July 2018 Newsletter

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A Word from the Division News Editor Hey there Division 8! Your local DNE is back at it again with another newsletter. I worked hard to bring this issue to you, and I’d like to thank all those that read it because I really appreciate it! We are now on summer vacation and you know what that means... summer homework and tears! Just kidding (kind of). Hopefully you have little to no summer homework and may your tears be kept to a minimum -- unless they are happy tears, in that case go ahead and let those droplets of joy pour! In all seriousness, summer is perfect for spending time with family and having fun with friends. And also a great time to get ahead on some lovely volunteer hours, attend club socials, and DCMs! If you see me at any events, don’t hesitate to say hello! Unlike my toothy friend here, I promise I don’t bite ;) Happy ballin’!

- Alana S.

The division I love and serve


Table of Contents

A Word from the LTG Division Goals Progress Ballin’ Points May Recognition July DCM Agenda Region 9 Olympics Club Features Reminder of Submissions DLT Contact Club President Contact Division Platforms

4 5 6 7 8 9 10-13 13 14 15 16

A Word from the Lieutenant Governor HELLO BALLERS! Goodbye June and hello July! This transition is bittersweet -- this indicates one month of summer break is gone, but this also means we spent thirty days making memories. You may be spending your time sleeping for as long as you please -- wherever and whenever -or you may be one extra responsible individual, taking a summer class. Better than all of those, you could be looking forward to a Key Club filled month!! Last month, we had our two Division Wide Service Events: Relay for Life and the Matt Garcia Foundation Fairfield Clean-Up. First and foremost, Key Club is about service. We are a service club. I am so grateful to serve a division that keeps this near and dear to their heart. And I’m so thankful to all who attended Officer Training Conference! This month is the perfect time to start utilizing the information you learned. Clubs, remember my goals for you! Please strive to host at least two service events each month, and to have at least two fundraisers before Fall Rally North. All money raised for PTP as a division before FRN will be used during the auctioning session, so keep that in mind! I can’t wait to see everything you do in July; I hope to catch you at the July DCM: Region 9 Olympics, or at one of the many projects hosted on a club level!

- Katrina Sacluti

Division Goals Progress 6000 Service Hours

$3000 for Preferred Charities

All Clubs in Good Standing


What our division aims to accomplish by the end of the 2018-2019 term! Don’t be alarmed by the lack of progress for the “All Clubs in Good Standing” goal. This is just due to the fact that we have not reached the deadline to pay dues! However, this is a good reminder to please pay dues by the Early Bird Deadline (November 1st), and to continue to do so afterwards. Remember, the final deadline for dues is December 1st.

815.75 hours

Preferred Charities: ➢ Children’s Miracle Network ➢ Pediatric Trauma Program ➢ UNICEF ➢ Eliminate Project ➢ March of Dimes

A Few Fundraising Ideas: ➢ Gather volunteers host a car wash! Charge a reasonable price for profit towards a charity. ➢ Host a swimming party! To raise funds, you can request attendees to bring $5 for donations. ➢ Do the eLEMONate challenge!

Ballin’ Points (as of 6.13.18)


1165 1010 890

820 655 470



CRITERIA HOST… ➢ (50 pts) A Service Project ➢ (50 pts) A Fundraiser ATTENDANCE ➢ (30 pts) DCM ➢ (30 pts) DWS ➢ (25 pts) Region Event ➢ (20 pts) District Event

SUBMISSIONS ➢ (50 PTS) MRF by the 1st ➢ (45 pts) MRF by the 3rd ➢ (40 pts) MRF by the 5th ➢ (25 pts) Articles ➢ (20 pts) Visuals ➢ (30 pts) RF Submission ➢ (50 pts) Early Dues ➢ (45 pts) On Time Dues

Have questions? Contact (707) 688-4876 or d08.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

May Recognition Linh Dinh - Member of the Month Linh has proven to be an active Key Club member. I first met him at Region 9 Olympics when we were two of six Ballers there. But in reflection of April/May, he showed commitment through completing his last term in Key Club by attending District Convention. His individual contribution to reppin' Division 8 at such a large scale event was very much appreciated. His history of attending activities and his exhibition of a friendly, social nature has proven him qualified for division recognition, and as a member that Armijo Key Club will surely miss.

