Division 16 Newsletter-April 2013

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Ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten


This newsletter is dedicated to all the white tigers who have spent their time serving, roaring, and loving key club. Thank you especially to the white tigers who are leaving, your smiles and inspiring passion in everything you do, whether it was volunteering at a service event, or just hanging out at a fundraiser with your fellow key clubbers, will never be forgotten. You will absolutely indefinitely be missed and remembered by our ohana. 2012-2013 White Tigers

Photo courtesy of Beccs Lee

White Tigers, HOW DO YOU FEEL!?!? My name is Claudia Diaz and I am here to serve you as your Lieutenant Governor. I joined Key Club my freshman year having known I was going to join since I was in the seventh grade when I first attended a Key Club event with my older sisters. Since then, I have known this was the right place for me. Key Club sparked a passion. Key Club has made me want to do my best and be the best person I can possibly be. Last year I had the honor to serve on the Division 16 Executive Board as Secretary and today, I am here finally fulfilling my dream of serving you as Lieutenant Governor. So Key Club? Do you make keys? Yes we make keys to open the doors of the future for the future. As Key Clubbers, we wake up at 6 in the morning and give up our weekends all for the love of service, the love of serving someone in need. Whether it is a marathon we help out at or a homeless shelter, we are there. We are there serving our home, school, and community. We are there leaving our paws imprinted on all of the hearts we touch by serving them. This year I will stop at nothing to ensure Division 16 has the best year we can possibly have before we realign. I want to ensure we are all having fun and are united as an Ohana. Yeah, that’s right an Ohana. Division 16, we are a family of White Tigers so whether you be from Valencia or East Valley don’t ever forget that we have each other. If you ever need advice or just need someone to talk to, don’t ever hesitate to ask a fellow White Tiger because I know that as Key Clubbers we will forever be here for each other. Division 16 White Tigers, we will make our mark in the California-Nevada-Hawaii District and we’ll show them all how fierce Division 16 really is and how loud we can ROAR. Whether you are an underclassman, a junior, or are graduating in a few months, you are a White Tiger and will forever remain a White Tiger. I feel so honored to be able to serve you all and I really do look forward to meeting each and every single one of you very soon. Thank you for all of your service, keep it up Division 16!

2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor, Claudia Diaz

By Romulo Dinsay Bell-Jeff Bulletin Editor

North Hollywood Key Club and NHHS Leadership held the UCLA Blood Drive on March 19, 2013. The club members helped spread the news and some was able to donate as well. It was a day-long event that many students over the age of 16 participated in. After donating blood, the donators were offered refreshments and stickers. The donated blood is to be used in blood transfusion or medical research.

First Meeting of New Term

The first key club meeting lead by our new officers occurred this past week on April 3. One of our main goals this year is to increase our member participation. We have many key club members but very few go to key club events and meetings. To change this we will now be doing various new activities during our key club meetings to get out members more involved, excited, and comfortable into our white tigers family! One of our new activities includes various ice breakers the officers will lead and incorporate other members to join. One of our ice breakers featured our officers going up to various key club members with pick-up lines. The purpose of this ice breaker is to be able to complete this activity without ever laughing and successfully turn down the person hitting on you with a straight face. This includes smiling! It was a very difficult task to keep a straight face,

but we did have a few successful key club members. Nevertheless, we all enjoyed this ice breaker and it bonded our club as whole even closer together. Another one of our activities included more chants and cheers to show our members. The new cheer we learned this week was "More pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes!". The point of this cheer is to successfully be able to yell this cheer out repeatedly with the appropriate hand signals. It may seem like an easy task, but it is certainly not. But despite the difficulty in this chant, all the key club members enjoyed as the officers began to chant! All in all, we had a very successful first meeting after DCON with our new officers leading!

On April 6, Saturday, a fun bowling fundraiser was held by the Division Kiwanis group to celebrate Kiwanis One Day and to raise money to support the Painted Turtle. The fee for bowling was $25 and helped to give kids with special medical needs a fun time and camp experience. The Santa Clarita Kiwanis Clubs and the Santa Clarita Aktion Club worked together to make this event a success. Piz

Pizza was provided for lunch and included in the $25 payment fee and at the end of the day, awards were given out for High Game and High Series.

The 2013 Key Club International Convention is a great way to meet Key Clubbers from around the world. This great event will take place in the summer, July 3-7 in Washington DC, at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Early bird registration ends May 17 and the price for the early bird tour is $175 and after May 17 it will rise to $215.

Project EliMiNaTe What is Project EliMiNaTe? Project Eliminate is a five year international fundraising initiative. Every nine minutes a baby dies from Maternal Neonatal Tetanus, that's about 60,000 deaths a year that both include the mother and the baby.

The cost of a vaccine? For a smaller price than two bags of chips, a sandwich, or a beverage, $1.80 covers the cost of immunizing one mother. Once the mother is immunized, all of her future babies will now be immune from Tetanus.

Our goal? ELIMINATE MNT from the world by 2015.

Service Project Idea: Baby Bottles for Project Eliminate Clubs can obtain baby bottles (buy them from the dollar tree) for their members. The members can then go around school asking for donations or any loose change for a few weeks and help save babies and their mothers!

