall, we pulled countless bags of this invasive plant and cleared nearly half of the hill that we worked on! It was a really fun and meaningful service with Berkeley Kiwanis, UC Berkeley Circle K, Golden Gate Division Circle K, and even some Circle K‘ers from UC Davis and UCLA! Personally, I love interclub services with the whole entire Kiwanis Family because it brings service to a whole new level. Together, working hand in hand is something doesn‘t happen everyday. Kiwanians are some of the most admiring adults that you could find. Giving away their free time out of their busy schedules to serve their communities and the children of the world, Kiwanians are the people who give some of the wisest advice and provide the emotional and financial support to Key Clubbers. Circle K‘ers are also some of the most hardworking servant leaders I have ever seen – the people who spare time out of their rigorous college schedule to serve their communities. Circle K‘ers are 25

like our older brothers and sister, the ones who provide us with motivation to go to college and to enhance our education. The Kiwanis Family is something that I cherish very much and I adore about Key Club. Without the Kiwanis Family, I don‘t think Key Club would be the same. Take the initiative to communicate with your Kiwanians and local Circle K Club more! Create a social or an inter-club service event. You‘ll eventually discover one of the reasons why I fell in love Key Club and the Kiwanis Family!

August DCM Tie-Dye DCM & DLT Retreat By Taylor Chow, President of Piedmont Key Club

Photo credits to Julie Ho and Francisco Aguilera. On August 18th, Key Clubbers gathered at Ohlone Park in Berkeley to review updates on RTC, FRN, the upcoming DWS event and other information regarding the next month. Cindy asked us to form a circle so we could go over the day‘s agenda. Lanyards were given as prizes to those who answered questions about the past newsletter and new Division 2 website. Next, we played ‗Ride that Pony‘ as an icebreaker and a fun way to end the meeting. Lastly, we tie-dyed our shirts! Key Clubbers grabbed a handful of rubber bands and started twisting their shirts to create unique designs. Everyone was eager to make their lime green spirit wear for FRN and DCON! When we finished, the members left and the DLT and the presidents piled into cars to go to downtown Berkeley. After 30 minutes of 26

wandering around looking for a restaurant, everyone mingled with each other about their clubs and past experiences. When we finished eating, we walked to the UC Berkeley campus to change into our business attire for the photo shoot. We stopped at the University Library to take our group pictures, trying out different formations to see which one looked the best. After the group pictures, each of the officers posed for their individual shots. We were all getting hungry from all the walking and decided to go to CREAM for ice cream. Overall, the long day was full of exciting activities and left us feeling closer to our fellow presidents and DLTs.


By Cristobal Martinez , Kiwanis Family and Foundation Chair

Oakland Tech

The division-wide service was extremely fun. Even though we only had a few members, we had a very productive morning. We started off by painting real state signs that were donated to Studio Art One for their events. There were already a few of them that had primer on them, and we applied primer on a few more. We also painted those that already had primer on them before we left. Besides doing awesome service, we had an awesome socializing time. Our wonderful LTG provided us with snacks and drinks during our break and we shared stories about school and yoga classes! It was a really fun and productive morning full of service and awesome Key Clubbers!

Cindy Weng


Encinal 27

“Creek to Bay DWS was amazing! I definitely found a lot of plastic in between the rocks and one Kiwanian even found a toy piggy! Everything about this event, with the exception of rain, was perfect. It was definitely a bonding day for us because we all made sure that each and every single one of us was safe while standing or walking on the rocks. I’m really looking forward to this event next year.”

-Julie Ho, Skyline



Pediatric Trauma Program By Peony Chen, Preferred Charities Coordinator

Everyday children 14 and under are injured or even killed from unintentional accidents. It is estimated that as many as 90% of unintentional injuries can be prevented. Children ages 4 and under are at greater risk of unintentional injury related death and disability and account for 45% of the deaths among children ages 14 and under. Each year, injuries to children ages 14 and under result in 234,000 hospitalizations, nearly 8.4 million emergency room visits and nearly 11.7 million visits to physicians offices. Every day, more than 39,000 children are injured seriously enough to require medical treatment, totaling more than 14 million children each year. That‘s crazy right? Prevention is the key to reducing the number of pediatric trauma cases each year. Your club can help prevent unintentional injuries in the following ways: Sponsor a bicycle rodeo, organize a community�wide campaign for safe driving and seat belt use, purchase and distribute child safety seats, teach children about water safety, educate parents about common dangers found in and around the home. The money going towards PTP purchases all sorts of safety equipment. With our help. we can help prevent injuries and possibly lives.

Go to Fall Rally North!

Photo credits to Julie Ho.

Aside from the fun, games, and celebration, Fall Rally is also a fundraiser for PTP! 28

December 1st, 2013


Club Website Showcase

Alameda http://ahskeyclubsite.wix.com/home

Albany http://albanyhighkeyclub.weebly.com/

Oakland High http://oaklandhighkeyclub.weebly.com/

Oakland Tech http://otkiwis.wix.com/home

Skyline http://skylinekeyclub.webs.com/ 30

Arroyo http://arroyokeyclub.webs.com/

Castro Valley http://cvhskeyclub.tk/

Piedmont http://piedmontkeyclub.wix.com/home

San Leandro http://slhskeyclub.weebly.com/

Our clubs have worked so hard to create these beautiful websites! They all look great!


I love seeing Kiwis outside of Key Club! :)

Hello Kiwis! Thanks for taking a look at the first newsletter of the school year! Anyways, I don‘t know about you, but I just came back from one of the best weekends ever: the Region Training Conference (RTC). I hope those of you who came had fun! Shout-out to team...SHE GONNA START SOME DRAMAAAA. It was wonderful to meet new people as well as get to know some of my fellow Kiwis better! From 4 a.m. talks, fangirling over other Key Clubbers, the scary night hike, screaming so much that my throat hurt — it was all worth it. This was my second time at RTC and it‘s hard to believe that it was my last. All of you: go next year! Division 2 has tons of events coming up, so get ready for those! I absolutely cannot wait for Fall Rally North. This will actually be my first time going to FRN which is exciting. Looking forward to seeing us win the Spirit Stick! Kudos to the editors and historians for their submissions this month. From now on, for every four complete submissions I get, Division 2 will donate $50 to The Eliminate Project. I am proud to say that we will be donating $100 as a result of September‘s submissions! L-O-V-E, I love my D2 Kiwis! Thanks for everything and see you at the October DCM and Fall Rally! & I would like to end my closing message with a quote that I love. Adios, Kiwis! ―Judgment may push me to succeed, but judgment cannot degrade my accomplishments and our accomplishments.‖ — Diana Nguyen, 2010-2011 CNH District Governor P.S: Diana Nguyen has so many more great quotes! Go look up her retirement speech. :) 32

Yours In Service, , Division Newsletter Editor

C ontac t Info Cindy Weng Division 2 Lieutenant Governor

Jeff Van


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510)-779-8215

Danica Liang Division Newsletter Editor

Julie Ho


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510)-213-3049

Edmond Lau Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510)-701-6980


’ s t n e Presid

C ontac t Info




Jay Zhang

Ayleng Giang

Han Tran













Molly Wampler

Kevin Moyung

Christina Zhou












Tsz Yau Wong

Janet Yan

Alan Kwok











Taylor Chow

Jessica Huynh

Lena Chen











Region Advisors


Douglas Gin

Lisa Grover



Thank you for reading!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, please contact Cindy or Danica.


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