September 2018 Newsletter

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a word from the news editor Hello Ballers! I sincerely apologize for the delay of this newsletter, and for its lack of pizzazz. Starting school, the SAT, and my own home life hit me like a whole TRAIN and I’ve been swamped. But I promise the next newsletter will be back to normal. I am slowly adjusting to school and having to learn how to time manage all over again. Thank you so much for your patience. To all those I met at the August DCM, hello! It was nice being able to bond over ice cream and water balloons. I hope to see you again at RTC! Now without further ado, I present to you the very simple yet informative September Newsletter. It may not be pretty, but is filled with helpful information! - Alana

Table of Contents 4-5

A Word from the LTG


August Recognition


Division Goals Update


Ballin’ Points Update and Criteria


Spotlight on Service - September


Service Grants


Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF


Region Training Conference


September DCM Agenda


Club Features




Contact Pages


Division Platforms


a word from the lieutenant governor

It's my favorite season! Yes, autumn is indeed my favorite weather, but 
 that's not what I'm referring to and no, I'm not talking about school coming to session. THIS IS ALL ABOUT MY LOVE FOR RECRUITMENT SEASON! This is the BEST time to recruit members and boost activity. To be completely honest, division attendance has not been ideal. I look into it and think about how this may be due to clubs struggling with both recruiting and retaining members. But, this will be a struggle no longer! I wholeheartedly believe it. First, advertise. Orientation, Back to School Night, Club Fair -- I hope you conquered or will conquer all of it. Rock your Key Club apparel, display memories on a trifold, order free pamphlets from the Kiwanis store! Afterward, have the best first meeting ever! Make it equally as fun and engaging as educational and sentimental. Some of you may have already had your Club Rush and first club meeting with your new members, but now it's important to keep them interested. This relies on your activity! Make sure you provide them with enough opportunities to serve and generally take part in and understand Key Club. CONNECT WITH THE DIVISION! Join our platforms and come to our FOUR division-wide service events this month. We also have Region Training Conference, Fall Rally North (and correlating spirit nights), and our annual Dodgeball Tournament right at the corner which are great events to learn more about Key Club, the Kiwanis Family, your impact as a Key Clubbers, and to get to know your fellow Ballers. More details are featured in this newsletter or can be found in my emails. It feels like the term is really getting started now, but in fact, we are past one-third of our Key Club year! School does add to your workload, but don't let that interfere with your Key Club grind. Please keep working hard -- serving to the best of your ability and raising funds for charity and your clubs. Take a moment to appreciate what incredible memories and opportunities $11.50 has given us and make the most out of it. Thank you for reading and thank you for being a Division 8 Baller.


Katrina Sacluti


august recognition

Ciera Espiritu Fairfield

Member of the Month For consistently attending Fairfield Key Club’s events! Not only in the month of August, but all of summer -- a time known to be inactive. I hope to see you at more division events, especially with your proactivity on the club level.

Alana Silva-Cacdac Vanden

Officer of the Month For serving Vanden Key Club as a strong president. Though the summer has shown to be a struggle with member activity, she has cleverly used this time to plan in advance for the school year alongside her officers and they have great ideas to be produced. In addition to this, as a DLT member, she has strived to complete her tasks on time and is determined to make every newsletter better the other, not just to challenge herself but for YOU.

Want to recognize someone? Fill out the recognition form HERE

Vanden Club of the Month   For being the most active club in terms of club and division activity. They have had representation at every DCM this summer and show incredible potential for the entire term.

Mr. Fritz Benicia

Faculty Advisor of the Month For keeping in touch with Benicia Key Club. From their club visitation, I know they will rely on him a lot from assistance in granting permission for club events to participating for fun club incentives, so in a way, this serves as thank you in advance. He has overall been fulfilling the duties of an advisor in the meantime as well!

Kenneth Leary American Canyon

Kiwanis Advisor of the Month For being able to serve American Canyon to the best of his ability in addition to his workload as Vice Mayor of American Canyon. Instead of using his busy work schedule as an excuse to be absent, he makes time to be present and uses his role to get American Canyon aware and more involved in their community.

division goals


6000 service hours

$3000 for PTP

All Clubs in Good Standing

This category will not show progress until dues are paid, but this is a good reminder to make sure your fellow club members pay by the Early Birds Deadline (November 1st) and continue to do so afterwards before the Final Deadline (December 1st).

