Division 2 October 2014

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Carlos Chung

Inside Th

LTG’s Welcome 4 Upcoming Events 6 September DCM Agenda 7 Division Goals 8 EA’s Note 8 Recognition 9 October’s Service Initiative 14 2

his Issue

Club Reports 15 Member Recruitment 22 Articles 24 Division Social 27 DNE’s Closing Message 28 DLT’s Contact Info 29 Presidents’ Contact Info 30 3

Calvin Tang

LTG’s Welcome


My lovely Kiwis! My lovely Kiwis! School is now in full swing! ‘Tis the start of club meetings, socials, service events, and much more! At your club meetings, be sure to welcome the new members and introduce yourselves; remember that inclusiveness is one of our Key Club core values. I want each and every one of you to remember something as you attend your next Key Club event: you are all leaders. It doesn’t matter if you are “just a member” or and officer; you are important to us. We all share a common vision here in Key Club- We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide, one community at a time. To those of you that attended Region Training Conference: Thank you so much for participating in this wonderful event, and I hope you can share what you learned to the club you serve! I know many of you are excited for Fall Rally North 2014! This year, Fall Rally North will be on October 18th, 2014, at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. Join us while we cheer our hearts out and show Key Club what the Kiwis are all about! (Wow! That rhymed.) Deed of Kindness: During Halloween, volunteer by going Trick-O-Treating with UNICEF! Help eliminate Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus by collecting change and donating.

SOARing for Service,

Kevin Moyung Division 2 Lieutenant Governor 2014-2015


Upcoming Events Oct DWS


October DWS Swim-a-Mile October 4 Mills College


We will be volunteering at Swim-aMile again this year! Come out and take part in the inspiring event!

October DCM

At this DCM, we’ll be preparing for FRN by practicing our cheers and handing out T-shirts and spirit gear!

Fall Rally North

Come cheer your heart out and rep some lime green! Spend the day at Six Flags with Key Clubbers from all over Northern California!

October 12 Mosswood Park

October 18 Six Flags Discovery Kingdom 6


October DCM:

October 12th, 2014

Division 2 | Region 9 Call to Order: 1:00pm. I. Pledges II. Roll Call a. Alameda, Albany, American Indian, Arroyo, Berkeley, Castro Valley, El Cerrito, Encinal, Leadership Public Hayward, Oakland, Oakland Technical, Piedmont, San Leandro, Skyline b. Advisors and Guests III. Old Business a. Club Reports b. October DWS: Swim-a-Mile! IV. New Business a. November DWS b. Fall Rally North 2014 i. October 18th, 2014 ii. Six Flags Discovery Kingdom iii. On-site tickets are now $35! iv. Finalize transportation with your club! c. Kiwi Tip: Club Spirit i. Teach your members about our Division and our mascot! ii. Design club t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other apparel iii. Make club cheers! d. Kiwi Tip: Early Planning i. Planning early saves time and eases stress ii. Have a meeting with your officers, plan for events that are more than TWO months ahead iii. Have your secretary keep track of assigned tasks iv. Ensure that each officer is on task and that they are submitting tasks on time v. Report all upcoming events to your Kiwanis Club! They need to approve of your events vi. Find chaperones! There is a 12:1 memberchaperone ratio, but it is 10:1 and genderspecific for overnight events

e. 2014-2015 Division 2 T-Shirt/Spirit Pack i. Pre-ordered shirts and spirit packs are now available! Please see me after the DCM to pick up your shirts ii. Extra shirts and spirit packs are available for sale ($13 for shirts and $5 for packs) f. Recognition | October 2014 i. Club of the Month: ii. Member of the Month: iii. Officer of the Month: iv. Kiwanian of the Month: g. Division Goals i. Serve 100 hours per club per month ii. Raise at least $150 to Project Eliminate every month iii. Donate extra funds to PTP iv. Attend 2 Kiwanis meetings or communicate with Kiwanis twice a month h. Newsletter Prizes V. Continue fundraising! We want to meet our division goals! VI. Comments/ Questions? VII. Adjournment


Division Goals (as of Sept 5)

Keep Rem up th emb e goo er t d o ke work ep f ! und rais i


EA’s Note

Hello Division 2! My name is Jaime Wong and I am one of your executive assistants. For those of you who don’t know me I am a senior at San Leandro High. For those of you wondering what events are happening in October, I’m excited to tell you that Fall Rally North is right around the corner! Every year during the month of October key clubbers from northern California gather together at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. At Fall Rally North District board members are auctioned off to the highest bidding division, while the money goes toward Pediatric Trauma Program. Besides bidding for officers, divisions are battling to win the spirit stick. FRN is a wonderful event to attend because you can meet Key Clubbers from all over while showing off your style. Don’t forget to wear lime green and I hope to see you all there! Smiling for Service, Jaime Wong Executive Assistant 8

RECOGNITION Castro Valley has the most service hours. Castro Valley raised the most funds. Oakland Tech is our club of the month.

