Division 16 Newsletter- September 2013

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SEPTEMBER 2013 NEWSLETTER division 16 “HONEY” edition

Happy National Honey Month, CNH Bees! What is Honey Month? According to Wikipedia, Honey Month is “a celebratory and promotional event held annually during the month of September. Its purpose is to promote US beekeeping, the beekeeping industry, and honey as a natural and beneficial National Honey Month was created by the National Honey Board and is the end of the honey collecting season for beekeepers in the United States.

And congrats to Legend of Korra fansseason 2 is out!

Table of Contents

volume 3: issue 6

Region Training Conference & September DCM: September 28 Santa Clarita & San Fernando Spirit Session: October 19, 2013 Burbank Spirit Session: October 26, 2013 Santa Clarita & San Fernando VS Burbank Spirit Session: November 2, 2013 Fall Rally South: November 9, 2013

DCON 2014: April 11-13, 2014

Haven’t seen the DCON 2014 Promo video?! Check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0F8K-olJ6U

DCON Recognition For clubs who wish to enter contests for recognition at DCON, the contest deadlines are now on the CNH Cyberkey! Find the deadlines on: http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/recognition/contests And all clubs, remember that website links must be sent in by November 15 to http://www.cnhkeyclub.org/recognition/contests/39-site/83-website-submission

Membership Update Center & Dues

All treasurers, the Membership Update Center (MUC) is up now for access! Also remember-clubs that turn in dues on or before November 1 will remember an early bird patch!

YOF Grant Got a great idea for a service project? Applications are still up! Visit http://www.keyclub.org/service/fund/yof.aspx for more information! The Youth Opportunities Fund can provide $100-$2000 to support you and your idea! Here’s how you can apply: 1. Visit http://keyclub.org/service/fund/yof/yofgrant.aspx! 2. Fill out an application! 3. Send it in by Oct. 15! Applications are due only once a year!

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Service project Initiative "Spotlight on Service Program The Spotlight on Service Program was created by the Service Projects Committee to educate California-Nevada-Hawai`i Key Clubbers about the Key Club International as well as Cali-Nev-Ha Service Initiatives and encourage active participation with/for the organizations and initiatives. A service Initiative was assigned to each month in which clubs should focus a project or two on supporting the initiative. September's Initative -- Nickelodeon's Big Help & World Wide Day of Play The month of September will be focused on Nickelodeon and their Big Help and World Wide Day of Play programs. The Big Help is a community outreach program that promotes community service and volunteering. This program supports the contributions that children can make to their communities. From helping out at a food bank, to cleaning up the litter in their communities, kids that have joined The Big Help service initiative are making a golden impact on their communities and the world. Are you wondering about how to help out? There are plenty of ways that you can join the movement! Their Main project is the Worldwide Day of Play – a day dedicated to getting out and getting active. World Wide Day of Play will be taking place onSeptember 21, 2013 in New York City. Being that many children are unable to travel to that site, you can plan your own Worldwide Day of Play event in your community! Another way you can get involved is by hosting a canned food drive and donating what you’ve received to a local soup kitchen! Other ways to help out include volunteering at a local animal shelter or planting a garden. The possibilities are endless – you have the power to choose how you make an impact on your communities. For more information and project ideas, visit their website at www.nick.com/thebighelp/explanation or http://www.nick.com/thebighelp/roadto-wwdop/. You can also call them at 212-846-4333 or email them at public...@nick.com! Project Submission Process Clubs must submit their project through an electronic form. Here is the link for the Project Submission Form. This form is very easy to complete and is due by the 5th of each month for the previous month. (The deadline for September project submission is October 5th.) If you are planning on submitting pictures, please send them to cnhk...@gmail.com. Please remember that we like action pictures of members doing service and not posing." *NOTE EMAILS ARE ON THE DIVISION REFLECTOR!

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Region Training Conference (RTC) will be on September 28, 2013! White Tigers, are you excited?! Remember- although the advertisement says it begins at 10 am, registration begins at 9:00 am! Attire: Guys- collared shirt, khakis, slacks, dress shoes Girls- collared shirt, khakis or appropriate length skirts, flats or heels Cost:$7 which includes food and drink! Haven’t watched the RTC promo video? Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vWr5 5UCi5k&feature=youtu.be

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Division 16 Team Applications are up! Division 16 Leadership Team Applications are now open! Division 16 will be accepting applications for Executive Assistant and Member Recognition Chair. Deadline is September 21, 2013! Officers, please advertise this to all the members you serve! A description of each position will be on the application! Find the application here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vouMOMjExptrsvQ9lMa20BflQkkD6HweGNUcx5bIVw/viewform

August DCM- Providence

On a very HOT August 24th, at 1:00 p.m. Division 16 Key Clubbers arrived at Las Palmas Park for our monthly Division Council Meeting. We started off with fun ice breakers such as the gigaloo. After the fun ice breakers we got snacks that were provided then got right into business with a special guest who has worked with many Key Clubs. We also talked about Fall Rally 2013 and the upcoming fundraisers to help the community. After we went over new and old cheers lead by our Spirit Chairs.

