Division 2 September 2013

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Kiwi Chronicles OFFICIAL

D I V I S I O N 2 N E WS L E T T E R

Skyline— Julie Ho, Jeff Van and Aaron Lee stop by for refreshments and snacks during the Fall Training Conference.

Division 2 Goals 8 Region Training Conference 26 AMIGOS Summer Experience 30 Tips for the School Year! 32

Back - to - school edition!

& more.

September 2013 Volume 2 // Issue 5 Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali -Nev-Ha District | Key Club


INSIDE TH LTG’s Welcome 4 Upcoming Events 6 September DCM Agenda 7 Division Goals 8 Recognition 10 Club Summaries 14 Articles 20 Ice Cream Social 23 Fall Training Conference 24 Region Training Conference 26 2

HIS ISSUE AMIGOS Summer Experience 30 How to Donate to PTP 32 How to Use the MUC 33 DNE’s Closing Message 34 Contact Info 35 Thank You 38

At the Fall Training Conference (FTC), Han Tran (Arroyo) and Kevin Moyung (Castro Valley) participate in the first ice-breaker of the day: Ride That Pony! Show ‘em how it’s done, guys! Photo credits to Julie Ho (Skyline).



Welcome back to school, Kiwis! What an amazing summer… It was definitely filled with laughs, love, and service! I know I fell in love with the country of Paraguay and with my host family. I hope you all had an amazing summer as well! As we enter the member recruitment season, I hope all of you will take the tips you learned at FTC to further promote your clubs! Tell your friends about Key Club, post fun service photos on Facebook, invite your lab partner to a meeting… do what you can to spread the word! More members means service being done for our local communities! In addition, Regional Training Conference is coming up really soon! This is a fun time to get to know other Key Clubbers in Regions 9, 15, and 17 at an overnight training conference! It‟s a great way to start off the school year… I‟ve even heard that it‟s more fun than DCON! Talk to a club officer to learn more. Good luck going back to school. Study hard! To all you seniors out there — good luck on college applications! Each month, I have one deed of kindness I‟d like to see our fellow Kiwis complete. :) You can e-mail me a photo at d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com of how it goes! It can be a funny photo, or just cute! Deed of Kindness: Be more aware of your surroundings! Do your research. Did you know around 80% of our clothing is made through sweatshop labor? Learn more about where you shop from and download this handy app to find out how companies treat their workers! Click here for the app/website: http://www.free2work.org/

Flying with Service,

Division 2 Lieutenant Governor



September 2013 Sun



























21 DWS







28 RTC






Check out the new DCON 2014 and the ICON 2014 logos!

September DWS Creek to Bay Day September 21st, 9 am—12 pm Lake Merritt, Oakland

Region Training Conference (RTC) September 28-29 (overnight) Camp Jone Gulch

September DCM September 29 This will be held at RTC! 6

Help clean up your local environment! Cindy will be collecting T-shirt preorders today! Clubs should bring their money and forms. Learn how to become a better officer or member through workshops. Tons of fun! You’ll meet tons of people. :) A mini-DCM will be held at the September DWS where the DLT will briefly go over announcements at the end.


September DCM Agenda SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 Division 2 | Region 9

Order a Division T-Shirt!

Preorders are $10 and prices will go up to $13 after September 21st. Money & orders will be collected at the September DWS. Shirts will be distributed at the October DCM (Oct. 12).

Check out the division website! www.d2kiwis.org


All checks to PTP must be received by September 26th. See page 32 for more info!

As of September 1st

Service Hours: 5830/15,000 hours

Funds Raised: $4532.26/$10,000 for PTP



R ECOGNITION Castro Valley had the most service hours. Castro Valley had the most funds raised for service. Castro Valley is our club of the month.

