Division 16-January 2013 Newsletter

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JANUARY 2013 NEWSLETTER division 16 “the

new year edition”


and a Happy New Year to d16! I hope you all had a BEEutiful year of 2012. Congrats to the seniors who recently finished all of their college apps and I hope life brings you good news^^. If you have not met me already, let me introduce myself. My name is Jenny Lee, and I stand as a proud white tiger from West Ranch High School Key Club and I was recently given the honor of being your new division Bulletin/Tech Editor. This is my second year in Key Club and I only hope to be the best editor for this division. Meaning, I will try to improve means of communication, spread the word, or news, of what goes on Key Club to all division members, and strive to display my passion for Key Club. I can guarantee that I will put 110% of my time and love into crafting each of these newsletters! I will fill them with information of past and future events and will take every opportunity I can to connect them more to our division. But as always, the division board hopes you will enjoy reading this January 2013 New Year Edition, as it includes information on our recent Winter Chill, our highly anticipated Conclave, and our further anticipated District Convention/DCON. You MUST take note, the Conclave dress code is BUSINESS FORMAL. DCON also has a strict dress code which will be further explained in this edition and the next few editions until it happens on March 22-24. This edition also includes more information on club news, ways on how you can volunteer for the start of the New Year, and much, much more! If you would like to keep up even further with our division, please follow Division 16 at d16whitetigers.tumblr.com, which was recently updated. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or would like to include your own Key Club story or comments in the next Tiger Times, please email me, Jenny Lee, at d16tech.lee@gmail.com.

I hope to see all your lovely faces at conclaveď Š remember it is on Jan. 19 and after Conclave will be our DCM. Cheers, D16 Bulletin/Tech Editor Jenny Lee

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conclave conclave

is a yearly event in which the new Lieutenant Governor for the next year is elected. It is a crucial time in which members from schools in the division are able to have a say in voting for who they believe will display the most spirit and leadership and will succeed in leading their division. LTG candidates prepare speeches for Conclave and also prepare for Caucus. Caucus is an event in Conclave in which the current LTG questions LTG candidates on their plans for the future of the division.

On January 19, 2013, Division 16 held their annual Conclave at Valencia High School. Conclave began at 1:30 p.m. in the school’s auditorium and schools in the division each sent two delegates to represent their school. LTG candidates were Division 16’s Executive Assistant: Hogan Tran (junior) and Division 16’s Secretary: Claudia Diaz (junior). White tigers listened to both of their speeches, which they prepared BEEfore Conclave, as good LTG canddiates, and they also introduced themselves and what they wanted to do for the division’s LTG of 2013-2014.

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Claudia Diaz

I couldn't believe it. When Sharon said my name, I said "Are you serious?" It hasn't fully hit me yet. This has been my goal since my freshman year and to accomplish it, feels AMAZING. It's surreal to say that I am YOUR Division 16 Lieutenant Governor ELECT. I look forward to working with my best friend Hogan Tran and serving each and every single one of you this upcoming Key Club year. Please do not forget to congratulate Hogan because he too is a winner for making the commitment to run for Lieutenant Governor. I just hope I can make you all proud and I will work everyday to have our division reach our full potential. I love you White Tigers!

Claudia Diaz D16 LTG Elect

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Along with the election for the new Lieutenant Governor for 2013-2014, high school Key Clubs in the division are also holding elections for officer positions, including president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, etc. Current officers of Division 16 clubs have also been training and teaching the successors who won their club elections. Elects, please take note to fill out the ONLINE 2013-2014 Officer Directory which can be found on cnhkeyclub.org. As LTG Sharon Lee has said, it is important for the sake of communication and reference for the future.

Burbank High School Burbank High School Bulldogs showed their Key Club spirit by volunteering on December 1, 2012. Students happily played tennis with children with autism, teaching them and having fun with them. The program is named “ACEing Autism,� and Burbank High School Key Clubbers taught lessons on the first, eight, and the fifteenth of December.