1232.75 hours


ballin’ points

criteria HOSTS 50 Service Project 50 Fundraiser

ATTENDANCE 30 DCM 30 DWS 25 Region Event 20 District Event

SUBMISSIONS 50 MRF by 1st 45 MRF by 3rd 40 MRF by 5th 25 Articles 20 Visuals 30 RF Submission 50 Early Dues 45 On Time Dues

Last Month



American Canyon











Will C. Wood 0





This month’s Spotlight on Service is the

pediatric trauma program  

Read below to learn ways to participate in this month’s theme through service and fundraising!

service event ideas Socks for Kids Buy socks for kids and make decorations using puffy paint or hot glue on the bottom of the socks! This will prevent kids from falling on slippery floors, and can be extended into another service project where the socks are passed out to kids in hospitals. Materials: - Socks - Puffy paint

Step by Step Directions: 1. Find a relatively large place to do this project. 2. Pass out pairs of socks and provide puffy paint for everyone. 3. Have each person make simple designs on the bottom of the socks. 4. Be sure to lay them out and give enough time for them to dry completely.

Bike Helmets Advertise PTP by holding a bike helmet decorating event for all to attend. Members would bring in bike helmets and materials to decorate them, then donate them to any local organizations that could distribute them to children. Materials: - Bike Helmets - Paint - Markers - Stickers

Step by Step Directions: 1. Find a location and advertise your event in the community. 2. Collect as many helmets and materials as possible. Ask members to bring decorating items. 3. Donate the decorated helmets to local organizations that benefit children.

PTP Dolls PTP dolls are used by doctors to show   their patients what will be going on during their surgery. Not only is this service project easy and fun to do, it also helps countless children going through tough times. Materials: - Fabric - Sewing needles - Thread - Pillow stuffing - Scissors

Step by Step Directions: 1. Set a date and time to hold the service event. 2. Gather all the materials through member/Kiwanis donations. 3. Have members trace an outline of a doll on the fabric and cut two pieces using that stencil. 4. Sew the 2 pieces together around the perimeter, but be sure to leave space somewhere so you can stuff the fabric. 5. Invert the doll. 6. Stuff the fabric and make sure the doll is firm

Poster for Playgrounds Help advocate for the children’s safety by creating posters for playground safety! These posters will consist of general rules for children to follow while on the playground and will be posted on the walls of your local elementary school. Materials: - Poster paper - Paint - Markers - Colored pencils -Tape

Step by Step Directions: 1. Contact a local elementary school to see if they are okay with having posters hung up. 2. Schedule a day where members can bring materials for poster making and start designing! 3. Be sure to add short and simple tips that children can read. 4. Head over to the school and use tape to adhere posters. Hang them up where children tend to play!

More information can be found at

Pillow Decorating Plan an event with your home club in which  everyone decorates pillows for PTP. During this service event, a representative of the club could give a presentation about PTP to educate and spread awareness amongst members. Materials: - Pillowcases - Markers / decoration tools

Step by Step Directions: 1. Plan accordingly with your club. Figure out who is presenting the information and awareness about PTP. 2. Get the supplies. Order bulk of pillowcases to decorate. 3. Spread the word and inform members of the event. 4. Raise awareness and decorate! After, donate the decorated pillowcases to PTP.

fundraising ideas Bake Sale Hold a bake sale at your school or downtown! Raise money for PTP and be sure to accept donations as well. Materials: - Desserts - Table - Poster - Cash box - Money for change

Step by Step Directions: 1. Review what the Pediatric Trauma Program is. If someone asks you what PTP is, you want to be sure to know how to explain it. 2. Be sure that you have a sufficient amount of baked goods. 3. Set up your baked goods on a table and make sure that your poster clearly says what the funds are being raised for.

Yard Sale Get together with your Kiwanis and Key Clubbers to sell any unused or unwanted items! Proceeds will go to PTP. Materials: - Sellable items - Price tags

Step by Step Directions: 1. Find a location that is roomy enough for the items and walking space 2. Hold a drive for locals to donate any unused or unwanted items. 3. Tag all items with a price tag so shoppers know the price.

Pie for PTP A fun, popular, and easy to manage fundraiser for clubs to fold is a Pie for PTP. At this event, clubs get their 
 members to volunteer to be pied in the face for $1 for PTP. It is an extremely effective way to promote PTP, the club you serve, and have a fun time while doing so!