Division Kiwis of the Month Officer of the Month

Kiwanian of the Month

Cindy Nguyen (Oakland Tech)

Jack Rosano (Albany/Berkeley)

Division Member of the Month Arroyo: RACHELLE VILLANUEVA “I like how spirited everyone is [in Key Club], the connect you can share, and the fact that the people you meet aren‟t too awkward is a plus. A lot of members in Key Club are very inspirational too.” “The best thing about my summer so far has been adopting my puppy, Winnie.”

Club Members of the Month Alameda: ANNIE ZHU “My favorite Key Club memory was when I did the Walk to End Poverty event. I learned a lot of new cheers and got to see an old friend again!” “A song that would describe me is „Miss Independent‟ by Kelly Clarkson.” 10

CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Albany: PEONY CHEN “What I love about Key Club is all the service that we do for our community. No matter where we are, we can make a difference even if it means a small one. I really like bonding with people I volunteer with too.” “Oh my goodness, I think this summer has to be the best summers I‟ve had. I got to see so many different singers perform and meet some of them.”

Berkeley: ISABEL ENG “I really enjoyed volunteering with Chaparral House in Berkeley. It was fun to chat with some of the residents and learn all about their lives.” “It was good to have a break from the pressure of school. It was also nice to have lots of free time to be with friends and family.”

Castro Valley: SABRINA HAM “My favorite Key Club memory of the year is DCON. I am super glad that I got to attend this year in Anaheim because I got to meet so many new students our age from different parts of California, Nevada, and Hawaii. Even though there were a bunch of people at DCON, I know we all had something in common — our love for Key Club.” “A song title that best describes my life is „We are Young‟ by Fun I realize even though I still have two more years of high school left, there are a lot of new things I need to experience.”

El Cerrito: MAGGIE LI “Key Club is a wonderful club to join. You get to give back to your community, gain leadership skills, and volunteer at various places.” “I had a lot of free time to do things I like. For instance, I had more time to work and play badminton with my friends during summer.” 11

CLUB MEMBERS OF THE MONTH Encinal: TIFFANY LUONG “I really liked going to the Mosswood event because I learned a bit about my community while helping to keep it cleaner.” “Pho [is my favorite food] all the way, obviously!”

Oakland: KATHY XIE “[My favorite Key Club memory was] going to the North Face Challenge — getting lost, connecting with the group that made us become close.” “[The best thing about my summer has been] going to Tahoe with my girls, just relaxing and getting the chance to explore.”

Oakland Tech: CARSON HO “My favorite memory was buying milk tea at lunch when we were doing the milk tea sale.” “The best thing of my summer so far was when I was in this summer program at UC Berkeley called the Pre-College Academy.”

Piedmont: KELLI NGUYEN “I like Key Club because I get to hang out with my comrades and simultaneously do good for the community.” “The song that best describes my life is „The Burbs‟ by Chad Future.”



San Leandro: JAMIE LI

Skyline: GINA NGUYEN “I like meeting new people at social events and giving back to the community.” “[The song that describes my life is] Don‟t Trust Me—30H3!”

Piedmont is in the lead! What’s that?! You deserve a super clap! Ouuuh~

Kiwi Points Note: These Kiwi Points are percentages per member.

Alameda: 12.19

Castro Valley: 12.55

Oakland Tech: 19.22

Albany: 26.41

El Cerrito: 0.00

Piedmont: 36.99

Arroyo: 9.54

Encinal: 3.95

San Leandro: 19.20

Berkeley: 14.23

Oakland High: 8.23

Skyline: 11.74


School is almost starting, but we, Key Clubbers at Alameda High School, are still active with service! Although there were not many events this month, some of us volunteered at OMCA for the Summer Reading Celebration, where we helped kids make Play-do. Our volunteers were also able to help out the Red Cross, where our members and others worked together to clean out first aid kits. School is about to start and we're ready to meet together in weekly meetings again.

ALBANY Albany Key Clubbers attended the AIDS Walk in various volunteering positions such as the Information Army, Monitors, and Sign Up Crew. We expressed high spirits as we assisted and encouraged the walkers! The event was a big success, and we had a lot of fun. Each of us received 2.5 hours of service. We are excited to attend the August DCM for some community bonding!