Division Kiwi of the Month Officer of the Month

Kiwanian of the Month

Daye Y.

Mike Lafavore


(San Leandro)

Division Member of the Month CASTRO VALLEY: Vinnie D. “My favorite aspect about Key Club is making new friends.” “My favorite Key Club memory was participating in relay for life.” “A recent Key Club event that I enjoyed was our ice cream social at Union Point Park. What made so memorable was playing football.”


Club Members of the Month ALAMEDA: Karen J. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is the spirit and friendliness that everyone shares with one another and also how key club gives us the opportunity to serve our community.” “My favorite event was the OACC harvest moon festival that I went to recently. I enjoyed selling moon cakes with other key clubbers and I also got the chance to meet some Circle K members!”

ALBANY: Subah S. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is meeting new people and talking to them.” “My favorite Key Club memory was the UC Berkeley Suicide Prevention Walk because we put paint on our hands and made handprints on a big piece of paper and other people did it as well so it looked really cool..” “One Key Club event I enjoyed recently was our school’s packet mailing day. It was memorable because I got dizzy from walking around in circles around the table to put all the papers in the packet. .”

AMERICAN INDIAN: Sammie L. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is how we are able to help our community.” “My favorite Key Club memory is cleaning up the park.” “I really enjoyed our first general meeting of this school year. It was memorable because we met new members.”


Club Members of the Month ARROYO: Warren L. “My favourite aspect of key Club are the people/officers in the club. They show so much spirit and pride for what they do!” “One Key Club event that I enjoyed recently was the Bethel Food Pantry. During my time there, I helped out many people that were less fortunate and I had a great time hanging out with my friends. I look forward to helping out at the Pantry in the future!”

BERKELEY: Rachel W. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is helping people. It’s just such a good feeling helping people with your friends.” “My favorite Key Club memory is working at the Cal Consessions stand for an event because it was a really cool experience and I had never done anything like that before.”

EL CERRITO: Alexis M. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is how friendly everyone is and the many volunteering opportunities it provides.” “My favorite Key Club memory is participating in my first bake sale because we made a lot of money and it was fun.” “The El Cerrito Key Club made posters and flyers for club day that was very enjoyable. It was memorable because it was very relaxed,everyone had a good time watching tv, and coloring. “ 11

Club Members of the Month ENCINAL: Danny L. “My favorite aspect is the people and community. I got to meet new friends and found a place where I belong.” “My favorite Key Club memory was Unity Fair. We were having fun selling ice cream floats and scooping up ice cream over and over again.” “One Key club event that I enjoyed recently was the Webster Fair. We helped set up tables and chairs. After that we volunteered to help sell tickets while watching people try to rock climb for a hundred dollars.”

OAKLAND: Wendy L. “I love how spirited everyone is, during events, Fall Rally North and even in the meetings.” “Fall Rally North is definitely my favorite Key Club memory.” “The Color Run was my favorite event because I met a lot of people and we bonded together as a club. “

OAKLAND TECHNICAL: Carson H. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is the ability to meet and make many new friends.” “My favorite memory is FRN last year.” “My favorite event is DCON because I got to see many people from all over Cali-Nev-Ha and got to witness the impact that Key Club had on some of their lives” 12

Club Members of the Month PIEDMONT: Jasmine Q. “My favorite aspect of Key Club is meeting new people from various other clubs in our division.” “My favorite Key Club memory is seeing Kevin Moyung get a pie to his face at the Auction DCM.” “My favorite event was the Arts and Crafts fair in San Francisco was memorable because we got to see all the homemade and unique products that you wouldn’t find anywhere else.”

SAN LEANDRO: Ghyle N. “ My favorite aspect is how I get to serve my community with my friends and how we inspire other people to become great people and even leaders.” “My favorite Key Club memory was the Spirit battles at FRN 2013,I loss most of them thought but I met cool people by doing it.” “The most recent event that I enjoyed was The Pirate Treasure day (at our freshmen campus) because we got show how strong we were as a club and inspired some people to join a great club! “ 13

October’s Service Initiative

The Spotlight on Service Program was created to educate Cali-Nev-Ha Key Clubbers about the Key Club International as well as Cali-Nev-Ha Service Initiatives and encourage active participation with/for the organizations and initiatives. A service Initiative is assigned each month in which clubs should focus a project or two on supporting the initiative.