-Step by Step Directions: 1. Find a place to hold the event. 2. Gather members who are willing to be pied. 3. Buy A LOT of whipped cream and plates to pie the volunteers. Be sure that they are properly covered.

Materials: - Whipped cream - Plates

Happy Sad Change Members share something about their day that made them happy or sad, they donate their spare change in any amount to a jar, and they get a piece of candy in return. Materials: - Mason jars - Stickers, markers, paint - Candy

Step by Step Directions: 1. Decorate and personalize the mason jars. 2. Bring it to every event and ask people to participate. 3. Give a piece of candy to participants.

School PTP Week Collect funds for PTP while educating your peers and teachers! This fundraiser will not only encourage people at your school to donate to PTP, but it will also raise awareness about such an important program! Materials: - Mason jars - Markers / paint - Poster paper - Tape - Money box

Step by Step Directions: 1. Contact ASB to see if you can collaborate with them on creating posters. 2. Posters should include facts pertaining to PTP. 3. Use markers / sharpies / paint to write “PTP Donations” on card stock and cut them to fit into jars. 4. Place mason jars in each room. 5. Begin promoting! Go to different classrooms to spread awareness.

youth opportunities fund HELPFUL FACTS

The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is a fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation.This fund uses earned interest to support Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service. Any club or member can apply, and there is only ONE funding cycle per year. The fund also provides academic scholarships for higher education. YOF grants can help you take action. Look around and identify the things that need to get done in your school, community or world. The application must be received by October 15 at 11:59PM EST each year.

APPLICATION SUBMISSION PROCESS • Access the application HERE! • Application must have all signatures, or it will be rejected. • Must be on time. The application must be submitted via the online application system available on the Key Club International website. • Include a detailed description of the project. • This application is only a few pages! • Use this opportunity. It’s money sitting there, waiting to be spent on service!

THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND • The grant is for club projects, NOT division events; events for DCMs do not qualify for the grant. • Focus on projects that let you carry out actual service and not just fundraisers alone. • ELABORATE – show action impact language. Make it “fluffy”.

trick or treat for unicef

Be scary good this Halloween by participating in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF! It's a great opportunity to collect donations instead of candy or to bring your club’s members together for a fabulous event or party. All money collected by Key Club, Aktion Club, K-Kids or Builders Club members will support The Eliminate Project to help save and protect moms and babies from maternal and neonatal tetanus. Are you Trick-or-Treating for UNICEF with Circle K? Learn more here. Every 15 minutes, a newborn baby dies from tetanus. That short lifetime is marked by pain — with an extreme sensitivity to light, sound or contact that prevents even a mother's touch. But it doesn't have to be this way. In 2010, the Kiwanis family partnered with UNICEF to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) through a joint effort called The Eliminate Project. As of July 30, 2018, The Eliminate Project has raised more than US$82 million to save and protect mothers and babies. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is an easy — and fun — way for the Kiwanis family to raise money for The Eliminate Project to save and protect moms and babies.

HOW TO TAKE PART It’s easy! You can participate in five simple steps: 1. Decide with your club what kind of fundraiser you’ll do. 2. Order your collection boxes. 3. Collect donations. 4. Fill out the gift form and submit it with your club’s donations. 5. Celebrate! You’re helping save and protect moms and babies. Don’t forget! Clubs that raise and submit more than US$250 by December 31 will receive a special banner patch. So, don’t forget to send in the funds you raise by the deadline! Expand your service power through Kiwanis Gives Online. This free fundraising platform is easy to start and will help increase donations for Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF.


Division 8 | SEPTEMBER DCM AGENDA Sept. 30th | 9:20 AM – 10:00 AM | YMCA Camp Jones Gulch I.

CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Key Club Pledge

PLEDGE I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.




OLD BUSINESS a. August DCM: Region 9 Olympics Recap b. September DWSes Recaps c. September Serve-tember Review d. Division Updates i. 6000 Service Hours ii. $3000 for PTP iii. All Clubs in Good Standing iv. Ballin’ Points e. Reminder of Submissions


New Business a. October DWS b. Monthly DWS: Downtown Fairfield Clean Up c. September Serve-tember d. Spotlight on Service i. September: Pediatric Trauma Program ii. October: UNICEF e. Spotlight on Education i. September: RTC ii. October: Retention f. District Promotion i. The BEE Line & CNH Youtube g. Recognition i. Club of the Month ii. Member of the Month iii. Officer of the Month iv. Advisor of the Month





