1 minute read

LTG’s Note

Lieutenant Governor’s Note!

What’s poppin sheepies!


Welcome to the season of love! Whether it be self-love, platonic love, or romance, I hope you are surrounded by your loved ones and/or people you deeply care about!

This is it. We have officially 1 and a half months left of the term. While it seems so far, I cannot express how fast everything is passing by in a flick of an eye. We Have accomplished so much in such a little time And I cannot wait to see what more we accomplish together as a division. Looking back at this time only remember the good memories such as fall rally South, are amazing dcms, and above all the smiles we made together as one big family. I hope that you guys take the time in these next month or so of the term to really bask in these moments and to reflect on what you have accomplished as a member and as a person this past few months. I do not want you guys to lose your motivation for Key Club or even this organization in general as we head towards the end. I hope that you guys learn all the amazing things about Key Club International as well as the importance of service in our community.

I'm so grateful to be here with you guys to be loved by my members and to truly just serve you guys as your Lieutenant Governor. Once more, I hope that you're trying to buy your loved ones this season and if anything you're spending time with your friends, your family or yourself because you deserve self-love. Thank you so much division 15 south for everything you have done for me I love you!

Serving with love,

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