Club Summaries


ARROYO Arroyo Key Club participated in events such as Studio One Clean Out #2, San Francisco AIDS Walk, and FTC. Also, Arroyo held a fundraiser with San Leandro Key Club. In this fundraiser, both clubs sold movie tickets to see Back to the Future, a movie from 1985. It took place in the Bal Theatre, located at 14808 E 14th St San Leandro. It was a great success with over thirty people attending for the movie night. In addition, officers of both clubs are still selling Bal Theate movie certificates for $10 each. Feel free to contact an officer from Arroyo or San Leandro for tickets. The tickets are certificates that can be used for ANY Bal Theatre event. Upcoming events for Arroyo include an officer meeting within the next week. We will plan for the new school year and come up with more fun ideas! Our main focuses include increasing club members, increasing fundraising events and providing our members with a more enjoyable club experience.

BERKELEY Unfortunately, Berkeley was unable to have any events this month because our president and VP were out of town and it was difficult to plan events ahead of time. However, we have many events planned for next month. We plan on catching up on our fundraising by having lots of in-school bake sales (which generally earn $100+ each) at the start of the school year. We have organized free pizza and soda for our first meeting to encourage attendance. We also are going to make sure that we have enough service hours for our division goals. In addition, we plan on having 4-5+ of our board members attend RTC.


CASTRO VALLEY This month, Castro Valley attended Relay for Life. We raised 600 dollars for the American Cancer Society. We fundraised by selling milk teas, root bear floats, and ice cream there. Prior to the event, we held several night work-parties to make decorations, and hold meetings. Overall, our focus this whole month was on Relay for Life. It was definitely one of the most memorable events of this summer!

EL CERRITO El Cerrito Key Club has been feeling great! On July 28th, we volunteered at an event called “Street Play,” where families come and have fun! This event was held at Conlon Ave. and Humboldt Avenue in El Cerrito. This month, El Cerrito‟s Key Clubbers will attend the August Tie-Dye DCM which will be held on August 18th at Ohlone Park in Berkeley. We are all looking forward to it! Sounds exciting and fun!


ENCINAL Although Encinal club has been a bit inactive, we do have plans for the next month of September. We're excited and ready to recruit some new Key Club Members at school registration. We also look forward to meeting new members from other schools in the next DCM. Happy back-to-school, kiwis!

OAKLAND HIGH In the month of July, we had Division Wide Service (July 6th), in which I was the one who was only there for 4 hours! Then we had a DCM in Castro Valley, Lake Chabot! (July 13th) in which, Alan, I and Hanson attended. July 21st, we had Walk for Aids, in which I attended, 10 hours. We will be having Relay for life this Saturday, and on the 3rd of August, we will be having a Division Wide Service, studio one clean up.


OAKLAND TECH During the month of July, five members from Oakland Tech attended the San Francisco AIDS Walk and it was a whole bunch of fun! We cheered enthusiastically to get the supporters pumped and encouraged them to continue the walk! It was a really fun service and each of us got a really awesome volunteer t-shirt! We also had Relay for Life Oakland at Emerson Elementary School. We helped them set up for the event and helped them at the information booths. We had our monthly bake sale and we fundraised $192 dollars for the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP). For the rest of August, we volunteered at the Studio One Painting and volunteered at Tilden Park with the Berkeley Kiwanis Family. We also planned on doing another bake sale before the 201314 school year starts!