CONTACT ME! Katrina Sacluti (707) 688-4876



BALLIN’ POINTS (as of 8.16.18)

American Canyon Armijo Benicia Fairfield Mare Island Tech (MIT) Napa Novato Public Safety Academy Rodriguez Vanden Vintage Will C. Wood*

2200 1540 1010 1375 1690 0 290 250 2105 2060 60 0

DLT CONTACTS EA 1: Leianne Jadeln Gavino EA 2: Katie Han EA 3: DNE: Alana Silva-Cacdac DTE: Kris Gamilla SPIRIT COORDS: Bianca Wong & Chloe Taylor

SUBMISSIONS Recognition Form | 1st MRF | 5th by 6pm Articles & Visuals |9th

IMPORTANT DATES Coastal Cleanup| Sept. 15th Napa Valley | Sept. 22nd RTC | Sept. 29th – 30th

Remind101: Text @d8ballers to 81010

Instagram @d8ballers

Google Groups: Send an email to join!

Twitter @d8ballers

american canyon Napa Relay For Life When American Canyon’s Relay for Life was canceled, our club searched for a way that we could still help those who are fighting the battle of cancer and their loved ones. Thankfully, we didn’t need to look very far, as we were able to help set up tents and banners for the Napa relay! As always, the experience was very rewarding and humbling knowing that we were able to contribute to research and funds for those affected by cancer. - Nathan Yee Ong

Advertisement Making In preparation for Freshmen Orientation, or simply, the school year in general, we kicked off this hot Friday afternoon creating new advertisements! From spilling paint and getting chased by bees, we created a total of 8 different advertisements. With multiple small posters, a large trifold, and an interactive poster, we’re ready to attract new members around the campus. - Tammy Lam

Card Making Even in the hot summer heat, our club members came out to show support for both fellow Key Clubbers and children! We gathered at a local community park to create recovery cards towards our Division Spirit Coordinator & hospitalized children for the Cards 4 Kidz program. We brought all of our bright and colorful supplies along with our best puns to ensure we made somebody’s day! In the end, we created many beautiful cards that anybody would appreciate. - Juliana Tran

Produce Pipeline In the month of July, Fairfield High School’s Key Club continued Produce Pipeline. In this event, we meet every Thursday from 6:45pm to around 8pm in order to collect donations of produce in which we can then delegate to different places in need. This event occurs in Downtown Fairfield at the Farmer’s Market. Once the Farmer’s Market ends, we then come by each tent and ask if they have any donations. We also ask if the people running the tents would like any help taking down their tent after taking any donations. Once we collect all donations that are offered, we separate the produce into different piles based on which organization we are giving it to. We then return any boxes that the farmers used to give their donations and deliver the produce to several organizations. - Cassie Reyes



Lemonade Stand


On our schools Orientation days for both Middle School and High school the Key Club council got together a hosted a Lemonade Stand where we would sell lemonade for one dollar to the students and parents who were there. And hopefully raise a good amount of money for our club and PTP. We also got some new key club members. - Melissa Rodriguez Hernandez


rodriguez Stevie Johnson’s Hoop Festival Rodriguez Key Club volunteered at Stevie Johnson's Hoop Festival in Rodriguez High School! Volunteers helped with setup, cleanup, and keeping track of all the basketball game scores. After, volunteers received a football, autographed by Stevie Johnson! It was a very rewarding and educational volunteer opportunity! - Katherine Gerhardt


Torchlight Festival On July 3rd, Rodriguez Key Club volunteers helped out at the Benicia Torchlight Parade. Volunteers were stationed at different streets in pairs and assisted people who wanted to cross the street while the parade was ongoing. - Katherine Gerhardt

Relay For Life Rodriguez High School Key Club volunteered at the Armijo Relay for Life in mid July! Volunteers decorated the luminaria, cheered on runners, and helped out with the overall setup and breakdown of the event! Relay for Life provided all attendees, including volunteers, with free lunch and dinner as well! Additionally, volunteers made it into an issue of the Daily Republic. It was overall a very interactive and fun event! - Katherine Gerhardt

vanden Writing Recovery Cards On July 30th, Division 8 Key Club hosted an event to write recovery cards to support Rodriguez Key Club’s amazing president, who was recovering from brain surgery. Members from Vanden and Rodriguez came with loads of supplies to share amongst each other. We also wrote cards for the Cardz 4 Kidz organization to uplift the spirits of children in the hospital and made sure to include positive, pun-filled messages aimed to make them smile instead of reminding them that they’re ill. The event was a nice way to spend an afternoon in the park, and exemplified that Key Club truly is an Ohana. - Alana Silva-Cacdac

REMINDER OF SUBMISSIONS ————————————————————————————

Recognition Form | 1st of Every Month Monthly Report Form (MRF) | 5th of Every Month by 5pm Articles and Visuals | 9th of Every Month by 6pm

What are articles and visuals / how do I submit them?