The September Focus is...


UNICEF is one of Key Club International’s Preferred Charities. UNICEF strives to save lives by providing water, immunization, emergency relief, and education. As part of the Kiwanis Family, we work with UNICEF specifically through Project Eliminate to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the earth.

Service Project Ideas 1. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF 2. Fright Fest 3. Halloween Dance 4. UNICEF Bingo 5. Pumpkin Sales and Pick Ups


Click here to read more!


This past month has been a slow one for Alameda High Key club; with summer coming to an end and members rushing to finish the homework that they had 2 months to do, there just wasn’t enough time to fit in a sizable amount of events. Besides that, we did manage to host a freshman recruitment, volunteer at the Oakland Chinatown street fest, and the OACC Harvest Moon Festival. The future of our school’s club is looking bright, as many freshman seemed eager to join the Key Club family. I hope to see even more classmates of every year join in and participate in many more events to come.


Over the past month, Albany continued to do service while getting ready for the return of school. We assisted Albany High School in assembling packets to mail out to students with information about the new school year, and were even acknowledged in thanks on the school website. Albany and El Cerrito also teamed up to take care of Kiwanis Park, a clean-up event that we are planning on doing twice a month. And, now that school has started, we decided to try selling something new and had a churro sale, and the school was abuzz with excitement for the tasty treats. Although the beginning of school has left many students overwhelmed, we are very excited to start holding new club meetings! 15

American Indian Public

For the month of August, American Indian Public attended the August DCM. In addition, we cleaned up our local park. Finally, American Indian held its first meeting, discussing upcoming events. With the new school year beginning, American Indian is excited for upcoming service events, meetings, and DCMs.


Arroyo Key Club has been well; planning and going to events were a breeze. As a club, we had to refrain from doing a car wash because we are still in a drought. Despite this unfortunate situation, we plan to continue to push for this idea after California’s drought gets better and come up with more fundraising ideas. We volunteered for the Bethel Food Pantry on August 21st to help distribute food to those in need. We also held a booth at registration alongside Interact where we advertised Key Club and had early member sign ups! Lastly, we are going to hold another booth at Arroyo’s own Hello Carnival where we will have games and promote Key Club! 16


At the end of summer we had a booth at Freshman Orientation where we taught incoming Freshman about Key Club. We held our first meeting on Monday, September 8th and had a great turn out! Many people signed up for two of our upcoming events, so we’re hoping to keep this up!

Castro Valley

During the month of August, we had a couple of events. We started out with the skyline 50k run, which was located at Lake Chabot, in which we helped runners to be directed in the correct direction and cheer them on to the end of the race. We then went to Chabot college and helped out at the senior fair they were having, which consisted of helping out at booths and setting them up. Also, to prepare for FRN, we had a tutu making work party and a bake sale at Peet’s coffee, both events turned out pretty successful. Finally, with the start of a new school year, we set up a Key Club booth at registration and were able to recruit many incoming freshman.


El Cerrito

This month our Key Club held a bake sale which made a total profit of $70 at the El Cerrito Plaza. Since that was pretty successful, we plan to do again sometime soon. We are now preparing for club day which is held at El Cerrito High School to get more recruits.


We helped out at our school’s Freshmen orientation to recruit. We also attended the Food Bank. We’re having multiple officer meetings this month to discuss Club Week at our school and upcoming meetings. We’re putting up our posters to publicize Key Club.


Leadership Public

In August, LPS Hayward Key Club has decided to take on a more traditional approach to community service. We cleaned up a park in our neighborhood by breaking up into teams, and we had fun taking pictures and hanging out.


This month, the service event we participated in was our school’s first campus cleanup. Here, we helped beautify our school by picking up trash, fixing bulletin boards, cleaning windows, and etc. Besides that, Oakland High’s main focus was to recruit new members for the school year! Since school was only coming closer, we decided have a Key Club booth every single day at registration to inform others about what we do in this club and why they should join. At this moment, we are currently waiting to have our first general meeting this Friday to get the club started for the year!


Oakland Technical

School has finally started! Yay! Over the month of August we had many events from working with Uhuru on Saturday to having our own booth at the Oakland Tech regristration. We got many freshmans to sign up and even had lunch with the awesome interact group (go interkey!). We also had our very first and very successful key club meeting at school! We saw some familiar faces and new faces and are looking forward the the year ahead!