PIEDMONT Although the majority of our members were on vacation, we still managed to squeeze in time to attend a couple of events! A few of us volunteered at Relay for Life of Oakland, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Later in the month, Taylor, our president, attended Fall Training Conference. She said it was extremely helpful and that she learned many new ways to improve our club. We also went to the August Tie-Dye DCM and volunteered with Bark for Life, another fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. In preparation for the start of school, our officer board has been thinking of ways to recruit and retain members, and ideas for possible service events. We hope to increase the Kiwi spirit at our school and make this year the best one yet! 18

SAN LEANDRO In the month of July, San Leandro Key Club enjoyed their month starting off with 2 division service events. Our President and another member attended a very special Kiwanis meeting and received our Diamond Distinguished plaque from our Kiwanian Bruce Hennings, which he graciously accepted at International Convention for us. We attended 2 barbeques in one weekend this month with our DCM being a barbeque and our annual installation barbeque this time with the addition of our sister club Arroyo Key Club. Our installation barbeque was planned by our amazing Kiwanians and was enjoyed by our Key Club, Arroyo Key Club, and Bancroft Builder's Club. The new officers were installed as well as Arroyo's but also with a surprise official chartering of Arroyo. We worked with our community leaders by handing out flyers and receiving cans for San Leandro's Thanksgiving in July to collect food for citizens. The Kiwis got to travel back to the past only to end up in near present day with our club's movie night entitled "#flashbackfriday: Back to the Future," where we played Back to the Future as a fundraiser open to the community. Our club then got ready for the event of the summer: the San Francisco AIDS Walk. Several members attended and worked to hand out coconut water and frozen fruit bars to walkers. We then were glad to hear that our member of the month David Truong was honored as our division member of the month in recognition of his hard work as a new member. Our board is getting ready for registration and recruitment for the new school year.

SKYLINE Although quite a bit slow in activities this month, the Skyline Key Club has still done a lot of work recruiting newcomers to join the club. So far, we've held a booth during school registration and recruited at least 20 new students to Key Club. Besides that, we've only participated in divisional events.




San Leandro

Albany, Arroyo, San Leandro and other Division 2 clubs help out at the DWS San Francisco AIDS Walk.

Articles Piedmont

Castro Valley and Piedmont participated at their local Relay For Life events to raise funds and awareness for finding the cure to cancer. 20

San Leandro

San Leandro



AIDS Walk San Francisco By Anthony Nguyen, San Leandro San Leandro and Arroyo Key Club teamed up once again at the AIDS Walk. People of all ages and sizes were there to participate in the AIDS walk and to find a cure. The AIDS walk started and ended in Sharon Meadow in Golden Gate Park and was approximately 6.2 miles. We worked at Checkpoint 2 to offer a variety of coconut water and popsicles to the participants. The members worked quickly and diligently to motivate and support the participants. The coconut water was incredibly heavy and countless members even said it felt like a workout. Although the weather conditions were harsh, members worked through it and tried to forget about the coldness by working even harder. I believe the Key Clubbers offered more than just food and drinks to the participants; we offered our smiles and encouragement too. We were exposed to many different kinds of unique and interesting people and it's very humbling to see how all these people are working together towards the same goal. Although we didn‟t provide enough rides for our members, many of them took the initiative to come out and volunteered at the event.

Envelope Stuffing By Michelle Ha, Oakland High On the 8th of August, we stuffed envelopes for Oakland High's registration. The day was tiring yet fun, „cause let‟s face it, service is always fun! We addressed the envelopes, stamped them, folded letters and ABC Portraits, stuffed the envelopes and finally sealed the envelopes so that Oakland High students would be informed of registration. Good deeds make our hearts all warm and fuzzy. 21


Relay For Life By Francisco Aguilera , Castro Valley Castro Valley Key Club recently attended Relay for Life at Canyon Middle School. This was one of our big events in the summer and a lot of time and effort was put in by not only the officers, but the members as well to make this event a great success. We had many work parties in the weeks prior to this event to make all of the posters and signs for our Mario-themed booth. We also had a huge Quickly milk tea fundraiser. It was a great success and at the end of the day, we ended up donating $600 to the American Cancer Society. Overall, this was a great event and a lot of fun. We really raised a ton of money and I hope next year we can raise even more money.


