D08 News | Holiday Edition 2015

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The Billiard Volume 1 | Issue 7

Holiday Edition


Lt. Governors Welcome…………………………

Division Judging…………………………………

Division Updates…………………………………


Events Recap……………………………………

Members Corner…………………………………

Upcoming Events…………………………………

DCM Agenda……………………………………

Editor’s Closing…………………………………

Closing Contacts………………………………


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Hello Ballers,

Bring out the hot cho That also means that

November has been s DCM: Dodgeball Tou possible without your ing the event and for cess. They worked co the next time you see

I cannot wait for mor terms and more than everybody that partic #cnhkcweek, or #keyc proud of all of the ol

Good luck to all of o taking standardized t tion. I recommend as like to be Lt. Governo

I am thankful for you

Lt. Governors W


ocolate, fuzzy socks, and plain Starbucks drinks because it is Winter! t it is almost time to elect the next Lt. Governor for the 2016-2017 term.

such an amazing month! Thank you to everybody who attended the urnament. The event was such a major success and couldn't have been r help. Shoutout to Daniel Acuesta and Symphony Yang for spearheadr working so hard to make the Dodgeball tournament such a major sucountless hours for this event so be sure to thank Daniel and Symphony e them.

re service and jolly cheers to come. We are nearly halfway through our n halfway through our service goal for Division 8! A BIG thank you to cipated in Key Club Week. Have you checked out #d8ballers, yclubweek? You DOMIN8ED in these three hashtags for Key Club. I'm so ld and new Ballers that help make our Division what it is.

our seniors applying to colleges. Good luck to all of the underclassmen tests. Good luck to all members interested in running for an officer posisking current officers what it's like to run a club or ask me about what it's or!

u all. Have a great winter break!


DIVISION GOALS UPDATE Division 8 has raised $3,162.36 for service this term! Great job Ballers!! Service Hours Goal 4,758/7,000


Member - Jack Rattanasithh,, Rodriguez Jack consistently serves on both the club and division levels in Key Club. He frequently attends service projects and is always willing to serve Key Club in any way possible.

Advisor - Joseph Ordona Ordona,, Vande

Joe Ordona goes his way to suppo Club members b erone at Region ing Conference serve as the advi Vanden Key C

Officer - Jasmine Sivilayy,, Vanden Jasmine Sivilay has done a fantastic job as president of Vanden Key Club. She consistently communicates with me and has taken the initiative to sell Division 8 pins to fund raise for the Pediatric Trauma Program. Her countless hours for Key Club reflect in the growth seen from Vanden high school in both membership and service hours.


s out of ort Key by chapTraine and isor to Club.

Club - Novato Novato has paid their dues for the 2014-2015 term and has taken the initiative to pay their dues for the 2015-2016 term as an early bird club.

November Recognition

Region Training Conference 2015

Members showing their Division spirit after the October DCM Division 08 members up and ready for breakfast!

Jasmine Sivilay, Vanden wit mous YouTuber Rachael F (KawaiiSweetsWorld) who a a Key Clubber!

Region Training Conference has always been one of my favorite events, in fact it is where I had my most impactful Key Club moment. This RTC was even more special because it was my last. I experience the lovely camping, the skits, the groups, the campfire, and the great amounts spirit all for the last time. I was so great to see Division 8 thrive throughout this event and show their pride in their home division when talking to other Key Clubbers. Not only did I have an enormous amount of fun, I also learned about so many amazing things that Key Club is doing! It was definitely a memorable experience!

, Vanden


th faFong also is

Amara Alcayde Key Clubbers ready to present their skits at the campfire!

My last FRN was filled with so many smiles and D8 spirit. The Ball truly amazing this year and I couldn't be more proud of our Divisio ments in membership, spirit, and service have reached heights I neve see. We filled up a whole section in the stands and won our very own cayde! Division 8 has been growing so much and all our hard work fo ly paid off. Thank you to Jwong for leading the Division to success an for showing who's the best. YOU CAN ROLL WITH THE D8


Fall Rally

lers have just been on. Our improver thought we would n Baller, Amara Alor FRN has definitend to my D8 Ballers 8 BALLERS!

Sivilay, Vanden

North 2015

On Thursday, November 5th Rodriguez key club volunteered at the local food bank packing carrots! We had 3 new members, 5 old members and 3 board members attend this event! It was a great event to have because Thursday was Random Acts of Kindness day for key club week and we’re supposed to do something kind on this day. Not that we don’t do kind things already, even though it was a short event and on a school night we still are proud. We thank the members who went and we hope we get to pack more carrots because we do pack a lot of them.

