D08 dnews 05 1617

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4 Lt. Governor’s Welcom 6 Eliminate Project 7 Recognition 8 Upcoming Events 10 Member’s Articles 16 Birthdays 18 Contacts


LT. Governor's Welco Hello Ballers!

As the school year ends, we approach the time MER. While you guys are recovering from AP t service Key Club will also be one of the things quently asked question, yes, there should still summer! In the nature of summer, I will BEE keeping m tines, Summer cleaning, and of course volunte will continue to live healthy lifestyles while yo With that being said, Welcome to Summer!


e that we have all been waiting for, SUMtests and Finals this summer, I hope that s you look forward to! To answer a frebe volunteering opportunities during the

myself busy (as a bee) with exercise roueering with you all! I hope that all of you ou're out of school.

Jack Rattanasith

The Eliminate Project The Eliminate Project: " Through The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus—a deadly disease that steals the lives of nearly 49,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. " The Eliminate is one of the preferred charities of Key Club. One of my goals for this term was to raise at least $2000 for the Eliminate Project. If we could reach this goal, I would be so proud of you all, as we would pass last years goal, and would be able to save many lives in the process!

Why stay in Key Club? Because it is a student-led organization that teaches leadership through service to others and members build themselves as they build their schools and communities.

June Recognition Member of the Month: Luis Arias, Public Safety Academy

Officer of the Month: Jeremy Teruel, Armijo

Club of the Month: Fairfield

Kiwanian of the Month: Lisa Devoe, Public Safety Academy

DCM June 15, 2016 4:30PM to 6PM Fairfield Civic Center Library 1150 Kentucky st., Farifield CA 94533

Officer Training Conference(OTC) June 25, 2016 Fairfield Cordelia Library 5050 Business Center Dr, Fairfield, CA 94534

Division 8 Key Club | ___ Division Council Meeting Agenda Date: June 15, 2016 Location: Fairfield Civic Center Library, 1150 Kentucky St, Fair-field, CA 94533

Time: 4:30 PM—6:00 PM Presided By: Jack Rattanasith, Lieutenant Governor

Remind Text @d8ballers to 81010 Division Email Updates Email LTG Jack with your email address Www.d8ballers.weebly.com Ig, Twitter, Snapchat: @D8BALLERS

I. Call to Order __:__ AM/PM II. Roll Call III. Old Business A. Key Club Education i. OTC ii. Club Update Form Iii. Reflectors

Key Club Pledge I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and to combat all forces which tend to under-mine these institutions

B. Member Recruitment C. DWS Recap IV. New Business A. Fall Rally North B. Newsletter Submissions i.10th of each month with captions ii. Send to d08.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com / d08.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com C. Fundraising Goals D. Merchandise ideas? E.

Communication with DLT

V. Open forum– questions, comments, concerns? VI. Adjournment __:__ AM/PM

Notes _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

This was initially brought up by a coach at American Canyon HS, but FHS is planning ing up this event next school year. American Canyon was very successful, raising up to This was a two day event where on April 26 we baked cupcakes and on April 27 we s cakes. All materials were funded by coach, Mike Morofsky, and his hairy companion M alone had the fantastic chance to see Mezzo in action. While having a conversation wi sky about favoring chocolate cupcakes over vanilla, Mezzo jumped on Mr. Morofsky. O thought that was Mezzo showing his owner some love, but it was actually an alert of M low blood pressure. His blood pressure was at a low 30 when it was suppose to be at this meant that Mezzo had just saved his Mr.Morofsky from passing out or even havin FHS is excited for this upcoming event that we will try to host monthly, we are curiou many lives we can change one cupcake at a time.

Nhu Tran, F

Rodriguez Key Club helped the Matt Garcia Foundation in their monthly downtown cleanup of Fairfield. Those who went picked up trash from the streets, sidewalks, and alleyways. Other Key Clubbers from different schools came to volunteer as well. It was a relaxing time to talk with other Key Clubbers while cleaning the city of Fairfield. With the wind pushing against us a few incidents occurred making it a very interesting for all of us.

on also picko $481.00! sold these cupMezzo. I, and I ith Mr. MorofOf course I Mr. Morofsky's t least at 80, ng a stroke. us to see how


Jose Estrada, Rodriguez

Pasta for Paws and Purrs was a fundraising event for the

Benicia and Rodriguez Key Club teamed up with PSA Key

ple, serving food, raffles, and clean-up. Not only was it a f

how much money was raised for the Solano County Frien

e Solano County Friends of Animals. This event was in

y Club to help out! We helped with set-up, greeting peo-

fun and interactive event, but it was also amazing to see

nds of Animals!