Castro Valley


First Aid Kit Clean Out By Aili Sun, Alameda On August 7th and 8th, members from Alameda Key Club, Leo Club, and Red Cross gathered together at the Red Cross warehouse located in Alameda to help with repacking first aid kits. Volunteers worked together in an assembly line manner to dispose expired items like aspirins and alcoholic wet naps from the first aid kits. Everyone cooperated together to work efficiently, so each first aid kit only took about11 second to complete. With the help of 15 volunteers on the first day of the event, more than 32,000 first aid kids were repacked. After two days, all of the 64,000 kits were finished and ready to be sent out to the communities. 22

Summer Ice Cream Social

Photo credits to Adrienne Le, Oakland Tech.

By FRN Coordinator Jeremy Yu, Castro Valley The Summer Ice Cream Social was the time of the year for Key Clubbers to come together to socialize, hangout, and eat delicious ice cream. On August 3rd, at Union Point Park, we gathered together as one Key Club body. We had a great time doing things, such as eating ice cream while

socializing, and also had water balloons fights in the hot summer sun. During the event, we had an epic game of catch with the water balloons. Throughout the Summer Ice Cream Social, we all had a fun experience bonding with each other.

Q: What were your thoughts on the Summer Ice Cream Social?

Kiwi Talk!

JY: I thought that this event was fun because I got to spend my time with my lovely Kiwis! Q: What did you like about the event? JY: I liked how we had a great time eating ice cream together and playing catch with the water balloons. Q: What was the most memorable moment that happened to you during the social? JY: My most memorable moment was the epic water fight we had against each other.


Fall Training Conference By Han Tran, President of Arroyo “It feels rewarding to know that we impact many lives in a positive way.� -Han Tran

Photo credits to Julie Ho, Skyline. 24

Learning How to Make an Impact On Saturday August 10, 2013, the Division 2 Leadership Team hosted the Fall Training Conference (FTC) at Studio One Art Center, Oakland California. The conference was informative and straight to the point, which I liked. I also enjoyed listening to the different speakers address different topics. I gained more knowledge of the values of Key Club, how to recruit more members and how rewarding and fun it is to be a part of this organization. For example, our Lieutenant Governor, Cindy Weng explained why we fundraise, who and where the money go to and how these donations impact people around the world. We impact thousands, even millions of lives every year by fundraising money for nonprofit organizations. It feels rewarding to know that we impact many lives in a positive way. I learned that clubs can recruit more members by having a booth during schoolâ€&#x;s registration and club rush week. I love how Key club has so many fun events like A-Wake-a-Thon, Fall Rally North (FRN), Regional Training Conference (RTC), District Convention (DCON), and much more! I thought it was a good way to wrap up the conference by having all of the schools split into three groups with an EA to discuss how each school is doing and if officers are having any struggles with the club. The EAs gave tips and advice to each school addressing the problems.




Region Training By Danica Liang, Division Newsletter Editor Imagine a mini sleepover in the woods. Imagine Key Clubbers from all over Regions 9, 15, and 17. Now imagine lots of spirit, bonding, speakers, ice-breakers, skits, and campfire songs! Kiwis, THIS is the Region Training Conference. RTC was my favorite Key Club event last year— and yes, I am one of those people who liked it more than DCON! At RTC, you will attend workshops to become a better officer or member and you will also become part of a group (Shout-out to Team Yelp from last year!). In these groups, you will participate in tons of ice-breakers and attend more workshops presented by the LTGs and the special guests. My favorite part of RTC last year was the campfire. We presented our skits, sang Disney songs, and made rain (it was pretty epic). After the campfire, there will be a dance as well as other alternate activities (there is also a Homework Center to do homework!). In all honesty, this event was where everything clicked together for me and I really started to love Key Club. The spirit and laughter is just contagious. And on top of everything, you meet so many more wonderful people. I highly encourage everyone to go! I guarantee you that it will be a blast. :)

Photo credits to Stella Wong.


g Conference


Where? Camp Jone Gulch When?

September 28-29 (overnight!)

Why? Meet other Key Clubbers and learn how you can become a better officer or member!

