June Newsletter 2018

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The Billiard June 2018

Division 8 | Region 9
 California-Nevada-Hawai’i District
 Key Club International

A Word From the DNE Hello Division 8! My name is Alana Silva-Cacdac! I proudly serve as your Division News Editor for the 2018-2019 term, and I look forward to working with all of you! Since this is my first newsletter, I thought I would quickly introduce myself and tell you a few things about me.

I spend most of my time sleeping to be completely honest, but when I’m not hibernating I am most likely being a huge skincare nerd and researching new products to try out. I love Youtube and Netflix with a passion, so if you ever want to have a full on discussion about Shane Dawson or Criminal Minds, hit me up on Twitter @womfn ;).

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I have been in Key Club for three years now (next year will be my fourth), and I am the president of my home club at Vanden. Seeing so many amazing individuals be so passionate about Key Club and serving the community has always inspired me, which is why I decided to get more involved and join the Division Leadership Team. I know I still have a lot to improve on as the DNE, but I can’t think of a better Division to grow alongside with. I can’t wait to experience this term with you Division 8! Ohana means family, and Key Club means home.

Table of contents

Table of Contents A Word from the LTG


Meet the DLT


Division Goals


Ballin’ Points


June DCM Agenda


June DWS


Region 9 and 15 Pen Pals


Officer Training Conference


Club Features


Reminder of Submissions


DLT Contact Information


Club President Contact Information


Farewell + Division Platforms



LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR WHY HELLO BALLERS! It is your Lieutenant Governor, Katrina Sacluti, here with a short message for the first newsletter of the 2018-2019 term. Thank you all for a fantastic two months. Serving as Lieutenant Governor has already been such a blessing. You all have shown me such genuine support and an outstanding commitment towards service. I can’t wait to see more of your beautiful faces at future DCMs and service events, especially now that AP and IB season is over. I want to emphasize this further: the school year may end, but Key Club terms are year-round. The Division Leadership Team and I will remain active by providing Division Wide Service Events and Division Wide Council Meetings and I am confident that your clubs will host several opportunities to stay active as well. And officers, if you begin to struggle with this during the summer, please do not hesitate to contact me. Officer Training Conference will definitely go over how to combat losing motivation. That’s a wrap for this message. Thank you for all that you do to make this division prosper.

Meet the DLT! Hey Ballers! My name is Leianne Jadeln Gavino but you can just call me Leianne or LJ. I am currently a Junior at Rodriguez High School and a proud member of this amazing Key Club Division. I have actually served as an Executive Assistant last term and am just as determined to make this one great! In addition to my role as an Executive Assistant, I also serve as the Vice President of Rodriguez Key Club. To give some personal info, my favorite color is purple and I absolutely love food! (I mean who doesn't right?) Anyways, Key Club has never ceased to be a special light in my high school career and I want to continue that light throughout Division 8. Let's make this term great together! Thank you!

Leianne Jadeln Gavino Executive Assistant My name is Diego Valdovinos and I am one of your Executive Assistant for 2018-2019. I am super excited to work for this position and to meet new people and make friends. As an Executive Assistant, I want to help the community and improve. For example, I help plan events, give advice to the clubs and much more. I make sure that everything runs smoothly and make sure people contact me if they any questions. I’m am grateful to have more EA and communicate with them, it makes it so much easier.

Diego Valdovinos Executive Assistant

My name is Katie Han, and I am delighted to serve the Division as one of your new 2018-19 Executive Assistants. A few facts about me: I was born on April 23, 2002 in Los Angeles before moving to the Bay Area. My favorite music genres are K-Pop and R&B/Soul. I play badminton and piano, and I like to spend my free time snoozing or socializing. Are we dreaming? Is it almost summertime already? Fret not, there are still an endless amount of opportunities to help out! Since the school year is now over, we can all dedicate more time toward generating positive change within our Division. As the current generation of Key Club, it is our collective duty to inspire and galvanize others as a model leader as well as enhance the state of our community. Let us amaze everyone with what Division 8 Ballers can do!

