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Goodbye dlt
from D35E | April 2023
by D35E
incredible job and on division, THANK YOU for and dedication you’ve this past term :)) So goodbye and thank you to as seeing what each of memories from this term was!
Chloe Hartanto
Lt. Governor
Back at Summer Olympics, I distinctly remember one of the teams, named Team Josh, winning the games. This was one of the funniest moments of the term that definitely stood out!
My favorite memory from this term was ice skating with my friends until our ankles died at the joint DCM with D15N and D15W!
My favorite memory from this term was helping at Isaiah’s Rock to pack Thanksgiving Bags for those in need. Seeing so many people come together to help out the community was heartwarming and to see so many of those people being key club members made it even more memorable. It was dark, cold, and the bags kept breaking under the weight of the canned foods, but I hope we made a positive impact in someone’s life!
My favorite memory was definitely Thanksgiving Appreciation, I loved give back to essential also being able to see creativity when it came ing the bags. I also collected origami collection that will be keeping forever.
memory from this term
Thanksgiving Bags of loved being able to essential workers while see everyone’s came to decoratcollected a whole that day which I forever.
Garcia editor
Joy Lin secretary
I would say my favorite memory of this term is being able to look back and see how much we’ve accomplished as a division and how much I’ve grown as a person. One of the most rewarding experiences was being able to see all of our hard work pay off at fall rally after planning for it as a division and getting members excited for it!
My favorite memory has to be fearing for my life 30 feet in the air trying to staple pine branches onto a rose float. Truly unforgettable, I wouldn’t do it again but I’m glad I did it.
My favorite Key club memory was being able to write the cheers for fall rally then winning with them, it was such a great experience!
Quezada task coordinator
My favorite memory is definitely between night and fall rally. Both events were so fun and it was great seeing everyone so spirited!
Pedro Nevarez head spirit task coordinator
My favorite memory was when we sold Boba at the R13 Night Market because that was the first time I really bonded with everyone in the DLT and made new friends!