How much? $60 regular registration, $70 late fee


My Partners

By Cindy Weng, Lieutenant Governor

Our Projects



My Home

The room I shared with my partner, Mykel!

I remember one night my parents and older sister were out of the house, and my younger host siblings were feeling scared, so I took out markers and paper to color on. I took out the blankets, and we covered ourselves to keep from getting cold. We cuddled together and had fun. It was the quietest I‟ve ever seen my host siblings, but it was also the first time I felt like an older sister. Amigos de las Americas is an organization that sends high school students to Latin America to work on projects and serve as a catalyst for social change. I lived in a community named Ycua Sati near Paraguari, Paraguay. I held winter camps with my partners on various topics ranging from environment to creativity. In addition, we built 30 latrines, benches of the school, renovated the school soccer fields, and installed lighting for a neighboring soccer field. Entering the organization, I was a volunteer. I remember joining because I loved to serve my community, and I wanted to improve my Spanish. I kind of just signed up and went for it. But as I progressed throughout the summer, I realized that I loved serving and learning Spanish—but this summer was much more than that. It was a learning experience, a period of growth and self-discovery, making connections and meeting new people. I met the happiest and nicest people in the world… in the heart of South America. The weather was amazing, the food was delicious, and the culture was rich. I learned that the most important thing in life is the relationships you build with people--- to cherish those around you. I fell in love with Paraguay and my host family, and when I left, I was not a volunteer; I was a sister, daughter, friend, and community member. In Paraguay, I felt more at home than I‟ve ever. Because of this experience, I‟ve developed a new sense of happiness, family and service. I highly encourage you all to check out Amigos or travel to another country as a volunteer. If any of you would like to talk to me more about my experience, I‟d be more than glad to talk! :)

Killing a goose with my brother, Axel.

A family portrait

Mi Familia 31

My sister, Tatiana and me

RECEIVED BY SEPTEMBER 27th If not, just hand the check to Cindy for her to turn it in at FRN.


December 1st, 2013


Hello Kiwis! Welcome to the new school year! I hope everyone had a fantastic summer. :) Now, it‟s time to get down to business (to defeat… the Huns!). Since it‟s the beginning of the school year, try out some of the member recruitment ideas you learned at Fall Training Conference! During the school year, a big problem for me is always how to balance school with Key Club and other activities. I am still definitely working on it, but please remember that school should be your number one priority. I understand how easy it is to get distracted by Key Club…. Make a plan or schedule for yourself and prioritize all of your activities. When you‟re working on your math homework, make sure that you are paying full attention to your math homework and dividing your attention between your math homework and this month‟s MRF! Set aside time for each separate activity and prioritize your time (work on your homework before working on Key Club). Good luck, guys! If you read my article, you would know that RTC is my favorite event. ^_^ I love that we start off the school year with a big Key Club event like this! I really hope you guys can make it. And I‟ve recently learned that our RTC is actually the ONLY RTC that is overnight — that‟s pretty cool! Officers: Good luck with your first Key Club meetings of the year! Advertise, advertise, advertise. Members: Go to those meetings! Your club‟s board members have probably worked hard to make it wonderful. Have an amazing first meeting and I‟ll see you guys at the DCM and perhaps the DWS! :)

Yours In Service, , Division Newsletter Editor 34

C ontac t Info Cindy Weng Division 2 Lieutenant Governor

Jeff Van


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com (510)-779-8215

Danica Liang Division Newsletter Editor

Julie Ho


Executive Assistant


D02.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com (510)-213-3049

Edmond Lau Executive Assistant D02.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com (510)-701-6980


’ s t n e Presid

C ontac t Info



Jay Zhang

Ayleng Giang

Han Tran














Molly Wampler

Kevin Moyung

Christina Zhou












Tsz Yau Wong

Janet Yan

Alan Kwok











Taylor Chow

Jessica Huynh

Lena Chen










Region Advisors


Douglas Gin

Lisa Grover



Thank you for reading!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding the newsletter or submissions, please contact Cindy or Danica.


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