It is imperative that school clubs maintain healthy communication between them and the Division Leadership Team. Conversing with one another is a key element to an efficient, strong Division 8. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding your questions or concerns! We are happy to listen to your comments and assist you. I eagerly await this year’s inevitable success and our impending accomplishments. Together, we will reach above and beyond our expected goals. Be sure to make this summer fun, relaxing, and productive. Thank you all for your hard work and commitment to Division 8!

- Katie Han, Executive Assistant

Hi Division 8! My name is Bianca Wong and I’m here to serve you for the 2018-2019 term as your Spirit Coordinator. My home club is Novato, and I’ve been in Key Club for the past 3 years. I look forward to meeting all of you this term as well as bringing the spirit to a new level in our division! I’m so excited to serve you guys and I can’t wait to see what kind of new spirit cheers and ideas we can come up with.

Bianca Wong Spirit Coordinator My name is Chloe Marie Taylor. I'm just your average southern girl. I was born in Louisiana but I was raised in Texas and I moved to California in 8th grade. My hobbies are photography, reading, swimming and Key Club! I love Key Club very much and I'll try my hardest to help make our Division the best it can be. I want to be either an archaeologist when I’m older or join the Peace Corps! Basically I’ll do anything to make my contribution to help others and better the world. One of the biggest things about my personality is that I'm very passionate about what I believe in. I'm passionate about helping others, world history and politics. I’m currently the Rodriguez Key Club President. I’m also going into Junior year. If you have any questions about my position or just general questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you so much for giving me this amazing opportunity to be the Assistant Spirit Coordinator!

Chloe Taylor Assistant Spirit Coordinator

Hey guys, my name is Kris Gamilla and I will be D8's Division Tech Editor for the 2018-2019 term! As Tech Editor I will be in charge of creating and promoting our Website and Social Media throughout the year. I go to Vanden High School and am my home club's historian where i help our club editor with monthly Articles and Visuals. Besides Key Club I love to play the piano, guitar, ukulele, doing photography, and I also am the captain for Vanden's Tennis Team. I hope to get close with as many of you fellow Ballers in this upcoming year!

Kris Gamila Tech Editor

Division Goals 6000 Service Hours

$3000 for Preferred Charities

All Clubs in Good Standing

Ballin’ Points This term the LTG is hosting a competition among the clubs using this point system. At the end of the term the club with the most points will receive a surprise award, so spread the word to members so your club can get ahead! The points that have been awarded so far are shown by the chart below. Happy ballin’!

Points Will C. Wood Vintage Vanden Rodriguez PSA Novato Napa MIT Fairfield Benicia Armijo American Canyon 0








CNH|KEY CLUB Division 8 | JUNE DCM AGENDA June 30th | 12:15 PM – 4:15 PM | Fairfield Cordelia Library I.

CALL TO ORDER a. Pledge of Allegiance b. Key Club Pledge

SUBMISSIONS Recognition Form | 1st MRF | 5th Articles & Visuals |10th




OLD BUSINESS a. Division Updates i. 6000 Service Hours ii. $3000 for PTP iii. All Clubs in Good Standing iv. Ballin’ Points b. Recap of OTC c. Recap of DWS d. Reminder of Submissions i. Newsletter Submissions (Articles & Visuals) ii. Monthly Report Forms (MRF) iii. Recognition Form e. Region 9 Pen Pals


New Business a. July DCM: Region 9 Olympics i. Where: TBA ii. When: TBA b. July DWS: TBA i. Where: TBA ii. When: TBA c. Spotlight on Service i. June: Health and Safety ii. July: Go Outdoors d. Recognition i. Club of the Month ii. Member of the Month iii. Officer of the Month iv. Advisor of the Month COMMENTS, QUESTIONS, OR CONCERNS?



Katrina Sacluti d08.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com (707) 688-4876

American Canyon Armijo Benicia Fairfield Mare Island Tech (MIT) Napa Novato Public Safety Academy Rodriguez Vanden Vintage Will C. Wood





EA 1: Leianne Jadeln Gavino d08.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com EA 2: Katie Han d08.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com EA 3: Diego Valdovinos d08.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com DNE: Alana Silva-Cacdac d08.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com DTE: Kris Gamilla d08.cnhc.dte@gmail.com SPIRIT COORD: Bianca Wong d08.cnhkc.spiritcoord@gmail.com ASSIST. SPIRIT COORD.: Chloe Taylor d08.cnhkc.spiritcoord@gmail.com

Remind101: Text @d8ballers to 81010

Instagram @d8ballers

Google Groups: Send an email to join! d8ballers@googlegroups.com

Twitter @d8ballers

June DWS WHAT: Relay for Life WHERE: Vaca High (100 W. Monte Vista Ave.) WHEN: Saturday, June 23-24, 2018 @9am

Key Club Pen Pals Region 9 Division 2N Division 2S Division 8 Division 26N Division 26S Region 15 Division 20 Division 32

Sign up today to make a new friend within Region 9 and Region 15!