Gurleen Kaur, Rodriguez

Rodriguez Food Bank

Rodriguez members packing carrots for the less fortunate at the Food Bank.

D08 Members making Holiday cards for those who cannot make it home.

Cards for Heroes On Saturday, November 14th we had a card making for soldiers who won’t be home for Christmas. I liked this event because it was nice that we got to thank the soldier for all the hard work they do and give them a nice feeling of a good job. It was also nice to be president for the day (even if Briana said no) I helped out by taking down the hours and collecting the cards. Which then Briana will send, over! I also got to hang out with Armijo, Vanden and Novato because Briana made it a DWS event! We also made a lot of cards and should be proud of the work we did!

Sanford Grimmett, Rodriguez

On Saturday, November 14th we had a DWS (Division Wide Service ) event helping out by picking persimmons! Charlotte donates the persimmons to local food banks and other areas that need the food or do not have the food we have. We also did this last week which we had 8 members and 2 board members attend, this week we had 4 members attend and 2 board members! It was nice to help out by picking fruit and taking the boxes to the trucks, we even got to take some home and enjoy the nice work we did. Even though we do it for the cause not the applause! Some of us even wonder if we volunteer at the food bank again, it would be really cool to bag the persimmons we helped pick!

Briana Esquivias, Rodriguez

Persimmon Picking

Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF

Trick- or- Treat!! Even though Halloween is long passed we are still continuing to raise change and awareness for the Eliminate Project. Even though we are a smaller club in the division we have long passed our set goal of two-hundred dollars. We have raised almost three-hundred dollars and continue going strong. We have since raised our goal to three-hundred and from the looks of it may make beyond that much. We are excited to see how much we can make and how many lives we can change.

Kathia Reynoso, MITA

January 2016 Sun






































Division Council Meeting (DCM)/ Conclave Saturday, January 16, 2015 9AM - 12PM American Canyon High School


DNE’SCLOSING MESSAGE Hello Ballers! The holidays are here!! Which means finals! But more importantly spirit, family, friends, love, and more! I hope you all enjoy the division secret Santa this month. Get a partner and make a new friend! There has been a lot of great events in the past few months, and or many of us its our last time being able to experience these. Make sure you finish out the Key Club term with a bang! And get ready for DCON it’s coming up soon and registration opens now! I cannot wait to see all of you there! :) I am open to any criticism and critiques that you may have! Please contact me so that together we can create a great newsletter! Remember to send in those articles and visuals by the 10th of every month! Never stop domin8ing. With Love, Amara Alcayde

Follow D8 Remind



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This Message: @d8baller

Contact Info

Jasmine Wong

Jack Rattanasith

Lieutenant Governor

Executive Assistant

d08.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (510) 387-9285

d08.cnhkc.ea02@gmail.com (707)-416-7653

Amara Alcayde

Simran Kaur

News Editor

Executive Assistant

d08.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com (707)-439-6512

d08.cnhkc.ea01@gmail.com (707)-389-1028

President Conta Mia Clarissa deBorja

American Canyon miaclarissa.deborja@nvusd.org (707) 980-1253

Daniel A


jdacuesta@sb (707) 68

Ruth Nguyen

Georgia B



ahs.cnhkc.pres@gmail.com (707)-320-8704 Sandra Vohs

Benicia bandhorn7@gmail.com (707)-775-5580 Alyssa Ponce

Dixon svcampero47@gmail.com (530)-574-4015

gbirkbeck@js *** Carmela

Mare Island

carmela.villegas@ *** Bailey


PanomenalAr 415-827

act information



bcglobal.net 88-5170



s-student.org ** Villegas


@mitacademy.org ** Wong


rc@gmail.com 7-5133

Briana Esquivias

Rodriguez president.rhskc@gmail.com (707) 208-4668 Jasmine Sivilay

Vanden d08.vhs.pres@gmail.com (707) 592-4154 Cirila Reyes

Vintage Cirilareyes@gmail.com (707) 486-5141 Tori Joyce

Will C Wood jaycarn5@aol.com 707-474-7565

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this newsletter please contact Lt. Governor Jasmine, or Division News Editor Amara

cnhkeyclub.org | keyclub.org

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