Region 7 Crewnecks This year, Region 7 will be opening up Region 7 Crewneck submissions to members. If you want to see your design on many many Key Clubbers then you should definitely submit a design! The winner gets a free crewneck! May 4th, 6:00 pm: Submissions Deadline After all submissions are turned in, they will be compiled into a survey and Region 7 members will be able to vote. (: All submissions need to be turned into region07.cnhkc@gmail.com

Not yet signed onto the Division 16 Key Club Reflector?

Spirit Wear is still available for sale! This includes: Key Club Swag Crewnecks for $10 Division 16 Shirt for $10 White Tiger Hat for $10 White Tiger Sunglasses for $5 Please email claudiadiazkc@gmail.com

Got a tumblr? Then follow us! @ d16whitetigers.tumblr.com

Then sign on here! https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups #!forum/d16whitetigers

This is especially important for club officers, as LTG Claudia Diaz will be sending out important information through this group.

cum on yur gf dusnt even exist

pretty please?

I has food

If this doesn’t convince you,

cum on

Look at it again.

Photo courtesy of whoever took these pictures lol

lol jk guys that wasn’t the end, but the next pages are, and I hope you enjoy reading themď Š

Dear Paolo,

To Vance, You're oh, so fab I just can't. Love, Vance

WHERE DO I EVEN START. From our first time meeting (if you can call it that, since you mostly just ran up to me and told me I looked like Christina lol) to now you have given me so many memories! It sucks that you are a senior. Who's going to make up a language with me or be crazy and stress out with me? Who's going to mermaid dance with me? HOW WILL I EVER FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN CHOKE ON THEIR OWN TONGUE? ^^ You have been such an amazing friend to talk to and to get advice from and I'm glad that we became such good friends this year. I seriously hope we keep in touch because I need someone to have GIF wars with! I hope that the people at college don't "treat you like a third world animal" ahahah. I cannot fit all the memories and laughs we had here, but I just want to thank you for making this key club year so fun! CRUSHED IT, Jinny Lee P.S.- I'm also good at pirate dancing.

Dear senior white tigers, Even though this is the farewell letter, is it really farewell for good? Remember, once a Key Clubber, always a Key Clubber! I was sooo honored to have been able to grow as a person with you guys, and I know that we will all do great things in the future. From the first Key Club event to the last, I have had the pleasure of being a part of this division with you all. Events like Fall Rally and DCON, AIDS Walk and Ohana Night, and those DCM's we've had at Dockweiler, those are all memories that I will remember forever. All the laughs we've shared, the awkward moments, the inside jokes, the rants to release stress...all of it, i will seriously miss. Good luck with your future, seniors. Hopefully we'll come across each other at some point again:) Love,

Paolo Esguerra IP VHS Key Club President 2012-2013 Valencia High School IP Division 16 Spirit Chair 2012-2013 Region 7, CNH Key Club Dear Vance, I SWEAR TO GOD YOUR VIDEOS ON FACEBOOK SHORTEN MY LIFESPAN. MY OLD HEART CANNOT TAKE ANYMORE! Well anywho, I am sooooo glad that I met you this year~ From bonding with you and Paolo over our love for pitch perfect to swearing that I will end your life after seeing your various TERRIFYING videos on Facebook, I'm happy to say that I met someone as awesome and as hilarious as you! Good luck in college and stay FAB-U-LOUS~ ahaha Challenge complete, Jinny Lee P.S- Don't eat too many shrooms lol ;)

Dear purffs, Thank you STITCH, TOTO, PABU, and PAOLOLO for everything that you did. From helping me with supplies to setting up the activities, I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to work with. I'm sorry that you guys weren't able to join in on the fun and whatnot, but I'm really glad I had you guys by my side! Thank you PABU for always having such amazing dare ideas and for making the pins. Thank you STITCH for always helping me in every way that you could, I seriously would have gone craycray without your help taking pictures and helping me with the heavy lifting ahah. Thank you TOTO for the fun and quirky games you introduced me to like the apple game! I know that the Division is in capable hands and i'm proud to call you my momma tiger Thank you PAOLOLO for joining in last minute and giving such great ideas for themed dares! Thanks so much guys! With love and gratitude, Tikitikikawaii <3

Dear Michelle, Thank you so much for being there for me all the time, for helping with Key Club, for encouraging me, and for smiling and always giving me hope all the time. You are literally an angel, one of the most kindest people I’ve ever met. It was an honor to have like all my extracurriculars with you hahaxD You are an amazing person and I strive to be like you, I’m really going to miss you next year and every year after that! Thank you so so much, I don’t think I can say thank you enough to show you how thankful I am. You are also the absolute definition of kawaii hahaxDD Thank you, and I hope you continue to do amazing things, thank you for inspiring me I will never forget you 

Jenny Lee

Tylllerrrrrrr Happy Birthday^^ Haha you’re my bffflll and I love you to death, even if your “tagging me” on facebook pics and obsession with perfection and romance novels drives me insane. You are amazing and hilarious and I have such a fun time when I’m with youxD thank you for joining key club with me, and thank you for sticking with me through the end I’m so happy for you for getting spirit chair, you truly deserve it Ps happy birthday

Jenny Lee



a Kiwanis family member keyclub.org


I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

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