If you want your club to be featured in the newsletter, then you must submit articles and visuals! These are event overviews, which basically summarize or describe the event you are covering. After submitting by 6pm on the 9th of each month, I format and send the articles and visuals to the District, which then gives them a chance to be featured in the District Newsletter (The Bee Line). Articles and visuals also earn your club Ballin’ Points, so don’t forget to send some in if you want to help your club get ahead! Below are the instructions for completing submissions. If you have any questions and would like further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me at! I look forward to reading your submissions! •

Submitting ◦ Articles and Visuals to: ◦ Carbon Copy: Subject Line ◦ Articles: D## [SubmissionMonth] Articles - [## of articles attached] EX: D08 July Articles - [3 Articles Attached] ◦ Visuals: D## [SubmissionMonth] Visuals - [## of visuals attached] EX: D08 July Visuals - [3 Visuals Attached] Body Message ◦ Articles: Identify articles by: ◦ [Event Initials] - [Event Name] Submitted by: [Author], [Club] EX: R9O - Region 9 Olympics Submitted by: Kris Gamilla, Vanden ◦ Visuals: Identify visuals by: ◦ Photo # - [1-2 sentence description] EX: Photo #1 - Region 9 LTGs performing a skit in their Mario Kart themed costumes. File Naming ◦ Articles: D##_[EventMonthDigits]_EventInitials EX: D08_07_R9O ◦ Visuals: D##_[EventMonthDigits]_EventInitials EX: D08_07_R9O

How much are dues?

Dues cost $11.50, the chart below explains where the funds go.

$4.50 for District. These funds are used towards: -> Administrative Budget -> Officer and Board Budget (Executive Officers, Lieutenant Governers, Leadership and Coordinator Team) -> Key Leader Scholarships -> Recognition Awards -> And MORE!


How can I find service events? You can find service events through social media (such as Facebook), websites, your school, and more. It is important to expand your network within your community! Check out the presentation linked HERE. Or visit websites such as: , , , , , or your city’s website.

$7.00 for International. These funds are used towards: -> Membership card & pin -> Administrative Budget -> Officer and Board Budget (International President, VP and trustees) -> Key Club Magazine -> International Convention -> Recognition Awards -> And MORE!

How can I extend my Key Club knowledge?

The main answer to this is — the CyberKey! Aka This is our district’s website, and it is PACKED with tons of useful resources such as training manuals, distinguished award guidelines, service ideas, and so much more! You can also visit (the International website) for further history and knowledge about Key Club. Club websites are also useful, and you can always talk to officers or other members!

Want to submit a question? Fill out the form LINKED HERE and your question will be answered and featured in the next monthly newsletter!




Lieutenant Governer

Katrina Sacluti

Executive Assistant

Leianne Jadeln Gavino

Executive Assistant

Katie Han

News Editor

Alana Silva-Cacdac

Tech Editor

Kris Gamilla

Spirit Coordinator

Bianca Wong

Assistant Spirit Coordinator

Chloe Taylor




American Canyon

Tammy Lam


Royce Guo


Katie Han


Jade Vanta


Darmae Bumatay





Bianca Wong


Isabel Ochoa


Chloe Taylor


Alana Silva-Cacdac


Sebastian Vance

Will C. Wood






American Canyon

Nhu-Y Vu


Megan Hill


Will Fritz


Shauri Williams



Aubrey Perry





Michelle Hausler


Lisa Devoe


Joseph Buckley


Elizabeth Ruvalcaba


Pedro Pereira

Will C. Wood






American Canyon

Kenneth Leary


Michael Lonero


Gretchen Burgess


Emma Mendiola-Bosse


Aubrey Perry








Lisa Devoe





Joe Ordona




Will C. Wood



That’s it! Instagram: @d8ballers Twitter: @d8ballers Google Group: Send an email to

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