The Google Form will close on June 15th at 6pm!!

OTC WHERE: Fairfield Cordelia Library

Business Professional

WHEN: June 30th, 2018 from 12:15pm - 4:15pm ** Date may be subject to change ATTIRE: Business Casual

Business Professional

PLEASE BRING A $5 DONATION FOR PTP. Officer Training Conference is coming up soon! This is a great opportunity for those interested in learning more about officer positions, or just want to

Business Casual

Business Casual

Club Features Lynch Trail Maintenance By Katherine Gerhardt, Rodriguez Key Club Rodriguez High School volunteers helped clean the Lynch Canyon Trials with the trail crew. Volunteers received free donuts and coffee upon arrival. Then, volunteers were driven by truck to a certain part of the trail that needed to be leveled and cleared. Volunteers used gardening hoes to level the trail and remove weeds! After, volunteers had pizza provided by the trail crew! It was overall a very fun event!

Rindler Cleanup By Katherine Gerhardt, Rodriguez Key Club Rodriguez Key Club volunteers helped clean up the area around Six Flags and the nearby watershed. All the materials were provided. Volunteered followed the local creek and cleaned around it. After, snacks were provided! It was overall a very interactive and hands on event.

Food Bank By Katherine Gerhardt, Rodriguez Key Club Rodriguez High Key Club volunteers helped out at the local Contra Costa and Solano Food Bank. Volunteers bagged carrots and onions that will be distributed around Solano. It was overall a very enjoyable event!

Reminder of Submissions

Recognition Form | 1st of every month ◦ The form requires an officer to NOMINATE individuals for the Member of the Month, Officer of the Month, Club of the Month, and Advisor of the Month in addition to an explanation as to what they have done to be recognized. ◦ link: https://bit.ly/2qQUJiE Monthly Report Form (MRF) | 5th of every month by 6pm ◦ Instructions will be sent through Officers Google Group ◦ The earlier you submit, the better! It'll allow the LTG to provide feedback sooner & more points will be attainable through points system Articles & Visuals | 10th of every month by 6pm

DLT Contact Info LTG: Katrina Sacluti d08.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com EA #1: Leianne Jadeln Gavino d08.cnhkc.ea1@gmail.com EA #2: Katie Han d08.cnhkc.ea2@gmail.com EA #3: Diego Valdovinos d08.cnhkc.ea3@gmail.com DNE: Alana Silva-Cacdac d08.cnhkc.dne@gmail.com DTE: Kris Gamilla d08.cnhkc.dte@gmail.com SPIRIT COORD: Bianca Wong d08.cnhkc.spiritcoord@gmail.com ASSISTANT SPIRIT COORD: Chloe Taylor d08.cnhkc.spiritcoord@gmail.com

Club President Contact Info American Canyon: Tammy Lam tammy.lam@nvusd.org

Novato: Bianca Wong biancawong4@gmail.com

Armijo: Royce Guo ahs.cnnhkc.pres@gmail.com

PSA: Isabel Ochoa (707) 389-1344

Benicia: Katie Han kthanbhs@gmail.com

Rodriguez: Chloe Taylor cmt901@gmail.com

Fairfield: Jade Vanta jeanta02@yahoo.com

Vanden: Alana Silva-Cacdac asilva.cacdac@gmail.com

MIT: Darmae Perry darmae.bumatay@mitacademy.org

Vintage: Sebastian Vance sebastian.vance@nvusd.org

Napa: N/A


That’s it!

Remind101: Text @d8ballers to 81010 Google Groups: email d8ballers@googlegroups.com Instagram: @d8ballers Twitter: @d8ballers

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