This month, we volunteered with Uhuru Foods in helping them bake pies and other goods they sold the following day at a street festival. In terms of fundraising, we are continuing to sell bubble tea twice a week to raise money for The Eliminate Project and PTP. We have started holding weekly club meetings and hope to continuously recruit and retain members to join our Key Club family!


San Leandro

This month, San Leandro High Key Club participated in many events such as Relay for Life, a food pantry event, and an annual event at Drake’s Brewery. SLHS also increased membership by publicizing the club at our registration week and during the Club Rush days. We also connected with SLHS alumni at the SL All Class Reunion on Saturday, August 23rd.


Club rush is on the 19th. We have the SF Walk to End Alzheimer’s on the 20th of this month. We will have a bake sale by either the end of the month or the beginning of next month.


Member Re & Rete Member Recognition!

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American Indian

very first American Indian Public held their tember 9, meeting of the school year on Sep members 2014. We received an influx of new the meeting, excited to join the club! During RTC, DWS, our club discussed upcoming events: pracFRN. In addition, the entire club in order to ticed the pledge and the chants an Indian prepare for FRN. Currently, Americ the club is planning more service events for members. Stella L.

Quality over quantity...

Castro Valley

Oakland Through the wee Oakland Hig k of August 18th to h School Key 22 Club voluntee nd, out at dif ferent stat re d to help ions for re of us took gistration. turns takin Each g over the to recruit Key Club bo new members oth for the sch do this, th ool year. To e publicist, editor, and time to crea president to te a board ok to attract We also han new faces. ded out mem ber sheets. Overa ll, it was n ship forms and interes t ew /fun experie new method nce trying to recruit a members!

Oakland 22

Michelle H.

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Be a role model!

Leandro -5th, San n week h t 4 er b on Septem hool’s registratio oth San L 5th and -1 h t the sc 1 1 hs at b f August y participating in We manned boot o k ee w e b l’s ASB. During th wed their spirit our schoo y o b sh d b re lu C so spon Key the Rush days, and Club ers created r kiwi b em m b lu show ou er Key C events. with oth ted lime green to ple to our g n lo a , u in pa d La t peo t, Edmon ard boxes anners to attrac ster of people o en b d si rd a re c p f Our ur b d clu ut o als and o ot a goo Y CLUB o words KE lso had poster visu d chanting, we g nization. e a it an e orga spirit. W is awesom f our spir h o t us. ll r a o f h p it offer for o t booth. W willing to sign u s a h r y nd school yea we’re read excited a ll the new s really high and a . d r o o o f g ed and excit itment events wa od. Oh, we feel so nifer V. p u ed p o en & J SL is pum to all these recru essence, we feel g Juny N. ut In o ! rn t u es t b e e h T th this year to make




San Leandro

D26S LTG Clevian Hsia!

Our LTG Kevin Moyung!




MovieNight Stephen W., Castro Valley In the middle of August, we decided to do a fund raiser. It was a movie night where members would pay to come watch a movie projected outside while they sat on the grass covered with blankets. We sold pizza and drinks. It started out with people socializing in the house and getting to know each other better. There was table tennis, video games, or just enjoying the view outside. It was a very successful night and everyone had a good time.



Oakland Chinatown StreetFest Vincent V., Alameda On August 23 and August 24, a few of our members went to help out at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center. The event lasted from 10:00 to 6:00, with two three hour shifts. When I showed up, I helped bring out tables and set up the tent for the mural that the OACC supervisors were creating. One man drew a large mural that represented the Oakland Community on a white canvas; the canvas was to be colored in by the community that attended the street fest. Other members and I were tasked with bringing people towards the tent to coerce them into contributing to the mural, or explain what exactly the mural was about. Throughout the day many different kinds of people of diverse races came to contribute to the mural, even adding on additional places that were not present in the original mural. Key Club members that attended were also encouraged to add to the mural, and of course we added the community drawing. Helping out wasn’t the only thing that volunteers could do; there were many areas to visit around the street fest while on break, with each section representing a different part of Oakland. Overall it was a very creative event that represented how diversified the community of Oakland really is, and I hope to see more events such as this that bring the community together.

