D08 OTC Program

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Officer Training Conference Division 8 |2015-2016 Key Club International

What legacy will you leave?

Introduction Hello and welcome to this year’s Officer Training Conference! Prepare for a day full of fun, educational workshops presented by awesome people, and more! Officers, please pay attention and take careful notes, as this should give you information useable throughout your entire term! Feel free to share this information with the members you serve! Jack Rattanasith, Division 8 Lieutenant Governor

Officer Training Conference Agenda

1:00 PM

Key Club 101

Jack Rattanasith, Lt. Governor

1:15 PM

Graphic Standards

Amara Alcayde, F. Newsletter Editor

1:30 PM

Public Speaking

Brandon Boston, Executive Assistant

1:40 PM

Time Management

Braelyn Joy Travis, Executive Asistant

1:55 PM


Jack Rattanasith, Lt. Governor

2:10 PM

Tips for Leaders

Jack Rattanasith, Lt. Governor

2:20 PM

Membership Recruitment

Jack Rattanasith, Lt. Governor

2:30 PM

Reducing Stress

Carmela Villegas, Executive Assistant

2:35 PM

Officer Breakout Groups


President, VP, Members

Briana Esquives, F. Rodriguez President


Jasmine Wong, F. Lt. Governor


Justin Palor, Executive Assistant

3:00 PM

End of Training Conference

How to Donate PEDIATRIC TRAUMA PROGRAM STEP ONE: Write a check (Remember an adult should be writing the check) Payable To: Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) Key Club Memo: Division 08, [ ____ ] High School STEP TWO: Put the check into an envelope To: ATTN: Bruce Hennings, Key Club PTP Donation Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) District Office 8360 Red Oak Street #201 From: [ ____ ] High School Division 08, Region 09 1234 Beehive St. Beeville, BE 12345 Need a receipt? Insert a slip asking for a receipt and make the check payable to “Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation,” instead of “Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) Key Club)

THE ELIMINATE PROJECT STEP ONE: Write a check (Remember an adult should be writing the check) Payable To: Kiwanis International Foundation Memo: The ELIMINATE Project STEP TWO: Put the check into an envelope WITH THE FORM FILLED OUT To: The Eliminate Project: Campaign Office Kiwanis International Foundation 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN, 46268 USA Memo: Club Number From: [ ____ ] High School Division 08, Region 09 1234 Beehive St. Beeville, BE 12345

Key Club 101 Presented by: Jack Rattanasith, Lt. Governor  Key Club is a part of the ____________ Family.  Key Club History  Key Club was started by Albert C. Olney and Frank C. Vincent on May 7, 1925 at ____________ High School.  Motto and Core Values  “CARING - Our way of life”  C____________  C____________ B____________  I____________  L____________  Key Club Pledge  I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions  Key Club Colors (With purity of heart and unwavering character, I provide service to others)  Blue: ____________  White: ____________  Gold: ____________  Key Club Structure 


Division Goals  3 ____________ Projects (____________ Hours of Service per club per month)  2 ____________ ($______ = $ _____ per event)  1 ____________ Event Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP)  Pediatric Trauma is the leading cause of death and injury among children _____ and under in the US (District Goal: $_____________ for PTP) UNICEF Eliminate Project  Only takes $_________ for a series of 3 vaccines to save a mother and her future children.

Graphic Standards Presented by: Amara Alcayde, Former Division Newsletter Editor 

An effective Graphic contains these elements:  Unique, eye-catching  Simple, concise, and clear  Correct ____________  Avoids confusion  Follows _________________________ Key Points about Fonts  When promoting Key Club, use the six Key Club family fonts  When promoting a club, division, or region, fonts can be ____________  Use ____________ fonts to add your own style! Fonts  Myriad Pro  ____________  Verdana  Garamond Premier Pro  ____________  Walk Around the Block About the Pencil  Full width of the document  Only ____________ can overlay the pencil  Text must be aligned to the ____________ of the document  Pencil must be facing right , on the top, and must be placed horizontally  The pencil must be on the first page of all Key Club documents which does not include graphics, info graphics, and media CNH Wordart  The “____________” must be bolded  The word art must be expanded by 6pt. Or 18% at a 36pt. size  It must be placed on the top right of the document, aligned the end of the “B” of “CLUB” with the start of the pencil’s tip. Colors  The pencil, header, footer, and borders must be one of the 10 colors from the pallet (Specific colors can be found in the Graphics Guide Resources  CyberKey (www.cnhkeyclub.org) > Resources > Graphics

Public Speaking Presented by: Brandon Boston, Executive Assistant 

Basic Tips  Watch your hands (Use the ____________ method)  Maintain eye contact  Mind your volume, pacing, and pauses.  Avoid pointless ____________ words and phrases  Know your audience and content; Think your feed  Enunciate and be confident  Boost your ____________  Dress to impress  Maintain ____________  PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE (Practice what you preach) How to Keep your audience awake  Be energetic, charismatic (Do energizers)  ____________ your audience  Ask rhetorical questions/a show of hands/ demonstrations Content  ____________KEY Points! - More likely to remember  Professional language; No fillers  Stutter—____________ Question & Answer  Repeat back the questions—For ____________  Take your ____________ - Gather your thoughts

Time Management Presented by: Braelyn Joy Travis, Executive Assistant 

You need to:  Be aware  Set ____________  Establish ____________  Develop habits  Be specific  Break the task down into parts  Physically write down tasks