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D16 Ice Skating Fundraiser- Burbank On August 31, at Burbank Pickwick Ice Rink, Key Clubbers had a quality time skating with each other. The ticket was purchase at $12 and was able to enjoy for 2 hours. We helped each other learn how to skate and had refreshments at the snack stand. It was a good opportunity to spend time in the ice rink away from the heat.

Ice Skating Fundraiser- Valencia On August 31st, Key Club Members of Region 7 were invited to attend one of two ice skating fundrais-ers. One in Pickwick Ice Station in Burbank. All funds raised by the ice events were donated to PTP. Overall, both events were a great success and babies in need are going to receive a good amount of money, $120 at Valencia’s fundraiser and $161.50 at Burbank’s fundraiser to be exact. What better way to serve by having fun ice skating and knowing that your money is going to help the mothers and ba-bies get PTP medicine. At rates like this, Key Club is able to eliminate PTP in countries that deserve freedom form this curable disease. Thanks to all the member that attended.

Photo- Jinny Lee The Tiger Times: 5

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Remember: The September DCM is on the SAME DAY as RTC! The Tiger Times: 7

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ARLETA’s First Meeting: Vanessa Esmeralda Barajas The school year has begun and it is time to get the 2013 - 2014 Key Clubs up and running! Schools around the world and division are working hard to get as many people as they can get involved in Key Club. We, being the Arleta High School Key Club have just had our first meeting August 27, 2013 and had an amazing turn out. We advertised throughout the school with some flyers we made, announced it in the announcements, and had some of our friends spread the word around. If any of you fellow Key Clubbers participate in any extracurricular activities it would be a good idea to get people in the activities involved as well. We hope look forward to having a great year. Good luck with your Key Clubs.

HELPING OUT MRS. EDGE: Dohee Lee On August 21, Mrs. Edge, Burbank HS Accounting teacher, asked for some help. Members went helping in putting tennis balls for the chairs. Also, we cleaned the monitors and decorated the room for her. She was really glad to call us to do this job.

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CLUB NEWS ALEMANY AMIGOS: Danielle Byers On Tuesday, September 3rd Alemany’s Key Club officers held a planning meeting for one of our biggest and most anticipated events. This event is called Alemany Amigos where we bring kids who live in gang affiliated areas to the Alemany campus by bus for a day of fun without worry. The meeting was well attended with everyone taking a part in it and sharing ideas that would make the event a greater experience than it has been in past years. Every year, Alemany receives letters from kid’s parents etc. praising Alemany Amigos and every year we look for ways to improve. During the event, we have sports that kids can play making it mandatory for the kids to be active for at least the first hour. We also supply the children with arts and crafts and music for those who like to dance. Towards the end of the event, we have a game where the kids try to throw a water balloon as far as they can and the one who throws it the farthest wins a prize while the rest of the children receive candy not going home empty handed. We provide the children with a nutritious lunch, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We also make a couple sandwiches with only jelly on it for those kids that may be allergic to peanut butter. Kids as well as Alemany students look forward to Alemany Amigos all year round and are given about two opportunities first semester and about three opportunities second semester to come back and experience Alemany Amigos again.

WHITE TIGERS! REMEMBER TO JOIN THE GOOGLE GROUP! https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/d16 whitetigers

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CLUB NEWS BUDDY CLUB FUNDRAISER: Yechan Lee Burbank HS and NHHS Key Club held their buddy club event on August 29th, 2013, at Shakey’s Pizza Parlor. From 5PM to 8PM, the receipts were collected for the fundraiser. The goal for this event was to raise money for PTP as well as interacting with other Key Clubbers from different schools. Many Key Clubbers came to the event and they had a fun time coming closer to their goals and spending time with each other.

VHS KEY CLUB’S NEW WEBSITE: Kimberly Chau Good news Vikings! Valencia Key Club will be having their own website soon! How soon? By the end of the month, your Key Club officers will have a working and assessable website up and run-ning. This website will be helpful in informing members on the howtos of Key Club, deadlines, volunteer opportunities and more. More information will be posted on the VHS Key Club Facebook page when the website is ready. Please look forward and stay tuned for this helpful edition to Valencia’s Key Club.