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Photo provided by Burbank Key Club Newsletter

The Tiger Times

North Hollywood High School North Hollywood High School Key Clubbers volunteered in a Christmas event, called “Operation Santa.” From December 22 – December 25, volunteers collected presents and helped to distribute them. This occurred at the Los Angeles Valley College and families went to the college to pick up the presents. Key Clubbers merrily dressed up as numerous Santa Clauses and gave toys, treats, and “Merry Christmases,” to families.

Bell-Jeff high School Bell-Jeff Key Clubbers, on December 22, 2012, made a difference in the lives of multiple families who faced difficulties last Christmas. They volunteered in the spirit of the program, Adopt-A-Family, and Bell-Jeff Key Club adopted 15-20 families to help yearly in any way they can. TO help them this year, they gladly delivered Christmas presents to unfortunate families. These families usually live in hotels and apartments, with small living space and having to share a room with many family members. The surrounding environment is also difficult for these families as their financial states are not reliable and there exist issues with drugs, prostitution, and violent crimes. The BellJeff Key Club merrily spent part of their winter break helping these families in the spirit of service.

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rose parade 2013

"Volunteering at the rose parade was a very satisfying experience! It was a great opportunity to meet and work with amazing people. Nothing is better than hanging out with your friends and doing service at the same time!"

Key Club took great part in the 2013 annual Pasadena Rose Parade. The Theme was, “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” an allusion to the children’s book by Dr. Seuss. The 2013 Kiwanis Rose Float was decorated to according to the float theme, “A Child’s Magic Carpet Ride!” The company Phoenix Decorators, Inc. built the float once again and the addition of flowers, seeds, fruits, vegetables, leaves, etc was assisted by members of Circle K, Key Club, and Kiwanians. The decorating began the first weekend of December and continued each Saturday. Key Clubbers throughout California volunteered Dec. 26-31 from 8 a.m. until 11 p.m. daily and 8 a.m. until noon on Jan 1.

-Hogan Tran

Photos provided by Tyler Kowta (d25e)

(photos provided by Claudia Diaz, Eduardo Santoyo, & Jinny Lee)

“Winter chill was really fun! I think our division board did a really good job organizing the games and scavenger hunt. Everyone also seemed to have a good time, so all in all, the Winter Chill was a success!!!� -Audrey Thai (John Burroughs HS)

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“Winter Chill was the most exhausting chill I’ve ever been to (in a good way).” -Stephanie Javier

NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS (presidents of d16) My New Years' Resolution for Key Club is to help West Ranch Key Club transition smoothly from the current board to the next and to spend the precious rest of my time as a Key Clubber to the fullest! I want to finish teaching younger members everything I know about Key Club and have a fun, relaxing, and spirited last time at DCON. Yay Key Clubbers! Yay DCON! Yay senior year! -Michelle Kim (WRHS)

My New Year's resolution is to strengthen our White Tiger ROAR and unite our division! I would like to create even more memories than I made last year with my fellow Key Clubbers and to be the best leader I can possibly be. Claudia Diaz (NHHS)

"My New Year’s resolution is to make sure I won't forget how much Key Club has done for me, and make sure my new board is ready for the new year. Even though I'll be moving on to a new chapter in my life, I'll always remember how much Key Club has changed me. I also want to make sure that the club that I leave BEEhind is trained well enough to keep going strong next year." -Paolo Esguerra (VHS)

march 22-24 @ the Anaheim Convention Center registration: $163 by Feb. 8 LATE registration: $203 by Feb. 22

Contact Information Sharon Lee d16.ltg.cnhkc@gmail.com

Sondra Park d16ea.park@gmail.com

Sheila Hou d16ea.hou@gmail.com

Eduardo Santoyo d16ea.santoyo@gmail.com

Hogan Tran d16ea.tran@gmail.com

Claudia Diaz d16secretary.diaz@gmail.com

Candace Kim d16spirit.kim@gmail.com

Karl Ravancho d16spirit.ravancho@gmail.com

Paolo Esguerra d16spirit.esguerra@gmail.com

Jinny Lee d16fundraising@gmail.com

Yuj Kim d16icc.kim@gmail.com

Jenny Lee d16tech.lee@gmail.com


I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

a Kiwanis family member keyclub.org 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46268 317.875.8755 US AND CANADA 1-800-KIWANIS

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