Tools: Cold Turkey  Do It Tomorrow  Sticky Notes  Task Timer 

S.M.A.R.T. Goals Presented by: Jack Rattanasith, Lt. Governor 

S____________  A goal should be ____________ as thoroughly as possible. For example, a goal of recruiting more members is vague, but a goal of increasing membership by 25% is specific. M____________  An effective goal must be ____________. In the first example, we used membership numbers, which are measurable. For example, if you want to be a better student, identify one aspect of a strong student you wish to follow. You might set a goal to spend at least one hour each weekend reviewing your notes from the previous week. A____________  There’s an art to goal setting that revolves around the goal’s difficulty. A goal that’s too ____________is not inspiring. A goal that’s too ____________seems overwhelming. Both too easy and too difficult are goal setting no-no’s. Set the level of challenge somewhere in between. A good way to decide whether a goal is achievable but challenging is to visualize yourself reaching the goal. Can you see yourself there? Are you energized and inspired by seeing it? If not, revisit your goal. R____________  Do you have the ____________, skill set, and competency to reach your goal? If your goal involves a major service project, do you know all you should know about the costs, materials required, community in need, and your members’ interest in the project? If not, you should gather this information first. T____________  Setting a ____________is crucial. The time frame you select should be ____________.

Tips for Leaders Presented by: Jack Rattanasith, Lt. Governor        

Tip #1: Strive for a sense of ____________ within the group. Tip #2: ____________ contributions of group members. Tip #3: Use ____________ reinforcement. Tip #4: ____________ accomplishments. Tip #5: Encourage ____________. Tip #6: Use the ____________ touch. Tip #7: Make members feel ____________ Challenge! Inspire! Empower!

Membership Recruitment & Retention Presented by: Jack Rattanasith, Lt. Governor 

How can I recruit Members?  Ask your friends and promote around the school.  Creating ____________ and posting on the school bulletin to help advertise meetings/events or anything Key Club related.  You can not over advertise something so make sure the word gets out  Make use of school events such as ____________ ____________.  Hook them with an incentive (Free ____________ always works)  Represent yourself to others and the community.  Dress to impress  Bring them to events  Show the what Key Club is truly about!  Advertise fun events like ____________ ____________, Region, Training Conference (RTC) and fun service projects.  Get help from outside sources (ask your LTG or Kiwanis to help you)  Do small things for your members  Make ____________ with meeting details (Location & Date) to ‘tag’ potential members with during club rush day.  Use fun facts such as “Did you know that Tom Cruise and Bill Clinton were both in Key Club?” - True Fact  Use a poster cutout for potential members to take photos with.

How can I retain Members?  ____________ with the members.  Talk regularly to the members  Things like icebreakers or friendly ____________ WILL HELP.  Try to have your more active members bring one new person to a meeting.  MAKE IT A ____________ ENVIRONMENT  Basically get them interested  Make them feel wanted

Reducing Stress 101 Presented by: Carmela Villegas, Executive Assistant How can you reduce it?  By reducing “stress factors” in your life and by exemplifying the following tips, you can produce self-satisfaction and peace of mind. 1. Learn to ____________. 2. Recognize and ____________ limits. 3. Learn to ____________ 4. Be a ____________ person 5. Learn to ____________ and ____________ 6. Avoid unnecessary ____________ 7. Get regular ____________ exercise and eat well 8. Lear a systematic, drug-free method of ____________ 9. ____________ out your troubles 10. ____________ your thinking 

Other tips include  Laugh  Do something enjoyable  Manage ____________ ____________  Learn to say ____________  Take time to relax each day  Be assertive

Quotes to prepare you for the year: “The way to get started is to quite talking and begin doing”-Walt Disney “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” - Ray Goforth “Always do your best. What you plant now, will harvest later.”-Og Mandino “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing.” - Pele “Leadership is action, not a position.” - Donald H. McGannon

Acronym Guide GM: General Meeting BM: Board Meeting MBM: Monthly Board Meeting

MRF: Monthly Report Form ERF: Event Request Form ME: Major Emphasis (UNICEF, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network) “Children: Their Future, Our Focus.”

DCM: Division Council Meeting

ICON: International Convention

OTC: Officer Training Conference RTC: Region Training Conference FRN: Fall Rally North KL: Key Leader CTC: Candidate Training Conference

IP: Immediate Past (The officer before you)

DNE: Division Newsletter Editor (Amara Alcayde)

LTG: Lieutenant Governor (Jasmine Wong)

FA: Faculty Advisor

DCON: District Convention CNH: California –NevadaHawaii

EA: Executive Assistant (Jack Rattanasith & Simran Kaur)

KA: Kiwanis Advisor RA: Region Advisor

Basic Key Club Kiwanis Family Kiwanis: Adults Circle K: College Key Club: High School Builder’s Club: Middle School K-Kids: Elementary School

Project Jump Start: Children under the age of 5

DGov: District Governor DSec: District Secretary DTreas: District Treasurer

Officer Breakout Group Notes:

Feedback Cards Thank you for attending! Please be honest! This will ensure that next years OTC improve for the future!

Contact Information Jack Rattanasith Lieutenant Governor d08.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

Kathia Reynoso News Editor

Positives: ________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________


Braelyn Travis Executive Assistant d08.cnhkc.ea01@gmail.com

Carmela Villegas

Needs Improvement:_____ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Executive Assistant D08.cnhkc.ea02@gmail.com

Brandon Boston Executive Assistant d08.cnhkcea.03@gmail.com

Christina Lam Name: _____________________

Spirit Coordinator d08.cnhkc.dsc01@gmail.com

1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________

Justin Palor Fundraising Coordinator d08.cnhkc.dfc@gmail.com

Nicole Johnston Service Projects Coordinator

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