Gurleen Kaur, Rodriquez

We teamed up with Kiwanis to clean up a local park. Despite it being an early morning, everyone remained hardworking and helped out with a smile. In fact, we even finished early and all bonded over Evelyn's pizza, courtesy of Kiwanis .

Katrina Sacluti, Vanden

Our Yuda Band fundraiser has finally come to a conclusion. In total, our club raised over $500, all of which will go toward creating jobs in Guatemala and funding Jeremias, our sponsored student, for his education. Throughout this fundraisers, members have realized how lucky they are to have a free education, which makes helping Jeremias that much more special!

Rossel– Joyce Garcia, MITA




Va You want your birthday in the Newsletter ask your president or follow this link: http://goo.gl/forms/yUtYYIzE5jgMHb3q1


ogan Kunkel, Armijo

June 10

adine Delacruz, MITA

June 11

merlye Sarmiento, MITA

June 18

anessa Velasco, MITA

June 25

athan Nevis, Rodriguez

June 28




Text this number: 81010



This Message: @d8ballers

Group Pic from May DCM

CONTACT INFO Jack Rattanasith

Brandon Boston

Lieutenant Governor

Executive Assistant



Kathia Reynoso

Christina Lam

News Editor

Spirit Coordinator



Braelyn Travis

Justin Palor

Executive Assistant

Fundraising Coordinator



Carmela Villegas

Nicole Johnston

Executive Assistant

Service Projects Coordinator




Membership Recruitment & Retention Presented by: Jasmine Wong, Division 8 Lieutenant Governor 

Christina Ang


How can I recruit Members?  Ask your friends and promote around the school.  Creating ____________ and posting on the school bulletin to help advertise meetings/events or anything Key Club related.  You can not over advertise something so make sure the word gets out  Make use of school events such as ____________ ____________.  Hook them with an incentive (Free ____________ always works)  Represent yourself to others and the community.  Dress to impress  Bring them to events  Show the what Key Club is truly about!  Advertise fun events like ____________ ____________, Region, Training Conference (RTC) and fun service projects.  Get help from outside sources (ask your LTG or Kiwanis to help you)  Do small things for your members  Make ____________ with meeting details (Location & Date) to ‘tag’ potential members with during club rush day.  Use fun facts such as “Did you know that Tom Cruise and Bill Clinton were both in Key Club?” - True Fact  Use a poster cutout for potential members to take photos with.

American Canyon






Christina Lam







How can I retain Members?  ____________ with the members.  Talk regularly to the members  Things like icebreakers or friendly ____________ WILL HELP.  Try to have your more active members bring one new person to a meeting.  MAKE IT A ____________ ENVIRONMENT  Basically get them interested  Make them feel wanted

Kiersten Rabehl




Mare Isl





Public Safe



Reducing Stress 101

Presented by: Simran Kaur, Executive Assistant

a Ponce  How can you reduce it?


Gurleen Kaur

By reducing “stress factors” in your life and by exemplifying the following tips, you can produce self-satisfaction and peace of mind. 1. Learn to ____________. 2. Recognize and ____________ limits. 3. Learn to ____________ 4. Be a ____________ person 5. Learn to ____________ and ____________ 6. Avoid unnecessary ____________ 7. Get regular ____________ exercise and eat well 8. Lear a systematic, drug-free method of ____________ 9. ____________ out your troubles 10. ____________ your thinking 






u Tran


Simran Kaur

Other tips include  Laugh  Do something enjoyable  Manage ____________ ____________  Learn to say ____________  Take time to relax each day  Be assertive




a Villegas

Nadia Barboza

land Tech

Quotes to prepare you Vintage for the year:

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” - John Powell

@mitacademy.org nadia.art6@gmail.com “To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, and to be late is unacceptable.”

-Anonymous 315-6373 “Be PROACTIVE-not reactive.” - Jasmine Wong

Mikhaela Griffan

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing.” - Pele

ina Ali

Will C. Wood

“Leaders don’t create followers, they create more leaders.” - Tom Peters ety Academy mikhaelagriffin09@gmail.com

“Leadership is action, not a position.” - Donald H. McGannon 416-6184 (707)731-9814

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this newsletter please contact Lt. Governor, Jack Rattanasith, or the Division News Editor, Kathia Reynoso.

cnhkeyclub.org keyclub.org

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