Juliana Tran - Officer of the Month American Canyon reported that this particular season is their busiest, yet Juliana took the initiative to step up. Her MRF was filled to the best capability, with little to no errors, and she turned it in by the 1st of the month! When I responded with feedback, she made the updates almost immediately and that Excel form was impeccable! Beyond that, she aided her club by completing and submitting paperwork regarding an upcoming fundraiser. Her ability to start the term as strong as she did was the factor that caught my attention.

American Canyon - Club of the Month American Canyon amazed me with their activity, showing so much potential right off the bat. I knew they were an active club, but I did not realize the extent of how much service they complete! Within one month, they have 77 hours -- something I believe is absolutely incredible. This would not be possible without the persistence of the officers and their determination to consistently host events, in addition to their active and dedicated members. Not only this, but they turned in their MRF and Articles and Visuals in a complete and early fashion. I really hope American Canyon remains this consistent and their work ethic does not only last from the hype of a starting term. I'm so excited to work with them this year, and I really do have high expectations for them!

Nhu-Y Vu - Advisor of the Month Some Faculty Advisors lend their room and nothing more, but with Ms. Vu, that is not the case. This Faculty Advisor checks in with the officers and verifies that they are doing well and understand the importance of communication, especially through emails. Not only that, but she has personally reached out to me and showed interest in helping our division prosper. She was very sweet, contacting me to congratulate me on my installation, and to emphasize that she seriously offers her help in any area needed. She hopes to improve relations between advisors, officers, and members -- something that I am looking forward to working with her on.

- LTG Katrina Sacluti

CNH|KEY CLUB Division 8 | JULY DCM AGENDA July 14th | 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM | Alameda Crab Cove I.

CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Key Club Pledge




OLD BUSINESS a. Division Updates i. 6000 Service Hours ii. $3000 for PTP iii. All Clubs in Good Standing iv. Ballin’ Points b. Reminder of Submissions


PLEDGE I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

SUBMISSIONS Recognition Form | 1st MRF | 5th Articles & Visuals |10th


New Business a. August DCM - TBD b. August DWS – TBD c. August DWS – Matt Garcia Clean-Up i. Downtown Fairfield Starbucks ii. 9am, every last Saturday d. Spotlight on Service i. July: Go Outdoors ii. August: Children’s Education e. Spotlight on Education i. July: CNH and International ii. August: Recruitment f. District Promotion i. Newsletter & YouTube g. Recognition i. Club of the Month ii. Member of the Month iii. Officer of the Month iv. Advisor of the Month

American Canyon Armijo Benicia Fairfield Mare Island Tech (MIT) Napa Novato Public Safety Academy Rodriguez Vanden Vintage Will C. Wood






CONTACT ME! Katrina Sacluti d08.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (707) 688-4876

EA 1: Leianne Jadeln Gavino | d08.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com EA 2: Katie Han | d08.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com EA 3: Diego Valdovinos | d08.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com DNE: Alana Silva-Cacdac | d08.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com DTE: Kris Gamilla | d08.cnhc.dte@gmail.com SPIRIT COORD: Bianca Wong | d08.cnhkc.spirit@gmail.com SPIRIT COORD.: Chloe Taylor | d08.cnhkc.spirit@gmail.com

Remind101: Text @d8ballers to 81010

Instagram @d8ballers

Google Groups: Send an email to join! d8ballers@googlegroups.com

Twitter @d8ballers

9 You’re invited to the

Grand Prix Tournament Wear a white t-shirt and bring a Medical Form so you can compete alongside Division 2N, Division 2S, Division 26N, and Division 26S!








Club Features


Special Olympics By Melissa Rodriguez Hernandez Some of our board and regular Key Club members attended the Special Olympics hosted at Vallejo High, where they got to meet many different people and others in Key Club, and play golf with others.

Thai Tea Boba Fundraiser By Melissa Rodriguez Hernandez Our Key Club board and members helped with a fundraiser for our club to be able to get out of debt from DCON, and we did this by hosting a Thai Tea fundraiser with boba and selling it afterschool to our classmates.

