Division 16-March 2013 Newsletter

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THE TIGER TIMES Please BEE green! Do not print this newsletter!

“Individually we are one drop, Together we are an ocean” MARCH 2013 NEWSLETTER

Hey White Tigers, how do you feeeeeel?! I'm feeling quite fine, thank you (: aha Just kidding! (well not really about the feeling fine, but that response was horrible!) I FEEL GOOD OHHHHHHHHHHH I FEEL SO GOOD! UNFFFFFF! And with DCON coming up, I feel even better. The spirit battles, the workshops, the numerous colors of CNH painting all of DCON with spirit - I really look forward to it. I still remember serving as Division 16 Bulletin Tech Editor last year and asking IP LTG JaeMin for her end of the year message; it seems almost eery that the absolutely wonderful Bulletin Tech Editor Jenny Lee asked me to do the same this year. So much has happened these past eleven months, and thanks to Key Club and the amazing Division 16, I can truly say my life has been changed to also change me. There is so much I wish I could say but cannot seem to fathom into words. I don't think Key Clubbers understand the magnitude at which they impact the community. I just ask that you take a moment to look around you. The computer you are reading from, the chair you are sitting on, that glass of iced tea you are simultaneously sipping - those are luxuries just a few countries away. The average person lives on 2 dollars, which to us in just enough to buy one cake pop at the local Starbucks. It's crazy when you think of life like that, no? We are truly blessed, and we often, as people of skyscrapers and portable music devices, forget that.

Key Club, I believe, with its motto of "Caring - our way of life", chooses to defy that mentality and work to remember and be grateful for those blessings. Not only does Key Club do that, we act on those feelings by giving back to the community. I worked for the position of Lieutenant Governor on those premises. I wanted to take these two tools I called hands and use them to make an impact on the world. Eleven months later, truly have to thank the District board, the leaders of Region 7, the Division 16 exec board, and the wonderful Key Clubbers I have worked who have taught me leadership and friendship. Without you guys, I don't know if I would have had such a great opportunity to serve or learn about myself. As this year comes to a close, I've been overwhelmed with emotion. I keep thinking, I should have done this or I should have done that. And then. I remember what Division 16 has accomplished. I look back and remember meeting members, embarking on service adventures, and watching the funds for PTP rise and I truly could not be prouder of Division 16. It is true that Division 16's roar has been weakening, but that doesn't mean that it is gone. I can still sense those teeth bared and stripes worn proud. I didn't get to see Division 16 at its peak this year, but I hope to see Division 16 grow based on the spirit and service I witnessed during the 2012-2013 Key Club term.

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To LTG Elect Claudia Diaz, I wish the best of luck. You are serving some of the greatest teenagers the world has encountered, and I hope that you can work with them to really bring back the White Tiger roar for another hurrah. It seems traditional that the Lieutenant Governor finishes his or her term and then disappears to the realm of college, but no - I'll be here. And hopefully, I'll truly get to see and hear Division 16 grow. I hope to continually serve side by side with Key Club and proudly bear the white tiger stripes. To all those who wake up in the morning hoping to make a change in this world, you're in the right place. The people you meet and the impact you make in Key Club are people you will remember for a lifetime and impacts that truly change lives. So for one last time I would love to say as your Lieutenant Governor: L-O-V-E, I LOVE MY D16! See you at DCON and happy Key Clubbing!, Sharon Lee Division 16 Lieutenant Governor 2012-2013

This year, NHHS’ Key Club will be participating at the annual Relay for Life held at Walter Reed Middle School on May 18. Even though the event isn’t for another couple of months, it’s time to get a head start on fundraising for the event. Participants who raise a minimum of $100 get the privilege to spend the night at Relay For Life and take part in the Luminaria Ceremony. YOU can make a difference in the fight to end cancer. By raising funds and walking in the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life, YOU will help save lives from cancer. For more info on Relay for Life and how to register, please visit: http://www.relayforlife.org/

The LA County Dept. of Parks and Recreation honored WRHS Key Club volunteers who have helped out at Richard Rioux Park (Stevenson Ranch) within the past two years. A volunteer banquet was scheduled for Saturday Feb. 23, 2013 11am-2pm at the Oddyssey Restaurant.

On February 2nd, Burbank High School held and band competition where select groups of instruments would perform in front of a judge and get a score. Key Club became of great help as we sold concessions and brought the scores from the judges up to the score counters. It was a very fun event that Key Club members volunteered for.

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On March 16, the last Division Council Meeting before DCON was held at John Burroughs High School. Here, White Tigers met to go over cheers, rehearse for spirit battles, gear up on last-minute spirit wear, and overall had a grreeeat time! Lieutenant Governor, Sharon Lee, also addressed important topics about DCON, answered questions, and informed members more about the upcoming event.

Santa Clarita’s Boys and Girls Club has given their thanks to Region 7 for donating $200 after using their facility to hold the last region event, Ohana Night.

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By division 16 spirit chairs, Karl Ravancho & Paolo Esguerra


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I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

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