Park Clean Up Asha L., Albany Every weekend, a very sweet Kiwanian named Ted would go to the Kiwanis Park in El Cerrito and clean it up, dedicated to keeping it beautiful. Now, he has finally retired, and it was up to us, Albany, as well as El Cerrito, to continue to care for the park. On a warm Sunday morning, Albany and El Cerrito High School Key Club joined up to continue Ted’s work. We cut off branches that swooped too low or stuck out too far, keeping the trees neat and symmetrical. Also, we trimmed small bushes and raked leaves, polishing up the sides of the walkways. Unfortunately, people littered inside the beautiful park, but of course we picked up the trash. We were joined by the VP of El Cerrito as well as Bill, a wonderful Kiwanian. Our plan is to continue to do this twice a month, honored to keep up Ted’s tradition! 25

Relay For Life - Arroyo Kevin J. & Shayne B., Arroyo On a hot summer afternoon, Arroyo and San Leandro Key Clubbers went to Arroyo’s track area to help set up for the Relay For Life event. We posted signs on the fences around the track and put up plastic plates that were drawn on by supporters against cancer on one section of the fence! A few of our Key Club members set up flags and hung banners, and we also hand-carried many items, such as tables, to the middle of the football field. We also distributed garbage cans around the area and unpacked materials from cars and trucks. The next day, at the day of the actual event, Key Clubbers worked at the registration booth, registering the participants and encouraging them to donate any amount to support the end of cancer. We energetically walked along the track to support and cheer on the participants, giving them fighting spirit! We enjoyed the event very much and would like to thank the Relay For Life coordinators for allowing us to partake in such a great event! The participants and the whole event were quite inspiring as everyone strove toward the main cause: to bring an end to cancer and raise awareness!

San Leandro

Melissa F., Oakland Tech Uhuru Foods and Pies is a project of the Black Star Industries which makes and sells all natural food to help fund and support the African economy and community worldwide. My first experience with Uhuru Foods and Pies was at the Oakland Art and Soul Festival. Few of my fellow Key Clubbers and I had the opportunity to volunteer at their stall to help cut and sell delicious pies! I know, it might sound boring to just stand there and cut pies for a few hours, but we actually turned out to have fun. It was very busy because many people very lining up to buy slices and even whole pies. By the end of the day, we have sold almost every pie made and earned quite a lot in our donation jar too. Overall, my experience with Uhuru is one I can never forget. Besides, what is better than knowing you have done a good deed by doing service? I am most definitely looking forward to volunteering more with Uhuru either at the Farmer’s market where they make and serve breakfast and lunch every Saturday or even make pies! 26

At our



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Privyet Kiwis!

Want to know how to say hello in Russian? Well now you know! School is now in full swing, and I think everyone is missing summer just a bit. With late nights spent studying for tests and doing mountains of homework, it all can get a bit overwhelming. It’s important to remember to stop and take a deep breath; everything will be okay. You are an amazing, wonderful, caring human being and as much as you might think otherwise, your grades and test scores do not define you.What’s important is that you are learning and hopefully learning to love each of your classes and subjects. RTC was this past weekend and it was absolutely magical! I had an amazing weekend at Camp Jones Gulch with regions 9 and 17. I think that one of my favorite parts of RTC was the bonfire. We were all sitting in an mini amphitheatre with a bonfire and it was so much fun hearing everyone’s cheers and skits and singing songs and chanting chants. I hope that those of you who attended enjoyed yourselves and learned a lot to bring back to your home clubs! If you didn’t attend this year, be sure to think about going next year! It’s a wonderful experience full of nature, new friends, and Key Club! What could be better? There’ll be lots of pictures and some reflections about RTC next issue, so keep an eye out! I hope that everyone is exciting for the October DWS, DCM and FRN! Hope to see you at one of these events! With love,

Maya Shen Division News Editor 28

Contact Info

Kevin Moyung Division 2 Lieutenant Governor D02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Xiuhoon Giang Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

Maya Shen Division News Editor D02.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

Rachelle Villanueva Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com

Jaime Wong Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com




Presidents’ Contact Info ALAMEDA



Karen Duong karen_duong32@yahoo.com

Nancy Zheng zheng.jynancy@gmail.com

Alicia Phang aliciasphang@gmail.com




Maxwell Ngo maxwellngo@gmail.com

Cindy Tran cindytran345@gmail.com

Brena Wong xbweanaxbabeh@gmail.com



Maya Shen Sarah Quady pennyfromheaven2@gmail.com sarahquady@students.berkeley. net



Kevin Pham kevinphvm@gmail.com




Serena Truong serena.t98@gmail.com

Aaron Do aarondodo@gmail.com

Kiana Go gokianago363@gmail.com




Jouie Tran jouuuiee@gmail.com

Megan Phuong megan phuong@gmail.com

Remy Afong remy.afong@gmail.com


Edmond Lau edmondhlau@gmail.com

Region Advisors


Allan Qin allanqin@yahoo.com

Douglas Gin region9advisor@gmail.com

Lisa Grover lisagrover81@gmail.com


If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, please contact Kevin or Maya.

cnhkeyclub.org | keyclub.org 32

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