The Roar / October 2014

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The Roar



Hello, I got a new job! Well, a job added on to this one that I already have that being a job in the district graphics department. So, you might see some Roar-esque graphics at DCON or the like in the future. With the new school year starting, I hope I see an increase in submissions. Remember to submit to the form which can be found here: I recently added some new features to the submission form that should not only make it easier and more clear to submit, but should make the submissions of higher quality as well. Other than that, there’s really not much left to say. Keep on keepin’ on,

Aidan Jones


Greetings, Lions! Welcome back to the 2014 - 2015 school year. I hope you all had an amazing summer! I am so proud of all that we have accomplished within the past months and all of the unforgettable times we have shared together as a division. From the Officer Training Conference, to International Convention 2014, to Region 3 Beach Boomba, to all of the unbelievable service you all have performed, I am so amazed to see how much passion and dedication you have contributed to the success of the division! Although many of us are probably less-thanoverjoyed knowing that the coming months will be spent in class for hours and hours, we should all be excited to kick-start the year in Key Club; after all, a new year means new members! This is a pivotal time of the year, so be sure to take full advantage of your schools’ Club Rush days and utilize all of the member recruitment ideas and materials that you have, because we can never have too many lions in our ohana! Also, be nice to the freshman because, pretty soon, they'll soon be following in your footsteps and leading the division to new heights! Thank you for all of your hard work and continue to work toward success!

Kenny Cheng


Fall Rally November 15 / 6:30 AM - 7:30 PM Six Flags Magic Mountain / $53 / $28 with pass For the Pediatric Trauma Program Fundraiser (PTP) Remember to keep fundraising and to start contacting chaperones for the event; the chaperone to member ratio should be 1:12.

For more information:

Region 3 Training Conference

October 11 / 1 - 5 / Check-in 11:15 - 12 Complimentary Pizza Lunch / RSVP by October 1, before 9 PM

Workshops offered:

- OďŹƒcer Information - General Club Information - Photography Workshop - Magic Workshop - Miscellaneous Workshops Hosted by Guest Speakers

Everyone’s invited.


Trabuco Hills THHS Registration Round-Up


Laguna Hills Communi-Tee Effort to Help Abused Children


Tesoro Tesoro Mural Project / Part 3


Capistrano Valley First Meeting of the Year DIN 1451 Mittelschrift and Myriad Pro Regular, Italic, and Semibold used Designed in Pages 4.3


Registration Round-Up From August 18th to August 21st, we worked at the annual Trabuco Hills High School Registration Round-Up. We mainly worked in the library and helped pick up books for students, direct incoming students around the library, and check their books out. I ended up working all four days, and met some wonderful people while working there who I’m still friends with today! You really begin to appreciate the running of the school and realize the scope of its workings while distributing all of the books every student needs just by looking at the eďŹƒciency of everything. In all, Round-Up was a huge success. It was a great start to the school year, and despite everyone's feet being sore from all the walking those four days, all of the Key Clubbers had a lot of fun and surprisingly great memories.


Bottom: When there's a lull in activity, we like to play around a bit.


LAGUNA HILLS Communi-Tee Effort to Help Abused Children Laguna Hills and Mission Viejo High School joined together to volunteer for The Child Abuse Prevention Center’s 13th Annual Charity Golf Classic in Laguna Niguel on August 18, 2014. This wonderful organization, Child Abuse Prevention Center, creates a tournament event that brings corporate executives, friends, and golfers together to raise critically needed funds to support programs which serve at-risk families to help break the generational cycle of child abuse. Kim Tran, the Volunteer Engagement Coordinator, helped the students from both schools on what to do during this event. Several positions that students were assigned were directing the competitors on where to go, informing them about the day and filling up gift bags. One student from Laguna Hills High School, Maria Nguyen, stated her thought on this event, “The event was an extraordinary way for our Key Club to bond with one another while serving for a remarkable cause. We got to meet numerous golfers as well, who were generous enough to devote their Monday morning and money in order to support the child abuse prevention center.” This event was not only to raise money for an astounding charity, but also for Key

Clubbers to come together during the summer and know that by volunteering, they are helping a child living in an abusive environment “break free”. From my experience, as being one of the volunteers for this day, it was astonishing that this event revealed the adults who were considerate of the cause they are playing for. Taking time on a Monday morning can be difficult for many, but these selective group of adults were determined to play not just win a medal, but to play for a new life for an abused child. I was assigned to work with a freshman from Mission Viejo High School and our task was to inform the golfers where the ranges are and the itinerary. Not only did we bring out the smiles from the golfers in the morning, we were able to become friends and know more about each other from this event than a different scenario. At the end of our shift it felt like we were a part of a larger being, working together to support a heartbreaking action upon children. The lesson that should be learned from this event is not only creating new relations among other Key Clubbers and adults but, instead, “life is not perfect in many cases, but being privileged to have kind parents that raised us in a caring environment should be the same for the children that are in an abused situation.”




Kevin Ru, Brian Lui, and Maria Nguyen from Laguna Hills High School and Josephine Kim from Mission Viejo High School enjoy working together to fill up gift bags for the golfers.

Karuna Rai, Senior at Laguna Hills High School, devotes her time to volunteer with a beautiful smile.


Tesoro Mural Project / Part 3 During the summer of 2014, Key Clubbers helped Aashna Shah paint the hallways of Tesoro High School with vibrant images representing different academic subjects. For example, the science hallways were painted with a colorful ocean theme. Colorful images of ships, fish, and blue seawater replaced the traditional white of the hallways. Volunteers that showed up to help were assigned many different tasks by Aashna, the project leader. In order to create the many different images, volunteers first traced the image on the wall with pencils and then carefully painted them in with their respective colors according to Aashna’s design. Other jobs included painting letters onto the wall and covering up doorways and baseboards with tape. While they worked, Key Clubbers had fun by bringing friends along to help and by playing music through speakers. Thanks to the hard work of volunteers, students of Tesoro will be able to enjoy the exciting and colorful new hallways for years to come.



Aashna was ecstatic that Key Club could help with her project. She put every member to work right away, including helping her with painting an island full of treasure!

This shipwreck was probably one of the hardest pieces to paint on the mural, due to the sheer size and all the details.



First Meeting of the Year On September 12, 2014, Capistrano Valley Key Club hosted its first meeting of the year! This meeting was an informational meeting for all returning members and all new incoming freshmen. Coming into the first meeting, I was a little nervous if there would be a good turnout. This was going to be the first meeting of the year and I did feel the pressure of having a good amount of attendees to keep the club going. The meeting was highly publicized and there was an amazing turnout. Amazingly, no one thought that Key Club made keys! There were so many new members, which was an amazing feeling. Everyone was so optimistic about the upcoming year and we already had people who wanted to volunteer who weren’t even officially part of the club! We ended the meeting in the greatest way possible: we taught the members the “How do you feel?!” cheer. All in all, this meeting was a great way to start out the year and I’m am very excited for the year of service CVHS Key Club has in store.



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