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CLUB NEWS KEY CLUB HAS BEGUN! : Patrick Watler On August 27th, West Ranch Key Club held their first meeting of the year! Many attended to inquire about the club, while others were eager to begin volunteer work again. Key Clubbers were given an introduction to the club and each of the officers and project chairs, and were advised to choose a project. To conclude the meeting, the officers performed the club chant, “How do YOU Feel?� in front of the crowd. During the same week, a Project Walkthrough was held, where new Key Clubbers were able to view a small presentation to get a general idea of what each project was about.

Have a twitter, instagram, or tumblr? Follow us! D16_whitetigers


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UPCOMING EVENTS Trick or Treat for Unicef: Although the boxes are not on the Kiwanis website, you may place an order for UNICEF Treat or Trick boxes by emailing campaign@theeliminateproject.org or by calling (317)-217-6213

AIDS WALK: Step 1: www.aidswalk.net/losangeles Step2: “join a team” Step 3: Select Region 7 Key Club-9712 Step 4: Click continue and put in information it asks for Step5: Show up on October 13 and bond with your Region 7 Ohana!

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NEW KEY CLUBBERS: What is Key Club? Key Club is a national student-led organization that aims to serve, teach leadership, and overall make the world a better place. Mission statement Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership. Vision We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. Core values The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring and inclusiveness. Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. Motto Caring–Our Way of Life Objects  To develop initiative and leadership. 

To provide experience in living and working together.

To serve the school and community.

To cooperate with the school principal.

To prepare for useful citizenship.

To accept and promote the following ideals: 

To give primacy to the human and spiritual, rather than to the material values of life.

To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.

To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts.

To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship.

To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service and to build better communities.

To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which makes possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and good will.

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WHAT’S WHAT IN KEY CLUB What We Do Key Club International is the high school organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. Key Club assists Kiwanis in carrying out its mission to serve the children of the world. High school student members of Key Club perform acts of service in their communities, such as cleaning up parks, collecting clothing and organizing food drives. They also learn leadership skills by running meetings, planning projects and holding elected leadership positions at the club, district and international levels. Key Club International brings together all Key Club's members' efforts and energies into an area that makes an international impact through the Major Emphasis, "Children: Their Future, Our Focus.” The Major Emphasis unites Key Clubs under the banner of service that deals with the most important part of our community, our youth. The Key Club service initiative is the hands-on element of the Major Emphasis. All of the hands-on service provided to children by Key Club International members is directed to a single area of need, to make a substantial impact. The current service initiative, The Eliminate Project, allows Key Clubbers joining forces with Kiwanis International and UNICEF eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Each year, Key Club International teams up with its three partner organizations, March of Dimes, Children’s Miracle Network and UNICEF, for the fundraising element of the Major Emphasis. As you plan your club’s service programming for the year, keep these organizations in mind. Each Key Club is encouraged to participate with our partners as we join together to make a difference in the lives of children.

How Key Club Works Key Club International is a self-governing, student-led organization. Each year, Key Club members elect their student officers at club, district and international levels during club meetings and district and international conventions. Key Club members receive guidance and support from adult volunteers, including Kiwanis advisors, faculty advisors and district administrators. Additionally, the Key Club International staff trains and assists the district governors and international board members. The organization is funded by nominal dues paid by every member. Structure Individual Key Clubs belong to divisions, which belong to districts, which comprise Key Club International. Districts There are 33 organized districts. Each district, normally defined by state or nation, tends to match a similar Kiwanis district and is led by a governor, who is elected by delegates at the annual district convention. Divisions Districts are divided into divisions and each division has a lieutenant governor, a student leader who carries out the district’s policies and provides support to the clubs. Clubs Key Clubs are established in a high school or equivalent institution. A community-based club also may be chartered. Elected officers can include president, one or more vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, editor and one director from each class. Governance Bylaws The international, district and club levels operate under a set of bylaws that spell out their respective policies. You can find the International Bylaws in the Key Club Guidebook, the official guide for Key Club, which is updated and posted online every May.

More information can be found on keyclub.org

 For Clubs, you can order free recruitment materials on the international Key Club store. These include posters, recruitment postcards and more! Visit http://store.kiwanis.org/products/category?id=31  If you are attending RTC, make sure to RSVP to the Facebook Event page! Also email d16tech.lee@gmail.com if you’d like an overlay  Remember to show the DCON promo video and RTC promo video to your clubs, officers!  Also remember, FALL RALLY IS NOVEMBER 9! Share this with your members and prepare for the spirit sessions that will follow! Go back to “Save the Dates” to see when they are!  Region 7hana hoodies are still up for sale! $30 each and division 16 shirts are being sold for $12 and bracelets, $2!

 See you all at RTC!

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