Key Club Division 41 South

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THE ROAR Issue IIIIV July Hello Lions!

Hello everyone!

I hope you all are having a wonderful end of school/start of summer. I hope all of you have awesome summer plans whether its an amazing Europe cruise or a very comfortable couch. Enjoy some good food and even better Netflix seasons.Thank you all for everything you do and I appreciate everyone sending in articles and photos. If you guys want to send me any personal info on your Key Club experiences, please feel free to do so! Please email me if you have any questions, suggestions, or great Netflix movies!


Erin McNally



Memorial Day Marathon By: Katrina Galian, Aliso Niguel


Kiwanis and participants from all over the district flooded into Laguna Hills for the annual Memorial Day Half Marathon on May 25th. There were three races that took place that day: the 10K, the 5K, and a Kids’ Run. Before any of the races started, volunteers and runners alike gathered for a pep talk and the excitement in the air was contagious. Shortly thereafter, the volunteers were split up into small groups of 3-6 and assigned a position. Each group was stationed at either a strategically placed water booth or at a street corner to serve as cheerleaders for the runners. My group was placed at the halfway point of the 10K trail. Though the marathon began at 7 am, we didn't see any signs of runners until around 7:15. I remember the thrill of anticipation that raced through me when we saw the first head jogging up over the hill. And then, as though someone threw a switch, a flood of runners came streaming over the hill, panting but keeping a good pace. My group and I, flanked by a few policemen and spectators, cheered the participants on. We screamed until our voices broke and clapped continuously. Some of the runners returned our cheers and thanked us for being there so early on a national holiday. The determination on each of their faces spurred me and my friends to shout encouragements at each individual like, “Stay strong!” “You got this!” “Just breathe!” “Who else would be here at 7am in the morning? You guys rock!” We saw runners of all ages: teens, older people, moms pushing strollers, young guys waving American flags. The 10K lasted until about 9 am. When all the volunteers returned to the check-in tent, we found sweaty participants milling around, clutching their medals and grinning ear to ear over their achievement. I spotted the small carnival with food trucks and bounce houses at the finish line, and it was packed with participants and their families. I even saw some friends from another local Key Club. Overall, the event was a huge success. It brought all sorts of people together from all over the county. A group of girls pose in front of a police officer posing in front of a police officer blocking off a street for the marathon.

Key Clubbers smile for a selfie in a van on the way over to the marathon.


March of Dimes By: Yilin Huo These pictures were taken at the March of Dimes in Fashion Island, Newport Beach. We had a regional DCM before the main 3.5 mile walk in support of premature births and other birth defects. At the DCM, the topic of division t-shirts and upcoming events were discussed. There were many vendors giving out samples and free food. There was even a game truck for personal enjoyment after the walk. Along the walk, there were many other volunteers holding up signs of demographics or information on the progress being made in the fight against premature births.

Lieutenant General, Hannah Kim,addressing a large crowd of people at the March of dimes. A Key Clubber takes a selfie with the participants at the March of Dimes.

A group of Key Clubbers stand in front of a banner at the March of Dimes.

Volunteering at the OC Marathon By Kathy Woo, Tesoro


On the third of May, Tesoro's Key Club volunteered at the OC Marathon in Costa Mesa. The volunteers had numerous jobs such as cheering the runners on, handing out Gatorades, and giving the runner's their well-deserved medals at the finish line. "It was a rewarding experience to see the runners' smiles spread across their face after receiving their medals," stated Brielle Cartier, a Tesoro Key club member. Cartier also said, "I was really glad that I volunteered this year at the OC marathon because it was so much fun cheering people on. Some of the other volunteers and I decided to read the runners’ name tag, so we could congratulate all of them individually. Majority were all smiles when they heard their names, but many were puzzled as to how we knew their name, which was really funny to watch." At the end of their shift, many of the Key Clubbers from Tesoro were slightly saddened to leave the exciting atmosphere of the marathon. Many plan to try and volunteer next year as well such as Kathy Woo, a Tesoro Key Club member, who stated, "I really enjoyed volunteering at the marathon because of the energetic environment there. I hope I can volunteer at the marathon every year!"


Hankey Hop By: Jessica Shah, Laguna Hills Hip Hop Hurray because summer is here! In order to celebrate the inauguration of summer, Laguna Hills Key Club went out to Carl Hankey elementary/middle school to help out with the school carnival. With tons of games and activities to volunteer for, it was indeed a successful day. Many were assigned to help out at the carnival game booths. Examples of the games they assigned the volunteers to was mini golf, minecraft bag toss, the penny toss, and many other original games they set up. For each game, the kids who wanted to play would give a ticket to the volunteer. Depending on how well they did, they would get tickets back, which they would later use for prizes. The smiles on their faces after the results of the game were an honor as well as a pleasure to see. Some of the kids even came back to play the games multiple times, which gave the volunteers an opportunity to communicate with the kids. Apart from communicating with the kids, there were many other volunteers where they had a chance to talk to and work together with. All in all, the volunteers had a great time working with the kids and with their peers. And a plus point to that, there was free pizza, so yay! Great job LHHS key clubbers; you did well.

Sherwin Afshar was instructing the kids on what to do with the sacks for the original “Hankey Hop� game.

Joel Itac was taking a ticket so the young boy could play the game in return for some prizes.

Bowling Buddies By Kathy Woo, Tesoro


At the Kiwanis Bowling event on May 16th, Tesoro's Key Club members arrived at Saddleback Lanes ready to help out and bowl. The volunteers were separated into lanes to assist a developmentally-disabled adult. Caroline Kam, a member of Tesoro's Key Club stated, "I don't even like bowling, but I signed up for the event, because many of my friends had signed up as well. However, once I saw so many of the players excited to begin bowling, I became excited too. At the lane I was assigned to, I got to know my player and found out that she liked the man that was bowling in the lane next to us. When I asked her if she liked him she said no because she had a boyfriend. I asked who and she said Taylor Lautner so later when it was her turn to bowl I said 'Do it for Taylor' and she ended up getting a spare! All in all, this was a great experience and I hope to be able to volunteer in more events like this one."


For all of your Key Club photos and videos on Insta and Twitter, don’t forget to add the #roar and the next issue will feature the best photo with that hashtag!


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