3 minute read



In conversation with Cajetan Barretto, DTM


President, Kuwait Challengers Toastmasters Club, District 20

We all know Cajetan - the branding guru. But tell us something about your personal journey?

I moved to Kuwait 30 years ago and currently live with my family. Professionally, I work as a project management head in a large company running large IT projects. I became a Toastmaster by accident. Thanks to Kenji from Goa, India, who invited me for a meeting and I loved the concept of self and peer learning. That’s when both my wife and I joined Toastmasters. Today, after four years, we have both completed our DTM journey. Currently, I am a member of six clubs, and hold a clubofficerpositioninfourofthoseclubs.

What was your motivation to start your Youtube channel 'TechForToastmasters'?

I purchased a pro Zoom account a year ago. When the pandemic hit and nobody knew what to do, I wasalready proficient in Zoom.When the ideaof continuing our Toastmasters meetings via an online platform came in, I stepped up and told my District“Icanhelpyou,Iknowhowtodothis!” Soon, I was the go-to guy for anything related to Zoom - whether it was to conduct a meeting or a contest.AndsoIdecided,insteadoftalkingtoeach person, why not create short YouTube videos of Zoom about Toastmasters branding, pathways, and much more! Soon, it became a channel for me to share my experiences and learnings about differenttechnologicalaspectsofToastmasters.

How should VPs PR approach Brand compliance and why is it necessary?

When it comes to branding guidelines for Toastmasters, my advice is to ask these basic questions:






When a non–Toastmaster looks at a visual message from Toastmasters, they should associate it with a SINGLE organization, not Stellar Toastmasters Club, not Challengers ToastmastersClub,itshouldbeTOASTMASTERS. And when you start thinking from that perspective, you stay. It should not be to attract someone to a club, but to attract them to the community. Simply think of it as branding for Toastmasters, and not for a club.

How would you explain the ‘Toastmasters Brand’ to a lay man?

Toastmasters is where we develop communication and leadership skills. There is a clear distinction between the leader in Toastmasters and in the Corporate world. In the latter, you are automatically assigned certain rights over your juniors. In Toastmasters, its servant leadership where we learn from others and also lead them by showing them the right way. Even in the Corporate world, we can apply the valuable skills of Toastmasters; learning to become more cooperative and team-oriented, ratherthandictating.So,ifIweretoexplainittoa layman, it would be – a place where you build leadership skills by the good foundation of communicationskills,toshareyourideas.

What have been the three biggest takeaways from your Toastmasters experience?

Instead of three, I want people to focus on only one takeaway which is “Practice” - You get what you put into Toastmasters. This is what I advise all my mentees as well. Toastmasters consist of two skills – Leadership & Communication. Take every opportunity and every role that you can get atallmeetings. Toastmasters is purely about development and most essential is learning to apply feedback either to give, or to receive, and to incorporate that feedback into your next project. Dr. Ralph Smedley started Toastmasters with the main focus that the only way to become effective communicatorsistopracticecommunication.

Do you have any advice for the members of District 98?

With the world moving towards a hybrid space, it is going to be extremely important that we practice our communication skills in an online world as well. Even if you feel the Zoom fatigue, understand the importance of this medium post COVID-19 and start becoming skilled. Don’t think of the virtual world as a second-hand way or a low value of communication, than in-person learnings. Because the virtual is going to stay for along,longtime.

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