Creek Clean-Up By Melissa Rodriguez Hernandez Key Club Members from our club, students from MIT Academy and from Rodriguez High came to Walnut creek (the one next to six flags) to pick up as much trash as possible and mark down what we found so we could find out statistics of what is most commonly being littered around the creek.

Produce Pipeline By Cassie Reyes In the month of June, Fairfield High School’s Key Club continued Produce Pipeline. In this event, we meet every Thursday from 6:45pm to around 8pm in order to collect donations of produce in which we can then delegate to different places in need. This event occurs in Downtown Fairfield at the Farmer’s Market. Once the Farmer’s Market ends, we then come by each tent and ask if they have any donations. We also ask if the people running the tents would like any help taking down their tent after taking any donations. Once we collect all donations that are offered, we separate the produce into different piles based on which organization we are giving it to. We then return any boxes that the farmers’ used to give their donations and deliver the produce to several organizations.


Club Features (cont.)

Club Features (cont.)


AC Library Help By Eliza Tobias Our Key Club members have done a wonderful job setting up and cleaning up for our community library’s yearly Book Fair. We were happy to help fill the room with so many books along with putting stickers on them to know which ones to sell. Once the Book Fair was over, our Key Clubbers went over to the library again and helped clear the room by stuffing all the books back inside boxes that matched their genre and stored them where they once were for the next years’ Book Fair to come.

Desk Duty By Nate Yo Even though school had just gotten out and our minds free from finals, the Key Club grind couldn’t stop now! Our club received a request from our teacher to move some desks across campus in preparation for the next year’s classroom setup. In fact, one of our first events this school year was moving these desks and so we were happy to take up the opportunity again. Although transporting desks may seem like a drag, it was actually a humbling and symbolic way to end the year the same way it started: In cheerful service.

Canyon Oaks Spring Arts Festival Spreading joy and sharing the importance of the arts is something that everyone learned when they were younger. During the Canyon Oaks Spring Arts Festival set up, Key Clubbers came to the elementary school located right next to the High School to help set up for this fantastic event. From sticking art pieces to tables, moving heavy tables, and decorating the school, Key Clubbers did their best to showcase the kids’ amazing art pieces. By Tammy Lam Our Key Clubbers did an amazing job assisting at the annual Canyon Oaks Spring Arts Festival, which showcases students’ art and performances that they’ve been working on throughout the school year. From helping out with games to advertising the kids’ art pieces, the spirit of service was definitely in the air. Other festivities such as the Silent Auction and food stands wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication and commitment of our club members! By Juliana Tran

Reminder of Submissions • Recognition Form | 1st of every month • Monthly Report Form (MRF) | 5th of every month • Articles & Visuals | 10th of every month by 6pm

by 6pm

Division Leadership Team Contact

LTG Katrina Sacluti d08.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

EA #1: Leianne Jadeln Gavino d08.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com

EA #2: Katie Han d08.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com

EA #3: Diego Valdovinos d08.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com

DNE: Alana Silva-Cacdac d08.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com

DTE: Kris Gamilla d08.cnhkc.dte@gmail.com

SPIRIT COORD: Bianca Wong d08.cnhkc.spiritcoord@gmail.com

ASSISTANT SPIRIT COORD: Chloe Taylor d08.cnhkc.spiritcoord@gmail.com

Club President Contact American Canyon: Tammy Lam tammy.lam@nvusd.org

Novato: Bianca Wong biancawong4@gmail.com

Armijo: Royce Guo ahs.cnnhkc.pres@gmail.com

PSA: Isabel Ochoa (707) 389-1344

Benicia: Katie Han kthanbhs@gmail.com

Rodriguez: Chloe Taylor cmt901@gmail.com

Fairfield: Jade Vanta jeanta02@yahoo.com

Vanden: Alana Silva-Cacdac asilva.cacdac@gmail.com

MIT: Vintage: Darmae Perry Sebastian Vance darmae.bumatay@mitacademy.org sebastian.vance@nvusd.org Napa: N/A


Let’s get in touch! Instagram: @d8ballers Twitter: @d8ballers Remind: text @d8ballers to 81010 Google Groups: Send an email to d8ballers@googlegroups.com

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